—__.__- -v: ‘V . _ ?'%*,‘‘‘'~'~u- . 4-'~»¢.-v-~- ~...~ .. ........_.'_..— . . -4 . ' ' ' ' ' . . ) . . - ' - ‘ r E ' . _ ‘.. g‘ .‘ .‘-. V , _ ._._‘ ‘~ 7 ‘ v‘ _.$_1 . E;.~- ’ swan .-o¢?¢-u-no.§-.-.. v‘_7 _ g ‘ . r . I J|~- . .,v . V V.‘ l- _ . - V I. ' . . ‘ E l ~- E E i _ . E l THE COLUIIBIAEIHSSOUBIAN, THURSDAY MAY E1921 _, , _ 1 E l _H_ -._._. . , . ‘ lthebutmioodadaintheu-is-lEaohanaiatowuhspomdbgtao'rUBl1snm anaclovs 0IGA!h’anda.t:atieactivitiea.otweL‘:..‘7.‘: ; #3. E . E v‘‘''’' ”‘ """ "“,"“§‘““7“"°:_‘i°""°‘“""““"°:‘,_§"””°"’°’ auntie sun-t o-creaafi-?.',¥’,i.. Oar-iatian Student NOTICE. ' _ uiandodbylfi-an .WhQt. ..p8‘IonIllfi!'l& Em‘, u I . 1 g was is a freshman in the st-.t»ooiE.1-ioossuhosuinsssodouoesoooip. 6' -885‘ «;tionandoftheChnatianEndeavor... - ,. 1' . Offintineainx. FDGII1-'¢!'¢|1°tiflfh¢b08¢°‘°°¢|45-l Tl".m“nnl°fl|?"“d”°°f‘.‘b‘i ‘1'beina¢aainevi'Ilbeel¢btpaz¢l Ibauwitbdrawnfromthe'I'ay-,3 = ‘ ‘ . .—___._._ _ Inuwcompanycompetitivodiin,,tionwaadiminatodatonoa,wbfle:S:nw Tn.“ .n"mb‘:linaiu.OnepagehfinntoflRlwMndcCo. laninowprepai-wed: ’5 V;¢tnry1nC3]‘-:alloompameseaceptC.DandHead-meaiiunainiagveegivondialltaata, 7 . ichrhgu. Churchofcolnmhin, one wmu‘nd nnkflwwd Fur; : qnartcrstookpart. 9untll0nlY0l|¢III.n!?!nlln0dinQdIdi‘tfihn°d‘b°ut“’18' h'”’°b"t the 81:! Co the - ' E 4 i - ' ° ’ ’ u°‘°' we “° I also . r phonograph mo-l forum Bl0Wt0S.9n" The beat trained company was oonipany.otherabein¢eliminatodaaIu‘b°d W‘ ‘“‘°°""’°‘°‘l °f' Ed"7,1m,m§ ofC S,C.andonetoChri.s- en‘ ."'m ' , \ ,9 Car& ‘Company L. commanded by Cadet soon as they mad:-.a mistake. Tbei“°”i”"'mdv H"°M s"‘“‘"3 mm‘ ‘ conga: It contains pictures of w"‘’ "fi'"‘h ’h°°°‘"Ph' "'d€ ‘ E aw 5 r‘ ‘com. oodioy McFadden. The iutlwinoss in each company I'aa’°‘m°" “"7 34" 8”" ""“"“'ii.om riatian Stoduit Conx'l'¢¢ation.iPl-Ih°8- All vod: unnamed» Phones . D ~ 1 E B: Unitas! :=...:""“"“‘. trainedahawer) in the artillery umwudod an Curators’ iiodsi :°"‘°"'- *}"“ .’.“"""'. "" “lo: the Bible College, of ci,,;.a....i2i7 White. J. 1»; Blaacr. Adm; o 7 ' WASHINGTON. iisy 8.-Hiram Batu.-rs A. commnnded by L W- be In the Artillery Corpa. the prizes ?;"f'.¢*:’:3'vdu';‘n‘P:;‘;w ff,‘ 3 College and of the Christian Church.‘ . . Johnna]-1'; gppgrem dgfgg by Pu-;.‘II'I€'!1;’-e ' 9 d ts toned _ ‘wag gwuvfid to ghogg men who hgd ‘Dam ’ r’ y ‘l 7» __ _ g______ , fll‘. . — ' ' ' re are 77 am en en mi ' ' ' ‘ ' I __ . ’ ” ""““°‘ " E - i’ ""°‘""“° ”°“'- -- - 1 sowroviiuiwii NOW E * vents: blow to Johnson’: prestige lb“? 001)‘ 100 "8'? tl‘ll!|gBd,bilit)' of holding a competition in -9'"? ‘C5113!-110 '0 919 ‘llww -5. a_ u‘ .. save money on since his career broadened beyond “B11 ¢‘09|§7h U°_°°mP¢'W 111 9* 4"“-font day. Priua In-re awarded to "1" P'”'P°°° “ "° ‘“‘f”'_’” P‘-"'°'“’ °"',’, 3.. ch, “.3... 5. . ° . ca 4 the confines of his own state. i.oog'Comi>etnm~ dull has been held ctztiso beat rifle and revolver shots. *9‘ ",“‘° °‘ “'9 “mm °PP°"—°m-. as... . uvgatch for it!” 4., ago it was apparent that Johnson 1111' U0!"-'!‘F"}' T°|f 85001 91"‘U'_ "'-—-*——- 9°’ ‘F C‘°l“mb“- _ _ (148 Ill!) I108! We hava the scat eanplcta of was out of the tight for the Rpub- l‘ea_r§- L-_st rear instead of com-_y 7'7 ‘ ’""°"""’ ‘mlt Ni - It I! devoted to N-‘lawns. cowl; “ """"‘ and bulk padiaca ,. lican presidential nomination. Bot P'~‘U_U"*‘_d"u “'9 3|?" ‘'93’? . . ..- -_..__ - - , _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ ______ ‘ ‘ aed in ~ . pl , he stayed in. refusing to take tine»-rbimnlr ifs‘ 8 bgo-rd. <3" the bum: . *'“ ' E 7' ’ “‘“'”f, ; . 4 -. 1,. 353:’ “ff,” ,,,‘{,f,,ed'i%',d,','d','7.', fl i’.:t-guilt-iizasioidouiioilkuuliiimcsiuslvfreii‘ - 1 KeatiI:kyL;l'a-a lb. 45: ' l - . 3:‘ ‘l in California of much of it):i iii(fl3- i" R‘ T’ C‘ pk.“ is to E Let us dlitiyozg ‘ C5,”. '5.’ 9* ‘fill I0 J. flulncfi lcv.o¥}i‘nuc lwlith comp;tlt3;: SQ} ts. C ighW P3P.Cl'o §in¢.IuI‘Ry¢.niI‘i. Q . J N . J } ' p ’_x ( 1 v . 0 J”. I???‘ 0 S ‘ ‘ 0 - ‘ [I810 Q mu. ye‘ i .2. _‘_' ‘ (£813: caUnil'i:a,i.é'fogothznpi-eifidenrgl, gen’: (iia-‘A F"‘:'°:h n‘:zm(‘:5°"'_ to ' clignsggeliilagsufrof the Telephone Direc and moulding. 0”“ 8‘.—8°d P‘.”. D :13 «: 81 but he has lost the main prop an ‘Km’ ‘J32, "hiu mum ‘ ' ‘apt’. rd ov 0' _ p O _ EV”? 809‘ ‘C N9‘ C?” ‘ --;. 9' pillar of his no-itionE-the support ".':.‘."‘,‘“:“"‘_"" _f""-“MW la _ Any changes or corrections must be ’ Satisfaction Guaranteed "" 3°““ 5”‘ ‘W’ P”; Private Lessons by Aimoinunent Only . 3" «if his home state. It has been axio- _ ' ’;,“ 1- 4 "g ml “ ‘ }_ 2'1" ‘ ; 1n the hands of the Commercial De rt_ ' - 4'00‘. W0 W00“ HlVOT5¢I- .: l "“"‘" ’°' ”“"” "““ "‘“"""" ’"“’ dlrsill’i-fduibfumitlfliri-ii:‘iiiPili:ncfJerp: ment by that date to be included in the PM” 2051 14 6' 9“. SL NOWELL'S ' ii I’ o l'to be - d'd t ' i‘ no la , ~‘ r‘‘’'‘‘ ’ ‘.' ‘ . ' . . _ ‘ pi. 2043 oi’ ’ win. :'i;§'"oI.o'is‘s.-ii‘ iidwvrrllul ““" "‘”‘ ""' ’""""’“" 4”“ new d"'e<=t°1')'-- Glass Decorating C0- Phone 74 msu. ssi Walnut Any Day M ‘An! I 3 ‘though it? ‘:1-s-e. _i;n~-e flniuu‘-nu - ~ Call personally at the telephone office, / N use-ii una t- ow-rrl e i- H‘— ' _ ‘_ wj " ' _ , __ ,_ ‘ mu; -«W o 3.3., “.+.,‘:.~.,"‘?‘,,..~°’,‘,',' ,f:f,,.">g,,.§:,',§,§,”:,‘;“:,,;*,*;',;;§1;=;, , , _ _ , _ _ E_ _ _ , - - - s . . . s -- s . .. .. ~ an . ' ' . " _ f Johnson is not yet rt-ady to make‘ before 3)’ 15- . , . ‘ -E '=. J; - .- ms t ard‘ to» Cali- .~ , u .“.’..’...L‘ oI.‘;.‘s..."'§ o... .. .. . \ COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. , E .. f . . 1 _ \ A p _ i‘.'..f"'{J.’"'..‘i .§i’°..-'§{§5’.‘-’.I’.'.1§.'.'§, L2‘: . d “When the _ - W0. sec-in ridiculous lndiana, ; ‘‘''’’v -—E-——--‘.— - .- _- _ __o N _ _ _.—_ 5 . E'¥‘' u :‘;E'.":t:.::::,“::3.':'~::;.;*.:*.‘t;:,'::..:;;*.';.f7 : Maychiu a 0. . c l68l‘t‘IlXl)"’1‘;Jl'[1Pd}-«ill her vorig' ' . J. " mini," Mitt re-w um more i- c.-ctive - : ‘E can‘ :.‘__.._’ than any Sifllfllltdll could. , , . ’ ' . ' - N . '1' he question now is what he will 5 I ~---— ” i ‘it ~ do to recoup his broken political ;, “ fu!1.un(‘.i~‘ at home. There have bu-ii l , O 0 reports recently‘ that Johnson H» ND . ., . be 0 b d J ff C liiiilcjlyartzriflngmgo1t’iaecF$(€:li!'i:: Tasteful neckwear ii "“"‘m°r’W°e°°’ :‘z““:"":” la an e 1 E I‘ W W -m__ am. in M, ,0, ~m_: . « Expert Attendants-—Day or Night foods again. ‘he found and 3 liiibilitation of the once promising 'al“'ayS arouses adfnjfao . 0"‘ "Wm! 1" hi5 fl‘-'0f'|u‘ P1899 ' . ¢-‘[3’ which m tug to gingaho . I j a 10 (‘It 8150 changed. I10 . G since he came to Washington. Buttjon. \ ‘ found that his Imnu were ; V‘ be can at-arc:-ly do that at this point.- A , always anticipated and that ' ° : ll - i toot ' no Se ' * _. _ - ., ' ..:::::r:::... ;’.'.:::'.:.":...:......:. I3)! ,,,,,.,,,,, .,. ,, ,....,.’. » L‘f,°§.;u”MB“‘ FUNERAL HOME .‘.::. ,:;,.,:%:° , . hi "tli h'- t't ts ho‘ , [lens - ° ~ -_ , lumu!:€'lllPl ‘ullfllihatwlftift to tie you can 'ud 0 his ll‘ T. C” Plppm A ;~_ a‘ go back to California to seek some» 3 J g ‘ . S ~ I "W" P'9°‘°""""""‘ "“PP°"' as to arti’ J’.