' _ . I _ ‘ o ' O 5 4 _ , - ca -X’ "‘, V ' "' 3'31. .<‘- , ,_ _‘. ,__. ,_. _ _, Y 5?‘ ~., _.' EL; .. 3. 4 L *.‘|_ f W ‘" ‘. 4 .. I l l V. ' . tr ' - ‘- ‘ ° ~ e -r ~ l. “MAY 1924- “ " ‘ hank; iunsa suns scant 1...... quality dairy products.” lléfvnivernity Classes to Be Ex -‘ ' 1 '-'— - ‘cannons oaiiru aalr-rizrlca _ . _ . ' : - l u - ' —‘- v _ . , _ 1 . gggxr ———-—-_— WI" start his new'\sorl.' about {III} All University glasses - A~ . - . 1 : T0 Be Repreacauuve t.’ M.El' ‘O New lork to V15“ ml ogcl ‘er '. ' AF’ k”"" Cm“ 5" 5 ' ‘Gov. Hyde Berri"?! Net?!’ C°||Vi¢l C“ 39'"? c‘w°. C"b- ,the club home olfice. _ ' tomorrow moininx. acco - W’ "" pew" 8 9' m‘‘.’wDAF gm" l J , East St. Louis Livestock. I Ju3t'Befof¢ March to the ’ Harry Marsh, local Jersey breeder ‘-“-6:c’l::“" sh" ‘ to 3 notice from Press _ 1. V. . > g‘ _‘ "Y ‘I‘ ‘ > . . CRIS Pllnafllon am. e“- : - ‘B’ : G'n”o‘_ 'and Mr’: °“vner’ l-Ayon '5' . h o in D. Bmpkss om“ ' .‘ .r-. W1 . blew ork. 485 met rs NATIONAL STOCK YARDS. Ill.. By unlwd rron y(.,w,d.y of his appoimmem as 3 Victor . you so It: a are ‘ day. in ad“ to “ford fa ‘ e , ._.___..._ 1 _ “"3,” P- "‘-"B‘°“""7""°“’. 4°’ “Grave Anxieties” Feltluoy 2.——Cattle—Recelpts. ooo; mar-« JEFFERSON crrv, May 2.- scrzptlon of Pal Moran——\'lcen- l - l tini bout from Madison Square or Safety of Maj. » ' .Shown Be industry by ti ld ent for the American Jerselv‘ the Q“‘d“"‘.fl° orchcs.-U.“ 3"c5.t"d”f d tudents an opportunity ‘ t lift If-Old)’; D115‘? beef $0611. 35»05»Shortly before John Lee. 1192“? C°"' cfnuzgciub. the chief on-55¢ of which to James Cittenger and Manley “D ‘ . - ~ . . rt‘ ' ta : the activities « @3905 3'°‘"‘““€ “"5” ""1 h°i‘°''‘-'‘''l¢t- ‘"3 ‘° 5”" lb’ d°'"h march is in New York City. Mr. Marsh F°"3“’°"' who ‘mu “kc chnrgltl 2:! pIi'izllm;chooln"Day. I’ :;+:ia:....r-+*~.:r?'*=75iv/ORLD l .Fl.IE*R . l l ., __ _.,-..,.‘-..-or’. -- . ...-u-. o. ~*“ “*"" """""' ‘ 'l . _ , . . . ., . . .15 V‘ 2 . a .- ~ . _ '« ' .' . _ . _ _ . ,. , ._. . 2. - '. '0 . ‘ ' . . '. .- ‘ _n r -, '. “ 0‘ - ‘ a .. '.. .3‘ -‘ _ ' 1 , b. . 1,‘. . .,« . 3. . _‘.‘_ - a en. _ _ in_ 5.] ; , 35 6,50; l g 11 - , G v rnor Arthur .1. ,- . . . - ' the organization immediately. ', WI-ZAP, New York. 492 me- F L Mart_ ;::id C11el.te:“IT.":l0‘:ale;@cIlV¢8,‘:“'I8'j;;:_tl;)§fde cfititiiiitsed liisesentencc to life , :f”fih:(g":§nit;a:i:!,:n5§, said that the price v,-gs $400. Chef- . .cm_. 11'0"." mes. . L ‘A survey of the agricultural silu-: "9"." 8:15 9' m'_Th° “om” “Y ‘mu’ ’’m‘- - -stoclters Ind Yeedertr '10 8ll€- lmPl'i50|'|m°3“- 'dian.a. Ohio. Illinois, Kentucky and ‘~93’ Mlnflv f°"“°" ""“:"“"°"* “Hi wmhm Bum}, of sedglia g A “in” ad Tenn‘ hum”. “MN Str‘;'IlGz'NQIIar_tet. yo i 9 . wASl'. 81.06%: tee with a copy of ,, u.v¢.m-,,,,, mid’ ‘ , it men in their com- m°mb“"5hlP 0 W" th°‘}-"5"d- The menu" ‘mun cw) "H-s"S"m" $1'07%' » have been sent to Ford between ' MEATS l I _ _O-'Q—‘ffi’lp~v7o‘A-O1-fie-vvo—'=—g'~r— ... 3" lid uV°3'~°° - - was still missing: at 4 3. m. Alaskan “-hen (n,d)___N0 2 31 09. No ‘O 7 ,, . - s. H ' i . guru «disc ' Hi... Iuin t reports at the meetings in Ccntralla . . .. . ' .. _ ' ' ' ' ' December 19 and .1 by President , ‘ . . _ _ a ‘sine orhurldered it “in:- showed th-l -=29 members have been ;:_'“fw‘°:ff,>; fi‘<;;‘>M<>S": 0:312; 3, sl.onx.@1.o9. No. 4. s1.07@1-08-;coo1idge last year. A- v H orllck 5 - No. 9 North Eighth Street Phone 375 pmdw 09,9, rcpliQs gxpregged added durini: the eizht months of cm l’: f Dutch K rho U “Milt 0""d)-?‘°- 1: 31-07» . Norris said he would submit the -~. omczvux-1 , ‘ . ' - - .. , -. .. - ithe present conference vcar. ‘ 9'" "T, , Q _r' M’: “‘,'*— message to the committee in execu- l- M .n.. 4 M,[L. ; SATURDAY BPECIALS ‘hi’ °°“d'“°“ *5 "'°"3°- ““‘"“ h '1 1 h h laska. to !‘EJOln his three flying com- St. Louis Produce. , . . _. . ._ - ~' '9 ' I P 1 rd 12,,‘ 50 lb t can “:5 proved.-v ..opumism,'n ,..depre”ed'r-I ‘The mem rs o t e ocal c urc ‘unions. K ST. LOUIS’ buy z_E‘t3__Fint tive session beforc innlunit It Pllbllt. urc in . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ .: . ‘ 7 - M ‘V 5 - - - - - ~ -- “‘"°'3b'°:" “Md-" "“°”“‘l" “‘d;“h° ‘ttcnlied the mccunm “H? The first belief that he was Drob- countrv candled. ‘ lc: ordinary ’ ' ' ' ' V“ Beef hm!‘ brim“ or plate I 3” ' “alarming.” , ,l""'”°""° shlwph-V‘? MB”‘MFl‘) L‘ ‘my safe and won“) be found on om. firsts ' no quouuons. CLAS5 To ‘1S'_T "“5TlTL no‘ “ _ \\':~.r_lc-nsburx: bacon. uvcmirc 6 to 8 lb. by side . . . . . . . . . ..l8c T_' -Three hundred and twenty-four"§;fr:;‘:‘m(_' R:_“_‘°:i“‘\',in'T cm(::' of the hundreds of my; ma ink-15 3uuc,_C,c,,me,._‘. e,u.a_ 35;“; Smdens in 5:;-.1 pflholon, to In, X Crczlm chm.-.w . . . . . . . . ..2.'sc Creamery butter . . . . . . ..40c ‘, answers said that farms were beam” F F \.“_pht:n; and E. Me: which make the shores of the Alas- standards, no quotations; firsts, acct Fulton Hospital. l . Purl; steak . . . . . . . . . . ..l:'»c Pork hams . . . . . . . . . . . ..lfic ; abandoned in their districts.;DOn°M_]i ‘Q:-re dcded dclemtgs m kan peninsula and its islands a 32c; seconds. . A visit “-3” be paid tomorrow to Pori; chops . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20c Fork roast . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l5c . ‘; ‘ while W9 baker” were no‘ °°"fm"."attcnd the annual conference at """l“‘b'° l“b-""i"u‘- “'35 3“d"‘"-" I'°'-1llTY—HED5. 240: lll!'kl‘)'5. 250: the gugtc in,-njgutjons at Fulton, by. . (‘hock steal." _ . . . . . . . ..l2';c Veal . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l0c to 30¢ 3; '8 “d '“'‘h wk ,'m‘mem' The man- Richmond in September. fading‘ l5l‘7i"l~'‘.' 55‘: ducksv 2“? 39°55 11°31 Prof. A. l-‘. Kuhlmun and his class in duwnhug M” tn Sirloin or round steal. . . . .20: Mutton . . . . . . . . IOC to, 25¢ I lllllm deCI'CC3C In VH1“?! 85 Com“. __:__.._____. Those ["051 closely cnccrned ‘vith cocks. 13¢. plnholoxy ‘nd other juniors ggHuM.’n[ s i ' 9 ‘ { Plled to l6l‘I;0Sc 07 “F0 01‘ 551:0 }'§'_"_’5 1 . 7 ‘ 7 the fliers admit they feel “grave' Cheesc—.\'orthcrn twins, 18c; ‘and 5(.,,i0,,§ who hm... pro.-guusiy had 5- 5,¢g -5d,,gg.g,, Su;:zu- cured lmrnz. .sl>.lnnL-ll. whole or half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20c ‘ ‘. "m r-- W an t mm--REVOLLTIO\ l\ ». _ .. . - A ~ .19. l . . . .- ..~ in mum. 10 per. cent. The avenge de- V ‘ L :,?;.‘,(;_:U “ to ‘ ‘ wmmwdcr Joung m“’en'ca' ' C :::S‘::r;'e3‘0 g“C!le0C’;a,l:),m(“‘l:l1‘l)\t‘c‘:l"lE)ri1[E ~ ~ ~ | California ham: . . . . ._Hc-l.'ic Dry snlt . . . . . . ..l0-12')’;-l5c ‘. crease was found to be 37 per cent. 1 1 1 . > . _. , ‘ _lCO . ‘ . _ l'_ ‘ , ‘ _ ' _ P _ : Corn was found to be the main “c:\“’m":_°r: 'r:::"‘e"_‘e";_ 5£;r;h’::d:':s~ .A| II I _ S -‘"fiTf}:':";)u‘:“)?)v§':l1_‘ ‘E5 lt‘!_‘iiI:'is two_ : Armour .\lorn.~ 3‘Up!‘t'm('. “ll.~0n (.ertif.cd bacon l A crop’ ‘,ith the produdion of live_ —-I ‘hat which was under was‘ today‘ fold" ‘avg Pr‘u{cM;Or Kuhlmani “On ix ...i(‘. .. ‘lioxt-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..- 3 stock second in the list of sources R S ' V I _ t Ag Pu“ “run of the nu” the WIN. the .0“; hand it in pram“! and on F.a;.nl;.’m~:u;». l.ou.1.trtu. l.r;nn.~, 2 lb.-.. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2oc , ,r_a;~— of “rm "want Run] schools umor 835 e eé -0 c Kllalr. service and o thc?'Private ‘the other it is scientific. From an . -"l’i*"“ ””*‘v WW -‘-‘U-‘3U1“- h“"*l’“"l~'”- 2 u’*- ‘'9’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' "zsc ' “re ‘died "fair" by 453 .b‘nkcrs- Sume Charge Against’ it-"('fit.~‘.ul' Alaska was turned out to _"_—" ‘ scientific standpoint. the class. dc.-— . .. ‘fl -‘ad “‘°°d” I5. 331' On‘) thirty "d'- G finldlthc fearless commander and hin'C'0mbinati0n of Democrats sires to learn in n first-hand lnan- Get the highest 53l3l'.\' ]~"“""' R'‘V”_ 1' "h 5 ; ’’‘i''''°d “m u''" °""‘.'.“"‘“'""‘.'?'dl Overnment -mochanivitm Slcrgl NV8 H"‘’‘‘‘’ d P ' v D ‘nor what are the causes of mental and the salary you want ”“"“'“*-‘ - - - v — - - . -7'zc -“iwcrt lricklm 1’ d"7-- ~---35¢ ' indt:cl::ol::asTE§n::'er;lge5;7?nS:t:::lBx Uonad Pie--—.-_———' ' Two small coast guard cutters anf migressges e. .bno,m,mj¢.5 and of deafness. and as 8 teacher. . Openings in all : lI:°"'~‘(li°*> l‘U¥‘Hl hulls ....lfic Steel cut coffee . . . . . . . _ ' v v . -_ . ' . .. .. . . . e , _ rc' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9 B tcri . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. W -ad -n 123- ’...’.f.*‘..‘.'.‘.“;:‘.;...°.."‘:,*: ."i:t;‘....-1-..."';: :;.°,,'°:::."i.‘::.f:“:‘.“ 33.2.: 22.22:; °“‘S ‘"9" '“‘*“‘~ .222: :??..‘::.‘::r.:.‘;:.:’::;:":.:.::?.:,: Wis-., As“ is; ,{::a,:"{;>.‘: “ ° "° ~ Five hlmdmd answers ‘ed u"ba number of -zoldiclls in Santa Clara boats are t‘n-0p('.r8tlllg.- uy l'nita-d Pu--. 'from thisc trollliles. From :1 pY‘:u'- :nLn- ) 83 tan. 1 -. ,d i .‘ L.‘ a tune" Wm "0 nu vemmemlphovince assiimed serious P!‘0por- \\'ea'.hcr \'estcrda)' was it little wAS”1NGT0Nv M35’ 2-—Th° licul \'i€‘V~'D0inl. riudvmr ‘W10 8”’ ‘Pun-, oua eh D-8“ )3 uh. .'—--«-----A--L x t¥ilmu' while 20‘ hnkepl 'ons todav follorviniz a persistent more favorable. thewind at several Democratic-Progressive coalition},-om Missouri should have an inu-l- bpecmhsts Educauonal Bureau A we" “aha”! of 0"‘ ‘ml 85 uldirumor that'Genernl Velez has landed points along thc.400-mile air line to “"0" ‘he “'51 imP°1"3"‘ "lC‘v°"5’ °"'liKl'M 3PP"9°l“‘l°" Of ‘hi’ “'°’k “f Odom‘ Bldg St LOUIS’ MO’ m" ‘fly "°"m' C°'°p"’,'u°". be’-,on the northern coast and will as— Dutch Harbor having complctclyiuw '-3’_‘ bl“ i" N” Semi‘ ‘°d"yl°"" 5“‘° i"5tl“1"‘°m‘v-" Phone 74 Ninth at = t"'°“ m‘m""d cum"). M“ ‘“.‘edIsume charge of the movement subsided. “'h‘~'" ll defeated 8“ lmefldmfllt ‘L’ ‘' "‘''‘‘‘‘°°?‘‘‘“‘" by. 539""ul“r*38Iinst the government of rcsi- j’—"‘— Pl'0P05l-‘d bi’ R0PUb“¢'3"-‘S Ind T9¢0m‘ H7‘ 4 3- (.1. 24? Irho}-E 91“ this “‘i’;j"P°“3°“fdem gm... rw-l.\'(; Cu.\"rEs‘r TO an mended by Secretary Mellon which ~' . .- “”“d '9 9": '-'°m'“”‘ 95- n , A,-mum, 5010. brother of the sec- *llEl.l) HERE TO)l()Rll0W‘the Democrats charge would ad- - ‘ ‘""“°“"""""""""°" °‘ "‘° °°”......,- .r o.. .... Patri- . . .. ——.— .. -tree: r.m..... ....... THE BEST or EVERYTHING FOR tnwlzhrepresented were {found below. Associmion was reponed killed District “(Inns-‘rs of Sllldtxllll Com-‘tics. The V0“. W“ 37 to 36‘ ‘ 3. ' ity tea rmc-e~ , , ' _ pclc or.’vi n - YOUR WEEK-END WANTS ' in a clash in Santa Clara province The auto high Schwl tvpewrmng. vidcd specifically that.a tax-payer e contest will be held at 1o'o'clor-lr to-' .“‘:‘"°‘t "°“‘!§‘ "‘ °‘:P“:I'- ‘°” °' nit hlema confronti the . V , _ m rr w ’ ' th U " 't' "‘ f’""5 V” .°x°,°p °’° ‘um’ ::::.. '. ':.°.. .... .. ;«m;; or =4 ~...:.,..:':.‘.:'-":3. «ma -we ur- town 0‘ t ehmmnur ‘n t E gounmum winners in the district contests. Miss '”‘”"m “C” ~u“' Roads. co-operation between . - _ ,, and.oountty. schools, extravagance. ;‘::m‘:h:einuf;_i°C‘_'':n3°rhh'p 0" ml” M r\ ll. Grubbs, of Excelsior lmmedifllell‘ afterward. Senator marketing and taxes. Others menu ' - _ Sprihgs. has charge of the contest. Jones. New-' Mexico. announced the finned were: Boolt.l¢K8i'|8. °l"l p,f,:ff:f,‘:,':,‘ 0&1-ay3a1sol(;3s0(;i0SkfJ](::n{‘£t Those entered from the nanny.-egg} Derlnocratic substitute corporations denkceping popu tion ont arm,‘ _ . ' h‘ L, - Missouri district are Jean Elsie,scae tax. 1 ' z rates, h!ou.sing conditions, in- :’;§i;f;°(‘.§‘e‘:?;‘_f1’(;dh;s°_"';:}f‘f’f“‘;§';f Buchman. Faye Fush, Esther Mills. ‘SR8 SU vutrnent in oca securities. too Wayne Bcull. Mollie Mindell and - ' many automobiles and law enforcc- "M h"b°r' Marda Stozts. FOR 55' INJUNCHON then By United Prat. mm the northeast district the _ . A —'—'‘°‘'—‘- ‘ WASHINGTON. M8)’ 2.-Prt.'Si- entrants are Dorothy Gibson, l\'e- D'u‘.h°n.’ “odd Prev?“ Inns‘ FAIR HAS ‘dent Coolidgetoday issued a procla- on“. \v.;er_.~' Ruth wnk;n5o,,_ H0,_._1 tlllllon 1a_ad I-‘uggislung of -as OFFICERS AND »;';::':.':..:‘:°.1:";:‘:.:*;:':;'.:::“:;°3.:,*:: ...... ..,...°'~'- - MITTEE HEADS _" , . ' “'8 ““°~‘- F0"? $“?d°m;' 7"" wssamcrox. MAY2.—-Former An fl"n0|mU-‘m¢‘n1 13) ‘hf N810 130- enter from the Kansas Cltv distnct,l , . . ; ___.:.- Pl“~“1¢"1 r°W31¢’d 133‘ the Cub“! and six students are expected from Atu1);r%e); G3:er:)l~s3§1:gh§nC’o] £012 ' {rm officers of the 1924 Farmers‘ government formally requested the the Springfield district. l:~fip,.;w°C°:n It-orlcmf injuxgioxn J-‘air areas follows: lancer. R. 1'1 °mbI!|’_K0 b!'<‘§u=}¢' of r_<'\'olutwnari' There will be two contests held at’; p Watharell; assistant manager. Cleo conditions existing: the islands. . I , 'tth Sent Daughcrt-- . the same time, one an amateur con-imgifigg ‘O ores“:-ne it from i’;“.('e(;I:_ Station; secretary-treasurer. C. P. Schumacher: and assistant score» latlon. The six most important com-‘ military has instituted a The Columbia housewife who demands ‘ ( .-.'.' a large and plentiful variety o'f_quality' 2 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES always shops here. She knows that our sup- l ply IS carefully selected. and IS kept Fresh .. 3 Have your youngster: enough color in their - = r cheeks? Good food is the most important thing to make them vigorous androbust. Medicine woo’: do it. in om modern dry refrigerator. ’ ‘ Ask for Sea] Brand : Coffees and Teas We Recommend Them .r g_.-‘_ l’honc _74—1r it's la?‘ groceries, we have ‘it! ' I Wholesome whole wheat bread contains all the best food elements that nature put into the outer coat of the wheat. Purina Whole Vlfheat Bread is both nourishing and appctizing. Chil- NEGR0 CHILDREN To BE test and the other a novice contestfglung his ancgad “nun to p,.°5e_ drcn like it. , , . _ A medal will be awarded for fir‘t .- - -_ urrtnuunn Ed sh‘nn°n. E‘\AM[.\1,[) TOMORR()“ ‘ad second places in both comesg. cute uolatlons of the anti trust fntepersonnel of the committce- Chin Hum. confflmm Uri“ Winners of the contests will be cn- lugzughert, um “Red In injmw YOU!‘ GTOCCT Has chairmen is as follows: l‘fl|'8d°«J°h"' Mothers to Take Advantage ‘med t° '3” to um inwmum °°""tion a ainst the Westcm Union ' ' 5; W’. Riley: publicity, ‘WMM. HOW3l‘.' . of opportunity test 8! Des Moines. T] 8h C here to raven‘ it, . , 1’ ‘l . nnrmir. Erwin rzmnr; our... The CW Hem Cm-mnl h __..__ e ‘Hr;-P , he he Rm , h Phone 74 S Ninth at w l Funk I‘°"'h°"" uckeb“ C‘ P‘ Schm set aside tomorrow morning fcocr th: K‘ C‘ ‘“‘l'.M‘\1 ASSIST M’ U‘ hiomprlxri-3: uiietletgnac-lismtaisitint l ‘ 1" u . t fi "U .” . _ bo-oka..ll K Hannah. §h_\vgica':_hexamination of negro chil- Asu,¢,.m,,- 5,, gnmunud u, Enron. here since he took office. T T _ _ 7 p __ T A _ 7 V 7 V .,___. ~ . - _ I. it ' ‘L E. B.m__; ren. csanie (‘Xp(.‘l‘1.'.N:(‘l"\‘lC4; that 5.3-,‘ “flu, u_ Hoimet ' ‘ I M w'h°"' uh.” u'_ has been itucn to the white children waiwn "_ (upun-_‘.-v) Holmes’ Jr" . . will be given them. and negro moth- . - ._ .- . - dduhota. p. E_ Rage“; “fins. “. L“ are “WM W tho mmmmoc picsidlnt of the Umu.rnll_\ nlumm. 80-Acre I-‘arm Sold. Joe Pace bought the lrl M. Pace: ‘" in Rails.-is ('il_v, is in Columbia with * film‘ which was mid “' public ‘W’. Yin‘? D08 R. F M rshall- t.c;‘m.a” ‘h°m“"l"°“ "f "ll-‘ "l‘P0"W"ll."~ the Kansas ('ilv athlctcv» who will tum . I ' fi A. - - . ,7. “id ' I. 1' G] " “.ado_ Pu’: 5'0"’; Miss l-I.-ssic l‘lc,\‘lc spoke this aft- wk‘. pen in mm'm.mw-5 {ugh gchool ”3'~‘(‘ llmd 31-100 {O7 u" “"3 ‘mil E 1’ - e I I 4‘ “PP |€>- 0"" 3 - 9 °3‘:¢m0m, M the p".§b).u.,-gm, Church [my activities. ' assumes about $4,500 worth of niort-i M V I ""39 J9“ »w“’°”3 P°”"'- IF‘ “Th Eff { N 1 ' ' - . . . Th farm is about two miles Pruus Am G. AI'Id¢El'80n;::{nc‘1‘h'oeo ‘nd effir. L uB::g;n “:3 hnnsas CH?‘ “1‘"l""' he an‘noun.ces'll¥l’l()gf: Ailllgfld. It contains 80 ICIQS. _ ral girl co-operator. . N..°f ION . ' rum. home economics c°_ope,.‘w,.: ‘h",°“."° lrh“ "h°“ld"b°_“‘k"“ °{ to come to the University. It is now —.— —A ~ ~ -~ L- ——~ — - r - - - ., ‘l . . the child s teeth. At u o clock to- -_ _ - - 1. pm. w.ddd1; ¢°n¢¢_.,,;i°n.,' \1,-‘,1 . . planned to establish a scholarship _ ' ‘Beckner: education. Joe coldweu."[-',f,',‘:“ ahemoom Dr‘ James Ross» E ~ ' 1 E olf tournament for high school’ chunuuh Wm‘ thei‘°u:.”in‘- 58%? i" 5% L°‘:\i” U"i’_"":‘l‘(5";‘ {Em “l“"‘l‘ students will be held the last of this 1 L ' ’ G Ba a. 1 ‘ . " ' ' ' ', ‘on“'our.'¢-ed t ,' S '|- . . . . r ' — . ; l‘ndw)c gm-demng, “L” Doctor C;’(_me§s' Jho il;°°r‘;__ month in lxanaas City. During the; li rg . r . -—-._..‘_-,—.-_.-.¢~ »~.-., .. . ll . ns, professor of child hygiene “Kg 4 o... -A it 3 ‘ . Rorrland _ _ ‘ '.. .' _ . Urban Beriecamp, Horace Davis; ogniud as "M, of we fommost child first u-c.r:_k in June a “Sell Missouri; 1? . all else hilt. Kelloggsfiran relieves , 1 - veterinary science. K M? Smith ..,,..c;.n,., in nu. m,,m. my Mn. Banquet Will be held for all the‘ l We Sell the Best for Less and Deliver the Goods oonsnpauon. If eaten rogulprly. it is guar‘ai:- s . . depottment.‘('.. R. How-lbw un,ia_5 w the Hui!“ éofdcr. high schlol athletes of Kansas Cit)'.i , to relieve permanently the most chronic ‘ E : oconcul&ur;ics.lx¥;I&hoEh?;:.¢n1ef alll u-S-k. Missnltloxg-exlarfchinrniu aged with flour mined from the; California oranges. per dot. .. . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 and 35c A‘ amogrgm yongaoncyz H _ V I “dd cm”. J. W. cub-m. -‘dam In _a so’ ‘re 1: ts on ’ S 'or- ‘ whole wheat berry—-Strong's Pu. ;- Bananas. pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 1-2;: I be ALL 33- -.N0dI|ll8 All-i . _- 45...; .5..,.g....,_ ;.,.;. nmm; . . """'°" ‘’ ‘'°°‘.‘ F°°“ “"”'~7- ,_rina whole wheat flour. Advzoi, Unrolled Gunpowder tea. pound ........................ ..25c ' 5"” °‘“‘ '90 P" °°“* °5°°3'¢f. -.1- -. , 3, 1-‘, 9...“; r=—T:r.- .. .--._.. _ c,__ _e e A_ ; Good cocoa. me lo. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c Doctors recommend Kelloggxg Ban, ’ or .__, _ botany. _ 4 --aunt _ ;uoio¢y..-wrgu—aaci:- V ~ ; ; Good blended coffee. pound ............................ ..25c cooked and humbled. Theyknowit hrinar - ‘ » ,4. if. ” dairy‘. -, Highest quality evaporated milk. small, 4 for .......... ..25c ‘ 4 _ _ xltltsvyefie cleans f ‘a . _ ‘ ' ...: - . ' - 3 ‘ °"‘- ‘ ‘ Highest quality evaporated milk. large. 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . mm‘ -ad‘ tell! 0 Chane. an¢er- 7‘ " l . . luau; rural «in. em Gibb; . . . ' ' - V 1 re» at “acid. H‘ L cookzy‘ ' 1 M No. 10 Italian prunes. gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..6ac 9'33 P0593.” W535 l€I.z‘to.othar__dnoaaas. ‘ {A V . ii; ~ , __ _ __ Fresh country 080. doe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20c tableapoonfi’ . - 1 ' 1- W133 NAMED CHAIRIIAB ~ Northern Irish potatoes, bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l.25 < ‘5 ' ‘ ' . r V 2 5% 2 ’ "'."' *— ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .° ' ’ ' 2 3 any Read Be- 86"’; "l""“““‘w"'""' "' if: ‘ 5:‘, _ ix. ’u‘ oi‘__ ‘ . n one-o-col - o o . - - . o . . . - . . . . . . - . - . . . . . o on : ~ I .:g grungy,‘ alioulde:-s..lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20c _ 2. ~Ir-talluuooon any to: Conntryaidebacorulb. ............................ ..20c _ ' l,l _u’Uadlwas_tho!NowYorkullIprob- AsplandldNo.22d-at.itchadliroon:.cach ................ ..sor“ .. ’ I :‘hlrg:e _ mop head and mop stick complete ...................... ..sor - Ispahl o vea- ~ - . > yak ah -. “mix to haw‘: No. 2 strlagless beans, can 20¢. doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..82 5 _‘ ‘ ~ I It 5 Wjhlte 30580 i g called at ‘the White . had a 4 . + . New spinach. rhubarb, celery. green onions, etc.’ 3.4 fresh 31-een_.beans ' A — l'|I~g_'|_B. “fl , . no.soao.soi' :,