- , t _V.. ,.‘, pt _ fit a t t . "_|: —:’~ .. t. t V 4 .,,._ - w’ — * - ' ‘ ' " ' "" ‘ . ~ " — -v- - . . — .. _ .- . - -. —~ - s-.-.- --...--- , ‘— .. , ‘. ' c . , .. --- _ - .... . ...._-..... -- ... .e_...,... - v 0 «at, . . c . .. .- -~ ., - _ _ jriI§_.’coLUMBiA«MIssoU1iiAN, MONDAY _..—.—...a—.——-v . . I ; - I ~ ~ —-on-. «cc.-A JV‘ ; .’_‘§_Y_§£‘3_24 - « «R 7 - ” racem ‘I an‘ -k~4~ ‘.L;__- A- _- _g~_1j_L;‘,* .1-A ‘ —?_.¢ -_._—__:__#_.-.¢o-w..__._..¢——- Kennedinof uwdnttsiinana ssmnthiaaaiia-:¢i.e.u.i.e..i.y.a: 9"“ " "°"' ' '°‘’' 5'' M“ '" "" M KANSAS WIN5 A ll 0 Y...........». .........s |!lo1>Li1~i.i>L.AoEs« m°"'°'*"'7°°°"‘°"“"°'"“‘*" *" ‘r PL_._AY_..P1KERS %"‘*» discos, and broke another record in e‘ LOST 5”” FOUVD the Javelin. He took aeeond in the l,0f.\vhom may challenge the one next ii 3 t _ . . .- ‘,§.."'.'.....i.i""°‘.'L°°'a-':'-'-«gs. no ms-t._ Kn x_ . t 1 W 6 Kennedfofvllendoo was .....u.._.,;above ll. any one and exchimgeM‘ Wm Meet St‘ ,L°"‘S* h‘dad":a?.t:"lta nu». llleward. i>iione's4dmi-zuis pi?nct':t'l' E e 1... ' oAmfl°'"' ' S A H ‘I-’°‘""'"“"°!L 8"" °f ""‘*‘““i'f.2‘.‘.i“‘ mtuhim’ aT° mm we: mums and Washing- .......+.:'-'.=r...«.»». -« -~~---~ « or SERIES 11-1. zcr e”r°'«‘~ 5- - o = ONE Mi “"° "W *" *5 °* we *7 we .. -.:.°=*. P .2; 8‘ at it ton ms week. adui-thing. 1 ' I 9 , .‘ ma: ‘lfilzdon. 33. Philadelphia. .. E - . _ [Ive that school second place im null“ enth who d nl\cl‘;ll{‘ ID)‘ - ‘W---."..'.:‘.:.: ...'""...“.:‘z I wsT—Wv= sow. wrist mi. __ 9 0.32.? 42.; 2.5’; .‘.’.§‘..'.f'°.¥‘I.°.'.. 2.... ' t-———. “' ‘ i....‘. J} ..."."....'i ...:.’. .’.':.:’.:.:.‘.:“.f.': Mm Ms or -ecatiorz. the. 33:? man w-at Ada ...i .... fb€lWceIn Wabnacsh sum aJnd Broad- J ayhawks Walk Away on tom ‘ ‘ D. Potts Captures Four Hour man scaooi. WINS . ‘ position by defeating hint in play ‘°-’",:“" """“ “"“ ’°"""° {$‘ ‘tf °l°' t tt tutandt, imot-o mt, wot-¢l_ eat at. l _ .. t . V t FREE.1“mwmG CON ' - _\\'ll. a meet against as ington :::”:::i’ in 51- Louis tomorrow. "_‘-**".._"1"“~"-"‘——‘."4~‘t"’—°""‘ : . Errors Made by cinlizfnéu ' 25- r"m'b' ll 0. ' cures 25 P ' ts lT“°' mm 'm‘°° Wm’ 3°” °‘3(:illmm°n we ‘mime-demnmcm-aim"-i" J°h" Hub“ ‘"5 E"‘°" c.,:.e-_-Bntmoyuanor 3 'LOS'l:—End of gold link bracelet _ New Yorkv 1'3-lztnl-i-';h*_‘l"f:c-l hi - 01“ ; 88—-KirltIfllle la Second. '. °h°°8° 31° 12"’ h'Ch°3l°1‘8flli' Mindlin will ‘leave here this evening ' ' ? {Willi fringe. Family heirloom. Call Tlger Teatn, “-3 . - . in P ii. : Altogether. : T 3t_ putt“ “t,d_ tirgg nfien .on__ ‘e _ ard to represent ion a [rfp vthtclt wit} include mttchts ‘PAINTERS l\Al\'TED——“ageat 1331 Red. 209-211 .._——~—. <" ' ._ ' _ 5 go1t};‘xh3¢hodto°k"t.t.et3t‘ke3-I C mi-¢!‘bll) In U16 7~0|l1'fl8m¢TIt- \\'lll"i \\ ashington and St. Louis uni-I New LINE-UP Pnassurrov B‘"“""" 7' ”°“‘°"' 3' mm 75¢ up. Apply Dr. laiorgolts NtNE NEW EEEORDS SE,r~honors in the ‘state high school free»: 3°"¢~"'8l ""1l°l1‘~’-'~ with 7191!?-l*)""°’5i‘l°~* l" 5‘ “K . . Lohi d urn 2 0; LOS'I‘—Ladys black leather purse ttlu-owing context, poo, fiolt menfcountry clubs have been lffnnpedlmcft with the stionz lllinois tcani ‘d "““‘l‘“"* '1 t . . . . S A ’ ll1\'G ‘ . ‘.7 .. . . » #T—————-i¢°““m|nK m0"¢)'- 11028 and \'alu- Reagan Waters and Lipp_' T 1“ flF cling K . splacod at the hood of the list, two for the future for University go] at Urbana. FURNITURE REI_’AIRIh'sG. aho_e‘!|bl¢ papers. Phone 38. or return ’ t ' .\nien'can. 33535 City N01'tll€3Sl;oi' them with -almost perfect z.cores.-iers. , The Tigcrtt-am is in cxccllt-nt¢0.,- ,.t.t,.i,-tog, uphol.-atering and cabi- to 305 College avenue. N209-211 man Pitch for Bengal ; Club. Won. Lost Pct; ‘Leads and Westport 1_and in a high school contest the-I51. DmM""°“““" . ._dition. Mind|in'.~ sore shoulder is \s‘nrk.- lmfle 1591 R“! Wm L0sT_G d _ 0 Me!‘ But Show i3\'c\v York . . . . . . ..10 6, .1325 _ . -score was phenomenal. , A ‘g. READ‘ ‘completely ht-riled. Fortified with . man & Robe H 7 12 co“. bcm‘ce’:3"M:£s°u£l3;:‘ ‘3l"P°gl ’ ‘Chicago . . . . . . . . . .. 9 7 .983 Takes Tlllrd In ' Five boys, throwing twenty-tive.lstmctt,,.e tot. Olympic G.mt.s to“.l‘i(‘- experience which he gained in _ . . » J H . . ° °" ‘"‘ , Weakness. "1'"‘0|l - - - - - -- 9 3 --329 Division bafikets each, scored ii to t of 113 i st. . pt.t.son,,_ the t-ui'l_v season matches where he \\ .»\.\'TF.l)-—-Ladies l0_d0 8|mPl¢ 9 03°" 03- P50"? 13. R- E. __e__,___, ‘Boston . . . . .. .. 7 7 .500- _ ' tpoints. while Richard Isle)’ made 7}". Olympic stadium at Cotontbtk consistently ran up it commanding ncetllexvtirk at home. Liberal pay.‘ R0blfl80fl- -I 209-212' tgtmms made ' two gt,-aittltt in .St. Louis . . . . . . . .. 8 9 :1 . he nuumndin'g"‘r“um of the 91 of 100 chances, and‘Arnod Wal- pt-ttttt.,_._ is virtual”. ct,mt,tt.tt.d attdtli-ad against the “ace-" men of the Xatcfmlfi f“"“5l‘§‘d- Ad‘_l"°”°d ' “"1 baseball Saturday. winning the sec- ‘\\:u=hmizt<»n - - - - -- 3 9 -441 ‘twmtytfimt annual track and field ker threw 90 _basl:ets'isuccessfullylmon will be tt,t.,tt.d (wet. to the opposition only to break at the criti- gtampcd envelope brings particulars.‘ lond game of the_serias, 11 to 1. 'Cleveland .. . . . .. . . G 8 .429 meet held here Saturday w“ the at The other winners: ‘French ()]t~mt,;t. Committee b . thecal point, the Missouri second man Morgan Novelty Art Co-. Mvllfillu; FOR Rl:JNT—l"urnished apart- The Tiger team presented a new Philadelphia 6 9 .400 mmptishmcm of 8 0ne_ma‘n ‘mm ‘Sheldon lluntu-r.’lioIt . ..._..ss-cont,-“tors, The original plnnsfilwuld l.'l\'€.!l good account of him- Ga. ement after June 1. one of the‘lW~‘'UP. 10 Coflsidefflble Pilcnt Cal‘-it N'"°"'_'° _ from Joplin, B. Potts. who cs lured 1,1“:-,_','_,' ’ ’ ’ ‘ " " called for a stadium to accommo- 5°‘ 0“ Q1” "'59- Mi 13!! as _ . ‘'—**'’—‘''’‘—''''''—'''' prettiest newly finished kitchenette tain Denny was shifted from short»; Club.’ “on. Lost. Pct. four fim ptncesgn Division It the John» Strei-lrr. Uninrn-illr‘ ..‘.j‘..lf:::i:§§, ‘date 100,000 spectators. but the eco-t°l“"‘l?°d ll“ -“W19 07 P18)‘ 530%‘ N5‘ \\A.\Tl.l)-—Lad)' to 0P‘~'l'3‘9 t“_ opgytmonts in t c cit)-_ fine 10“. stop to second base. ishop. it new fNc\v. lorlt . . . . . . ..]3 .3 Sid tn, , dttittnn won om. Second’ and‘i-Lanna llukemrier. Cl!-rt-land. St. 1...... :3 nomic retrenchment of the city of.Y‘*-’_u"'“- Hi‘ “0“‘ 070910)’! 8 s€\'c!'c' Mary Ellen Style ‘Shop for us in’ mm Must be seen to be “ppm” ptaycrt took tht. Shot-t field position, lclfttllltlltll ....l2 J .66: one third wok; one record Md wonjllrucr Batu. Clc1"(tllfid.V St. in... “.30 parts made this impossiblp and thc.:fl!‘|\'r‘ on both his fore and back Columliin. ll o will” put in busi- ciat°d_ J_ A. Stewtut & 3°,t3_ ‘Jordan. another new man, was at Chicago . . . . .. ...11 8 .579 second pincc {Ur his schogtt with n x:'r‘f"'u:'::t‘,:““° ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ’ ' ‘ ‘ “;:.present plans call for ii 60,000 c’a-.hf"‘d- “"9 '5 Plmink MON‘ W551 On iitsss in ii small wa_.\' “lld hell’ 5'00 S205“-‘third base. Marsalcli continued to,B>T00lil.\‘U 8 8 "r'00‘3tnt:il of 25 points I ‘ 1;o1t'to(,‘k th: h;,not.§”i;‘ pucity_ his service. Captain llubbel is err-w. “'0 flmmft‘ ¥'°“- “F .5319“ time 'I‘er|'}"8 place in the outfield. Pittsburgh -- 9 10 -"4 . . . ' V . . _ ,. F . .. . - Pl=|.\'l"2 his-usual brainy. stead)’ gut Qhop. 540 S Dearbom qt FOR RE\.r 1 d M Th “is art int-‘eta C mribuud B0 ton 1-‘ 3 335 ansn.-z (‘ity l\0rtheast took first School total scoring. ltirksville tins ln lht cutter of the Tribune of game -« ..’K' -' ’- ‘ - - *' °' .‘ — ou 0 storeroom, 0 « S0 0 _ ‘ 4‘ 9 _- - - - - - - - - -- - _‘ ~ _t . t . t _ d. ,. . t. t. . d .-th -7 * t” d St_ Ch _ Honor will be the presidential box, ' (‘hicmr0~ lll- 209 well located. See W. B. Palmer ;j°"°“‘°"’°"t“~ u,“3"{J"":’“t° bcmg P‘; t '1» ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ° " 5 ‘-‘l)0‘::)lll’l.‘t““".:‘\¥ll“0l"rl :i?tl‘(at1iis:i)sméi:\f~ lc:0tnhir‘dlo'ith 'l')§";.:inf.«n, ar surrounded by sections for conimit- Tl‘? "“““ ‘Vllh w83hlfl£10D Will ‘—“"'““‘—_ t _ _ , ' 'o~ r Peck’ , Pl, 1r53_ p2o3-213 cct, int i H‘ ix. . in tons earn 13 0 D "11 - « - - -- -2 -~- '2 . _ ~ ,_ , . . ._ . _ 9 ‘be of interest to the ntire V’ ll -. 35:: to $100 \\ i-.1-.hLl —Salesman W S we " .9 on 1, mm off ct. 1,gt,t,,,,,m_ Au. ._ , -_,,.,,. ,, t _ _,__ -,_- ii"?-€04 ‘him “Rh 24 P°ml=~- Coach. 7”‘ "“‘°‘ “‘“‘ 5“‘9°d ““d" "W M“ “"1 ‘M p'‘‘“ Th‘ ‘”‘"d N in. it win mm, the Sjtngth 0? tcfic , . _ , , , . . - -. Rd {-1. ‘hl»t-s "ll - Nth “mutt. tn, t,,t,t,t.h manage, tn FOR REN.I._Modem wcutfum- “.atm_S and Fmnttlin Rt.ttt_,tm to win V _ t ' t ' ' l-.dward.~. tqtiiid was kept out of sec- auspices of the Lnixersity tzithletu :ii:‘1‘ee1t_»,iO(t lz(1‘;1filiti§l it “tlhc iic(c:€1:.‘!'1:c ltpiker tennis team utuant. in t dust,’ t_t.3._, ttt.t.tt,,,_t._ pmfor married man, tshed 44.00,}, apartment with Steepzbt. t,_ t-0u,_,.tm mat.gin_ :‘lI( mmnizz; of Fflflzlys game. Wu- ond place, bubt his team accountt-:11 ‘il:’I‘1:1l';;!lr(e‘n;;)r at:(gu1:ltlin:4:o!"I(::0 right Jud of uu_‘Tribum_ of Honor 'yb_\. jlscll. Ilowt.t.c,. the gnduuion .. “ho ha!‘ d0?‘-¢' l‘°“5°“°'h°“"° 59"" ing porch, breakfast room. From There were few outstanding spots " ‘ mmctlt. tmdm. tht. stand Mt, thi,.tt._ lliist _\-our of Karl Kamman, present inn. 1~5\"-‘Q “'id¢'°3""‘l‘°- ""mi"K_ ‘° tqttht dresttttttz mmttst t.qtt;t,pt.d with '.\'.issouri Valley champion. and the ra' Bro tors lasted for four innings. but for t8(‘\'t'l: second places. at third a could not control his curves well, nl- in fourt . ' school teachers watched each con- Jigne to September. Phone 2115 l“ “*9 “f"°”‘°‘"”‘ Pk)" the “""‘(°i thwmtt 53,; hit“, {our wnllts and one In Division I_ Litton). Hm“ schoot itest and certified as to its accuracy. vrorl;. ablr ‘to handle men. Perm!in- R d Rgoq 214 consisting largely of . stead grin -.-.— ‘=.l‘c v r lnth-« lll8<'i{i ‘ ' ‘"937 b°f°"° 0 ' ,_ . .- ~ _ . , _ ., . - , _ I -4» .. '. c . ., .. go and ll"l1ll‘l1I'lg;~_ 3 “'71. N1- ‘ wt t,.-._»iion. . llratving account. of bttsehtts by the Jat.hatt.k ‘I tttho rtléll. Coi:chfBre;u:;-1 sent iti took the honors with t 20. points.‘ t _ ‘ t moms and an emergent). hOspital_ itlnnal intorcrillegintc fimlligt__ hag 'COU‘lllll.~.H‘l(iIl. \‘.ritc references. cx- FOR Rm,‘-T___For nettt year, scored in all but two innings.‘ nc- fr “"5 _°““"‘:‘h ° ‘}"“‘:l:_ cl_o5cl)' followed by Higginsville urith Encinting the MM me]! is the fun the hilltop school with , tum pt-fl(T‘.t‘r to Mr. David Davies. Box 3-,-oom furnished apartment with companicd by occasional Bengal ar- *°“:3“h\\c.ntb rough . tbfllf b _ jla p0!_n18 Md M(‘“d"“ “"91 1‘? l’°"“5~- ’ trtic’ o 5 meters in icngth and 1°‘ ‘"“Tl(‘d "‘““l"“l “'50 97-‘- "tllifi, l’itt.-liiirtzh. Pa. 209 pt.it.t.ttt. bath in new house 1306 mm. An 0t.m.flott. crowd’ including E00‘ 8 Bflliii ‘U; 2 it T¢C"«l2fCT 3 l\cmpcr Lcaids by 20 Points. F 50 lll(‘ll.‘l‘< in wiiitli It in built of ‘~\li-:.~"nuri returns Saturday to open #—_____ ’ 3.2. to . w S _- t " .' * ’ f ‘ ‘t “ "‘ mg: 0 o t 3 0 mg c~ an ]n D|\|!~lffl III, the mlll'l8l',\ I i J- 0. fine rod cindt-rs. Pl‘0\'l(lln;: ii vivid in lung .\l.'llld on her home courts. ' _ 'Ro.-Is street. hone 2115 G . ‘"13"? Hllfll S€l|00l D8)‘ "3-“GT5. “'05 _ . . _ , _ _ '‘‘-‘\-\"n'‘“’‘-“‘''‘ w “WW l“wn' — P mgetréogtf in the stands. " zflcrmcc h."' mount“ “*0 "*9?" -“boo! and ‘mmor College ch“. hem- color contrast wit the green of the ‘Wu: hington will lie the first invad- Apply after 6 p. in. 1508 Bass. C . Lippmtm Started the mound earned runs into the l\aIis.'if~ SCOTIME tpcr Military Acadwnv had little ‘ trouble in dparin: the -barrier near- 3T0 Teams to ReprC_ lt‘~'.\U(‘l£lllOll and Rul!l‘.\’ fut-tliall fltlllf ttrr. gt l’2_ll§:X3 FOR REl\"I‘—5-room furnished duty for the Tigers. but after :il- c"l""‘" in the mm _ . _ t I _ inside it and the spoilt-~’.~ white o t ’ .1“ lbungalow. Phone 952. 31203-208. lowing three earned runs in as many Th!’ '00" "3" =‘¢°"°‘l ‘*3’ ll)“ 0“ 15 20 P‘_“"‘5 “l“«‘3fl Of “W "_°‘}"_°3‘ ; sent M. Ill Dual the stands out.0=1"«!~‘ lK'l0“‘ 1'0!‘ ffiflllls‘. PtYlS':i(»tte apartment‘ in Austin-Kline “gm h°‘,'5"k°°l”“‘~' “°",3°" in. LIN ..l:..:::: i 4 3 o 0 fast, but despite this fact. most ofibcfore Sunday, May 11. ' 1 lclmiiz town and will sell Cll¢3P-llrom June 1 to September. Phone P°"°h ‘M bub‘ Ph°“° 1934 wl'“"~” Lon!-orx. H» .. . . t I I U I‘ 0 the recordfi knocked down were in; e purpose of the qualifying '.«-. h .. -lc fl ; d lt ood-«?.l"0 Red. W208-213 208“ “'”""'- " ‘ '-' '5 '-' ° " ' - - ‘s .t bl'.h " - .'l'h.i ii-a toors an on 4 ,____ nodflu ab _ A t ‘ 1 2 5 1 0 the field‘:-‘vents. Jround i to e a I‘ a ran mg IS the Supply place for the golfer. pork. Bruiltia.-t room. hot viater. FOR SALE_Rh ha b t 150 FOR Rgxol-__1-0 one tad}, south COn,,,y_ 3,, T t ._. t 2 t It tun in the field that Potteg A V’ _ _ heat. fire place on first and second? d I‘. “ 'H’°°s;' $ ' d‘ M“ mom with rs J S Btitmham llalpin. c . 4 I 0 c. o o shone, winning the broad and high V. " ’ ‘ ” If 11 Y 1 ted to t floors. E '01!‘ tzzepn. oi-ton . . epar .1 ‘oh qouth gm St ' ' ‘ Bzowtod Davi~. .. .2 l l o o o ,‘umt,_ ti... d;_e-ms and the po|t~-vnu1t,' For the B t in YOU ate neg CC ge 3 4-room house. 2‘: acres. on 'p one ‘ 11' S2 -209; :.T_i.:_‘_'.Z”“" 5 .*‘“-_"; "°"""""'"h l “ 0 " 0 " and 5~<‘¢0“d in U10 .li“‘¢‘ll"- “is lhlfd o ‘ ‘ surface mad. Good outbuildings): FOR SALE-—0r to be given‘, DODGE Nwncas , ‘rum. . . . . . . . 2-1 2% hl }l:1“'~:‘l “me l“ ‘M 120‘5'”d high; SHOE REPAIR new bag’. 3 putter! 3' drl"er or fv $2.1 *0. }away: 12 h. p. portable gas en-i—.‘A v x“—‘ """"‘~ , "" ‘'5' I r ‘ o - “.(‘illl‘l|.'l‘r‘ Realty Co.. phone 272. gine, feed grinder. some harness. AC CI: I£‘0I;~'G§' go. 602 Anthony I! As“. ll.‘ '1' (it *1’. t\nO3:::",ti:d::t'dut:‘l( S:';'t wag.‘ SER‘ ‘CE “ye can furnlsh you with them an‘ r ' 209'2 ,h3}' Sl-Sdillli-I 0|-ll-Til. Fairbanks . - ' ' Man it» 4 0 ii I?! o o ‘ 5 ‘ ’ . See Us 9 . ‘ - ' . . , ’ . . . « t it «» «» SA TTERLEE - . FUR SA”:__-Lmom house. 8tt.ict_'chim_’ barre‘ chum, housohotdt Special communication ix-uni. :s. . 7. ll 1 .1 :i l fir".%l.~" and -01.10. second. and ran in the At - o ' ly modern, South Garth Ave., $6,'lcoodg’ gnctttdittg cook stove. he ting‘ ' TU€'3dfl.\’- Mil)’ 5- 7530 ‘F'''.‘"’''“’'’ ‘ ‘- - " 0 !_> U 0 vviiiiiing (ll\'ISl(.)l'l8l. relay that clipped. . , . 3,-',u_ .8tot,e' Rod Sun, on stove‘ dgninm \ p. m. 2d degree work. "“"**’_::-if: ; 2 '1‘ ;' off the half-mile in l:.l3.5 to sqet at 24 S, Ninth Open fin 8 p. “L t ‘ 8-ionni future on Ro-is street. $7-ltable chairs. rocltin}! chairs bedsl ’ Fnurut. cf . . . . . . .. zi I l I o i. 7"‘ "Wei "“'°'d' "°"!°"' .0‘ ;\‘.’“h’ l t 1 >00. ‘sewing machine. kitchen cabinet. , R’ C‘ SULLIVAN’ W‘ M‘ "“""'“' 3" ‘ " ° " "' 3 .°a‘q' law.” m for qnrd mdwldual ‘I / 10-rocm house on South 5th, 36,-. ice cream freezer and other arti-l J__.' M.‘_I.‘9.}LGv .S_°°7°,t“’5".._ -_. ___ F ‘ 2 2 '1' 2 2 homr’ mm thré .fir“s "Ti O3" 8°C’ ll '~ 750. ’cles Also a few White Rock hens ‘ml- COT“ ."‘% llracnn p . . . . . . Q in o o 0 7 0 ?an:,i'i:t:i:l:;1_;giz:)'n we mnmng re”! -, _, . _ _ -___- _ e. _. ,. -_‘ , ---. _. __ .. . __ _._._ . -. l4-room house. block from cam-:and baby chicks: We are leaving: D_AVlS COAL CO. .~‘-'--':::::::.: ‘g 1; ii 3 3 ‘A twmman u_a'm from Nc\,ada.| - ~ so 000 the state and lllfl stuff l's‘ sta ‘Ill Best Central min in Coal ’ » -* l’“’‘- H ~ Eb if ’ ‘ ‘ _ 31. .2 ‘ 88 O . 0 W ‘ — — — —- —- » l\'cilhlc)' and Bunker. placed their‘ ' 5—room C0l“Pl0l0l)‘ modern» l)l'lCl(‘ 979- )0“ ‘C331 "99 3“) .0 ll CC“ 78 or -_ ppodte ‘b‘3h st-t Totaln . . . . . . . . ..83 l rt 27 12: ‘I “boot fourth in Division 11‘ with 22‘ p d bungalow. shgt-,0‘. $500 down. ECOITIO and get ll..v wc cant K('l Ftfinkhn County CO‘! llicilllngsvmtth loalta! for llulctt in the points. K-cithley ran a bcaufifu‘ 7 fill i ; ~ :0-l!'100m coirppletclt» mug:-rn h0;lsc,%(;l‘.lr [;1TlC€h\\-c'll3Gl5ll(B(=.l~\-t:‘u1‘St:‘. tarrfi ‘u _*_o H A ‘h|f!'i’:‘h‘.‘i‘ hm"! M hum in "mm Tanner in that division’ and led . oa: oars. ot water cat. cose 873 ~ P 000 - 3'-'3 "'5 ‘° 5 Tr -ba 11 1 Li ' M. 1G nt~ll . tate record holder. by ~ . .. ., on «~:;:-....q IE... ,..m~ S ‘I’ ~:==»n.-~:*‘"*r: :: 2 »:»»=s DECID E. DLY DI I-' r-' en cm‘! autl u ric ‘ ouse. oc rom ‘ __ __t __ _ i-%~_‘l-V““.—V" tin‘-‘ _ - ~ V < ~ V - - ~~ '3 ‘ - ~: __ -- - °"""“."" .mr"i‘“'hM Or unmmighed at ”“US1-ID CARS FOR RSALI’; ml l A lilioirg" 0ri‘lii—‘~ll‘la(t]'|i.O n1:ireel-l ‘ _ -V R ' ‘ . ‘. S . it - l a '|"'“a.n' _ i l|I.\(‘ hlL‘~~'ll)4K!N. Ahlhllll)‘. lIQ:‘Q"‘ — ' ,. \‘ \ / /_ / ‘ 1 Now 4-room bungalow. hast-nicnt.. FOR SALE—G-cylinder 3-seated ' M R = ' ‘ ” ' \ \ if/I $2,(KKl, ('u::.\’ ta~rm,s-_ 1;-ogdgteft in good mechanical condi- aiglicd cxumrix of the I-',\tate'of Comte ‘Mr _ , 3 n _ -‘ Net. 5-room bungalow, biuscment‘tion. Just the car for a summer mm"t“’;" ' m“"'7‘t;“_a:'“;,lust:“';‘_‘ I‘:-':,,.,f"; ,,,”.W:,?:;",, ‘ 1." $3,‘: mm; We have the moat eolipleta . ’ _ \\‘ T “ad {u”"w(" s2'850' $400 down’ l '9' Photm 1725 B5“: ~ iruch eauutrlx at the next Terri: of the ‘""i''':.’‘' mm 0" l‘m‘~u" w‘u.n ‘I stock 0' hulk ‘ ‘. l ‘ ‘VI’ lliI\f(‘ 0lllC.' ll0ll§l.'5. lfil. (18 '—j t _ . _ Pro 11' Con of ne County Missouri. "H Ql‘lpr’:‘n‘1“:,f{DDT'v“h‘l °';.R:‘ :‘ III I - %' 9 ,.»l,t,“- y,,t,. 31“, tt numb" of ptuesi FOR .SALl'.—Ford roadster with tn i... hold;-n .t ¢~,,1.,,,,t,;,,_ 5,, “H cou,,t,_ I.’ ttzuc 0;: —"," ba;upmh”y_ new by.» I . M '_ L) t for rent. Garey & Frasier Realtyl ““"‘°"- d°'“°“"”fl’l° """"- Ru“ °" "’° 'fu",'t :.';:ts‘9t’;._§t_.Et.,t, i»..i.. Left on bane.»-Kansas 9. iiiuouri , " ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ "R ‘‘ co" t,t,t,nt. 51«_i_ 2o9.211!lcss than 1,500 miles. In excellent; «ugh 1, ing pltthrr—Llpplnan. Ul|)'Ii.'o—!. ' K33-“€55! 3300 GNU. “lo 05¢ ' ' ' ion. See or call A. L. Turner.7 1,”; ;,,.,,t;.,., 3., to, I W" W593" ‘“'*'—°‘"“ -“'“°°""‘°'”- 'n''“’'‘'.~ . C197"- MONEY TO LOAN on Colillnblliphonc 761 lied. T204-2091 Mm“ m__;_[.,1E.;mT .*=°*'- I ‘ fuchsia Bnnl: 15¢ estate. weiitiicra Realty Co..; ' A '-""“"" 1. . . . -1 till!“ 33% . °"°’ ‘V°“'"‘“"" “""“""* “"*“' i...?.‘l§‘°'..'2.....i. oiwm Fgahxhutfugtzzitli§!fR’l):)":im;li::0tl):l:n0:~'::l1 C 9 ' P"“‘°" - ’ 1 it "OR" COUPE 'Cunnlngha.m. deceased. will make Final ‘ , Eve sex i. Ne' Cm’ . _ ' I . . . jib‘, I ._ LOOKING FOR A HON!-3—1f so; AT BARGAIN Settlement or her account: wiui aald 1:1» ~ - « ~» “lf Better Beed Were Pro-. 5. -;[;;t,]_ it ‘llitittttd , " let me build you one just like you’ Excellent mechanical condi- “"9 ” "*5 ""“""‘ " W "m 7"” _ _ duced. We Would Have Theta." _ I ‘ A 7|'I'g.» 1) A. Al! F ' want it. ‘,\'o matter what you want tion; equipped with starter, l'_’:m::° :;":‘°MCt‘;‘: Sow YOUR LAW“ how ' i " __ ' R l S A ‘ ""‘" A ‘ . I can please you and. at a price mountable rims. llaasler to..,,,t,, .. 9.. 19¢}. 41., .. my, tau, , hi h. S ‘ _ below what you pay for an old shock absorbers, sunshade; 3 “. IA!!! 1.. CUNNINGIIAK. - 1‘:’~' 3‘ '0 ‘ ft . gt.‘ W» _ t t _ ,t house. J. A. Stewart. 905:! (1 tires; uPholste!’)' {wt mob in is '5‘ " '3 “iron ' “'°_"‘" "ha "‘”"h" ;: W!‘ l '“ “r” ” ' ” ., " ' ,_ ., . ’ ‘ind paint good. A splendid _ __ ' t *1 “‘ _ ‘ 5,-t p‘ Q _ ~ » f j _gf~-V I I ' "*‘ ’ ‘ - 1-‘OR S Ll.-L — - value. can 55. Adv.tf 2 None: or rmiu. 3:1-rtiniain ;_ A V~_:_:___,_ _ *'*‘~'~ V ; W r : .‘ - - V house, 3 lull,‘ 3 but,’ gnu 5.... ; Notice is hcnby given. that the under» “ W . ..' ._ ~ ' i . s, .. .- -.. . -.4 oz‘ . c ‘_ - merit. Built-in tuba. hot and cold —-——---~--'1:-_-.._.._~ ”..‘....._..”‘ ' ::: "t,“""" :_""'l "l" t°"%‘_:‘:‘;t:t aw - _ ' \ H I » V water. Rooms engaged for term ' IIICELLANEOUS _.,t 0, 5,, .,,,,',‘_t, ‘M, .3 5,,“ _t , \\ ;' . _ . . « . 1 - V hetinning in September. Address —-————~ unit exacati-ix -tun neat ‘rain of the no-. The WILHITE SEED 81111000085 tlllt .1 7' \\\ B, one at u;,..,m-gm. 3194;: WANTED-LFWD mower Glut?‘-ha Court or Boone county. iiiumi. to - ' e , ~ -__ ?_. ugly‘, noo: and window acreena l;.h1I;l:a«;t:ol‘ii;il:."l:nflCoIIu.nl they have just recelvedalarlellllvmfllt 01 bulk!!!“ _.,e- t e g . ‘. 1-‘O1! sau-:. TRADE on R!-IN‘1‘torcpalr.~Chalrrapairlng. Wood - ~ '*"' .1. e. -S, ' . . -11-room boarding house practlcal- turnlrc. Ianufactme knife ind }“'“* Pwam den need from their northern warehouaa.’ ‘A o Tllll 8005 am A __ t t.« _. .‘_._- ptyfit __ 7 . 11 newly finished. One block iron aelaaora aliarpeherl. Will call to: ‘L... i..-us-I-rm d all blah termination. We w rd“. ~ 2 o. _. , .. - . istrnetonamean owmat . t,tt.i;- . t ; .. campuses, Three hathat hot andtdellvar. 1". Y. 1"ei-rec, 203 South mm“ o' - t _ ~ , _ . ~ . -_ ‘ ~ .. A , - . nu.-2 heat. cxm larce dnninastiist..pIicne9'i_4oraen. 130.214 who ....u..a...i... wantyoutoseeoiiraeedsbetora-yonhuy. Wehandle .— : _ _ .1 t. ’" i ' ’ Fxcellcnl income PNP°|l ""—"'. algae! an-iaiuuuixdoc the mute oi vii. ' ' ~ “ ‘ ' ' ’ ' 3 » . 1 -4 ‘ T A - " ' - ,_ * . if’ don as boarding a min: “mu” To gm“ iiun c. sauna. lunfl. win inn ri-i this seed in the bulk. 80 tllll *0 9°‘ M . if uaed for apartment purpoaea. WARTED To __:_w°m um Mada :1‘:-an bnyin‘ t ‘ “ PBXCO3 - :. - t «T '9‘ °" W’ ‘°""" mm"! apartment hooae.:i'ia-i-tuna-o-i-torn.-uoiiu-t:.ati-.' ‘III I ‘'0 .‘'‘ ‘:":"‘ .. .:;:~ tllicflll well-located small 500% Ana” Bo‘ h. A‘ cu‘ of ‘t'_ “up .‘..a:,:: : we ‘ho bye . ‘ ‘nd ‘ t h it sent or two or three-year period. ‘what,’ county‘ . an r . _ _ t ; ' 1 .. .. ‘ ~ ‘ - t ' rim. 1896. 3307-211 '°“""“ "‘“°""°‘ ’°"" "‘°"’°"' P0l‘A'IO fertiliser wlI_l¢_lI ‘.6 hive lwltool 119- A startling of “gooiltal-, ~ \ ‘ ’ - rout SALE-—Niee 5-room ‘w*"”'3”"‘.’ :"""’ "°““’ W """"' "" ‘* u-an-mun. _ house. cut front. inretl-It!ut..'::;' tt8°’"nh'm”,,ttt,t1,° 3:"; huubw none: or rain. aariuaairr : 5 ~ ~. « ahrineot '°‘L uI°“"'.‘°tm’"‘”efUaivetIitr.Boxiicllioflll-.g,...u'“'.,..g."""":¢:.'-g.¢...'h‘:'a. Soeubfiu-eyliolinyyolh‘, . Dflihiaaand Mt « “k°’°‘""l"“t‘°"n‘aaaiiaa. ~$-:10aiaariei:.an-u—ci.winu-null-ml-Idilo o ‘~’ - 3'5‘ “*6 quutatinaaaaantaii-Du:-D:O:I. 1,‘ rd W __‘.6 R .. ho ' t . ' ‘ ' .. -...i » .‘ . "_-‘.. ma SALE-—8eantifnl am»... ,,,,,,“",,,W,,,,,.,,,,,., ,.,;’.?,_t.._..t....'."E§..a...t<_i._..:._~.n--:i__ . YotivlllfiiIlii_a.at11_‘ik_."‘§Alli'8t. 4... 1 '9 ._ -. - ' W - o t . . _ :4~,,- - ‘.*g- . . . l V . ‘ ' " -‘*“"‘.""""'A"*7'~"-"""‘.’-7° Uulruaity avenue. W‘ . RIM WANIID TO BEN!‘-About 5- 3. - laaaula 3 . '_.'~._ _ P - -o.;... , ..; "--4»-; t.“ .m_. ‘.. ..w‘ W.‘ ____,__._,-.g‘£ t ‘J t . Q :1. t t _ _ I - ‘ . - it.‘ _‘~?,_,,v_ ‘5 .~ vi;-i, r _ ‘ t ._ (:i,AS§IFIED §gZl“3‘R5l‘lSEMENIS. i‘ - ‘ New; in the Field. 0]‘ 390,11 -°=°"'““"*—'“ ‘““5“;f.?.*‘_‘:.'o'.”;.?5.:..?“.t'.“u.’§.1~*?rNl3TTEA_MTO