- - - a .9 " . -' 'I' U 4 COLUMBIA____1\_(I U ,. ‘ . I 9. . , K . ' V ' - _. 1- A 3 .7 5 - . ’ . , _ ;- :’ ,2; 0 . . - a SIXTEENTH YEAR SIX PAGES, 43 coggnms . ;______ ‘ A- Wdyf;DEMUTH THE WEATHER l W 2 Wm R90?!-sent Two ('oun_tiea‘.‘i «iii no cn~““’* E‘ A of Our World IN A EGG AFFMR Q-..".T°;..°..°'.‘:.:'.'.'.’:.:. IN WATER AND ii".'rlii:i'ii‘i::"‘:.:":f5i‘ii.‘ii BY JURY TODA . LIGHTTERATES ffonvi-ntion as n delngau. from 1 at county to the state conven- tion at Springfield. On the some (‘lcvted a delegate to the eighth district ’ ‘change in temperature; lowest to- .nig t near freezing. __ 1 3 For Missouri: an tonight and P€I‘<'.\' Klass to Circulate gThuruday: somewhat colder tonight 3 ' ° gsoutheast portion; rising tempera- Ietltloris to State ‘ rsd . Public Service ture Thu ay. COlTllTllSSlOn. . -"‘5u‘Td3.\'- Th!‘ vonfusimi re- Sullvtl frflnl de(‘l_I;'nn ‘U Ch’.-I an: of c'onaerv- * the nation’: oil supply was an- yesterday by President Student President Faced Charge Growing Out of Disturbance at V heater. ;you if you told the truth." he said. ', . wi ascertaining wbe-l A 4 , _ , . ‘ ———~——~- . , . itwould be possible bi-assign-Y-‘“‘3R°UGH IST WITNESS” nii"“"-°"" dial?‘ ‘°°“."‘° ’,“““"-Wii.i. Asa AN APPRAISAL his We -"' “‘““'~‘°" y<‘it.-. al- ._ of additional Public lands. “ "~"“"““ " P""“°“" -‘““" "“‘~;" ht‘ h«mn- .. .n n....n.- oun y. erl. trades. or purchases to Lar . -. ' 1 _. te llfflfr and better‘ Protected. « ge Ugel Q of PO“ er and ‘ Light Said to Be Fa- vored More Than Testifies Re Bought Four§":°'“- 3°"! ~“"°’ F°“°" "‘ :“‘° loclock. Minor opening the city's’ Eggs——Show larguments to the jury at that time. “Discourteous to MRS. JAMES ll. THOMSON . D1-21-‘EAT!-ID IN PRIMARIES ."iflS (‘hrii-linn Pall No‘ Sfrioufil-\‘ T’ owuite Shipw". Burd‘ injured in Accident. 7 — . . ’ ' is Myngggggggggngngggggbfgg 1nte1118en<‘e- . __.. Small Ones. in... 500 p...n.... ;- i "'9' ‘ma ‘fie nnmadg of "_.m_ B““‘*‘-UL‘ ETIN :Daugliter of the Late Champ Clark .____._ ’ 597%-ct. ti 1-vntur in the I_'nivcr.-iiy. '5 R199" ‘ ‘ ' mg Cl...“-¢ go nbuin Sponsored by Peri-_v 31. Islam, pe-< fell into an open 2-ewer on um mm" Ruililttiuiiii 4r:e;fi’r in the city, .-:1)» .\lr. Kl.'l~"~', and 10"» l)lS'l‘RlCi.'l‘iC.i 0. P. FOR (‘;OOL||)Cl-I at light and water bills paid before the Ft-\‘i'1tll1 day of the month’ has been . di.' went out between acts to get o:‘I.oc.u. no'r.uu.u~'s Go T0 T" ""5 "’”‘T'“ " ‘ ’€:{”“::fu5"‘::"°P "’£'?€“{’“”,u‘“' drink. Ho said he and Yarbronizh THE DISTRICT C0-""E?\'T'“-\' (‘iilifornia Professor win Speak at Z iericnn inis er 0- . . . . . -___ . . _. zfllea rcpoiz-lad y.-pterday to to :'}::,::,h\:in:';":Z‘:n311??‘ :::::ntJ“:::Columhia Men to Nominate 1-‘. R. A lw(t°""h‘:‘.': ‘5g""_:dI"-“ ‘State Department. accordinzr to ad- ..‘_ ;d .. .1 Rollins for Office at ‘ “‘ ‘"0’ ‘ ' "W 8 grim innn Wtuihington. j "9; ‘w t t, ho . Hannibal Meeting. W ..__ . ur er es imony corro -~ . . I - R - ‘ 1.“ n _ I _ . Rresident Coolidgc's cat. "‘I‘igo," rated that of Yarbrough as to the h(:o“2:i: °(-‘3L’c?:t;|;:ig nf(::,:::,l:,‘,: aw ¢'h1t'k!~'- WI” ht‘ t!|\'¢‘!1 11* 3 0“'°'~‘k . 3 luck in an. whiu. Hon“. today’ buying of the eggs and fruit. Hel-Hannibal who", the)‘, will amend a next Saturday at the courthouse by ,.Iafe and aound. as a result of gn.Sald, however. that when he got‘dm_rifl mnwmion of Row“. (-]ubs_ 1‘:-of. C. R._ Sheldon. . .nu.m b,.o.&.“t Monday nigh. M, park .0 his seat with “'9 "“"l‘ °{ They will nominate Fmnk~B. mm Tilt-1fll‘t’lIfl2 I34 undnl. tho auspices Jltlio from Wu.-ihimfton. ' fruit in his pockelfthe show “lltckedlfim of Cmumbi fm. district go“ ‘of the Boone County l'ou_Itry_ A:-'so- . - ‘ . . *- -—- ‘up and got better.” He put the sac . r for th comm _em_ Th“ div iciation. and ii general Invitation has-‘A:-.-enilil_v at Athen- After being isolated from the out-‘on 9,, "P0,, he said. and did nogéggl; mdude: the :n:au_r' Mr" "J linen oyctondcii by its pr..,.id¢-nt. \’ir- the niulltil‘(‘h_\'. last .-essioii of the I.egi.~'laturc. Te-sti|1'lnn_\' sll0\\'(‘(l that tilt‘ l}'P‘.‘~ ' ' Question were found ‘ Adair (‘.ounty. not Sullivan County. J. \\'. Marshall of County nominated Mrs. f committecwoman. KINC”D‘i?T\if\iiis .—\ Pl.l§BlSClTl{ Greek Moi-iarch*Will Not Abdicate Without People's Vote. ilty l"nito-d l'r1~«. Bl‘f‘llAREST. March :2fl.—l{ini.' ;G(-orge of Greece announced today ithat he will rt-fu.~c to abdicatc the ‘Greek throne unles-' a national ple- lii:-cite ll[)pI't)\'t'2-i the actioii of t 0 in ll--tliroiiing -_.__;-. 7-'u"°-dd '°' W "M """°" ’°‘"' W‘-"‘ " “‘°“" - Missouri as well as St. Louis. '”““"“"“" “’ “" ‘"‘°'°"““‘ "" MRS. .-i’.\':~*.a c. iiiiiiifv l)ll-‘.S ,, . . “ho “"3 C0119‘? Nit Of; \\'hen asked‘ what he thought‘ The PE“), is going on in special the sub ec . V F ____._ Cmlltl-3'. has It 1881 !'W-‘C0705 Ilwben the egg was thrown, Dehluth; 1 ,h. h “.1. be ’ide_u,acked Professor Sheldon has been con-ip.nh.u-c Sunk, pug to Maine; of line. said he was “thomughly disgusted.“st°fi):;n;"ba:°‘nd"Qn serve as head. 'm.(.u.d gm. _.L.,...r_..; years with poul-i ' the Jun G_ C m.").. nd - try a.-isociations in Washington. OF!“ The R9“ (3. (?_ 13(...,-_\- 1.4, rolum- He said he had changed his mi when the show got better. V ' T? . i hours y“t"d.y "“.""""‘ lqunne“ for we Commbmnsi TM} California. and has teen bin 3-cs.terda)' afternoon for Jericho gon called the . f flu “Rs!” 257 Pena” m '. on n_ms_ex‘minauon by City Ahiwill return to Columbia Saturday --Hen wizard». of the lat- Springs. Wher, his mmg.,(.,._ M,-_.~_ 1"“~ '°" “““'° ‘° ’""'° "“‘ 3”" tomes’ llomrr Major. uossiuui ,di-="‘°"""‘*" . tor s - Lanna C. Been-. will be buried today. nicd he had ever raid be had “eight. The Hfol‘lA0Wg(‘§liflf"°"", ;"'§:ul‘:'r° ‘ In addition to the lecturt‘. a meet- Mrs_ 39”). died 3g(,,,d,,_\. mnmgng of Q C D ‘ O ' O ‘N! and city license tag: on their Qllllobiles. apuial House committee ap- the aircraft to investigate . fly - guilty and to pay the fine. ‘ahuwwlll begin work next week: denied, this. cha a paralytic stroke at the home of the Rev, 1). A. Reery, another $011. in Iggwighurg, “i. \'a. .\1r.-. B007)’ was 77 years 0 d. Mr. Beery is the pastor of the mixes Boulevard ;\i-oiodi.-~. Church. lie will return to Columbia Friday. men who would swear anything"'t"lP3 _ , the association and election for him. Major asked if he had no:.Frank 3- Rollins. Robert 1» “'_U- -1- (if oirioo... will be held. fixed it wig}, f.,.1,,ougp, to p1¢,d'W. lludson. Isidore Barth, J. Sidney . ,_, :_ :*_ ,_ . De)[uth‘}I:0:)ltl‘Is.t B6l'l';'!M§fl¢S:!t.'l'.CD.BBll}'lt0ln S.\l-ZED BALR I-ROM El ROPE net...rne...o-__, —————. Lambert announced yes . Leslie Aaron‘. and wiwjinm “._ H_ BmdtPn_ -mom“ Mb .2-Mile ‘gale .F\‘tra"rknTrill.;i:. Return ___l throwing _the egg. testified that hellgolfgi kC‘T“‘,KD|fiK€€‘. {lenry D . "‘“‘ m ' Garleaibf. liuungblood, 76 you-3 did not throw it. Re is implicated‘ 0 9" ¢'v - 9“ 4' "°"- '~ : 0 sou‘hwcs‘ uusoufi. by 3 gpggemfnt Ygrhrough pngd¢.Dlldl€)‘ Robnett, Hffbgflm Blugfllgfi K of bmmhim pneumonh ‘t hig'$00n after his arrest last‘ Friday.-Ch93V~’!' 1—- 379*" 80 11- 0 Y‘ in gpfingfieid - u'.d.y_ ttiaesd p‘l"eagfi(r;>t' guilty and’D. v-on lloltzendortf. Pm“ Md London. in R0 "id um’ F°d". ‘"5’ " '°°.°”-°f. lb’ °°“" "lcouumcg sac-—-“S mfikmsa niiiirmsiiiiii-ii trctloitihtirlllgesidcnt Wilson’. inc. were ved yes-‘3:30 oclock. Dinwiddie. attorney for; 1,. Antgkg an-lior Receipt; Are an inn“ liner. from Tries“. N: by Pope Pius. I¢- Debtuth. took the stand and testi- nexlispatc . ’ ‘ 1 Mrs. Shepherd to Convention. .\lrs. Anna M. Shepherd went Kansas City today to attend a con- veation of the Royal Neighbors 0 America which will be held there.’ The first meeting will be held to- night in Kansas City. and another tomorrow at lndependcncc. Mrs. Shepherd is national manager of the Royal Neighbors of America. -5 F‘ k visiting hospitals in which he had 0 till! it before in Vienna. Pratflfl‘. returned this , "'6' ‘"35" Th“ l“ um‘ was formerlv the Franz Jose h. and ed lb“ "“"b°“3h R“! “M hmr COMM???‘ l-h"°'-‘Ch L0’ A"3"‘°" had been built for the use pof the had been promised leniency hr, harbor has increased {min seven to‘ ,o,,,, ,,,,,i,,._ P015045 if he '01!“ l~¢n_ ¢"f"S".vforty-nine million dollars since 1920,, on the 5,,“ night om. , -;g-mil¢. Cu-qgheg-gville yggggpdgy lhm‘ ""1 °°','f°”’ 3' “'6 ‘"':'°°°''di"3 9’ ' P‘"’PM°‘ "’°°i“°d “ an-hour gale broke. causing Doctor . mgjgu-igy, .b°°3h mm mm ‘M’ Vb” ii‘ MK?-he Uni"-‘flit!’ uh"||’."- 5 093'“-‘T Sneed to break his record for never N“ ",5 “,3. 5,151] Miller an- ~' - .____....___. ‘offict jof charts show increases in money bg-coming seasick. nounce the birth of (lung e lh lid lllra. J. R. Richards. Yarbbtlth ‘'88 "and ‘N1 ‘Utkgand goods passing throllth 93!‘ 3187- Doctor Snecd was much impressed _\'°,-mg , at their home. 708 "I ‘ll boon to Ilr. and Ii’a.J. fled that be was not Pl'°'“l'°d '9'" bor. 1"he"-booklet. sixty pages ' the general impmveme ht‘ North Eighth street. March 93. Mn. lcncy by the olficera. “They toldiulickneaa, was edited by ‘me it always" would be easier oo‘y¢g-my of California. Daughter to Sir. .nd”Si'-1. iiiiie-. in by nt t the Unb could be seen in Italy. In NOD19‘ Miller. ore er marriage. '15?” ii I 87011 dell of hllildinfi ‘flies Lena Pearl Winn. 1113 Weatwood avenue I .- . ’ 3 ‘V ()l’R.\' Sl?Wl6'"‘1"s9”.‘21ifi_ 1839931 A .——g P0i.§c_i RTE }ii.\iD'i CABINET HAND RESIGNATION . —---—- Associa Action Is Result of De- Missouri feat of Relatively Unimportant Measure. President . Dhlillgerand Expected to Ask the Premier to Return. Ht‘ lhilfil Pn---‘ l'-Allls. .\larrh 20‘-.——Al'tc-I’ riwigning today, Premier Poin- care t'.\2[ll‘(‘t~.‘l(‘d a desire to form a new inini.~'.ry. so informed the ]vt't-siili-tit nntl said he would g:\'i- it tll‘ll"llll' reply tnmm-ruw-_ l'r9.-iilrnt .\lillt'r.'inil has zir- n‘ptt°d hu resignation with the gii-uti--t reluctance. '5' l'I:itr.l I've \: l’.\lIl.\'. .\l:il‘i'h ‘.36, -- Hll|(‘1H‘t' tml:i_\’ ||Tl‘.‘t'Yll('I| the l'0~‘l[{- llflll-HI Ml lite t.'tlIln('t to l’ri-.kiilt~nt Millcizlliil. —t .\lilli_-rand ac.~epti~il the it--il_'ii;itmii. anal rt-~ign.'ltioii of Ray- Poincare, former ]l!‘t‘.N'lfl(‘llt and >tWr::l timtw premier of France. -.'liin- coniparutively unim- i.--rtant l*-'-'tli- today after the pro. mu-r had ~UT\'l\'t‘(l ;l storm of criti- (I>lll till his policy (“ward (}ermnn_\- and his financial . The government pension bill was rte ..'i-t. win. - in uimlitiratiun of the bill :t out-.~tion of {mam-e in the govern- iiicnt. By 8 niurein of seven votes, the dvplltii-.< ll('lt'.'.tlt‘(l the measure, "Poim-are immediately met with his cabinet and after some discus- cion of reformation of the cabinet. he went to the Elysee and presented the resignation of his entire cabinet afternoon. 31. ret. tic-_ indicated that President .\1iller- and would call upon Poincare to form it new cabinet and return to his pu-1 as premie . HALF OF 1632-.1 BUDGET RAISED Coniniel'('ii1lw"Ch1b Mem- hcrships Total About 32,500 So Far. ll. 1"‘. t’arter, chairman of imznlier.-hip campaign t’ the . lurnbia Vmurnert-tail Club, announced thi- zifte-moon that approximately :3.-"vtlil had been rni.-cd in 1924 mem- lw-I-liip-- Mr. Carter also announced that the: campaign would be (em. pcrnrily po_~tpunt-tl until next Tues- day. due to the fact that approxi- mately 30 per cent of the membe_r.-' of the ti-ams making the campaign are going to the Rotary (‘om-ention at lliinnihal. The drive started ye.-‘ti-rdny morning. The total amount raiseil is about half of the 192-1 budget of the $50,- 000 which the club has set as its goal. ("hairni.~n (‘otter saint‘ today that he l.'(‘llt'\'('tl about two days next week will complete the campaign. A meeting has been called by him of the team captains and members the O- for 1! o'clock Tile:-day morning at_ the t‘onini(-rcial Club rooms. when they will be. expected to cuniplete report of the solicitations for nienilv.-rs so far and to receive in.-tructiiins for the continuing of the campaign. "A number of volunteer member- ship .-‘ubscriptions have been turned n." said Mr. Carter. He further -aid that anyone wishing to join the club and who has not been solici- tated may do so by communicating " h him or with the secretary, J. ol"_Yl1t‘.‘. “The campaign so far has pro- ceeded satisfactorily." said Mr. Car- ter." While we have not received reports is ap- parent that approximately one-half nf ll’)? lflltll llfldflfl Of been realized." WAGE (‘O.\'TRACT APPROVED l'nited Mine Work Favor Measure by Big Majority. Ry United Pun. l!\'DlAl\’Al’OLIS. March 26.-8)‘ a votd of 164.858 to 26,253 the min- or! of the United Mine \Vor'kera of America have approved the new wage contract negotiated at Jack- sonville. I-‘la.. in Februa . In every district of the organiza- tion there was a big majority in favor of the measure. Miss Boston to Be County Agent. Miss Margaret Huston. Who '71! graduated from the University last \\ I). county home economics agent, and will begin April 15. liq lluaton is now with the extension service of ____.___Lé§."£:l-F52 Premier ' ake a‘ $5,000 has _ irjioiv “'“ —i;-/.. 131. M. BAND!’ IS HEAD OF “"‘"N‘_@fiiyi:n‘i7s‘ Roiiii-:sTIil\?Si3.\? ‘- NEW YORK ALUMNI ASS’.\'. Frank Birch Dected Secretary Morris Dry Treasurer at Re- bleeti ' ent Russell M. president of the New- 't.ion of the Birch via-u electe secre- and Morris Drv. president c xtu ent body in 1917, w the chief speaker of the cvenin also spoke. J. 1-‘. Walinsley Mount-ed that this was the hlii-sour-i %0t'l(’l}"S first dinner since 1913. .\lc(‘R.-ti‘ Jriiv Eo.\—ii'i.E'ri-:n ls Sworn ln :l'ii>day"—i.\'icholis 3183609.‘ Opening Statement. 1:, i'nn-i P rig. Bandy was elected York Alumni ~niv,c-rsity of at an election held in con- 'h a dinner at the (‘life Hlliht‘-‘-. actor, M issourian_ n ""‘ TELLS OF BIG Oll. CLEAN-[‘P. Says Five Friends .of Daugherty and Smith Made $333,000,000 in Few Days. of DE.-‘ll. 1.\' Si.\'i‘1:iiii Srocic ii 15 electedtrt-asurer. James (‘raig wan lSa,\'.° A ttorney-General ; Morally Responsible for the Death of Smith. ‘ LR)’ 1'mio-l P nu. \\'ASlil.\'GTO.\'. March 20‘..-Fix-l friends of Attorney tji-nu-ml ll.-ill;-l.- erty and Jesse Smith “('lt-ant-il up |.\'DlANAROl.lS. March 26,—'[‘h¢- 33-3.000.000" in a Sinclair oil -incl. jury for the trial of Governor War- (‘ML 31726. completed Sl'h‘"¢‘ D||URhf'l'!)' d The JUf_\‘ was sworn in at once and Clar- prosecutor, 9”)’ ‘hill hf‘ was “morally t‘('.\p0fl- for the sihle" \A‘t| Pi noon to uy, t-nee Nichols, sptrinl made the opening statement ‘ta . ionysovnfis » SLIGHT I .F.-~\l) Coolidge Drops”Bi.=hind in South Dakota Pri- mary Count. ai'i.i.i-:'ri.\' ‘nit-tl l Prone. SIOUX FALLS, S. l).. March 26. —St-natnr llirnm Johnson of (‘alum-. run will defeat Prestident Coolidge in the South Dakota primaries by between 32.000 and 4.000 \'iit0!~', it was indicated today as Johnson took the lead in the count The rural vote, coming in slowly, is causing .lohn.