. l’LANSBEGUN' PAGE TWO central standard Taught‘: I-‘ire Beet Radio Fea . time) 59 3 : THE IS . ' _ COLUMBIA M -— —.....v- i.wAi.ANcaE l3l.0Cl(S PATH 0!-‘ ITALIAN RELIEF PARTY is§oiI_i_i1AN. I_i‘”RIDAY, MARCH 28, 1924. , .._ .-_--... . Baby Born in Tent Near Clark. ':'THE DAUGHTERS OF 1812 9' Iliiring the stnowz-torni Mon- OBSERVE FOUNDERS' DAY4’ l 4 Sturgeon Takes Over (‘crnctery.' The Mount lioreb (‘cinetery of .- .. . . ft’ WCAP Washin n, 4 ine- “ ‘ ‘ A ,, ,, —--—-- . - i . . ——--—~-— _ . .. i ten, 6 10 p. m.—c‘donca't by the .l\lngi\lclor ‘Elllfllnueei llelayed on g'ili"ii_i:'i‘;:ir"'""' i‘i'ii::iit":‘i(::“'ii$:: 1,0“; (~i,.i,i,i. cdehraiu wmi ‘Sturgeon was assigned to municipal ' Lum ' - - ' United States Navy Bank or- A Way to (ioamfori hctinis of nu" Clark. ii iiiiiii, wiiii iiOi,ii_ ’ in a ption in ‘use. at a niceting baturday of those - uni. ' -. ’. '- c . ra,with assisting art , _ *1‘ 9- The fut}-icr and i,ii,ii".i. ii.m.i,i_ Stephens College. concerned with the cemetery. The gill i x r 8)‘ United 1 rc~I. ' - - ‘ i J2, ew York. 455 meters, . i ‘ _. ' . -. . . The Ca tain Thomas Fi-istoe‘city accepted on condition that the mo‘ , ANAL}; nah. Miinh 98 km ing from St. Louis to Mobu-l_\ 1.0 C ‘ : 7:39 p. m.—Talk by Jane Adams. * .. ‘ " ‘.' ‘- g ‘ . W. H - . . .chaptor of the Daughters of 1812 cemetery be put in good condition. ‘ in 1 Ct tr I “II I) xx t tan . 2 .. . ;\'It't0t‘ mmanuel, who arrived here ‘ ‘W ' F“ ‘W . i i _ i 011 I lmPY'°33l°"5 °f P°l'fic‘l ‘Cami ind mm hi C on” iodiiv t mm, L ,i if i. h_ 31.1.. in go: ii, _\g,,i,i.i-ii. [M-.,,.i. land their guests celebrated The work has been started. honoi P.-T. A‘.‘Stl'lVll‘lg ll) Make Movements in the 0Ti°nt—" ' " ' l ’ 0 or J.’ ""3 mm t ‘ the child ;m-an-ii on ;.c}oum of founders’ day yesterday afternoon’ -"‘-——-—-——- . ’ .. - Tm . - ‘ IHJKA. Pittsburgh 326 Inc: ;-- v ~ "°"“'"“°“" ‘‘'"‘'*’*’'‘‘°5 “’"°** l°°l~ . . . ' .. . - . w. A A. to Hold T -\lile llik ‘ " - itics at. Washington Court House . . he .¢llti\\.~» 'lhe citizen». of Stephens College. The local - 1 9“ - ¢'- . ,; w s Thlgflkrmafient Inst1— l 7:30 ti ii iii 3 , . , , more than 100 lives \\ cdncsdav. ‘ ‘ . ‘ - - . . . . >. - , . : “"11 P‘ m’ come 7 e HG ‘'35 333""-‘d l0 M135 L009 “ ‘lflfoimd his “.3 . iii 9. ii ii , (‘lurk hm-e contributed money chapter was xtaited in 1911 by Miss A ten-mile hike will be held by RichllilhllaltedGraln¢t.§”.i j.‘, A. G. ti!tion'—Public S‘-A”d”i"5 Qlnfie‘; ker of Welston. Ohio, in 1884. .iiiiiciii_ wiiicii) oiigimccicd) ii: 3;; and grci(‘erie.~‘ tu the fiimily and Pearle Mitchell ‘ind is named after W. . . at ‘ . . t(illlOTl‘tiw um . N t‘ N ' , woov” o'"‘l"" "26 mac's’ Although Daugherty is consid- {mm Rome {O \- 1 . - iii . , clothing in the baby girl. and a Virginia ancestor on her mother's morning. Any girl who \\'lFll(‘>' to D‘3”5u"'N°°°°““3l-5lU:tl.gi gey, I 0 We 33 - p. rn.——eoncert by faculty of - - - - ‘ “P 9’ "‘_ ° "“""‘~‘ , ~ . -, . , ,» -. . ~ .- -. i - v Ilwlysathand. lnTa& ‘ . cred one of the best informed poli-. f T lllt fainilx its .~t.i\ing i.i Clark ..ide. a will !'C(‘(‘l\C ten points in \\. A. u my on loin’, finds E-XACT. viio-——-——-RK UNPLANNED’ Umvelrsity of Nebraska medical .iiii-‘M in the wuimm fie 1,“ heldio -;~,,?':f,’;,,,,,_,,, cauged bi. uiifiand for ;i :~‘l‘ml.‘t time.‘ The pioimiiii which mi. 3 . The hiking: p.-irty will start at e-‘:':‘" " “‘n'¢B&;.i A, J. Q0 _ ‘ . ' - _ _ i ' F . I ‘ _ ‘ i i i ‘ i ‘V . i _ i_. Q - , Wu.’ xii“. York’ ‘O5 mew“. iiliiigeioiiiieiiaecgiitiiczffgieiiothréiiféiaijg ‘slide is estiniated at 2.i.000,000 lire. -’ bot’ i‘-iii;-snsilitihselil. iiiviei: ‘ht’ 0m?" is 0) mmwum. l‘“‘ ital * - v-. _« - M . . ' V -*7-;~-——~ i ' v r in g 5 e o . e s .0 - _ ‘ - Mrs. Mehl, Chair-i («)-i:_5mp- m._ iyldiiznon 11) Grand mm p,i.,_.,.,, com, go, 1..., mg... iii-:sTaLC'ri\i-: HRH l2\ Cllll\.«\ UNWERSITX NEWS We in the .m,,,, Thcniir 0, ,,,,_. »—— —~—.,.. 3...); man, 01‘gan1Za- l ~-—----—----- . i:uli8i:‘i'iec2n:::q::ii':fd Shanghgi Time, ()¢|’i¢-9,; and um Ad. '—-" ('{"":°""‘it°"-" ‘*3 Musl‘-V M°'“b"_"-‘ T A - .———' i . ' ' ‘ ' - T '2» .‘i. "s ' ~ l 9 85-‘ ' 1‘ ' t l - '5' tion Wants Regular . TODA.Y,S MARK, TS .Mr. llarding, and there was effected; iii i,ii_’i‘ij§";f‘i§___“"°"°"’° *‘""'- . iiiI”{.i}i.i’_‘i’ii_‘i’ii_‘ "§‘ii‘i{‘i‘ ‘;‘:_i3iO;i“‘“_‘i’ii fioii 'im°iiei”ii'i’; ii'i’;i'f‘c"i‘ii'ifi '"ii‘§”",i‘i’i:i L 9 G B ° Lin. Worker Here. ii Q: Iaéziieizgrsigif fir‘; laéiegnizik olglmtitz I.0.‘;D(ilil\', flblarrh 28.——Fi.‘.-3 (le- 0 visit the slime. l8t‘tiiry hloi‘idia§’. ‘i£0"’_‘i° Mccogmack gafifh Egfilyn S l - i _ ¢ ‘. , ', ‘stroye t e o ices of the Shanghai K_ (3 5 ”~ ., i. iii_ i i i y :iiii."~ 0“°"‘ P '3'. “ c ma _ V _ _V ‘ umbia Council of the, v 3881 '3¢- UNI! I:|W_P8l0tl£- presmems “b‘"°t' _ Times mid an adoining w'ar('h0us'e dciiiiriiiivnli “_.::,)iiiUriii_d( ’g." The girls taking part were “° *9" "'° '’°’‘‘ ""1 d"l""' ""3 K°0d~“~ H73- p.i.,i.m,1-uciici. Associaggon 1,; mill... lNATl3l\AL STOCK \_ARDS. Ill... it “'83 l_Il|’i-rel)’ due 10 the \’_IS‘.'-‘containing $2,000,000 worth of silk. fruln an iii.-ii--,,i.i;,,_., “ii, 5i'_,Eli1.iibcth Alexander, lilodiiizi ‘ . M75- ing plans to put through a medicalihlarch .—-l.——CI1ttl¢."—l_1eC¢rilIt«II. 1.000: 07°“-‘ 9"°_"l5 °f Daulhfllf dl"‘m_8iaccording to zi Central News Di.» iiiiuix Noonan and Helen Gregory. Fat (‘lIl(‘lI;'ll hoii.~. l‘». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . , __ gziit .' “°“' pros: in the Coluiiibiii schoolsdnarket steady. lsatiu-. beef steers, the campaign for senator from Qhio i,mc',, man). from Shimgiiiii_ iii“ Jmnic luck“. Mm fig A mmiii of four dances in ciiS_ “iii “.Uiidi_i_ siiihiiir mini iiiiiim iii. i ' i i I . . i i i i . _ i ' V _ . V i H Flore "efi fan". Mrs‘ M‘ 0' MehI'.§hai:.r°!;;0,5u’: yiarhng and‘hem"s';:i"n ifzknardmg :3.“ elected‘ ‘slim ifiyeiie pii"'i;i‘_“ “T iii_;,n'i'.iiiiiiiii, ii‘, iii; . iiiiiii phi iiiiiiiii tunic ii)’ Pupils of Miss: Helen Kim’-I’ ()ur Wonder lircnkfzist bacon. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ls, “N. i ' . ° ' can u so .0 0 ; 080-‘ ' . I i ' i ‘ _. i I _ _£1(- ' ‘Va ' 3.-V ._ _ U _ -_ ii \ ‘_ no '_ — ‘ ‘r-I‘ tnan of the local chapter sai t is ‘ UP‘ COW 1 5 V " ‘"3 V” ‘"3 9'°°m° °’ '3 ““"“"" ii ’ i ' in ii " d ie much plea urc A gar \O,-iiiuii ],«,}i mm C i ,( ,,i_ (0 ii, 00‘ m°i.,iiii‘_ ii is intended that 3; be neg-5 and cutlery, 531,0 :0 33.50; the Republican nomination for Pres-l 9 R1‘ -7- MSTVW Culhmlh 0‘ i“W"'d'°wmu to or home m A don dance was prewnted bv Gladx-~ mi, 1-‘: pi U I W " " ’ ' " ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ’ ‘ ' " ‘L5 J C ' I . , i V _ .‘ , .‘_ ‘ .- ~ _ _ - ‘-0 cf _\. ,‘, :0. .‘-. -i . , .. not a temporary work, as has b(.¢n.ciiii.esi $1 _ ident, Daugherty made a tour of the lhfi Pflbelte Mc-ihod;,i (iiurcii has -t(ii”i::i(i<>\_I3wi quiimi in iii, Vii. Turlcy; liussiziii niiizurkxi by Helen \-Mi. iililii mmirili “ P H OH in». , )(, bu $1.2; Franl iii. case in iiic pun’ imi ii permih: no _Re C, i i _ coiimr). securing the support of sum resigned to become secretary of the i it‘ . . . _ t i- Barrett. baiiei b _ “,3 i . . e I IAKL. i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,_ i 5‘ T. i ‘V gs c iits. 13.000 market . . . . .. . If pi i . .. . , 1. min Barrett . o neiit institution. The plans at pres- siwdyi 10 coiiis iiiiiiii_if_ Heavy delegations for llardlng. This re.ideDai-tment of religious education of \(il.\ll}, t‘ t in uni iin _\e.~te.da_\ aft- and Spanish dance in. “vim Gm: A good blond.-d coffi-e, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , _i 25, 3 M,“ , em have "oi be" iiriiiiiiit and 87-40 to 37.60; medium. ‘TAO ioniiuiied in his niominaiion and iiiii the _g0uihi_.i.n Methodist Ciiuich. The (:l:}'(t)(|lil l'ioi-illiiiizh liilili: wliierc he will‘ \ iiiico Mm“ M-aruiiii “com- Santa» P-_-3 Bea-i'.\' Cufloi-i ll._ _ , . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3* i-.. “id ] consist rnainl "of the work of .-. - - .-.- . . subsequent election of Mr. Hllt‘dlflZ.R?“crcnd Mr’ Culbmth h” l’‘"'“ ‘H. “mm 1 ( ““ M" ' . , i - . v , . . . Sill‘-Tdid U!-T0l1<‘d "3U'=P"\‘-‘dvr It-41. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' -5 to 3 _ 87.6.2. light. $4.40 to $i.i5. light . . , i, _ C J ,i i,.i i., .- .i gi,i, panied in Miss Helen Brtlob. sang » lac roll arousiiltl Public recotfhition to the_ ' . r ~ . _- i took Daugherty to Washington as “Hill *4‘ F0.\°ll(‘ Church T0!‘ "WW “ °’”". “ U " ‘“' M ‘ ‘‘ ‘.‘-- , ', , , » Santos .~pl(-iziliil cccori. 1b.. we; :2 lbs. _ , . _ , _ . , , , _ __ - ' si _ , lights. $5.00 to $4.60, packing sous, . i ii _ H i.“ _ . _ Biiiini iii Aiiriruiiurp lei-. hero iii. I..iu.~ .i .\l¢rch.int. and Ruth .. . .. 23¢ , luin M-‘ed °f ‘“‘°m"°” w chddre" of 86.40 to $6.75? bits. $5.75 to $7.25: Umted Sums Auomefiaccnerali ‘I an afficarh c “I re(e"e we do. duv l) v‘-.:- a I-t‘l'l - ' { ll-ct - e -I BIHTV K11‘-‘C a violin number. -\.°- 2‘? P“'”-‘- "3" - » - - ~ ~ - - - A - ' » ~ - - ' < - ~ ~ - ~ ' v - - ' - - - - v « -< 25: . school age. The exact form of lh1' -bulk. £7.50 to 5-;_i7o_ ' i The advice of the Attorney-Gen.'.,‘’'’'°‘' ‘’ A’ ‘L f"°"‘ C’-'"i"‘l C°u‘-'l"~‘ i. " ‘Bk’ ‘ iii’ 1' . i,"‘P.' po'"0“.mL, ii“, imiiiriini ii n_C(,p_ :\'o_ -_gi._. L5-.. l,.—,m;,,3,-_ qm _ i , . C . _ V _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ i _ _ _ O _ V I T _ i_ "ii A171 work to be done li:i.~ not bee . _ ' eral constantly sought by President'"‘ Juno‘ - mm. ufmu mu m“'.m mum“ ' . ' . - . \' I 1 46- w A .» .- " , - . . . Sb 1: i 00- ii . I ___._.__,____ 4 so 1. ~ 0 .0 .. Ian was held in the }Ml'lUr.\ of - 0- U In---In rum fl.--Lain! 1 gal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,_ . , i ,,i ban. eep-— eceip s. i . mar ct _ an ._.. r..nc is ( untii... _ _ _ i . 6* to i worked out but .t nil W0 U lilarding on many problems ltd to in -. ~ n - . .. - - . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . ~ bemii with an uimimniion of the steady; i_.w(,_ii $7 to “L25; (.im_ the ‘me of “the power behind ‘he bi-as (Iub ilostponlti-is Election. Fiiiici, iiiiiioy. Cecil Hcimii mm. Maiiiii Hall. with Ellis. h. l\. (‘roach lligh. t iiu.il.i_. purl. .i..«i lot.:fl.\_ tomato .*~8ll((', .20 oz., each , 19, “cl ‘ ' ". . \' l l I - ~ - . - v .f . . ' V we ' - i 3' - -; I. ~; - ' I . F . oi ‘ . i 4 c).(._“ oars’ iiimiii and general iiersb and cutters. ‘$2.00 to $4, uooliiiimiic.. being besiowed on him. iniihc .‘\il(li1f'ii (oiub ‘(ii :iI:|e£l‘viia£::YlEi‘::;"c_ (_livde Snider, students in the Uni- as ostess ililll~llL.Il ilsihilitii (\ iii iitnl milk. 1 for Zoe, large. _ tor .. 23¢ _._ win i physical condition of iii‘, C “d. am .5. ~14 to $lii.50. ii (. of \.i‘goi-ous opposition Mhi _ ‘ . , , \‘t'!‘t~'ll_\’, went to St. Louis today to ‘ iitlicsi (il.ltlll_\ tomato and vr-geiniile soup. can 10¢ . iii , ____ _ - iard Methiidist (hurch did not elect . « p “.3 {- i . .l. i — . . -2 "C" “When this “'07li “'35 hot!"-"l ht“ gt. Lmiiii produce Harding defended his Attorney Gen-ii,“-i(.i.i_s iii their nieiiiim: in“ ni hi .'i.ti-nrl an iiiuiiiiii banquet of the KO 1 i-..i.~. Maxi .\’lt)(is, l.).. .t(\i liir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25¢ .i "iewil fore.” said Mrs. Mehl. “the public i i__ . _ ' ‘ 9 0,31 in an his pomicai and official . _ _ " 5+’ : Dana l’re.~.- ~ - - - - - . . V -. . - . . . . . . . .. E»: -j the ii :5] iii-ice: twiiiith t ‘t‘;rcl;}:)£:In(i';lsp(l)'ln':c iic io “Ci cocks. iii, H..\.\llli(’!:S0n, restraining the shop-3 B i i -?~-;i——f.i.i_._l._i. ' .lt‘\\'i;1ll siudczii (‘ongregiitiori xii ._.,_i (~iiiiii__,iiii iiiiiii. ii,_:ii.iii,i' iiiiii-i._.,_ mm, 20¢; do-4‘ __ Sam '. iiiomii Ch,_.,s(._i\-°i.tii~(.i.n -I-“..in_i‘ I-)1‘éc; niens union. en on strike. from U718 0 . rs. cm 0) Today. ixil iolil nu lllt‘t,‘tl.".1Y this '\\'('L’l>ig_cXl(i. i_i.ii.iii. piiiifiiiiii-_.i ii.ii,_,.i__‘ iii” 2.,“ 2 “ii. i V _ Y ' i _ _ i ‘ i _ _ V V ‘ i __ 35 :I cpmei “"3 the PT°"l°“> °"°- ml‘ You A - .,9 _ assembling, picketingi ¢ommum‘c3g.' Flllwflll !~'£'T\'I(‘l‘> for .\lri=. in. A. iiec;iu~i- of c. ielezzruiii l‘L‘(‘t‘l\'t'd from \~ («,1 ~ ‘ , » , t ;- ' ti of response the ziuthoritits met "2 mcngij i:_‘ in“ and iyiiig up an union funds for; Remley, widow of the foriiier pos~t- Dr, (}:ii‘_v Auzrustlof St. Jo.-eeph that - ~ . O‘ I J Hmmd “mu-m‘_:.md ,P(.uc.h”' um ‘ ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ “ I’ “ I pm" with before caused the movement “IRA” JOHNSOX S-“LL ix cartving on we _.iu.iii(._ Dcmimdifiniasti-r of (‘oluiiibiu. were Conducted he will be un.'.ble to be here. Rabbi I,_m'i'”m'd_ "IN" "'1' "W" “"5 '-' l"’”- 4 3 ‘i 03- b“”H'> 25¢ ggmeo to fail. and consisted. finally. ' LEAD Ly S01‘-I-H DAKOTA for ' his impenchmem “.,_.i.(. madciat 9 o'clock this iiioriiing iii the Sa- August has been ill. He will be here‘ ( ”mh°"m"'”' "“""':"' W" ""5“- ""l“’~"- "'”““'~ f”("’l1 «‘l'l"~-'iCh. iiici more of the nature of 11 survey thnnj .__—————— from many sides_ i -red Heart Church. .~0ln('llnit' next month. ‘~"i““" °"l°”--*4 ‘CW’-‘l“‘-« f'‘‘‘-‘‘‘}‘ l'""-'”'"‘-‘- U h. an attempt to reiiiedy conditions.1L’n’off'I:ial Returns Show Coolidge i, was iim vim i ii, C0 ; - Mediuni .—i.-..- [.'l‘1llit‘fl"ill.l, I .i..... . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . .»-,0. ‘i’i"‘.'d“ However. there “:5 a great deal of Loser-—Managei-ii Ask for iimiismim Keii" Oi. Minneiigia wig; ’ ' ‘ ” * i "“" * "' '* ' -o ,\.'n_ '04 i0U110(‘-“v ""530" llmwfi M"¢l- Thu‘ ‘"9’ 10 o'clock matiiiee Saturdav morning. In consideration of v_ to Chicago. but expects to come} ' A 0".” " 0’ ’ '. c *“* “ ‘ “ Red liixer Ohio Polllloes liidiaiizi white onions pon. if presented With 25¢ at the this reduced mic, ii is iigiwod ‘uni only iichooi b0 “i and cog, “ck u’ F”'a"° °‘ M°xi°°,°“ m°'_"i _ T~_in,ii,_,- ' . (‘:iliforni:i Yellow onions C01)‘ Theater office Saturday Kiri! will be admitted and any attempt b‘ an -one bl-~c to in 1:}! day. fie has already finished his o - ,- . ~_ . _. . , 5 5 ‘ °“ ‘uifiiii iii‘ cimiiiiu we“ oi hem‘ , A _ mflfhlhtr. will be good for one ad- use this ticket will make it null and void, iiigum . ——__._.._..- oole reber Fresh Fruits . ''"'‘'"°“ 1'. BARRETT, Mgr. L Li LAFOLLETTE IS lMl'RO\'l.\'G_ Fancy Joniithiiii lI|I|Ilt:.~‘ .\‘unl:i.~t l('nlIill.\ cull lhlh coupon now. Mrs. . Dahger Lies Only in His Age and - Fmwy Giin" “pp!” — '\.“"',M".'"""‘ h"“"' . ("M31 . “"8. S”. iih’_sici.ns. Faiiei. tlini.-sap apple: Horidzi (il‘aD[:(~_< ~ 0. 1!: United re‘... i i B-‘""|!1fl»“ Sunkist .\'ii\'(-l (|l';.HlKl“_~ is ‘_l__,___ _ _ _ _ __ I . ‘re 3‘ - WASHTNCTON. March 28.— . HOW" CI‘i1Yll)(‘YTl(‘:~' Fancy Florida grape fruit ' — rm N A'*"' "M ' ' ‘ " 3‘ Eh” Seiiat R be M. La!’-‘ . ' ' ’ ' ‘ ' ii i °:n,iif pgtmmom ollctgcdvho No. 9 North Eighth Street Phone 375 S 315 . . see E ' Frank - ' ”“ ‘ + . w 1‘; p_iu,m,:n 0 The WILIIITE sea 0* “V comroruiiie night and wa iin- Fancv 288-size Sunkist Vat-cls (In: «)3. . . . D COMPANY announces that pro _ this niorniaz. aeeordinx to: 8 i From Seii1d’ii“.cet large Fioi,ida‘iii.img£,\. (iii? ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' " 35: at the .old stand over . the , have . t . v i; ’‘‘=“-5 miiiiim oi iii. iimiiyii “id pain 7 A. M_ to i i,_ M. . Red River Vane." Ohio P0mtOes..bu. .. . . . . . . . . .. ._ i,eiiii.8 Drug Sm" mi. ; 3 J08 TCCCH ed a large shipment of bulk 20- and N Luroui-mm physicians said to- . ~ lb_. .......... .. i2!/ic Pork sausage. ll). ..... .. loc ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 512° tum bu-gain, am; city den seed from iii - ii . 5"“ 4”. ant he in’ in no immfliiuei Spire ribs. lb. . . . . . . .. lllc Porterhouso steak lb 20: «You must be at. Fed,’ property exchange and i ell’ nort ern warehouse. This seed memb ‘ ~ Llinibl .'hle.. ..... .. C ' SIS! .’ é - . . . duigzcxcep; on account ocro:iii.iu.iii:i, : cm: V5 0 ll) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. zoc '_ mnuiipmpefly’ {um iiimi is true to name and shows a high germination. We At llitogll. physicians said iihcre was _ An D35’ PFlC€8 ‘Phone 74 NUS N _bank_ loans. . i want you to see our seeds before you buy_ “we handle a a g t iinproveinent in is eoiidi- I-‘it-sh S. K. I). should . lb- . . inth at , Phone 569 ' ' “iii. “ii iiflim mum “iii Huh him who‘: lb an we . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129,; i____ .. -A i _ T _ N L Walnut‘ Ollce 1 i i this seed in the bulk so that you may be able to see - v v - -- neless veal roaist.lb. .. 20¢ : ' ' “ "i 2 . . Park uuiiinib. ........ .. 15. sii . i_ i vibat you are buying. Roiindsteaklh. mc °d"b’°{b°°f'“"--“‘° A ‘ ’ -i — -—---v.--. ' r ' Sim“ ii_i_ iii ______ H iii V... ,.,_.,,.i ii ______ __ mii F T « 3 We also have a LAWN. a VEGETABLE and a - » - i H tt ' ' ’ ° . ' - — . . _ steak, uh. i2y_,c '' on stew. lb . . . . . . .. lle .; to ‘Brick and . POTATO fertilizer from which we }mi.e' had good ,5.» . °"“‘ °""¢"v 2 408- 45¢ Crumery butter ...... .. sac ', . ‘ ‘ ‘ i ' I112 Tile ' ports 1‘ th 1 t f A . . . . . . . . . .. 20: Cream brick S V _ i or c as wo years. ‘ Priliierlb roast. lb. . 12%: F of chm" " at —' ~ I U” °.'" “W 3”‘ F‘-C0 Bad‘ -'- "'*‘P""°'"°¢h°ese-.83: atasa' issoomi .'!'‘'°'¢*''o 901* In-use. Irlenera. ‘bologna. mi “"3 ° - ‘ ‘M79 ' See us before ou bu vou - ham 2 ii». to: "°“.' Private Li.-nu. It Appol "‘° ° W‘ e"““‘ 0 y y ’ ' °°°d ”°”“°°‘ A A“ i i ............... ... .......... :5: MRS. ESn(t)i§:nt Only ' zmsizcinudkufazvgmafions, ‘.1 for the highest quality of field seeds, orders .or. were delivered until 3 p.- in ' °°"°'°t" ‘ . . « ; . » .., . . You will fin . . . Phone zois Edwards Brick co. -~" “‘ "? ‘“ “- 3“ 5‘ i A“ 1"’ Any Evening Phone 440 W. Ev. Edwards : Telephone 1920 Green