.-. g. L ncurqpathology. of’N(‘l‘."‘ York City. ,_pold. alayera of Robert Franks ¥Chilago. an a fanciful lie. V «notional centers were * improperly done. av had reached the motivating ~' A, '. reaction was impossible. and power was " - mm; , eaded guilty. . ,.,.....m:yuder,;;i. y vision at the.“ ' 9°” can “:3; d m.flR pelt! $5; mt on: flwI{0 Neceded by an «:1 "I ‘ ' ‘ . , I I I : ' ' . _ 7 , . a ' l h I . On ..mo,utdq!in3l- Rustin the '1-eaeareh aaetvnaidty ztninx m- and firm! 825 and com in the M, ,...,..;..i.._- pomqttiee. otartintfprorram yfh-if '9' W” p °“, ._ , .. . ... we. can we M, fi,,d_lp.,1;¢._- court this morning. Two M N” nigh‘. . , Vaudeville is gl\en betw ‘ al ~ uapt-canal“ mfaacdona“ tngs‘“n°::!riltlybet"“;iv'ui' ~if.°’a.. world thiagother charges of dmnkemw 5'“ “eTthis ergo at‘-on 5'1"!‘ ‘l°77"" °°°”‘ °"'“ “77 “5‘ _ . . fl ‘ _ . ;... lbw}. . . 1 .St Wuhan were dropped .. _ f .26 Ne. indud5n‘>_ou.h,,u-3 ~ in at 7:45. e - '~ .. . otdp':o‘§"iu:'ihf'o§“iiiummx‘!:iLiap:ba‘xu‘::’i tron first‘f:iu:°‘;:!?:‘g:‘:°““ .._.____.. ' §Z?.’l".'.'.’.’. zncliestrapfolnd offers ‘In tho‘? 9515' °."°”’ '"""‘ "°"‘ _ . ‘ :m_. forty-ei¢|!t..wo_rlt will -be ' ed Tn. ‘ M§s‘om.;_‘n want ML :,,,-m‘;-g change I ‘play, vaudeville’ ' '75 "°‘ :. " I10--I lllll. 0 33‘ W laay Oouraeahliévolationia . ' ‘ _ ____ A_ - - -*—=*'=' .,,,, Innaeofthcle-4 edvwvor-in..-ntauyotiuieiconues‘ ofthecol-"'--" * " "" ' " " “ _ . _ g H , A - . -uw.ui;d;h£--md;‘w°I;gnfin legs have been-rminisautucin the, - ._ __ "ts _" 5 ~“»—----» -:~--‘- — -_ _ or co age ca- an an T}-‘fined 3 i - -- ~ -- -'-'--’*"-‘- "63°o‘oooo-ocoo A-O0"0""°""‘ 3 i an . . ‘ - M y ___...——-————-----'j’—'— : lath ~..;;.r..;'......:.;’_...-........8 ;— lfmymnl-I In‘ '- m -“;e ‘nan, - . . 1133 A1|fl.'50l3°4|3'-i _ have come to head nearly every de-‘g _ 9.,--».--~A;--'4' c - J - ‘ .. ._._‘ . ' ‘u. u ‘Ia’ '- I 839823112 “"59” "1 0" partment, as the new» educational i - _: . -"L ' ~ ‘"1 “'3' or P‘. ‘.““°l-'"'l'' ‘"353 0017"‘ 5¢l'°°l|lideas of the college are being in- -lM’3N'3. ”.3°T"¥3T MW.” -.tWe.n.tv years ace. .e us: hi: my smuul. instance of Miss Jessie In the midst of the word of pro- ’lh¢3¢’*.D0_.Y§||.’f3M'C°°,d_3"3a‘3' ' {‘“‘:':i‘l"":°“ :°" hl""°“h“°¢: M3 Burrall ia- an example of what the ‘ ca -' the .lapaneae govcrn- - ‘ ‘ .‘ 0_ 9 G :.l_}¢'Id°d :59 0°. 10 college is doing. Coming here a ’ mentvia this fine paragraph: “It iaa muf-" A ~ RN33!‘ 0‘ 3l¢l1l|¢'|l 0011980. “'19 few years ago from an eastern mag-‘ mr denied that,. -lutidamcntally manta power of etch: tulle 50 , spite the disheartening weather that limit ind control_,ilfl,1l!li'3'83lDD i° lurbefeli them last year. While yet a ovm domliflli but ‘$11904 in 15¢ 93'. month away, plans for the celebra- crcilc of Such film» In W559“ ‘"1 tlon are practically completed. justice is done to a foveixn nation,‘ There ix considerable credit due in din’!-'Rll'd 0’ 5“ P0993‘ “""’°‘fth‘e Elks for holding a celebration apect, of international understand-j},¢.,.¢. “,3, 30,30", To hogin it-gui, 5383 0" Of °l'dl'llU' W!“ °f '~‘°mllYv'thcy are running against stiff com- the question neccutfilr IIWHWS 9" ‘ petition. Boonville. with the open- aapcct which justlflca diplom-'5¢‘l-Ting of her new bridge, will attract discussion and 8d.i|18"“°'"-" 'mnny visitors. Then the same thing ‘ that happened last year might hap- pen‘ again. The boys were obliged to postpone their picnic on account -Iof rain, and lost something like 'l‘0'PARE.\'TS _ llcre is a suggestion for parents. of young boy.~—-: . , s 000 ho . .h 331.000- ‘ll-9A‘b(:_:° fitmg; Judnfiigagi The Elks are not out to make ’ fiat “must the st. Louis Jm,mile.moncy out of the proposition. but for odeunqurncs, wk“. he T’ are anxious to get even for the 1923 ~' " M H, loss. No one can blame them for ' was a member (‘gt . In fact. everyone should help ,0 . . , Sc . ._jthe picnic along. in (‘Mu::;:'?:“TL(E°:_a)_.oafu:r;:::’_ f you have planned to go else- M_ M a member, ~whcra- for the day on July 4. plan 4 " ' ‘also to get burl; fur the evening ’ program. ‘Z / . A RECIPE (‘olumbia has the ingredient» to ' a bigger, bu.-zit-r and better city. , Why not? Take two colleges, filled with tin Labor-Saving H is Hobby J. :2. llilburn, manager of the 5525051 WW‘ 07 Am€'Tl¢‘=m .\"l‘-‘W’ Darn-Clrnc.\’ Laundi.\'..*is -11 Years ‘omen. old today. .\lr. Milburn was born Fourteen churcheig with ntronl: ‘n a farm mar Scdalia. lie was one mcmbeg-‘mpg, of five «‘'-‘'\N. c T(‘('(‘:\'(‘d a rum one Un5\.e,.,ity Wm, person-uqrschool education and attended the and students of nation-wide fame. ’ Eight public high and grade, schools. chuclt to the brim with inti-l- ' ligent faculty and pupils. of live-wire business! _- ;-.; up-to-date stores nml ‘ I men with stocks" Two live organizations. rcprt-st-ti tativc of trade and commerce. A first-class fire department (now; beingpstrengthened). 4 .~ A hard-working group of city of-; ‘ ficials. i - A ivntcr and light plant that‘ gives itncxct-llcti :21-rvicc. ‘Tog wt-ll-equipped lmupitals. Two’ good hotels. J. s. utantran tofiggfl man) tonnsu :.\‘.i.‘ll£lll8 High School for three years. one-rflying firm. ‘h therehhe went totltansaa C lty One.‘ public park‘ and playground 3",‘. ":3 at- t 0 in“. of U’ M “ark.” Om. ‘mime swfmmifig poo!‘ ‘:5 Erpptng c erk for the Quaker Any amount of itnpruvcd slrm-t.-I out it expedient. V Spice with ginger; add plenty of pepper. Keep stirring 'unti mixture gets solid. Then sell to cv- M c a . 0. Mr. Milburn had always been par- «tit-ularly intctestcd in machinery. Before he left the farm hr. had helped his mother run tne waahing machine and stirred steaming kettles of lye soap and wondered if there were not some way to lighten the dtudgcry of washing for the housewife. When he started to T)’ )- The world is our territory. ----.--3*-wan-r ROMAN Wi-Z.\l{l\'l-ZSS AND CRIME Dr. Max 6. Schlapp. professor of work h_ sa ed his money with the intention of later investing it in some such bands the atom‘ of Loch and l.eo- tbohnfing machinery’ at They did not kill the boy to get a thrill neither did they want ransom. the doctor says. lie goes on to say that they are not insane, but committed the deed in a moment of excited ir- tuponaibility, caused by glandulir irregularity. Their lhia business for three years and then sold his interest and went with Mr. Dorn. ter t e business we the with ancthcr and called the Dorn~C.lone_v (‘o. After working for the llorn-(‘lo- o . , unbalanced n swept be- yond mental control. nu-ording to .Doctor Schlapp. More and more we are brought to realize that there is something deeper in the make-up of man than ‘Milt. bones and blood Scientists declare that every act we do passes from the subconscious mind to the intellectual center, then to the emo- tlottal center, which relays the idea to ,the motivating center. The en- " process requires but little time. and if any of these centers is out of hahnoc, the act is likely to be Muskogee, 0ltla.. for two years, Mr. ' burn was sent here as manager of the firm in 1916. daughters. d and Nadine, who tian College avenue. Mr. Milburn it a member of the Kiwanis Club, the Elks: Club and the intereated in all kinds ofsporta, golf is his favorite. 52 Years Old Yesterday !‘l|o‘Franka slaying sums to have .-oil‘, part of Loch and Leopold to -‘- 1~ 1-I'M 'P'.'=*'*5¢*" 0‘ ‘M ii ’ their emotions. Once the $3.’ C°‘”:*?' "ml" C‘; -- _ y on is fifty-seco t y ‘ha puud an im'°“°°m"1 co" that had never spent a pessimis- he tic day in life. r." Lynes was born on a farm "iP°d five miles mat of Columbia. Three .3» ‘3‘|_‘- la member of ti}: ta-o Club, Commercial Cl is lumltia District. ' peuhgfi .1 -":':,'”;""“i"E,.u_,-.,,’;:1the an-inion druids‘ “ éuci. using .co , ,1 ._ .» govern _ The i~‘.ll:r‘a’re going to have anoth- spoalging. it lies within thchi‘nhcnent 9, pimgc 3.}. you on :’.!uly'4. dc- old-fashioned m ' ance of tilt is 6. Their home is at 31-! Chris- is an appeal in'W 3:“ '.i'%Y.x; _ ’ aamueévzgn :5 ct-xmain’ V _ j \ ,t. .azine, when she was employed in ‘which fills the auggeatfjd to _ _ to the Unite! States of Japlflflt Jllborers. ; ‘iecretary u as uravo this rcasongible and copsiderate way N by unworthy appeals and an artificial excitement. the leadiig mischief-maker was that mastgr of international law. ;that model-‘,of_ polite behavior, that ifriend and‘. ampion of all the prop- ‘ rieties nations, Se‘:-_i_ator Lodge. l It is not ‘l0Sli‘l0 dwell upon the gpusiiliiiiu-iii ll sorious disturbance -in the lido tween Japan and ilhe Unitcdffitates. On neither side is t T1 5‘ swept awa’z e. is undeniable .that (‘on rough an needless ri 'ng over the sensibilities in the Japanese people wounded 3 them in a way which will long ranltlc. «The mortification which right- 3thinking Americans must feel in consequence -of this can have iti- ibest issue in the endeavor from non ion to follow the advice of President .Coolidgc and manifest to the Japa- Lncse in every way_open to use the re- ,spect and regard to which their 3m-hievuments and the place which ithcy have conquered in the sister- hood of nations entitle them. 6 A .Vlysterious Advertisement. on Sill Ch’. ' our religious lhc scietitifie world. they would'.rc.:eiyc a shock from u go advc;-_tisement therein of- concluding paragraphs ‘WANTEII-—In edit-at:-d on-tan with honor: rs-(crably for-t clan---; ii: the equivalent. to conduct the educatioml :f a -mall group of children aged 2 l-. 7 ac tlflc work and no-«area ; 1 O ‘ O O ; 'Tl'tvfcrc-ace will be give-n to those who do hot hold any form of religious belief. but: zhls i< not by it-4-If con-Jdcvv-tl to be a Mub- .tl' fu qualifirttinn-. ‘',i A lib:-ml salary in prom: “‘a scientific attitude of I s i 'st-(l, and? mind" is. e le who want to cxpcrimenti with little children at their most at-; tractivc and impressionable age. I; suppose it is all summed up in that.‘ blessed word “psychology? Thercf has been much done, particularly in De mark. to trace the idiosyncra-l ales of bahyhood, but what mother; would care to submit her dzildren tofi the investigations of strange:-s‘.'i uriosity iaiexcitcd by the appear-‘ advertiziément ' a.‘ great newaruper -‘published under auspices of unquestionable probtty. I should like.__.to know more. ' o is; the “sweet girl graduate" -who ob-g tiiin. -2 » this liberal color} --r-——o-—~——— . says non‘;-: llE'l'ElI)lll\'ES i Tm: niaus oif A.\ll-:lil(.‘J\1 Scott, C. T. l’. Secretary Tells - WV “ins C "II! “p id “a 3 “America ‘is not one inch higher-3 height of American: said Miss Grace Leigh Scott,§ social" orality of the W. C. T. U., at the; tire Miss Scott also gave a ithort_ the Methodist Missionary} $ciety today. _:lliss Scott. speaking on the ahbject “Lest We Forget." painted for her audience a picture of France (nd the social co 'tion of Paris during the World War. ';"‘l went to _l-‘ (tan the lrpmc," ‘ . . . social workers . was greater than demand for a sin-flhollld be get. 2 she 3-¢fer.-ad go flu ha thustltat they demand a course pecu. 5“, ' nu, “°;lllfl)' fitted to them alone. That is ' tori the work Doctor Charters has engaged in for the past four years. He has plans outlined that will take him lab I-‘rancea ,winmi the -‘of the gittvigpumenti 'Accord“ W 2 lfiaaicdltith out tlusade in ‘model is ‘Do!-l|€!?lG\'e,l i _ V worlclthe social re- ndhaitfy §f givint cidldiui tilin- ‘ ‘: i : ‘ ‘ ire into i in an inter- I 1 Ifyouwautto ",0?!-¢=thtna.oasalia-vista-. n.. -———--O-——----— UI’ol'Od}~80lIQ-~. . .'.!!.¢I||- ‘ ‘ €01 . " "James Madison Wood. A» And °f in he intercourse between‘ I distephens College one of <'0"1'-‘iediting the educational section, Miss lBul-rall has brought to the college‘ ithe factors that four years ago. head of Stephen: College taken a made possible the largest Sunday i enominational school achool class in the world in Wash- _that was unable to meet its own ex- ‘ ington, D. C.. a class that Miss Bur- pénses, and one about to go o ‘t-all was teaching. There is not another such re- search department in the country. The department, in a thorough study of all the angles of women's education that it can gather, in u .Wood has in his ten years as o _the. large: and most widely known colleges in the Middle West. He has converted a school that had in 1912 an enrollmen d°““- 3"“! " . _ of girls’ education. _ ‘50'°°° mm ‘m '”"l*'“’“°" ‘h“'h“ -- and then only half-heartedlv, has on year accepted 550 girl students and ' ' 0 1 0 " difficulty, Pu-gident ' analysis of the type of training a .Coolidge strongly recommended it m'"“d ““',"_ ‘*0 "“’_"" l"“"'“"°_ 9‘-woman should t'0;’(‘ll-'1' ever before 10 C°nm_e!’J_ ‘Bu, the Scum, “W. lack of buildings, which now has 5 been n‘u.m!,u.(L P131“ 0‘ 5*?"¢'n. ll"‘l?(~ lfUll_dl"83- ‘O01’; “Women spend 90 per cent of the ‘Mm °°"‘i’l"l'°d “"u““ i " l‘.".money spent in Amerit today,’ four years, and whose assessed val- . says pmsidpnl “~0od_ "Mm" is ‘8"’0"000' a fundamental (‘ours(‘.-' in systcntatic With Small Endowment. clbuying have ever been offered. That He has accomplished all this withlia only one of the things we are af- 1 wments of less than , , fer, however. We are trying to in- carefully hushanding and xiiinistg ‘ ‘sun 1,coal»se here that will give the ing funds from student sources. op-._ iffii cultural imckground. a suc- crnting within a 8-t‘l. budget, rmdwicosflful training for the home, busi- aiming always to “blaal.‘.thc”tht-oryjlims, maternity, club and church that a private college’ cannot fiunworlt." without big endowments." ' which he has (lemonstralul “Doctor Wood is a rare combina- compelling force. ‘lion of the dreamer and door. 51:- 'Diat President Wood has made much a builder as drcnnier." say’.- the Na-'l‘l. S. Walters, su.'r('tnr_\' of Stephens tion'a best is attested to by the.College, who has worked beside him atatement last year of the prcsidenrulmost constantly since his coming of Vassar ('0 cgegwho said that7to head Stephens College. "lie does Stephens College had a better-paidlnot hesitate to recommend to his faculty th "a.l'1'g:h:n:’.Bulck motorist he has met 9" from me" 5 college“; we a""k' ' Reverend Cmas said his car iholdlng up wonderfully inall ways. i... .-»~', to; "8 c - when m-m_emy ya" to fi“.!tf:S find in every variety of urea. along the same line.” ‘ . ° ‘ Three secretaries are employed‘ the college to aaaiat in the re-: department. and ‘S the co-operation of nib lie is but one of a steadily in- creasing number of motoflats’ trav- eling both way: across the con ' made of1.M0 men of the: . . rtraaaaeuta. the automohiles.buaincaa "' """"“?‘!' “*':,_°;5§n Columbia mm on the‘ iodine. or the Amcricani wean ounce; ARR.Yt)ti2 . 5'€‘|5t!AWomea.,lng§t.LouisJmie8--Katy ‘ - Vw v~ I '.‘--.4-‘;"f"'fi> s -' ' F ~ - -».,<- ..2-‘ ‘ ,‘-,',‘a-a'4;-'.'o"« — . - .---- . . ~ .. --——-< ‘of ~.‘_-- '3 .v.-‘."!\io‘-3953'?“ - ‘ I - ."Pete"' .WithIrs. - who in I" “.4 with. .Willard Den earl! Rmavfithout Big :Ens10WrnentSé."§°: 33°"-C. -.',- ~;- Ioiidarntcht. “Saintly; roo- in... Bros.‘ iii:-‘ii-at um’ Hillier-itclatad Honest sinners" '- be .'I‘. L - v v ~ \ \ 5al--9§ .. _- . Cad! Colon I-Ialitt Cvaaa Ina A At 53°‘ l°ll9Win2 Service Station: ,5 Inla- Col-Una. , Tire Shop. Ninth and , 8-id: Co. is :3. Laos so.‘ a:.=3 l YOU get more Inile- age because there is no . 9 Waste toRed Crown—it vap ‘ ‘ 3'; orizes to the last drop; every S, particle is‘ mixed With air, and ' converted into a ‘ steady flow of smooth, rhythmic power. You will get better mileage because Red Crown gives per- ‘ fect combustion—it burns clean; your engine purrs along _ eagerly; you senée an instant y ; response to your every whim. L —-. - .. DO . ........_... -—J...——g.-.—...—o.......—- --—...:--.4-.-j-a-—.... . .4. _- . "r".~‘:5¥%’~"?»i‘- l§.'!§§f.l-"; ‘§'£.%‘l;§.fi:...la.;'..=?'-‘.2 Red Crown is manufactured r by the Standard Oil Com- Djalny (Indiana). It is made to give the utmost of motor'sat- isfaction. It in terms , of performance the ideals an- 5 imflting the Marlageifient of 1. this Company in its earnest or endeavor to render a com-_ M 1 plete and dependable service I to the motorist I "-.0 i I -o-v—.- -4-; .. .. V. i _. I I i i I r E 4 t Wahat yiltlandfuialaad -0» , flu. __. _. .'.: 1.. 1, rise. V‘ .-4 no - j. ‘...,.a;-,.'/. ;:(.a...“ ~. _. I . _:‘- . __._.. _