‘ ‘O f_ ~:'=ji-2i:.+;?r;’—-iii-ériiijstg-‘?ir'3<' "r’;‘_"F”4i:t.;>0nepaiglr$iilr20t :3 gift‘: That farm labor has been so 0- d - 1 0003,; . M 0 id f the aim, gnd pug--! . . wdyleague throughout the winter.‘ 0 00,, City $000.00 ._ 1 _ , _ . _ costly that the avenge farmer . “The to!l‘' divided; Mr. Henderson’attcndcd Columbial Attendance at Ground ~T',’L'jd‘°.“"‘ "'°°"',°‘ “ff, ‘,',‘,§,,,f'm °""°‘ ='T°"* W “W . tll with th - should serve and said that thc9 illllvo {OW dl3tl'l¢l-3- ind lll 7039"‘ d°‘.liigh School. He married a Kansas‘ W was "(L or c ' :3’ Th” “‘°’° 9”“ 1320-000 be’ “con wok cm - c we " ' ° ‘ 3 ‘hates St. Jose h from the north-'(:' ' ‘ B€l«We€Tl 2 O’Cl0Cl( Imd f°' 0” f°“"’h' 35' ‘Tm’ ‘°°°"d farmers and in'rcd‘mcn deserted 081380 91“ 5° ‘"5 K°"‘3 ‘° 5")’ S°h°°‘ °‘ J°""“'.l“5m '3.”p°ns°nng‘ . . ‘ , ' ~ . P ’ ‘W ‘M ‘W? 3"°‘“'3 “3° "ml '°°"°dl . . iward polls are at the courthouse. ‘ . o 0000, the movement with a view to pro-3 ..v.est district defeated l_4cbIll0ll.to Kansas City. ' and Mldnlght. ‘pan books can ‘4 "id the public“ the farms in 19.2 to seek em- ‘ fmoting better journalism in the; ‘from the southwest. End Ulll‘~‘€!'3lli)'; ——_—+____. ‘mm of the term-in“ of nomimh ployment in industry. - . - t 0,‘ h- h h 1 g City from the southeast defuted;Ol{G I 0 TS 5 f*’""" . l . , ,. . . ' That the purchase valueof Ill; l‘l':¢ldIGn5'I‘I:'¢nfl(|:t¢;'“B's'i"::‘ ll! "if" :0?“ wflmm” Gum“. A inowung. Green from the nonheum: ht E .l‘erfectth v_.eather| ushertd -‘in the tlon. $0.90. In addition to this}; lll‘ farm moduc“ is 10“ ‘mm hut d _ Co . ‘acted reside”, ' I b. ' _ ‘ Maui‘ to Be Awuded. . nineteen annua Farmers FIll‘,;IS required that twice as many ii - of mu beta” the war. “PP; gI‘i)ty‘wassdcm°' sugilm-inn“ . Bernard V‘an “(Ilgl of fllohuin lagpiepxneier-——-—SayS Preceding the dam“ the first an’, which opened with a parade down_lots be printed as there were votes] The -report “vines ml“ the Mc_ 0 llll Y '.lligll Sclloo . D7083 GM 0 l 9 “'3 9 9 E ' . .- ‘. i ‘Broadway this morning. The fair'cast at the last election—-this costs ~ ~ . - - -0,; . . .. _. , nual declamatory contest “Ill bc- , - Nary-jlaugen hill hopes to cope with * d‘:::dA::E:nu‘°ni:(J‘:::;‘:,: ‘(‘;;:_y. '°c“u°n' 8“:-a {C-W-JONES: wgsi Not Complete .hcld. Two winners will be chosen‘ -———-— :£"‘?l’°’, swung, mid," Fay °" me, 0 , . . . the situation as outlined in the bill ‘Hie four-day convention closed 5'es- X” ‘." ‘ ° ‘iilonio ii ‘iii... 8 stem ifrom the boys and irirls who will Stand of M. U. President! ”"‘°'. “ 2 °°‘°°" ‘~'“‘ ‘“‘.""°f’“°i “!‘°“ ‘°.‘°“'.".° ‘°“.“‘ “ ‘Wand would declare a menu emer- tud. '91‘ “cm. "Sp?" 0 Pg" i bl y ' , ?compcte this afternoon. Medals will. . . . -1".“ "11 mid the 3p°m“h" “mu mm’ Lu_’d""’ °l°°“°",' "' '5 °"t"°"' ms“ ‘ gcncy existed in agriculture it y. —-—— '.g‘t“lfou('i;s. Lummmgs 0 cp 'l “W will build the Karissa Cit)’ ‘be fivuded to ‘M’ “'i““°“' f on Prohibition 18 Vm§I"ll‘e parade in ' ting f educa 'ublc {llr the mmfl mtiety tghfdstred would "aw ‘ ‘20o'w0'0o0 cm-Po“. - r - 0 1. h 0‘ ' . ° , °, Th 'rl wh w'fl enter til con- . i_ . I c" 5"‘ ° 7" 3"?‘ gm"? ° ,"° ”' _tion, the finances to be furnished by Bishop William A Qua)‘ 1: ea Prof. Frank L. Martin of the. 50 1,00,, N00 u 300“ us you cmfitcst eagle :8The1()m.I Shun“. epolm‘ .tlonal floats. interspersed here and jcandldate, write his name on thelthe gowmuwm, “,0 with 0 bond of ut.hod' I Ch h - u - - . __, - - at 3; :hmcLufi: . ‘SSE’ (S:chooIl:dof Jgumalgmhsgogeofg Alate a. sentiment that will ago; the Ruby mama”, Cennfli‘; Bernice», The position “ken by Dr. Suit‘. there with vhumoroi; take-offs ongtickct. and elect him olver n(t);Il- dimcmm confining, of the Secnun, .. we soon: comm or or 't2.—...:.‘°:...°'.:. ii. ...‘:..;.. °°'3."‘.'°"°"'~...."‘.‘ .°.....;=m»-cl was wow» u emu - am «u or 033%“ '2: ‘°".:..."::t:'-;;.“:.;:="=°°-. w ....uo.. mou- . I ‘ e , o 0 .’ _ . _, . - _ - n l S . . . . — . I - ¢h"°h “°" hem‘ ‘few &:us§n"g;‘seems to me. that a high-school ellighwa: Couillgrinission. at a‘$bl:r‘:l°B’ £:y"e§n§:;3$;nE:°n;:;l:::' 3N'°h°l“ t’;l°"'‘-‘I'hB“u;l' ‘‘ 3 Ml3'lappur fr‘: Bnrgadway until after 11 'm')l!':iTzbapperlcd in 1917, at the spe- :§:.::;:?onbi,outlz° bepemgfoefitendrhg ‘adv '°q"°‘""‘ '3 a r should have two services ' 000 ~ 0000 0 the com.» ° ° 3 ’.I0I1?i me! its in 'cw ork has becnT-ooclock -01 01000; 0 001100 to gm the office? . - f {1} ,0 3‘ 9°, '. .. . “M 7‘ Kl"~"‘ 3' _Y , J h , Pen v; M gar-ct Ha -; I ° . , . . °‘ , ° ?buy and sell wheat. flour. nee. corn. perallttedto because 0 ness 4th}i;t it can P¢;l0¢LTll(1il.b:I:'s‘t',‘o; signs: mercial“Club at ‘M_cAllIsters Cafe~E;°:‘ ownsolriondon mzgd P”ke:_':c’<;::n‘r;i‘udcdiutionl;y‘am;lul:i:'l‘ie‘:e<;f hcglanlbla; streets web? lined Wish of city treasaarfer. lfll wl:3i_dl‘-fixer: £0.00.’ “me,-8“_.iM.g .,,d.p,.0d0d_, 0; Art Is insured for 8l5.000.090- 1“ 0? mp" 5 ‘°"“‘ 11"’ {'"i‘h'."‘ °f U” °u"°'Jetl'_ei-son Cit)‘: Glovie Mable Par-. At the final session of the Fay-int“ 5.‘ .9§g nsf:f h:¢pp;mn.,.0,y Rum": ‘ml. ’ °"3' ° ‘ - ofiame .00 “ewe whenever a 8900381 3"’ ‘ "‘°‘"“" "f -cemmlizinr lllKhl'l)' Syllflll W111 59 DECO‘ ill’: - ' *0 l l .‘'Y°"~'‘ 9” “‘”"~' .'i-mergenc is declared in one or more Aniinsurlhce pdllcy Of ‘l5e°Wu(”0.u; 1;; ad 1' getting everyone ‘mm i [.0-la’ v‘"d'lh' J"n.“" ¥‘d'°l“-,l.'tte District Conference of thev t ed 0 to the spec“ ]0_ J ‘R u b we 001[0g_5_i * _ been taken out on the loan ex--phgrnfing along the “me 150,‘ ""3 of ham w "Wm" via? (Central) St. Josflph; Camilla Clln-imeghodist ED300000] ch0,c0_ souuhfsgzca O;-mhrmufieind cum.‘ “gm ‘grzected h"im"°'; J; om“. ,of the Pl'0dlIcts. hibit of early Italian painting in‘ .. . 1- be M” u an w an e’ - i“i"¢l“m- “W59”; “'4 14°“ F90-?at Centralia yesterday morning. sf 0,0 of (:01 0,050 “-0300 for two .___..—_.. 3 Wh01llll¢l|lll'k9l Pflcfillnl 55°‘ N" Y°"k' Tm‘ i‘ “id f° be p'°b'i: Sec:,,l?d.hi:h?c(liuol:lll lllllktllll on‘ uni pmpotzedtasxo gird cgnheditdlchiuicothe’ ''l‘¢5°lllll°ll “'85 ld°Pt¢d €°llZl'lW1“‘i $120!; efor the process“ ion to pass B N lthe "no price‘ we cm-ponuon 1.;-gen" mice I th '.‘'"’°“ ° . "?'°"° " '‘° ,, . The high school boys compctinirf‘ Dodo 3 le .1 Hi 1, g - ‘ - RIB O 3 AND would buy for foreign experience- EH3; ‘ht! m exhirizzm n °,_vszu_e constituency that we call thelincrcase on gasoline I Salton. con-r "E: Sm“ Hughes’ Commbi” John 35” we; Sm f‘f‘e'l“°":-rig: ‘ate! The publicity uglvendthe fair lhtlfl I ‘store we domcmcg price. The n_ Y! - ipubllc. which lndtllls caisc iibtehc tinued Mr. Piepmeie:-_ . iserklcfl Hdlflmc: George Kenny. , district in which we live md hbor.":{ee:- £35 ‘l:'e‘;:n°mcc;mwimciscth 5, “O price i. one which ‘hm but 00. o l on ' ‘ o l 0 ’ Frederick H. Ecker. vice-presldent,::"';‘o°‘I"l"£;’ Eh“; :;‘n"’enl" public mm The 60,000,000 that the commls-414.com Congohdgtcdg Alden Russell,l The bond of w_.w.,d5 of the‘ maxim‘ am they “meted “ - _ latlon t: the pre-war price ,,sanie re of the lfetrppolitan Life Insurance; . . _ _ sign has. to complete lh¢_ fyfitfimglndependencc; Hugo Blumer, \i'ash-$3,000,,“ 3100000530 Chumh ‘domed: an “poo ‘ Id :_____ gas the current V2118? P593 0‘ 3" , 0 Co. and once messenger boy for ihai‘‘‘‘‘°- 7'” l’“"“° ‘'°‘’‘ ’‘°‘ ""'° ‘"’ will not in any manner hm-ll theiinzton: Russell Ryan. iiiooerly: the followinx resolution at a meet-ilsfenzateg this afpt4e::l‘l)o‘(:lnwo:ndp‘t!l>'- Results of Junior Farmers’ °°"“"°"“"' "°"‘ ‘° “‘° """.‘>- t k in ‘"‘°’°?‘ "‘ ‘’‘‘“l‘‘ i.‘ ‘’°“ ‘‘°‘. "“°" system. and it will be entirely incliurlee Wilkerson, Holden; Vaughn - .1, i, i, 1 . - he; . . . _; lpre-war price of all commodities. hgzlwelfictzd rres‘id::te of‘:h:.(.3'hams- ‘"3"-“"3 ‘b°“‘- 'c'l°"-h°’u:l° ‘hf Pu" the hands of the voters whether Henry, Polo: Hardy Adrian. Boon. glghegs. ifimfimuféon ht: cog‘: misfit‘ ‘cf$’,e';‘gfn‘°,','.,9,‘,’: ‘ttifgl Week COl'll£Sl.S' Are ; To protect the ration 'prlee-fmnl ber of Commerce for the state of em‘ "°' “'9 ‘m cm‘ ';lm,s°‘°s’h We will speed up till: T086-blllllh ville; Joe Smith, Perry; and Miltonius 00,000), 9,055 report; our Dr.E .cfiv;ue‘ of Huh school D“. “'11. A cad Toda §f0!'¢l8l1_ ¢0B'lP¢ill~*°ll. the 500131’? New York. ' M‘ M‘""" .5p°k° brie. ’ 0" rt e in: Pfotfllllr 88 lb! Pllb“¢ dl-'lllllld5r Gcllens. -l0l3ll“- lstratton D Brooks the distill-1 ‘ha 1. f . ' ; nnoun y° sof Agriculture may declare prohibi- ...____. ipflctices 01 lllzh-5¢ll°"tl -l°“",“‘:”:"or finish it in ten or fifteen years." In the contest to be held for :g0is},0d ,,,¢,;.,,,,,, of 0'0, gm“ ,0.“ :i:';1_l‘;li;° :,::"omc°i‘;!;’ u:;;°":"|_ F rt t ————a— more mm mm: or emburo “.41; 0.000 - = ' ‘ ‘ i c . , ~ 5 . - . '- ’ - '- cu an —————o-——— ti (l:;ls'l::!f-ldb ht:crl.:l:1ed tém 0: I;<;:W3nlon:‘"on”° the said the ‘speaker. . H béysiétonlli Re;lrtr:;lt£se"t‘0 . University‘. denounce: Ink no hunt-Br-'1 lievcd. ‘£000 ribii:>'r‘i.s pole:-e awarded confined in the City Sanitarium writing of news. chief among which *3" P'°""'°‘°' °°"“""’d “.’ f" ' ,'gm{.,,, A..,d;,,,- ‘"3-"’ t°'""‘ um 3”" L‘-°" " "i The “Pike" out alive with work- Dean 1-‘. B. numrord of the Col-_ ~ - . ,0,” . sim “Cu and ,_e,.se_ plain how the present approprlatlon=iP¢ . 5- !f\lch0l8s Murray Butler in a reroute” ad this momin . who were l of A hflmn to the winners; for the insane is charged by ii St. were act 5. P Y The f 11 . Y 8 080 I!" Louis woman. in suit for divorce. ncss. ""°u‘d "xi coming“ we propose-d Selertl::Ilcnb‘: I(d)i|i(t)a“r:.Aa~ "dfinu lmdc by e um" before “lei Duttins the finishing touches on thelin the contests of Junior I-‘armcrs':! f h street otorman mus- Th 1- 1 k n the morni pmgnfll "9 “M amt ‘ppr°"' do-my Band. lu“.‘°u" “mum of New ‘°rk'.m' booths in preparation for the open- ;Week. at a convocation of all con- " mm at m mgrcam”0.";pe§0:L_30n3_ Moore inns. "W"-'lY 38900 “'°“‘d 5° ‘n°"'°d balm-story nu-I: V. _ :""h'°h D°“°" Bud“ "p°;.' .31: ing at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Byitestants which was held in the _AI!- ..._——-——— »_ igmdor in phowduustmfion ‘name for each mile of road under the Selection: by the Lolufnlvtl liiirh Schoolxtfltll and women of llnous ai . 10 (“lock the 00.“ we" in ,.adi_;r;culwn1 Audimfium mi, morn|ug_ Competa with Lax“-‘Eton resent system and that this would Om!» '-and moral principle nod public 9 . . . . . i1‘ School ards cred the d park « . industry. the bar and the 0 compmhcmivc “lk on the “gem not build any sort of a road. not sebnn by comm“ um sch”! ohlsplflt to strike the I-JIzl19°“tllUl_l ::.l‘Un'iI:r.,;I:;m britdsflthhullgo. T. C.lm::; ti: homioveconomlcs, cstockl lll B °¢°°"-‘°° "Wd Am°'*°*“ P"“°"‘ ' f ll ll‘ f ' M" ‘ WW’ '°'°- ‘°°°““"¢ ch-tie . . §*'.'2°"“’.""'"‘ "°"’ °“' °°“‘“‘°“°”' mounted battalion and Uuiver-rityljueigirig, both individual and team. ‘ Contest notion in the World 00"“ ll‘ °pen-l:::Ir:lo:espl:llog:X‘]!)7ll}lDe3r ii'.f"“§°‘ ‘° "W “P°“‘°’- “‘° “"' “"‘ ““" Th‘ “"’“‘° “"" "° "’“°“ by U""‘ 3° “ h°'°b’ "''‘°‘‘’'’‘'' W‘ ‘" drum corps took part in the parade.'and including swine. sheep. been. l"‘°“ in °l‘“'°" °'¥"“;;l“°"‘t' School of Journalism. lie gave a P . m‘ ‘ ' d our fdlow townsinan and . 01 -'----' hg hearings before the foreign rela- ed - h mo ab» 0 out of the $80.000._000. oneothird is versity professors. Dean I-‘. M. Tia. comman _ _ 1119 University band led the linecattle, dairy cattle, horse and in eg comma‘ ma, School "0050; tions committee of the Senate. fififiesgggdngisn & M C mg’ "1 *0 be “*9” ‘°" l’"“""" ’°"d’ V!“ dd’ °f ""5 c°“°5° °f Am md ilonl emu“ {no-gt :1f‘h[;,’;c0‘,°r3:?‘°l "l1l'¢h- . 59'9"‘ lll9°lll°hl1€8 classes. IN! 5 "8 ” wdl‘ ‘til-st award inclass Borchestra COD‘ __.___. “nag J ' mm in 50,”... 35.000 a mile. and for 1,500 miles Science, will preside. .1083!” d°”°"°"“°" " ‘timed with distinguished visitors, Albany High School, coached by: mm” “M this mm,“ 0, 11"’ Cm’ C°‘"“'“ °‘ M°‘1°°' m°" . . lhlfi Would W181 39900-000» 0" ‘Mk’ 5“ Pllmll” V“ °"" °l we f°“"’ file” ‘tuck upon weifunhmenmt here to insP°¢tr and set ideas from Carl Gillespie. a trlduate of the illniversity Auditorium. ‘W "filed “*9 °'“°° °‘ °°""'“*° .5 "- ”‘‘‘''l’?‘' ’“’’‘f‘ °‘ ‘'’° 3'3" ing a total of 329,000,000 to be den; of the Manual Training High il-w of our l'""l- ‘ilie fair. followed next. All the visit- College of Agriculmre of are Uni-iiiiirh School entered the only con- 'i'”’“ °f lmhuc ‘'°''‘‘ ‘N1 °°'“bi"°dl "sh dcpnugem of I-Wuhan: Huh tiled 50!’ PYllll|TY' 10853» This--3¢ll°0l lh¢l'¢ Illa Pflllcllfli 07 ll» ‘Wt “Be ii f‘"'.u'" rewind‘ mu "ling former manazers of the hit versit). won a lal'¢.¢ Bill“ °l lb‘ lgesti orchestra in this clad. the oflicc of city engineer and street School of hansas City and faculty '0.‘-cs ‘the balance of $31,000,000 «several years. He founded the first ._°Xl¢lld W ll)!" °l"' 3["¢°’° u"‘“k'i,0de on 0 10,00 ynyngk 01, um bud 0,-in, 03¢;-ed, including the prize low" "0 mug“ 00,408 and and alley commissioner. adviser for the schools annual.r:‘8n. m be used (0; secondary roads and lllflll 8Ch00l Dive!‘ in the western 3 for contendlnfd six £350! the ‘nude. . 05"“ to the 03000“ .u.0;-cum] "me" ~ - —--r ‘trviwtis mornlnge I. _ .. . - _hc¢.;tem ncea aweo ,. , _ ~ ' ' . or mo ow» mm-n-m we no or :*:::..'.::* “:::.'.::’.:"'~‘::.."'..‘,':.': 5:.“ .*:.§..::*:.:;".':.::.‘;':*::. :.:... 2. ...'*°'*..... ..... .. .. ...... .. . "“fI.‘ :.‘-°.;*.’:‘:.':‘.:::'“.. 'o«"’ "i:.*°i' 13% 000100 every day and saves in cx- come a part of the secondary school .0‘, ‘H t the ‘n "mud ’ W.” 00000“ 010, 10 0;, 00000 0,, lug e o 0 . _. ' due of uiuoufi .0 we luau» oo was gl 0 can of 330000.000 every thy. to curriculum. h“ w 'bc “TW all: ‘t .1 d Mr Phillips said he feared that imatters involving morals and obedi- 9°‘ ‘"4 °“‘°' ‘°"‘“’°* D“““""“‘"6°m, ummk 80" to 0, 0,0, wnoouvilie aecon sprlnrfield cording to a deduction made by a M . phuy 0,-0d0,u,d {mm 3"“? lv"“9- _ ° "°“ “" 5 ‘ . I f _; 001 ,,_v through the parade were take-all . .1. w ‘ch third and Vandalia fourth. ' ON" York bulk’ um {’-"iveuzg i?:877 from the 66’ :l'l‘l%‘l‘l‘Ch tin ‘Ea :l:!lct)?:::8’:l“‘or:;lli:;n0:l :1 2332- ‘mac M:rxanet‘Blwang Circle of the «so Jim the por.~5,’;:°iii:‘s°i:' silalzetritle cffnhest eall- Joplin received gist award in ll!!! ———~——— - ' , ded mchm - f"!'tel-I. A o... o. on or mono m:.'“:“t.:.‘..*:'“:‘.:":.:’.:‘i...:;'.“. on no-o or °§i§,‘.i;‘.f.:..‘5.’;‘“‘.‘.’.1ff"...:‘.‘:.‘:."§‘.f.f'o..i.f”. mm »=‘‘‘« “mow -W‘ “W 0"‘ .. .. ..:°.;“‘.i? .:...i'.. .:.:.."... o... . disease has been discovered by Pro . “hook wt 47 yum «we “cum compkte Sn“ mglhischool _)0ll!'l'l8nld§m. h uetion ‘grub. fivitomn. 401.0,, of the M01185. 5399933008 00362:. the 0 - In tit: homeieconiiigl county rad“ tn um dn‘ um sum‘. f, Frclsch Dahinann of the Berlin Bu- 0‘ . ‘fly No. 2... u- the 00003;;-, ..,‘nd;‘homdnIl:ieg ugh‘ “I: 51 e ‘sc‘;"°3 ‘Lt imghtunu, Amendmmt in ya, '01]. me and Mulife. Educational float-I. atfimuhed :3‘ *5: of we Spfindda Hid, 50000;; guga, nu’ of V “U H"ieM' “cord. ’ l ‘mu’ ‘'3 3° on rewrd ” ”ym‘iJ urnalism so that in turn the high‘ ° 04 NP‘? ‘O Pl‘°‘ld¢"l' Nkhd" “mm n‘ ‘mom . he with Ilsa Wilma llcCracken Ville- iag to a dispatch from Berlin. TODAY S BASEBALL so. I believe that we could bulld_i.c"h°°l cam," my become .¢00.i0¢- ildurray Butler of Columbia Univec- limits were placed at intervals. u:°:;“ mm.“ Wm” “nun u Th‘ . on man“ Wu ' -km“. cum this No. 2 next year. No. 1 next‘ ‘ml in :30’; They aaeured.him of their lavitcd Gaesta Here. “that ind u “ “man of ho”. ‘ad “rho ‘en hound ma . "open, 10“ of 5,000.; 5&0,‘ year and continue to do twhis Il!lutll:i Afloat" sped.‘ D,00,¢_.¢0g, desire to with him in cro- The invited guests of the Ag Club The ad hm“ man“ '9 ‘on 0300 duh; mu. 0 approximately sl.ooo,ooo was St. Louis .. I00 000 010- 2 I0 I "59 Byllfllll 18 ¢°lllPl°ll°d« ° "° 3 «why Mg 1,." in evgry high atlng a public sentiment for law en- '00 no in Columbia to attend the 1,’ Swan“ ‘uh m 0,0,0‘. ‘rgdc bands. In the latter event. caused by a fire in Lowell, Haas. Pittsburgh. 011 000 001- 8 6 0 P3“ °°"'°"‘l"""°d °"’ °°"'t"°°“",“l.¢hoo1, ‘ii men .3 3 depgftment onforcement. Barman‘ I-‘air include 8. R. Truby, 0.‘ “.7 we M0500; g-mkiuiffconl the following high schools W . Batteries—-Peder and Gonzales; » :m;‘nen1:“‘l'°:;°“‘M amgfiifenign languages and of I-isto‘l_')'.l‘ Appreciation of the attitude fifim T“.°n"~llICiVld¢.lL Edward KllQ|I¢l’eI'$;m'l;‘:"'d: Jgzws cu” ‘kw —-——~-———— andGooch. - Wm ilierili de d’ itc ‘b DoctoBlook connoctlonv-. = C"°- ‘“"°""‘ s.,.....e ieuru, ' mtlllc. BAR rimsinslir in all uses °°°"°' so. Eight million dollars have been ff‘; dq,_,uf,c,,.'".,‘e",-.i.'rn:ii-'3-3 -:5 die pmiiiuiuoo lie: is expressed imlturalist ma. Wright cm; 1. w. :_'_d:‘o§";u 'iliilieo ll School of ilerueo and _..._..__. Cincinnati .. 101 0 spent last year out of the fifteen not [age 1; to every Tom, Dick and 1; letter forwarded to Doctor Brookalllhnt. Alabama Polytechnic lnsti- - , chug. gouvmglfiempcr lliltiary Academy. Guy A. '!\onpaoa to Speak at Law Chicago 030 0 0.111199; of bonds "'9 °°ld- W‘ Harry on the faculty who knowsiby Fannie D. Robb. corncaP°lldlllt tulle. Allbtlflle 533-? """‘ K.l'.“' In we -":00! 0,,‘ in 0.0500 all-flu ¢°lllF“'d 5“ “ch 3" Banquet Toner-row Nlfilflw "e{{ar- will "sell 810,000,000 worth of bond! nothing about it to be asked to look gag;-guy, of thg W, C, '1', U. of st. tumour-i gunan News, Jet. [Ebb ;8dI0hlAib“, h but an“; amp cam, "00". ‘n ‘ phia 000 0 ‘4 am nu‘ 8l.U0.000 t ‘nit uliillin?” he at ' f install Lou fC.<:.n:¥c“" Io. l‘er in horses: Btnflonl in males; Prof. James T. Qoarles. who one Phlladel . 01 1 -I mulggd to get on r. illipa la in favor o - 11,, ‘cu... commend; Doctor“ su°uoa"'"‘ xflmmh u0._i,,0.g;000¢ 33.’. ducted both Broeklyn...00l00000 ofthe88.000.000forI{lghwayNo.in¢pfintingpressequipmentwitb 3mo«k,f°'.hh0dm,e,{000Ek5.£.St1'eate ._D‘h_'“ .' .h . _ I use of Batteries—llubbell and Wilson: 2 and the contract has been lets drawing engraving ‘plant, is uuuhAmmdmmtu,0uku0,t“gilege. BAroo::lau¢s.B.D..8.C.% ma sheet! hafidmhh uggpmgranawhlchincludasthepid Garrison and Taylor» from the covered bridge to 3000- charge of trained mechameiana who D,’ Nichol“ um-my Butler. prOi- "'5". 9 0°“! " c°u°'x.uu' d..”.k"" gnu,‘ V000,“ 0; musical talait in the state hkh "york. 0000002 ville and from there to Kansaacanteaehthehigh school student am “loam” un§y.n§¢_y,.gd¢iUII.T!!.:Hr.OhOP3“"- curvy?” ."""' I", c.0,”..achodls. llesaidtoday bmhalleved .. Cl}! for an ‘stub’: of .iourr:iiero 3; Nb": Czba: roeruerfel-in-t Cit“, 1 'g::lV&_3“'md§m‘_ .‘‘‘'''',?”m; “''‘''_w v"°°' flflgmmi. 0,}, eouiea is the most in 0°55’-'-" r l'°"""'3“‘°"*“”¢“"°‘*“- thapmlnibitlool-V--0'l°"*"'*;""..""'. -—-—--o-——..- I .’lflloi|eriekUefIaII|Ilb.lII|l|'3 nuieslirocucy Arrives. - lnMllnl0¢*l**"‘P'°""']uaaeaeeeweuilieeouaouieed..““‘”' awn“ ’Iaban'!IItet§lIJ iueelieaioueinrluvilo.-l-= 44|a@tu'-waaboultblsattls ‘°' ""' ""' m’ ""°'“'ai.i.l..i'“ “’°"°"‘°‘ °‘““ "' w"““uu euiiduppeirioue neaeouecaoaivi-ll-is-do teed-niueme Ilncaldedlr-ayIaw'v4l°mat~theIeoasC0unty!IoaplIsl *0 ll‘ 'l°""""" .,..-eon. ansuuiun ear». tnlr.aadIra.Johafi.QIU- ‘ 0 nal|II0¢!'ll‘°'-'¢"'-""""""ichlld has. been aaaeil ca ‘ - Weakdaaadudayataaaatoallov-u‘*¢___‘,.0.,,,;,...‘g.¢ Tallvlsllelato ;fl-l.'-t-¢"u.o.eulq,eriaeseluae¢1oa-II- >_ , ' ' 4.. , $3.. I ‘ .3. a.e*‘f'~' ‘F, .