:5?-lo "-;'~.‘~>‘7’ ' V’ 7"? " -I ' ,1 . ‘ f-;"‘.'r'-7 5 i ‘L Q ' .T 2 . — e 3 . ~_.T; - _ _ _ _ . ._ .. mssOu:RiAN MONDAY my 5 .1924 '%.:ll:‘lIe[’é“”‘lA"‘~ . ._=.:.:i-.~.r ]§_!ifie‘i.iio.i».«.i-is -. . 3, ,‘m.,.m ,5, iéwnxzm nfstfalrn . ’" T‘.-.'{' __ . """""""""""""°“‘“" " - , _. T . |“1.oov' ouaisgsss Test noon; - 0'. 4.. g 4, .'d"°"’ n°°."P'b°°°l"'-',"'7 l‘“'_ , P -— _ \ . « Bwaip CowaII's Ohlcc. 3 . C."A‘\'. ‘ ‘ ‘(J I,“ " at em 0: J. P. W of nm 1 . ~.~.~~- .:.~;~ j , hair float a-on ' ~ . _lIe was born if er,_aoine entt e_vidently’ar‘e ‘dis-‘ i. ,- - ‘—"" i We féd impelled ‘to spring that Canton, 150.. May}. ‘ carding all‘ surplus clothing, accord- :§. . _ fins». 1-. 817- old one iaegiiuiiiig. “Cons .educated in the public -cl-0°18 0‘ i3 3,. ’""".°,',°i“£ “g: thou art 'a lewd." Personally, c"“9"° ,, . ‘ . - M l ..’..';.8 ‘Lu as much rather ha1ie_'a_ bobbed-hal tn:’w°’u:m;e-‘t ‘em in ‘mm an are . — T nursetharianyotberkind. I J . mu-“aim V‘, to‘ Robin ~oa - . -'--'----'---'-- i lll,4osse ‘Hall Puuisiisianr or sPEEoERs f “You cannot drive your car againf for sixty days,” was the sentence of ‘ a Kansas City judge on a speeder. 7,‘ in pronouncing the sentence the’ m_ Judge said that speeders “are a men- f the safety of the public. A‘_ V “Q 6.,“ “upon the an ‘id. ofjspeeding motorist is worse than oi . Cllrlltlaii College avenue. _ " i on ‘tracks, ‘a ‘warehouse and at _ . 9‘ Writ 8" "“'*_‘d-.- fig‘-ht depotvm be bum on theornairned or injured every year by ir- j tract. ' . the machinery of progress 3 ». in the office, and Leslie Cowsn, sec- 1 r!.'tary‘of the University, is anxiousi —_ their be 3 loiigfiks so his stafl may have roorn in wbkb to‘do its work. 1 AT CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ' % Misses Vera,. Velma and Opal. ,Tepe were the Sunday guests of the {Misses Ruth Perry and Rope Mont-5 T ‘responsible speeders. A car driven: comm“. 3. train‘. by by d.'y'iwithin the speed law is times! “,1” only in volume of “pace. but also iless likely to in)ure or lull if an ac- l i m .,m’hm. of “mm”. The .ddi_|cident occurs, and the accident itself ‘ tion to the -Wabash facilities war-‘l’ "'0" will’ '‘'°id°d- , _ fig‘, “man”. by the ‘mfim: ‘Small fines are of‘no avail in stop- .aoum of lamina” aw uilrmd “ping speeding. Jail sentences are wfifind a, ‘badge. Comm“. hicalled harsh_as they interfere with. building and expanding in mm. d;_ ;a man's business, and the offender nasom A boom of mnnmcfionzia not a criminal in the strict sense work is under progress. 3°‘ ‘"9 "'°"d- "!°“'°"°"v d*'P"i""'f3 ‘business with Mr. Darnell. After 1!.“ of the pg-ope;-gy on C)"-5,43." I ‘ll? ‘P0959? 07 his €83’ T0!’ 1! Ceflflfl 1 three months he sold out his part of T,_Coue‘e “mu. wmch we ‘v.bnsh‘tl!l:le will make the offender .tl’lllll{‘tllI.' business to Mr. Dame] and ,3“ purchued h” long been . dis_ltwice before speeding. when it is re- ileft for the southwest. “nn““ nth" am" an ndnnugefltored to him, fll‘|d.Wlll at the same: hl;dHet1l‘e.l' MI)’: ‘E81 :33 P‘-' to the city. it is un§mpm‘.ed' with itime !l0l.'plll lllm‘lll a class below {mac okltfmtniuwfizé rt-mysncigodas (2: the “undo” of 3 “W “mu. un_:that merited by his offense. l jgoinery. ~ . 1 ' Miss Beulah Westerman of the: science department entertained at" ‘ dinner Sunday for Prof. and Mrs. W. T I W——......§ : E. Maneval of the University. ; :4 ‘ Misses Constance Boyer, I-10y lag and Edith Colander entertained Sun-i day for Buford Potts, Allen Crow’ and Raymond Crow of Joplin. J. r. iii-:1"zLI>:i¢ Miss Frances Jennings. Helen‘ Austene and Angie Wilhite were the: .guests Sunday of Misses Mary and‘ Martha ‘Phrall, South William street. Miss Virginia Rogvna and Miss Frances Keiser of Boonville were ,the week-end guests of Miss Kather-V ‘ . , three weeks. . Ruth be d M. .. I minted l‘°‘”"~‘5- “id l""~”‘°.“t-“ ‘h’ l ' Rather disappointed in that part £9“. 39 r an '5’ ‘"gm"'? d , _- . , _ , . u inax. - 1 general appearance of a ump yard 4 the country, as far as his own isms Corinne Kmmmam Np‘ pectations were concerned, he re- - -T«- «T ‘T: ‘:;r".::».::~ .. . . .. - - * ' . I - . . """"""“" "‘ "“' ‘ "C m U a la n ner guests of the Misha Nettie May- I'll eoiuiua. -in Id l rt. 4 ‘lewd th~ meat buiness, b 'i V rt . ear W: Minn: "0 7 -S" llnl(*l1‘SlQ\\'lll’i Mr. aRader. qA5f‘t‘:~r‘i‘:viiiJ°"°” and Ehwbflh “mun” ' A J , Th .hri.-itian College sextet i~fi The ground‘ is low and damp. and the ravines are filled with rubbish of all sorts: Such property gives. the visitor to Columbia a rather. poor opinion of the city in general,: 'dyne Madole and Virginia Livesay’ of the University were Sunday din-l years. Mr. llctzlc-r's brother, W. as he views it when the train corncslj ’,“":'_""’ ‘m 5' °"""°d “"""' 1""-r i‘Houk_r bought out Mr Rad" The boo ed for several musical uents in. It will be much'bette:~ to list‘ 5; h. "wn ,0 J“: ’?:','_i‘_ ‘Wm b,.;.Ahu.s began éxperilnenting in Missouri towns in the near fu- am‘ U3“ ‘O1’ 5W"~¢hl'3l“l“' 37"‘ Mm "'4 Vnoml IV with a refrigerating machine and mt?‘ Mrs Amm.M Ffoman’ dweb to c|ut- Ihd l'flll- curin‘! of n‘e‘L‘ and h‘ve md- 10!‘ accbnlpfinlfit, “'1” aCQDnlpan)'i . u a wee ; lered with debm. an eyesore to the. the writer‘: mu... "'9'" ' .ually built up the lit-uler PIckin8.‘hiiiip2«rel:' Wi ‘fr-ed I ‘via 3: n’ ~ community. it will present a much: Sq -:7? :Plant. i,!.mu:m:;n Lmnine £'i':‘b)_' £33. . ’. II ‘ ' ‘I I -3' . ’ I ' hen" np.p“mn“~ ” a pm” 9'‘ Editor the Missourian: llavin H 1 Btu!” | a member .0‘-um'Sbannon. Mary Davis and Agnes‘ bugging mdu_.;u-y um" 35 3,, "mm. 53 «Round Table Club, the Rotary Club, . ’J‘°¢9"ul'. Oll the Wllllilfill Ill-‘€'l>t‘l'ithe Country (‘lub, the C0lllIllP't‘t‘lIl‘H n “V9 ‘ dinner Sundageln an ' 1 sh h . - - cm tn “P. from St. Louis to Columbia. spent imul, and um mks (‘,]u[,_ , ‘several good sleeping hours in lis-T --My h m -_ m. fima . inu.".st_ 600? wu‘L.D“‘ itening to the characteristic [.;,_.,.U'.u,i:go l:,‘.0’i\.£, 5 The Young _Pc-oplc-'5 l.eiid.,.rship TN! W0l"ld'l"¢‘d¢l'1Ill¢lll Of Edi-ICI-‘squeak. I venture to suggest t at Thom‘. and it ,m.,n3 mo". 10 me u,.n‘Convention which will be held at Associations asks the schoolsthe Chamber of Commerce or some nnyming in nu. world" said M,._.Christiari College the last week in Rose 1.. Lisenby was a faculty guest. at .11 ngfibng to ab."-g,-¢-_ guy 13.19iot.her influential body persuade the ygeuier in ,p¢.,ki,,g of his greatest June was discussed at the Sunday, 1. as World Good Will Day. May l8l¢°mP3“l' 10 5083‘ 159 Mid cm‘ W97‘ interest. “Then comes business. Iflllthl Y. W. C. A. mectillin 51355 Mildred Packwood spoke of the h 0’. umivemuw of the opening 01-‘night in milk. If that fails, liberal mu. to 39913 good basin,” and -1; T do” of to bo - T . . . f 1 . - .° d . the first Hague Conference in 1899. __ . “°”” ‘W’ '"~'_ 30¢ like to know that it.is progressive.” _“'“ ‘Y “hm” W“ {"3 ‘he °‘"“"”’ ,1» world Conference M Bduczb ..raphite or talcum powder might be M,_ gauge, is hfling the "N." of tion work. Miss (oiistance Boyer, _ , applied between the upper and lower -. -3 - president of the Y W (' A com. to" ‘m 3,", pnncwco 1“: bummer. ‘ . ‘lllh resi «lice ‘landscaped and, in _ i ' -- , , , '30 98- ll .speakmg of ‘hm he ex Nqwd hm cluded the meeting with an appeal not inside this day for universal o ' _ ‘- _ P “ , _ , ‘ ‘Me ‘n prom“ . in “and: ,enthusiasm for his garden. “It's to the student body to attend the '9” “"3 "°"“ T " ' . - m conv nti . understanding and com! will. Since. ‘ ‘um gm!’ l‘l’i‘ltcml’(lqPfillotet¢-‘iE'aEolir‘i(ell Mres. (lgdith .i..m~.« retold "The May 18 ¢0_l'tl_c1§__(_l‘ll‘__§l_lll(lll)’llll1-»_}’(‘1ll'. home of an Story of Joseph" at the. (Thristiaii “°"d'7 we 19"‘ ‘‘'m P’ l“‘l’t- puhnwuon { all my sparc‘(‘ollege campus Sunday school Sun- .There is an exceedingly worthy ‘8mpm__uu_ Showme n ‘gm ‘he day morning. The story was char- motivc in-hind this special day, Be.-.cm(,s of the Middle "V", the Uni_ "*0 gacterizcd by Mrs. Jones as “the most ‘mu’ mnuibufim, ,0 im(,,.mmuna1 vanity is known by the Sbowmv. H RESERVE Ole}-‘ICERS ‘T0. ;beiiutiful of‘Bible narrati\»,.s.:- The good will, it furthers the movement is u". one comm“ mm, M the Um_ INTEREST MEN lls CAMP lecture was illustrated. depicting the of international peace. A .‘6('lIr'~ll)l('.\’|‘l'l‘!lll.}'. M” M: J"““'7'h “O” "W ‘i,"“' h“ “"“‘ solution for the prevention of war is The Showme is },,.},;,,d “,‘.,,ml is_ “ad mu’ b°"d“g" b-‘ ,h"P:'°‘h‘:" world-wide education for peace-, and sues in its publication schedule and n nmo 5 any ceremony or knowledge which has been having a rocky time of it gm mflhe, “,5, i, we" ‘(mp whn,.Ht is year. But it is only because will open August I and continue for, I ,h J .- h t~ ~11 be -. Sunexuomy flu. the observance students of the University have not thirty days at Fort Snelling, Minn.,i?wn gunflgx nu 10" W‘ mum» of’Good Will Day have been made. ugsfoss ;‘ut‘);i::'t‘i'°rl‘d be btffikfdé ‘_‘s‘ :3: rI1)e“::?i';(°s' IE," am, 1. IE0 They include illsplaying “Children: th . . . ° " ‘"'_" "'9 ”‘ "9 ""° -._- ‘"f- 9" ""5 ‘"3: new in «Two» =aT»--:..::.:':'.::':.::::*- " T" :;..:':. *:.:.::.**°::, “:2 5.93 Ind homes: tIl""1_l-!.l»llP"Pl¢l’1|'ll~». The sum moped by bad dob“ of elsewhere and are willing to bearl “qwd Wm: the ‘_"m°""" M m iother years and hounded by bills and ""3 '-"““ '~"‘l’°"”‘°~ ‘ lust exercises with flags and cos-iunmm advenhing ,.om,.ac,5 ' A committee of the Reserve 0f- gt; W t._ , bd.,._. 1. S? t ttinies representing children from 55..., mnding W. 3,, .,,,d d,.,;,_,m facets‘ Club will yisit Columbia High ‘gr? 1‘: ;,‘‘,'\.“.'‘1‘‘;‘‘" 1‘;4_48‘_1‘.’,“'m‘:d 1350? 187158; Viitiflt 988838 00 Ulfilll the support that this school can Sch”! ft 2 q'd.°°k.l°m°"°w afl"'llm‘ts 29 and 32 Garth's Subd. of flbjecli ‘"d W” dhen‘ ;"""° it‘ . "00" with ‘pphnmon bunk’ t° be Garth‘s Add. to Columbia. Mo.,' T “R” 53 hlfdll’ I ‘lufillloll llllll, If we as students don't like the ‘fi".f.: by my" 4 this program should be followed as, Sbowme and object to its irrcgu-I tend; ‘(3;:1m°‘"r;p'°"lg':5 me? “J R far as possible. To foster good willflar-it)‘ of issuance let us look in thcif K . c P3 m .7" m‘ 1 an L0‘ 27 3,, Dy,,,,..»5 addi- . _ m, 1 th . are, uniforms, food, lodging and toward other nations deserves effor-t.i '70? 0? 9 l'¢l3°ll- "8 M6809? T - - tion to Columbia $500 . . 4we don't make it a better sheet thstimedlml and deal“ 'u°m'°" “hue ' ' T at camp. Each candidate may Frank Rapp t Al'ce S. Evans. it isn't a better sheet. When we . . , ° '. “AR” WORK ‘satin to the the Showme the kind either pay his own railroad fare to 91.89 acres NW fractional quarter, on, of the m.;u.;p;¢s whgci, hnwtof mppon um, the Showme de_ the camp and be reirnbursedait the section. 29-99. 48 acre‘ . pfrac-. been adopted by the Fascisti of Italy serves. we will not only get a mags- nie 9‘ 5 fem“ ' "me °' “wk” '9' mum qua." ”°°"°'.‘ 30 .""d 4'21 ‘‘‘,,only had work an redeem u&..§,_me publkhed I, regular imenals. plicatian in advance for-'a govern- acres part_l\ew Madrid claim 14 all g: Tu. i‘ one of we bend, of “mm, ;ill orfie that Old Missouri 21;? ticket agter his application has inJto;n;Trc:.:.o Gtpem . - v _ 0 , ' . A . . - é?,,::‘$,,,?;1: ‘M ,,,u;,,'.: And in. means backing with our 39" ’“" “'"“'3" “°"’“ °‘““ “- SE“ : a cure for mom, and it would ld"'"‘ '“‘ 3"‘: ':bo";‘t‘l"“<;(l]1f 0158719” ‘$50-12’ $.1'__-_,._____ well for all nations to adopt it . ‘ 9" °"‘°°5 and must be of ood moral cha - I-'di°T“' Nil“ 18 P08190116‘- . whey. Whne mop,’ ‘re"°'_k_lS::l il'l:¢;‘l!llll as can make the ‘C en E , r ; hard they have: time to plan! ‘ g;‘iCAGo Traininir at the camps . execute war a evastation. ‘ A Plea it-he_S_hownie. Editbr the Missourian: t evening. I suppose .thc huinorous _ _ time is spent there." Governrnent Provides Month of Military ‘Training and Pays ,. . , . . lcourt. (itizens military training camps—‘,,m,). 0; Abraham and the founding, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS R. W. Mansfield to R. L. Tins- l y and wife. W‘.-.2 lot 3. John A $2,900. . W. H. Hulen and wife to W. E and -as C j The candidates should be between _ _ the ages of 17 and 24. They must ‘be - be able to re d and write English 1 is be is -¢o l... . .. includes . B. Branson, chairman of the enter- -military training nth as rifl ’ ' tziinrneiit committee of the Univer- ; 1“, only do“ “ bu.’ am nth", gjfjanqcs will BE snow” practice, guard ‘do , camping and any Club that Ladies Night has - _.___g__ ' mare it. Physical .traiidng, such been postponed to Min 10 or May l ‘..'fi" “aim” but 0" dfldency '-Display Will Be in West A‘.-in]. as outdoor games and sports which ‘ tun] ausuigg, will be under the direction of ex- perts and recreation. Provision will be made as all camps for the em- prosperity which _ resu t are ‘ ample reward for the.-‘effort which it. .4 A Conan” of “mo” etchings “‘°“" ‘lent by oonsn and Kocian of date will be made as rangements are completed. APPAREL ITO Rarauaxr c. E. 8. Scott Hogan to Enter District Scott ilk lb thearnount of found articles llligh School's representative in the tttrned.in to the University -seére-'-district oratorical contest tonight at tary‘s office.“ A cost was recently ;the high school auditorium. He won tcria, and a hat .the local contest held in April. 3 idistrlct elimination contest for th tvent to Chicago recently to addre . Antonio, Tcx.. team. It was announced recently by IE.‘ T Hughes. ambition through debate and .tory; and yet his interest in math- soon as ar-l‘r.matic.: is IN ORATORICAL cos"rEs"i‘ Elimination Co tition for Natio " ' . Rughes will be Columbia The contest tonight will be the s . . 9 Innumeiible text books are ob- ‘National ‘oratorical Contest. The ‘.1. high schools of Jamestown, Stover, Fayette and Chamois are sending representatives. ‘mic distriatwirmers will compete in St. Louis Friday and the winners there will be eligible lBosiness and gghnc Adml-istrstlc of the Unlvinity. “he. has not 59' finitely decided ‘whether or not ‘he will abahdbn debatink. ' Hughes saidthis is the first time he has entered an oratorical con- test. PERSONAL ITEMS | Russell E. Holloway went to ‘New Bloomfield "and Ifiilton on business‘ hursdsy. He returned Saturday. week-end at the: Macon spent the ' . J. P. Hetaler. borne of Mr. and Mrs n have returned or the national contest to be held in Washington, ' une. ‘ The national winner will receive p four-year scholarship in the or university ha’ of his c ice. , i i l ! l I 1 v I l l 1 3 9 i 1 I i o I 1 scorr HUGHES f - of this scholarship is about Second and third places will: be mvarded scholarships valued at: $1,000 and $500 respectively. . The Globe-llemocrat is sponsor-' ing the contest in the eastern sec- tion of this state and all_iiecessar_v expenses of students attending con-_ lt‘?-'l.\‘lt.~ school representatives willi be lIl('l by the newspaper. A be judirt-.-T of the district contesti tonight will be: .I. S. Rollins, Ste-pl‘.cn.-. J. W. llzmkin, J. J. Op-' [K‘fll!t‘ll'llt'l‘ and .\li:.< llzirriut .li-an ‘ pt’. The contest will be held at 7:30 o'clock and the public is iinited to. attend. ' So signiticant is the contest that the leading newspzipcrs of the coun- try are spniisiuring it in the ills- tricts into \\'lllt‘ll the nation is i- vided. The Globe-Llcniocrat district compri.~e:-* the c-azaterri half of Mis- souri. other high-school event has Pre