/ . ..... ...,....__..~...,.- L-:1A4 '.‘§ -..' :..' ~ « ..~.: .- -= /‘-= ’- '~=s:'~f=.=*.ee' czar 'v.ai..-rtimiluutn-— .- _‘will open August I and continue for. , ditions of outdoor life: to stimulate mow them. or. do any other kind of 3-‘ , ' ng-for Newton, Jasper and St. Louisa: Students Take Examinations in , ' went from (‘olum _.,_......a.p.-.av-~-— .-o:»—.»r--<— ' .~ *’ 1 A r . \ ‘ ‘*" . . ' ' V o-Q ~- ‘ .._r. . -1- mans mssoumatgl " nun-a out-2’ "av-in use In» ' - II! in 130 llltollfltl Pllll“-“ll I ‘ It was once thought the height of """""' ""“ "" '1‘ "'''''‘'L gimmodesty for women topaint. But ‘fibres have changed. Certainly. it is .'fl5noed"' ‘iB"enroll” ' ‘in’be':-I ' "" ‘ G.-,,,,,.,,,_,,. ,., -re.-" lhmi to understand wiry there is any in ‘-0- 1% tharat in flie‘t'st.-t’ that women now :1“ Chgrlgou; .... ......8t.“ 8%: N. their loolcs_—-why otttsuo coasts . .. 1 :when you tbiakof it. even washing '" ‘iiit‘a§'"A'uiiT—uTFau"cTEhTou."“" fone'I (ace is an artificial aid : to Ask any small boy. But - " norm; Nulaxah?’ ’ "S ‘ ' T-.. ‘Adv-rt:-Inc --I Circvl-llo-"----u “ the artistic way. and the kind that L1" :1; it I disturbance of the peace. It is 9 Z _V_ difficult to understand in this day, "”‘ ‘“‘ ' T‘ ‘D of civilization and the more or less msulxu free distribution of culture, why At this time of ‘year every rcd- Sui“, ‘omen am,“ be ‘.29.; upon blooded man and W’ feels "W “"".without the aid of smoked jtlnsscs. of lake and stream. Even while the-‘R “mum be comprehended why last snows of winter were lingering mm? womm mink their beam). en,‘ SUP or flu: no 0" "39 K’°“"d ‘ml "‘° “'5'” h‘’“’l°d ‘ ltauced if their faces look as if they, 0l~‘.‘l'HI-I c!iltls‘rlAN clwucit. HA8 81-ZEN from the north and overcoat: were-‘had bmken out with . vioienu ; ' yet desirable, the more devoted fol-_bm“.n;sh_n.d ,.as},_ 1‘ is just .3; C“R'8TlA"Bgn“UB{%nsPAY lowers of the gentle art of nllflllllfilhard to grasp why mm‘. “.0m,,, 10 A o { IN AND OF MISSOURI -__._—..—_‘... V~'¢‘l'° d'‘'3'"i“l€ "’ 99'5"‘? -5“-“think their countenances improved Student Congregation Members llrolllld “W °°"““'- '59" "*9 V”““"3",if their faces one made to look like Plin Two ‘Baseball Games P “e d. th Said et.li d tthwtt-’.l - - Ir . 7303 1* "mi! 9 3' carp -= op nu own o e a e s the faces of corpses pierced N1 the The Chfisfian student Centres‘- Councirs mow? driwrs, school win Pd!!!‘ Wullld 51: K79?" “ml *0“ ‘“““cheelis by two small. round, vividly the stream would glide smoothly on Qcrimson }",k.,_ ‘ ll lb‘ ‘'‘’“'’‘“v '’’'‘’k‘'" hm ‘""' ""'"' ""3 But when the proper authorities 5' b”m’l"" °r “ "l"”h' The” ”m°'ll|l"¢‘ bf?" lllllllbli’ P"fifi°ll°d °"d?Ixiwl')' Hall and 20 from there enthusiastic fishermen were then,”,(, depanmem of m.ke_up imullodtnollins Spring. becinnluir to irate l°Wi"Kl>' ‘M0 "Win the School of Fine Arts all this.‘ -pm, t,,,...t,.u ,.,,..., Wm :40"? Wllldflln 3‘ "W d"-“l’l“5'“ ""will be changed. Then every bou-‘tplayed, one by the girls‘ team and tackle and to Now home in “"3 ,doir will be it studio, and ever land-tthe other by the boys’. The two di- laws will also be explained. * Collection of St. Joseph city taxes for the fiscal year began yesterday. e city auditor's books show it pos- lsible collection of $1,023,085. evening with ntysterious bundles nn- lady will have to have northern sliy- ' "i“l°""‘ 07 “"3 °l‘t>'3llll1lll0ll. Nd and The St. Joseph chapter of the !\'a- » dt-r their arms. tr:-'ini: to Smulffiloijjkhts 5,, M, t,..d,,,(,m,. if she “'0u1d blue. will plus‘-_asaiI}=:':-__ Tl“"° 3-‘ -‘“’""‘U""'i~' ‘*:’°‘'‘ "'9 °""‘itwenty-nine of the fifty and. tht-rt’-~;Ulli!_¢‘<3 511198. liviniz in Illinois,'St~j The old internal revenue laws will “Ct “"‘h '“““*"-‘V. "W ~""'“ ‘5°‘d9".fore, others have la:-en added somc- "~“-‘ ‘"‘d_ 0”" .C'°1“mb“- “'u‘lbt' Used ll)‘ federal authorities in hours spent lounmm: on the bank. who’. more r:tpid1_\. um" the schedule the exception of a_ cw months H5,-i‘.;,m out xnnms (thy boou(.L,g(.,.s' with the whistle of birds and the-mum fm._ -I-hon, an. no“. ‘fly f‘P¢‘N 0" 9 T1'N1|'Tl "ill l0 S(‘01_l¢"ld‘Thesc acts are more '.\‘('\‘(‘l‘(‘ than the fillllflh Of Water in one-'.'~' 1'2"‘-‘H ‘hm t:.r‘t.\'~thrct~ tablets and busts in the‘ m 1900' her-h‘s been how ever smcm \°L‘mad Act‘ Th”. pmmbn um op- liilml"-l“.\' lllllllti ('ontt-ntnwnt. \\'ll."-.l:::ll. ll iv curious to note that most oration M a difimpry 3" “ dwelling’ UNIVERSITY NEWS L Speakers for the Y. M. C. A. cam- t ,paign delivered 132 addresses last 'Sunday in 110 churches. All pointed out the profit in manhood to the Stegvgft‘ prgpfietnf of the city from llllll 9fllfll‘flt‘l1lt‘lll Of Illt‘ Y. M. C. A. equipmen . The fight against the Missouri River at Glasgow must be waged re- lentlessly until after the annual if U“. m.:.;,.._ ‘U rm,“ “.1, “W... mo of mp W" to In‘ added this year are '!ll!:‘l\‘In|: it lllnlldulury to_ furtttsli ""5 lunc h”‘' “M Pm’ '”"' “ml” men f;unou:= in earlier d8)':'.. but men ‘ l “""’ "l"'"d “'}“‘l" ""5" ""“""i"3*7 "3’ whoni the Jtidtres dis:'.l:rt-ed upon or C L. Diet: extension €Pl‘Cll|ll‘l‘ Came °“'m"-S M wmmnl Mi” A and duwfl lltt \-_’:llt;- t-.tuI'>t'.;l ‘Wcrlmnwd. x-“table among these in song i‘ it; ‘ Rang muri “H. warnvd by D... E_ "' Bul_ ‘ Fl“hl"l~’ 3" um‘ rm" ”l"”" ”"':are 'l'hotr.:::. Jefftr.«.on.- Andrew L't-uYll.le8'tl'llS week to hell) car!'}' out lock‘ Ka"""3 Ci‘-V health mmmh"! Sl(~hIl'. tn l‘t'|\0l'l till rymptoms of , ‘°“'“" "f “'m"h i‘ ""t f"""d ‘A"'u‘i" J’ c" tn fltl Prt idtnt hn Adams tht extension ' " .- ..- i. 3 .~:' ‘ . - program in using l'er- . 1.. .[f_ 1'} . ,1,_‘u 1 :,._.;;g ..,,- finls __‘ _ _ . . ‘.'§)_ _ -v hoof-.'uitl-mouth (ll?-l':l.~.('. 'l"lI(-re are I J ft _“-H -' N‘ 3...‘ .. at‘. “$03? Tm’ Jlm" (“mt-‘ Admn“ U1u.wm' . . . no (‘l1.\l‘.~‘ in Missouri but there is as much _to_\ to ll. :1. ti. tlt_ .ut .‘._.n:. mm," a I,1m.(. Sum. 5-can ago)’ _ L. E. Carter, extension specialist dr’ T. { wk dig. W, {I ‘mu ht aont-d veteran. l: is merely on ex- Other“ beside‘ “ark Twain and in field crops. left here yesterday for . "'9" " I. .’ . '(a‘ mug ' 2 _ . _ ‘_ . . ,- -_. ~ - ‘ . 3?] no 8 h H I d A h._ in from at Jnllllllg,’ states. cutie for l!l2lll(S.~, tht .~ull of l.lZl Capmm Eads are Phmws Brook‘ a , uc arm. hot lllll 11‘ I I192-‘.5 that rt-ltttilds u ntzm‘:-. Hulll :nt 5°" °°‘,"“'°3 W 9 ¢' "ll 50” 907" That fifteen n-freshen hi. bi dv l~‘im_ita0ru ‘_m::i1e’s Ignite 0:: shown throughout the county in . b"i“3 ‘°¢°th°' -"°""“ "W" "{ high Editor the Missourian: A local conduct meetings to promote the c°n"°cm.m mu‘ "arious ""95 °f WW "Om 3" "““i°'“ "7 “W °°““‘ a 233 company has made It impossible :£!'0Wl!& of I both for crops ‘work hem“ mu?" “memo” ' by um U)’ 0" ll ¢°""ll"l'l 5355-‘ “f "‘l“llmY . for property owners on College a\'- and for soil improvetnent. imam" farm bureau‘ ' and under the most favorttltle con- enuc to improve their parkways. to- Page, extension specialistl - . . V. _ in hortifllture, left here yesterda ‘ B‘ " I" U’ SCHOOL (SLOSES and promote citizenship. ptttriotism llllPT0"ll\x. . 8 and Amt-rieattism: an throulrh ex-. gm’! tru pipes :10»: the fronuhie rt hyaical direction, athletic-° m'"" p""°°’ ° pmpeny °" t t :‘achi:g and military training tolmm ‘ mm 1‘ The pip” . . . ' thav been strewn from Broadway to l‘°“'fl‘ am 5'‘’""g m"‘ '"d"'",!u°"y Bouchelle avenue. It was under: and bring than to realize their 0b- 9'” the concern hligations I0 Utt’ll' COIlIllt‘)'." lgas mp Last year twenty-six young men new pipes a t M ‘a. The oppor-.1»-ork hasbeea . Th “mg”. is ""3" her‘) and many mo;-oibocome a nuisance as well as an eye- -hww -to we or .....**"°.':'......';:.'.°.':.:.:‘f "'°°‘~ ‘counties where he will conduct po L tato and tomato demonstrations. fit}: Wade, extqtsion bpecialist in ’l‘°“'¢“lWl'¢‘r 19“ MN yesterdsytot the session of the B. Y. P. for Greene County where .he will U. Training Schoolof the First Bap- ; _ Relixious Subjects. ' Thirty-three students took the ex- is orchards. He will give tionsof the pt-ope * s and best state secretary sprays to use. A P training in the senior manual course. lled ' PERSONAL ITEMS 1 ''°"-‘ *- . 9 l . I to Hope ‘Picture in Church Paper . i THE ABOVE IS A PICTURE OF THE IEHBERS OF THE CHRISTIAN STUDENT C0.\'GRl'ZGA'l'lON 0}‘ Tl>il>Z‘(‘llRlS‘l‘lAlN' (‘l‘l‘lTR(‘ll WHICH Wll.l. Al'l'}‘.Al~t LN’ A 9 NT RANK A W£I>ZHl..Y §AGAZlNE OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. IRE FROM 81‘. LOUIS T0 0lI8ElVB THE IE‘l'fl0DS OF THE ORGANIZATION. laminations Friday night at the close -i . promote the use of spray: for hometist Church. _ g . demonatra-'2 J. C. llockett, Jr.. of Kansas City.'; I s Union, hadichsrge of the; I ls lb’- HARION ST}IVlNS(Dx_ [»;[)1TOlt-l.‘€-('Hll*.l-‘ UP THE llll!LlI .\'(‘hl(IU|. l.lTlIl!A‘l‘Ul(l A. A. INITIATES 12 GIRLS Gl.l-IE (‘l.l’B C0.\"l‘l‘ZS'l‘ SOON Sororities and Hall.» Invited to Enter (;irl.~a' (Thoruses. An invitation has been extended by the music tlepnrtmcnt of the Unt- . versitv to all the sororities and balls for it _it~ls' glee club contest to be held in about two wet-kt-'. The nite date has not been set 35 $91- Annual Banquet of the Attsociation to Be Held May 20. Twelve girls were initiated at the. regular meeting of ernoon. e annual banquet of the association was announced for May 20 and is in charge of Margaret Williams. The food, decoration and entertainment committees were also named. in more than one group. ma_v_pick l\"n Nvllflfi and one other unit: will be null]! by each END!‘- Ten minutes will be allotted to each. , 1-he (-horn;-03' will be judged on the tonc quality. rhythmic precision. cleurm-ss of enunciatlon. ttccurucfi‘ of shtttlintz. tzenertil interpretation‘ and appearance. Entries must be in before Friday of this week. The nominations for the officers were announced and will be posted until the t-levtion May 15. e nominations are: For president. Zilpha Lewis and Hallie Rcdnian; set-rotary. Margaret Williants and (‘leo Mercier; treasurer, Alma Ship- ley and Nellie Seville. Those chosen for the final emblem committee wfire Margaret Milton, . all-l.'niver2-‘its’ rt.-prescntntivc Alma '-V 7-- . ‘ . ’ . . - ‘ lted Iv June. Bl'lt‘Klt‘l) F.lt7.abt-tli \\ ood, " “ad 8‘. “imp? " i 1. - - , _ - - The prt-.-‘tilt-nl 5* home on in‘ Ill- riemor r-prt-.st-ntative.<._ and Hallie Whit‘ wmpm P; lmlinuum tn hm‘ Retlmun, representative of the M‘ '1 . . The interior Junior class. Myra (‘handler gave a brief re- port of the convention which was held in California recently. The next conference will held in lthaca. N. Y.. in three years and it was sugges'.ed that each associa- tion start a delegate fund now The sponsoring and directing high school athletics w s advised as a suita undertaking for tors are now at work. B. I). .‘ of the Simon C‘otv..~truction (VI. sitid that if all went well the lll-ll.‘-‘P would be cttntplt-lt-il in about Xtnuthct‘ month. TYPEWRITERS RENTED ALL MAKES 3 Months. 87.50 Up First Rental Applies on Pur- chase. Balance $5 Vet Month. Writing Supplies THE SU!\'Sllll\'E AGENCY Phone 692 Red Peutberton Hall W. A. A. ; EXCA\'A'l'l0.\' ALMOST DONE Foundation of Memorial Tower Stairs to Be l7 Feet Deep. The excavation work for the foundatiun of the circular stairway leading to the 170-foot tower of the Memorial Union Building is almost completed. The concrete foundation _ will be seventeen ft-ct cop. I The 4... the southeast corner of the present already completed founo':tt:'on. The 0 Q .~"t.'iir\\'t:y will be the only our lead- . ing to the tower. -anxious to rise to positions of re ‘ apousibilty in business should It'l\'€§l.3- gate the one year intensive training aluneoacred at Babsou lnstttutc. Castes are conducted on the_confert-ncg: plan. Theinsu-uctors_ are ex rtatcad busi- ness men. Successful in the tr own lines. You workon actualcast-1-not It 'p0lht'1IC3lpfo§)- lems. You are shown hour to uolve the aunt): hndofproblcmathat wtllcoutrcntyoutn final buaineu practice. Write for Booklet for booklet “Training for Busnuu ’ 0% A ‘C-Horlicks ‘ "wg OF(lGl.N/X.” Mtitlco Milk O famed today. Noobligatiou. - ' . ‘N 0 load-cull!" dwfiat ° Tablctt form. 3813801! Institute li"...".:.:.".:.“l Ask "HorHck'e," at all Faun W an. 3' Avoid - Substitutes r 3.. pug, pug-»_-t) ‘"3, Be Sure to See Little Timothy At Broadway Methodist Church ‘ Thursday at 8 p. m. Admission 35¢ l Recrea tioners You will find our athletic de- partment complete. . We stock official equipment for all athletic games. At ? E i Lowry Governor ll.\‘de says. “In my P owner‘ MW be , Hoglitgtk glass.‘ ond ad ‘ dgment these camps are of the; ' ' _ - -_ "pawns: c act a in u t 1" fm, the im mvemem °°"‘° ‘““8°"l"“° ‘ml l""° 9"-'l'l H. H. White has gone to Moberly-course in training for Christian set-t flu ‘ V‘ e . P 330"‘ 159 Pill?‘ 9 BURL 4 on business. vice I-‘ou members were cm: A °‘ -"°""‘ """°”“"“" '“°“"‘"":C°l°mblI cannot rennin the Athens?" J. w. Whiteside went to sttrrq,-or...rou£a in this course ‘ physi and morally. and the-yéor llhtttonri with its‘ streets and ; ,.,m—,“, .0 vi.“ hi, ‘om ‘ . . . . Th ' ' I ‘ .' have Ilhseodl :9?!’ lug: \:‘l’tlIie trttitfgch; 1 parkway: covered with gas V Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Rich-of‘Coh1m-Iente(dml;"o‘hl!I"‘s‘tm(’).. ’c£.urrr:t:r:t!;. A :18‘ l_ MUA93 .3 ” '5‘ ° S - ‘ - Ilia went to Dloberly yesterday outwith twelve members enrolled. 2 '~'°“' "‘°"“"',_____° s. It. Jordan t Add 1-‘ D “"'°“- . ; . r ‘ A Emu Pltortisst. 9 S. ll. Jordan‘ oleft cr:lt.tmh.iamyc:::t R‘ 3' m"°’ "“~ C°l'"“"“ 1"“?-' Gm Bud" 6°" hm’ Y°"" .d.y for ‘okay. h h . ." . .t B! United P.r«a-a. ‘ am we is we tn »-»~- ‘;.if‘:.’.’..:".:..:.'2.'..*":°.°...*" “is” .. . .. ' °" W t so too: cm. 1''? 1! ct "53’ don‘ a" women. all "I rum? do farIne&' tueetinxel A in:nui“I£t""' J°lbF°" ‘M ‘h’ Ctgoncy. ‘Willi! the 039 0‘ PM“ ‘‘ ‘‘ Wk“ nearly every community. He will "' 85°“ ''‘‘‘“"'‘’d W Cell-ilynv, 5055,54, ' hndjg hung the fair one look not 91"-‘ll 83155’ address the graduating class in the ‘?““ 7”"°’d"" Edy mm 1; if and hop 5 7‘ “Elfin! PNNZY. but 805ll°Ymfil-cal!‘ I¢I’ltultu.I;l. c:.lur-ae.h:t Edina next * F‘ C”l"; “lid “’iba:¢lTmEd. “Ileana the Gill“! -7159“ V l‘‘ "'";s““’ ‘P33 ‘l ‘, S Ma" .' ""““°¢’tauat sentence possible under the and in everything", why. not have a Kiwanis Club luncheon there thafrign 113:: :3: an‘ glaw. The couple pleaded guilty both of makeup in the Uni--'°‘°"lR 487- ' . dd" "at to ‘ ' at’°';t:_;to assault and robbery. _' ' ' ‘ . ' . __.?.._9_....j wflitif? ‘:wl|¢"°mlll‘ dl:a;:uw¢'”i;. If you want to buy_or sell eoatedtetday where he spend several; 1: you want to buy or sell some-' estbeucv o r try a Iksouflaa want ad, [days attending to btnnteu tIts'tters.,tht;‘{; want ad. a nun; Once .—gIu \ ,1. . . . - 3 .. .; -.'.' . '. . ’ _ < - . Quick Ambulance Service PHONE 104 Expert Attendants-—Day or Night Emergency» Calls a Specialty COLUMBIA FUNERAL HOME L. H. Sullens o T. C. Pippin , , O - ;change of vaudeville. thl-‘ C°l"mbi" Thea _ ‘ :singers and dancers. In ‘ Hl“'m°"Y 'Land" and Tudor Cameron and Gene ‘ OI “The Extra Act- pearancc in rompers and look fo _.. _——- —~—-'- "-"' ( ' world like two mischievous At the '3lbeddlu" embarking on a childish ""‘ .’ ter the‘ discard the For the wednemhy and Thunay xgirjtzmetrsrefor rL:SlJlation)govrns. Their of the popular varit-1)‘ voices are _ndmirably adapted to harmonizint.'- Cameron -and Brown promise an act that will keep the llUdlI.‘ll(‘t‘ in an uproar from start ‘to finiizh. an exceptional pit~ttit-t- is also flu: bill, Viola Dflnzi null Milton ter will offer the Lee Sisters. in a comedy act entitled The Lee sisters, Lillian and Mar-‘ of the clcvere.-'.t sister‘ in vaudeville. antd take lllttlfion 0”‘ ,. , qmc. Wm be seen in "'I'lt.- lit-art nudildl“ °" 3 t ‘P ”".""°"’ ’L id‘ ” - - k slur)’ with ;t dif- and.“ ax}- . Ibo ll ( I ‘Kl ‘1". r . fort-nt twist. I ‘ --“‘ -s I - /' " ' "' \»\a :..‘‘3.-“~‘.\s '/ ....._..-——--- ) 5: s. H, I l . ‘-8 ’‘3,’ .17 1. z E}: ’ . l sflfllfiy THE BANK . 3-i AND THE FARMER-— C I l I t Y the very nature of his undertnkillfi. fill‘. 7l"’l““l' '5 0. dealinsz in livt-stt-cl: and in crops that l‘(“l‘““‘ "‘”"”“‘ ‘ I ll ' ' . . I ) ' :1 to mature and to come in the liaru-st. Ills tmestmtnt.- ll ate loll}!-ll!'!‘ll invt-strut-nl-t. ones that frequent?!’ . t that l‘t'r~llll> in the end. i: It has been the privilege and pleasure of l.lt(' Boone County _Ti-nszt Co. to co-opt-rate with many of the farm-‘ nl er.-' of this county in financing their livestock. their M crops and their other untlt-rtakings. The fact that it l majority of the director.- of this institution are them- I selves fannt-rs in Boone (‘ounty gives this bank a mort- l intimate in.-iuht zmtl it more personal intert-.-t in the :11" } ..r this l'lI‘tlllUl‘1ll in-lfztre wctiurl. ltuve ‘ E l‘ to be underwritten in order that he may have lllr l""m l l A Service-Built Institution. BooNECoUN'rY'llws'r CoLUMB1A.Mo. »l ,;._..__J D Stearnshipfare and. 34 Days nt Europe END the coupon below for the 16 page book- let telling how he made a 48 day trip to Europe at an average cost of $7.13 a day including 34 days in Europe and round trip steamship fare. With it you will receive illustrated literature show- ing third cabin accommodations, sailings and pas- sage rates on United States Lines‘ ships, also the folder “What's Going on in Europe in 1924." ‘ To make a European trip possible for students and teachers at a minimum cost these United States Lines’ ships will have exclusive third cabin accommodations reserved: I S. S. President Harding - S. S. Republic - S. Leviathan - - - - For your return similar exclusive reservations have been made on westbound ships. College women are invited particularly to make‘ reservations on the S. S. Republic sailing July 3rd as special third cabin accommodations are available under proper chaperonage. Women will also be especially chaperoned on the other ships listed above and on the return trips. Third Class Cabin on United States Lines’ Ships Is Not Steeruge Third class cabins on these ships accommodate 2, 4 or 6 l persons. They are clean, airy and comfortable. The berths -haze soft, sarutat-y_mattresses and ‘clean linen ;—water and vines _ . ‘“‘‘ ‘ ‘ efoodiswholcsome oppottzing and. pletttifnland service of the best. Public rootmi are large and tnvxttng._ Ample deck space is provided for nm“ 93- Di-3! “ ' ‘ "the voyage. 1113 ii V00!‘ Chflnce to enjoy the cultural and educational advantages of Europe at the lowest cost possible ' Dozens of intemational events are taking place in Europe this summer including the Olympic gums and the gfitgsh Elllpire Exhibition. UNITED STATES LINES 45 Broadway Tel. Whitehall zuo Nut, yotk city J or Your Lara! Agra: Mouth Ora-econ tor ’ UNITED STATES‘ SHIPPING aoaao a___.Zg_______g ' INF RM 11 . Send the Coupon U-it-l 0V.'lE:fs§:.Y. Puss! sand at fltbat obligation the bag. fitmon leecnula; low price mp . ‘ :‘ I :7 .- T’ ‘E E ii *1‘. W. 3”? in l 1 is. .2: ea». 3.‘ 9. 3 3. .7 1'z*'~a T e in - - ~.-u.¢io'a‘:ui.se..si.r 1...:-.s£u.e..——._tir as 2' 9. t: -" 5 We? at: ..