, ,. _ I .. - . A A _ fi_-'_ . 0 ' " . _,: -j A i .. - D i ~ _‘_ THE (3IOl.pUllI%I'3.IAv-pMISSv9UllI.§_.wI§l THURSDAY, APRIL 10,192.: A ” moi: SEVI-IN I :——-c— _..- ._. 7- I 1 CLASSIFIED‘ g§?llE1tflSElENIS l% News in the Field ' 0]‘ sport . *‘-’.".‘.j.-.:~‘»'~f“?"*d-*3;.‘-‘==f=&~":‘.“"1 vault Firm time I n , Dela . . _ » Thu mm: Stub!-r. unaa-i-iii: Phi pom: , ' ‘ ‘ IT .-0... Cent a Word 3 _Dqy. it 1...“... 1“. 5‘ . w.d_ f ‘ p . . . . A ———-—__..__.__________ s,”'f“_‘ '_-;v_=*'.';n= K‘-§vv:_ M:-I-_= Ififii-no H‘ Y ' each S“n”u)' UH the (‘:tl1lI’US. The Inhlukn "'13 'Y'l‘.cu 1'1: Sm-aruzzen, Wane. ‘ mm“ L L ‘x'"‘-1' W‘ s"‘.' ad‘! ' l ‘ I . ' \ ' .———f ~—*— _ ‘ . - . _~ . .- , _ _ 0' all -_ 3 - . ‘riu-‘ ('ulumLia Hhntii-ha h 3 .5). i._._..________ :-_-_———-—-—-——:l “ ton"; “in? tat 1-m,'1? mn 5.-nm ”m_w_ ‘.n“!”” (c""'""’°° °" 9'“ “:5” a a Counnlman w 5:: of The Avocinlioll Of Nlftflfl '1 ‘ 8 S VET UV‘ 5-! C - l.m:i:hl.n; us,-lui Ti I " ‘ nu’ ' . I ‘ ' . o ' Clu.-«IT-I‘! zmfiullll Illiltfflu '5‘ I « COAL 1 IN A I l i The following entries for the meet Dill!» Tbv-t.-i: i-.;.n..:_-:_J \..«,’f}',:.f',,;__J,[,(’,",’,‘,“,,",,:‘* V H V N w — _ '_~‘ "— E fittflbutts? E ‘OflUd(‘c 1 ii: ncvnpupen throtfio ‘. :———' ‘ - . , . 1‘!-iGt:iiirr.a ti.-i~.~ u . I ' - have been received l ' C ' Sm - ' ‘”“""“' ""1"" -*’*"‘“- . 0“; the country and III for “I Ch IE I cow 1 "‘ “nu! 1 P Q‘““‘"b‘ 3")’. ""3.‘v'rL-«ii . S - (‘f,‘- 1;’ . ' . ~ . A n.~......t..n~.;: spatial;-Int .:'.u..o. But Central Illinois can so,“ ;......; i\'3.!|]b.'[ _.fi,,,,,;‘.'"',‘m;_. ,_,;§_ AMBULANCE 3, If you think so, cast one of your \0t¢S E by rluulli . I H’?! 3. Xjn an or 83. oppnnu-w‘h‘h ‘ . Iooqnrd duh“ F ” A K. I‘. n . fro‘; 71-ui Iict: Tau: Prinz. l‘t-iuunr-.; Alpha ' NA Ni:- " "' 1'-“L “ti” .-‘W “PAL '. —.__._______' nick mee‘ winch L‘ to be-.h°‘ 33.1- Diuid on. R. Scniznrll. Culr; Si-rma Alishn Lmad ,J“"m |‘”"‘ “"‘-«'“‘« l’-‘rd:-v.. \\':tl- - ‘ . iurday an-97300" ll‘ l3r0"""n§ “S is Fri ilcn: llarnnrtnrr ‘(.4-tit lsru Tnu: l'r'.l- um. M"‘l“"*"'- 54”"-1'). Mar); lbv-ltu 'l.iu - —-é , {*7 ‘nllxisfulfonfi NOT!“ - - ' ' “Nil: (,'riimli- C.‘ .— v . - i . . . , ._,,, g . , H ). -l~l-L .‘-t.r.... lhi lulu. . . . . . ashonn by the number of fraternities - .. lruun. Iryrrhnrdt. Alth: Tu ’ .’ ’ , . _ _, _ . Thvzni T-;iv_}.._ }v 4.] a _ . I }'0.\i-\ '10 L0-A)‘ 0“ C°‘nmb|U ’“"‘°‘ 5 u""'7 ‘i"" &‘ km" °' .h h .. d t ' th t (taint:-.~ irtlruztrtnn. Hymn: I'm klpiu I’-i: "‘”‘- ‘ '“- 1" "‘- H” 3* H t_ ‘V m M 00 Adnlahtntioa on the HI In of ' “ 0 3"~ (NHCTC (‘EH15 In 0 RICE . P R”, V J ‘ ‘uh M M _V Gamma ll.-11.2‘ lnm.-nr-‘_. l«.:ii't:4 Alpha ‘ "cu "““‘ " c" 0" y " Wt-i'cIit. deceased were firutni to the tm-#0! the eiizhteen frat:-rnitiou on the } h “imam H mm mm M’ “"“m list up . I’ if -11 ~ mm rm .‘ , ' H. . ' . . ‘ 0 _ ‘ - u amnm . . Min tn, nu; . _ ' ‘_ ‘ "‘ p — L ‘no! ’\("n’Jns ‘inn-d“nre° daiund "n u" 20”‘ "7 °‘ "Rh !.:" campus: ihlnccn ha"¢' ‘@3319 '‘l!‘‘1.‘l Th:‘{€l l'i: Parker. ulxn: lllill. [.lurn. ‘Lark,’ (""“"“"" "‘ "‘3« I'M‘!-I-In -"rmh L h’ ‘h. Pro “ ‘nu’ lh"0l'ItCl‘8d llunrh. (;;iv:.n. Trrnbulm. ;Traalt and Hlr- Lmkm’. .“‘ Sr"! " 1‘ M"H'H"': s‘‘''‘'‘‘'‘ 1. W -'-w=—«W 7 mm ‘buck -M ~~°'~- ~-*-- -=--= -n, ' .. .-.. 1,. the - « ~ CANDIDATE FOR - 7 h ._ .‘,.,'”. hut‘, doc in , rch and ‘Druid butt nre rgquing go 3555;‘ flu.” {"7 0 Witt‘ BI ( I . . . . - p ‘ llrrn Tun: l'r:x.:.~ -\:..?.-i Tzm llmt-;_'~ La... 1: ulht .. ‘. . - P 8 D0 ‘n°'.uc. ‘O the Aaminhxwr ‘ruhiu .h‘piccS of ‘he M Menvs AsSocxat|un. “U-).l'L.'ll «la-h-F‘n'rm llaius... “.nltui1. (..‘._,.,‘ 1-}._‘_””_.,L. PM h‘,‘_H_u I. I: lmun'_)V . Ili W" l‘""lm‘ Phone 1809 Red‘ 18wi"'°““" I W the date 0! slid 11116‘. or Preliminaries in several of the events 1f.niLi.:i‘-Q ”(‘l\ir;lLi‘r‘i-r)'l'i’ii“r[‘J’.'l‘t1i iiuflil Md. ““"'M" "AWN rm”. ‘ -—---_ ‘ _ _ _ they may be precluded {win any benefit all .- . - . 0 °. . . ' ' ‘ _”i _ ' Ifiut: A'i«ha linnima uh. I» ,~‘:.»~-mi. ';'_. FUR l3l'..\T-I‘ urni:-ihcd apart Jud lint:-: and it with t-laii-n- be not e -?‘”H um “fr fimrtlng at 3 »°,d0c}:{' ”‘.:}*.'-A ,‘_"""”-"':'v "“"-“".i <”" "‘"‘"‘“ L. . n-nu»-.. i-..~;i.. Th:-'1 1-. i; ,q.,;m A i... Q ' i ii‘. mt-iit~. 1’ur.r rooms. liorch. bath. Mum within one your from the due o!}Th°rc “in M. fou.rtS‘on.m°m:‘ m t 0 2%." :;:')§r«iT°[."""’”"’:.‘h ‘h;‘""‘__M';:'i" ""3 5' A“="i- 1’!-flit. WI--»--. Harm---I Q 4, . i. .. 1: .t B d_ lxtt . they shall be forever bcrrul. ,meet. with no limitations on the ‘ ‘ “‘_- M)--. birviin‘ -. N"5v!~. I-' Mach ).a'ri;- nu-.--_ "INA-,i‘ (‘r3.M(nr|IA 1,.-. - - ..‘ .(s\U,.giml‘-1 .UU.( Oil 4118 T03. , v (Pl. k-mm higmg; 1,”;-‘n,.,_ M,.u,"3n_ "_ F _ _ ‘ V ‘ ’ ..;_ . .‘l‘hin 2011! day of H376}: I92‘. Lnungbcr of en‘!-lcs ouch ff-“tel-, _ ' > _ ' (ff, uiirIi.. luarr-. 'IlllIY')L"; lh-.t.'. rm. ‘ é.;_- . mi)‘. Attat: H. A. COLLIER. Juan of i-n>.m-W may ave ff“'"';'.‘ .M,r‘.“. ympmn M”-‘r-um.‘ ,'.‘?"mp. “Ill-‘I M11 r. Ilia“ i Smt-M (rumh-3 mu ‘ . A . ‘ u‘ _‘ I . u . 0'71.‘ Ilfflllrun.’ -eta.‘ i-ta mu. l‘X‘|'l.l.'l_ 9.5‘ 1--,“,_‘,_ “Mml_" ‘Hawk’ .'.“l_J“ M“ , f; !-()l: .M.-\l.P.—-lloiise.-, bungalows F. g_ n,;R(;Usog_ ‘ \8l'$ll_\' men who hznc made their ;‘\.:.-ml yT_nn;{ Uni-1:. his-«. i..na..m.m.“~-;- Am- ii.-rm, _ Pr. 1;: 1r!uil)vl'u mu.-_ mm». " . v -- - ’ 0 » ' ' : ‘ ' " « M; ‘ii Lmia ’-ii: '. Huh ‘'-"I- C ‘ Alvin: ltattvrh-ii llufn. ‘. - ‘ 7 0 and lot. at irnod \.1l'..lLS. I hone 4.2. Adinumu-ator. triiclt letter in t s or [)l‘(slOUh mm " n ‘H Mum I . rl. ..._m;. tn. ‘,‘ _ , , . _ ' . . -. v- <1 , -y. 5|. Jrtmrtt; Austin 1- - . ~_ ' _ A ' p ’ u ,» ll. ii.‘ \\ull;ei'. 185-190 “" ”’5"“‘ 2‘- ,}(‘1l!'h or who haxe made an) trips mm” M“ "r_&_“”___,_ ; mu TM“ 5:‘-‘ll’: :i:;r::.'_l)-Iii. ll.iIrl.- 15 recommended to you folio“ "lg repre » , 1-—-———-— ' _- - ' -. _ . ‘V’ _ ‘ _ " .. .. . . . tn. 1. . '}l‘ inn u. ' , ‘ |. ~ ' Nu“. .1 shat’ 6.“ u hmuu‘ :\§lt«h the V8!‘8li)' track teaiii this-. seo 1.. iimim. Mun. cimm ma Tn-nholm. c,.; ,.J_ I .,, M ,,,,__n_ IA’ _h_ Mm . 5: F()l.l- .~.\Ll:——Beautiful 8-room Mm, u,,,_ ,,_o,_.m R‘ N”.,m,_ much uohfson are n0t.(‘l|[:lblC to compete in 3-'-U-yarvl duh rum iim...-; (‘rah-font. T... Om:-3-,n‘ l.at;r:i-tn, \u..; ‘it: it-...,... Sentatlve studel-lts_ ,:. }}0U»‘ 4‘ 3 hillhf‘. Pl'lC0d in d Charles F. “writ, Exgcutnp YUCCL .\0 OUC man can L'Xll.(‘l' In ''TV'‘'‘'-'- i.—I”Kth”D. “Ftrr: l'|flLl Tan. D’:-ltl: P-ti: Putnam Hindi. -in i'ni. lluimnn, 12-umm hou.--e. 2 baths. 1 block 9* limit 0! Jumw H-Ic. den-sud. Plain-imore than six events. 2 ll)*:':;'lI.p:eI)l|lll’!I:: lladttoi. iimn.-. imi-my. Mm. t.-mm» {Wm l'?1l\'t'!'r'i1I~’. SW00”. A "m" W‘ “N: i _ Two silver loving (‘ups tiff‘ W 1*‘ Dntinurli: rim-n Ai;.iu.: l’.nl-r-rt.-on it L4 - -' blocks from M u.... C4-n|«-r-Mi'rr- . ..m.. m"!°d *" W? §"‘°"'““'.'""-‘ ‘i"‘? ‘é':.‘*%': ‘AMMY WHFFEMAN VI“GI\‘IA REID l.Hl\'|'l"‘li_\', \\'C‘" lU(':'.l('d. $8,500. $1’- .150". Ind If-(liar Cuunly Tfun] Cu;-ax",-. ‘ ‘hc Intersororll) "Hie T9 H) <"’"“‘- ‘“K‘I|d . s . F‘ ~|l'.dh('.7. 4 I‘) . b A 0 AK n M" d,,“.“_ - a mrmntsun. Drfcndavita-. races. 'I'ht-so two events are the ;r'‘'"‘‘‘' ‘n‘''‘‘‘' ’‘;''‘’'L' T 'u"'(”m "“"‘ ‘““‘ . . . Ill] I 5:4: a «-52: 0 _r,':._“m hon“, U" Iincc ‘Ave.’ $4'-.iI II? Circuit (our! OILBOOIG (A0011. lb fe‘turc races of ii)!‘ 001. A four- 3‘-,_‘.m‘. PM ‘Hum. I.” Duh" ’, “(nut 000 -,,u, _m, _,"_,,M O, _ d__"__ mdllmnn relay team has been chosen by .'ift.\lurry. Miul-ut: Aliihu (iiimrnii uh... — 0 - B)‘ "I 1i-;—nuiii illillfxt‘ ‘near University, ordrr or auto mu r by t stud court. in $7‘.-fin" (“::|Y.’:;|‘€"P\‘l1- "11! “l:ll'l‘ll"ir‘Au|::il ‘uni: Dice-‘J fliflirfiitliii $'rl|'||ll il‘Ill"f' (Ill ill"... [01 an -rh‘",‘d"' ‘he Fir! d.’ 0' ".’,I 192‘ I50 - $k,.’,»HH. \&'«~:ntht-in Realty Co.. phone ht-tween ti.» . nl so .' wt i ti.“ o 373 185.188 ‘f’t‘ireJ.oon and .'.mo'rk-rlt ‘ ‘ C n C MARIAN MCINTOSH FRANCES HUBBARD MARGARET STEIN BILL LEA\'I£I. ' -‘ t day. at the South front door of the‘ 0 L051. AND FOUND rzigte Coun.U.in“it‘l3:mfiit);e:;f.forli‘::;::lu;Tl‘ti I f I uslu icABEau I . ' . r 0. i 8 V8 S 1'] I X308 50 S , . , ail.L'dfllc K t k I v I O g 7 v V 1 V I V y ]”.‘f,_ sitltztc in Boone Count)‘. Iliauiouri. to-wit: i b enduc y ur C) _Ll‘_' rglonlelcdzg I‘ PhTI'4 ' In Nurnbt-rt-1 3:94. 32“ d 330 ' the u —-an because eve ' 1 0 1 155 ow ' I.n.~r’i* -i;..m l£vershii!’l3 Pencil. In- °'*=""“ *°“- "°“' °“"J“‘.:’°'""""‘:'n""" tll()yI’0ll lil (1 ed in troord A " an ' - ~ ~ ~ ‘ ' W, _,_. .,_ ,., ,0 M, -ow. _ A _ -8, Y 9 , ~ , , L\ DIA LAMPBBELL H01-..»tL1~. \i 0003 schim: lZt~:ul ii.~.ii. iihonc 1005. Tm” M 5'“ '" ’i7ii‘i§{‘J.''isii33i?§x~ Th.“ 3 Why 3'0“ " find 3:393 In “'00d \ f‘lW‘t snot: nizr-Miiixt; - 135-139 simm. n....m- u......, so mild and fine flavored. lieiiicnibe.r—:.iged That's Expert RUSSELL COLVIN }«;_\/[]]J\' (‘H()}{}\' ’""" ""* “' 3”” ‘''‘- in wood. ‘ we (all-Deliver (Tall 63 ”7w* 3* r.. » -~ I‘ , \, \';3’"';p "D ‘‘‘f-‘“ ‘”1"‘A imrin: or FINAL si:r'ri.i:iii:.\'r l';i'l:I' .l. om ~. l‘ll\(‘l’. Coo. _\-,,,k.,. 5_ ,,,.,.,,,,’. ‘n,,,,_ U, ‘ "iilir-* “Vi Blilfh. ])l87‘189vlitfl"d Ptrflilrix ti! lit!‘ H-late til 5. C). -—-——~ , Anetta:-t. olu:rL-ctl. will make Final S«~tilc-- !_H;\~r $10 U.” iwl“.c(m Coucgc IE-:1 of her I(fU(;.|'IcLI vrithr .-«aid '1-;~It;t¢; In menu:-. Juiurlc and Broadway. we naum‘ ‘H M" "m" ‘ M “FRITZ” CULVER ETHEL WAKEFIELD 0 — -—» p $fla:,";x\¢%?$« GARDNER SURFACE , l-‘RED TAYLOR P “_ _ ff- t~ Cut: 0 it)?’ (otinty Llinnun tn ' 'lDdt'. l‘('tu:‘t‘. ii) . ISSUUHID 0 ICC he holder: at Columluiu. in said County, on . . and receive l'L'\\‘u!‘d. 188-189 the 19th day at May. 1924. Brondw” " Emmh ANNA l‘A2s'COAST. gg; _ " LOST" Mink fur choker near . ' ‘5“‘““"‘* , 2 : . .é; ii — , . _ ’ Ln-t insertion Hny 19. , V ‘r: I " ‘ ‘; V‘: ____ ,._, ___ _ -_ _ __ “iabasli station today. Finder re- ‘~ « ‘~ " -+- -- ~ - ~ * turn to Missourian office. -"0'"('3 "F l’l~\'M« 5F31'T|-EVENT , Notice in ‘her:-br git-en tht the under; of the !*'.~t.Itt' of “WI- 1? Elect The Better Man The office of student president is important enough to have every stutleiit in the University consider his choice well before casting his vote. Every student should forget his school and affiliations for the time 3cuiu.»--.~~ “- .a..: . . ' ' ' is ‘V’ LOST—l’urse containing lgrge :3” """""' "“‘d:_’C‘“_(_d '1” "Mr Ha“ ‘am of 7“°n93'- Rew3rd- P1101155:-tuement of her IITOUDLH with raid Estate ]70'_I Bk“-k_ Glcndene B;-gdlgy, ' -i -och ldfi'lil'1l.'ll‘IlI'iX at tht-_n¢-xt T-rm I ’ I % iflunuou , tlu-iini--trntriit. B1824‘-of the Probate Court of Boone County. Him ;*--_ __-‘----—--.I°"|’3- '»0 59 hiildfh I1 Coilllnbil. in Mid §.." ' ' A ' FOR County. on the lttth day of Hay. 1921. E’ , Plormrr l'ottI-r J: you E‘ -1. . . ' F‘ " L ' I “. l Full Rl..\'I‘—A garage at 608. l'°"u'“ '0T”“ ‘”U‘m\ -‘ l'l|lllC_\'. Phone \V’li{0. T182tf’[,g.t ii-i~¢-rtion Mn)‘ 11'. FOR Itl-I.\'T—~.'i or 4 room apart- mezil, modern except. gas; large ‘ NUTIFII or" ri.§'Ai. S!2TTl.l~2M£.'s‘T I _ ‘ Nuurr I~ her:-by iris-en 3 the nd - ' - 5 ' - "Q of h IQ [er mat), itiirdtiii. l’h0iit- 1280 white. Tl80tf_.igm.3 .-,«.,m,. of 1),. 15.3.“. .,g A1,," 1,.,.,,,,4; M,,,_1-°.“.,,,, rm bemg and (8% his te f t c ) t . ‘ . N llalrir‘. ilrrt‘-iv]. Irill make Firul St-ttlt- . _ _ “m 1“‘-’‘T‘''’‘‘‘'31 “°°" °‘ ‘ "W" "' "" '*°'~"'“'"- *‘"' "id *3-““‘ -~ ' A good record is essential. To be president of e\'ci‘_\' organization ,,vp1(.ndjd 1,.-{Ck hmme Of 5 rooms. ruth t-at-t-iitrix ll the next Term of the — — A‘ "‘—"’ ‘~ of which one is a member is an achievement and a mnrk of executive ability and leadership._ Shumate’s record does not contain empty honors. His record indorsesphimfor the student pl‘(2Sl(l8DC_\'. Vcgtflnuc gxcqfin‘ t‘r- Prolnlr Cour’. of llinotir Count)‘. Ni.-anuri. v - i ° 1 . SHUMATE’S RECORD .President Law School, '23-’24. President Sophomore Lawyers, '22. President Athenaean Debating Society: '23. President Delta Theta Phi (PI’0f£SSl0nal law fraternity). _ Chairman Departmental Homecoming Committee, '23. i bold:-ii at Columbia, in uid County. on i from April 1 to September 1 Price avcnut-,. Phone 12943-White. orihm ‘hwum M" m tall :it_l01 \\ augh. Dli7tf M .'€0‘I’l(‘8 0!’ FINAL SE'TTl.EHEZNT itziprovt-mcnt.<. Teaiiis and i(nple- ~i;'netl cuvulrix (if the I‘)-lair oi t;mr;n-. . " ':I“::Iio‘:i“.'I‘.=‘°»-z'"::£:I“:l The Comed Classic A‘ ’\"'w"n' _ such rxu-utrix ut thr or-xi Trrm of tha- d(‘ll (“Id TJTEKC. pct m0nth:u,,..:-m, d.,. “f M.” ",2" . On s'ri;i.i.A IILANCIII-I ll!-JIJRICK. Ext-cutrix. I l-‘OP. l!l*Tf\"l‘-l00-itcrc farm. withg ;t~,,..,, 5, .,m.,,, v- *'-**'TPmt..t.-t‘ iiioo--. , .- *"R 551-5 Ito ho|d‘¢:i"at0(3«slum"b'h Uixniiidutgc-:mtr;' _ , ‘ ‘ _ no the 19th duty of In. 1924. hm: .8.-\I.l:——-Good. lnrite face. Jt'i.iA rams Li~:i'i:viti~:. i!ll§lht‘.*S il(i'»!S(.' clock; in first-class; ‘ ‘uc order, seconrlhan-l; goes at a bar-E 1"“ """"‘"" “" '9' izuin. See it at Ford & Gec!'Y'8. 58*-; NOTICE 0!‘-HEAL 5|-ITTLEZIIENT clone. Mft j N uttix. a. other I! hereby iven ‘I the urulrr- - A ' ‘ ‘ Commitme, W. ’ ” .iiiscisi.i.ANi%:ot+s”D‘ 'c;75-E-‘.'.i.‘.'.i’.T'f".§'.:..§'.'...."’°....'.’"".§.t‘Z' $33 ‘ “"‘L”‘M (BILL) SHLMATL Student Bank Investigation Committee, ’Z3. 1 t at! t- lit.» vii uid Pl-~ . - , Shumatev win Do Things to ho I Coin II in aid -———« on the nth do: of Int. 1924. , ('l.\’liF.l:.\‘ (;l\’l€i\' A\\'AY—Call" IA!!!’ 1. CUNNINORAI. ""‘ “‘" "" ‘ ‘ izxec-mix JANESC UZE l3l7. W-1903 H_ gbut lnnctkin May 19. ' ——-&ocoiiuction——- \vA.\:'i'i-:ii- Lawn mower sharp-‘i _ , +--- _ , _ 1 dining. Door mid window screens, You 9" "‘"5'n‘-' °nP'°"°,"'“°‘‘' ‘{ ' to I'(';|£lil'. (‘hair repairing. Wood‘y°" dzdim mad ‘ml "59 M's5°"n'" Sliiimate is . conscientious and siincere , o];l’s0l‘:i}t:¢i2c8hl;(‘)'e:-‘(¢:\;lg:: the gait?" or-E ‘“”'5"k'- -"‘*""‘3°W‘° “W9 "id "M .. _. t.hC:p]a}t{fi.)rm, “";:T;h ti: «J-§1’31;f.(:‘i:t¢;";_r"1]r§;g"o,1.’o;? all gillnrit .in former yea . Shnmitte . to scissnrs sharpcners. Will call for. .. - .... H .‘..'_e_-:,.. ‘___' 3‘j"‘,‘; . ‘ Ptzpot ‘ tm cost to the students tunhpwa}. member of the legislgmm ma the ‘and deliver. F. Y. Farm. 203 South!"‘} . ~ "‘1."m°3 M m-' ex . d Co . rnor to set the armorv and new zymnasluin (_ith St.. phone 974 Green. 186-2.145 MONEY FOUND T.’l‘“‘ ,l1."“" d“'fl5 "‘d‘;.'“;fiCh"’s£5:n§.;" (‘J “:2; here in 1925 He imio,-sea the new gtadium -e-'.;~ ‘f 1‘. .; ._;*;.r"”“""‘ ‘ _ ars 0 _ g, V , ‘> , ~ “oons F0“ um" i pg... 39?” f glhumaizgs Elan, will go tovvard decreasing the .ciunm1irn and is a Dlld Sublcfibef $0 “"3 am’ my; m.;N1~_-5., mm ‘mg KLA88 3.-Q. ‘ price of the Savitar. athléetic tickets. _ Pd‘. 3- A _ . . Ileepinir porches. 1523 Ron street.‘ S,h“,m‘}t° f‘*"°”5. ‘ St“ 9'" '.'°p’°‘°” “’ °“ Sliufnate belongs to no political ornniu- « aim 1929, amt the discipline ¢9mm'“'~‘° “"‘° “"“ 3°‘ "3 ‘*““°"* tion and has no political tie-ups. He is rim- ‘fifirx . 1 defender. and aid the student. He has outlined "mg on his “roux rem the “unfit id“. _. : ,,m,, 8;‘, '‘‘‘'}’‘°‘';;'‘ '°"" “‘ « 8'PUb1_IClt.‘j buream which has the “Sn”! °" . -in platform which have the indoraeinuit of‘ -. “mm H. 3‘ 88‘: '’ 1 -' Athletic Director Brewer and Captain Bill Dunc- um", um “udenu lie]. to bring high school athletes here.. -A405-rt-Q. .0-_—o.p.— FOR Item‘-—A slee t A th plan is to organize a council of de- If 5'00 want it sincere man with 8006 ind!- L. East Bmndivay. pm‘ "on ' ' . , . panmtrfitalmiimsidenw in order to do away with "Wit; 80 to the poll! t0m0!'!'0W and C881 Your 2 .- -e M---“ - . c Married? You ll scream at this comedy of miir- . . . . 1-,». 1.0013 . vote gm: Sliumiite. < mm-I-'_R”m. ,0, ‘kg L." , fled me, (lift) pett} poi its among sc . b - , -f i. .; _ ' * ‘ I ;p i V‘ _ . . 3, _ t Gen . um; ....u. i ° ' . A 3 is ‘ ~. t . llg|]_ ;3,?,',,,“,,, 9,,“ °‘;‘{::'',, I-I-ch 33-60?--1'» at f 2 See this picture before you start , A , ' - . m cm. n» * nousekeenins! ’ A‘ Some of the leaders backing umate are: A "°”°E”°"°m ,;."'§‘.‘." ‘"3; Z i As 3 pliiy—tlie funniest matrimonial comedy - c. .- - it : « ' Acacia LODGE. Nu 001 o-in '3’:--sea ‘raisin. , ever written. As it picture-—all yotrneetl to know ~ nos rwnrgt C-v*;;i§*;_¢f';,*"‘L";‘ A l ; flngL ‘ '"""'"V"""" ' ' .' ' A» E 5 A- 3- Evin Soul in New Gap" - ° ' i . ”°“‘m" ‘Mm-' .. !~‘ou&I.llTum. 0%!” 21:. i 'o._ cur smut. mun-it ' ' ‘It Idler Band We: no i '8 flut Jun“ Cur“ direct“ ‘L ‘iiouruv Colonel. viuilniu at: sign. ups wiiiuul» , C T ea-mus» la... «n. ma nmnu : Also i ..,.°-M-,. '--i-" M .='.-.-r.'='*' ‘.&:".“..‘.I;’:.‘:'.'.: mam ii-ii-'~'-'~ ii ~ 1 * ‘M 3 A I o i . C «.._‘--..--~ I ' {*0 -. i w ' ..... ’. "" " ' tuowsws : “F-ASTER BONNEW’ A ~ --=s~'*‘°"- “""""."“‘-'."""’e... c to ~ ~ “‘m°“‘w*.. ......."""'...""“‘...¢... it .v t é p First ' ’ A Christie Comedy ucititr.-rs*i'ixi:.u.i':e»I;'