CU 3 I‘rT' 7"?" "' "" """ “ . ‘ report. politics was pit aside. Then ' over to the the report was tnrned Reparations Commission. "- . A DOUB'l'FUL BEN!-ll-‘IT The fact that the ‘u “_' ‘‘4 ~. , Fascisti wont‘ - the recent Italian election by ii vote ptwleeaslargeasthatreceivedhy ; parties indicates that the -Q:-3: -——;-——2 H3,-3,0,,’ ‘mu. “union ’pcci‘“s"”,¥m?lClf|K it possible to check the re- 1’. a can?“ u is. or the college, provides t 9 interest: for 29: at lleibl.-l’a Phar-7 lllt)‘. ' l main '-‘me! ¢‘H.God's on .§__,_____ 1 Ellis best to discourage trespasscrs.” 3,33 3“ ,0" pa. mi“ ¢"_i—'I'he Harvard Lampoon. . forjtc at Helliel‘ :.___..___Z,: No Fences Needed. , Indian Guide——-“This desert in 'n country.” Tourist—“Well, He’ certainly did 2-2-.-——-. ___,___ Regular Sic Palm Olive ahaupgl Pharmacy I — v—v——v —v—v—-—-two LCVIIII VVI-ICBII IVS IIII9 ports for the last two years. See us before you buy your seed. potatoes and S for the hishest quality ofifield seeds. You vrill find us at 114 N. 8th St. ' ‘Telephone 1920 Green CIK& ° 33? . 8 :_ O ji n.. Cent . Word a CLASSIFIED ow —L ‘ skllfiltloufarscawqdi _‘ ,1 The Au-nciat _. 2' 15. Columbia Iini-oorlau la a nu- ‘ of Newspaper l03'd|!l'. Ieeondhand; at bu»- -isain. See it at rorriT°<';o..7»:, ,-._.... 7 GT3. ft - > 4 lTIGERS DEFEAT i”“" §3k"s?ii§.?'§3i§ro...... f KANSAS AGGIES ' l.l'l'l‘l.E THEATER Gl\'ES 5 t ‘ O . ‘ A '7‘ . ' Pol: ' o Rood Mae Murray 111 ‘Fashion Row” ‘ . '5 ’ ' V I ' ' . . c - _ V’ f l‘ ' . ' ' ' . : ‘ ‘ . r V , 1'0 S : They called ‘her the mystery wqiiian of Broadway—Then came the ; T Rodi»; sl ; man with the seal who knew the lnystfl-yt _ i r‘ A 7" hum J . , _ BITE. J( 7:15--9:00 n - ‘ ' '. .5- ’ Also “HORSESHOES with Larry Samoa T zocflgoc ’-5 I I _.__'FOR A lmslness ‘ ’ ' .- - ._ _-.Tll§3_H99L_U§‘§_I-“:. l41,S$QUE1AN-_M°NDA3f»§PR1L 14» 1924 l} The News In -the Field of Sport I . i 1 ‘Acting of Wi-liha Viclters as Zanah I he acting of Wilma Yickerx The Columbia Missourian is Lhorized ' as as in _ pu ic the action of the Little Theater production Saturday _ _ _ _ _ primary to be h ld on April 15, 1924. Coach Gwinn Henry is issuing lIl.~' lnighi, gt V ‘ c - K V ject to the action of the Deinocraticfa candidate for the office of sheriff 2 PLAYS AT S'l'El’lll-INS city primary to be held on April 15,‘ ‘ - ll _ I . candidate for the oll'ice.of Po- ll“) Zfmlll. a princess of India. in “The lice Judge of Columbia, subject to as Siege" featured the second ’ PAGE F'l\'l~. O ‘*0 Boone County. subject to the ac- tion of the state rimnry t'lt'c2it»ll to be held Auirust 5, 1924. TA K E ORDERS FOR SHOES llircct lrom factory to April -15 au- avis‘ The Columbia Missouri.-in is un- thorized to announce Olcr ll--ml» 8 candidate for the nllicv vi sheriff of Boone C-'luht,\'. .°uhjcc'. tn the action of the state priinary clev- tO l|Ylll0UDt‘9 .. .....4.- ---.__._.. ..-_' o 03l‘C‘l' 'I‘hc l’»c.~:t Paying Selling : c‘m)il§‘lu:lll_\' i)flCl‘L‘ l0 8}’. ‘l lm-an ite dept. G. Democratic city 11"; T T T :- andulelnt 3‘ 3 ‘ Q E ‘ ‘ Stephens Lqlllcgc‘ Thcl A n! t- t |; A r 1 _'. u:\. m dfm ‘flmkm 1‘. can.’ an vmicfiu. pcfimhhge agar rdbgiu seedon5:' - i J ‘final call this woe}: for stllrin oot- fshort trnlzcllx was written b,\- Colin -c D lun o it of ‘ \Iag0n Shoe C his ::"0t‘Il'I0n.Aa;m.who.-lL:a every other ‘ion ‘us ca ' Gd, ————.;—. _ _ hall practice. which will continue llll-iclcxncntg whik. in the 3‘-cm. E3,“ The Columbia Missourian is au- Regular 50¢ Palm Olive I-ollnmptzli . ‘ _l‘o F "‘ ‘V.’ ,5... oil} truthful Want Ad: and will .our price, J,¢k,o,, G,o°e‘r)°°,°'ph°ne;Hubbell and Mmdlm Pile t1|M=:l'1.excepton days when base-i\\'ith an American relief expedition. ‘’‘°'‘"‘‘‘‘’ ‘°_ ‘""‘°“"°° '- D _5'"“" for 39¢ at lleibol'-2 Pharmacy. 3 ‘ "r'”“”‘ 8 “' ‘5’ « gwrwiate having its attention and I . 389.1 ‘. Up Score__Latter Gets games are scheduled here. There lOther parts in the cast were czipabl v T as ‘a candidate for the office of ____1__' ‘-— “U _,,..,,~..,..... mg oongonnigg _._ ;A__l:_.ih______‘_ . remain ahout eight practice days b('-rhandluj. and the s..(.,,iL. and naming Police Judge of Columbin. subject ihejifhfil '}{“‘“":,"_‘ "°"""- MISCELLANEOUS Shut-Out ‘vlcbory fore Qtsfiliscontinuanceluntil fall. and wffcms “.9”. wet] done. to action of Democratic 4-7 .' ‘ """ - . . Cone cnry wants al men to re» A second 1 ', .th-- 1}; _- -- city primary to he held on A ril I5. {_1:j.—..:—— -— ' , C - - Euyun MEN? ; WANTED—Lawn mower sharp-l In Smgl8S- .port regularly for practice. iond act of (‘i)(‘f):g(’0rK:‘?l}":lll1l'::(‘:§‘l 1934- April 5-15 (‘XV FOR 1-Rinmixc gm‘,-c gg-¢e,;,._°nlflk. ‘Door and window screens. —-——-‘ ; There are only two weeks beta-een.{ag-¢e_ ~'n,,_. T(,,(.h m.a,...,§'-v n.,,u._ ——.————— _ _ _ fruit trees. vines nn shrubs. For;:° 3'_°P‘"'- chill’ WP8l!'"|l!- W00d‘D0UBLES MATCH 15 Goonfl“-‘ ODPHIHII Of nrnt‘tlce next fall 3l'ld‘8€llt(‘d the action behind the scenes Th“ Commbla Ml33°‘"'i'"l if 110- Sp€('lZll Train SCTVICC 808 ..f.‘.:.';““°‘"'°w~::"“°.. :"‘“T Pl 611;." no ..:° 2”“ '=:."‘:::.'"'..°‘"°“*:.:‘:" ?°:.:: °‘ 8" *° ::.":"":° S. from ‘*‘-_-.'_-_._’.....'.__“J_'I‘.s——- A ners. I ea or. 0 a * Olna av ‘r . so a e envy r o _(-n pr ur-(inn. }{¢»1¢n F nk 3; pie as ii can i a e or e o ice 0 REAL ESTATE .1116 deliver. F. Y. Ferrcc. 203 South. 3 ' ‘ _-l‘Y8t‘1iC¢‘— mm“ C‘ l"P050UlJlf‘t‘l —————%H_ To LOAN on Columbia £1: _St_.._p.l_i.tl_n£_§'a'_ol _Grec_n.‘ 186-214‘ ‘md ,T0m01'I‘0W. and .Co;ich Henry mil name his fall mu a:1-.,,i.,. ,. M. 5,,;,,d;..,, and ml... to the action or the Democratic my . "0" ‘ . M" -- ~4" T——~ I Illinois A )1-i] ton May 1 Athletes not rcnnrttnr:-Gregory as Ralph Twillcr especially rrimary to hold on April 15. for the accommodation of Students real (‘~‘l:il.('. “ czithcrs Real C0.. 300,18 FOR RENT » l for pracu", no“. will have a dm'i(.,,]‘ zamused U] ‘ d. _ 1994 . V . over .\’cu-man's llardwnre.’— 564.: L ‘ 21 and 22_ . time in milking the Squad in the fan: Nada" and Martha ' ‘ \\'edncsdzl.\‘. ADl’ll' 16th. l‘!_l2-l. for the a('c'(lttlfllfXlallOll ,,.__E_‘ ‘ _ __ L FOR RENT-—Pleasant room in‘ T _ _..__—4-A ERG waved ‘he diam solos The Columbia Missourian in mi- of stutlcnts for l’\:1lt:-ins (ll_\’. luxct-l.~_‘l«li‘ Sprlllfzs. Car- l~‘Ol1‘.1;-'\1Ll‘-':'3:l'-“"_‘ ’°""‘rchb’:§: N0‘*'°ll 3148. for the summer. ‘rho Tggu tpnnig team, dcfc,-,g_._.d BX/' before and b'cm_wn mg plays‘ thorized to announce Jana-.~ T." rollton. Bl'llllS\\'lt’l\'. St. .ln.~c-pll. Cllllllciltho.‘ Gallatin. hon“ mu who ‘ olo£l)(l‘rlmRpd 1s*>t£‘fl'91°-*1-74‘-)‘—°o' 382 —o om87‘l.9—2 5-" “W U"l"°"5“3' 0‘ Kansas. FFi- - 1 ~ -— —--4.-__._ is on as a can idnte for the’ Trenton. l‘:ltton:.-llul'g. BL'lll{lY‘l_\'. .-‘tlliany. Stanberry. 7 “‘“ l“"'1"" P °"" ‘ e ' ‘ "" “]"b"n’(;E}§o1-ICES“ ‘""’ ‘ldsy. reversed its form completely. 1 '5 ELECTED STATE OFFICER »°m.°° °f P°li°° ‘hldgc °{ C°‘“"‘bl**- l\iar}‘\’ille. (‘ouilcil Illllffs. Omaha and l)(’_\‘(lll(l. who Fm; .<.-\Lr‘.—-Beautiful lot on ‘ “firming in brilliant victory over they "M Ne" F-i—s——: of Columbh’ 1. subject to theactlon of the Ilemo- get out of school at 11:00 a. m.. train No. 36 due to }.;..__.t p,-._,,,.{“-;,_\-, we on m,,.}.. ACACIA °DOl)Gl:., No. 602 Kansas Angles at Manhattan. Sat- ’ Director of'“ Club ffalflc fgl-)'lrl’2".;m1"}‘ *0 ‘ held 0" leave at 10:50 a. m. will he held at (‘olumllla on the one on Wilsoii Ar.-.._ an num- A. 1-‘. C: A. M. ‘f"‘“>' “"_“'_"°""- .C“"l’*“"‘_ "“‘Tb°‘, I t-,.S0m,.it . Rem‘. Cu, Miss Nell I-'i:~:h. President or the P" ' 8"‘—“'° "35’ ‘W’ “‘*“‘ ‘.’"'~"- ‘"‘“' .“‘”’ f‘- "3- 3 l°"l‘“9 r .7-;5 "9’ l" W"".“".’°d "dd'.§l.°"' wcath; if? .'.T§,,‘,h°“.'i‘,’,‘i‘;m‘“,{‘a,f,fi‘,fi (:0 n e 3 - 1 Columbia chapter of the Business ‘or She r. direct conncctiml at (‘L-lltl°alizl \\'llll train .\o. 3. ti; t'T>‘l3<‘=|ll-.\;f*'j-- llhfmt‘ -4---h 191-190 Stated communication win +6 5.3 64. Mmdlin “Wm GOES l0 Alpha Delta ‘and l’rofen.-ional Women's Club, The Columbia .\lis.«ouri;m is uu- \\'Qdnesday, April 16, 192.1 . 5; rm‘ H"\\:r~_.h{r.”omR (ire Con Tm33d“"’ AW“ 17"“ 7‘3" through‘ his. oppon nt. Cha es Pi Team, f“'""‘ °'l°“?'d " ‘“'°°“" °f ""3 ’5““° "h””"d ‘9 ‘""‘‘’"'‘°‘ E‘ 5 ll‘/""1“"d, Special train consistiilg of coaches. chair cars, dining R“"'""_‘;§‘j, "M “S on :91 V" "" Goodall. without the loss of a single }°'g‘""""‘3°" ‘"‘ ‘h° °°“‘““"’“ M” "f °.°“"d‘d““' f‘’' 3”" "m“" . "N car and Stamlard Pullman cars (Pullman cars to be “or. l’h““" "" - ' K C SL.LL“.A\. W “ name. 6-0. 6-0. while llubbell and How Thev Finished. ':)':“:‘:b“‘;;2fte:i"‘;:‘:‘:3'-PrNid‘;';“5‘;‘)‘° Sohefiig a‘;fu0rI‘3°;'f"°th(°‘t‘t"t‘}'- ~:IiI’l:]J;"t1 operated as Darlor cars on seat fare basis) will leave '2‘: q ‘ o g u o ' A . o 6 | ' ’ ' V . I . '. .: “ 9 I . 5 {I . fl ‘ e _ ' , ' . '. w T. 9 o rm: .<.ati.i.—splcndld 4-r°°'" J. M. LONG Secretary M‘“‘"‘" ""‘““'. ‘°“°”“" ‘“‘d d?’ “‘”“ "°“5° """"""""" " "3 ‘rconry Meek lluin of Sedaliir flfttt election to be held (Anglia izwri (°“‘’"'’'‘* 3-“ 1” "‘- “."" ‘"'““‘ “‘ l‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘ U‘-‘ 9'20 loicl. l‘anu.~c. oak finished through- :_~;:t_:.——_ji_— H ’ ———— touted the Amzws doubles tcanI.6-J. Phi Delta Theta . . . . . . . . . . .. 22 viwpmidem M3“ Mm '1 ‘O _____._. ' ' ' p. m. This special train will saop at Mollerly. Bruns- .‘ ‘ vs ‘ . ' . ——- - 1 . ' ' - ' ‘~ .’ . .' . . o -:9: ip our, (,io.~‘(‘ lu ljnuersity. Onl) COAL . . _ Alpha Tau Omega . . . . . . . . . .. 1}!“ lmcy(_r' Springfield: “Tend \,i(_(,_ T}... Columbia giisgourgun 1,. W. wick, ( zirrnlltnn and lie-nilctt.i. élll(l txlll Lal'l'_\ thiough A IN 57-750’ 51”” down‘ V “-T2? ffutfirf of u?.e_‘a{t,cl:nO0.n ‘Lt: Pm G8mmaDD‘C“'a ' ' ' ' :_."°'lpresident. Miss Helen Zuzack, Boon- thorized l announce Wils--ll Ctlzl.L'llc:s‘ fill‘ Mactlll. l..’1l’l:tl:t. l\lt‘l(S\‘llll- and points V Nt«I\' vurpnlll ll'Jn[Ifll()'b\-, 8l.l'lCll:‘~ CO. (I? gfilfl 1"I;‘Rl: ‘(L13 . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘vino; third ‘,icc_|,"_cSident' Miss Cor. (lapocv-’ as u Cuudidatc fur ‘he nurth Hf ‘\I0l)L.l.!.\.’ ’ '77 m0d'~""- $‘-''’‘’‘’- 3300 d°““- 3983 Cflflfll 1113110‘! C011 W... ,_._.hi(.h had 10., mm 8 ‘ - h Egg)” ya u ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ “ ‘delia Cannon. Lexinirton; recordinl: "lTk|)§0 of;‘rifl' of Boone Cuun'~.\‘. For fares. re:-ser\‘atioll;: and further information. call on I l:'-ruolil llviust‘ furnished. incomthcau 67801.88‘ OpP°3“'e w3b“h Slvo . ' ’ ' l . -' ' I ‘ ' . I ‘ . ' - . ’ . . . ll .' ' lsccmtarx Miss G!-3"‘ Hurdcastk" 5u.'w('t m l .0 “mm” of the stat” . - 3-’. <°'~'.4‘i ~. “".‘tl'l h 1' out rooms. Ideal Franklin Cou t Coal match m the hlnnsa‘ me“ we d”. Sip!” Gum“: mm ' ' ' ‘ ‘ V ‘ ' " 1-,%lM0l)('rl)'i corn-sptindinit '~e.‘retar\. ltflmttftv’ ¢'lt't‘t=*v-It til be lwld -‘-Uttt-N ‘L (' ’”m”rT' "9"" J’ 8' B"°h"“" rv ~-' l" ’ ‘t r "y before and hh grouil stmkes 5; m .i . — . . n - - - 3 lG::ni“v1 lozusv tcfl-“S. t \‘ r‘ _" Ur l," “_"ll-‘|n_ ‘Q . 2 ‘ . . A ‘ . V - . . < ‘ . . . ' - A‘ .; ..‘il55 ROSE Bar). BUYTOWS, Scdltlln. "v 1934- [hone I)|‘ls'0n llxsenxcr »' ll you want to buy or sell some- ‘ ‘ ‘cc " ‘. °L . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' " ' Miss llelen Sammy, St. Joseph was .. '_."_. . . Columbia. .\lo. - Mo rs‘. M0. , .._ hou;-to on Rosemary lane. thing .1). a Mi5S0ur-‘an want ad_ ilubhcll, handicapped by a late gmmn pl" Smmn _,,;»_ _ _ _ _ , __ 2 tolefled m ml q mwm_\_ on the b'n3rd The Luluinbia Missourian in nu. ...;'. only $l~‘_:'iUll. Flynii Realty Co..' 203- rt this season, does not —}i-—————f- A ' t nk} The Chamber of '(.0mm(_rd_ Of‘ thorized to announce Roy (‘re-.-d in 3 05 Guitar Bldi:.. phone 1620 0!‘. LEGAL NOTI have rt-lzaincd_ his_old form _WhIt_‘h , F_";‘:"‘ ‘,’“’f°‘ "_‘:\_“""".-‘t §"‘_§Bmm_im_ fu‘r,mhL_d mm {M 3 m) a candidate for t 1: office of shcriir " i “’ ‘i i !.‘:;f H03. 188-193' won t. e nlrcrsity championship l-ht‘ ml“ t8lt‘!'ml.\ .lt’tt_t "Wt - -'1 '; ' d P _‘“'. f ‘h; _ N t o Boone (‘o-.1.-.t,v, subject to the ac- “; ‘ ‘ last fall but his stendv, conscr a- l‘d=t.V ttllcfflt-On. \\'|"|mnl! ll)’ "Carl-‘ ;‘‘,"'u” ’,m""' ‘ °.r. t lmrtcn :1. lion of tho state prilnarv clcction 5 Fm: '\"u‘F‘-B""”m"l 8"'°°"‘j xoricil or FINA! se1'ri.r.ui:"r tivc game aided hv his powerful it dvtllllt‘ -‘N»"‘ 0"‘! Ill?” ““1""-“""’°‘“' "“‘“‘“" “”“‘“’-" "“““""'"" '0 he held ku‘i:u~t *3 l‘t"4 ' 7 I 3‘ l‘°“-‘‘'~ 3 l"‘”“‘5 l"i"“d rllihh Notice is hereby I.‘-v1"I'I that the under- service. which seenis to \vol'k host l'l"8l5v ‘mil l’10"l"5! ll‘ """"3' °‘'‘'"‘Hu"l‘5h?d “ band. ‘md ml‘ Unc M" ' .._. _ '_...“ ' : . ll’-r-’ ' It lt"U=~t‘. 13 llittllfi. 1 l)l0<’l'€f-icned ldr'.tiii.otratrlx of the Dial: of Will. in . um - p,.m.t.d swung (-xcvpti one. They iil.-o “on thl-1‘l~'1*Y'l'4'~€Il_!"Tl~" ltlrlll-“l‘_“‘lV ll""“""‘, l“’ The (V-lillililiu .\ll'~.~olirlan is au- '. {mm ll-"l‘<"‘-‘~il.\‘. $3.000. ‘“"" 9° ""“"""‘°"' ‘fm "“"° 5"‘: cnough to d.-fem 11).. Aggie |ea1¢r_ jnterfratcrnity relay cup. ~fl°('°“3“W1-“- Tilt‘ |\'"l~'lll* "f 55'”? thnrizcd to :rmloun«~v J. Tl-mp Berry 9 ‘ _ 10-nu-it llOll.‘~l'. .2 blocks from S'm""‘°" °-' My u-“mm ‘mm mm bu“: The most pleasing part of the The Alpha Delta Pi rmrorit_\'l‘"‘"' '>‘l""""‘fl "W" hi”! ("T “W l’”“"‘as‘ :i candidate for the oificc of -T -Um‘.m\'u_ “on lormmh “£500. $l.-‘tlI.eI|l‘(“:lohI.!ll'l'lll’Illll’Il.l':)!! ‘tut: lEE":‘:n;I"C'fflIu“fE'no(.t “£4 0 performance M. the ‘Wm the inwrsorority relay cu L3...-_, ‘\;‘(“~:1l;In_~,hlI)1['('1;k.lll!Lfi [the ‘l|5t:;‘(" nhcrlfi of Boone (“<:unl}'. .\tllJjt‘t‘l to -.5" too all. unurl. to be ldcn at Colunilzia. in nidlmisgouri doubles m;,m_ Tho d(,u},](.,. Wm, _., {mt ,(.,m,_ \\'3]g,,n. uu. Cm 1-31 1 t‘ 9 -*'l"U‘ W *'—“‘ ‘J’ the 1tt'llun of the State prilnary clcr-- , T , . r 5""""' l""“'" M‘ I-‘raw Ave" S"- cmmrslo on ml-‘rim dJ.yll" ‘nil A. D’ mu’ match is frc‘-’luentl)’ the dccidintt anchor mail. clipped till" his distance Mdgt" t':"(‘l""~':_""l-"f th (_ I ]_ tlwrl to M ltcld Ailizust 11124. - 0"“- Mn“ 0 " u w“ yfllm ‘ M's: 'h: ~-.~‘ - ' f st ti . nd the m 1- went i l " ‘I .''m'.'”" " . 0 '’l.'"‘.’“‘ . . *5‘ . . , ;£_’_E" ‘Lrmm Wm T. “rm. 17ni\.N.sit_‘.. M" :2.AWu 2‘. Admm-ttrutrtx. ;i:‘t'oi;;ri;:!i'i‘rtl” li;'s(t.::;~.N("”l‘n;.mtc of James llalr. or-roucd. Plain-; turned out in the Valley‘ is {a._.,,n.d .t"UiTlfl}('lllld,E_ l{ltllllt1.'ill'l('lld.i Ttilt‘ {();)l(;' , r h 1“,-,_.;,m_ _ ll '- ' ’ ,- h, ha - h- th-‘ ‘.08, a lc is lclllfl (-\'c(-( all i:r:iu_- . Regular 39¢ 103],“ (mu. ,. amp”, 3 , V,‘ 2,222 . run t I. c mpions ip i. _ . , O . _ ' , -' We l‘.Zt\t other places. Let us . . - , .,l ———-—o————--—- “P 1" 9"‘ ¢“"“°|’ {"7 "“~“"*l ‘"31"’ for 39: at lleihcls lharmacg. ,-I laul llcll. Conley-Myer-t l-an-I. A ll I-fa . . . . . ’=f ohms \'()ll. lion and Boone County ‘l'ru.t Cumltanyui H ‘\\/I]? ago, and 3 (-“an”: Of Mm “.1” M, I V - __ _ ’ . ' . - ' ' v ' . . . . . . Try it Missourian want ad. I (duty }.,-a_.-“_.Q- Realty Co_.- a corporation. Defendant;-. K _ L - J placed our tht \\h0l(. 3 7‘ -' - . - - ‘ . in “'0 (‘infill ('°tt|'t 01 50°“? C°""¥- "5' It is lliinnod with the utilizutionl vi -_ pllmlc .»l.I, llooriln l 6; J Miller Bldg. 7 - l l ‘ _ _ _ _ f_ " 190''“’2‘ ll; Virtue and arhiir-ity or a .lnrm~ and H (':l]’!~1lll(‘l(‘nt lalmr (§lll'lYlL'} the hiistfier ,2 pohncal Ann0un(-QmQn[_g VFW’ ‘W’ V ‘.7_-_Am”” F- —_ ‘ ,fdgvf ‘pf ,..|(~ rngdc by [fie gun! ('nurl_ in] - ‘ - I (7 H a."S' ‘(I cnnlll (‘lo ‘Iv ‘vnr ' ’-\i ll : WANTED TO BUY 'll».. om... mmlxi (~uu~r_ .n.i or . rorrlnnié . .._.'Z the mil of next wct-1;. 3 '—*—''’‘j'' ”'‘'“Z_?“’’ L ~ p there-ul. dated Ailril -.-rh. l‘.I‘.'l. l mu.’ ' —. ‘_ l’o|i¢"‘ Judirc. '\ \\'.\.\'Tl‘:l) --‘Vt’ need ll'l0l'(9 P0lll"::i’.Thilrnda}'. the I-‘int day of H8)‘. lllll. LIBRARY ".\S .\'l":“' \.Ul.l'.\ll‘:-Ql Tht‘ ('ulum[.;;g ,\1}_\-..,L;r;;|n 1. “u ")5 (‘all W‘ 707 l"'l¢'°5- J3°k""" :'"""°" "'3 h,mm. 1' k n . rt mu" Tl‘ack—'I‘o Elllfr I,’ f I “ q“ H. SB” R and Q.-x“ ltllurlzt-Li tn zmno ll ll('lll"}' l.(|l;(. Grocilx llllnnc 207. 189-194 "'"""'" '" " "hm ' """' . "' " ' ' * " " ""' ‘ " . v didnte for the office of - —~—. . ——- - t of that til)‘. at the South front door of t e Team In 1'." ("hum ‘N, l.-nterod .1 .i (‘.m . ‘. *7’ ' 7 ‘ '1,-_ ' ‘ in 3.1 I ' .. ' ‘ I ’ ~ " lflll lo l "l, LOST AND l‘I'::)rh‘(‘ :‘lt‘)‘ii:i‘tymIli":-'4.)il:iryi-ell‘ ( pillzllcusr‘ H —.- .—‘.-.— H .-\l11.I‘»l12 the 5lX:l}'*lllr}(‘rO ?f.$h'.l'I1!(llti> :(;’l"‘;;oJ:Ll_:"|‘(m( of (t;::_n '11): m::_;ac:lc' _ E"_ L0ST__S(_t of drawing imm_u_ due. Vt‘! Y I; fitt‘l.»d«lr:;‘ in.-Mizllo-“.2: \\ith the Slat("l1l‘f(.'l-1 .\f1f'll(l}(;l gait ;.¢.¢cx'\r.(l .r('(‘:fll.l‘_\D ‘t r. . :in}r.:l“.\. my p,.;,m,_._‘. to 1,. held on April 1:,‘ . meats '\'nn~e on cover Please’ ir rt.‘ ' llrnr hi.‘-'« m ti!»-er‘ - m.“'t ""1" three “-00 3 “ -' t 0 9“. L.Ibmr‘‘ 1:‘ t. (T lloopmtn 1) 192-l. PT” 5-15 ' .7’ l‘l'lllfll. 10. ‘Fit-lnuriail Ofl'l.C(‘ I ‘ lullut‘. 'l3uml>:trerl 3".“ ’8‘°'.l a‘nil lit) in the P": track 5 "ad ls w"rkm";l hardfir vtmmnl Adm'"|H“I‘uv(I“l O;-gh8‘n'§;tmn "'—* * “ , . "l ’ ‘ ' V - ~ I _ “T 7", 0,, i, _ 5 ,, each day in an attempt to ave t 0 in the U. 5-" bi’ "1 "5' - 1011. Tm. Folumbin Missourizin is all-» 189.191. """' M H’ um m I best team it has ever entered in professor of political science in the thm.iu_d U, mmounfl. p.,.,~,,.. ‘ . _ - . , , - - T*'"'" M 5"” “ l‘"“°‘*'*- ""‘7 “'*“"- ii state meet. Under the direction of Uni‘-'(‘l'5ll,\'. The book. 11 Volume of 8 ‘din ‘L. 8 ‘.,mdid,.w {.,r m.. .,{fi¢-o e 0 S-—- rr A. iu'I‘(°lik{1:i:]n]‘Ol!lP lfickclttl ;l:ill‘l‘ .,-,,,,f_',:u,,_,r;‘ "ting": (‘oach Frank Mr-Anaw, the squad is malr(~ than r,‘-(..hum«}r§-d p es, is a "fa pom; Judge of (‘olumllia. sill»-' ~ " ' _ '. - ' . ‘ . ' in Q. N v ‘ hard workfiut ('a(‘h l(‘\‘l5l0ll and elaboration of r. ' . 2 set on the other. Finder notify Aim! filth In 3''th mc- ‘-°"“3 ‘h"’‘'gh “ _ _ , . IL I“ K”m“u_r phone 609 or 569' MW“? nr-.'_:l.K;L_-s.FTflP"*_NT ftcrnoon. 5 l-rt.\ thpgris \v':]ll.('ll its piirt re- A _ . ' ' - - " ' -- ~ - . ' 3 -’ l (‘8t‘l'l (uirvmvnt fur lllai rlr\ctul":~ d(‘2l‘l'(‘- ' . B!«'"'l‘-7 Kl90’192. N I‘ her u-n tha the unit r- T‘“nl} m‘ n. hqu‘ njuum , I . __ . , ‘ ' . f to b V \\'A\'Tl‘l) 'ro'i_u-:h"I‘ ‘S 1 :;"°‘"''"'‘ M I‘ M" M S‘ 2" ii” “if mmllm Tile) ziird‘ (Wnll r lib“ "lllh.rl‘ mm“ "li‘tll‘:~'ill‘ N-tillinrlrl-f H03“? Owners 3 y :9 Dc . -, . .- Se .. l'r'ln('( for u eve s. 11 um‘ -lot. ism-y, po 5 ' ‘» . . ,. . , _ - - '- -Ir;:t:molkl::r("Iu:un:- V-1*-k~I5:1m.«lt'tI1'mt|* 5lt:AllllVo' expects to enter ii full l,l'('lt\'l'll llioirrullhv. tXDl"Tl1UU“- "'"' Sl‘°"ld mm‘ lmdc m hmlng _ EdStCr Va(.atl0n’ In WA-\”n'3l’ To RExT"Sm‘"i"""‘ ““'""'i" " '3" '“"“ 7"" ‘'.' ""' '1'“ team in the state and the confer» cm] 5‘-i(-“L-(_-‘ ,,rLh;u.cmr(., gcolom their homes look attractive. 1 ? l~ h°"'“' "" ‘.‘l'“'1m°m ""f"mi‘h°d°l,,,",,,,dm 00, ",3. “M5 "mm" :‘ence meets. The conference meet and p.*t\'cho|o£.\'. The) include “A I do Pflifll-Int! 0‘ 0" k"‘d-‘' ’ your Old Oxfords. H094‘ 10 town. Ad ress Box‘ Two“, lgmmbzlo, 3:: u 0 will he held at Mrxico, May 10. zjoumal of the Grea 'zir,’ ll)‘ polishing hardwood floors, , _ L hlisihfvuriiitj. W ww MA T190-192* ANNA l'A!\’§:)AS‘l'. In the dashes, Mays, (‘. \\'esci)lt. Charles G. D1lV~'l‘ti: "Life of Cnl'{l‘llllI1il clegning wall paper.‘ ' E ‘ ' ’ 7" " , _ ° """“"‘ tJ. Cattle. Loomis and llatton are (;ihbom.," bv Allen Sinclair 'i 2 J Crow e :5 FOR RENT It.-.-i inn:-man Hay in. fdointt. Rood work. ‘Ma;-5 has ll(‘cnE«flllr\~i.}- Socicify Lecture».-»' 'II:‘hOn£ 2104 whitey .-é F011 R[.;1\"r_.A gang‘; 3 608? _hi0'rlc!: or FINAL sI:1'fi.Euzh-'1' .$ll0Wln;.' up’ well in the Q20-_\ard_19ul'. to date; Tales of Traxc . 5 no Banks Ava ; A Conley. Phone 918 “'hltc. Tl82tf,_“’;‘::°'.‘:nh"“u"‘&l"o';"{h:";;:u‘:_°°;' dash. C.‘ \\ cscott is the hesrpici-6 ‘Marquis (rl.l!’7.0n, and ii book of No ch“-11:” for estimates. ‘ :5 2' “ . lllam c. Jackson. dxeasul. -iii lnniub°" 1”‘ "‘ "h°_ ‘‘‘‘"‘“''3' ""‘~ ('°"u° short St"-“t<‘* ll)’ 11- (V B“"““"‘ — g E, ? FOR Ill-.NT—-3 or 4 room apart- sauna“ 0, 5,, _a.o,,,,L_ ,,,u, "M ;.;,m,lh been working on the 220-yard . 2’-. mfltt. modem except an: no such ndzninintntrix at the neat ‘re:-znzdash and the high jump. Enirlishp ' I »- - ’ ; l _ I -'1, 'r&ot{.qiihi'ruluuoort’inoon Cou1i!!.Ila- . _',r . v km on lhont-V1280 Vhlll c 1 ho he ‘at; 2‘ Cohen“. ‘n id :-ccc}r(lU)l:nn_:1“‘>f)q:‘I}I;(!;t::ii;‘onua :33‘; MONEY FOUND ‘E For the Best in t . ; ~ - - coonu. no the me day or am. 9:. _"" ‘ . ‘ ." " V l‘ 2 '- old M nines » OR Rl'.!\T-l’rol’essoris small‘ _ . u, . i th W . Sc ling ax; _ . ‘ , l"lDRl'INCl. POTTER JACKSON. "l 9 .l3“‘ "3 7° - ' ; -n can 3 j ‘"'""*""‘ '"“W- “*0 black ‘"1" . Adazinl-tratrix. lit the stick events, c. lloivard. (‘..' Phone 392 W! S Cllmplvt. «lurin he summer ses- hut laleriion In 19. “mu and phi] gnu 3,, },iddi,,g KLASS COM, CO, ; SERVICE ' . . . I . "°“- "- “‘"“‘ "“’*“"“‘- '3" W‘''! “mm 0,.—.:,;.7,j‘;,.,,.,,_.,,,3,,., gocronsr. Kertz probably has the edge; __.....—-——l x '0" ‘T’ ' . } l89'19‘l Notice is hereby 3-in-Ii ih-t the uadmion his teamniutes because of hisi . Z_ , ““_‘» r u See Us _ A :3“ ¥ENT__"?um'tazvu:: Efggsxkerseuuu ol't;:e "IE-a|:tc";f‘lA£i;u‘l;i;;‘):;(‘d(llc8and form in clearini! the‘ / Al I .. p_. « ure. eny ioiheraeaouu mi, idilatato ‘ . . V’ , . _ 1 of fruit. no per pniinrln c. 3.‘-'3 aw-an -r" '-e-«"w«- or me: ~- h°nh°r=t ,*= ,th°,b°*t. "W" *2"; JACK DAILY’S 24 3- 1‘"‘“' - The Pall Mall—is one of the man) models that » j. Am" h “F22. m8_w1;rrol-in Court or Boone Oonnlv. Ila-ourtl the squad. His time in this event Inf 5 3 we wouid be phased to Show you » ~--- .."° 3‘ °"°_ .. .._._....._.._... lobe at cola-bi-. in -in come. on gun u-,»o.,‘g. lug, week our 4:50.; SERVICE t . - “‘_' *'— '**' """""‘"""la,,1,g,d.,,,¢u.,"-:4, . 1 . [-‘on 851.3 - '. Corneliso and II. Boyd are also . .. .. 1 s-i-zi.i.a auhcus iiicoiucx. . . l - _ _. t f ;,,,.u.;,. trying out for the mile. : Cleaning. ~ N t E . ‘ ,1‘!-‘OR . LF";-Ngw Standlrdiipt liiaatloa Its; ta. .Wagner. Howard and Gilbert Pr .ng E 0 21 V07-Plano. nc -——- the Kewpio weight men. Schrock is! 8831 pg,“ . NOTICB or riiui. as-rrtsiisiir : , ' . 111' E es 1 , . . -. "- A -_J3‘ D188“ was i- t N i--*«- }''° 5’,'‘'’{, °°§"3'”"" °§ h“;°he::';"'§; Altering ‘Aline .Yo Yo:-, i Listen, we have Just what you have been looking .5: s. 9? , . . 3...; cl, .3 15. [I3 1. or e ma amp. C 0 fun ‘ . . , , - - 7°“ -‘*1-l’-Tb"°° Wu" ‘°' Lr '""' . will ...i.. ran... sou. much. on in. 1 gm , - s g, ,' ~ 3 for in smart, high grade, broad toe, easy, foot friendly 9 3 P N th lf th \ are on had better 7. -"“'“' P°"‘°“‘ ‘'''° '3‘ ‘"5"’ “° int 0‘ 55- W‘ 3 Letters will be w rded this year one ' m ' ‘ 0' ' 3 ’ lasts in the ' .8 house will do well to exam- ouch eaacdtrlx at or _' ;_.j’0R SALE—!-Imherson piano in H Walker _ I50 _thesc- mantels. J. A. Townsend. ”""“‘ °""‘ "' 3"” °"""’ ‘“""‘"' ' l5 Tenth ‘ T191492 on the nth day et la). tut- JULIA FARIS LKVEVR Executi- _ condition. llrs. . R. Iaaertloa in, ID. "' ‘ ‘£22’ W”-ova” none: or i-uni. uh ' LE-—E¢¢s f hatching 3‘°‘** “ “""' " tr-i Sinirle cornberifi Rhode Island “If "'“""‘ °‘ “',,‘,§""_‘;_,‘;‘ ;,“f3 3100 P" -°°;souiqnu-lather-onounowiihooua» : ' V ‘ ‘S glllindred. Bshyghlcki 15¢ eaeh.:ue an -at uncut: #1 the mt 7"- Jogm N. 1-“.191. phone 5g3_,~ot the Probate court of Danae county. ll» ‘get, up Holden at mluohh. la sail “39'1°‘lcono. on the I.» 4-I 0' III!» 0“ ‘ IAIY L. CUNNDIGIIAI. SALE-'-Good. large face. house clock; in first-class Lat insertion in: to. . l. , to be Iioldesi ‘ot‘_Onluinl-la. in said County. . who places in the state meet. . :?°:.?."~....: Dza monds : g‘ in the armory over White Eagle . E GIFTS Dairy. Important business. Every-& one on DR. II. E. STEPHENSON. O . """-i HENNINGEWS “Nuf Said” ...—_._.—..Q_:—: . l'alu0llveahanpoo; have them tested. A simlllt‘ pair of lenses may RN05!’ the trouble now. lf you put inanent trouble. are often your best friend so; don't take any CMMC 0"; losing them. I will he more? than ‘glad to consult with you. Consultation free. Dr. R. A. Walters . Ophflelrist and 09155" '-—Over GlIlaIP5‘¢'|-' You Know Us for & 0 ' 0 Newest Colors in Tan and just as good in black. Made up in the vogiest styles and trimmings. Light weight, medium weight and heavy for Easter-— .; $10.50 N LEVY’S tisfactiou _ Quxtrrr rooiwamz We Fit : Your Feet _ -:01-so n... o. ‘ —” vv—t-s Regular“: » for 89: at Ilelhi-l‘a Pharmacy. ._......_..___,_ . __ 9.... -