v. — O—'~aC».. S . -c--.. . .. . .._. X‘ ...-.. -, '_l“¥:“?.C9?-i’_l‘;31é_l‘¥SS9§l.li‘A ‘ET _ l‘°NDA'*’ Ouocentawordabay. CLASSIFIEI) wvskmsiig PHONE 55 8IxInaurtioaafor5caWord- \ The Columbia Ilaourlaa h .! The A elimination of fraud kg‘- mg clanslfied adtertlsiax ‘lie Colum- .a min uria an wet as every other member of the Atlantis print only truthful "1!!! gpprwciate, having it any Il\‘1‘fliN"lfl1'lIl not conforlnllx to the highe-t standards of honest . enduvon to Ad: and will llcd inriiiit.-oiiiiiznr STI ‘l ll-I .\'T l-IM l}l.tJYM EN'I‘-Stu- dents wanting selling jobs now may If you want work for the sum- turf. drop in and talk the matter over with the employment secretary. . T173-179 '—\l'Ai\"l'l*.i)--\'l'or'v: oi any kind by 3. wuinnn. l'honc I469. l-Illa Tucker. .. I73-I83 "\.\-',\,\"l‘l-)ll- Sonic one to put out gnrdi-it on the shatvs. I.'i(l.'i llitl ~ 3:1,“. lilnilll‘ (;rl‘(‘Il. (?l.l-Ilth'.\‘—-Railwa_v Mail. 18-3. I-‘.x:miin:ition~' at Columbia May 3 Experience unneces free particulars. write _ ‘I’.-ri-_v (former Civil Service ex- 0 3 c x-.niim-ri H112 llarrister Bldg.. Wash- over X ewnmn's ll :1 rd wa re. 56-tf house, concrete basement. good gar- den: lltl Mzichir St. Phone 207. I Hill SAl.l*Z llemitiful ll room house, oal: fluotix, l lilncli from \\'ltitq- (‘4.llll|Iu nu-.-ily fuini.~hed. bargain sold in it .‘-‘ll(I|'l lime. Beautiful litit'l€ house. $i~',utl0. New C roam louxignlow with sleep-“ ing pouch. $1.000 town. I .'ew 5 Ttlnlll bungalow, oak floors.‘ $."ilNl tlt)\\‘ll. 8 Hmln h--u.~'.¢- on L'ni\'ersity Ave.. 'a::_v It ms licautifnl brick hou ' sell places. also nice - Us before you l~‘msier Realty’ (‘o..‘ Miller Bldg. Phone 179181 Poi: SAI.lC———An attractive, well- 'dr::ine’ ‘°" ¥'”“" ____} " ' ' lice. |,is'['lv:t\'--l,;irge.-t garage and pop REN1-_.LiL,h, hmN.kN,mng B...»;iu.~'i- thou. an. tin limitations Fwd age...-3-‘ in county and fine mo",_.;_ “mk.nL Nu, (-ullpw. AW,‘ on the number of contestant.~. ,.,.§;‘]‘.n(-i-, for sale or will take pt'op~ Ph¢,m- 8:43 Whig;-, 1'.'8-ui:t C‘"“'h B”“‘l ‘~"‘lN‘<'lr% ti large number ity in (‘.olle,3i- town as part pay. » ‘-c— V to try. :\'rili- ownt-1'. \\'ill Arthur. u0Ull- _(._I_'(?'Ent£:I':‘\':I-‘lTlR°£‘m3 u{°"f glflfii - . 51.1": I 4 -1 .- .~.- oc sou to esse , , W ‘No « " A‘ " ,,,,_ ,.,,m 693 Grew mm, SronT.s A1 iANl)0M .\l0!\'l’.'i' 'l'(l l.0.-\.\' on Columbia ,_ _ _ _j——- Ycal (-5~Nltt‘- “'¢‘flllN'T9* R¢‘3lU' C"-v FUR RF"\T"'z mnnmhmr rmm"Q' (‘ouch Willitnan, Amt-:4. was-" ,'..'l‘L'ctt'(l by one of the largest squads SPO S0 ll , star szhot putter, l tracknien that ever turned at the first outdoor practice of the Service Sweet " will be Vivi-n in .00. I403 l':'.-' - . . . -. ' _ ‘it Brim (yclonc track hopes ha\'-,- tho (hristinn (olb~;_v¢- !'(‘t'el\'t‘(l l\\'u severe .‘\lay¢-r. wil n in S ‘to rest on the mantle of the sorority ‘iwhlch is the best picker of athletic ‘talent. Entries should be turned in to Coach R. . Simpson immediately. ‘TR ACK 'I‘R\'0l"l‘S POSTPONED rger Sqtllitl la Reporting for radice This Spring. ' I-‘irst rack tryouts outdoors. ‘which were scheduled for .\‘nturd;:_\-N aftertitun, were called off by (‘ouch Robert I. Sittipson. lie was not 1' sure all thr. men could l\'(‘(‘) from b eing blown from the track by the near-cyclone which was prevailing. It seemed the old weather jinx had not left the Tiger fold yet, 1l.\ the '9 first part of the week when it was warm enough in run none of the men were in condition. \\'hen ev- er_vbod_v had prepared to race wt-ather made it ll'llptJSSil)lt‘. The squad that is reporting every day is growing larger and will un- doubtedly the biggest in five years. int:-i'e.~t is your, due to the clitmire in the Seni- cster plan of school which enables ‘‘ tht -Q g :- a—a a— yearling to .-:tay till! the .~it‘1l:~‘(.ll until June. A .'u_ the longer .~'ea_~on will give the conclics it bet- ter clittlice to train the fre.-ebmen lllttll‘ first _\'t':lr in Scliunl St) ll|(‘_\' will lu :-omewhnt experiein-ed in L'ni\'cr.~‘it_\' athletics by the time they are eligible ln minpetc. lt is po.\.~ihle that interfr:iteinit_\' meet some men who may in the \'ni-ity team. [ll"2lt‘llt‘Ltll_\' the suinc 3- tbc tcgtilur progrnin :m;l l'UIIt'llt‘\ \\‘lll l-i‘ ail] Elli‘ liitilfllllg fur new l the will coming ~l.’tl'~. GIRLS WILL (.'l\’F. l’At.‘I-I.-\.\'l‘ Performance Will llciin ( linlwcliun ('hurcli Meeting. The pageant, "Beautiful Year.» of auditorium tomorrow evening. It will be pre- elitcd in connection with the state school for the sllrinil (lliarter. and l'|'fl\'t'llll0lt of the (‘lirisiian t‘hu‘rch. Brown. star hurdler, receives: his «IL The entire .-tudem body will par- plum The loss uf ll 1! at the ctkl of this quullor, ticipate in the paireant. lt‘St‘ two men will FOR Rl,:NT____Om, fumifihm “(Ha considerably weaken the team. large room for 2 or 3 bo,s. 1-: block south of Jesse Hall. Will rent cheap the rest of this term. at 708 Maryland. I - "" 't.oo"c:t~: NOTICES ACACIA Lonuiz, No. cu2 ' . & A. M. ' Stated communiczit ltlll Tuesclii)‘. April ":1 p. in. , SUI.l.l\'Al\‘, W. M. I.0.\’i". Secretary _p N COA L DAVIS COAL CO. Best Central Illinois Coal Call 478 or 88. Opposite Wabash St. Franklin County Coal LEGAL NOTICES .\'0Tl($Z OF FINAL K. C. J. M 8E1“I‘l.l>Z)Il-ZEN‘? he Pro aouri. to be holden County. on the l2tb day of May A Flora-trc I'otter Jack-on llargra . Adrninitrzitrix. liar 2'.’-Awil 2!. ‘ NOTICE or .i'i§'33u'.3.‘L”sci:ooL E("I‘IO\t In. compliance with section 1125], Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1919. notice is hereby given to th qualified voters of the School Dis- held said district mit ed T it-tt School. made points during the season. It won twenty tests in 1921. Athletes and alumni of llralce are 3g,,._ ving a get-together meeting ull C3" .\lotida_\‘ nights to boost track and 'l‘0N‘ 593 mllclfi-'otlit.-r spring sports at that institu- 17‘l'l79,tion. Thee-‘c meetings :the squad but whether it has been (.,_-,mg,. ‘l i.- another questimi. ha . cred squad has been i tian a dozen regulars. to fifty men “um in the last week. have increased The ticreascd f mm less It seldom happen- that a team elects two captai »tlme. but that is what happ he I 88 (‘tit-d to BS l-‘nrt y-fi Vt‘ girls will £lll[K".Il' in costuine and the remainder will form the churn.--. ht‘ ' ' chn rat tors originated the wonu-n's ninvement in the f'hri.=tian church; the spirit of missions; the Christianity; America; Missouri; li.~m; education; benevolence; the spirit of giving; the early mis- .\'l(-lt3llt‘.‘€ and the group of woimzn formed the first mi«'sion:ir_v xi)('l(‘l}’. The pageant was .\. ll. (':irtur. Mrs .. Marion Ht-rtig is directing it. and .\lr.-:. Edgar It. the Ames wrestlini: team recentl.\’- 'i'‘‘‘' M" "l‘1"‘|!" "l "W mU«*3t‘. Having no letter men back from last ———-:- year'.~x squad the team went through I the st-usoii electing it captain before to each confer the honor Boybey who went through son without a dc sprung a surpri:-0 at the western [,9] intercollegiate conference meet by 0“\'(1d Max“-,.]|_ ng the captain of the Illinois pm‘-v E m. was elected captain for 1925. t hrowi ten Here is another scoring This comes ' 277 of Entrants in the Big Ten meet June 6 and But they decided of 192-1 captain on the sea- who feat. l’runt_v, track 7 who take one 4 the first three places will automati- cally qualify for the Olympic 0 outs at llarvurd in Jo .\'« II‘_\'- The lluskers ar_e—_[E1nnini! ‘“ 291 Boone and State of Missouri, that my-engo for the two basketball do- the annual school election will be fonts. by the .layhawl