4 ll... . *1 cunt‘ ¢nuI:nc:n'cuI=s:I====¢_¢ SOU_l§_IgAN .’ SIXTEENTH YEAR SIX Pf.§_ES, 48 coLUim's coLUM n L$ NUM;§Ei.Tg.‘: -I-he‘ Way This New Bridge on No. 2 Highway at Boonville Will Be Dedicated on July 4 A ~ IJCOXLEIDN i1\ilXYii ' ‘cu’ :-ivy. -.~.-4;--...u.¢.« of Our World . P S . P .. ~.,v.-.v_ -. . . 31;,-=s;:-~.-<'* - 3- . ,,.. _. E E _- _ . ..—. 35*? _ - ‘I.”.“.. _ _ ..‘_‘ . B J N W R -i : . ii... . ' ."- T» - ' -'. - " ' , a ‘V "' rp. ‘V’ l‘ ' ‘ ' ~ -‘ IN‘ " " ' 3"-‘ '. -t . -5." - - ' .. ‘ .7 :M ‘__._ ‘ ’;-' .. y . F. .‘v . . i . ‘ . '3 ‘C. '_‘7;::_ 3.’ I‘ J ‘ k - -. Search for Ma]or.Martln widened. The search forlfaj. Frederick L! ~ Martin. commander of the American; d-flight squadron. and his men ,EleClrl0n Sll0WS National- . ' Se ists Will Hold About id“ Alva Harvey” as Many Seats as Iiilaaing since Wednesday. is being‘ widened and intensified Dispatchesl is seen sinclhli llellmciiignik Socialists- nm a Sires as ..,:::l;; by 25,0o0,00(:I:Ens_o;.vs vorgp of the waters of the Pacific 3 ut --~ ~ ‘Reparations --ébligations May Be Fulfilled and Dawes-Young Plan Carried Out. My United l‘rn.i-V.‘ BERLIN, May coalitioi i?“"<‘TTlm9m- Plfllited to fulfillment of the reparations obligations and __-__,, _ - carrying out of the owes-Young “ T ”’k” " ” _ ' Phi". l"'0b8l)l)' Will take oflice as a TEAM OF TWO :1 ms WEATHER fro CAMPlll(lNi ““""‘..~‘E'.‘.'. P.:3P.P.i..'2.*:.°°.P...;TAx PLAN OF A 5,3. §.;;.::..«;i .é3§..?;,“?:‘l..€13‘£?3.éf For Columbi‘ ‘ml vic.mity._ 8&1 _Say:‘M_. U. President‘: Speech Tookl men an womm vot . - _ . m d lw no , ht’ p ore Courage Than Talk of ; DEBATE HERE THREE TOWNS‘ lndones United Methodist Churchfi lndoraerncnt of the movement to; unlte the two Methodist churches of 5 {America was the keynote in atldrvs-i sea delivered yesterday by the bi-: shops of the Methodist Episcopal;' Church at their quadrennial general. conference. now in session at 8pr'ingfield..Mass. The entry of the- United States into the \Vorld Court, plan and the abolition of war were ; two of the principal issues advo- cated at yesterday's meeting. *‘._=f>- .~- ‘_ ‘ ' ' ' ’ ‘ " -..‘ x ._ ' . A rimsizsir INDICATIONS Am: THAT -rm: NEW BOONVILLE usiocs wii.1. Bi-2 coin-i.r:'rn> A aionrii auroiu: JU - ~ r __ BEEN courcirnzo ron sizvcrui. pus AND WOIKIEN Aiu: now i-ziecuzsb H4 CONNECTING riuc anttigl-: ‘Ai?d£riIiii”i’>:ol!igis’-l-tick AlT1'l"ll(l)A’L"‘lliC'I>§ll‘tX(.‘)‘l',i-’§)‘n!l$.Tlxfl-lECl!'l!'¥DgE 0' A iiooicvii.i.i:. -nus CONNECTION covrzns ABOUT rosrv F8!-.'l' AND is iinmc nuii.r or coi~'ciu:'ri-; mu I-‘O ~ . ' . . .' ‘ . CONCRETE m mm PM" To an AND “mom. aunts or -rm: opinion -nuvr A norm: Win]. in. ni».oumi.o con ‘mi. Offers on 12.000 Tons Must Be in Tremendous gains were recorded - A o ; by llhy 20 whgn Awgydg for the German Nationalists in late PASSED TOD A ‘ this afternoon, and that party now liids fair to hold as many _ The University is calling for bids :on l2.000 tons of coal for the year SW15 in the R('iCllSl~'\L' 85 the S0~ r. Butler. 5 “It tool: more courage for Dr.'. K-pllld I'foIril:lt_l0ll ‘Bin-T. u of the Univer-§ Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler will __ l I-‘or Missouri: Partly cloudy to— d - ~ - . . . . . . . ——~ -—.. ty of Missouri to uphold the prom.‘ , _____ b - - J 1 clalllttc take the question of prohibition en- Qt Jose h [S the Vic rlnlght and Tuesday; probably thun- - - - - b. . l ‘. . ‘. °‘“_“"'“3 “"9 : ‘ . . forccment before the Republivoii R P to .da-rst s extreme north portion:lTo Start District Fman ’aflim?enccn mlmhanhei{t°r:n1°~'°}.i..." ‘iii. ’ )' ‘ ‘ .' . . 1. —— ‘ii wd." continued SURTAX Is ADOPTED Fiiis'r'i=1nm. Ch‘”°°"_°‘7 H‘dl°7_' “m“"fl be »°°'f' _.___... la thousand tons of egg and lump lhifdfi Vow will u‘ °°““°°l""’;chw'w‘:‘s Provides Sliding-‘coal purchased for other use about fldillll ill!‘ m('a-‘‘UF€‘. 11 N-‘W 3PP“8l W ' Scale Up to 40 Per warmth in Missouri approximated $5 400 PRORATED early summer values, t e afternoon ’ _ __: “""*'°'““'“ "W "°“ ““° "‘°lFull-Time Executive Will 80's or about 10 degrees warmer. A than the normal for May 4. l Be Employaj to Cover 1 to enforce the dry law and that the A“*ARDED-A LOVING CUP X. constitutional amendment should , . . ”—"‘."— l ””°"°d' Uiiiversity City Defeated! by Preliminary Win- H. “W5 with which :the University. This will include lhr people only be required. Senate Votes on Spelling of Word. _ _ _ Ithe heating plant at the University Two (ommunists and one Nation- With solemn formality. the Sum - - ~ _ . _ _ _ , ate voted unanimously to change the "erg Of western , A2 :“fm°ssph5‘r'l°)‘kd't::'ur:):nS°u '3 I work In of . . . h"" Cent on In_ ,fsrm and the furnaces. in the obscrv- filial _we,rc killed in the street fight- spclling of “mah-jongg” in the rcv- Nliggouri cm fa m 0"” LN bu.‘ .‘ 'l . . l""°“ l“''‘_‘ '''“’‘l "°“l“° lb“ “'9 d° latory, nuntc.~l' home. R. O C. "it: in Berlin. On the whole the "wc hm to ..mah_junm‘.. Smnwr .. . vance oastwii . pro y ringin8_ l4OC3lll.l€S. not cffectiv'ely' enforce any of curl comeb-_ h..udqu,,,.u.,._.. and sgmiiu, b.,ud;m;5_ (‘lt'(‘il(m pnsscd nil’ quietly. h0wevt‘r. Smoot explained that an expert told T . - ‘K. '—t-’'_’ 1- ‘b q‘ ‘ Thom.’ “ chfnge ‘bower! U‘: C00 '.‘—'?“. kn‘ _ , _ l L-— Small quantities are also used for “llmflffi V010 lieu '. mm m“ we ht“: Spelling W8.‘ J m. fin .. visas lhll ini: ‘ebb. .l in Missouri within another 36 0lll'3.. The financial campiiign for Boy . Hadley refused to. give his Opln-,' 3,,",u,,, nu“. Cooking ranges M the Univ”. _.\11 um largo p;m;,.S mu; 1'" ('*(‘Ph Vmml Ii? Ni’-00 1 3'": Data for Columbllt Hlzllflt l»€m- ; Scout work in Columbia, Fulton and ion upon the question debated by_ay United Prena. lsi . CM-(,u_.,.ia_ Read “an and pm.k(., hm‘. (.19.-“.4 ..m. or 1“... w°m,.n_ A h ' I V 1 I 7 the two university head: because ofl. \\ASHll\(.TO!\. May -‘).—Tllc en-.M¢m(,ri3| }{.,5p;m]_ envy \t'(imcn's mm was C351,. Chan- the difficulty of dealing with thellirc Democratic income tax rate ~ N G—loE~—l“~l—lm HERE ct-llur Marl»; and (‘ouni Von Berns- sibject briefly. but suggested thavechcdule was adopted by the Sen-~A- "~ -‘O-VTA ' 7 7‘ ’ ‘torfi, former !lf!‘ll)1tS§lIfln to Wash- Bn testimony of employers of la-‘ate today. . ,. “-““"" . ingtnn. were among those re-elccted 5‘ ’ _ ' 5 The Progressive-Democratic coali-i“”'§::d3n?(:3fl&:,:I::(:un£l:rmcr ‘“ °m<‘°- . ‘_. _ _ :3! before and since prohibition be-:50“ wu wcccssful in m.c,_,.;dingi Funeral Sonic” for Alfred O_ in thi thirty or more parties in in °°"'°“' U“d°" we bl“ "‘8""f'""' ing team, were victorious over Uni-1 toms of mill-3'0"! 59,15 “'9' ‘H04 vcrsitv (‘itv lligli School in the? 10 per cent of the selling price. “mu. annual dohau. M ‘ht. Mismuri '__. . . High School Debating League held spa“ 0" .mmd. p""“'“l"p' lll coiijunctioii with the first annual ' “ml”! p"1"‘““l"p" w” bnfidcd declumatory contest last Saturday" evening in the University Audito-f rium. This was the last event on FIN" 3°90 31' W33 33. l°W°5l |Mexlc0. under the district plun. is llfit night. 59; PT¢¢lPl1l1l0fl. 0-00- Ito begin simultaneously in the three One year ago highest. 69; lowest.lcities Thursday morning. 46: precipitation. 0.00. budget of $5,400 is prorated on .-- —— . - ————__“——_i:tlie basis of $250 for each 1.000 fpopulation. The quota for Columbia lwill be $2.700. for Mexico will be Mississippi §8l.400 and for Fulton will be $1,"’m F‘ O I The Weather for This Week. Weather outlook May 3 to 9 Upper democracy" by Sweet of co]°_ Inc effective "W we xenon pun and “domed nu, Monmrue were conducwd in H Gernini-iy.thc final result of the elec- ui r as “the . 0 Governor William E. , , . , _ _ '1 ll"? °P"“°“ °f 3 ‘-"‘l'lnorrnal and surtax rates iudo.-5¢d.".C]m_k this mum-mg at Mom“ Zion tum showed the following leaders. I. t a ‘unity presiden ." listed in the number of seats they rado in an address at the Methodist ~ . , - 1 -,_. . ., _ _ quadrennial general con ercnce in lhfrhnugi ‘S‘d:"°lh 1:” prwnm‘ _ l Efdum 0 Missouri “new: ‘ hThomas Mt-liurg is chaimiaii of ”_ lb). the mi,,°m)._ C‘_mcm”_ by ‘he mm M‘ 1.. mm‘ I spfiufidt M“8_ «cormmion at e . .. ..o.r-p enm. winners ini Gcncmuy “it hm “Mb; pmbr it c finance committee of the local G H S L.0M‘ME' EMENT ‘ Uflder the “non of the sen,-“ct Mg, Montague died suuw‘). at contr .. ' ' ' Wuhinirton" he . "wu=+”"" """"'“”""""‘ '°' "‘° “'°““""" ixn» fl 1 howcrs at the i°°‘"‘°"'D°‘“‘ " 9' M°“‘“'“’ " "‘°°' ‘ ' " ' iv ' ‘ r I » ll $4000 ' '5ii' ll m ' New Florence lie ad """“”“"“"-‘- ‘'33 S°°''*‘"‘“‘- 99? caused by 3’ blind acceptance of the Gig‘;h:‘:;:"';n°;’"&ii";l:’dL:’{c beg,‘ l'),,,,;),m (zcfaufc week; norm“ 5°Cl:rlt:r"‘“;“;"i;li' l':;“l"b°l'_"1m"°’- E‘-hi‘: sxEn_..L 0. MA‘ zzimyeurfisllomyfhj ll :2: cdnt lI(‘)'l“:'ll1V's¢d oinehlrlintgoniery County for ii';";’£;"""'_:_l.""_”'r""l Ccnum“ 6“ - ~ * ' -. a .|¢!"0C . .-..0‘ I.» ""“' ",'°.‘,fc°n'“"°"" ’""’°”°d b’ iford. Thc.\' upheld the affirmative ‘*-‘"‘P°""'“"°- ‘members. A three-fold ..'.'.”.... ","°“ 0"" Am .l.”g_,',‘{,_“‘.m‘ "’°°"_‘° W‘ Fm” “~°°° ‘° "“'“"°' °‘_.”°‘"‘ “E “d 'g§"°“f"’ N °' '* »» --—--'-«—---~ -- . l0‘ W‘ ‘luv-'1i‘m= R¢b‘°l“°‘- “M “*°:~ - to be made of Columbia. A com-.“. . 1.,“ cm fA“,_°__. . ?*3-°°°- ‘ PS‘. °°“‘ '“"’ "9 ‘° '’'’°’.‘ " '°""‘-'“‘ °‘ °°"' .“’‘‘f.: ’ Momaiis \'lSl‘l' AT coi.i.t-Jan 'J. A. Foley to Be Taiurnarty beaderncommission-msnni?t‘r Pl!" 07 I'll)” lmittee of business men will canvass Commencement en.,c;u._, go, the ammo’ P" C "L Tim’. "l'°:0‘A ";{°h.'"d sh‘ g’":_r;°;':,?ug1uT'l P“ k E“ Z: “ . . . . . . . I ~ . ‘ . i ons. u . ' . Surrogate James A. l-oley will:tt0\‘0rnmcnt should lie adopted by. downtown business district. Aylnrgcst cl“, we, ‘manned fmmiggeg to “i P" cc": 0" "Kc 1" l-sne5u:m,in:e:dmt of the Boone; umsuptg “”F"mdClu:“u “ I c lsecond committee selected fro Missouri cities of less than 100,000; ?University faculty lllniversit nd University City I orgens , _m thocoiumbi. High School will be held “_"” °°"'"_‘h¢lat the Hull Theater on ThUTSdI)'.' Demo: So rd °°’“"““"°‘May 22. when approximately 125? WASHINGTON. The Democratic 40 per cent maximum: -————- i County Infirmary. 1 "'“° ""‘ Ad°'P‘°d l 7 hens College May ' _ —-———o-——2- FLIERS TO BE 2. ::.::*::*:.-.. be the new leader of Tammany to. auweed the late Charles F. Murphy.D0PU1n\i0n~" Th!‘ if he will resign from the bench to,lligh School team. Warren M "NAVY IS ASKED twill canvass every home in Colum—l,mde,,u win receive dip1om._.,_ take the place. His election is ex-land Austin Chiisey. were winners in ; . - - - v Resolutions to Augment . pectacd at a meeting of the Tam-‘the preliminaries for the eastern‘ lbll, bag 1 dd -11 be d1~._ ‘ m t . d ,_ d wda. b. _, . . many executive committee Wednes- hill of ill!‘ 818% Fleet; Introduced Boonville Asked to Join. i".ed'b:l"$;‘e3_:‘.. w_ sulillh 3:9 Sxenrulleti ‘M I‘ Op 0 ) )i J AP 3:dicBdlmihEl:i:llcgfIfi>:fllh:| day. Miss Goldberg ups awarded a $125 ; - H Mexico decided to join the district ‘ puwr of the pi,“ B.pti5g_ Chm-¢h_: Th ~ I bun . 1- th » - - 1 4 : d . . A 0 - 1-1:: D”. 6'; "‘°h°l""5hll’ b-‘' ‘M U“l‘'"5l''5' ‘5 me In Quse. muncll “ ‘ m°°u"g held ‘h"° Fri" “‘—-’;"" 'Mclloen gltreotvlaii ddt 0\’t:’l:el))' if -———-— enllinner yesterday was followed by rgaruzcs II best individual debutcr on the win- “Y Um“, pr”. day evening. Boonville is to be! H DIVORCES ARE GRAINTED ;gm”i"_Dem°u_‘uc coumon. ThelMen on Ar0und.the-w0r1d;a ride through Commbh ‘ad . vi.“ Yester- ‘to the University campus. The Light Wines and Beer Le;gue'ning team. i ‘day's program was completed with _ . . 've rt 't't h l of America. advocating modi ca-; 3 n "1 (ippo um 5 0 em” out 6 v - v , __ . l. . ' - _ . V\AbHlNG'I‘O.\. Ma) 5. A move ma hams ‘S the others’ but no’ u, vote was 43 to 40. Seven Progi-es ‘ Tnp Expected.There Decisions Given to Plaintiffs tion of the existing dry laws, was‘. Th“ °_l‘l°f firguments advanced ll)’ ‘ for rehabilitation of the navy was . __ . in. -3 com-3 11m"¢.,»_ ‘slves joined with the Deniocratsh organized on a national basis fol-Tlhe ‘m""'"'“'° “:9.” ‘hm um pk." Sufled ‘°d‘)' in ‘M “°"“ with the :50: his been mcmwd from therel Decisioiils: were granted to the “"hll9 3W0 D-‘"l°'-'78“ “med ‘Vlth Nest in recital in the auditorium by stu- lowing a meeting of i charter.'c";n;‘°f;“(i““t'}"5;" ,§f‘,r'°'I°r"atfl.“l'“g[ b°"_g]" ‘ introduction of two resolutions pro- “:1.” ball council ,_ said (, L Bro .pmm_“-{S in fourteen d-,.,.°,.ce c.,,_.,,;thc Regublicans. P ______ ldr.-i';_ths in the coast;-rvatot3'. I ded menibe‘ i Ne ' Y in ct rda . ' _ ‘ ’ “ _’ _ ‘C '3' ° ' viding for a thorough investigation . ‘ ' . ' ' I T}, nd _ Q, {M1 d‘ p e cmocra ic surtax rates are By United run. ' _ : e program or to ay incu 5 n ‘ or 3 q a y negative held that it is unnecessary. ""3 P"-'5‘d°"" °°l" lb“ “ 8°’! on at u a) e ' blsed On 8 Blldlflk Malt bf-‘I-Tiflflifli! WASHUVGTON M3)’ 5-"Tl“‘ an inspection of the classes. a visit of the flect's status. Representatives Britten and Rog- ers. both Republicans. presented the ‘resolutions which declared that of- ;ficinls' rcportsyhad stated that the American around-the-world. fliers 10 the an ‘M; clothing uhgbim . ’ at l par cent on $10,000 and gradu- will reach Japan by the m ~ating up to 40 per cent on incomes of $500.00 or over _Mcllon proposed ii e H Scout program at its best is now in} right. A trained and experienced? . . . executive who will devote all hisi"°'°°= 145"“ “P85” “%"‘,'“?‘ H?" time to building up the work iniben "“3l‘°5v d“"°"°°3 Mm” M“? these three towns will be cniployed.ldf°d 135' _‘8'i'""" sunuel C‘ Ln." mcmhcnhip drive wrong in principle and not feasible "in be begun immedutebn ;Thc judges, Prof. . S. Barclay. Wlu,-gt [)3-up Afar. By-ad Litue.~Prof. H. G. Brown and Prof. R. J. The great drop in wheat pricesl Kemcr, cast a decision of two to one _ _ l _ '3 0‘ swimming moet this afternoon and next week. air service officials be-‘me rwthm nciul t°,,-..‘m_ lwvc hcrc 1041!» _ ‘mothers’ club was organized this 'i.h only one mom Jump 10 mil“ _ afternoon. 25 per cent in J922‘l)l1)l1gl1tVle38 than 2 per ccnt‘l" “W0? "7 0"‘ flTflI’m81\'€~ ,, _ ~ . , , , maximum. ousc adopted a _ decrease in the price of bmd. -c-3 A ""I=° '*“"" '°"*'"= CUP “*5 W0‘ "',"b‘."f,.f"A£:wcl:,°,,:',?,':e 3.“ '‘°‘‘'9‘’'"‘°'.‘‘ “”“ 5° "‘ C°“"’!'l ff h,;3°c,§,d;';n"u‘wfiE:l37 1-2 per cent maximum. The pre- before um end of the sun, division The visitors were: Mrs. c. B. m umoumemem by thciscnted to the winning team, and I ‘ mu‘ 5. ede. ti ti to determ. bu‘ “d be ,w‘", d°"°l° “l’l“'°*"l c y mu Dmfid mier di_‘5ent maximum is 50 per cent, of the trip. the fliers are now _ap-_(;o,,dd¢ ‘M; m,-,_ C_ ;_ S‘-male of Foam-g] Trgde commissiom fouo‘-.‘si_naIlcr cup the losers. The two ‘_’" fizz m‘:!‘:;r3°‘f °':°cedun W“ matcly ‘half his time to the boys of} vowel" gag‘ cuuod _ of minor ;h"d_; ’ .__~—?——_ p ogimugl) one month behind gt,‘ SL Louis. ML md M,,_ ‘L w_ lngits investigation of the flour mil-zstlrls on the winning team were pro» D ‘M ., t b - -1‘, to ,- .c(ilumb“' ~ - . . W-mom N ,1.“ D‘: . inn L,th,"E‘ “' Slrapughs‘ MOTORED , 5Ch€¢l|I1¢~ s Cross of St. Joseph, Mrs. M. H. ll“! "“l|18l~|'Y T0!‘ l-31¢ P€Tl°d 1919T“°"l°d “uh “l‘“' maul“ ""1 "'9 access") 0 rm‘ l up n - 1 The deem“ to have 8 district Mildred D:l- d'v Y‘ (gall Edmon- 1” ‘MILES YESTERDA‘ The Wa Deplrtmcnt believes Parker of Sedalia. Mn. RIlPh Hicks " ' one‘ may of Nettle-ton. Mrs. L B McKee of _R¢PY93¢l7;1§t‘llV9|.3t:l“:“'3 t"¢5°l“'E,council comprising the three townsf _ st Bk Ed d_ ‘U011 €39 cl Y '5 WU" ¥'59V¢“lwas made after giving the whole:“‘’” ‘K‘_"' C‘ “’°“‘°"- " In the d(_danmmu_ mnumt. the :qucstions that the .Secretary of the pmgmm very careful mud’, dying; vorcc. given $l5_a month and cus- xnver main‘ {or boys lhu"y would to. Ihslfefclthc llfil. {W0 lTl0‘flt-l‘|S. EXPCTICTICCE ctllgedrcffiv went to Scott llughcs of Columbia, i‘".'.°rlg. the"; 9 tot Owmmf. M. '3 fllown mu m an Sm.“ °°“"l;é‘(i1. o'nfl1.gnd ’cu5[o(:i » ‘of: whose selection was “The . ni .1” "' ‘ ‘ct ‘ ' ‘gal: . "lg mulnues mu . cumot employ uichnd Lam Nichol‘ 3 . st (-,°nSmum,n'n an Origin“ ‘unit. the Amfiflulfl HI‘) V‘ I!’ filial!" trained executive separately. the L 1‘ d_ _l€l1fl$2o composition. Milton Gcllens of Jop- ilhlrd P?“ am°“3 the “‘ 9’ ° '3 glgtflct plan is the best solution. "-7 ° ' worm‘ Kw?" . lin. the other contestant. received lw°fld ‘ _ . h°°dT""""d l‘°'d°"'" 5"” B"°'"' . R bmlmo mcdnh I "Is the United States in third "A desirable Boy Scout program SPOWCT. dlV0|‘¢¢. V‘ _ . ‘ "' calls for trained leadership to di- name of Hendenrzon: Virginia Me- The silver mt‘(lnl for high school lphlice in wbuurine st ' ~ - . . . . Is it a fact that Great Britain: bert B. Stephens. girls was uwnrdcd Miss Lois Fcc'of' _ _ . _. l h. A Chillicothc. who 1: a piece by ~.:,“’°""'"‘° M“ hr’: hm" ‘P’ Eugene Field called “The Old Man." lncuon ban“. torpedo ‘Dd .i,.c““ that with good weather the)‘ to_ September. 1922. "* schedule by June Dcepwatcr, Mrs. A. Women Must [Edi-‘(Slant-.2; Outside. m church- Viiiits Moberly: ‘Glasgow arid Fay- _ _ e ’. 3,“. An in catch up with their . ‘ _ .- 600‘ Condition. 15. They must be through India by Licking, Mrs. P. M. Fisher of Ban- Mr ‘m M”. E. w_ Swphens ‘M uni, date. nibal, Mrs. R. C. Lamson of lseosho. J. 8. Moss motored to o The fliers probably will arrive at {l:'''5izHi{$l-|G‘f''~‘-:£‘ 0‘ Glasgow and Fayette. ii trip of 132 ' the lflllnd Of Atl!!.;M' F‘ 8‘: Cl‘.’:’:{ No: ‘H’ ‘m miles. yesterday afternoon. They’ u‘‘- M” ‘Z l;°fi:u_ of ohghe kin traveled the route the sum High- "‘° ' ' ' " way Commission has been working _ Mobcfiyu ‘ dimnce of four of. rollton and Mr. and Mrs. ii. is. Ar you“ the schedule—-860 miles across tbc‘¢'U1flTlU8 Of -l°Pll"- '3°'*"¢ 5°‘ "‘°'“ °“““'°“ ‘° K"? To HAVE sxiiiiiir iuiv 23 'shisvabara in the Kurile Islands. The ihfihzows China during the lastpart o . sticks park their accessories out- "'° side. was made yesterday by the W- Rev. Joseph A. Collins. pastor o the Visitation Catholic Church. St. Louis. ‘fracas:-tiritinr-I~iialmAir:Mai| Service. Daily air-mail service New York and Sim Francisco will ._uob,r1,- to cl”;-ow, l b’ " v . um ia Voltli a smiill group of boys Mr Stephens say: that an” to B. mwhyd. noufiggngg-n[ ycstcfdny by Pogungq- A_l)r0n1.(‘ medal W35 also awarded. - d l H hrou h I S "D i n 3! E Sun‘) . ""'G"°"l '3'" l""i°"‘ '1" Mi" Mflgfict Hurfis or New l’°"' lliii.dm¢:rt-Stiler‘f|aciliid|i:Eetlhama\:"dE: inure gcaiio aim dllfofcnc. I:!.Vl:D ¢||l.l:§)' Of ml“; :i!t.io:ipkb'ld“iheH§fi‘sl::ur’l”River arwogug 0“ "Am; Twgm Th“ ‘M "°"l‘ "l‘i°l' h" 5"“ 4°" 5° ""“’° “W” ”“"&"’““° "°““ "' """' ieighteen first-line ships?" man to direct the work children. an . Stevenlfllasgow is serious. vesieninirl iiii:iioiuAi. PARK scams ‘'3’ ‘-7°‘""'b‘- '°"°°‘ “"94"” “"' W "ml l°"’°‘ l“ ’‘“"'l“3 l’°lm° C*“l"l L““"‘°"°° 39'1"" 0‘ K"“‘l “Educators and religious leadersvaziinfil JESSE 0- Stevens. divo!'c¢- ,about 100 in were at l inir the year is to be placed on ex- hibition for two days. beginning I so. Louis p.inim7‘§u-iiie Settled. c“,f,i,',L"_m;‘n.A';'j,‘,‘l°.',':§' ,‘;;‘;m?;,. A “trike °f “"l°“ lmmui" in St‘ and received the silver medal. He recited "The Last Word" by Henry. - lfilling in the rivers and doing a.ll‘Constructiou to Be Under Supcrvi-' program to a community. No other Wong!‘ ‘"7338 To “EST 31,1“: was possible to kegp the wjterl slot: of Two Students of ‘ " has such an efiectivcv-Mm Md“, ‘O G." ‘upon of 1»,-..jfrorn cutting in under the Chi ' the University. ‘a - C380 influence. The. Scout program de- mi Alton Railroad tracks and tol Work on the Marl: Twain Memo- » . . wlmlsor of art. TODAY'S BASEBALL American. 2.300 greed t to to in y . , , ti rial can no 1‘ . _ . It Sltlnlllln a. day. prrdlsentwrhlt ‘an Dire. - lSt. Louis ill 0 vclops a strong moral_char-acticr. a Mr: any ":5"; gag‘ ‘in lkeep it from damaging the bndgea. rial Park at Flonda. Mo. npnunu Im incnuw M ‘aw W" The Judges in the declamiitory gc]¢y¢1.nd ,_ 011 0 healthy ‘body. and trains‘ the boys ‘I ‘ “port of the mach.‘ com The workmen are beginning to get 15! on ‘cue . contest were Prof. R. L. Ramaay.: 3,ue,-5e,_xo1p ""1 Sgvgfeid; for service and good citizenship." Wuhan of the bag“ of women the nver back into the old current :_______g_ Prof. J. W. Rankin and Prof. G. H.'[;dw.,.d, um nu" The budget will be used to pay V a. bi mm . pvhich went by the town and theyboarid. Drives ve , Rlxaaiaa Ambassador Leaves Berlin. Sl‘°ll~5- Tl‘°wd“"’d5 ‘"5 ‘M4115 I u-oit . . . . . the expenses of the executive. to hgcehtoglmeeeun‘ of me ioglmfagui‘ believe the track can be saved. and a large foreeuofl men putto wogk P::k"::;u°"'dl"’;;d dz; . Kg-mungky, Raul." ‘grief .m. were prcsen for the University Chin‘, 003 provide a summer camp and to meet to be held “ 12,15 ouock “manor _..__.....__..__. -M I: preparing e. _ . cut!-i . Iilldlfl‘ ui - 1)“ , , ' ' ' T Befintertained at Supper. ~15 go on, ,.g.tbelif mother ntriea in e ‘mm’ to G$.manfyo."l:‘f‘ti Beiglriln ix’ we :0 Tisdel. who Presided Batteries-Cole and Buslcr. incidentalcommnue tzetxuke the “an” at the re. McKay nzmben of an uutufl Bcwick igrou. t°udwf:g':e:II£r:;‘h;t th:-' Elm. 1 mm of In,“ awn‘ ‘M pone“. _ Yell»! '3. or. e - F l u ' ui-ioly and Sballr. , adelegatefrornthe Columbia league Cinch ‘ad mm, “mm”. of the win he the direction gamma, M 004 pug. tion of city police in searching the 0 V W“ 0'15 ‘F979 Pllbed by mvuhiwmn _ ooomoo will be named at a meeting of the w an 3.59"] convention which . 1 .w met and it ‘round ‘ nu” mu“ ‘ Ruatlantnde deleint-ion b'1lldl|!¢- lb’ Kemp" M‘m"7 A°‘d°"‘7 Boston 012 120 2 ’”°““"° °°“"lM°¢ W 5'3 "91 1°‘ (1 the ,§';’,’”(?,°l':',_'°-l‘55"“l,,"l°';§,_",, °‘ t'°l.1’md°m" pf %°n,dep.":ymw‘ of After ill: has exhibited pom" Go""""‘-‘mm. Frederick D. 8"‘ ___‘_____ Bat Zac and Ruei: mam -——__.\‘__ in on “Popularlctns 919 my d”. u_ supper gin h°Pm!::: ‘:3: "M" an’ FYI‘ 'in.Colunibia.u muchaa can be used ' Gardner of M'ssouri w... .............a Attended Meeting u Nashville. 32°80" end 0'5“ rwiviiri CULTURI-I piscussso T°'°‘"“¥ ".’ °°'°""'°"'~ served It 6 so o'clock. after which on] an 4“, mi,“ mu, 4"" be taken to Sod-1" *0 5° °"' :1: ”*-°-M -in 1*-= o -'~ ..'"-.:.:.~*.*;;r min «i *:":.-°::r.P- n m ...... .....-;.——...._.. .. .... .....:=.. ..... .;:m' me mm mm mm rs... :2... .2... ..... ..... .. ....~»~~= » we -i-~= at a mock ocratic convention l ' 0 "M cmmfi 533065500 ° . ' ' " ° A ' “m 5.3." 5 3; (mu, 5.“ in pfimmm N_ J” A’ 3o_ of um 3.95,; church V“ hem ya, ttenes-Hasty and Perkins: here Be ' mun“ wu had d the u_ g y .y_ 11 o'clock .t Nah. Shavkey and . ‘embers of the Columbia _ ,5“. of an Amenannaqfig. . .,m¢_ mm W}, ‘and, N Garden Club talked on the ways of -‘ -of Princeton Unlvgnigy, ed from here are Mrs. . 0. See. o'1u1.ood' “"34 393'? 59“ ‘I: ' . ‘ G H. J kso M H. . “" "'l°°' °"" W Dr - vote of 1.627 to 866 the n-- ii. King. ill. and 112:. P:'yunmsu- °"’°"“““ " °°° i 0°" Club mm WI If“?- tional convention of the Y. W. C. A. 3,5,3,’ 3;,“ u, 54"“, ‘,,d n,.._ 3| 10053 '1" 35539“? noon. blearly fifty meuibera attend- la New York today ado a riaaolu-_ w_ 1-; ",1... uli‘ "'4 rnenibor-ship to par-aonaj ————o-—-—— N!‘ Yofi -- 031 913 Ira. 0. J. Wethera talked on as- utaliniigions creods. . if ll:-rtr idéreou Qunflomin Phil-dolphin 801 $00.” _ ten. and Ira. Walter lluiec «Ba- fimdofloomodemhsthekouiergcsozimoi naiiise. 'auasor°°l.oaeuni::s..i..an.. Klill|"l‘*35Wl¢l'|!F5°‘l‘-weutaieriousoperation ' ‘Boston .....01000 uaialaueoaafvitb. fluidis- Vflldollbd I 350 -evenlugat Parker lleuiorial Hoe-» .. AlC&“MadK'¢!ji&"“ €aufuoueaoftbeMethodist(‘.liurcl:.pita1. shevillbeahnentfroiaber‘ fig work foraone aim probably will leave Jon; M Art Work or-E';si3TJiI School am. 5 I)’ l