1'76 TI—IiEc;I>wEJ:-CBINIX. iarrllanrnna. gamma’ (Katha. A T. N. DWYER, JOHN H. WHITE, No. 42 Maiden Lane and 25 W. Broadway, New York. L A W 0 F F I 0' E, All kinds of E No. 169 Broadway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .New York. PAPER MAKER’ S STOCK , Bought and sold. Dealer in ROPES, BAGGING, TWINE, OIL CLOTH, &>c., doc. _&*Highest prices paid for waste paperfm 1-tf HAFFE RTY &. MOHUG H, ORK IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS, Wholesale and Retail, No.77 FULTON STREET, One door East of Gold st., New York. 0. Hu'nr.rr. [2-3m] J. MCHUGH. BEEBE HALL & SANDS, IOOIHIISSION PAPER DEALER. No. 27 Beekman street, RoI>nIcxBxEBn, CHARLES C. HALL, } New York. CHARLES E. Sums. 8-tf H. ALBRIGHT, ‘TOBACCO AND SRGAR EMPORIUM, ' No. 110 Court street. Between Amity and Congress, [7 -tf] Brooklyn. _,._..f . Dunks, Statiunmy, &r. ‘W. D. ROE & CO., STATIONIERS, PRINTERS, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, 59 WALL STREET, Corner of Hanover, New York. PRINTING, ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, BINDING AND RULING, ' _ In all its branches. We have constantl on hand a fine assortment of both " STAP E and FANCY ST-S.'IIONERY. We respectfully solicit orders, being confident that we can give satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. 'WiLLIAiI D. Ron.» [7-6m] PETER MONEGHAN. MOORE’S IRISH MELODIES. MOORE’S IRISH MELODIES. MOORE’S IRISH MELODIES. MOORE-’S IRISH MELODIES are now being published by HARPER & MASON, at Nos. 119 and 121 Nassau street, N. Y. . This is unquestionably the best edition ever published in this or any other country. THIRTY-TWO NUMBERS will complete the work. Each part will contain a beautiful title , with an appropriate design, a characteristic steel engrav- and twelve pages of music, printed on splsaiid rausic paper, manufactured expressly for the Melodies. ‘ AGENTS‘ WANTED to sell the above work, and as liberal arrangements will be made with the right sort of men, none but those who can give satisfac- tory references need apply. tf ' Jllritiral. DR. D. R. SHANAHAN, ‘SURGEON AND AOOOUOHEUR, Can be consulted at his omce, No. 67 Fifteenth street, [7 -tfj New York. filnairul. E. MANAHAN’S B RASS BAND. MILITARY AND OlVlO_ PHRADES ATTENDED. PARADES. &c., supplying any number of Musicians. The QUADRILLE BA'ND attends Balls. Excursions and Pri- yate Parties. EDWARD M ANAHAN. Lender, 411 Broome. street, cor. of Elm. N. B.—This band has no connection with any other of the lime. 2-3111 Between 6th and 7th avenues. ililliarim. . PHELAN’S BILLIARD TABLES AND COMBINATION OUSHIONS. PHELAN &‘ COLLENDER, Manufacturers, 63, 65, 67 and 69 Crosby street, New York. 1-3m N Date unit flaps. , MURCH, HATTER. R001’. 0! Twentieth street and Third Aveo, Model Hats and Caps for Gentlemen, plain and fancy styles of Ladies’. Misses and Children’s of every variety, produced with inimitable taste and fashion, consisting of all the various braids Residence, 32 West 35th street. JOHN DOYLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office, No. 13 Chambers street. 1-tf JAMES M. SHEEHAN, ATTORNEY AMD OOUNSELLOR AT LAW. ......!_nu 41: .....-,.. - .- - .....aur'uers Itreet. 1-tf JOHN MOCUNN. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ones! at 9 Wall street, N. Y. 1-tf -MICHAEL DOHENY, ATTORNEY AND OOUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office, No. 6 Centre street. Business hours from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 1-ti WILLIAM E. ROBINSON, ATTORNEY AND 00 UNSELLOR AT LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC, AND COMMISSIONER FOR SEVERAL STATES. Law Ofiice 267 Broadway, New Residence 219 West 32d street. York, 3-tf JOSEPH B..TULLY, ATTORNEY AND OOUNSELLOR AT LAW, 20 Nassau street, 1'7‘ aovdm N0. 10. New York. PATRICK R. GUINEY, ATTORNEY AND OOUNSELSOR AT LAW, No. 3 State street, Boston. Ofiice hours—from 9 A.M., to 4 P.M. Business in Norfolk county attended to at No. 9 Washington place, Roxbury. from 7 to 9 A.M.. and from 5 to 9 RM. 15 B. S._ TREANOR, . ATTORNEY AND 00 UNSELLOR AT LA W. l2_ Tremont street, Near the Museum, Boston. . I Mr. T. practices in all the Courts of the Commonwealth, and the U. S. Courts. Particular attention paid to conveyancing and the examination of title to real estate. Naturalization papers procured every day during the of the Courts except Saturdays. sittings 13-tf WILLIAM J, K__A__NE, ATTORNEY A317 «'30 EFNSELAZSEB No. 13 Chambers street, New York. Titles Searched, Mortga. es Foreclosed &c. I'M‘-1W. gntrla anti Restaurants. THE FLAG OF OUR UNION, BY T. CORBETT, On the Tenth Street Road to Calvary Cemetery, (Late of the.Brick Building.) IN THE FRAME COTTAGE HOUSE, /9‘; On the left going, -and on the right coming back from the Cemetery. REFRESHMENTS ALWAYS ON HAND. The best of Entertainment for man and horse. will see the Flag of our Union, by Recollect, you T. CORBETT. L. W. P A I‘: KE ii’S GEN I'RAl.- SHADES, 563 Sixth Avenue, near 34th st. Reading Room and Quoit Grounds attached to the premises. 24-tf P.DOWD, PRC'P:‘.IEl’Uini. OF ‘i HE SENATE, No. 47 Ann street, .- ..vo.—.w.. . Keeps constantly on hand a choice assortment of‘ Ales, Wines, Liquors and Segars, Cold Cuts, Sandwiches, &c. 2 I—tf‘ HUGIIE’S SHADE N. E. cor. William and John sts., N. Y. S. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS, OYSTERS and other Refreshments. FREE LUNCH from 10 till half-past 11, A. M. The ALE VAULTS of this establishment are unsurpassed by any in the city. l0—3m v-_.x.—;.... - —.-...... ..--....., .. w.......——...— T. L Y N C H FULTON FERRY, Brooklyn. Choice Brands of IN” V» P-’.’r’§Y,. .‘.’:~:prEetor. from which summer goods are manufactured. 26—tf ALE8, Wlgggw Agg gEGAR8_ 2_tf flung: jamigbiug Qfiuniig, PA, T It I C K M. M A S T E R S .0 N ,. 258 First av., cor. 15th st., N. Y. T_ LAN1GAN_ ALES, WINES, IIIOUOIIS AND SIGARS, of the best quality always on hand. . 7-313 ATTRESB AND BEDDING EMPORIUII ‘S.LV OSINVIILS AND T RADE SUPPLIED. E Best Live Geese Feathers always on hand. FANCY IRON BEDSTEDS, CRIBS AND HA7’ STANDS. Manufactured and got up in the neatest style. No. 67 Bowery, corner of Canal street. and 4 Essex Market, Grand street, New York. yanch store, 80 Fulton street, Brooklyn. 9-tf PERKINS & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in OARPETING. OIL CLOTHS, MATIING, STAIR RODS, WINDOW SHADES, &o. . No. 104 Bowery, Near Grand street, 5'tf New Y 'Jl‘I'. Duran Stramabipr. STEAM TO IRELAND, ENGLAND, AND SCOTLAND For $30. _ THE ATLANTIC ROYAL MAIL ST!‘-‘.AM NAVIGATION COMPANY NEW YORK AND GALWAY LINE. The staunch and I':i2Wr‘.!‘I£ll Iron Steamer PRINCE ALBERT, Capt. NI(‘litIl.AS : I:m.vsi~.‘. will sail frcaci l’;\I':*.'«.r York on Mails. THUL~5- DAY, April 26, touching at St. Johns, F., to mceive the Royal THESIS CS1‘ FASGAOE. First Clfiiocaooooo-ocean zone: . c. ....$'-9'1’, and . _ $30 [,,c1ud§,.g Er-..»e lick-zts to many of the principal cities main lines of 1'ailway in Great Britain and Ireland. Third class must provide plate, knife, fork, water’ c bedding. First Cabin Passage to St. Johns. . . . . . . . . .5835. on I.Il( an and Passage in the'Third Class can be secured to bring persons out from Galway for $_32i;IF0m Dublin, Cork or Limerick, £35; from Belfast or Waterfowl, S337 ; from Londonderry, $375; from London. Liverpool or Glasgow for $40. For Passage Tickets, either to or from any part of Great Britain,'or further information. apply only to ALEX. HOLLAND, a co, .. Agents for the line, No. 64 Broadway , I '1 WINES, LIQUORS AND SEGA 1 mm unit gfiqunra. WILLIAM WILSON 71 Liberty street IMPORTER AND DEALER WINES, BRANDIHIES. SEGARS. &C. §‘ Country and Family orders supplied. ' 18 tf PETER J. TULLY, Dealer in WINES, BRANDIES AND SEGARS No. 38 Frankfort street, and - 7-3m No. 37 Burling Slip, New York. JASPER M. WHITTY,‘ Dealer in WINES. BRA'NIl~IES ALES AND SEGARS, 131 Avenue A, cor. Ninth street, Opposite Tompkins Square, New York. 7-1m JOHN BRESLIN, 143 Avenue B, corner of 9th street, 97 Seventh Ave., cor. 17th street, and 195 West 17th street, New York, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Imported BRANDIRS, W11‘. ES. GINS, IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEI LONDON and DUBLIN PORTER, and SCOTCH ALES ' of various brands. Also, all kinds of Domestic Liquors. Ale by the hogsheadbi barrel. Cordials, Syrups and Segars. _ _ Goods delivered free to any part of the city, Brooklyn, W_1l- liamsburgh, or Jersey City. All crders from the country or city punctually attended to, and dispatched at the shortest notice. 6-3m JAMES DOUGHERTY, Dealer in R s , 360 Hudson avenue, Brooklyn. IO-tf JAMES MCCORMICK & CO., 29 Beaver street, _ Ofi‘er for sale, from the U. S. Bonded Warehouses, of their own imprrtatiou, the following merchandise: PELLEVOISLN HIGHLY F l.AVUIIl1.D ROCHELLE BRANDY From the-old established house of Messrs. Pellevoisin, Aine&Co. Holland Gin, Imperial Crown, and Other Brands of Scheidam, Burgundy Port Wine, Dufi‘ Gordon Sherry, Pale and Brown, wson d‘ Son’s I Q '7-tf John. Dvyoiiaz Malt, Meehan Whiskeys. Yillual. COAL! COAL I J. BAGLEY is now prepared to furnish parties with the best QUALITY OF COAL, either by the cargo or ton. Guarantees full weight or forfeit coal. Yards No. 5 OAK ST., and 7 BROAD ST., N. Y. 0055 I have constantly on hand the best quality of FAMILY O OAL, suitable for stoves, ranges, grates and furnaces, which I will de liver, screened, in the best order, at $4 25 per ton, from yards corner of King and Greenwich streets; corner of New Bowery and Roosevelt; 63 Canal, near Allen street, and 137 Duane, ne West Broadway. . 7 -3m MATTHEW CLINTON. 7-3m I fiiiliiurn Qiqtipmrnta. THE NEW YORK MlI.ITAB.Y fl%.QUll’Mlé1Nl" MAl\’UFAC’f0liY, No. 10 North William street, N. Y. D . F. BER HEB & CO., (WILLIAM E. .HILL, Agent,I Caps, Belts, Knapsacks, Plumes, Pompous, Epaulettes, Belt- plates and Ornaments of\every description. Police Badges, Horse Equipments, &c. Samples sent to all parts of the United States and Canada on New York city reference. 6-3:): r L A G s, « F_L A G s, F‘L A G s. SARA I MOFADDEN, LIARITIIIE AND NAI‘i_ONAl. FLAG MANUFACTURER, 198 Hudson street, New York. Flags of all nations, Maritime. Military and Civic Flags con- stantly on hand or made to order. Marryatt’s, and Rodgers’ and other signals. Bunting, wholesale and retail. Flags, Ban- ners and Bunting to let (for Inside decorations). Flag-Signs, for merchants, stores, captains of vessels, ship chandlers, etc., supplied on liberal terms. Old Flags repaired. 18-tf Qimw uni! illiatnla. MUSKETS TO HIRE. Flint and Percussion Muskets, Swords, Belts, Bayenets, sheaths, Cartridge Boxes, Ensigns, Guide Colors, Pioneer Caps, Axes, Aprons. &c., TO LET, ALL ENTIRELY NEW, . ' 9 DRILLS. PARADES, TARGET EXCURSIONS. &C. BRASS CANNONS always on hand, and SALUTES fired. at the .hoi'test notice. E‘ A LAROE CAMP TENT TO HIRE. ‘Q I GEORGE MAWBEY, City Armory, cor. Elm am‘. White sts., N. Y. MICII A-‘I HI. I 2’C‘ »NI‘.' ELL, GUN, RIFLE, ARI) I’lS’I‘O‘.I MAKER, No. 42 Fulton street (()veI‘ Horton & RohserIs<>iI’s J er elry store.) Double and Siiiglc Guns .H_‘to<,-.kI.i«:i:, 32 Ann street, N. Y. OKIE, DAYTON & JONES, 29 Ann street, N. Y. JAMES CAI\"l‘WELL., EsQ., corner of 20th and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, has kindly consented to receive subscriptions fi-on clubs and single Sl1I)SCI‘lbeI‘S for THE PH(ENIX. I THE PHCENIX IN CANADA. J. J. FLYNN, 105 McGill street, l\IOnf:cal, C. E. The PIICENIX is for sale at Ihe following places: M. A. HARDING, Liberty street, Biddeford, Maine. M. H. BIRD, 297 Western Row, bet. 7 th and 8th sts., Cincin., 0, WM. CONNELLY, corner of Chatham and Mott sts., N. Y. P. J. DOOLEY, 152 River street, Troy, N. Y. BERNARD DoI.EN, Castletou, Vt. R. COBURN, 118 and 120 Tchoupetoulas Street and 162 Poydras street, N. 0., La. 0. E. DUFFY, Bookseller and Stationer, 563 7 th street, Wash- ington, D. C.