:1 LU BIA‘ l\_/_I_I _;;;l_§__T§_E3TTH YEAR 4 -six PAGES, 43 COLUMNS COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, FRIDAY MARCH 21 1924‘ OURL§g:l « w '—' - a>- ‘ -.f7i.l‘7S—.'Fl'r”.‘7*I’>:I.'-T‘i<>N _...1--....-.__ - ¢ . ——j- 1.... __ _.-_,. .._ ““i§7ui§i'i§i§ii’]’_7“i" I 1 ——— _—._.-..é_-7 _ . - ... — 1 ._. . The I/Va}, STAGE LINE ii THE WEATHER IEBUILDINE Pl:&N I;(;URF:')lPt:1~Ii(():ii‘I§iI,llII)Ia‘i'I.l;:isERsHlP‘S;\\/— f“"'7"l"V“l’ “'°"““' ""35 I 'S],\’C[,A]R WINS I TO HANG SELF IN .i.ui. L10“, W5,,d» 2 THROUGH CITY' ".°' OF METHODIST -~* FOR PERMITS .::;~.:;:_.:;~.:.:°.::. °::. RESPITE FROM tonight. ........ .......... ..~....t 13 PROPOSEDJ:;.%’.:*..;."'°.:’:§*"*'..t.‘2:.°':;‘:‘.:§;.‘:*:“;...::t CHURCH OK’D' 35"‘?-‘1'~»«‘ u-on TO GET LIQUOR A new «t’=?.’°<‘>‘a‘I~»«e I.\‘VESTIG.iTIO:\‘ _ fl . _ _ ' candidacies for raernber-..hi tb . . . s‘ _ A supplementary note to af-.1 f St , Pl literati:-: Lowest temperature near ______ ‘Columbia School Board. l’-::n(‘.or.(.‘ _ _ ;::_:‘;l.g{ m h’"{‘“"‘‘' ‘ finiation of faith that was issued. - 1115 all 5 81159 In” ' BO3l‘(l Of Stewards Votes I0)‘ and F. W. .\'iederineyer. whose John Gay-oqj G B t . I I ‘- (‘mom-I . To-m - - ' ~_- J "3 . ‘ad 3 ed b .150; » , '*-—-—, _ _ . . _ , I , 0° etvieen the roof of her cell in the cit) Jail. Dgg-151 n T m v .. hit I0 U 18“, Y . Mature New For Missouri: Fair tonight. Sat- . A 7 I f N """"‘~" °*P"'¢ I-015 51:81’. will seek re. h“ h - 0 0 Orro“ on . , yterian ministers was recentlyf , ’ _ .u,.d.,. {magi down" 8 f H wed: pprola 0 ew _¢.-lection. they stated toda- cm ’ for Bootleggers. Tes- "OI ""°E 9' ”"”°"°'f ‘°"“ h" “rh h 0-] B ..a.poi.iic by Murray s. Howland.1 Highway Will Eb , ,. . "‘ - “ct ‘’ ° .,,~ structure Last 1'. Porter and W H 3 51'... "ii - ‘”“‘ “"’°“ ”""‘ °‘ "°“°° £’“°"" Qt er ' Ma" e I mm.‘ d L . Y "0. Weflt P011103. a Ot flllll _ - ~ FRSC ll R0u.|and to the rescue‘ - F _ d o F : nieluhtf 0 1? 9° 1.“? “"4. 1'9“: Be Route ,chiinge in temperature. r ht “'50 ht‘ Candidates at the election I \\’lie at h‘ f t d ’th ll Jxcuse In uture v up the document- This note will be ' ' lg - Tuesday. April 1. at the courthouse, $200,000. n 0 C '9 an en 0 M ‘ff I Temperatures continue unseason. _______ ' 3,-_ N;ed£.,me).,_.,. is new preside ‘ the girl was hanging by her neck in Testimony. . ufl ‘Dd win be facing“; with are FROM ST. LOL'lb TO K. ,-ably low throughout the south and lVll.._L ACCOMMODATE 1,000 of the board. He isitucd 8 statemcht GOT WlTHDRA\\’AL ]{1GH1‘5 :I:I.:ei'imt(If‘I'lcht:)rf lIt:lu.lIII.‘n¥I(I \V H —-‘v . I T - ”""not§»tZ"°"5'" °'a-"" tIiI:‘t"dterl'ph‘.'Ehglneer ”i§é1T€€és Colum ‘T’-°"e""°t°5"5" ‘uni?’ ton‘? "°"'t»"” "C I ”’s7566ooo_D ‘ti ” "'“ "*’-“W ‘° PM ———- tn» the um-its wiliniz at the on ”“L ‘““‘ T" 35”“ . ry eman ing 0 me". . .'.' n ex n s sou in exas. ut 0st 5 e_ .i name on the ballot couldd ‘ b_- ’ . a ‘ _ _ I-1 . -e --- 0 .1 u , ‘min! his candidacy “ the 031:3 0} ,Obta1ned P0“ er [0 bet fasvtentd the other ind around htr ‘\1U\.m Czar on ‘Vay to nut to 10.000 Presbyterian minis- ‘ d boards. professors of theologicall ' ' - 5:.-a_st of the Mississippi readings on . V __ . _ ’ inaries and others shall give; bla Be given ;FllRI1ll)' above freezing, 0,113. a hm.‘ Slglléd REV. J. A. .the superintendent of schools in the 50,000 C3505, Some Ill .a3‘I‘t':u:j‘w-Id 0“ we mp or the } ° T assent to the rave doctrines. Better Connections ":>*'"'“'°**l M003; drvvort "~‘mP°'-i Baylorof Louis- C°’"$"‘“ ‘"3" 5°"""' "““‘““‘- "‘"' Alleged Mellon WI£(~ILt‘Ul .1...-it «lie on -‘if Iiggtog to do - . ""”" a o a ‘ 8 life?! ‘3 0“' £3 . umcfi. . 9 ' I); O f h . _ I _ ‘ ' I e ‘ ) ’ ) , . wcicotttc ls ii_cmi by 2 Nations. with Cities. ‘ not. for Columbia: Highest teni-' ville, Ky. 'city of I-‘. l.. Bo;:r5}:s:u5i:-:I‘)::ar\l:on"I IIII‘ Di “'""'"”‘"" l“”‘l’""“‘l ‘l°'~'l"l"" °" 5 ' ’ . -' ‘ ' " I , . ' ‘ ' ‘H " ‘ H . ~- - ‘ - t l.:l!l--tr»ii'~ ilcmiiiirl that Sinclair be _ . h. ‘J h -[B , I h_ _t . _ . W _ ‘. ,< . “d . fu . _ . ' . . _ .. '_' ‘ _ ' . at Iipt ll inu ll this i\iduill_\ _ _sliould- l.e¢‘llthe wt) to permanent by]? “(Shin "I B;i‘il;I2'ut;.i lb:i(‘Jk\II;l0(l)'llll(t)- Talks to Students £!.3:lit;flI‘l‘"I.ld'\r:Ur-‘J. ‘tl:‘l::fi‘-'1).)?l:I)l(;J0l“t:;I5‘§‘o::'n?g:::‘»is an7l¢:rca'3;:l;u":Il(.:€Ottl,Y’l Sioggmfitfiln Uta rntrt? in} tilt} ft-at‘ that .~ht- \\HUItI l-t~ svnt hm-1. --icu-t-tl from l('.~'llf)’ln|! furthcr. mumuwm poi“. lined Mr \\'ht't:lt'r'* iilaii Mr T0(l3\' Illitfllltil lv the Ilcv.-J AmBa):lor iifAChTl9‘tl11ll Church to r:ii~'c $"000 Dill‘; tluor from warihbu c miihd Ill til- lb“ mu‘wd h" ‘“ ‘‘‘“''“l*l -‘Ult'Hl*'» "N-"‘”""““"" ““"‘ ‘“l“'" “Mil W’ . . t- .'- ' ’ ' -° '-. "' J .. ‘ “' ° . '. “' . -‘ " h- A rt‘h»rit "I l. r=n--- wh- ti-I-1' '11 W “(n’““d‘ :".m0""|. "|[*(‘l|r gt-nu] hp. had It-ar"ed: f__~-‘ ""uL~?-“Iv. K)-" ‘:1. n1(.‘nlN_-r of: [hf SIX. COIICKP.‘ Of thy clluroh ll‘rl(‘1q‘.'°"lc of “'hl(~‘h «,,\'3I.‘~ inc (?\~1,r_ In :tIll‘I.l}l‘|;'l|l undjjlu li:tf.‘(;(h"' r:u(‘ld.. \\ (I) )1 llCl‘l0n “I Itlons reprrtsenting i\ew Of UN’ l¢N'h 07 stood railroad coring-c- Prof. James \\v. (iariicr of the American Assot-iaiicrn of Al't'hlte(‘l.sAlll Missouri. More than 31000000 ho]; distillery at Plll"l)Ul’£I‘l said to V K 0 - — Torli and Album‘ were in oPP0z-sitioii tion: between fit lmtll~' and Colum- Political ~t-icnce department of the and otficial 8l’t‘Illl('i'I for the Gen- IN" been su ribed . . be twm-il in p'irt, ltvdht Nltllon in on “W “'1 “Tn. remuwd {mm "W A mu’wVn"‘ Hf ‘ho nwmbflfi 0! ‘he ' ~ - .- I . ~ : -. .« '. - . . . ._ _- E I -I. ' A ' ' ' " ' ' —-ll 1 st nl'l! .~ in t Lh- 'at- <"°'""H'll-N‘ ndmt-d the" w ld 1-954.3 at 3 in-arm br-for u bin. lie ltlittu, \\ll.ll ii stage linc. l—ntscri-It,\ of Illinois told his au-.er:il Board of (liurch iuxtc-n.~ion oI~ The Bllllt Collcgc also rcccivcd it-rt-.~'..~. (tit-niptu ttuulllllti ”IYll[):I.N‘Sl‘lb'I]t('). H ‘ wit‘ to (‘i-In;-rll I\'i'nI'luir lU)hUlIY'nI(I.ul0 mu Sm.“ fimmpe committee m} he could shorten the trip to that city diencc in the University Audiioi-ium'thc South Methodist ('hurt~h. He ‘hit! Week an annuity bond for 83,- The ‘Pi;-lu.'l\\t’t'll was John Goroni .-t;..m,.m,..,, ‘h, Ancmbiy way,‘ and mum, mm- and givethc pt-oplc of Columbia bet. this morning that he believed that gives his entirc attention to building 000. “f x,.“. 3-.,,k_ up mm ht. L.n._.(, the ‘ mm,‘ our the log-‘tion or the pro.-ter t<'>(‘l'\'lt't‘ than the railroads now “some of the be.-tminds of the churches. . "‘*j ' --—-— mom). m WM 0” and Onvh p_,”.._ um .Ro0,.,c,,.(.u M¢,m.,g-1].], not]; offer. world today are Slllt‘.('rdy devoted The plans it-on. .~llIilillllP(l to the Mr. Oumn Murphy’ 1-Hr punms. H U“m”"_d mm H‘. , ___d, V ~- ' . ~ . tit-.it‘n ftli hl -fb doft‘d.-.b"¢ll|lll003l lll'¢T1)' mid 7"-'t~‘d°"‘ 0‘ as soon its the roads become p:iss- statesmim to act and co-operate ll-st ""“‘'‘l' ‘‘'’’‘'l “'l“"‘ ""mi’l*'““l “ml. ~ ~---—- : -l“l'l'.It’T ‘it 'lu‘I\\'\'('f whcn he W-‘5l”-\.(5l“-\'- -‘l“"'l‘ '-'lt'Tl“' “Hm! H'n‘"I'”(‘" M"! M'°”“" h" speech and of the press at a joint ‘him they be ‘.0mp,_."(.d to accept ,~(,,m.,furni.l"“l~ I" “llw 0'41 1* l’=IY‘1.V t' 0!! l'\ rlrvvt. \\'h¢‘rl' - 1 - ‘A . - . . _ , , _ . t.at~ . Crosflt loaves St. l40Lll8 on a twen-‘o'clock toniltht. The music will be! "'""“' -*0 this Im't.'~ "I ill“ "M" ‘"43 Acct -‘dim.’ R" ‘~h1‘ ltlfim. the haM‘-- H . . .Duughcrtv and Smith llsvtl to nit~t-i.3 ‘ d» -. y _ H i . - —. . . . , _ _ . be lr ht l. . . ~. — _ “of the IA-mun. The tictidquarii-r.s '_ , .' ‘ . ion lllulls L. in oiuuritn «.iipn- r 1 ‘Y'all’ ‘NI’ ‘>0 w"“"“‘- Mm"-~ I'M “cmwd l’"t“"‘." .N'c"(“< MI the pm" ) (lug ,.‘m . "um am." “huh. ‘NH _l’( ub_"“ have been in St. Louis for Millie tiiiic (.)f “N $"m0'"O(.' (' Wm‘ mm W3 “'0'? ”1lW"1‘d ‘lulu W‘l5l."- I J ' .’ . 0 any,‘ ‘umy. 1'1“. company owning " :(,m(.., and Jun;-1_" W}-“ch is h, In l'~[)(.'0lt|IlL' HI nrliltriilion lit flftlullll. will i'unt'iiii rlzisx ruums, ti bu‘ 8": lww Oi" k . move. ‘ $l.itl,U(lII canic from it John Lynn, , _.,-_, _, _ “' Lfluwno “Foams “oven ‘urges M, “in,” M 5-“.;,m.“_\. L-,(,"(.m_. [U_i.[)OIlll(-(I out that the (IIIfIt‘Llll_\. ll-1-,—’ inch-_¢ parlor. t~luli_r-ooni, (.IlIl[’)‘-1. so. “mun” town“ 1ftI'(I"_b’(ww" ii Sm’: who "won; im.,- the liquur 1.u,.im-,-,_."' unis |u.;(‘}.;|\'}.;“ pun R0,“, ‘ ' _- ' in the fact that it bcutnic too much ‘ ciiil hull with equipment for i-iitcr- -. ‘ ‘ and who took liiii own life litst y('lSl'.: l'lm.ll§CT.s‘ EXCEED I00 (.»Ullll'll‘olllll«y l{t‘lDl"t38Bllb8- the bond “em to the cm N0 w Ni :1 i't'i’l.ltll‘ ‘CHI '1 “did no’ where the },u_.im_.,—g mfltgjm-_. was ‘ I‘ I‘ ' 5'" m,_‘urbl.d' find n d'l5pMl.h {tum 1}“. men: on the iiiiilti-rs concerning coniiiiandcr of the l.'niti-cl .\'tiitt~.~ “lnvh the >'t-iiiitc t‘Hm!IUlM’l—‘ l'l'0' —-——.._. __.__ rltm-ly informctl of tlw rituailion in 09 :- in 2 ': 5 '1 F‘ :- '3 ‘I I9 t.- 0" P ::r P = O- .9 c in '1 F0 P_t "1 s and clurirex rates 20 per cent less m;.'h|-- , an i Wm ,1 . (-,1 iv . Lb, - - - i .. . . tt- r th thn Eta‘ or.t.k"then.. ~' vrt d " "““ *’“."‘.’f‘ ’" ‘ mt» cot l"df E II i- ‘t - mm “mm” ’ M‘ h(Mllglnml:3 tum '"”‘t"'“t'{'. ai?i°¥:rnI:u»uI)t f:"t‘hpcr°iTc'::tttIr‘IcnIrt‘our't’ ht-‘iI|t'i‘hI~' lIl'I'titc “mm mm 8" lfm" °f an M ‘hp “°"""‘°“ °‘ ‘““ .G'N CITY starch 21-‘ Vhurchrs. civic organiuIll0M. the cu . ' ‘ ‘ p v. IS attorney-gem-rii . ' ' ’ ' ' I dug Fa - and Muigu Busil‘ ‘Va! n9c¢'5537Y the A balconvo P3710’: “I113. ' . t . flulillc 5(.'h00IK' lllld utIlt'l' A - . 3 .. . ' .. .l " -1’ . . . .. M th l00ld -- A d ,_ 3' an yuu.,.d.}._ H".,..,.d duh! fl.om.cu’mm__,‘t' music dinflor of swph” states carry their disputes before it. cradle-roll room. Junior depzirtment "1-’3.;‘:g‘e]‘:l £*(Ti¢(;3(:7(;mb|':f: said. \\'g,~ in the office of the L*ni_ied. uK‘i’;¢;. hbtfnswm }>;i;h::;)!:¢ ¢.rg;.n;;utmmt j,,g,e,.(._.u.d in boy“- Ill over the world sent tributes. ens (;Oncgc' Wm m.(.0mpam_. ‘hem to‘ He believes that the practical way and other classrooms will be on the at ‘be next meeting Bf the board H ; §.181f‘>‘ dl-‘U'“‘l 3“°""'I" 3‘ «\°“' B picpmoicr for conflmdion 0 work are to be represented at the lnoftly in l.atin. but there was onepgcgycrmn cm.’ to solve the problem is: First, to second floor. or unanimous Opinion of thc A tw(.nu._fi\.o road projects at an up Int-cling to be held at 4:30 ocloclt Ill()l'YN_'nl Inter (;Of‘(tl'll It-:~'l.l§lt‘d unuucd CI“! of tonight in the (:0"-"neg-(-ial (Huh . wit. )'_ in CIIIIICSQ. PIE! Ch! - r— A . ——-— .f‘'rm 5" ‘Ch-'cment “mo”? ’t3t°5 V’; Oh 'cli(‘ third Iluur will he [hr in- I . d ‘h t th I b .h Id - . A c°_°lld¢E was chairman of the com-'LAFOII l:'|'rI? .010 l'“0<‘l _1hIIl~ 8lZ_8l't'8$i\'t'_ W8!‘ 01‘ turmediiitc rooni. thc .~‘('nl(IT room’ .;?:r0m_r;ione0F l:heb‘_::‘p ‘hm 0” 1.014 him P3" 07 ‘h°_5l-""~_°' A! the -bids “rm annoumed they rooms to l"l\Ol’KlHlI2(‘ the Boy Scout mittee pieparini: the honors. , .t J 4 J 4 - .""3‘°‘l 3*‘ "'l°""'"~'°"‘_l ¢""m‘3 -‘~¢“~" and other t~l:issrooni.=. i It W3,‘ voted M. the board that 000 ‘Y3-" W111 .‘-*'“h J1‘-""‘—' 5"‘'‘l'‘- “.0”. bmadwst {mm the “nu. mdio niovcnicnt in Columbia. . _---~-*-- . _‘ - ‘ 10nd. I0 I01 8. court decide as to (I10. 'r(.a‘.h(.r5. and “fl'i(.(.r5 “f the Sungu‘ .._.d_ t ' . t .t A “Did Hi)’ illlil lllt iiitorncy- huflion “.08 in the capital Dqgflniui plan; ‘ye to bg dig;-uyggcd 0-olilu Trrtnu to flurry Coherent I I . ‘(tore cc. nw - . .1 h’ 1 . . .. . - , . .. ‘‘ l’’“‘‘ ”‘ "”,’°.'" “ °°"’"" ““ -ncriil nt :1 split?" tt.~i;t~ti St.'fl&- . ' . r u. - . . . , 4 I . 4 "-I 1 D0 Iv '0 11 “I17. 8" 1 "1. (lat school will nice. In thi pastor: I ,_ H - 1 _u“- f f d_ R1 1! The N med pmjcdq “.0 m or c formation of a rtpreisenta The Republican House leaders are i .4 . .4. A J 1, _.. . 1 .1 11-1» 1 v i.- ’ . . -. -. .. .. . . -. ," ‘,*l'l"°“ “ “°"‘ ‘°"‘ " "" ‘Vtor \$‘l-it-clt-r. . p P ‘. ' ‘ ' { ‘ , , - _ ‘ U ( "NW *1" P MU! P0\Wf ) stud) .it 4.30 (i(IlN.l\ Tll!_‘ll.l} night "I (.OlumH_‘ Tm‘. will be 8 n"_u_lm_ . H mm_u,L_n wunm_h_ M0“ 0, "mm flu. ll\( 2-cout council to tontsiitt °-WWI '0 l'0"I¢‘N'0*'1' W“ P" ' .till the other nations to restrict tho-u, (.,,,,_.-m,.,. “H. 1.1"‘. ,.,«mg., m_M(__~‘ ‘nwm‘b(_r> from for‘! ".\u. he didn 1. H" a hub of "W Sm“, 1-“wishing-oltout l\h(‘l\t. n The committee ‘km C‘-'°lldI3" 5‘ “"3 whit” "0"" W’ t :7." :4 ' law hrciiltim: flute llvrc hc cni mg ‘~'a\- Vlannington Was ‘39iI'itNl Ail)’ \v\'ltI ‘h In but I Is’ I ll: ' ' , _ _- -yd - - - . -, — A ~- ,, , _ _ - _~ - , , .. . .. . _. . t -prclimi- “Cm: ‘-00 0'3‘ 5'-(‘ll ‘NW0 by “W Johnson Pln‘\hlng Ldqi In hasizcd that o . can't e|'minzitc. . ' T I l "'.""“"' .1” 'uh"cnhe t" f "d5 In thc midst of (3«.m.ni'.~ tc.~ti- ml ‘mu! and U“ ,u"m.(M for U" '-. ill ' I‘ 3”‘ U (. Y . 0 . ‘P he i . , “.h“.h an, m fan unworu“. and M . work The wmrm.“ Wm b‘. n“.“._ nary trtanizatitn is rcfirtsciitatiyt Praldent in his pliin to speed up l\0l l.Il Dakota Pl'l- gforcc in dealing with international A i - . , ,- ‘ mony, Senator Ashurai of .-trizoiiicded the lowest bidder. and Wm of the civic clubs, 5903“! I034‘-‘"3 ":9 W ; mar‘, Election crime, and so the limitation of ar-; .1 V - ., Itgrggm‘InllfilfiafililztlglxlghglsglgulgolrgIcharged that Manninirton had bci-_n;pmbaMy be am,,.o,_.cd -at the next Edward (3. Wright. national or- uted to . d.....hmcr conference hu.r'I 3 —— —— ~-—- I ‘mnmcnts as 8 factor in sccuringt lthc sollciptors that thev as members %pmu.d Idwuyn I80 Ihn-I hlml mblgb meeting of the State Highway Com- ‘:'‘"l‘“'' f"’'" ""3 ""“l""‘l I""d' _1. 3,5,... p _ ‘World peace is not practicable. . ‘ ' I ' y ‘ ’ ‘ _ ‘ 1011)’ (‘WI 001 W‘ 0’U*"‘('‘ '.\‘ 1 9 - - {quarters iit Oniiihii. returned to Co- ' Information on Arias Sae. rygéco re; D ‘kph ‘H _%M" In dosin he id _It ig no of the club, hate agreed not to tul»-:wmmim_0_ mission. _‘_____ Humhm N the “gum: at this ‘cm. A Senate resolution that passed - ~ - -~ - * ~ - -— I 8' >53 o o t scribe to any fund that does not sot.‘ -~ -,—A- . ; . ~—~~- , “dc . o tor Robert M. l.aFollcttc l‘ Wiscon-lfi i nt t ' rray the moral fore oI'!C0l'lgI‘€SS Tl'_Vll'lg IO AVOICI .‘ . - -_ Mflfinlnglvn. Wlw IOI1 Wafihlngmfl llQ0"l‘3R ISSVES S"AI"' SP‘ "‘““' ”“' 5°"'°"“" “°°’“‘ ° ' ” ° “ "' "W "W '-‘"“°"‘°""-‘"‘ °‘ ""-‘ -‘°'"' ._.(.....,,,i years ago, is supposed to be "=~ RI-Zl’l.\' ‘no i'srr:ii.sii-;i'i:ii ‘this meeting. 1 ' - u, sin is the runner-up in the Northjthe world against war: you have In‘ ' ° - - ‘ oi" mf°"n‘u°n- "Eg.'d‘I"'r “lo Dakota Rt-Puliliciin Presidentialniobilize and organize il- and that; Sesslon Dunng June “man conlmmtc . in I’iiri'.~. . "'".—‘ . I "I '”"¢‘9|’¢'l)' I709? 10111 50'"? 590° "'33 90 "amt "Kl" ""3 “'1 I0 . . . ' . u - A new l;.-gtcgm.ugit,omy¢h,'1'h¢lnakeaoineoneiesponaihleforchil- PblioeJiidgell._LEdwaids confer:-ailiiponO.ILl'ul|oek. li;j‘1’~‘Ioi-|,an‘aaid that fiance liadgaiea will start at inidiigbt. it was nhjggt ofthc ya-non arm 5. *11;e,d:u‘sheahLandthn¢inthedfl-ihommfoetvodayaflohapoetedvflaldvh. Clyde Qnndlerand ._‘-_ Cheneeeaaaryatepstostaul-tainioiineed at union headquarters naantyofilolineesfsuadayachooltdreiiadianeetogettheinoatontgto Iieliaekat oflice in ateeqsnelliagalaltnlghtatthe S: teoaoniic situation. ‘this afternoon. . ’ ' ‘will be held at 10 o'clock. '07 ‘lid!’ Ichool Wfk ‘dirt _ °r‘—hL°° 0' " . During: 1'. nll. Sinclair sat on the ‘ - - '- o ' — .~itlo~li-ll-~ .-niolung ii cigar and ’ . . l — ) ' : -_ ' '- .' . '' .*a‘:u :14 '60‘ k ’-' ' y .0 : — ' *1‘: _ $ __ .<.“.,',x,__'_¢_, .;Qfi,‘.._';.-‘,.;—.fi" . ‘. ..-c_~.7_ ._e ‘ _ ._ _ . .5‘ . _ . A. ..‘ . u -