‘ .- . u’,__|Q-1 431 I ii-.;‘«1‘aa vi ' ‘ ‘il i _. -0 -, ._ _ __._-V ,1» ¢-< _ . ,' 1 ‘ ‘, _n ‘. .' .-.V;..,..,‘.V .' ‘ ' “.‘ ‘ --.t'v‘+'‘ 5-5/‘ ‘ii 1:16 A‘ 9:. ..‘¢..‘:.£.:l‘Q.':l‘i9’.-v"."-‘.‘.\n;-’ I. ”‘ 5J..§v‘«'-.\1- F .2‘ ".1 mai- '.v'l‘&-:. .-rit"v-I-‘re ~‘ 1 "\ ' » ‘.4 ._, J ." 4 o > v 1*? THE CoLUM mn. SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 192-1 PAGE TIIR {L i RXEKIR PART OF PIAN FOR STADIUM C. 1.. Brewer Says Average of 15,000 Cars Are at Important Foot- ball Games. TRAFFIC PROBLEM GREAT Poor Railroad Accommoda- tions to Columbia In- crease Number Who Drive. Une of the [!l'1lV(':-‘1 prohlen1.~ that confront the schools contemplating the buildini: of :1 stadium. aceordittg to (‘l1c‘ler 1.. Bre.wer. director of €\1lll(‘llt‘.~ at -the University of Mis- ' ' biting arrzingements for increasing .'tut0t‘.lol)il(‘ tr.'1lTic and u>n.~1equet1tly parking .t‘3l‘l(‘(l in titii.-. =tu-ct p:1rki11;r i. :v’v.~u1l11tc|y in:1fltiiu.1‘.t'. in I'll‘ lust fI“.‘.’ :.’t'.’1t‘.~ '..cn for-1l.1l ;:.'t‘tt wcre llt'l(l hen‘ the .~t1eet.~ of the 11'i'1ll put". of (‘olun1l1i.'1 \\'ct‘t- co.11p?r-tr-ly lillld li;1.".:?lii;p of traffic u'11'in;: floun- c of the h.-1:'¢':c.~.'. _ta5l;.\ police. Tr:1iTicj:1111.< were not i11l'1je;-quent. on tl‘.'..-"3 occa- :l0.".~. l’¢-ople Come in C:1r.~. "With great lt1t‘Y‘L‘:1~&t- of mileage of i1:11'd ~urf:1c1.d ro;11l.~ tlirougliout the c11ur.tr_v more people are comin to football gnnies via the :n1tomobil(~. lt is utininted that 60 to To per cent of the people that football gatnes come in nut1n:n.1l1ile‘-. . Loui. ithereabout. would believe his if he could ;wanted the rich land that they liyo in now :1 ‘t ‘t.'1nce of the i Cars-Bought With Flowing GO1d,“"" .*,*;::,2:;;,:%;";§¥..::; of, One wonders if nativc eons .’-liesouri. who may by some chance remember when 1 so e- n inns 9| 3 B- were residents of St €3't.'.~‘ see them as they ride by in their automobiles today. ' sourians gave these Indians fine automobiles and l1“.COn'I(' of about $13,000 a year. How?-by moving the Osage; steadily toward the Southwest. The white peo_ hell by" the Indium so they were traded out 0 their land near St. Louis for some lar. down on the Osage River in Missouri. As tl1e westward emi- gration of the white people con- tinued they were m::1i11 moved the \\'c.:|‘lll£|t_, he may park his car within rei1.~on:1l1le walking dis- meniorinl stadium. “It is e.-timated that TF1 per ten the games after the stadium is built and new l1igl1w;'.y.~ have been com- .)rleted will use the liuttmiobile ‘route because (‘olu111biz1 is not on the main line of any railroad. and‘ train connections are difi'i(-ult." Chevrolet Coupe 1923 Model as new Missouri Motor Co. love. their hair braided 8 C plaits, and soft moccasins on their Now--- That Spring motoring season. F. H. «l 12: Rrozulway is here. drive your car down to our shop arid we will fix it 111‘: for :1 comfortable Auto Tops and Seat Covers Burr Phone 443 __[_____QF INTER .37‘ T9 and every other known make car. some few of them clothed in their native costumes 11 they in long a ntarvelous unbelief to one '3’ ‘ unziccustomcd to the sight. e . Have Late Model. The Osage Indian is an inveterate autoist. He loves; that particular -1 gust and the most luxurious o11es. If he had his way-—and he fre- quently doe.s—-he'd have 11 new 111odel cf the finest inzllge eve1'y time one came out. The: s.tra:1p:e part of it all is that he seem-4 to fit‘ _in this. new setting. The :1uto;nobile is the Osage’: prize plea:-ore. lie sel¢.-<'t.- the best 0 the white man's luxu1'ie_-. hug- ging it to him as his 1'i;:ht, and yet he scorns other customs of —(lr(‘s.~ and uxuries. The automobile scents. to soothe his restle.~;:< spirit and in the swift motion of the well- oiled Wl‘(‘t'ls while he t1'avel~ over the hills! he has loved so long. he st-¢.111.~ to find recompense for what has been taken from him. l AUTO SALES FOR W251; Star—('oupe. L. M. l)ouglas.<. Oldsmobile — Touring. Leonard ‘mith. We Know that you have noticed the difference in the cars that we have repainted. They look like new. Stop YOUR car into our shop and let now and bring us make it look like new. “High-class work at reasonable prices." Fowler & Holloway 413 Bdwy. Phone 443 orm of‘ lt1xury’—-cairs, and the big- ¢1 ——_.—._j__—_ _77 . W 1 the United States (‘-vmtner('t'. BROS. G .\RAG E T0 ‘coon ; Dgi , . snow saw 11t'1-.~1o1111.i;s -, "‘"“”°"‘ ° AUTO TOPICS i I _ l . Aim-1':c:::1 111uni1f:1c:urer.- who e:.'- -\'t'iH‘l,\' 7.000 new motor busses D011 t-:11: for fort-i'.'.n trade continue . . 8“ D‘5p|°-'' ‘ k B g were put into .~.ervice during 1113:: on to build them with the rigtht-l1:1nd Bemnnlng _M°“d‘-‘v ( 0 h 7”" linen in the United 5131115‘ ']‘ig..._,. drive, uitliougli cats with the steer- °l-‘°" C°- “"11 hold 3“ °p°“ "W" 1115: tvht-el.< on the right-liand side . , fl£Ul”i’.< are bztscoi on rt-port, 1311111 llfitml l»hT°U8ll 7-he “~‘(‘9l4 5l‘°“'"‘51 nu-,~n3--,;x m,-1,,L;{;1_._.m,,.,.,.-_ 2.-ire Tong .~1:‘c(- I11-conic obsolete in 4 - .-\111er1cu. l'.\‘t1_\' week :11: :1ver:u:1- of e.eh— ‘ ' ‘—‘ ' The l’en11.