+_’..:s~.-' . anon nun , —~ ' -'~-~» _ “ ' . I " ii - . . . wcmcusmv 1‘ 1 A’ -—-——~ A . A ——_" "’ i A . “‘ lump ll“ —" v ~ ' ‘lined 1 little hand ~ .- v - . . . SPEECHES ‘DO BE BROADCASTTO BOLD EPISCOPAL SER\ ICE was distn t rom a _‘ . _ 98%;). BICHIIOND 18 ON Ilsa Jennie Bradshaw. 304 ‘.1 I d .______ . musket on the Thursday before '_: 3‘ _ ’- I -‘ r V. F. W. STATE COUNCIL NW5 Ninfiih '33- hilfiiffiumed W i 72 07! ‘President Brooks and Dr. Jones to'Holy Communion win Be Celt" Good Friday in days °‘ °‘d' , '3 .. —————-- ‘ home” ¢° °- - s ~13-'. ; -' '11". ":13?" Conu:.lt.ht:enI:¢'I!‘ab9fl‘0fo“ zoniagli Ree;93‘t:g'df:P£0w.t‘ttc.n(I'e:!l ———' Harg iparents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard For-; President I:°»t:m°:‘D-‘ §::°k= W’ noi§'c....M 'fr1':iun'i:i1”vvil‘le‘bne‘ cele-Isigitificfifiiexiooihofigezla Cailfolgdoldfi‘ 1 7:-5 . Se _ co 3?. I , I - . é - , _; . . . : . . - —“-_ Z; suu &?u.’.¢. * . enumpmem comb“ of L 0. O_ F. “in nu“. B‘um‘u_mer visited :se§irFr;:1‘ii).M” Dwe Hendrix and‘ gr(':m.cl;'ia(l?.UJn<;:')i:s,a ncdh11blLl':::m0§ fill? bx‘-ated at 7:30 oclock on ghursdnll Episcopalian “f:t_.l1.’_____ . Fred 0- R‘°’""°"“ °‘ °°‘°"““9 °' In Bee: in 8 Wm" ‘mm the 00- Mia: Dollie B. I-‘iiiiier.' Sunday. g.,,,._;i',- ..-m 9.; ‘mg, of M, and “in be two of the principal speakers; "mu °t'"'°. C‘{,“."f, . p'“°’"‘ Edward Luslt 1. in Columbia. the lube“ M’ Gnum Po“ 280' 1“mhi‘’°”°‘mpm°m' 305" T“""''' ‘"d 3'7"" mm‘ ‘is’ ‘Mrs Noah Lee Sunday ‘ at a banquet of the Missouri So- Chum-h’ fonmmd 3 t is sermon‘ Edward Luck. 8 form?!’ 510390‘ in \-,terans of Foreign Wars. ‘E5 q ited Berkeley Johmon’ sand.» ‘_ Tim members of X-kw Sakmiciety of New York In the Hotel . OWll;g‘tO an error, t e C:f:dml;:; the School of Joumnusm. nn.iw_.d in (:1 for §1fi?.x?r; 5,”-.35?“ ‘E L AT CHRISTIAN COLLEGE “'5 "'6, u‘'‘' Ld‘"dl Ly"°“ ‘md _('hurch held their regular busineg,‘-Plaza in New York on April_29. Dr. fizngz ':;'.;'°'}h::;§a:':"?:5,:ad of Columbia M01143)‘ {UT 3 €310“ "l"‘l}- 5;“: C:_’&"°‘ ° I ma pmem 0 daughter. Betty Jo, spent Sunday meeting suurdu. mom-mg Nicholas Murray Butler president'Ma,mdi Thursday ' Mr. Lusk has been working on his. te ou annua encam_ ' * P ‘ . . - . ._ ._' ' - _ _. ._ . ‘ Y 1;: ,5, __ , the Veterans of Foreign Wars. held Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Mulliiia of “lR.ee:nda;:n_ L F. wage“, and Orb Wilson._son~in-law of Mr. °f C,‘I’,l}:'mbm U."""m"' “nd Aufils‘ Maundy Thursday is the Thurs- “mills ;':e:qp.:§.§.rb..1." ofarheogana .- . _ ~ : __ at Jefferson City MODdqy and yes- _M",l0‘;. Okla‘. have been viaifinz dnugiflcr. Lab, “dud M am home ._and Mrs..Lou1e Richardson, is illlglgid e0(.:l‘|lltl_':-Vvgl also apeak.S Bain-. y preceding Good Friduy_ It is “-1.85 Eluib _ .‘ _ . .1... . “Me . of 0. D. Meyers’ Sunday. -in Columbia of typhoid fever. "7 ° 5- - °°“‘“”'.‘ 0 U11? "1 also clued H01). Thursdn}-_ 1,(.(.au_.e. '_ ' p . _ r: '-*"' “their daughter, Mary I-‘ ll Alffed M. Smith VI! elected ' Dr_ c‘ro1yn Tdstewan of the Jack Musmin Lynda] Pace‘ Ami" I Mr..and_.\lrs. Sidney Martin and;”"_"rh“_‘l"°" (iab”'_"_’tv “"11 PN5ld9- on the night of flu" day (fin-3,1 To Give “"150 T.“ on Co,-n_ membu °{ we committee on em‘ ‘.v"i"°"‘i"' 3”‘ ‘" m“'u'“°d 1”‘ Pace and Mrs I'.ucy Harris motored :s°"' h‘"'°'5' were “"3 3“°‘“ °f Mr‘ d- '' s.peefhl:S E.” be broadcast by ‘held the 1381 SUPP" with his ‘“5"l' Prof. M. F. Miller, chairman of dvntifilfi. 1190" 3- Pl°*°“’ “'9' °1°°" ture last Saturday morning on to 193.050" én), Sund”,_ and Mrs. Cecil Hogans Sunday. ’“ ‘° M" “.fn' 5° ‘h°.f°"“=‘ ‘Mk pies. and was crucified next day. the Sons department of the Uni,-9,-- ed a member of the cornmittge 0n‘MG°thic cathedrals in Fnnce_.. y r a d M". I. Mcflgrg and; him-v..n M,_,,.Ph5.' 8 student in the.ho1n.e may l‘I‘.~l{-fl in while former The name ..Maund‘.v- is SuI)l,US(." sit}. Wm speak 0%., the radio 10- ('H‘-' Sidm-y Rollins, tlirl ‘ - ‘E’ 9“ twill?‘ "3' “'-""5"?" luate students Monday night \%'n$'Mr,-., Josie llniloy tomorrow ufto~r- UH". "fcitiic-r of Hit‘ L’iiiu-rsity of Mi.-<-‘ p0llll(l ll0X(?S. C-Ollie turd.‘ An V-8>‘l-(‘T l“|K‘~’““t cnuded “1t'he:'Well attended. The Ybunfl “'°"“-‘” iuoon. Mrs. J. L. l.5'm-s will haw‘: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. llcvidrix had -*"”’l-" l l ‘A in hf‘ ("h““"'~' ‘md the Cup” wag "."°”°" ion the ro mm were Miss Mar)’ and I a e o the nwt-tin . Miss .l('\\'(‘" as tlivir '11:-.-zts Sunda ' . ~ . . . . , 7 ° . ’" 0l‘( GI‘ Gill‘ '. in” 0 lo’ ""‘m‘*’"* 0‘ “W C""5"“" §‘“' Minis mini. Thralls of the Univcr- ‘3;,,',‘,:_, ii“ wk abofi, W-. _,.,,..i..,,.-_. ,_ K ”(f;‘dm, of Je5{.r’_5f;‘ “*_'i‘;'y"“”"'d- iin. (.Ll.l(. I\ 1i\1.ks ox HAWAII 3 .. rows .. d°1“‘‘‘''‘$5"’“‘*u°" "‘ lhdenvor sf"). sit)’. Miss Olga Hudson. Miss Mil- ln1issioi1ur)' worn ' Mr. uiicl Mi-.4. Josoph Bullard of Tolli-a of I-‘ohm tr ——(‘li d ‘O M" day night. The pageant symboliz fired Davis‘ Mi“ Down“, Gilmore‘. DL and M”. Han.“ ‘mun?’ Mm SW”! A.\_MumL . I0 . dv rllllgfll." | anzeii an y A clai “W "°5“"'“fi°" of Christ and the M383 -“"13 Hi" mld Mi“ B"r"i°“ ihave been guests of Mr. and Mrs. A joint lllt‘4'llll§! of lllv ritizem of Dr ..xz;?'..5 u(‘ 1,-‘.k ucanfoefi. {A J I we bl‘ !~‘l|h=‘-*“l““"‘ "l’r°“d "1 the Church Ribcct. Assisting U"’‘" “'9” Mm‘ :.l. E. Whittle for several we-«ks, r¢-- Aslilaiid and l‘la1'L~|IuI'g Was held lIli\‘~i..lAi.t:l«‘;il'1:-liifii.i’Ttr"mu fflkwr ll ._ ' Wome ‘h"’“Yh““‘ Ah“ nations’ . ‘Lela Beck, .\li.~.>‘ Wilma Collills and ‘turned lu lndepeillmicc, Sumkiy. horn l«‘r‘ida\- night. The condition uflluc-1.,-c”,.d7 1...”,-,. L H3.’ .g""‘\:1and| a The '7'"-"‘ “"‘"’ “me” by M"): haw. Miss lie‘-lo;-I1 -‘\l1-““‘|“'- "0""“°“'~'5v" l\\'hilc- ll(‘l't‘. Doctor Yuunfl Pave the the !‘l)itll.x‘.l)t‘lWI‘o-ll Axlilaiid and 1 riiyli: at lllv (';ll‘l"l]ll' J:lu)'l‘) ‘ hm 4 T a'r“((3.hll':lYc:;l.'l')md:.l. rep): a “mind play. was an nmusmg"lulx*rcu|in test tl"- s’e“'ml ‘l3l“.\' llaktsliiirfl was di.-cus..xedo _ iThl- ‘lo-rlllrv. V\'llll('ll1\\":1.\‘L{l’\'(‘!:'l lllnlllll: "1 Minpnu Hays. as the --(jh,isfian:mm“‘)'- herds near Culum 111.1. ‘1.b { hp. .lr. uni! Mrs. J. K. Martin, Mr. j[l'.'ullllll(- _~luil¢-nts and their gin-sis, ~ . 1 Members of the L. C. (. u is 1 it nnd Mn. ll. B. Hart and dauizlili-r, (lI',‘3l'l'lbt‘ll lh(- fiirnimmn um: (-}umg,._.-_ __....-——Q——-~—-—: ' v - - I9 s f .. rsunsf , . . 1 ‘ ’ .. . . . H "_ _’ “ ‘ :l;l,:.t.:¢.,,u.,11'::,g;.,,(:,;:“Xs:» Ilfiiborty M’ L’ T0 "L RE‘ Rgs ll-.lemi-ntar) .\.tl10ul. <.ll11l’tT"|N"l bi \ii;,ini.i. and Mi:-< I-,ll:i llzignris of tho \'Ul(’£lll0t‘.~‘ on this islaiiil. son, ’ ‘no Feland, Margarctl Placards Sho ‘ Se 1 to adi wing Work Done llerel-Miss Faye l’:Id1zPt and i\li!~‘8‘.Lll<‘il*‘ _i\'lf~'llt‘ll‘ Mr. and Mrs. ltaymohil llnclnr Gulii-k also told of the na- . . be‘ Leo geweu M Craycraft, hiker to the Meyer sufilrfll Mouiitiny of (olumbia Sunday. ,‘.l\'r li-szoiids, wliich are .~uppos-ed to Mu(*ll(-fo ‘Q11! he , D8 5 o‘ . ' . klgnturdny. Thc)v had “ lncnu: (nnna-r NV - Q - -arvulnn {Hr . . f . . ' ! Lucv Moore. Louisa D8. Alma Four exhibits. ahow1nK we wot 3 . I h r W‘ The mvnlbcrs Wlll~1.~\'l‘ .~\\'l'3RAGl'3 REDl'(‘l-‘.l) ‘*‘ "Hit!!! 0 tfht W - ‘ “u‘;,k§"q Gladys Gar]-nd. Juliegynnd I-csulu; of the .poultry demon-,lll om 0 I 9 g 9 '.' ' P ' ‘ ___i_h_'>_ .l'Un(N.‘.“. and (if _lh(' gn(lS.\%’l'll('h lllt'_ A. . ' vho b“.'l"t lire: ~ gmii. A.”n(,‘ M1":"""’“"h This Svriniz Not So (loud L -""’l’l" l’*'““"“ l“"' l" “W °mu‘T5- . - . ' ' ' 31-Zliza et. ric . limit‘ ‘"'‘-°‘- . .. - . ~ There, were sacred songs blfgsion of the poultry division of the: . i ,. _. ._ W V. __ as l..is-t Seauin. - 3 group of {our Christian Collegc‘College of Agriculture: have been;lit-I~hIG!:§‘l‘"‘:::0'%2):;:“ :;:“‘l"'l.m‘l‘fl < The pri-.ui»iit condition of wheat _‘ . girls: I-‘Icy Inc. Mary Olive Mar-for-_11t to the exhibition in connection ""1 mt » - - inuii-zit:-s ii considi-rablc reducii..n_ 9 and Mrs. Henry Terryl and shall. Dorthc Fortier. Marjorie MC’f\l'1th the Second World PoultI.‘)"““"dm° __ __ liiitluiii urn-age and growth, from: . A R18" 18 as "(H-lug. as the Style- Gmthin. Alonzo Sum“ playfd ‘helcongress winch ,3 to be held in: Ashland that in tin. gaprinpz of 1923, ll(‘t'ul‘(llllL" . Q He “Years. violin and Miss Esther Lee Bride ac- Barcelona May 10 to 18. ‘ ‘ _ to the I-‘ederal-State Crop Report- $s. l'""‘l"*"l9d “*9 5°“3‘° . The oxhibitions are P1393753. 4 bl‘ Mrs. ll. 1'’. (heavens 1s.1ll'. 111;: Service. The crop shows but. Clothes cannot .-44.-t the year» ii;icl;. but tlio'.' can wt The leader of the Eauermservidl 6 feet each" The first of “:89. is A ifs’ Enufif J.e'.“h3s.’s Clnhmbin lllituo. Rngflh}; and cthmtfh bugs and IF ao. wgxynot eliminate named % the waist line un. Tllt‘\' czin Ieiifilhi-11 1lllll'l:ll}('.l' lliv was Merrill Williams. aynan. 3 “me shovging the profits unng ac nge vial e in (It csiiian y ave no 8 own up yet. ycano V ticahipumallyapent {i H, 1-hm. Cm’ n..d.L, m. n 1 (k < ,. ., . 1 x ' e conducted 919 d°"°‘l°“5- the last six years from demonstrn-'.Satu1-dos‘. _ ‘ The oats acreaKe_ for 1924 will". exvencnce. . I!“ -. ’ . - v ‘i- - . -I. ‘M ‘HM? -W -l'!'UlU- Edwnd wuuwrly talked on.--what 50,, (locks; the second is a plot Lloyd T. Sapp was in l\l:ir:hiill not be ,n(.,(.ns(.d to ih(..c,m_.,,t O; ;l.;O“il;b€ul:t; Babaoo :?Uqf'.1h\’~0h.)ld‘ll.Ul‘l ..;Ll. ‘..u{.t d;..L:tlI'-. Does Easter Mean to.Us?' and showing the inc,-ease in egg )"lf.‘l(l;l8St.\%‘9{'k. ebruary reports, and with only :i .11; course. Th 9 ‘" 3 ’“_ ‘" "" -3“? z ‘ L-.1cy Bishop played a piano solo. from dcm0n51flI1i°D Md “Pulled. Miss Zuda Spry spent the week- 28 per cent crop sown. as ngaiiist pmqmug ¢gp_¢.-gem, mg l .9} are here in all lilo dixfvn-r.: fa.iric.= you could . . . . 1’ . D flocks under the certified breedingiend in Booncsboro. 58 per cent last year. prospects for f";1‘*}f!'\g:‘¢;x“npmb“8=D¢I£"::¢ldem“dw'; X ms}, (0,-_ \~(_- hm... .h,.,(. _.;,,._. {,.,,., ti“. _g.y,(.M_\. 3w,,d_ SE“ CIRCLLAR IS ISSLE meumd; the ‘bird is a table sh0“._ “vglligmsficiciils had :1 stroke of i-. bumper crop are poor. ‘ :_c2p33 anmmwa 3195,, 13103, and 01;.” _.p,(,,,_._ t t D’ t ‘b te in: the egg yield from flocks where para }'llS tu any moriii L'- _ _ 7 _ y _ o . mm" ° :' ' ri- axtmdon I1?::nmen.-§.o_ ‘S n a different kinds of food had bcerfii Mr.‘ an: Mrs. H&l‘(}I‘ld hloufiitgriy W,-gtg fa» Prlced $2) to S03 - sed; d th fourth consists o .of Coum in spent 1 e wt-c’-em Send for b_9oltlct "Tn'nia¢ for , 11:l:f'r:l:t'e:‘l:):h?|:’I)1:Ir¢2é1e:tne‘;1: four illrdstralfions of the Missouriiliere. _ Fire. Tornado. Windstorm and mm mm‘ °°'°",,,,,,1’,f,‘,,‘,{’,‘,’,,°3,‘.’,{,",f,,‘.’,',,‘{‘§{,‘§,' Our Hat Departmellt cular on §‘SPl’a)'in8 Grapes in Mix-‘Poultry houses which the depart-3: An Easter prozram will be i:I\'(‘n d plat Glns I llCi1l!"3;t:0ll_5lbOll{1ml_fll1i1U!C_vI:HIhO'a!1gV‘t Loadod db“-’!1 with Amy sbzziw or sliiide you Could wish _ . ‘ - , S dn . e S n. men IYIIDQ . C1530” I'0§- . ‘curt.’ Thl:*edem‘ndtf‘3i'm’ch ' flflflmem hu been pmmotmg.‘ tiéelllllelgmethodls‘ Chuuh un 5 an wd”.N°°bhnmn' {S221 on and o'i1cr Rood 'i1'l'r h t in truistht I ' ‘ h . ‘s ye‘, “C . ' 1 . I 3 '_ S ‘' . ‘ l s !- \ 1 u . ‘ Z‘. S 5 JTIYUS, 31351? 3;“ ?,,g?.... of \.;,,c}..,.d,y MISSOL-RI IS PASTURE STATE h‘Clarcncct Elli; of Cglurzabia \Jl.\ll.;‘;l surance at Cont ' ‘ [13-‘-'-‘-'-"j___ I brim; alighu}. turned W, and the more “awe Shams. throughout the state. 8 “cf 5 -. If D, [oped n win! ‘5, 9”” 5'. r‘ ‘" 5' ' ‘ How to get it. Come to . 330 if "' Stets n H . The -climate of Missouri is fav-l “ m '3' K W k jE1115- 5‘-"'d33~ a meeting at Maccabee Hall. '*"'u"(.z“)‘." 0 atb to Survans mine 5- _ H T y___A__y other Hats $3 to $5 orable to the xrowuhh f t.;rI:hP¢afan“:. Missouri is a great pasture statc,§ dmhltin of (.U1umb.m over Central Bank. Thursday. ' ' u. t e rm I . ~ ~ .~ ' « - -. ‘ to.mamta1n. c Q I! 0 ‘cm,-mug to a bulletin issued li).‘,isited here Slmda)._ April 14.. at 4.30 p.'m. Full Ladle; “.0 .‘‘.;mt to can yum. mmnmm to our phomix it is essential to spray them. There the State Board of Azfl¢l|1Wl“~‘. l"- ‘ Mm‘ Esther Smith and him, \-jg- dtlllls will be explained. lloso dcpnrtmt-nt. are many inmrioua insects and dis‘ if its paature:-i are carefully dc-gyimd In the home of NHL Sum“; _ t In “U “W new mlm_S_ er, Margaret. ‘"3 "ml °‘" be °°"tm"°d by "F yeloped it will far outstrip Ken- SERVICE $1 85 ' . per Dali’ Prompt Attention plications discussed in tl;)isdcirculia1.imcky as 3 bluegrass ind pemuml A mmplete fpnym‘ 8° ° “'3 °':cnt pasture state. Ozark pasture? ‘acreage is steadily improving andl rape ' . “"ll'fi°" °f nmny diuuea lincrcasintr says the reP0rt. l Modern Equipment Copies of this circular may be‘ ' . ’ . _ , ' ~ Day or night obtained by writing to the Missouri sdlzgaeirismiitiitraefifn robe iilildiiri o ) r ‘ , Comte of Agnculmrt ‘farms and who have stuck to thefi I S '.1:H1aiA'rn:Ia«" 5*‘ N D 5 '3 I «ii :3 in 8' :: N S C‘ :r in a. H job are having invariable success! with their pasture lands. ; LAST TIMES SHOWING TODAY H001‘ GIBSON In “THE THRILL CIIASER" Francis Ford inf Man's Boots" Fros f o or i A 1 1 Herbert White apentyestei-dc)‘ 5" Iligbce on business. E. N. lluff went to Ccntralia yes- Lel us do your decorating. tn-nday on business. Select line of wallpaper. W. A. Crane and Overton Crane paints. varnishes‘ stains went to St. Louis on ‘business ycs- . and . moulding. y. a - ....‘§‘.- l;L.(t::i.:«nd irI1£wg¢~n§:1’i‘l"1!:’dd1: S““5‘“°“°" G“”‘"“°°d ' mione 2051 14 6. eui si. 4 l I t i 4 business tenday. where he will work during class Decorating Co. I i I O H. fa - B ~ - -, P T ° ‘B B oyce went: to rovins Sea Those ‘Who recall y r Pr l!t.a:'.n.'lne$iliiings, who has been vis- _, iting here for several days. has rc- ‘ ' . , turned to his home in ‘Sturgeon. _ Mr. and Mrs Harry Kuhn, who with pleasure the These are just the kind of cool, trim, alto- gether becoming tul) frocks every miss or have been-visiting here. returned Homg Owngrg Slnglng of‘ _ V to their home in Kirkavillc yestcr- Shouid “kc pride in lnving woman likes fol‘ hmnc, pOl‘Cl'l, street and d“"' ‘heir **°""'* '00" "m°'-*"°- vacation wear. Thcv are cut on the emart 0 5 , F 3"‘'5’- "*’° 5” """" i“ 9”" I do painting of .11 kinds, M. . :::':“’.':.:.:.'.:.'“:. .:“2:.:::. i-ma mm- M, ' ' cleaning wall paper. Ukrainian National Chorus. will also delight NINA Koshetz. soloist of last season with the in the singing of H(‘l(‘ll Truubel. simple lines that make laundering easy, and beautifully finished in a way that will ii... It. 1'. Tandy. 1115 University‘ T, J, Crowley . _ . _ avenue. went ighslzt. uliiisdgfauniay phone gm mm. appeal to the discriminating woman. t d oi e or 3 mi . . . ' . . ,,"e,"§,',"'m,,u_,° ' ' ’ "’ 1 No “9 3”“ *"°- l Damtily striped and checked tissue ging- chargea for estimates. hams in two-tone colorings, non-crushable linens and crepe in white and colors, all colors fast to sun and tub. 11. Mi... Esther D311... who has been! —Soprano— THE BLINDNESS‘ POLICY Your EYES are unquestionably your greatest asset. No one in so hopeleaaly helpleaa as a blind "person. Ian‘t that TRUE? Ability to support your family depends almost entirely on your eyes. lf you lose your eyeixht, what then? One small payment NOW will insure your sight for the rest of your life from loan through accident or diaeaao. Only on premium , THE _ Special Price $.95 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Special Hat. Sale Now on, $4.95 St. Louis Symphony in the last Phi Mu Alpha . PQVWWL ' INBUIB THEN--D0 IT TODAY 0|!‘ 003:7 lllraateea the follow payments ?°" “*3. “'3 01 lllllt K: ‘ ' . Iv-fl ‘ maicoouorure-time: ‘ 35.” o... _.._._....... ~._._...-. -._ .—..-........—._.. ...._.__..... ......__....__: ,...._..........-..._.—..-.. ‘vii. V . - _ UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM ‘ Q Wednesday Evening APRIL 23 A TICKETS FRIDAY Reserved $2 T Unreserved $1 Mlssoum srona '['AYLogvg 9"?” 1 « . s1o.oo 1" 7'‘ Vallnlutvaan 18and70.reganllan A 0' Write for more information. n.n.oaAY“ . Ana Np. aozroaau sag. 0 . - ' 4 - ' 2 I ‘ ‘ u . 7 ‘A ' ' ‘ " 4 . ~ ; _. . . . V .. . T‘ -’ '»v,'‘ . , . ' , ' - 1* ‘U “ . ' '. " - . . \'. . . _~ ’\sQ[ ‘ ' , . -.. - - -, . .. " - . 7- ---——.....«......4_.. _ 1‘ _. . ‘~_. ‘ .. V .- - Q _- _' , _.i _ ~_- -- ‘-_- . .' ‘- _ _ ~, ~ 'r_ . _ ;,__ --, ' . - i‘ »_ ' . . " __ ; .>- f . .;- " , ' “ ‘ -" ‘~-“r--4-«'4-4l~‘~-«J»--=-s~'-s5‘-v-v-v.-..a....; .41.... ‘. ..: .-.-....-..'..‘....sv~.~...‘..-..~- .-3' -~ .. ._ .1 -e‘ . .;-.f'_‘.—*_....It-.33.. -L..m" €:‘L'._.s.-., ' V-..’~».‘ ‘ ' . - - ‘ '- " " ‘W 1-‘ “"1 ’- -5""-4 3.": ' ‘ ‘ ' -"'-- -t-ow»-\.‘.l... , ....‘:..’.'. I..': - .'- ' :2