l“ I on races, 48 D. MURRY, 53, FOUND DEAD IN ..;__jv ll. with con- . , .. - i . of habeas corpus and was bqun atonee. gm, 4. Allow Some can . . 3; Julian government, mug .0‘. - sly Hall's. Rome cornea. -. has decided to allow . .. in a limited nupbarbfi I towns. P1'°"ld9d_“1€J7 0.1101 if p-oximity to cities of EONM. E‘, ll ibplllluflll. ‘ \ I‘ .. ’ ' hfasument. ' e mayors of all, the bear- ’ I _‘ i _-. ‘fies: Prohibition -. ~ invitation to 1‘ Citiseafla. motion pious‘! application in Les 3’-‘. ~ N %ha Dds Negri. Polish P; , - has . -4 as Prince De Sagan. son of Anna “ and the Duke of - ’ retain his titles without . 5 to the former kaiser aad-re- " » gfilng possession of the estate, ‘ ~. eggs decided by a Paris court last‘ ' j. Formerly the title carried '7 Jib it feudal obligations to the ' Pruaian king. A. Canavan. vice-president of the * Illlh Tourist Association, who has I I jets many tourists to visit Ireland summer. '. ‘_'l’he Republican State Committee fie approved a convention program ‘ pped out by a subc-.lmmit°.ec com- - of Charles lliteht-ll of Clin- the of Advance ‘« hint. Sylvester Wells of Kan- « City. is ,._When a ilivver was on fire recent- -:. in St. Louis an ice man put a ‘ :4 -poundplaeeofioeontlicdanler was ownerpaidfortheilfty he a thanked the ice man. , ._- rges of conspiracy ,1 public health brolllllt Itllnsti DD. 8. .4 - 'n'.- .1 i ' of [I were sed in Kansas City yesterday. ’?nodii'n.-otion-‘or the corporation- , and repeal of the tax on tele- . and telegra were 1 I ‘_ _ messages 3; ~-yesterdaybytheSenatelnad- " « ng consideration of the reve- ' bill. . w v dor to Great Britain. has re- » the editorship of the North ‘ car. it has been an- ed at the office of the publi- government of Sweden ma)’; ' ' ire nulaetlutra o 'r perfumes and toilet.waters. add bitter aloes to the liquids be- hi. portation into Iceland. where m G i ‘Q in: ; lbltllon prevails. , health officers of Ari ‘ I‘ again clamped down firflqrlfi passen- rnla to pro- loot-and-l 7'7; as upon ff, traffic from Califo Ariaona from ., ’ V ~ diseases. iiaaoia J. Sully, who has been ed as the “Cotton King" has, all cotton planters to de--’ their acreage and thel J y to be assured good prices-i fa" Iiilwaukee newspaper recently ~ - ss.ooo rain insurance he- of several rs rain on an . special real estate edition . thedy. uoaitii ooouui-loner : warns ' ns. lie ‘ 5 E I ml 0 I 1: ii i yrand. doing the in Exchange National Bank Building on a Trunk. ,'No Irlqulxr TO BE HELD versity in 1897--Was Former Member of Faculty. ii. D. liurry, torney and a former member of faculty of the School of Law of niversity. ‘ Mr. Hurry in his offices age National Bank Building for some time. lie was found by a janitor in the rear rooln -of the two. seated had made his home at -04 Eacha Dr. P. H. Murry said be last saw his brother on Saturday. when Dir. Murry told him and friends that was going to Jefferson City for week-end. However. other p€l’80':lcti said they saw him yester- re. ‘ Was in Candy Kitchen Yesterday. Mrs. Mattie White, an employ-e of the Kolumbia Kandy Kitchen. ' today that Ivir. Murry came to the candy kitchen yesterday aft- ernoon about 3 o'clock and bought a bottle of soda water. She said that he had l)t't.'ll in the habit of coming in almost every day to buy water. and that he acted no differtnt yesterday than at any other time. The elevator operator in the F-8t’l11111l!1' National Bank Building does not remember having seen him during the day. lie said that a number of persons came to the building yeaterday looking for Mr. under his brothe held this office 1.. r. Jerre Murry. lie a second time un- der '1‘. Searcy. from 1909 to l9ll. It was between these two terms that he served in the School of Law. where he was on the fac- ulty from January of 1903 until June of 1904. Mr. Murry was treasurer of the Boone County Association from 1913 to 1916. Two sisters and four brothers survive. They are: Mrs. How- ll of Oklahoma City; Mien Mag- gie Murry of _i-lallsville; T. . Murry of Oklahoma City: John F. '. living in California; 1!. B. o ilerefore: and Doctor Murry. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Relatives have been énotified of liir. Mun-y's death. and C81‘ 11114 1'9 I 11'9"" 111‘ l1111tl_ iplans for services will be held up 5°75?’ ‘"151-"1 hi"? i"l'-"''d ‘"771 l pending their arrival, Doctor Murry said. SECOND DEATH FROM SHOOTIN Union Workers’ Battle Is Still Unexplained by Principals. - and Pres. CHICAGO. hsril 2l.—A man died today from bullet received last night in a union work- ers’ battle in ' second raaa'saarnewas Wil- liam Dever. 32. The first (lath HLS LAW OFFICE Janitor Finds Attorney I 03 years old. an at- 4 COLUMNS . COLU . -- 4...--.‘j+.... on L NUMBER N4 o ' fr‘ A. ‘KI’. - ' ’. is _ ‘V’? $1-¢*—V—j'r ‘V: I Columbia Lawyer Dead '1 , _g: THEWEATHE8 1 W ._ ,7, 1:? TODAY'S BASEBALL F _, 4__ L NEWML. _ . . . __ . ‘ ~ SC 00 ~::r«o-in-nu--a. van-,-a]I\lDIANii xv " CHOOSESLATE D ‘ ! PLiYcR0UNDsfi~“~-“”w”~-'«$ - ‘""". - -‘-‘ii - o 0 -3° ‘I AND .PROCR iii - ~ I ' ‘, i‘“.""' “"""'W.'I‘.'W1*~ 1 , _. Ere . ,‘m .'~...i._ ' aniicsoozole-s,; - 1 5Columbia sens: Boaul? -'°"1“"§——— ' ' ‘ ' -. --' " ‘P 6 - ; , O - E. . ul. - ‘Governor, Spencer, Brew- = : Dgmdkes t° I§_3t3bl'3h ' -2 _ ster, W. C. Pierce and ar on mkson ;_____i A ' . , nartaou. 3 women Are to _ , 1 ’‘‘’‘’''“°- ;ooi..".a. . 2 1 , , . cold ...- Be Delegates. :_ . ‘Hours TO Br: Remover) “r'<"5"‘-°" 1 -' " - ” v‘ 1 ' —*—" ' I :‘.u“ ‘Ix - ~ ;To Von: non COOLIDGE vs‘ RT}‘."*S"'“ 31?”! “.9-"*.~.~i"" . o . . ‘*‘°“:'o'l'&"a9..'.‘.'5.t.‘€5’3° "2 ‘Executive says Party L "~’,"9 Congestmn m 1‘ '° is, 1-; . . (,5... _ _ l'n01'.fWtllf;_vi’ '3Itfi'iea—'l'hursto'g,_ and Schalk,,j Has Fulfilled Pledges _ High School Is «lion-or the Uni . aha for ' til! 8i;ate‘To‘{’f'~ v,”""‘ '1'?‘ 3“‘g"- ’,_‘g ' and Tells of Ad- 1 i : Discussed’ ' thengitftju nth z‘_‘?'i mdrrow. . ‘ :3 '1 ‘ ministration. , 9 Near playgrounds for the dig-“”' Si"i“3“‘“ 8¢9“7:' 3" ‘K nfilfi ".-.\. ‘ lung,‘ "Kg Iyzuyy ‘yd Plqnu-h';lly llriilnl l're-. ‘s ;_ School dllltrlct will ‘be w.‘ 3' ye." °k°'"'J fined‘ United-. ' '1 ‘ ._, ‘A. l . Ymk. nin_ I SPRlNGl"lELD, April 29.—As the , on property on llinkaon avetlue7“'‘'‘a‘‘_‘m" { , an ar-, -1NpuytApq_'1s_ igpn g9___t.. fR,¢pubflc‘n nu, ,_.°,,m,m,,n . owned by the district after four. ml at w °' h1':|-117 99!?!» .q. Wang. 1‘, Mccny may raj.-“.4 ING NTINUQ ALL _;here at ll o'clock this morning, the houses on the lots ha\e ‘been sold,“ “ "- V 1¢_l. . 1.3 '°v.fn°f of fi,d5,M_ DAY,D$PlT3 THE 3515 forces of Governor Hyde had com- and removed it was decided at a - ‘‘'’” °°"11N331°118d letcd their slate for seven dele- ; meeting of the a Board last night. I structed to advertise fo on the houses, numbers l ;l4l2 and N14. 1 lots date of possession. H. D. IIURRY BOONE 6603"?” Sto will be disposed of later and is included in the sale of the houses. City, Commemoratcs Columbia School ‘ £07110!‘ 06.052? 23, 1893 and Th '1 . ‘ - 97.‘ ‘A3331?! '. e prope _\ comm trtzulzgsusg-sip‘. I in ‘an “id 408.'o 0' aouri . ‘E Grow houses to be removed from fie ,"’ . . not later than sixty days a!ber.3°h“"'"' °‘ “‘”°“"‘ 'l'.ht- hOll.*tl'lt are now occupied by: tenants whose leases expire June 1.! ne in the basement of the bounce! mg‘ hirwiibw and (our child . i May Try Two-Shift Study i-iyste-.3 she State House under-guard. hie- -Cray formally signed his resigna- ";tion in pencil. ; serving as Unitgf Th‘ "‘ attorney for 'Ils- '“ 10 darint the preside Cleveland and was until the next session of t M: aatic politics, States tlidfict "kt before Judge Anderson in federal As the last act of a hair: visit 53;. tomorrow morning-591‘? $038)‘- ofat which time McCray will appear 2111 31 it p C’? 0 itates-at-llfta to the national con- ”. vention and had mapped out a pro. -=---« --W. ‘;.'..'.°:;‘:.:' .f::..:.:'.°.. :‘:‘:..*::.".~ .. ""2, tion to the Missouri delegation to Clean Up Week be- ‘me for Q. . . . 7:30 o'clock this morning. dent (Gouda n:'3";.a"°& of P':"'' “The pmple in Commbh ‘N pmudition of G0\'0‘l'llOl‘ ilydfirns xe-in:-‘.)mm.- i Campai Piles of rubbish . g 5,. 1- _.. of thei town." said Mayor I-Zmm it . . '’"’'l' l co um‘. Coin“! B.Dn?:ou.._“c Eofitlréfohc rzifillltllctd or f audulent Mcnonneu. “I "u not “ ‘H ":'r_ ;ie:t. _Re:L>lutlto‘ns vviljl be Idtiplzd "V911 , n was ° . . _ n orslng e 8 to an n t' - ‘ho . memb“ 0‘ ‘M. mam com,” ‘had run. -— at the ('0-0P¢'l"1lll0n the) minisumiomi a ions a an and convention. NDIANAPOLIS. 29.— ' ' ""°"' April survived by Warren 1'. McCray, governor of ya, fig. lndiaaa. was a prisoner in the today gfpen” at the Marion Co to take:_Gl1'llV 1°48)‘- h . ton is neral |0_ . held Springfield with burial ll e wagon.-. started this morning Th’ "~"d°"" 0‘ "'19 "Yd? T01’!-‘(*8 gather the piles of rubbish. In b"l'°"’ um‘ ""3 ' ' work was h‘r.m° ntinued during the day. , , Mayor McDonnell and Thomas ‘I‘“' go _ program will spell ny in the convention, though .an,ell'ort may be made to break the I O O F The board discussed the .dVi“_fl11l¢¢ I1 Nvotho. _ 9. Gd‘-‘I'll 1-‘W11 1811' 3'38?»-trill)’ of Kennedy, street commissions in The "'m“ 0' 91°51’ 011 U11‘ 81811‘ . a . a . a . J J 1 him’, of mubnshing a “,o_.u“!t """""“"""' 7 31-13511! "19 11115111 l11 I .Kit011U¢ charge of the work. feel assured L"'d:°3‘;“°'-8lél:'l('iRe are Governor ' _ ——~——_—-— _ system to eliminate the crowded aldkme ‘to defraud, Governor I|t- of the success of “Clean-Up Week." 5' 3 - ""01 ' en P. Spencer, _ Morrlson Pntc}-lard, W913}; dim," 3,, th, mud). mm ‘M '1 l - _‘ _ . o ,'Crsy will raigp. it wns expected Ten wagons andta‘-truck are be- R-"3"""'f‘"- 5131183! C11)’: W. C. - ,-.,o,,,,; of (mumbia High &b°oy_fi.' ‘ ‘ ' iiri authorita y. . -lug nod‘ to take the debris away. ‘ C“ ’ P1011‘. M&r)'\'1lle: Mrs. ' up 5 . t . . - S” "I . . ' “lend - -1 ————o———— vS‘ilvesu-r Wells. Kansas City; Mrs. Anniversary. ti: iil)r,t"('enl‘lPI?:l'“Cl'lrt‘Ss‘:: dduld have; ’ ' -'1?‘ : ‘* 3 ilas‘?’r:ic.lixt.:'ofia:aii.s'ed,tuie‘e F-"wk T° Buys’ Si’ Lou?" ‘M Mr" _ ' recitation hours in the morning, ' II) V. t-‘__-""3 Tenorniru. A Be spent the night in‘ - ‘ ’ “L, R’ "‘A"hIt_.'. B""d"f"°’ , Approximately 500 Odd Fellows ;.:hr freshman class would recite 1 “P”! “"3 ;a-rooaa with eighty-four other pris-o \ 7 ,,,,,‘:,';°' “Q ".’f" °' """" ”?“"“- ~ from the lodges in Boone County at- e afternoon. Superintendent Sflmflent ['0 ' A “ , orisrs. - ‘ ‘the temgonrymc '."i’;:‘°::'°r;n:;''li3 : ' tended aye [fleeting 0; gm. Boom» l. Oliver ‘expressed the belief tf - ‘ ’ ;_, Lit wd an -11’ . -’ ~"-3 « . - . ° ' Count)’ Odd Fellows Ar1S0(".'tliun held A home such plan will have to 3 date Nine” fig,“ “'15, $5. 5,. '3’: 3:1“ - A ' 1. A - '\ 00'-he." of st‘ .J°""h‘ ‘"11 I” here last night. according to D. R. Worked out here until adequate . *3 u wand,‘ I ‘uh . 8_V thempoerrrnanent chairman of the con. Miller, secretary. Pt. .-\rll‘.~‘troll,tz is provided. ' .1 °” ""9 1” ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ Tomdgyo Witfi V ' . l IVIII h meal 3'” “3 118 89115: . . Temporary Roll is P red. ‘of Hinton is president and Brmlford anubea; (;n,,d¢,-30,, '3, ,,.,,‘, 9 -V_ uccnn it ‘.3 1 ~' - r The auto com -tt Th 3316 01' 58111111111 58 '-'=<‘°-Pr€~'i-1u'D1 ,1-lei.-tad teacher at the Fred -- to h gill appeal his case ‘but:-will - lsltora Io'cloek this mornii-lg t? prephrisnthi-J of the association. school. The janitor; were . _ . cl . ""“""‘,""‘ : grtlgorbou room of the Missouri Mo- Mr. Miller said another meeting I is planned for next September. The ; exact date has not been settled. --.___.__.._ ‘ HE ASKS $40,000 DAHAGIZS fsim Filed Against Chicago and n Alton Here Today. ' A damage suit for 840.000 \l'II~ giiled today in the circuit clerk's of- ,'i'ice by William A. Pendleton against 137 U113“-1 P1!” -ll’. W. Wheelock and W. G. Blend.‘ receivers of the Chicago and Alton ‘Railroad Co. _ ' The plaintiff charges that on De- 3"“'-"'d‘3' "' ii‘? 3'" All Those Entombed , in W. Va. Mine. icovcry alive of 114 miners entombcd -cember 28, W23 he was _ _ ‘repairing the railroad track and bi’ 3 V3715‘ 3'’ ”Pl°"°“- fright-of-way near Larabee, and that , he was asked to go to Larabee for from the mine. Fourt materials on a motor car. The car, brought to the foot of t the plaintiff claims, struck another Tshaft by rescue squads. ‘Md 511-‘ A small army of expert rescue ' ttvorkers groped their way into the 1‘ cavern of the earth to search for :the sixty men unaccounted for. Meanwhile the entire population he main manently and have destroyed earning capacity. 5 MRS. iaiiliu (‘0l.\’l.\' ls m~:.u) ‘ii o n , . Lao-horn to Attend l-‘u- ‘children. huddled on a muddy hill- . neral at Pallesburg. si outside the mine gates hoping Mrs. Erma Colvin. sister-in-law ‘that their loved ones might escape of Mrs. G. W. Lawhorn. 1207 Uni--death. }\-ersity avenue, died at 8 o'clock , ‘--‘-- jyeiitenday morning in Riverside. 3'3“, AU“) TAX SCHEDULE ;Cal. rs. Colvin underwent an op-_ eration Sunday afternoon. lira. Co - Pleasure Aato Ilotorcyeles. firms STILL ‘BURIED ‘No Hope nfiustained for'°"‘"'"“"i°"" 1 is ADOPTED BY SE.\'A‘l'8 ' - '_—'—— ease" and emphasised the hon“. ‘of 6 P"chc:,: :3 Alliance of frequent health examinations. ‘for childre gardi ist anoth o division of child hygiene, stated that _ _ . with an (‘Cajun p,.5‘.;d¢d ‘,5 mm). « to Jllll Judge Anderson branded the. ‘ _ H I B mu .3 Din“). could be enmined e.ch'governor as guilty of more felon-n 3"“ '3" “ “K . . an h kn . f ' der the y of um '"k' and mu chum" “..:nt;.'3'°u':‘;,ea:_;. ‘_';;e£mfi_: Corn Growers’ Association, with - - T a . - - ' - - A - lsvill now be received who BEN“ 001), ll. \ ., A ll 294-— , No hope was held out. for re- t 3’"‘"°°‘!5' 5”" "‘"""’d wood cod min, 'for mothers to bring their children‘ . v A - ‘duvet’ l to the ,,,nfl.d m _of the Wheeling Steel Corporation p“u."¥ui" mule’ “id. M“ "W! Forty bodies have been removed :x"c‘:pu” "st of ‘M’ ‘net mm “"3 cen more were g wmch children. I 4 l State Board of Health. Doctor Hop- kins explained the advantages of v .birth registration and urged greater co-o {doctors in complying with the law ‘that respect. spoke on the 1 The fi Child Real 4 ast :Churc . . to speak on “Child Registrati was wood. 4.773 men. women and in mg ng the feeding of their chfl- V6811- rcn by another staff of special-5 M1‘CT11)"'|S 70111115 i-'11i1l)'011 ‘hi 5. Dentists are in gttendgncc in’ teen counts of using the mails in ne room is _ not more than five years or a fine M!” mtflcy’ ‘mac from the ‘an of 31,000 on each count. have not sayurtst “It will be entirely satisfactory in, Um“, ,.,,__ Boone County lios-- tion of ‘ Saturday morning“: '5 "'° '"°“'"" {°' "V" more toward succeeding to the I governorship. : ;FEDERAL JUDGE 5 _,,,... .. .. ,,m,,,. m DYER IS DEAD {He Was 86 Years Old- ; Illness Attributed to "if; lbs Age. P1» 3- lily United Press. iiapai-ta‘; - t age o years. ncss was 11 ‘iii’ no Hiaill ‘ “Alarge outofchildrerfadis-l ad '" " ....~ v“::.*P..':°‘..':.'*=*.:':..‘: .. -''~....... .’ rst evening meeting of the th Conference was held night ' h. Dr. I. B license was on." 1'. peration between parents .93 B an routh..si ,scbool-teacher soda-self-made law. V —_-._—__ ‘V915 . roi.i.saocars sacs car ncmwhwamwu colonel of a volunteer Xiaaour‘i’regl- which will represent Missouri at the: r-'lnte1-national Livestock Show next er 9..-g of up, bnilainm mats scheme to defraud. The penaltyfof {ce- ‘ used for general body‘ provided by law is imprisonment of,1'°Q1111'9d- - ‘held In wmmufly "den": Mccny field crops laboratory of the East 9'0 V5030 ; partment in charge. , Luau gal, varieties of some of ‘I a e la ‘Lat l o'clock {"16 ,projects. 33006! =ing. trants boy-g,. accom visioniof Ilsa Jane-Hlnote. atau-national admials I inor said: elegy. wil jumping and varl annual Junior.‘ Farmers"‘“"P°1'll')‘ roll of the convention. Murry. but were, unable to find M°rri"'" prndum "1 “‘''''’l’ m:-‘'' punud at. an the ‘C509,’ {or , him by ’“d"~' An‘ W ' under the d of the 7'0 ‘'°'"~°’‘"‘ 710111 C18)’ Ind St.‘ hint ‘grand past master oi the lodg--, giive 111011311‘. W191 lit: l"'°“|1‘1f{11 Q3111 Q‘ rnornl He C at of Agr-ieultur?.“will 0*" “9 Lou“. Nnnu. “M” ‘P’ °“]3' °"" C. B. Bo“_“M_ “fled aw comm“ an addrt-ss comma-mofratlng the ‘lllnlll '91:i1aI1'f I|1t_.1€€1 1; 1530111881 I - be taken to Atla'nta‘"".,,4., ,,,‘,‘,..m u 1 o'¢]ock.lUbftllll¢d to the committee. 3' pg gape,’ who said he won“ not - :’"d':;‘£.:_’f:fi‘"€"::°Ja::"f;3{: M1‘ ’"__a’p';x_::‘°,£§°''ngi'nR'r “ . ‘ 'n'“'’‘‘’' by U'"‘°d tomorrow. Ihvo hundred and fifty { The last change made by the Hyde ."°“ “" ‘"‘l"°“- "0 19"’ 11° 1°11‘! Warrcmiburg. a mom‘;-r of ‘hr hold hiah school» with the some - 7 'mM" m .8”-fled’ ‘own’ “blow” m up ‘we I" wmmflp “non for death‘ Rolfiduvfl of "Li Fellows ll')m.e board: talked on the tion. , .vv.”, ’ " ‘twat! :':‘n‘oh; i‘:“pe.hdu$.P“?c‘ on M ulry said they won not aakofor. ., ~ - , -'-‘ ‘.1 ., . . - ~ : -t -. . ‘um’ --x--.-mm .. ..:."a"4:.".".Ii.§:.'.—..‘.:.”".f:::............ . ..§*,,::.°'..:.: :::‘f.:::'.-st. - ~ -~ ~ - ' .‘:::::::".e.-.t.-.'.-.-.;:,':.*:‘.',:.~=.....~'*'*=" 1 “" "°‘ ‘°":'.‘.‘.'..'..-."'.f.".’..;“.' “.1. .;':...':."::. ".”...’*:.:"":f’ *1 .""-*..".:"°"" . ~--m-«mom» --in 1-°~°;.:°..:‘:.:.~.*<=- -1 8-» mm . noon. :1-=-=-=~ ---1--------—- ‘n Boom ‘County. mnhnst 0!’ than coflmlftlgge-an i’P1:(|)'l>:1r1:u0 glllft syl;stem ishio be started at the: pm ;i_“. {f e case was given to the _itl_r}'~ Forty-two cups and trophies willixemli?‘ 30-1119 d¢l8t_Il£F-ll-ll!!! to Brown. on ‘unfit ‘2. ‘B70. Hey man“ in tin. cwmkflhd s ‘ad lgh sc.oolhat t _t time, if the board; nd Vii‘. _1_eN'11t 3111 ed NUTS’: at 6:18 oclock last night._and thir- be awarded Friday to the Wlnnfll‘ ‘if 1111111 0011791111011. The state attended the rural schools in the afford instruction ii? the grit--niarifdwpmm t 9 pm.“ - - - lloo P ’c:m:‘i :1" 0|" in” u t W" "mum me’ we ’"r-’' "M °f '1" °°'""“ n"'° Wm’ wm‘rc:ardlmi.t" m mminy ‘domed ' Mount zim Distrm ‘mi wasiw rk rdm ‘ M A J g Warrants were issued for ysmtors‘ "9 1111‘) °1'P1:1I 10 3“9Dd‘blt(‘li‘ into the courtroom with the be presented by Dean F. B. Murn- " ‘111‘°¢°111111911d111ttothe state gmdu-“ed {mm we Qghool of Law; ‘Q -b“;°“ I 3h‘’’ " ’°""; salaries and other expenses. Ex- '0 91¢ PhS’31¢ll ¢ll111111lll011S- verdict reached on the first bal- ford ' . '°°":l'-'m°3 91110110 119270 be ected . h U iv “ ' . ‘I89- ‘ d w ",5? _""° ‘” :°“,‘‘ “' ‘ "' uses for April, in addition to The work of one group consists lot. ‘ _ e_ contests are limited to boys 1"‘ 9l°8|l-°41-ll1't¢- "' ‘,° " 9"‘ 5 "' " " “ iodd “J "“-" {"0"} *’ °‘ "95 "" teachers’ salaries, amounted to 32,- in weighing and yueggurin‘. gem. McCray heard the reading of the and girls between the ages of 10 and I‘ 3'7‘ P3“! all Finn“ Pldttt "d""“°d ‘°_"“' i’‘” "'9 "‘"‘° """°.' “"'°“¥i'°"‘ "“‘ "“"""‘3 by “W "“""' 7l5.56 pcratures are taken in another; verdict with no visible sign of emo- 20 years. with the exception that; The 30911535080 party has com- From .1894 until 1903. Mr. Murry; bers of the Athens Rt-becca Lodg groom. ‘M mothers "9 uhiwd m_.t;on_ Lu". 5, bwk, down ‘ad 9,, u.“ ]iv¢5gock.jud‘in‘ g¢.m‘Pl¢'tCl)' fulfilled all plqlgeg mm}, to was assistant prosecuting attorney peaflg {our ya" .to_ Gonmo, Arthur M. llyde declared today in’ r, must be under 19 years 344 the party convention No entrance fees will bub?"- He gave a detailed account of the wm 1.“, s.,¢,_ stewardship of the state govern- “, ,,,d.5.,d‘;u wt‘! ‘rm 5., meat. declaring the administration ‘t ] o'dxk ‘atop-for in (‘hp-‘hid in 0" people. Touching on as- . This is un-V003’ h3‘Cal|I&lored. “attempts direction of the liiuourito hemirda Pr-Ilium Coolidre a_'the late President Harding," de-'i11t the senatorial investigations vwere not conceived or conducted in are entered (0041 {INI- . Kirkpatrick of the field crops About twenty teams a the contest, at p t. They, V sai accomplish- 'ill judge and ‘give written mém under his administration in- 0? pla Is an vlieat oats tii-islo ‘llonest actions”; ‘as participation in party luclltosy thin: payment of 815,- Q", «nu, ‘Ml;-000.000 bonus to soldi ' arm . _ l11'°¢1"l111: Pro- 11, ‘hr ° pmmm will ‘an .1” visions for better schools; equitable ",4 ,,m ¢omg,g of judrédistfibution of taxes through full contests in canning and clothinggvslustioaz reduction in mm; activi- There will be exhibits in ties for hum health of the people 142, wag A‘,-swim,-.1 nunduiand legislation of special benefit to ‘Die aame_rules for the 8l-f{3"”‘Y3- c apply to the girls as to the: Tolls Work of Adm rota work is under the super-? Ml Tomorrow After-asaa. At 5:80 o'clodr there will V the tests in cit; craft. ousotheramuse- 1%;