3 . ~* red. rot. .. . ~ ~ x . g.V.“V’_.A’_V :3’ _‘-. .V,'_-jVV,_‘V\V1V-V _V_r-;VV_‘VVV_.:V~._tVV.V::VV,,-‘S};V,~_ -.-V.-VV-.VVA V ;?l,.;’.‘ ‘£75’ "3;-V. _VVV . _V¢ V__ VV «' . V A _ V V I ».V,V_VVVVVVV_ ‘V V V ‘ V VV.V_VVVVVV V;V~VsV.‘V.:VV‘f..V,V‘5_f-V.A”'VV . w * s .» , t. ’. ...............'' ‘ ..,_.. “Y P .‘ .. . . .. I- ' ‘z ‘ls-:ir.‘.'-'-‘7.3'¥:".-.:;;<'7='%'..L£;' "E’7’...'--11:‘-:.L‘;':: '7“-TI. ‘N... '.‘.'«,«.’...'.:.._‘7-i."..f - - ,-~7,‘'v . s . . ,- T , " “"‘ . * .- ' bo-*--** . ‘" 'r =r" “‘" ;- “"“*-“D or -r-—-~---*- 7 - A . — -t v. aw - . .._.,.,.. .. .._. , . . - -V: ' -,...,.k -. - IIrooper,ele_ - V aorincl V“ V .-5"", ,.¢7’~'~ " ’ ,' ‘ _/ ‘“ » ' V’ :“‘ 'orIean'a'nd the women thecosnsoe _ fig“ CLASSHFIED o""'*‘-i"'*~'*"" News m the Fzeld 0 S o ‘*”““’”“ ~ “““"""“““”""°’ ~ °‘ “"1 - .- .. ~ -. - . W fire-I. tor.‘ j », ._ _,. .. o ‘ - ~ . ’ »- . - A i'1".°0P1¢°n’t.1'l.33l"?!!t ltshtrood-unstable tor 0oliIIfi!i.I't!l3uIIi_flIh>. - . n . , ._ ' . fipon 5.,-gz .- ' .e. _ ~ - lug. helieves.1‘heylo_lt;_8object to the actioaof the state i V 0neC ta ' 4.. no ’ -'~-illlnfllé r5caWcI.‘ ,; L, . ~‘ . ‘ “H “ - " ‘ ‘ " '3" ‘ ““"t‘m"‘- "°c3m5 ' .to h_oldAunst. "“ m D it . . - 3 ‘ma. 1 p . 2 ”°""“‘ ‘°"".7“‘”"" °". BICHERSON ON “.’.‘°....."""""""‘ “”"“" ** Lt" W 1* h-‘re W-%t W ' The o.......u. , H-9‘ ‘ _;.."_’§"_..fim:"' o°°~o°‘"’ i"""'i°°" “"°"°' 8'"‘°".Y°“""""' ‘ P I I-our intthe weekomb Robert ‘“ "" ""'°"t’ 3"-§§ ‘$5.’ iv... 0-ms. J-in '7" """‘“"""""'m 3095 naartownandvlth " " "flnwlaflw Wm“ ‘ L.“T°‘”‘ I. will otofloaton to imam” ° h ‘ ’ ‘ "‘ ' "‘ C1-vi’-ed Mfilfillit . " I - ~ ~ — - - °t..;y~-. 9)..-no .850 mack. The Rotary Cluhgolf tournament ‘ , 3 - . andrtwo on thawahaah. Numbers; .'1he Colombia lliflolu5au.is.¢£,- 4“ 5.3.4. . aiiuaa-~» ,. ofitlllpoa. .Qoiet - 1,; " e,,u.a~ . .h¢1ptethistwostarafl1letesinto~ he; . . _ V _ .u*‘_ .. 203 5”“. so cggog or chhegany _ ay afternoon on p . - - otpeopio boy cartoon books. . to announce hpnkggp. ,.,, ;fin;§;‘$'§",'_:‘_“bf*__f§u':.,‘ .p1u.«_ mt B-I3“! ° 3- the Country c:1ob.nnko will be can , ‘°"~“” “"°“v":3't“”“‘:"?fi'°‘-".“"" an * D {Panther .10: ‘ .;...m..g .g....u.¢; Vhs also» V _.DO_llfl81*C3 ILENT tinned today. «only about half of - J . €133!’ Da go! ._the DiotI'% ' .71 bis us.-om-mt. as wall as can our jug-:~gg};-;~__7,,,,m mu“, m°d_ V - - the men played matches yesterday. _ ._._._____ ‘ . ' V _ Ito the action A of Democratic prio «I ''*°_'‘‘‘*' *5‘ an hou‘g~{g;- fig"ummu- 9;“) 9“. FOR R8! -2 or 3rooms wellwhile the remainder of the matches;'T1g'el‘ Weight Man COll'l- l Kat!’ °‘““"‘°n to 3% LOIIII. 33 mary August 5.192%. ' "" "'"" ;_"’:"‘§,,':,',':,,,.. ‘mg .. month. -A 510 s, 5th 333;, phone. arranged 101- light houselteepinxpwere‘ played this afternoon. 1 _ . lfwhd t!‘1l>-7l10°*3- $1038 323 T01‘, . - _1 :::mu:u-t-tt.:mc:t sot crash; as 448 white. ' 234.233‘1’uri1ished or unfurnished. Phone Two teams hay been selected" pews at 0110330 T0’ P01135118" 334 8°‘ "€39" N71.‘ ? Collltnbil in Am- tbt Nehflt 'W*‘""‘ °‘ """""’ -.1117 or 1707. C.‘!36tf from the memboa-§ oftthe Rotary day and Boston 5*-‘tlwnled Qarjea .L. :: _.;:___. 5*~T',:*."T7.:“""._..._"‘:_".°: FOR RVENT-—Va-E ’ j ‘Club and the team winning the most‘ 3 ""'—"’—':' Edwards for the d of a Elllfl/OYNENT ~ oatod today. A very desirable apart». I-‘OR e or double number of holes will be given a’ dim‘ Next Week.- Try a Missourian want 8 the Northern llhifist 10 . R§N'l'—-Sinxi - ——f\\,TED__Enm mom’ “my snent;_laco curtains at all windowszrooms. splendid location; rea_s_onahle;.ner by the losing team. Tom Mt» ——~-——— _ . ’ ‘b° ‘€505 °1 $59 991900335‘ Pfi- " ‘ . t h ‘damning’. “"9393 311303 ¢°mP‘¢¢¢1Y furnlslh price. 517 . South 6th‘ St. iPhotte*_Barg is captain of one team and T.‘KEEBLE ALSO TO BOSTON ' ADDOUHOEIBGDN m”? °1°‘.fi°”v. ;5o ' "§’f*.',‘. a",‘f:$e.c“ Ci ""3 °' meted. included on runes: two and toes hlack..'. C23_6-238VKent Catron is captain of the other: ,_ 1 A . . “'“"'”T.. ti ‘ 8°“ *3?“ ‘?“*‘*‘’° "‘“‘°"‘ ‘” ‘“ "°°"?“’? . . . ' - :-The Two Will Be Joined‘ for :m..~.c. lnforrna on. New En¢- from d ¢nu‘na:_om mock; FOR RENT_u“_:‘ finish“? . 9 ‘giro js. an- Shes-lit. t toannouu 3 Y A__ - team. " ————o——— . PM . es the land .\lu.sic Co., 254 Copen.Dept_.29 an ".1 - - -~ _;A wnou; DAY 11»: gr, Lama, ' _ F The Columbia Hisaourian is an-«ct J.'.B. ‘ ‘ ‘. » .»»aé'..: °" °°“‘*"‘i.:‘.E..».:".....-"~° r*°::.*:*.r:;::‘.*°'.:::,:.a .. .......,x... mo»? B°‘.§’.fE;‘3"'.§‘.’?.i‘é.§" E ~*~=--*....*°..-'=°°°»°°*'~&...=R°..**-wwwi-’.‘»’=.’ "§»%"f"“*“ o-a 57‘*’~-WGRAPHE3-F0“? U=i- run RENT modem s.room‘~”m ‘hm ~' 5 I ’P23“iJ:dm1oto to $“"p§.2‘.‘.’.;. arzgurifkot H y‘lto i uahen.'f1 .¢°‘o‘Z..‘§’c.'$t. snh:e:‘$'t,5 .'.rs"a'i..”.5§Z‘i....."".. to be heidan E‘ c- >-c. ‘ 1 ‘ . . ' -1 ‘ < u . , m a E ' I - . 3 ',°.L§"j‘.,.fl,Jd"t ‘um um” ya-r'1‘*"33"mh°d 3P"'W‘¢‘* f0!’ 3'1}! [-93 R —Rooms for -sum-lnow on sale. : a 1 n , . . ' to the action of the state primaryfiugust 5, 1921. . .; h...r:t.s experience desires position Aunm convenient to Um‘.u.m_y. two fl floor: Adv _ ——--—V V ‘ _ _ dag.” m M hem Aug” 5 ! , _ . M. ...J,,._..,._(., mo,,u,,.,,. {Dutch 35,, ‘I “so mer term... . V V - Doss Richerson, litssoun, His-, natrrus uamuron. ?Ol.ltlt_V‘tlGElt+ . .. . - ,V Tb cohmur -Vv -— ‘” "’°'"' 3’°°"' 23 rooms for light’ housekeeping Sum- Vsll v d 1; 14 ' boa; swan Ann lllln or 11!. use . . ~ ‘ ‘"0353! 50 I,“ F" ‘’‘°’“1’‘°"' 939‘ n““m°“ A"°"‘ ' . 454 black’ 1203. ” """"-’"‘ ’”" "*”‘ “mm :5 me" o .8’ m omnu-gc -max gnu. a‘rrs:.xP‘r A 1118 CONN“! “$330113!!! 1! 3“ lthorilod tomunomsea J. 8. Booths ' 5 St. Louis, Mo. FOR RENT. FURNISHED-L ‘1‘,‘:’qu,::‘°’° ,f.’*_'°M 23s_2_wuon, phone 749 or at mgm 1331 “'9 55°F?“ #35 ‘ht 41”“ ‘h"°"* oonxnscx u~"1uarz2~rrArux.ob' A1‘ thoriaed ‘to announce V Wilson”; g ggmmgg. gm. eh. ggga ,1 ' 3 \,_.V_.‘_\.Tm__m mm ‘room apangnent C111 phone 1566 Vt ._ ,- ___§vrh1tc or 9F13. c23e-241 , J . * ' mm NH’? 7331'» V (“Doc”) Hall as a candidate for thyqgnguue 1., comp” ~q5,,,,,,,V.p' +_ 5' “Mn (Teen 0!’ mill-“Y9 “P5?-Ill‘! 89511’ ~ ‘ ° -*’"— - office of aherifl of Boone County . 1, the - h0'.l"’."-\'0‘.lZ. Phflnf 2335, [Gk for: men‘ R00!“ ‘nu 10 sh‘ ‘our livegtogk folv ' “IO M llndfif thf $10!‘ 0‘ me‘ . 'V;".mt to . M _m , _ ment, 403 Mathews street. 236441 a it 3 . rt . . . . 59¢: to an ‘gang of the gut... nu 8 h 5. Mm _ n!l:t- Tmdle. ‘ 235-238, 109". m0d€l'_!|.h0m€. 315 50!‘ 03¢‘. 32'-l,tVu,e lent possibu cost and sec“, _ C1tyVAthletac Club. Vlll_JoIn p elecflon ‘D be held Au‘ut;g.“w22' 00 W M August ”l\'A\"I‘FD—-Place to work by col] "29 §.";°m '“;;‘1:r§;mouenutk:¢“h’£>‘r"rcta‘l‘l'°l5(f;|aRoaeo ”urt'o?y' 13.2.” 2§.s-24o"‘.‘° "i“"°"‘ '"“-'k°~t "rm" 9°“-my * ~ :!;eD¢uX;‘::¢r£ gndlfituo? memdac 6. 1924. Q -—-—— - ,_1 was out ::..*.‘.‘.... ....r; t — %“:...°:-:.” :.*::°‘::;.::. t ' -... M...-.:..--........... .. .. t F" PM w--r o , I , , I V ‘ 0 . u t ,5 235-337 from library. Phono 2006 green. F03 “E” "R°°"“ "' "°"" ‘“°d‘T§r arm K 237. ‘ “ ~ 2 ' ‘tau:-bud toaunounce-Roy croedui Th‘ m"°°“"’ . "“°"“°‘ “‘ it , 2354‘ am home, egirgblg mcguon, 1310. _,,W._';_ _~____~__ W___ _______ Y1§TERDAYS REULTS . . tnnounoo the caIdifia.,of3Gaoue e; u'-.'—<'rrD——1*oscbem and out-‘ l Rots phone "1977 black 235-24o‘"—*—,3§-,’;",'[§,,“r,_;;,'l3‘.;.t, ’ D :£°;*°*:‘‘_'‘C'*o'°’ *0 °?**°t:1t;h°*i“$s. Starrott.£or—the..o(1lao;1If.Il'o- dents \‘.';s() would like to travel and t"0BfnltENT—-Second-floor tRo;t.—l;0-}fR~E,n. .Fom_ : mm‘. and LOST ‘ ; Anni“. 1...". tion ‘otutha atat'e"|I>rimary el¢::ti.:n mag :h‘:°‘;‘:{;='f":';‘°°‘~‘°t‘5° “‘ 3 I7 :2 - ‘:11--:1 d ‘u l'gious work room apartment. 0 _ 5 "' 4 —, 5 —Penn key with a chaln._ ‘. , ’ . ‘ ' ‘I317 01061031 ’-+_ :‘~(‘K.“l.i!t:.‘S?[1x'0l}lt3l){:‘€l!lplO}'TnQ!lC garage. 109 Price avenue. phone bath. ftifllltullpd or u1RhVm1sheV:,23:§:Vrin8-an it, Monday. phone 55 0, ~ 1:01:12. 6gBos_ton.,2, H 4 W 51-‘ M111 -‘-II¢n_8t 5. 1924. film be Mm Ann“ 5_ 1.“ VV 071310 summer provided proper l'€f- 1289 red. J23!!! 733‘-'~ 1280 w ‘ ° V to Hissourhn office, 234tf ' eve, n ' l ‘_ hn.d.el_P “' ‘ The Columhig fl;33aug-‘gun {g 311.. -1-: V "”"‘°“' "‘""‘ 1"‘ “"""“"°d' ron RENT 12 od 1-‘on anti 1 rnished rooms! . ' ls?“-mt", or 't9E:mca om 7.l—Doned- 2'-h°"‘°“ *0 "*°°°°°° “W ‘‘’"‘8*'‘- ' F" Cm" "“""" guaranteed. Phone 1888 red. 'h 60_ M d'"‘;°m ‘:1 em . od ‘ . I“ _l. M h u ct! LOST—Delta Gamma pm. 1162- ~ . ° ‘ 3 ' P” ' ‘bu . andjdgtg for an; ogfice of. Columbia lliaaom-iani is go. J‘ H235-237 _°“3°' ‘ “'35 “ 9 °"?" ‘f’ "‘ °"‘, §°m° ‘E, '3 u05°R:d gturn to 509 S. 6th St. A 236-237 tram N.“ Lu ;,;,,,-;3 of Boone County. gubject to . thonaed to announce W. W. -Woods V 5;. it‘: ‘run a a to tt d’ :2“ cturgmtelfiogg n".‘.3?§"‘é‘3” keepm’ mot gm OM 1232 2325? LOST Lad - .5 -1 1 Philadelphia. 5‘ St 15:5!‘ " 2"" um" °f Q” mm prim"? me‘ ‘go’ couamnmm til’. A.t.;”«Demo-O‘ E; ‘~"“\“” ‘: "‘ “tn.” ' an mg °’ ’‘ - l . ._ 5'5 °°° e 5795' P“"‘’ ; . , .’ ' "' 5tion to be held August 5, 1924. M T)’. 81! to 0’ {‘ S‘.lml!‘u*r to-2:11 to‘ wslnt or; tables‘ {(3 phone 519 or Mrs. W. K. Stggezss FOR R‘-;\'T_Fom_ mnishedffiontlixtilng Eexpreasu recteépt of EA. 1 B 6éV The ®‘u wumn is w cratic primary. August 5, 1924, their l'Q2ll . .- up y n o .« . ' ,, ‘ . 1 . r ey. wing. 0.. ween u- V _ o’ -V - ‘" V V -. ‘ -V—-—- ,. 3 llomv. ’ 235-240. . _ - _ ’°°"“' smgle Md" "°°p‘°3 ’° gineering Bldg.. and Boone County I Clncmnltl. 5. Bolton. 0- Vumnged go gnnonncc J. '!‘en1p_B¢n'3 The Columbia Missourian is au- _‘ FOR REl\T Furnished apart h 1300 R055. Nc.tf , . ,.- ____.. "':—:_._: . ~ ‘ d new °mc':_; . ‘lltlllng CO. Phone 443 red. l _“ ‘ for the 01 Khofjzfi to “. "“’-‘ll’--“*4-“V” hm "‘°“°" ”“k‘.m°nu' We re ‘ t''—‘" . 5 5 ' .sheritY of Boone County. wbiect H its a candidate for assessor o1 -1 ?’*'~' ““"“““*" ‘”"°§"‘ l‘‘‘_ '';c“‘‘’ .:""§ DESIRABLE APARTMENT ron FOR §§“:f1.:S";;:m°:n§"°..E:f;. Dost‘-—sigmo xu pin between 2 American. ithe action of the state Primary elcc- . Boone County. subiect to Demo. nu: :~puI~(V. tune. me one as mpVRENT_501 Conley’ can 1313.. 3“ rooms a it _ Km pncc and Tenth “root on Broad, ; Clnh won Lost Pcgttion to oe held August 5. 1924. rratac primary election, August 5, lo!‘ P1=!‘tICU1n!*. R05¢'m")' AFN“ him‘ ‘°" 5"?“ 1° 1305 P°°5”';;;’3'§ was’ I":-ids)‘ morning. Reward. : ston . . . . . . .. 23 15 .605; Th Com d i ‘924. . “ ~ - (X... .-\.\'l)ul}‘ Park. N. J. 237. FOR REN1-__xew ‘putmems at-'2115 Gret-.'4._ , phone 66_ 3313 .Ne‘, Yo’r'k ' 23 15 _6o5~ e m ta xssou an in at.- V » .4 L237’2‘2 2 3 me with gas, sink and = . . . . » 'x- - . ' ‘ r A.1Dct.m't ........... .. .. 25 19 .568 P ‘h°’i“°fi m ‘""‘°“"°° D‘ 3' wmte F“ ‘ “*“ *"“"— ‘*""""’ -i - «-—-- — -M3. 0nem'3,mom for Sept L! ,'i_ 1 LOST-Phi UIPD8 Pm ?h°“° :.§’3§i~c§.i3§‘“3?°'\ki§§§3"‘§sc%uosVw,,,,§,,m,, __ 20 20 3,00 ;a candidate for the office of sherxt! g Notice to , V W-‘--\’T?7D-Th1‘ "RN95 3113 “'20 ". - v “°5- R°“"‘.{d° ‘V-.335“ ‘nus smsox. wxu. ‘nu’ ma ‘mr.’ . 3 90 4-4 of Boone County. subject to the Iv I Th , V ne blOCk f!'OIt‘l Red Campus. 411’ ' ATTRACTIVE FURPP _.tt. -- -_-._*-;:.'..____. . _ . .. . . . . . . .Chicago . . . . . . . . .. l .. . I _ , . | Osifi It me Of , (ll('.“(', of 9. number of little coun- so a‘ 5th St Ph e 1250 Red 1 4 ‘ . R00” A‘-D BO‘RD 0l.\ldll(, ‘ILAVH xi AT “hills llx ‘l'liF..§L Louis lq 22 463 non of the gum pnmgry clecuon , 5 wo!is. W V V :2» mrls in-t‘.\'een the age of 9 and! n ’ °" ' IS}-ll-394 ROOMS for men V. ‘ ‘ SHUT-l‘L"l‘ A.‘l) nxscrs ‘meow. l as d - - - - ~ - - -- 1;, _, ‘go,’ to be held Aug”. 5.1934. _ C DC!‘ ' - (lit . b if u--an or am-. A surprise tori » S226“ and “‘5=m°"- Rm“ rem“-’ 3 noon AND BOARD—I-‘or sum- to ..-t 3- » r Ch‘ ' 9'? D ' """ " ' ‘V 7 '3§5‘« “"“"‘ ‘°’“”“°°d' Ph°'"’ 2“ t -‘ - A " » ‘ ble .‘¥.Phone 904 or call ‘ 0 ~ - mar.‘ NW" -. or P magoiPh'hd°lph" “ 1° 24 ‘ . The Columbia Missourian is at. _ or 1245 whug, ' ‘ . WM ‘mi. \N'‘;‘ ljtur a7‘1!(l)‘eFa'nd' GARAGE “ 608 Conky. Phone at 1.001‘ Locust "36 238 ‘ml.’ term. 1‘-0‘ Paqum. phon§219l:i4:f3 and um Wcsmm Lonfemnce mm ‘National. ithorlzed to announce Oler Bomb: j ° ’ ‘ ' 1t -'u’~"~'~‘ *0 - 0- W’ from Jesse Hall. 320 S. Garth. ‘ ' ‘ ' i“' ite- ~ t to be held {here todav and Snt- c1 b W'on Lost. Pct. an to 1 th 3” 01 ‘”‘ - —— ' “- \'iv\\.' zu-wet-. Columbia. Mo. phone 2231, p237-24o I , r‘”'*‘ . " 2 ,8’ 16 636'“ '. C” ’ ‘ °r ° '.°‘' '— '3 237-242 i ROOM Al\D BOARD-—$6 for 3 - . brew lork . . . . . . .. 3 . shenfl’_of Boone Count5.VsubJect to H V ___ V 3 _ _ , ,. _ _-___._,. ________._: 1:-OR 333;-1~_.xew modem bunga. . . .,,..,-,1,. and :5 for 2 meals. 71¢; Clucazo . . - - - - - - ~ -5 1: «59_1_ the action of the state primary e1cc— . L“ as do yom.Vdewnun8_ 5 ll-‘ ‘. UL’ want the help of an ex- low in Park Hill addition. posse.-v FOR RENT__,4 - d m 0'. Maryland. phone 1496 white. 3Vl"00_k1)’nV ~ - - - - - - ~- 1~ -53‘ .t10n to bc held Atliiust 0. 1924- - Vj 1--34.-:-«.4 mu'st- cull 190-I green.’.:ion at once. See Garey & Frasier 803 College‘ m.c:$:nb ganhofca _«-$69 B237tt‘ C1_n¢"1fl811 - - - - - - ~ 3 3 Fo l$ _ sac“ 59¢ of "nl!'3"- , will "-"‘““‘ d“-" °’ nigh‘ am’ 5R'~"“5' C°-' Ph°“° 519' ‘ 236’238 nod. '. B234“ BOARD AND <§O0M_fm ifiotr‘. gifstfsoflgh H l? 3; .436 The Columbia Missourian is 811-. paid“. a 'u‘n. 237‘ . ____:__... summer term. .. a wee‘. 10 V . . . . . . .. .. —~ - h .ud . once Jabo Sumefi' an [no in‘, -_‘ ——- -~ ~ » —~—~»~--~-~————~~—-—-—--—_ modern ' s ___Ro° S LL}-_'(tr;;i{y avcnug. ‘_7""-‘739 SL Louw‘ _ - - - ' ' ‘ ‘ " “$2 1 on ‘nno '3 ‘"“" ‘°°’““'° ‘°’.".‘.‘' ;'';’‘’'‘°"‘ ’°’ ’°"“ ’“°“°o1?.5‘»§é 515353-h§.=r' to 853-8 ‘gone “"4 "boot M‘ .:;.;.7:.. ,..;.i‘:..',.’,'... ”"“““"“""“ ' 3 2“ '3” 25.2.§“£‘.‘i“'62i.f.°{..§“4}£.5-fififiafi‘ :33.’ S=““a°“°n Guarantee! 3 '1. :.:«.-A: ‘~."-< .- ‘.’ Th 7 - _ - °'— ., - " ‘ ' ’ ‘ ' 5' ° "““""","’.';‘_.'._;’.‘_ ‘”””‘._‘. . . ‘ . E D ‘ .. _ ‘nuskm (Vt: lofikgzfigo is efinplfixfig _V V \_T mcm m 3. ‘ed’ V 5 A234 23' bite catfinus. Also board for bo)'§-. ran VEIJKG 1,” uc VJ¢C;y10d3°1c1¢dol,C1:3"b:ffi,3’§ :‘:é:§{m5'.: 2133.03! 2051 14 5. 9|.‘ BL ‘._ ll‘;_!.' 2-tzwrt-.~(~n:nti\-oi tn any on I OR RE‘ .- 9 mom ‘_ FOR R A -1 double and 1 sin- Summeoarates or 3..rneals for $45. “M AMUsEnBNT§m 9 A 3 o . V .. l1_:;;J:;«-. vcork. Salary guarantoed.a::::em°n:"8°pn§;"tf3 b"'hm:;fl :2; élc roomstor girls. 403 Matthews. lunch and dinner for $5. 5195.5‘. READS FOR 1?2‘“ . .1 1’.-..,—1e interested who eaisedfuruishjmen ‘Or couples '1' location: i. W234t{r0th street. phone 125...-’ B:3_.VtV.V Z." any ad nu.“ Be" wrkht The Colum-—-——hi‘ uinourun is up . _ lr.[o.‘;.¢:'.ct.~' phone 1533 . 9S 1 (rd of G00dth . V:—‘ V V ROOM‘ d be d ——r t S An F..‘_o'_ite Authon on 1 . ‘ . E23543? pen 1 rates or e suxnmer. FOR REN1.__Room5 for summer V . - en ar . summer are . Tums ‘ as ____.,, T if . =Mrs. J. V3. Montgomery, 609 S.‘ . « . _ 1.112 Rosemary, phonr‘ 1160 white. ‘ .— ~' r. _ 1 teachers. '.\o. 8 Viateor. Place. Cen : .7, ,, zg G and Harold Bell . - , V_ _ ._ . 1-"czzzvxrmzrz x:er.un1::2§ ‘gi:tit:x'merhrfites. otglforfspgglg A F & A E * The Cosmopolitan and the Attach; ‘a P sS V . 5.. " - "C"*"‘."S°.f"~";—._._.~_—_:F FOR RENT"F°"‘i‘h°d ".‘,""' “hi - A; 235240‘ Stated communication: --+~'- ""‘ —- ‘ "-" ’°"‘ "“‘_”i“°‘ ‘en hem’-'.°" t";:'l Phone D A. P ,__a Ninth, _,. xu-ggu, 1-;s1,s'n«; pments. Phone 1250 red. S~34tf ——-— r—-——----——'—*“, -I-cud“. Mn. 20 at 7.30 than an} others. accordms ‘-0 "- g . , -. : '.*'1§__-''t~r7. -. FOR Rgx'r._I-‘urnished rooms.V ‘ . ~' 3' ' ' XcCl'Ll.0UGH Iu:I:nz.E. mssomu uccanm The men prefer the Am, ~ .\!m:I:Y T0 LOAN on Columbia. _)-‘OR RE!\'T—Furnished apart-'-108 S_ phone 324 much 9- m- Fur! decree. 1;fIF>(§z(§2!1l.l;.1t.“_\l't):)i(r’>BsuI_lrptl>{tl~Vst- ‘§m:0!;I;:V§ real r~=tat.e. Weathers Realty Co..'*ment, two rooms kitchenette. , ~ A2351! K C SULLIVAN W M VCo'm,E.m ‘ A? Bosmx ‘. Tm: o-sen .‘(¢»wrnan'8 Hardware. 6641 bath. small screened porch. withinVV._._j 3’ {-—-_--—i J M L-ONG‘sc'c"_u ' ‘ ‘; _ _ , .—l_‘—(.)/I 1”?“ A‘ 9 *——:t-.;' 17 'l‘huradag' Mr 29 7-30 3.‘ R‘°"°"°" “'3” ‘° dimly mm ' rooms :,‘-23.2%! per month. All clone} FOR RI-ZNT—Two apartments for‘? FOR R!-ZNT—ltooms for summer. m’. Royal Arch)l)es:t-go ' . Ch3¢“8° ‘° B°“°“ ‘° P"P“'° 1°’ 3 . —' » U? '+~'t'T>‘3i2-’- 5400?“ btm¢l10W' °“";1ight housekeeping, beautifully furn- nudents. cheap. 819 Roll1né2§:239» ' _ ' “' w 1 _ ,_\'qg_,s,.,._ ‘the final Olympic tryouts there the Rollin Street. 8500 payment doy'u.3iahed and located. Phone 1847 white. ,__.._Z,:, D V._ . fouofing week,'md_ 36 win . , j_ ‘V l ‘ !‘-ro:»m hr-uszc close to UniV¢l‘lltY., H233t.f -—-—-—'-""""""-"""—“".""‘ t ‘ ..» ‘ ‘ ed ‘:3 80 um early next week by , V '3 '_ . *‘ ' , " “‘ 0\\'l‘.{“i' leaving city. must sell. Ne'ar* ‘V . FOR R$NT"'R°°m5 f°r mflsfi COAL {'3};-ncullxou hsliccblc Missouri hurd-l ' » ‘V V p . - * PASTURE FOR RI-ZNT—-I-.1 ht ' 3" 50 to 810 1' month. Board for 3 - 1 Moon! modern bunttlloi‘. $860. of 3 5 ~ " - 9° DAVIS COM. 00. 'ler and l:on~st€'P~and-lump msn.Wh_0. ~. O. we c . ’ ' . _ ’ . ..—.. so Rooms Pl'0Pél‘¢)" V Many be seeking From now until Sep- .1 new quaivtersjn the next ternber 1,Va a?‘ two or three weeks. It of buyers_ will be V at ,!,_,.',_..‘_ xm. 4,,.oOm home gzsomcrea bluegrass pasture; newlylkirls and men Sfiipor week: twp» Ben,“ “J nu Co“ i _,n 1V ‘V in the OI W V VV - v . . . , ,_. - 1 k 1- at note \\I n so mmpe e _ Y!!!‘ i d.;:x\V'n. ’§"°::ri::h £3?’ d£‘:)cc.'“;l:;?; ‘$122?’ 1:31 , 3? h‘M:L.1‘;,::_ phlz: 3 Call (78 or 88. Opposite Wahaah St. trials. Both men won their‘ way In- ‘I ' P V V‘.‘.,U\{ l M‘: unml-\-s10.:::cr>nomh:upartm.e. enst: mos to excellent condition. Call 1351. Mrs. hone Harrison.’ 230-242:1 - Fr-nklin Count! 0081 *0 1*” f""*- ">°“‘° ‘ ‘‘°‘’ ‘“?° "‘ 1 — v - _. T021‘: ) ngja 0 '. ; ,, ‘__.____...—.—..-— V_ _ V_V~_ V‘ 4?: 2-1-3 -- ' 3-i‘:mi'n apartment, all furnished fol‘. ’.§}_1._9L_3."' ' V ":_ _ P V . Those - .--o J‘ —————-—.._——-——-———_.___._____ I-‘OR RE ,\l'l‘—'I‘wo Well-V¢nti18l»¢d_ Mllnhzrz‘ months only. Also 14-room‘; FOR SALE g-oggmg, fltonc 8'71 white. 503 ll~‘)ll.~‘t'. $35 per month. 9-''‘'‘’.‘'''‘' _ mu 5“-ecgfi H237-24L hou.~t- $70 per month. Beautiful‘, FOR SALE-Film"-l"‘% P0713’ _? O = mtt 1.;-zck. one 5-room cottage._ileavinz town. call mornings at 406 FOR REhIT—I-‘urnxshed room at ‘,Fiynr1 Really Co., phone 1620 orss. 9th St., third floor north. 1207 \\'alxlu4, phone 1866 white. 3 110;. 203.05 Guitar Bldg. J23lt{V -- >'‘’‘"‘ 1'‘‘*’!’‘‘’‘3' “""‘ “"‘ 23“2‘°’° AVAST! Hear Ye! "Sides' Dairy"'§ FOR n1»:‘N'r—rmnt room in new Hm SALE-—Well-laid and lo-gia the only dill‘? ‘hit Willi‘ mm‘ bungalow facing park. V812 for one (mod mm {mm building gitg, aotfrom purebred Jersey cows. Phoncfuyd $18 for two. 10 minutes walk, . -._—...-. _.-- -.¢..... - saga-u > in" 2953 fVt;:t.tV(>X; Orgies; C0ltllllbl.'p}2F3. . 235-.237‘h:o,:e- Jzggf “an 407. I as If .V V re.-tV res: enna s V ; Otflfinfllfg FOR sALE__Phn V ‘p n _. ' . V V __ . ‘ . _ "“'j""~' ‘""‘ “‘,{f,‘;:§,§;,?“;,§;',' ‘,',':‘,,“f’3-woeper. electric fan. sinzer aewins ron BEl\'T—Southeast room. sin- rooms they select as your you want to sell-letiahem , W SL311 :=(‘\\‘(’l' C0 ' ‘ - ' ‘ — " 5 "'19 “ ‘ ‘ .t._. . . - - machine. 1'08!» 503- Bllfilllfi. mato. ; d bl for men or women. _ “ -‘ ‘ ~ - ' , s..o.(. tvV.o-stor3. restrictions. Owner we“. mmwndhm reffi‘er“Dr":ll;ool'c‘.r(I.tl‘eVc ms cone“. mom nelgh-bars». about the know you have VV V xxozxlzi lnltc id sell as soon It 900- u‘.°n 5”‘ ‘ad two bench“. Phanel . - c237-239 , ' " .‘-.b1.-. One of the choicest home- 1215 18‘ S in “Mt 232$“.-§j_8__red. ' . $-ll(-,*'. in the city. For turtsher in- F0; 333;"!-___Room5 for gm," f°"”““'°“ “H Sm“'h'c'u'°"‘,n?‘u’ F9‘ s5LE—s°"°"l b'°°k '““d'-D705 liitt street, across the street «X¢1|Ifl¢¢ 533093! furniture. ? 3 in the, Missou- for sale. O ~ ‘ j 1 man’ ’ '3 classified columns. o ‘ I . . . C°-- i‘h”‘° 27» F 3513333‘ ‘Pd “M? "from Wolncn'a Gym; and one-half c-.,V.,_:_.,_.__- ...__ -_LP?L...“1lPhone 1372 black. Call 409 “Ch mock from ubnry jV.nd Cuewfiti . . non .31-:N1‘ “WW 3333“ Phone nag black. 237.z39V - .» V V ‘_ ' 1 V ‘ 1s()nlyVlcPer~Word V 3 .- e . V . V’ for 5c_Pel’ .V P . . . __ em" 1,,” FOR SALE-R-use stove with Fox n’1'-:N'r—--'rwo‘ rooms for in!‘SuF-deIr{nE'!\h1oua:.o twyutii .- ."w ""}m Um °Y"'- ”.‘°“°!aornmcr term. Double bed. Suitable‘ “ entrance. telephone hfl "ecu mt’ .v¢mn'.f°" 9“-her‘ mg‘ ‘'7 “mm _ 7”} Fl'Im1;(‘x.’. :<....u............ 1-noes. .. P ”'~w:rmvme«-ea, phone um S23--240. from ‘West Campus. phone’ 5.311 Jan SAIJ-3-6-roosn modern hun- F03 m.;g1-_.su-1.,u,- mod.-3;‘? “bite. - 1a‘l;;ost}.dnew; clean in, u,ooo,lmm” fa ‘id’. nicely fum5,h,,3_g ma m:m_r.- summer nun. ""°°' ' C“ reduced price. 509 s. am. 287-20; had ‘ 5 . - . l ' 4 ‘ . . ’ W ' ' '.‘ ’ . _I - .. ~-. _ t " ' » _ _ . y , . 11', L ‘ -Q ' ' u.‘ ‘ - . . . . _ __ _ . _v V ' V. . ‘ _V o v o' , a. ' ‘ . _ V ' v . . ' ‘ ‘ , . . .. - » H u "“"’°"‘ “""“‘ ‘*"""“""b""°‘ ' run sans-—rm'-anon 1 no‘ nu-zxr Two large doses. bsth. 1 block from both eampiuas.‘-‘ "flu. °' '3 P03 11'?” ' ; wardrobe. Iidoboanloatalra 8su.ohononI.£ ”"°'.‘° 22“ "°" ‘“°" ‘ 933.,‘ hnuuus.mun¢uuuno.bauiwmu.mM 4 237.29. M f R‘t’°”5'-‘°°°"' ‘.f“_t*':"7m'"g,..,’ (fim? 3;: ran nmcr 3 tor sirIq:':' '‘ ' -‘PW - _ B_uilding. 6 Woodson Way. phone 11133 2048. . . ' . 286? S‘ if ‘lance. Adds-essBoaD.eareo¢.Hia« wasaeiaao ’ 282-33! - won enter-*— - _ floor aparunent,~l. rooms . l-atlx and sleeping pooch. Iodosui BOB BALE-Bicycle 7“ ' vH-'\'m'm.o-ot- 1 . ; -- - IIlfln.41Ifl1Aathsay.at.fiflt.~3l}1 . V ‘ ‘- .... .. of Law Building. .. D‘ , ._ :.....' t