T T 7 V“-__._’___‘_..‘ 7.__ _f_!____’ ‘_4_“,_‘.__,_..,-.._..:.,,....,__,.€.',-...,.;‘.‘:::...f,.:;..,'.‘:::. .._—‘;-..‘--_.;:Ev'i'!‘.j'.:':rf.y— .. _ . _ , . . . i ,__~ — I ‘ .__ .’._:_ ._ . H, ~ . 3 - _ g 7- -9. t i t THE COLUMBIA mssoomsn, MONDAY, APRIL 23 1924 ' ~-— l ‘*1 T . “""”’”‘"" . l . 1 l 1 ,1 _ ‘ aka,» we in “sgvgn xgyg to; . . Jefferson City attended the play Heiwill be held in Room 229: sopbo- Talk on Highways Tomorrow. :C_UH|'I'lI'I Program a: it "‘l33°u:‘Rg‘;N“8r afiflm: ‘inn 1“; f.u_ ; AT STEPHENS COLLWE !Who Gets Slapped’ Friday and re- A more, in Room 275; junior, hi Room! Dan E, J, Mcgguggund will giv3§- llrs.-JKPY B _ i .__.'_ The cast is as follows: 1 élllrfied Saturdly to their home tvithlgso. council oflicerstwfill belan illustrated lecture on “Pi-ob1emg,kers in the elcmentu-,3 v~ } _le__-_ ll. Grips Ila:-Ion IAIII Dr. aaald lama-j Jo:u‘iG‘ri:I;. Dr. L A_ smith of p‘whuk",their daughter, Miss Pauline Linx-‘in charge of each meeting. lof 1-fighwgy Tampa,-uuon in the§i'Wlll'llIVe chargegf ’ 5 v ,‘ - Will Play for the First- ----------------- - A V“ I. Nw:ou‘_' ‘pent the weekend ‘hh..hi‘.vivi;t;r. M F h f M _ ‘ G'wn Pkdc gvnited States" in the physics lec-;‘°'"°° fit‘ the Broadway ‘ A — .. _ Th“ b will nails ...................... .. Bob nova daughter. Ida. -~. ~ but ‘5:i8it:§‘Mi‘;°’;:n0'_‘; T‘: "l:“’:;‘(;l The Glenna“ Club 3 Cuhouc Sm. ture room at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow1ch“':°h ‘l “3° °'f10¢k . '7 7 nu 6' w.‘ Uni. The ntuouri d :8’: tr. 'u:i'i.i7i.B'ii:.i. Mn‘ C’ H’ Donovim of L’ben"llilis‘i: Dorothy Allison ovcr th)c(wc‘::k- ‘dent imunisationl substituted 8 pic- nig.hL This Wm be ihc last of . e‘:ll:‘bI:‘I*C'li‘h'e Fame for I ‘V9399 '”i ‘an . mm 0 3 ‘D ‘C 3.1:. Tyler ........ .. Alice naem'5P'~’“‘ ‘PW “'°¢l"¢"d WM! bl?!‘ dflufih-lend Mi p . h - g rad ted inic supper yesterday for their usual 89"“ of nomwchmcal lcaureslm so wmamty '1" ‘ of Axluican War 9°‘ in “'3 'P"“3 Phyv mm” B°°'“' ., ......... .. noiam nsunrter. Miss Ellen Do ovan. .' ' 55 rm" “"‘ K _““ _ . . given under the auspices of Sigma.d"“‘v ‘ml ""3 Pl'0t!‘aui- ‘"3 “°"t"7 “'9 ill-I'M’ 3"“ v ‘f [h- 11 - 1 -1 ~ sh meeting Gordons Lake was chosen - - ~ A ~ llottieu of lllssouiiat the annual "'3 , °d"°""’ Gertrude tum .......... .. iia-ice Riva mu, J, p, clay)‘ of cienwoods ’°"‘ ‘ °° °"‘ “" 3°“ ‘ ‘‘ ‘S f th ' . lace M an - . ’. - .°°""°°U°n ‘nth the us. A - night; at the University Audltorium..u,,_ cwkggog wonasruge ...... .. 5 . . . . is member of tho Delta Rho Alpha. 01' 9 OUUNZ P « W1? 3 WP’ ..____._,__.. Week, , — _ state oouveiition hold H‘. nah,‘ 3.“, A Springs. Colo.. is visiting her daugh- _____,___._ pe, gum, were phycd ‘mg kw, _ , _ l . ._ da and"I‘hn1-ada in St. lhuia. Ira.‘ 759 0041 1'9 P1170‘! by 3°50 ,l -------------- " in Miss Ann, Mnud E‘. 3 j » - e ' ' ‘Mr. and Mrs. Garland Visit Sister.j n-0+ ’ ’ . , , Ill . ‘ -the gp-ou gaghcrg .3-gund . fire to , . . 1"‘. hi. % th. V" mom“ Marion Lellf, both of. . F k .: \\\‘_§_ ‘I’ Mr. ‘nd M no G r! : Y. M. C. A. Has .\¢' on 3 . , Mrs. ran Abston of Independ an awn“ About t“.emy_fi,_.e mum rs. mer a and o{_ ,. T0!‘ the CONN“! Gull“? W "0. 1' REALESTATE TRANSFERS zen“. visited her dwzhte,-' Missilicports Show That Consumption is be” w¢re‘P?e8ent .Fort Worth, Tex., are visiting Mn; “'7” B°°k"°’v bfifiinela "3 and was also third preai- 1 Joan Abston, over the week-end. -‘“‘°‘d °{ ""°d“¢“""- ——.+'__: lGarland's sister. Miss Gladys Gar—«i;:‘tbtewY’.Mb; C‘ A" "' ' ’ '’j‘. . B. d _.f w W.‘ M“. H_ C_ Ahndorf of Kanusl ‘The reports from the demonstrzi-‘ Wm Gin. mwmt on M.’ 15_ ‘land, a student.in the University” (1:1)! (I..nH.“li'.eWerz's Cit)’ ‘visited her srnnddnushter.'l"°" “""‘ .“°°k “°'“ ‘° ‘he “"1 The annual Mat-hers’ and Daush-l““~‘Y "'9 °“ "'9" “Y ‘° C‘“’°"15"- ;,subd- of put Lots 1. 2 ‘nd 8 in .n“__ 134;“ nag“ Rage”. over the “.eek_ll8K(‘ of Agriculture for March show ‘erg Bumufl of we Christhn where Mr. Garland recently bought “ark nu... ‘dame’, to Columbia‘ Mo" g1_ end. lthnt hens produced on an avcrnire Church win be ‘wed M”, 15._-nu, the Compton (Cal.) Tribune, G. P. f ~- ----° A Miss Camille Antweiler of Vex-.: °f 15-75 0225 In UK’ 31 d85'5- The. banquet will be given by the Jewell Garland of Otter-ville. is visitinsf his A momiie we . "Wk" "' C C°"°‘° ?d’“““°" ( L sailles is the truest of Miss Indiiii Pmducuo" is ""d'‘’ ‘be "i"’3""“"l"almcr Circle and the Women's-hulk“? at ‘he “"19 tim€- -$'C °btI‘"'°d by-°.‘i%' 1"" “Christian College," the monthly Morgan at the Den‘ Rho A‘pha;8\'(‘l‘llL'(‘. but iv 1 per cent mm-r,Cou,-,¢j1‘ pan of the proceeds of the . ' -5- °m<‘°- o . ._'. '2 publication of thll school. (‘time 0“ hou5c_ ' last yeiii-'.~. The feed cost per Mnquet win be used for . scholap _ Watson-Byers License Issued. 1 . -- the press Friday afternoon and was‘ Mrs J A nub" of How t.dozcn eggs is 10 cents. Tliis rc- ship which the Jewell puma. Cir- marriage license was granted ‘b ed to students Saturday. the “_‘ce‘;_(_n'd with h din “Kc” lport is taken from 284 forms in 31¢, is giving to a Japanese girl in this morning to Johnson John Wat- . 9' "8 W-* gm_._.-.,..,;_ , , ,, son of Ashland and kills Byers of “ "‘° 0°“ 35° -"Phi According to the United states: pa ——o-——. Columbia. l - ' ' ,. 3Burc-xu if Agriculture the produc-lM . Al tedt Goes to St. Chal . *——“*"‘*- ' . Miss Allcnc Guinn of Colorado; mm ‘if Lmzs mcmnsed 33 per cent an. B. Almstcdh 302 ' WAN'l'ED TO BUY—Dcad or ,; The consumption inci'(-use per ciipitii‘avcnuc, went to St. Charles tgdgy “"0 0P055Um- P50“? 1303- 203 :1 tlietimeofber oction'aaaecre- « . Ilra. W.H.Iiand of St. Louis 1... ¢.... (0 5 secretary. The cc of I will be filled by Mrs. G. W. Rawlcy '1 of Carthage: the office of auditor by Mrs. W. H. Hout of Warrensburg; and Mrs. Robert Cole of Joplin will act as historian. Twelve of the fourteen chapters of the American War Mothers were represented at the meeting. .-n..—.. .'=i1’i"?%.}S’ 3 i I ;wmo.-,-v yearbook or Christian Col- lege, will be dedicated in 192-! top , , _ , _ or 22:32:? $22: ‘*..::,:;'"'.~'.“.‘”..’.*.:i:'; selling our hand-colored A medallions at $2.98. . representative 65 man“ ;. :.'-3 f- '9‘. "Peace' at the cobvention banquet women _ -__. 34 .. _. 1 - 9,. 1 A 3, .i d th f 1 , {_ i at the ueiboume Hoist Au or we 3 — »~—-—— **‘"‘’'~‘"‘ °‘ “W °°"e.s°- , '........."‘5n,L°'§...,.I.§l,.. In ,§'..‘,,..1....'§,‘.l.‘,°,,,'.‘,f,‘,f“ 0, °, "$.23 ‘;’,,"f."{§‘.’,‘;“ ,.‘,‘,§_ " ‘ ‘ " in is ;, family wants one. rig. - in ~ :1 sessions were held on the roof gar-= criminology Class Visits Jail. Mm 3- 5- ‘3‘“"""8 °‘ *""“- “‘-- E. 5:; Der cont nrikini: the con- : llenry Willbrand Miss Carla’ Will- ’l Wm 5°“ for on w. ' 99° 3' 5°“ °‘ “"3 "°'~““- MW 3- 3- 3°‘ The criminoloizy clus of Prof- 5- “'” ""3 “".’°"‘ °f h" "i°°°' Mi“ slimption :1.l‘|('.'Itl.tIf.lll‘OtlUCll0l‘.. brand granddsuiihter of Mrs win- “BOOMERANG’, ll Allied Photo N 1 Fl Clure of Kansas City, national war - l 71-‘, Kuhlmgn of the University wen; 558708118 Dmfimore. Over the weck- , _ _ brand’ who is ‘ student “ S‘; h ‘ . ll 2 oven’ mother. attended the meeting. 4 ‘mmugh the county jail ‘his mom_ end thyc Theta Tau Epsilon house. B1,]-:C'[‘|():\'_s_'. gnu-3 T()M()R|{()W 'Co"e¢'e ‘en here yestcrdiw 3) 3:; Sec Society Page. 5. N ‘"YB°' . o .3‘ The fourth annual convention will‘ iing. Following the inspection of the Ml“ \“7l"“‘ M°C“i°h°°” °f 5*‘ . . '” ' ‘ " . t d u; f 1 , lb "' °'k’ui7- “ be held in Jefferson City next year. $5,“ ‘he class was given a short talk dalia was a guest at the Eta Up- “ °""-‘“ 5‘“d"“"‘_"’ l_’°"'d'-‘ 0“ Cl“"*' ' en e um“ ‘ ' _ D ' . . "‘: I .A «i. T110 5781 ¢0fl"¢ml0!1 W18 M35 in 3011- ‘by Sheriff Fred C. Brown. ‘”l°" G‘"”"“‘ h°“5° °"‘~"' ll‘? “'°¢‘l<° , (.m'°°""_ . . . C. H. S. Sophomores Give Picnic. ' i’”‘‘'‘“‘’»*''‘'‘“ *--o ~ ~ " -3 _i . 4 ___»*_____ end‘ She i3 a former student of the (lass elections for Lnivcrsity The sophomore class of Columbia - ~ :3 lin in 1922. and the second was held . 1,“ ya, m Coiumbu, 2. 1 if you \i'ant‘to buy or sell some-zcollcgc. _ ‘ V~'0mt'n.Wi1l be held 131 0'lC{lt!ltl‘kTl}4:- mKh.Schoo1 we,“ pimicking this other omen.‘ elected u the Cami :thing try a Missourian want ad.» Colonel and Mrs. A. Linxwilcr of "“'_’“’“ ‘*“"’”"°°" _”‘ “’’‘‘~ ‘‘ - ‘ ‘afternoon on Shephgrd's pggm,-c 0,, ~ , otl'iccr.~ to be nominated and elected vention were: State war mother” . ...___,_ . - . . ,, , _ . . . the Ashland gravel road. f 3- 7 -7 v V V i - ‘AH’ 7 7 life: r)r(‘Sld(’lll, \’lL'('°pl'CSl(lL'llt, SOC‘ DH Al cltie . ' slon mid N « ii Ilroldllill.l'-‘ergus-fit‘ , . . "‘ , ‘‘:_“_a: memo; mm 8;?) Br; o . rotary‘; ticiiz-aurcr and t'0un(‘ll rcprc- 1 ‘gas £_ ‘ d J” Ctr; ufd . ‘M T $071.3 . ' ‘gm- 1: i:om:r.eii‘::. \\'illlerson'.rCa:'nteci"-i Are You of ~*I7“"=*! *lu""mf‘__§h_m{1d Wu‘ §u'- l . She _.n _ h _. - _ h M I «‘0t.[ill'1lZ tn the (-l:t.‘~>lll(‘«tll0ll in which l .. L . . ” C Bo:_;“f°i;;o§k;il;:L“‘r mot er’ “V :01” ‘ (mum a - they would rightfully (‘D1110 and ac- ‘ ".2 - I placl ' , ‘_ ‘ T . cording to the worl; they are now i V - f' “ iv‘ COLUMBIANS T0 SPEAK iwhom make their Columbia debut‘ We have listed for sale some var)‘ desirable residences lcflr-‘ling’ Th" f""‘h"mn "lection In the n9w&t Shapes .1 1‘ 1 AT STATE CONVENTION tomorrow. Mr. Grimes onic from‘ th (11 -' -t 1,-; ‘ ’ , , ; 6°“! Meeting of Count! Sulkrinteiidentsicrinneu Cone“ in low: ware he‘ :1 dc 0 (mm: b reel: i A In whlte and green it mu’ it .. played the lead in “Peg 0' My 708 W3)’ "l"¢!'5l1)' Ripley ~ ’ ‘ - 7' 3; f-_ to Be Held in Jclerson city Hun... College Rommry Lane S “h St Sec gold_ 1 g ‘H V mm TM. “Rx T William Mapcl plays the juvenile Hill» BOUCMUO . o s W. B. PALMER ‘i K’ was 2% We Columbi-M will -“end the lead as Budd Woodbridge and is‘ Wilson Maryland Hm ““'°' at 9"’ dd Sm"! M" For the raduate ‘ ‘i r’ “id sixteenth annual convention. oriwppomd by Alice Hut” md R0” H d “'g]nut 5;, l Peeks Dru Store for g - 5 , with 1' county superintendents of Missouri,4Gmce Tyler 5 . R d Cu [son Anthony farm bargams ‘md C“-Y . ; Pro: 1" whkh Wm b° he! J°“°"’°" Mr. Mapel is a graduate of a mum’ on on ':y - . i P709911!» 9XCh8flI.I8 and E’ ‘E 9. A City bcinnnins todsi The v are all school of dmm;mcs_ h“ p,.'’.“, on S°“u' 6"“ Piowdmce Rom “:'u” ; rental property. farm land HENNINGERS l . 1,3,5 -4‘: "° ‘dd"“ the °°"'°"u°" a chautauqua circuit and at hlary- Glcnwood “' Broadway “ “son pl.” ‘ b ans. ‘ T 1 been f‘j g_ M_ (‘net win an: on t},,_.'\,i“(_ Sm“ Teachers. College‘ Wham. North Glenwood Allen Place 5th St. I Broadway : A. ‘ inc ¥°'kh °f Ame _ iMi55°;"’l h :13?‘ he attended school. He played’ H""m°“ W33’ ViTl.'ifli8 5- 6"‘ 51- 3 Omce phone 1569 ' i T trav -;_ eac era’ ssociat on o w ic e 1}; ,1 1' --3 " ' ti, ' 1-» . iv ‘ Ag . 1 i§u°°°m"-'ii'sc1ii°° ”...di”°"i.i S§h°§Hs'f' ::°“' chi‘ 35' in e mm ’ Columbia fllrSlllr';:lC:d Gtflmfiesgtal Agen ii ' "l A ‘P’: :; rveyvn iscu y . B: .- ' i. .31‘ H { —- - —-— ., , , 3}‘; Capps. C. A. Phillips, who lIllS'pla_\(’.(‘((l),'18l(1l00!ll‘2n‘:)lllf‘§. thi.-sslcatlse 905 Broadway. Ground Floor Cy H A i E i ' Ti ii‘. been elected to the faculty of the "M,-3_ 13ump,.-;e,,d-1_e;gh'* and in l‘ . has ~if School of Education for next ,\'eai-,3’--Ro,,];,__~ : We also have some vacant lots listed it’ you are thiiilcingo " ~ ' ; ' T” ‘Vin 0 °'ll°m3T5' “b0 Barbara Rcavis, as Mrs. Wood- Of bulldlflfl 1» supervision. R. H. Eniberson willl ,id_._.¢._ win be ,-e.m-mbercd as tho‘ - . ~ J _ discuss the boys’ and girls‘ do work which he has been doing here, "‘ " “’ -— f --~ ~~~~~ ~ - . -- ---—— .A.._. an John B. Boyd. teachers’ trainiiii: inspecto ' iv a report of . ' high-school supervision. Walter; ' Mcblab Miller. formerly of Coliim-I ‘j bia. will make an address on thcl ' work of the State Tuberculosis, .-I Association. ‘ 3 - ‘."; Back From Kirkaville Contests. - . i . C. . Helm. Prof. H. L.- :-;_ Kempatcr and Prof. R. L. Waddell of S * the College of Agriculture in the _ ‘ , 3. University returned Friday after- Mai‘ 1 will be ‘I08 Cream Cone Da.\"' when 1 ; . 1’? from judging contests at the .. .. - . _ ‘l iigoonha - . . 4.000 Havacones filled with “Frozen Gold" will I ' l:::::.::; he mm . ,,,. ..h , l,,., . ' he can afford to a ' ,3 Helm judged the grain and seed ' 0 L bi 00 L Him" of l I l P y! contests; Professor Kempstcr the» Columbia. ' Twobundrcd andthirtv-fivefiimcricanundctsraduatcs. . l poultry husbandry. and Professor? l ' ' J‘ L '"-..'” Europclunc Zkhaboard l Waddell the animal husbandry. , l the great United States Lines‘ slii President Harding. 1 $40 j ,,,,____ _____ HA;_ ‘ . Q ManvmorcwillgoonothcrUnit StatcsLincs'vessels. _ . i - l 1 3 Third class on these ships will be like a composite cam- i Th. ‘ a C I pusof42 universities andcollcgcswith''sings.''conccrts : 15 Young ¢_h3p can 30 to S)'k93 & Seed! i and other activities. For the vcztge each passengcrwill V B.r°3dh9ad_ and ffnd Pknty 0f 5u|tS—'l-l'|.¢ 5' w‘ ""' "" "°" “""""“ i A Ellie '.'!))Omtci1oBnf]Cyi1l$C8l§ t° Plvmou $90to‘Chcrbouf8 01' kindt of ‘suits he likcs—-at $30 and up, and ' moi; of bulk and package . ' . ' p on y o topcoats as low as 530. C , . '°°‘' "‘°""‘”“"°"’” 01‘ a fee On A “‘"“"“""‘ 5"“"’°' A"“"'°“" 3‘"“°"“ He'll f'nd ll til t le ° ts it t‘ » ‘ 3 * 7 LI!!! Grass 1 ‘ Ecniin-thirdclassot'theS.S.PruidcntHarding ° l a -e 8 y pol“ e a‘om i 7"" Kggugky 3].. an... u,_ 45¢ T 1 sailingon June 24th toPlytnouth.Cherbourgand ‘hght pastel colormgsv of 1 i A , tom _i Wm, mm“ m “C » . . - gg:t!!1hc‘nu‘;!'lgntl’I.cn §.SB.rRu;€ptrt‘bl£‘c;. salbleipng July flag blue, gainefeather l_irow_n, springtime grays 4' ‘ :0 I : Bagllab Bye. lb. 25¢ ‘. entitling you to a “lluvacoiie" nf Fro‘/.cii Gold" ’ college . gym, p,,{,,,°u '" ‘oath: ——and his own klntl «of fabrics-—-loosely L ’ i lglnli“ "~V'- 5- Po 35¢ ( H Mm 1 T k .t 1 . ‘goofs; Wasliinstjani s;&lLng July 7th or the woven cheviots, rich worsteds,—the sort ' ‘ pm 3 on 8d.|—-Seed tat ' _' . 8'0 l ' _- . . . 'iat n iin ‘ll . . , ‘ ; ‘ ‘; Eu’, 8% h N” CE? ‘ ‘ I ‘(D ,‘0lll‘ llC8l‘CSl dialer .. I ‘_-V_::‘:_ be“: fiideilonsiihcsfi f°t a aoteyvortifl of uuggs youvd tlunk twlce as mud‘. . A 1”: on Bu“, 8.‘ Wm Pm; \ who sells (olumbias Finest Ice Cream" and he salnu&;r:!!in!3:>'ut?1eo “C "9 pfepared fol‘ him this 3PnnK"' ~ _ _,stri I. «laced. We woniansunen. Wm in-‘.9 Wu 8 mm Of “Fm G 11.. I, . - ampton and Chcrbourg forNcw Yo: on August our new suits and topboats have exactly A is i get I Nowgups T H d b 2°" °‘ REL‘ g 5”‘ °*V°“ ml '°‘“"*'"'"“ "=- - the sort of well-bred. charm which well- ‘ x I; C . ‘ s a o o a V ' '_ .= H H ,, NW H‘ mm ? _ f"°" 5*“ W‘ “H-8 offer A , Third Class cabin on American Ships dre§sed young fcllowspwant. And the se- - ; «E ‘ Rlb°T|€lilIng Minstrels ll. Farmers‘ Fair—May 2. is not steei-age lection at the prices we've mentioned is the Q. ~ ’ 1 Third class cabins on these ships accommodate 2. 4 or 6 largest we "9 ever produced‘ ‘ ‘ ldv ; ‘ T“ ‘* " “” ” " ~ * ~~~~~ ~- — - .- , -- ._ Z‘ . _ _ T i g_ l rsons. They are clcan,airv and comfortable. The berths . ‘ g cro: ' iiicavc soft, sanitary mattresses and c can linen;-water and other Suits up to $65 ‘ _. , 1.. ‘NI _ ' tr _ ' other conveniences in each stateroom. The f is whole« other 1| . . , ‘ some. appctizing and plentiful and service of the best. Public D to as . . . rooms are large and inviting. a . an ‘ .. . ‘3 Sh°“'3 D3‘!-""""‘3~ 7315 3'“! 9 9- m- This is you; chance to enjoy the cultural and educational . but 1 ‘ advantages 0 Europe. Dozens of international events are » . "7 l i . v N0 IN ' taking place in Euro c thissummcr including the Olympic SYKES E’ RROADHEAD S .V # Come Early_Om. swung Capacity 18 Limited. ' games and the Britis Empire Exhibition. L am 0 I A . _ d th tl:f¢C‘Z.ol;pon ; Don't Miss the Farmers’ Fair. z i ~: :3 T - , . Sen ccoupon on or vdeaeaby pgafg..o¢o( . o ast 18 East - . . . W/est ZS Wesf ~ .°::.°::;:.::;:.ii:.‘E.”.f?.9.2;.",'::2'.%.:‘:.“.é:°..~*...;' = "°“ . . . I _ r ' g 4 Q . ,. i - ~ or $34240. « V I . And though the wealth nd ‘ er; 1 p - . . Get the illustrated booklet shawl third class aeccu;gn¢d.m,,,, ‘f ‘g 9‘ love‘ ‘be “mad may hit at U sllfilll of Rukh offered his kiiigdciii for her ll onAthe fimb .xm VII? 1 an m ’ . ’ o . .. . '3“! on n ‘ :f“:":_‘u" ‘p°:“°“t“ b¢¢kt|'0nnd of Oriental beauty in the gilded palace ¢h.mi,(.,.,§ ' , ‘ Egiropc sent to you without charge if you mail _ of . e eas ern potentate I he - . . _ t c <00 ' 3» . > - is “folded. one o t most dramatic romances of theatrical history _ This is your golden oppovuouiy no see Euvopc_—ai the lotus: cos: puma, _ S . TM “M008 Stage success that flu-i1|¢(‘j .udg¢n¢c,, for years now homes to the “noon in years. Accommodation: are exclusive. Don: delay. the M" ' ’°""“°“"’ "‘ '°'*"-"°Wy"-"I epic of vhotflovlaye. ' Student Tour Department Owers ~ Shrubbery Bulbs y g . Rose Bushes UNITED STATES LINES 45 Broadway or your local unit New York City M61-can OP:-mm Iw ‘ UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD I _TI-S! BEAUTY! DRAMA! TENSE APPEAL! A i G A Fl iss n ' * it s~w~»-s-«ms w’ d lwB .' E: . ‘ ‘ii f_' United States Lines,-15 Broadway,Ncw York City - ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ scnduiewlihoutobligacioncliefrecbookleuandllcetasu ° .-,‘ ; . ' 1 _\ Y ‘ " ‘ I ‘ desaibing special low priced trtpaco Europe. n co’ A = ‘i i 5'1 iél l‘~t"‘H.‘§ .. , is “ -‘-'="= ’ ' cu-i ‘ A’ “I H ' ' _A_._ig.£, ‘ Btan Graaubaaaaa: i'’* P” Acnaatronlho. W.llvd.nlAd '1' : """“"' Piano 88 ~"."'t:‘nv~.»’-A ff 3 ‘ 1.. ‘ i.'. av . ;§’,- ..