1.71‘... -«:~ 7% .— -.-r~.. .. r":-*3. * A ‘:4: .l§"g1"”.*-- I ‘I «.9-. I ‘ vvi . . -‘own . I . ._ ‘ " .--o -" _‘_, vs. , I l , _ . _ ‘V - . ' ‘ C C V I - ; V —’ -~— -43 _-'~ D - -1 .' .3; -_ ,_ z, i . 2' THE COLUMBIA MISS UR N MONDAY APRIL 21,1924 . 9 t. V 1 'l l A I .9 ~ .1 vs 7 Eh- 73. L It?" " £3 - - ‘l _ - V . . ; - ‘.1 ’ .1 -7.’ . - r t‘ to . fie! : u '. ..' ' - "L ‘W ~ ‘ '.- —¥~ ‘ ‘ : :- ill‘? lit .'1'ol§It‘Y'sMARKETs MASONSBECIN lE§f.k.;.i’.i‘.;.:.E‘§!,ns.;n‘i.f'.‘§;§.:?‘.“g’tf‘=,§‘, ,,f,_lGhost5 Lurk In Room Under th l'BANI;I1;,,g=LI;,1; sgflgglgvnom, gcrcenmy message n .. _,_,. 3 - > V, ‘ A _» ; _ _‘ o ; , . .. _ . uls;- . ‘ . , _ " . 2 .; v is - r 3.“. no... . ? 59TH. ANNUAL .:‘.‘,’.’.f.,‘,”i..°.a."i'e..".‘..”“c’..,°.“,’.',;,f,;;. Columns Among Rellcs of M. U. F1re,”'°'"*m ,§;,{;,,'_f';,.‘,§;-, §;=-==°d :——-—-4‘ o Young Men. ere into" " ~ 3 t I . Ur0aluI|,?:nn. . . . . _ — - pg‘-1-[0;‘qAL 37033 yggpgm” ME - 15- 0» K133” Cit?» M30011. W. '_1'..; There is a room under the Cc]- «bewuse he lld ‘t In th- ' h T‘ . cu“ m ‘rm fl’;'C"m°"3'°°""' 3'0"" E '!?l:r?t:::ae’:;the§' Arumr.DSl';ryL:iIll:;‘l1mns, It is just south of them. ‘A ¢°""e¢U°°= cs: £ as tlEB’s'l*Ml‘.'ol..l'§ A 'l 01 -r Mlhhewlvnn like ‘ L 3 -¢'- . - o - . market. , ateadynnatire‘. v - . itunnel lead =.t to h P ‘ - “ll 'tbc -- - th ‘ ‘ 1' : _ ' ' 9" " '“ ""° 53"’ ' ' H A ' M‘ Sn ‘ ateén. 73508-75: (Outlaw! ms am on; .M“'''‘' B’ P" 3'“ "°"°P"- “°°‘°“"°“- house, and to till.-cl-‘:ls'.:'cii':c.fic‘cl'i‘rt 3 lanowIe§::" aaid‘trllecd‘thl:‘l's‘:r:'cu-tclxfldlu slurred him and stole s4.lloo.‘°'°""“ 5"” '8‘ Vi‘: .n“f'st“ ch“ °°3 steer: and heifers. 87.763850: . ‘E““'-' E"'°“‘ ’‘°"°‘'‘’* 3- E-2 E“‘nulldln;:. Cadetl» traml» om ‘:2 looked like the late E c timico {in term and cash this morning. °’ °"’" ‘‘’‘‘’'5' “<1 it 4' i I i . ‘M cm. were crowd“ w ovflaofytfllg hat don; m§IIlfe‘I1lfi?“nI:IJ.JC”CCI‘pe ((§3mr° d8ll)'- It was left after the lire a "When I was in the Ulliverxitv "anon M’ Huff’ j"'“'°]'~"‘- "°P0!1c..ca c - . . _ r 1.“ $0 . L @;6.75. nurkfl um°:vu:’:° p';‘.:: h“::cs“";‘od‘y."3‘d Mg": E. E” Kmfi‘ l:lnlvcrslt}' building. More than Eh?“ c“'3""-‘d 0"" {T033 30031-.hiT“;° w°u'dt’h°55°d{)'0Ufll1h“lfn trot; hThe usual Easter - O .' - _'_< , pl mg“ ‘ 5 to 10¢ lover laoavy naopus 30"“ Prom. for‘ vloaou. llloller.- Louis. St. Louis; Marquis. ’ ’°"‘‘ ‘‘‘*'° ‘C°“".'“"‘ ’‘°**"‘ =1 “ °' l "' ° °‘’‘’" F “‘ ° ‘° 5 °“ ‘’'°‘“.‘ ‘°’“‘ “" ’°“ °°‘°'ful1iih I « ~ _, mm ,.,.,'oé.,_,o; gm,’ 37453;: Stunts and electrical demonstra- J. c., Independence: Masters. J. n.3:::,'"§,Zhb°‘ "' l.,‘,""” ""T°'°"" I‘ 7"!’ ""'“'“"5' “"’i°" ""°"' ”"'l;'mwh' he gm’ ‘ml! ulm-kn°°k-°d’ye-“"day' 1" N" Y°"‘." Hg’: 7.55: lixht llthtl. 361567.55: vtclrztlons will fclture the Open Hou9¢!Glenwood. la.: Niederjohn. W. 17.. 1- 9" mm “ O Md been “mod ‘"°""'"‘" l‘“°“°8. meant more to the '»m ""°°"“’°"’‘ " °°“°d h"“-“"’ b°d“¢8'l°‘l . a-o.-u..o..o§._.—. lin a closet. He attracted the atten- Miss I-‘emininity to um __ ~ 3 2 § 2 1 . I .-; . ' . .._.._'._...... , » .. , rprotram of the enlineering studentavcalifornlr N l . J. A.. St. I ' : fiends were showing CM“ other me" Wm’ “me he" b°f°"° 1892' - - . - . j J ta dingo aova, $6.l0@6.a5. hulk. $7.30@i“ their “boo, building at 8 o.dock!: Nie5tr;fl1,'Ao I-Sins; Louis; Ne‘:::‘..because of slavery. than they do to we vcrdam ).0u'_h.!tlOh of a paaaerby by lucklng the In St. Louis colfvufig ." If E '2'" [ ' ' ° . 300.’ k tonight.‘in honor of the visiting Ma-‘J. S., Butler; Nerd. P. G.. Iaouialanr Gh°“‘ L‘"''‘' in the Ruins. Who sends a postcard with their-vd°°" “he” "9 °‘""° l-°~ >“'9'"°" ‘° mac ""7 5’ to lg ’,._ . - "1 sb°‘P—n'°°°'p“' ' mu “cons. According to‘ Dryden Hodge..?Nolting. C. F. Brunswick N organ’ In the damp cold mold 01 u . Pl€lll1'¢ l10m¢- '11’ 910)’ Weft‘ 15079.5 A ‘“''m" °°‘"‘- 'l‘ I: “mu; cw“, ‘7::C?lg'-7;) anneullwho is in charge of the affair the‘? W Mansfield- Owen Pl Fe‘ Ex’ little room zstllllc vague %p(~c1ul-t» Just as an ornament to the Francis BANDITS LOOT low“ B55.“ *“°'*- .- 1? I ' . °““°“v ' ‘-‘ “°°'domn: c ‘ll be In’ ed b-4oél'" ' -' ' ' " '3 r n - ‘~ 7’ Quadranlrle. 0:‘ Id h » bee I ‘-‘-*”. I C0448 "III 3¢'rI'eI ‘*- : l ‘;h3‘”: _ and Life‘ 'hmh8' ‘u'oo@16'25' ;stud:n:.snwhodz still condllxcl: thne \-isi)-‘ball?’ Spnngm Oshawa. John’ ‘u-'flnd fhepfgzallglllyildtll Illlftl fashioned of fufgr (ir(l’l21terial‘l‘eThos'c?l$1o'1?;‘:: lsfolfll‘. "Mu" uh. E.'°h -°f the um r - . ~ -—'.""— . 3L Loni‘ p,.°‘.“_._ 'tors to the various engineerinlt la~. Pgu-ic|;_ I);-_ p_ L Man.e1i,,,_.. pot_'Univ¢-rsity possible. Ghosts df in‘-‘ Comm" ’t°°d {M High" k'°mi“g3tl- ll:-‘:3 0,” 0‘ m ‘um. “Rug domutic “ion” . I’ vi ‘flneinmomm ‘me o°l°'mm°::"~‘8r U-.1!-II rm-. *’°m°*'l¢5- !te='. W. IL. Paléuvro: Pine: vi’. A ‘htflllation and foundation lurk in ‘" ”'° 5“"'~'- '”"°°8h Wm Passed; ’o*-{Alla A. ril 21-I-‘o ba a‘ ‘'°"'‘.’.' °' T°"‘“ *5 7' 75 ‘. Edptchlg Apilidtexcs“ :‘a§P?tn:'fiaa.d.th:‘f‘iratll .3?‘ Louisv AP?“ 31«—E‘_?"~ 89'“ °f “"7. sum?‘ Wm be: h,i¢hlS'f' J°‘°Dh: Patrick. H. S..'Kansa; "19 Shadows of twisted iron rods we y°.uth of the day’ walking b"ll0d=;." 0"‘-¢l"°d!l)! bafill at ‘gill eoligneslnanddn lumlumg Q ~89 of the ‘EIW-fiftffirnn Nanny °‘'3‘"°‘'' 2“; ordfluwltemlon define‘! dwplays sh°wm8_C“y; P°°"3'° cane’ H» 5059115’; ‘"'d dusi "I l’"1"°"l1°d 9l0||€‘- 11m0!l$.' the nu‘ fence’ past the ‘Van’ a"d‘Ia.. locked the cashier and twocourseas. The fig: oluntthteon ' i Hirata, no quotations. sparks flying in air. water coming;Pilchcr, A. 51.. Canton; Reed, R, L, the ashes of books and priceless l‘('l- ‘O “"3 chnpei‘ 1" tho" d‘ys' were ‘clerks in a vault and escaped with not cost more than 25 v ' ' 3 oeataa since the’ law." says Mrs. St. Clair Moss, ‘a , Bun“ crame , , ' , _ _ _ » . . — ry extra, 365.“; out of a faucet apparently fr in n - P 1 Bl H; Ray 1-‘, _ " .- . f l C . V _ - tsas no honor greater than that of. - . to air “:2” “duds. no qutmfiom; flrst5"wh"e' mm diuppufing {mom “;)e.Rc;gbl:3'm' git Auyhur act)“; it; (ti ‘:ul::.g”I::.}lI:(!!'!lllt;[ftc:(: being cducau_d_ The Columns weni 10.000 in cash, according to a the second not more thansu n no‘ ks‘-,;,°','od’° 5 ‘ : seconds. 31¢. ,"ll° 8_ Sliélelon. two forms of Witt‘-imiltgham, Englmd; Rnna.u_ gums or .lom_-mm and cm,-_ ,,',,d p°,1,,,;.5 the portals of lznowled 9- ’---A ---~~-—~ ~- » —~«—v . M _. __,__ .. , arm. 1",. p,°’;:§d,_.d (0,. Nu‘! up P0111");-Reina. 23¢; turkeys, 29¢;jless Ilfihllllg. an automatic revers-lF.. Albany; Reynold. Dorsey 3,, of great men who made the Univer- Th” B“m““: %"""35 I5‘ 1892- 3 I ~ ; .. "apt-ings. 4c: lacks. 24¢: geese. 11c; "8 "‘° °"- . _ Springfield; Ryan, Perry A., 3011. my on actuality. '3" “‘""°_‘ 9 "9; " ‘"“"”’3' 9-? 7 ‘ 3 :Il..“ihmmmitbnttfi:sme:d”ld lta. 13¢. the swdems Wm 315° 8h°" ""‘l""“3 R0597“. R0)’ W’-. Fayette: Wonder what the $tho~'ts talk 1892' ‘he mum bmldmg of the pm’: a A MANAGER I ‘ -7- ~ - . " n uh 9' C5093‘-“'x°nh¢|’n ‘Wills. 13¢? Penmgnts on perfornmncc ‘est Of 3" R°‘"v .J- T-v SK 140958; Rosevere. Rfnhout But there are sum.‘ 1’ th varsity burned‘ Somewhere the ugh“ V The GIll'd' Li! I . _ __ was Sgt‘ g1i:;:°;t‘mf:~},oung Amefiw 19¢ ltgductlon mom;-_ wgfing mag“-ial5,S_. St. Louis; Ruvson E C .ru_n_ omcmb‘cr_ M um. firs‘ {m,“:lcugym0 wires had been poorly insulated. and? . 1 Co B: A e lnnluu . an 3' , —— sowing ma Ytt' 'd,‘ . -~ ' . ’ ‘ .'. ‘bl’ lldr fll'th h-, - . -° Writ:-. , gears ago.-when the status of women‘! St. Louis Cash Grain. ,ateeI, andnifionf)asndoshofiinggthtoic-':m'BRe§?' 1‘fi,;,;?."gmnu;3; R£‘d§r’."”““"m d“"f”' dad '” "W" "“’W' 31. :n‘f;l.°rll'l- .le§l'::2r:d)n Chamberlmn earned ‘hm 30” j , u ‘M nmpbew lenll). fixed‘ St LOUIS Apr“ 21.__Com_ “on of Fundys first electric motor ... j . erno . . ...’hent constrlctlnsr shrouds. who say t 'h,ch m d . t , 1 01.,’ can 0 e same. , E8t§l>IiaIIed 1860 1;.“ I . - ' .. . , -» nuns Cur; Scherwood S. C. Ex-no ‘d um -« l.« - u— v - w l» "‘°"""‘°" “ ‘ ‘ " "“” “°" ~? JIFFY FMFRGI-I\’(‘Y MU » - At ‘at mg '1" no‘ permuted to °’ 3 white’ 78@‘8%°‘ 5°‘ 4' 13°” W50 Wm B‘-‘ 33% celcior SPrinR‘s° Shields '8 L. ‘F ”w- n ‘’-u‘ N’ -ml} L" I the entrance to the Uniwersit) Au- 1 v “ ‘~ . J ' D Lu" of u" s““ '3 ‘ vote. but later. by action of W hite, 7855c; Sept. rssc. July.’ The following are ‘am to .m,,,,,;‘,,,,;. S,,,,,,,,,,,.,;,,,, H '0 ‘A ',,;”' 3’ ""'*"'"‘.'”"‘"’~' “"9 ‘‘'T'‘‘‘‘'‘‘”' ‘"“’ ditorium had been placed in um! C‘-Al*‘$—dunns: your moo- New York -. “ conventio they were ven rec - ‘c, Lu“. ,_.°m.emion of Mao“, fit '1 Smith M . F- g _PP loathe way girls are grows’ into lu~o_fes- chapel for u{e_k,_,,_,ping_ Several; tlon. '_' "mm .“‘b°‘i. ml’ d°l°3“°‘- Oats-No. 2 white. 50‘4~':C: N0. 3 511010113‘. W. 31.. Cape Girardeauf wit’: C fl Ejgpé ch-;rde£:.n§fi€3,;.g(«”ng -‘mo mufesslom’ ‘Shocking! days later it was dug from the ruins.‘ EV€'!’.\‘ tlutomobile owner is a The position calla for; _ “htra. Emily Newell Blair, na- white. 49‘.éc; No. 4 white. 49@. Anderson. J. S., Joplin: Ar-afield, .-\.'I5lme!" liangag cm” Sm'm:mw' V‘ M.‘ ‘_l hm.‘ m't_ been. "(#5. 1°.“ And so. as Rome has its Colisc-um.f prospmzt. of high caliber who must hog I fional committeewontan from Mls- whit; May. 48"bc. ., renton; Austin, I-I. IL, I-Zdomin web}, cm" -rmece '3 A '1, ° 5m“ "W" “M5 “"0 "mm marned Columbia. the home of the Uni-l You dcn't have to jack or abilit to ' . . V‘ at a dinner '\'en the night Ewheat (futurc)—Sept. $l.05?«i"Arlnstrong C E West Pla' -- " " ' ' -0 0P‘ or school-teachers. . ’ - h ' P " ' h C 1-‘ . . y mama‘ ‘~‘ ‘ , . ; M - - -v - |D5..lar Blufl. . \C'rSIl.\. 85 11-“ 0mP¢ll "1 1 1’ 0 r pr} your c..r to put them on. ance cx rien the Sprlngeld convenuon. 191)’. 31.04 ‘. ‘Adams, J. \\'., Webb City; Bowling.: T“ B . F I . Sp°“"“ bpal‘ "I L‘’““ “‘5°- umns. Who knows what discoveriesl -‘ A wgnmn 0,. Chad can do it ' cc not "“ to Iimlilitf of W0m¢G"5l¢l€8|t¢5- In gwheat (red)——N0. 1. 31.15: 390- 2v 9- C» Kl"k5"lll€‘: Brown. John U..,(;,_.0,. ppb hr"-5' , u ‘on’ T‘u°y' One \\'hllt*-haired ghost nudged nrcheologists will make hundreds of_‘ THFY ARE NT“. ,_\.D .1, ' nocfssan‘ can ‘md 3°’ “‘¢ a apeech quoted a Xiaiting demo- '.!4g.1.l5; No. 3, $1.11; No. -1 Unionville; Bean, W..Y., Springfield; Ch‘ F‘ °'. ;nw' TanMr'.panl. " another one. "Do you know. I years hence. when they dig into the l \, ', ‘ ‘ ’ ' 5 ‘LL wntc‘ ; '; ’c!'ltic man natioaaL._in1portance., "nR@1 no. £3,-00-5’ R. J__ spfingfidd; Bond.‘ "(‘ff"-f’.“- "’°bl°°d- ‘A,!‘"' hm’ heard a boy fuming the other day luins? € 0‘ “GI”.-‘ T .t _ I . ' Ho.-‘told Mrs. Blair thathe had at» 5 ma; (lm~d)_.l~;o, 1, 1_o7@1,o3;,14,-o, Brookfield; 3..-gut, (mud G. ‘’‘‘T‘'‘_. "3" T“°k'’- 3‘ “- K93“ _ _ __ _ ,_ g__ A __._H,-* = Sample chain and sales kit: °"'_°,"_"C"""'b“- In I tayded g number of lgstate convex)- o_ 2. :1_o5_ Jen},-son City; Burrows. X. F. Cujllcno‘ 0 T’:°°"~ B97?» T"~‘"§°l'li TTIDIUC. " ‘ """"' " ' ‘ --~ - r -— "’ « $1.30. \\'r-itc ‘nd 'd.l°m|1'|K counties. mm W, am the“, rm, ,, ,_m,_ . ___._...__.. _ ton; Bradshaw. Jerry. Canton: Blakegfs: Hi’, 1""-"”,C""E T‘“"l¢F.'G¢0rlze of President and .\Ir:.. Edgar D. Lee WABASII CLUB lll-:Rl-1 9 ilOl'RF§ . ' , . f . proportion of women at the Missouri Ruph. uobefly; Bedford’ Edwin J"? i. . .ar§ellne. Tayclor. E. \\., Mal» at dinner toniglltrt 5'1”-lock in St. W_ _. d S‘ AUt0 Chain A Kronsbein & Tllbbfillg, convention “(I an, ‘hey tad more’ ‘ _A Puyeue; Bukhgm Edwin H" SL 8:120: Snhcnsfon, F. A.. Mountain C13,,-_ Han, (,,h,.,_.,,,,,, h,11,.m,. Ill Arm:-. at n. In. an 1); Corporation . . i to any in the cooncfls of the party } T Charles: Bamber. William. St. g,,° §'. f,-’fL°"q id,”-'I.”“”h‘"‘ T“. . ~ 7,7,7 . M ,; . LN" ‘Km’ 7 Manufacturers Manasers .‘ I_~ than in anyothel; state convention, W/IIJL ‘Louis; gun-oug§,3' J. y" u.,,h,n.;‘,r° ,°"” ' .' ”t‘ m”' Swnfield-. . l:),s.7?"°'“‘ “_"‘“-_‘-‘ ’"’_"i¥ “ Members of the \\ abash Club.: , ' , _ 30. . . i 5 . I Runes. N. W" Paris: Buflsley. C: \\._, l5I8T)‘y1llC; Stark, Jqnathgnnosln. ....ll.~ gr-lt:§_alllonhlxl1’ llhls snort» “ho Wm Visit Columbia Smulrday" . Woolworth Bulldmg . a Central National by Bxwudenk E“ Ron‘; Benjimin. A. W" Hum“ ‘ arytll e, Strand, Dave, hennett: W8 0“? 7-_:‘___-_*.-*~"-_-‘ll '03 - will arrive at 4:30 p. m. on a spew . “llv¢f10"l|. 39" ‘O73 3348-. St. Louis. No. , f ‘Irjn‘.__ll6:‘: ny's‘tlun "the ‘fifty: . - _ ' ‘City. i°“’§:' T‘ C" "“"""‘°‘ S°“”"' ‘*‘°.cov. M'CltA\‘ A(;.Al.\' ox ml 1ml"- °°°°““"i= *0 ‘W W" ' "" 3 men are s°_=l3°°r;,, ‘k __ ~ Broadberc, c. n., gnu... ci.,.;‘,,_" ,n,§f.';,’;‘,ff,;nS,‘,,'.‘d§{;p1:,‘,§;,,“"‘,',“ff TRIAL l.\' Flt.-\l'l! L‘.-\SE"}‘A1’”_""°"’°"‘r’;‘;“‘° '3; I-1’-.3!-n::‘t'"f("f1f-.,_,__ , H _ _g g g *3. : fall; . recormzmz. : , (Continued I-‘roan 9... u. 'Bowman J. .l. Bonne rom-- Bush rl'don- s 3 ” '- ' ' ‘ - ' “ . " ‘”'"“”‘ ° ° °" ‘"" I‘ ‘ ”_‘=¥§’ - 1....-g. - ° 2 ‘ ' '. 1 ' ‘ ~ -°°“» L C» Snrmxfield: Ind: .1 t F d I c l ' -. o h» z . th 1 . " ‘°““-.to..'°"°............*"“'.';‘l°..":'::.':.::=e-ac» or an»-at «ea» i’..‘.l’.’;..°.""‘.’."‘°'." W “- “~- Cr “““'»‘~»..£"f."‘.’.“..'“.»..§...if.Z °*" 3:". ~ ‘ ’ ‘flue § ked ah jfmnk and friendly explanation of ' . mvm’ 05"" Joplmi S°h'°‘-’d‘~"- Ho 5‘- 14°ul53 SW9-'1l‘l"-l v llearin . Sunday momin . l 4'°‘“"3’ °°‘P . " '5‘ ‘P "ml. ‘ -31%» W H.. Mansfield‘ Beck en my and M 0 ll ha’ naa -- - ‘ ‘ “ ~ lluslnod was vlthchcr said. ‘No. we’ l"‘“"‘ °‘ ’°°"”'.°°°"‘. "°‘.‘ "‘."“ Le o- - -I ' "go ’ 1 ”‘ ' " ‘-3’ ‘*.""“’ ’."“' . . The visitor. will be taken on an? i .593.’ buyonulg am just nowllalton to the ng lmmlgratlonés, S1.BriLOl.llS.C B;Irr.§ John. Llty: Tumble. R. F.. Pleasant Hill:l Il\DI.-t.\Alrol.lb. Aprtl 3l.— Jtnmomc “W of ‘H cm. in A ‘— ' ‘ ‘I ' i ‘ ; Sp 0 oga I ' ' - ' ‘ ' .' 0 .- >0 ' ¢ . - .- 3‘ ‘ '. ' . ' ‘. nu, ...—..u M ‘mum any n home,htlL It gives me pleasure to be t field_ Boot F prlng Tatmnn, J. A.. St. _Louls, \anmx, \\.. After bum: nu. of (()JIbJU:l1 .1 an l.. Audi”: 3 “Sit to the L.ni‘_cn__it)_ , . I“ K°lD8 W11“? 1'-’3m°,$:k “fun? you an "he.Cit)'; Crouch. Kim B. 'Carr‘¢‘)ll?<:% gyflsht Jfmiytt; (‘gird mug’ 1?‘ §"'(’°"'°rlmr “ ‘7r"("‘ T',.'“M fay fwm l-;: the Columbia Chamber of Com-l w‘he_con-'.em;°n_v _. gT8\_.. consequences In .the:Cu_ue Harry FuhO'n_ Calbe _ - ~34 _~l|8V'»‘_. 841 ll 011. . I'., .',t. on trlal a .~el_'orid tame .oda5 ‘on much , 9 _ - “Anna” kindly heed womnlmt of the" ¢om¢gg' ‘mg gnu“,-mg.Le '_ vD o _ . _ rm. I.fll.ll.~: \\‘ ale)‘. M. P.. Albany: lie» (‘I18l'gt'.s' of t‘I'lll‘llll.'ll :1ct.~ 1:l'(I\\'l.'lL' ~ _ _ . _ I O O ! _ . nhwspifit of ffiendafi ‘Dd under“ 5 le .. St. Louis; Collier, A. I-‘.. bcr H. " Poplar B1ufi'- win‘ no" out of the ,1)‘, ,5. ,{ -.,;, fun ,_. .~'l.t hzln ocloclt In the evening: I Z , rota one of the rural counties aald ,- , 3’ . . 31 - , , v - 6 . U r I I U" ' ._ l m a ., that she was a little lonely at th¢l““.'.’d"l2 you have always mamfe!l' i t‘9“”5m G'°‘c°* (-"°t°’ L 8'' M°""° R‘ M" . ~°“€ ‘Valnman. J. H» La- last summer. ‘l-‘'-‘' “l” b“ ‘~"“‘" “ "“"‘l"“‘ “‘ W‘ ’ ° 1 ' — ‘ ’ "3 ' I . . . . . . . 3. :1‘ ‘ v ' ' ' I \ . .- comwfiou. she exphimd mu her‘:-d tn our long association. I had noJBlufl.s.‘g‘° be:"'“’‘. 5 G. Pt!1. ofefrancls.C‘nh‘,ge. holds ‘the. sarne office in the Sl.Il(..Cl'Z|tlC .tatt cununtlz n atult. mu-t . ; , ’ . g _ eg , was, . zorganlzatlon in Iowa. mg at 2..l0 uclocl. Thuladny aft- For the Best m , 39 w - 6 "men who dld noylnuoq by Rose. «ml the shooting. D;“’°B'3 “"3” T'°"‘°"- 9°‘-n°»f ?——, lo.-noon at on home of .\lr.~:. Rebt-ecu , 1-: 0_I e arts of the beaut ,:Ro.,_.~__“.u confining fith his ‘L. . ., nne Terre; Dunlap, R. S., ‘Fay Ilelnpsteadof Little Rock ar-“ruck. 1331 East Bmad“.a‘._ S}-[OE REPAIR l ‘r - 3" t‘ - ‘ ltorfl¢5'a in a corridor when Sextonlsynngfiddl D°d‘°'3' 5 Mn 03113’ "Wd he"? I853 flight 10 ltlelld “ml The six Columbia women who at- l ‘I if ‘ Au‘ ‘be war 'pp°‘.’"_‘°°_lPll8h' the revolver against his aideltm; Ewe’-g’ C“ .St' Louis: E"”' Masonic m°.cung' Mr‘ Hempsteadltcndccl. the c invention and will SERVICE ‘ . . - . ° ' ‘ I _ they were then w|Lh‘.nd red “.ice_ _ T. .I.. St. Louis; Ellington, Ralph s_, is most puissant grand master oflspcak are M,.:._ Emu‘. Ha,.,.h,. 31,5. See Us 12113. ‘d"¢n19¢m¢mo E. Loveless ol'Lchnd I ~ .‘ "fi‘”"“‘.5' °‘ l"""°““7‘° °‘"‘“ A I Sexton. sister of the boy P'."‘" E"°"‘d°"' P: B" 3“. I‘°“i‘“‘ ‘he G""'d C°"“°" °f R°"‘” “"3 S“"ll. .\l. llllnlrate rilrs. St. ‘Clair E Sanford In Uni"°’55‘Ye was awarded third ' ' in the F: I M ‘fill? 10 ‘CW9 NW 5851 Interest of who J killed, fought, poll“ wh¢n,!;|¢hmlD. Arthur, Itansas City; El. lect masters of Royal Arch Mason.~l“O,_,, \{r\_ 1.0“: ,m_,,_|§ “h 1 Ag Ru" 9 - - n - - - 1 I3?“ 5'.‘ ‘ ‘L ad’ "'"”" . the)‘ Httcmpted to arrest her father. ''‘''°"°.C’’‘‘' 5'' 3°"""5 "‘°"l"- 3- l“ W" U“i“‘d S“‘“‘-“- ‘Vs’. ltolainl-Q-n ‘.'....l \lAi;~ ' nl;n..I ' um . -= "u v-3: J A U were on the )ol) early ‘N1 ——-——+——— C.. Chicago, 111.; Fischlourtz, V. l(., “—"“‘“ . h I‘ ‘ ' ‘ 24 S, Ninth ' . : ,‘ f , ‘ to 1!”; wan," ,,,,mb,,, of we 5"“ nos£vrrAL 313533 coup”;-no); 3011.; 1.-nun.’ J_ Marshw: .i_.iu_ {One of theholdest Masons in point Bum . ”_-‘_._i_,A_ 3 ' . . . 3; com‘ mjuu,'¢,, up ‘" night p,.e_ . ' = _ ' 73¢,-‘Id. Chu_ A.‘ SL L0 - ; G ta 0 service w o is attending the con- if . . t 1, . 5," . ,_ 9 ' ’ , _ g l ' _the convention, on the uni. Lmdnfli “lam! “W 39 09¢” Stanley. Springfield; Geaglilll. A? B. venuon '5 J’ T‘ Ruffl" °f J°pli"' thing}::)":la:\1llss(::url1a}n 0\:anLt adjum .. ‘ .‘ ‘ ° ‘ 3;” 9f gggin‘ ,1“ .‘.;m. of com 5 All Doctorl. . Kennett. Griebd. H_ w" Cdifomia; Pie has a Royal Arch Mason -- : . o ? I '.i.- all xoulnga-log.uonn_. Pra ' y .. ‘nit: Um‘-mulls‘ Hospital. -inch <;l..¢ocl;,.l_1;,,\r...a.;;,;(;¢,,,g,,_ 3 mm 122-2. and In 1902 held the - V ~ ~ - - -. -V ~ . «J. AW---_ Y W01‘ overtlfne 0' may ‘Mug .3 men‘ 3.‘, dum has gilefll ugder eonatrndion flor«w__ Appleton City; Glam “._ C Post of grand high priest of Mis- ? , 0 £1.14 .hreak our the last hour of the con- “F” , '"°" ‘- "’ ““""‘ °°"“’ °’ Webb City: Guitar, 1:! ' - sf 5°"'i~* ~ ham ' I " a ‘vacation which adjourned after 5 a. ltn;in1lm_:.- with 1,oos.;_ co‘nn‘:_n. 1!. 1-2., §moneld§~ p,,,,,,,, (;,,""",.,_,,.,,'—,,, “made, . t° l The student ‘who works overtime is P’ 1'" pm Mac." ‘in pawn“ -3 combining to mum? b°Ufi. GoodL°uisv:'lr;:Inl;n‘h.‘. gu:x;_dlac-él;.fi(l$‘n;sfi.elSdt._ isatcgggctt-id cg arrive to- E :‘ often the one ‘who. for some reason, is ‘I . . this}. have a train ‘force which °""‘ .«"°‘_"°“,;nMm will ¢°nmn‘lhl.usl:1es;I_ Ix bipginztieldz Har..\.emi(,,,_ H, ,,,-H 3;). ,,‘:‘,’,';‘°D_°,‘,’,’;; _ not til-‘ugly lefliclent. The almost unper- ' ;", no inure vi:-to ,n no g‘ - ‘ _‘ III! .. - .. 'e ity; Radoway, . , cg Li ° ' ' ' '2‘. be: election to the rank and file of-dz '’°‘:, W‘ rooms. aentl-privatc.E. s., Kirlttville; Hatch, J, 1-_, 3,, B°°"° 'f‘“‘°"}_, l Private Lessons by Appointment only ~ 9 g’. 5 °'"”3'd‘.’w" °f 1”‘ 13. " Ch men of mm“ rum is “wk.” m 8“ e, Geo , 0_ H. swam}-—-—{ LL 8. M H M AMESON. I lnaecessllalcs Spending more tune and ,~ -.4 all on secretary of the W‘ r:e-G.. Hollidao" Hod , attorney of Kansas Cit . ' ' C - ’ bor n 11"‘ ' 1". caucus or the Eighth District. ‘ill be 090° to -11 IL. Kansas City; ninlln. iii. lumbia to attend the oonifonlslolf lie Phone 2048 . . , l I .0 '° mid." o . . 5; - r - I , ,, ,_,,—‘‘*——,,._,,. 0' x_ mm.‘ 1111... St. Charles; Hobbs, ._l..L_, no. is the guest of his son, Clifford Any Day ,_ , fltnyfivenlax ’ _‘_‘~“ 3 5“"P"*3'“8 ‘Oct flit-t muchof s 3" . muons want {N on-roar . mu. 3 . . - . . . . . . 1,. , _ , . Mm Pd.” ‘ad op“ K. . ‘Iunphrey, B. W, RoIl'a;Iiut. Svroarlngen, a student in the Uni- ' ; this inefficiency 18 due to 3 alight nq. Cfll. 3- Seller ‘I'll! Represent 00- Ha I married at B o’eloekicm'°"'. J23" we.“ Ci”? H°¢‘°"o 5- """"I‘3'- ' ' = - - ' . - kc; ‘ ' - 7 h‘ 5.3.“ mgflucugu, , ‘t ‘he’ wnkuito Hlltlnflllles Holloway. J. I-1., ——-—- - m" flung‘ Mfiny P°°Pl¢ d0 130I'- ' . 1'. an. . A , . - . ;Pleuant Hi1|- [hazy W ,C_ Ch-_ Another national officer here is ' D ' ‘ ‘ ~ ‘gal’ th t 8“ th no . -.331 ~ . nethodlst Church - - .. - - . I- . . we a eheal tttflti . o IC‘lIl0l'o.,W0lt fiflt Rev flflfll late. m; Hard. “fir Ben Lee of spflnxndd. who is I , o . . .— ‘I , . 3.. 3. ‘°°°“'i'*°c°' 3‘h°°" - ' A‘ C’ 3”" -H . ' ' deputy dntastex-oftheGra ' * andlaxattve dIh*WIlIIC“" 1"? '1 . use. Lee. rlngfield noun J 3"" all P . g N‘ ll. 2 gm. . ll’. ‘.3. D. newton Tex _ H 9 Council 0! ‘nd u‘:_ _ t l bran ‘ . » - , .,'[v 1; }. CI} ‘lathe his-h -elooollllutl A live on the corner of ' ‘* °'‘‘l’'‘“'' 3"?’ 1 S . canbesecnmdtaareallilflnfifil =4 on Q ‘in . bod uuluuu Rock. Ark; hbgn. w_,3.. uo_ tera 0 Royal Arch Masons. . , . ‘st . .- . ._. hm ‘ 3”“ lnett; Johnson Kipp Cape Girar ' —‘-"‘ l ‘ ‘ ‘ b'“H.. d“h' ~ ‘ ' 3 *‘ 3’ 0': ., ' . - T‘ —d ‘ ' '. 0 ' 1 sci . R “N 3 J” . 31;. n$'Ic::*‘fo;-mg; column. ;....,.,., ;. ,,,,,;. ,2 t ,. g S g Postls Bran Flakes,’ while was 2: Johnson, K. (3., °' mam "’ °°"""u°"’ H’ " "’° Flowers 3 al1thenat_uralpropertlesofbraa.have_ _. .1 hr“ l 'i‘. "°“' ‘?l’°“""8 403- 9+ fl S 3 , aonabrdtfiumtz CHQ,-&Ilnl§|y5 A . W B _ ;- nut-bmwn,PostsBranFlalteu,appa| u bs . 3 tothemootcritioal. ' ‘A , ; ' . il I 5