.a ‘ v r 9 , ’?‘_,...———_. 'l::1_veos of Columbia some" ty - v 4 - ~ up-cw . .. 4-s ‘ii-1w ..‘....¢-vo-or-'~ ».. .. I . . _ I ‘data sign"r?T17i7ia.s~ t . - ‘ . . A -—w-v<<~r-oi»--- - ._ _, V _ I «yo 1?\ _v.,V ".7? "_. "1 Ir «o--r-.-_yw—_y-..'.'.7......_‘-‘.,,.‘,!,,,,‘_‘_,_'_\ A ' . ‘ . ""“‘:tla'ianl'aitstr-r ~< - ~u-.~. .-ugh! -.‘r - .‘ 1. If Q ‘ -1 ll lie’ I g - ii.-’ 9 .' 5.2:: 'm.%“‘i1\ lilg_i5":“~-§\' Y ..c iIlEIfBER8 or CAST con i “soon _ _ y _ if’!!! to Be Given by Mi:-uiouri 3"-uiday Party Given, ‘of Odesiia and George Gibson of‘ Workshop April 30—l'rac- fin‘ Helen -Rummell ‘St’ !‘°'"" ' ' B°“"‘ ticc cast for “The Boomerang," , ——-—- The -yr; M. A. Rnmmell. 613 Mary-' "‘"- 3911! Mame" hid as lunch- the spring play to be given by the P8“? j§°0non?'°.1'." y°‘'‘°''d'5' ‘} “'9 D"‘5¢1;Miaaouri Workshop, was chosen . ' _ }0f Knnsazvéffi fin‘ “' D‘ _G°°'3F .‘yesterday morning by Prof. George Whit?‘ llclens tenth birth ‘y. lube“! Ra '5' ‘mt ‘'"d 3'“ ml‘ ;H. Sholtii, dramatic coach: Zack fie house and 9"‘ U151‘? 111 Whit‘-‘ll h , bee ".90.": M” °°""- “'h°;Taylor. casting director; and Cyril 3*, sts were served were appro- M ,'“’ " ‘'’“‘"‘E 1"” '‘°“- “‘°"'” _~Coggin.-i. president of the Workshop. kl). dl.(.,,,..t,_.d with spring flow, be last few days, left Co-N The play is a delightful‘). Cu...” .3‘ place. entertained with ' and white. The birthday cake.; Mm_ Samuel Brod‘),-of 1610 Cam lwhcn it played in New York and {noted in pink find b‘’‘"'i“R “"1 Pink thorn avenue entertained informally L°"d°"‘ The w°"i"‘h°P ‘Vin PW‘ a»”d1e,,' ‘.15., carried out the color twsterday afternoon M 4 ouock tea .aent it at the University Auditorium ggheine. Miss Frarices‘Rurnmel an 5,, bone, of Mn_ w_ C. Turner and iApril 30. Hill! l"‘rnn<'PS Bonmnll flfislfited 3473- her mother. Mrs. John Schwartz of iJ M”? “'9” N9“! “5 YiWi"i“ “mi yaw played. little Miss Dorothy 31”. w_ A. Aibrechh Mrs. H_ H_ have the leads; Marion Lehr and sggon and Miss Martha Parker ~Kmsek0l,f and Mn“ John Asmom Paul Fuller are understudies for ylnninlr UH’ l""1°-‘- . _- —._'__ these parts. Two casts have lu-on The ‘:u(.$‘g we“. 8,; {Uuow,.;_ '.“l35 llarrit-t.Collins of Chicago, named for most of the roles, the ‘ifises 11¢-yen Ball, Carrie Weaver, “ho has ~en the week-end guest of secoiid cast to fill in in case of dis- Adkison. Marian llill. Evelyn 5;V'9T¥1n¢l‘.t 2:‘! E;ige- tfiualification of an)’ inember of the map”, 1-jvclyn Pollard. Dor- _ ‘ ' '_o 88 [zone 0 .xce sior irst cast. x liollnizin, l)ui‘titli_\' SlSS(ill: l‘)o- :lj’.'l‘"l!3‘- M‘-“"‘ | C“"’"" _ “Mi Mi“ .A“‘‘‘‘ "‘“‘f(''' "5 CNN‘ T.V|*‘r “Nd I'll llatclier. ('ornt-lia Ellitl. .\i-ttit- 7.‘ :1‘ “moo are Yudwng '" R”‘°kf"r" Bl" Mfilll" 115 Build WU‘K”H'i4lL’t‘ Emily Krusckopf. Ruth L" “W3 «""(‘kf0“'. "L play the second leads; under.~'tudie.~ “-a‘.(.,_ p_(,y (~.f,,1(._\. 0]5\'~,.,_ Anm, Mrs. A. R iiuusmfiund Mrs. Ed- ifor these parts are Dolores liowns lfac Wit-r. -luitliml 5‘*'I_3**'““-'M“T~" ward Mi-yer returned to St. Louis and burp” amt‘ Martha (‘.atrmi. Genevieve !\orris. and M”. E. A. Damn" and Mrsp The 0l.hi'.'l"(‘il1l'l‘flt‘l.t'l:,~'. are: |’re.~toi. Bernie‘. Bi~i'ry, (‘urrine liar-pi-r and A_ J. Man.” returned m N Di-\\itt. \oid l\ fir.~;t cast. I-Zail Martha l’urk1‘|‘- after stiendini: the week-end as the '\"w"m" wmnd ms‘; E""|"‘ l’:.""| . - . -- um_S,‘S M ‘heir dnughwm M "W Case. Bob lit-refori; llurtl¢._\-.. int-1»; Wt" EHl(’I‘l(lHl for {M Unwgn h"uq_ "(IW('>', Sam arthsky: Mr. Stunt-. . F ‘anus PM-dd’, __'_'_ ‘Art Maurer:_ Marion. Marjorie Mil- M133 ’ A - _ Mrs. B. c. Berry will be leader of It-r. Faye Wicks; Gertrude. Betti- Mrii. -l°““5, VH9" 513 n°“"‘5~the meeting of the Women's Mis- 13095. Bemice ' Mrs. Wood- street. will entertain with a tea to- __inm",}. Society of the “-“k,_.,, 30"]... bridge, Virginia Farrington, Vera . - - . . . Mrs. S. . Simpson and Mrs. Guests will include lllt‘nllr(l'.~ .iiul _ _ _ _ ' . . . 1),.1m. Richard Brailfield will be Jollll hm- pa!r°n‘h‘\l'\ "1’ ‘ht 1.)‘ l‘“ - , ‘K .-5' I ‘ '1 . 1 I ,0 -om»-. M 1-~=~-h .W'>» f.=;?;.,.?;? ‘.'.‘.t..:"...’§.'.‘:.'. ‘?.‘r‘::?i."'.:“ 1‘ if." Miss l-‘rtinci-is l‘ridil,\'. -“'5 N"““"" \,. .‘ , } x _ W " ‘ " D Bftitikfi. .\ll‘.\‘. U. B. i\l(’l)i:liu‘.t',.'lI, " '_ml’~“"" -‘- ‘“"W_- -h'-‘- C- ‘M: Si"-“Pd )lni.‘lt. J. Keriier and Mrs. x. M. review of Painnvs Life Trenholme. _ _ ‘ _ . The d°°°"‘“_“"" 1;“: {[3 ‘ff: Miss Annie at-ue Wisrbels of the color‘ (£131: :§ll(’i“am;' ::m_° " ' Jilphai Gaménili Delta house has re- rofl }'- - ' - ' turni. to oumbia after spending - _ the week-end with her parents, Mr. Sh0’|"‘3I"""‘ D’""”’ and .\lrs. 8. ll. \Yii.'bt‘l.~‘ of Lt-xini!'I lt’s Good- at Stephens College mm . Home-baked bread niatle A-dinner such as might ha\'e'l>(-en Members of the Dana press Club With H--R F100!‘ 1-“ m|$Zhl.\' served in Sliakespeares day will be will entertain with a dinner dance hard to beat. . KW?" at 3 0"-'1°°k “""“""“' “'9” tomorrow evening. The guests will H-‘R F10“? ”‘ made “'0'” It Stephens College in litiiior of the be Misses Helen Clintom Dorothy {he be,“ Boom, (‘0um:,- 50“ .._______ .- --- caste of "Romeo and Juliet" ""4 Toler. Florence Nichols. Ann Ruck- wheat. Its quality has ion: . members of the Shflkt‘5E“‘11"<' “i"~‘-‘°"- "art. and Margaret Boggs. ‘ en 'nown to Columbia The menu will consist of man)‘ ——“""- housewives. by Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Thurston will Get the hnbit__,_..m_ H _P i °* :*.:.:.“::°:~'.:':“;.;:.‘:°'.'r:.i. 3...... Count)’ Milling 9-, from 8:30 to 11:30 tomorrow_night. and Elevafior Co_ .._.. served in the style of Sliakespear time. After dinner tiie F1Il!~'tltll scenes from the first part of "Ht-'nY.\' W" wih be given. Founders’ Ddy Banquet . Members of Alpha Beta chapter of_Delta Sigma Pi. commerce fra- ternity. entertained with their an- nual founders’ day banquet last; night at the Daniel Boone Tavern. decorate the table. The speakers 1 were Prof. lsidor Ltibin and Prof. . . !t~ Ma\1°k- . - ll. Rogers. ’Tfi"('~|;M1,.'siA. }.;11“.m,d and 1),-_ \ Midnite Patent Leathr-r -\‘:indal J. C. Jones are honorary int-piberia. V S,’ 50 Miss Mary Frances Piatt and Miss Mary llelen Corwiir will give their graduate recital at (‘hristian college at 8 o'clock tonight. Friends of the \ college are invited to attend. Miss: Pint} i~ a mezzo-~oprano, and Mi at Corviiii IN ii iii ist Both are pu- ~.' pils of the Christian College Con-,3 !¢!'\'lt0l‘S‘.~Q!r$. Anna l-‘roman. di- V rector of music, will accompany Mi.-e.< U. L. B. announci-s theghiledging of Sylvester Algermini-eii of Mont-» chester. lll. initiation was held '-TT7Tf . — ’ l '& i S5 ""’i’°“‘”" S“°d‘§5:’°” "°"°""‘ Fashion has decreed suede the \ . 1" "“‘°“ f]::’:'PEt':;":“°d°' “M favorite material for footwear in ‘ A :9 sio.oo which to express her Springtime ; i inspirations.‘ ‘ As always, there's a new spirit in i i the new b:eaiities created by Mil- 3 ; , 1 1er's for you—a spirit of youth M C and daring and vivacity. ‘ "“i""‘ 1 f "3' And these wonderful new \ S3amePrice ; \ forovn-33.ye:irs ' \ (V) 3 our modestly priced. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 7 ALL MAKES 1, A 8 Month. 87.50 Up . .Hl'It ltentalgkppliea on-Pub La Pat-isien— ’ A Gore Dress Pump of French in- i . aptratioa. French toe-«ii-eu heel J ’ Iasuonvs pomwleu. ""':,"_‘u':s’:';:"l°"“'§ ini-*umsnede—. ’ _, ri pp ea ; -mi: suxsnixi: AGENCY ‘*5’ V ‘ ’ ‘ BRANG” SELECTED‘ l gnmmell in entertaining. Games ‘\m“.auk(_e. Om" guests “,9”; ohn Grimes as lir. Gerald Sumner. of Colored Suede --- ,—.-.._.. .......-.......__;_.... ._ THE COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN, Ch WILL ADDR§S ORGANIZATION lDr. Coiiraault and 1‘. J. Walker to Speak to Phi Delta Theta. D . . H. Coursault and T. J. Wal- ‘ker are to speak before Phi Delta‘ '1!Ppa. honorary educational 'fra- the University Extension Division. o'clock tomorrow The question is "Reriolved, that the evening in the library of the Uni- commission-manager form of gov. The subject of ernment should be used in cities of is to be Missouri of less than 100,000 popu- Tendencies in the lation." I jternity, at ~.......—oo-¢—.-.._.-........._.,‘_,__¢_ __ _ are to |~=‘\'a- LU. n. 3. (ions ro SEMI-I-‘INAL. named ..__.__ I ‘-'°b, - } versity High School 5-gcat'r)'ifl$3 out the color scheme of "m "' 3°5‘°'d“3' f" D‘""‘- T°"- ;comedy and met with great favor D "Some ‘Study of Educa an: 23 The experi- ..g-.—..;‘__.__.._. be to League (lonleut. S The southwest state championship Mr. Walker is to give a review of debate will be held at Springfield Prof. Ellsworth Collings' book. "Our on Friday night between Clinton Experiment With a Project Curricu- m." Professor Ceilings is a gradu- ate of the University and is now a member of‘ the faculty of the Uni- versity of Oklahoma. merit on which his book is based ' was niade in a Missouri school. "Ul'lllWt'.‘ -ggfii"; SPRIN SILKS; A .3f*~.-’.'t:, ‘ "'Y . .‘~ - f ‘ live.“ 4 ‘ .' i , \ _ .,uv",»:L?.\}_. ll. ’} .. -\;..“. I 0 , "- My Meyers '- -° John Edwin Wallock § ~ Wh. Parke. Sr. and 3000 supporting J/"'*~ 39¢‘ ,_ ‘._K‘ . 4 ;.~.. . "*'~1;';: -r 5 T“ 3}- 4&- That Are’ Special Values A liuying U])l)Ol‘l1l!lll_\' ‘which was offered to us this Sl)l'lll_(1‘ has enabled us to offer our entire .‘ i1lW:1,\'.<. to pzi.-‘s on to our pzitroiis :lll\' ziilvaiitiigi-s that we 0l)l.3lIl.lll llll.\‘ .\\'.'.l_\"l.lllii _\-nu will appreciate the vzilues we are offering 1. you will visit our silk department and examine the fabrics. These are all new Spring silks in latest colors and de- signs. All Silk (‘repe dc (‘hlnlf This is an unusual .~pt-viiil that will :4’.- truct niany. This r-11'1"’ do i-him-.-i~ in the colors of orcliid, fl(‘>li. \\'lll‘l(‘. (‘¢*¢‘l).'l. and the new powder blue. 40-inch \vid'.l.. Fine for lingerie, lJiUU‘t‘.\ :i.".d_ ~—pr'!i;' ziriil summer evening fr0c‘.~. $1.19 :1 Yard Brocaded Canton (‘repc These crepes are in in-i-.30. rand. ccwnn and black. The width is -W inch!-3-. lC.\- cellent for afternoon frncln. A rt-al rgwcztil at our Sprint: ;trit'i'- .\'t'(‘ ‘ilii,-.~.- i-:tl‘l_\’. $23.95 :1 Yard Tub Silk Tub silk is ii perennial favorite for aft- ernoon and .--treet dl'C.\~i‘.- and aim for children's frocks. This year our ot'f«'I'=":! i._- in ch(.(-k5 Hf 1,113.}. gr:-i-:i_ |.':\‘(‘!lli'.‘T and pink The width iv 51'.’ iiiclii-< and lit!‘ ii!’l(‘(‘-— $1.95 {I Yard (‘ordcd (‘rope This is an c.‘~t'.~. “'1' are .~'hnWln[Z I1 hi0.~'t pleas- iiiil -""73?" Hf tltwigii.-=. The colors are tans‘. ~:ipphirt- and l’i-king blues, nnvy~ an I-r-«v.'i:~. with coiitrasiing prii~.i.~. $2.15 3 Yard Sport Pongees in Plaids Span pong:-cs will be mid-s~ummei".~' nu.~.