. . . . 4".‘ . .‘ .._-‘ . V ‘F11-ans sit ‘ . i - THE COLUM ' 7' ’ ‘ S mmsfifciiiiuuatx‘ "'ii:i." l U ,, COLUMBIA !fi_l Gm. uAR'p3Rs§. racl ~ I . *mind that Columbia needs a new, ‘ - cil would be keeping the city within? our: . . .3 H (X llaaourlaa AI’ ?""*"""“"° ‘ _ ‘-1 _ , _ ~ , 0 - vening I a d v t‘ . .'“' ----...--.=~ » ~- M a» "=-.3...-°= .....*'"°**..:.-. . mm W . zsbac °* .°'::.:..:~.. I“-.222; .. . v - v ' " t t 9:301 . - . . 'fi7fi_§w@*¥¢. to, I ., , io,§:c':‘d'’Tg:hl:,:::i;:2r.;nfif“: mc,_.,s'and My Mother I-‘orsake Me’, Then Eonstjstt‘ of rosary, sermon and "’5;:Efi nae: Sdbaerlvfloa nun ' e chances look favorable for ii” th rim‘ ch“ u Sub-the Lord \\ 111 Take Me Up, The ene ic ion. '- '9° ""°' ‘ "' bringing the state hl'Id€ll11"‘“?"3 °l‘ '3 3:36" PC 53...“ . J-uniopquartet will sing “If Ye Love Me"‘ The regular Friday evening len- 37 . ~°'°-"""'°° "'°° “M the Americgii Iqiorrto Columbia," “hem ° "'9 M‘ r)’ 'by Spinney. and “I Will Lift M'ne ten devotion. consisting of the \\'av “"' "' °°""" " ‘" ‘'‘° '''’° ' N E w a alternate ex.3d°P"""°"‘ "' "‘° 3"" " ‘°"°°"r- Unto the Hills" s- R0 rs - th Cross will b ‘i. ld ~ -{o County. us 2.9 4.50 aaid_Dr. . tueea ¢_. my," fmm.mom' and the intermediate class .yCc-1.: “inn Enduéor 3 ‘£66.20. .101: . e e at i.. lumber Au-ITt"i3-re-It Ci'¢'U1|°°“- eclmwl clnml" me. will meet in the club room of Stc- , ”_‘ . 5 . ' .°c C ‘ "E___—*' Inna this district. Doctorllade and A. C u oclocl. Junior Congregation at. —-*- “ hd B of “'h0 l3 Ct‘)-m-‘£Ph§n:rni:‘e§_eo'r5hjp “.1” be at o'cl0ck_ The section fneetinghl BoulC"Ird initteeinan, will attend a, D1001! “8 1T— ‘ .... .. . . . '- -, ,,J,B ,th -0 . firm ‘M cmubuon 274 of the state executive committee:°°l°°l‘m [infer the“;:?;°m_i° ;:r?_ "ll sch" ‘ ' no ll Kufs” Adm‘ Tile genfiilal Association will he the A. .-- - on a sun ea quar crs I5 ' . ’_._..._._:;:__:..:;_. ' .“.."“‘——-.-.:, d th PAYING ma A Cl'l‘\ HALL 9"“ ° There is no doubt in anybody'sv1;,_., 1,..w.e¢,, en. « Doctor Wade believes the choiceg Mexico and Columbia? city hall. and undoubtedly the coun-; Ar ‘STEPHENS COLLEGE 1 M... B. ~.-. 1-. u. will m... .. 12:30 its limit of bonded indebtedness by?‘ authorizing a-bond issue of $175,000» . M,,,_ n_ L_ s,,,,,..,,, 0, (-,,,.,,,,,,,..senior and High School 8. Y. P. ». ll5 visiting ha‘ daughter. llarrictte, 'speaker of the morning. B. . Sy-3 'mon will sing a. tenor solo. “l.ike as; a Father," by John Prindle Scott. The quartet will sing “Lord of Our .?Life." by George Nevin. o'clock tomorrow afternoon. 9 «will meet in the evening at 6:30. Dudle ' Buck. a of ‘M2 3 ," by Sticker. Evening worship will be at c: the Womms’ Council will be held :30 o'clock Friday afternoon. First Church of Christ. Scientist, at 11 o'clock, and evening worship 1 BIA MISSOURIAN S:‘\TURDAY MARCH 22, 1924 P. Lynch. pastor, will deliver 30 short sermon at both masses. Regular services will be held be- ginning with Sunday school at ‘.9:.'l0 .o'clock tomorrow. Church services and preaching by the pastor will be Christian Science. will hold services in the new church at 7:30 o'clock. There is a class it edifice on U College avenue. near Bible study which meets in the base- niversity, at 11 o'clock. The sub- ment of the church at 6:30 o'clock. 2:3‘ ~. ‘I ject of the lesson sermon for March Mu " The reading room. 212 Exchange services. National Bank Building, from 12 to 1 o'clock and from 3 to CI for the construction of a new build- ing; but whether the city should talte or borrow $25,000 from the water and light fund immediately to purchase a site for the new struc- ture is a diferent matter. The bond issue, if carried, will be borne as a tax by all of Columbia‘: citizens. The revenue from the wa- ter and light plant does not come from all of the people. It comes from -those that use the service. Why should these people be made to stand a greater share of the burden for a _new city hall than any other class of citizens? This would be true if the council used $25,000 of the wa- ter and light fund to purchase a site Shouldn't this money be taken to improve the service of these until ties? Columbia at present has hard watt-r—so hard that most soaps won't readily lather in ll—-:20 hard that the hot water coils in s'i:vvc and furnaces fill up rapidly with limestone deposit. Why not u*—‘ some of the surplus money to .*‘uf‘.'.-i it? Or. if the profits of l'.“(- \'-'lll(.‘l and light department are more thai necessary for the Proper imiiriten ance of service why not give the users of the_ service a cheaper rate T’ This is the paramount idea behind all municipally owned public utili- ties. let it not be forgotten that within the last few years the water and i light rates. were raised by doing.‘ . away withthe old 5 per cent dis! count for prompt payment of bills, and substituting a penalty for late payment. Now the water and light fund is so large as to be a con- tinual temptation to borrovn‘n$‘.' T07 the benefit of other departments. Then. too, what if the City Coun- cil spends $‘.’:'i,000 of_tbe water and light fund for a site, and the voter‘-‘ afterward refuse to approve the bonds? ' We don't have to rush into this matter without giving t'\'0V."Ull"¥ due consideration. Let us be fair’ 10 all of Columbia's cititzcns. SOLDIERS OF l’E.v\(‘l-1 flare’; to the individual whose-' coming is more eagerly awaited. whose lateness is more bemoaned than that of any other person. yet who is _'treated as impersonally as 8 macliine—-the postman. We rush liome at noon to see if he has paid a visit. “'0 stop and wait if we see him coming up the stneet. We even go to meet him. And we forget him as soon as the mis- aive he bears has ieit his hand for ours. “'1! look for his blue cc-zit eagerly. but are unable to tell ll minute after it has passed what the man looked like who wore it. lie is the soldier of peace. the hu- manizing, benevolent distributor of the records of our hopes. affections. our. tenderest associations-—-the ltindly go-between, the cheap and constant communicant between man and man. . In summer he walks his route un- der the blistering sun, his feet burn- ing from constant prcs'.:. The public is‘Luke 15:10, “There is joy in the Visit- : are welcome. The Rev. Albert ‘C. Bernthal. 211 Edgewood uvcmiv‘ Calvary Episcopal. is P3510,‘ C0lll‘l.!t' Flflllfl f]l18!'l1‘l Will l-YlV(' 9 Holy ("ommuniun at 7:30 (,’..[0(.k_ ,. _‘.__ _---_._ , special §(‘l(‘t‘ll(m. Tilt‘ Unl\'('l'.\tl_\‘ _g‘um|;,.\- ,(-},m,| at _ pn 0'(.l0‘.l_._‘ (‘cngregntionnl male quartet will sing. William 51.,,,,g,,g ',m_‘-..,- and (.,.m,m M Dean of the. Uiti\‘ci'.~it_\' will read the scripture lcs.l opens at llziin PM o'clock. Aftcr the regular half- nour .~a-rvzco in the auditorium. the .'llTlt-Us r‘.;is--c-: will mm! as usual. At Ill:-2|! o'clr»cl; the l1“\‘. .‘l:~.rvin l0‘l5 n'clnclvi. Tllf‘ Bl‘Ulll('l'l‘luu(l will meet at 5 o'clock, and 11,0“. “The Socialization of the (‘hurl-h. lippinc missions. Sacred Heart Catholic Church- l\l;i.~:.~'cs on Sunday The Congregation! Sturlcnta’ l'lu.~~ nf the Church School will be Jul- uf so ,\n.j,-(.\.- (lrr-ssed by Prof. A. l". Kuhlman on open house for students at at '0 45 o'clock tonic-rrow mornin::.. .-,t]lij(‘."2 of tho pm- At the ll o'clock service, ) l-I. lmu:.(- will be the Thomas will SPNIR 0'1 “l"’Pv"t "T: Salt'."'. and Mrs. J. T. Quarles will ~. n . The ("nngrt-gationl Students‘ (‘Iub Will IK‘ fll‘will meet at 7 o'clock at the home T. ~t'rir:~ llznv will give the third of his of .~vrnim an ltrunie lilo, I‘:-upla-." .'\ (lt)lllIl(' uartct will rillltt. "llc Shall Come Down Like Rain," by Dudley Buck. .-\° -—(-nior I-Ipwnrth l.en:rti(-, w ich 'llt't'l.< at Gzltll (I clnclz. 3 iss Lei.- ~':-liiiepcilzoctter will be leader. The opic for dis. U.‘~.5lIIl: \\'l5 be ‘W-.v'\-T-I‘-ll." A trio, with Miss, .ul.'i .\ndr'.~v. at the piano. \li:~.~‘ 'iv~.lrri llir-l*.ar.l.'. violin. and \liss lutii .\‘quire~, cello, will play. .\li < llt-lav: .\l«md_v will the .cadi-r iii lllr lr.'.r-rnu-'l§:i2r« l.t"|g'u( .\‘l'ti('l1 fllt'('l.~ llt tho cbupcl at I‘-:.l0 »'v!v~cl;. Tlu-re will be it twt-nl_v-five min- sunr: <('rvi'.'I' at 7:30 n'clu(~l;, ‘rend M2‘. ll.'l\'.' _\-.'ill 1 opic for his st-ininr._ ,n( occning will _ ioul." by .-lshfnul. _ l‘:.l(llC.\~' lla:-'." l>_\' Johnson. ‘Will be sung by loiin .\l. (‘rt-bcr. l’rc-'h_\tcrIun .~rhool will begin at 1l:.'llll r~. .»\. li. ll'>f.!£tn will ad-l ‘ll'of'.~:- lilo: .~".‘l‘.mvl during the npr-n.‘ 'ng we-rt-is-;».-. .\lr.~. Hugim has had '1 \vvdo- ¢'\‘[H'rl“m‘P 2n .‘~'-in«l~_3.~ school, vtk. having: diet-n superinu-ndentl "' .« junior dc-partizie-nt of in large. Sn .'ni.x_v v'clo<‘l;. SPY‘-'lL‘I'.~‘ 1:’. llli-13 1’-'r‘ln~l;,._ the Rev. R. l'. Hitllmk will prcachi and communion .