Phone 769 rod 100 y MOW!-IRS. FURNITURE; FOR scngziziis. E'rc.___ lment. L}; w _x; RENT--Furnished ‘“'° ”°°"“ “"5 k“‘°h°"°":°'Lfor ther men or women. - Sm“ °°l”°¢“°d P°'°h- “Wu” Providence. phone 1974. 8237-240 FOR RENT-—'l‘wo rooms torlfilll ml)’ Qlllllfl’ fol‘ the "0l)'m_picg1 o'clock tomorrow afte l-‘~‘3"l- ‘M5803 V» Sclloll. Tllllllllltwill be thirty‘ or more badgm given . tothose who ’ Double bed. Suitable 708 niuu: i:srfIi‘i'i:‘“""“. . .“1f;o money 'l‘0 LOAN on Columbiamiuv opposite ,5-mwm real estate. Weathers RaaI_ Co.,:Ph°3¢ 505 “"222 over Ncwmans ‘Bar-dw .68-U,‘ FOR REN.r__.rwo .p”_tmems tor‘ blocks of either campus. Apartmentsfl. 233tf5,rooms for gir ‘reduced price. 509 S. 6th. 237-242 Y ls. nicely furnish FOR SALI-3-14-room house, $7-?lisl=t holmlteepins. beautifully turn-' . d istairs rooms. 1408 Bass, phor; 1116 FOR REN'I'—-Two lar¢¢ 850 9-room house. $5.000. 15-roorlnished and located. Phone 1847 white. _ 7 289 ll0.s(‘. furnished. income ' from; 3233i-fé“'h‘.t°' ' rooms $250 per onth. close; ; FOR R[:;3q1'_R f 35,13; to University in’ bungalow on: rssrunn roe R1-3NT—Eighty ; vm, mmme ,o‘;°‘::mm‘;:_ Mm. Rollins street, rbilyment dowaqacres of blu owner leaving city. must sell, }Newi_of spring water during summer; Wm"? "'-"""lL. B. Coggin 1205 P ‘ . h e .9-room house close to University.:t'enced with field wire fence; plentyilzm green. 5. squire :1 on 23'?-242 G-mom modem bll!ll.t‘1l0V~‘., [grass in excellent condition. FOR RENT-—SinKl¢ °' d°“.bl° youths of Columbia. which have here has been working for the stat«e.‘P"“" 2 “'*u°“‘l fill '-_-—-— , , . 4 down. !\'«.-w 4-room house, 3250:1817 or 776. __ irooms with llig hfousckceping: been conducted {mm 8 to 11 0-doappo, ,,,,.¢,..g 35¢,“ he wound 10,- the wiinuclg secmhtlzaltl “tire _ movcefsnt Cotiumbia atisiilohunan gt’ _ n . r down. ‘ "" FOR SALE ‘privileges. Wil rent or summer “ch mominm hue been chmged tom‘;-icuim,-.1 depu-gmem of the uni- w attac t is aa — on announce omas . . 1 - _ _. ' . . . . . 1 —— .. pm. m.,,g._1o.,.oom 1.0.3.,‘ 5.0 lterm as I want some one for com 1 to 4 odock in the agga,-n°°n,vw¢n,gy, '11,", be you cmpioyd ‘t in fact. all that is left to the Indian as a candidate for the office of . _ .. - ' - - ' - a - . - ' - wnship- room bungalow. 5-room‘ apartnient.l you SAL]-3.1-‘umiture, party 1303- P5002 931 Vlllll-C» T333 2'50,-Frank McAnsu. who has charge e gymnasium and athletic field n-¢8_ll 3711118 but one l'°Il|}*. 1115 l‘°°t¢°nl_5l8b1¢ 203' C°ll}1'°h*3 T0 -; . 3-T00!“ 8l“1l'Ull€lll. all furriahed forlleaving “town, call mornings at 406.. FOR Rm‘\..r_Fumished ‘pflblof the ts announced today. and for the last several years hislb¢1‘11ll<‘>;l ogtlillfit I b _ hi Whtlih 1- 8llPJ¢¢lv l£t1:°:e°;eld‘h¢A‘23“l . _ summer months only. Also 14-roomrs, 91,1; 5;, third floor ]1o]'th_ ymem H. R_ wuker phone 1977: These “,1, for gupefiofity in the duties have been confined to the in- lwo elf’ O; r{l'1;12u.l18be J’ on urn’ __,.__f_ , house. 885 per -month. . 9-room; . J281tf: ,; ' W238_24os tenor of the inrmnnm _ , th "mm: of “ ""1 “ t ‘ h. h. ' ‘ V . - . h°"°° “O W mmh “-ie'-'.°t'if"‘ For: SALE mm. iorge chcri O i‘. it. :7...” M21.“ as gtkefaithfu onlfl 0‘ llhe ""“§.‘i§““’ Sith: ltldian tribes oi (tllle optoirciel The °°lmW ‘“”°°1’i”l ‘8 '“° TYP new brick. One-__r5-room cotta ezfk "' '4 pop R1.;NT__L,.,-ge dug], roominng on _ o ‘y. _one or m_ cmp eyes a _ 1 ” : find to "manna . : . _ ' _ ~ Fl-'nn Realty Co.,‘’ +fi%. 950013 W- W- 3188!. 50'?-4-lg“ »p,;,.,,u, 1,0“... 1 mock fl-om'l'¢l»!l!'!l to llisaourian office. a 234tt~iIiiaaedbut_iew days during his long have already bf°|ltllt- : 1 J. E (H ) stun“ { r we “J All unto; 1.133. 203.05 Gum“ ma‘. R240-245:af“u.h' no Gum. ,.o°me,.s_ 17; LOST_si‘m. Ru pin ha‘: .e....'_of employment. Early in the! Seventy-four delegates from tour-Egg’ of am‘: colmxhh t°'n_l {or rant . your property wi us. FOR sAm,3__Pi‘n°' "amm~A1len place. "phone 1421. M238-239lp,.;°e gnd Tenth street on Bmld-‘£m,um:‘nu?n:°p:t°§t'i:d °p°nfi_ 3:3 3:3“! '2'”: :3: :h:°;:;=;§shlp. subject to the action of 8 °’ FOR SA”.-’__weu_wd ma goqsweeper. electric fan. Singer sewint FOR REN-r_N;¢e|,. mm;,hed;way Friday morning. Reward. ne.. fa, 31,, “yo, .¢u,.m,,. In the lot ae count”, in protest ‘am’: the: Aug“: 5 192 ‘election to be held on 11”“ nm‘mu“‘.‘< cated cast front buildin%o‘sitei)h80]l*l‘¢hlMvpo;“:;2n1L?:;d‘P’:f“§:er:::’ modern rooms across from Red-P50“ 53- 3315*winter the Physical education ‘effort to ' their secret ’ _____' - . S "*1, hi ‘-395 feel. 0!! Olle 01' ‘ml '3:t’°”' . ' "Campus. Phone 850 white. 805: _ . es are held in the morning a the (huge, ‘ad on cugmgu, n ']'he unghjng best residential streets; excellentllason Jlrs and two benches. Phone Elm street‘ Price rummhk. h.wI.é)STRe:l;ivd Kappa pin. ,wP;i3osl& building must be ‘nun by an time‘ ! Trl;;dCotloum‘l!i‘ina°nfilIoourlan°. J. an 30°31. 7‘ pp p‘ paving and sidewalks in. gas. wnter.1215v 13' 5- 9”‘ ‘“‘°°'~ 232-240 2 ~ . p23sirg——-' ' ————-— the classes start. an duringthcda)" You are missing opportunities it .3 . undid,“ ,0, the .150, cf. 7o1._llsroo::i.Ave. rig] sewer conneetiotnscfieasily Oavail-'3 FOR SAL—E__Sm_enl book “mas, FOR RENT e mom ‘nag MISCELLANEOUS hlejtaya in the ‘gyrfiianpatsiuménd 13.-es gym do “gt 5.3’ ma nu miuou;-ian‘¢°mnb1e 1°, commbg. -ro'n,mp'i fa, - n e; two-story res ri ons. wner% . g “'0” ; everything s mo er. ne. ’ - - v *-'~‘ ~ would bk! to sell as soon as pos-i‘“'d2"l' 2”” ‘nd °l~h°!‘l' fi‘&2“;i‘lY¢-vslecping porch for men. Best loca-; wA1»;TgD_T° ,hip yam. five, of hi, hu-d¢,gu3k,,},e 5;,-;_ 1, keep- "’"‘t "I" t° a” ‘dim’ °‘ ti” ‘ \ .. , _ siblc. nc o the choicest home-_Ph°“° 13‘2 51321“ C3 IV tion and surroundings. Regulnrjgtock, for the least possible cost ins Student! {mm P187508 Oll 019 sites in the city. For further . -;u‘””' R233“ PTl°°- 20‘ 3121“ ‘V3332: P110“ 557;and secure the highest market price.‘ bl-Skctblll floor Without Yllbb'~'l'- g _ K792“ H238'239}Columbia Co-op Shipping Agaocig- soled shoes. This is an order of the u formation call Smith-Catron Realty: Co.. phone 27, Exchange Natiolall Bank Bldg E1271 green. 1606 University avenue. FOR - s.A.Li:—itonge‘ stove with reservoir and warming oven. Phone FOR RENT—Roorns for girls at: 312. Board if desired. 408 Vesscni 238-289; ron SALI-3—Fivc rooms and, 237-242 .~lw-ping strictly modern‘ i FOR SALE-5-room modern bun- galow; almost new; close in. 84,000 b. brick bungalow. lots of built in tix- . Phone 1090 red Ctf tun».-z. full size concrete basernent.I FOR REN'I‘—A4tr-active large? cool room in Dumas Apartment.‘ Phone 985 red. 8238;! $7,250. For further information see Gum)’ 6': Frasier Rulty Co. or ow- nor zit‘ 219 w. Broadway. 239-244 FOR SALE F""”""° -‘°' "“° dining table, cooking utensils. bench dent rooms, wardrobe, sideboard. 1 TWO ROOMS and sleeping porch,{ furnished, $80 per month. Phone; 1797 white. A238-243; FOR RI-Z.\'T—I-‘urnishcd apart- I. porch Phone 379 _ Green. 411 Iiitt St. B211tf (‘line Apartment Bldg.. 915 Mis- SALI-3—Practically new I-‘OR REN'1‘—To girls. furnished! room. summer rates. 315 Rose-' ::min' rive. C239-240 FOR SALF.—7-room completely modern bungalow, oak floors, hot FOR player-piano. party leaving town, easy payments. Phone 850 Black. ° C2206 I-‘OR floor apartment. 611 S. 5th street. phone 1104 red. A under the N. Y. . colors, won the I00-meter event in record time. Schols represented the University- of Missouri in the Olympic gamu of 1920, and is a Bob Simpson trained sprinter. Although not'a recognised rec . e is a co-holder of the world's record in the 100-yard dash. __.__.._j__ TIME FOR T$'lS CHANGED Badges to Be Presented at Cautliorn. _ Field Tomorrow. The physical education badge ts of grade and high school JANITQR AT MEN’S ' J is his duty to keep training quarters of the Univcrsitys athletes and there is seldom a plaint arising‘ from any fault of years ago and ever since he came lify in the exercises.‘ GYMNASIUM LIKES TIGER ATHLETES; For ten years F. M. Rice has been I 'anitor of Rothwell Gymnasium. 1 in order the] . Rice came to Columbia seventeen’; tion. Phone 749 or at night 1661 white or 9Fl3. C236—24I ’T§§5“éA'n§"oiTr‘—‘s;.u;“‘ FOR SALE-— USED CARS Essex touring . . . . 'l‘AYLOR'S GARAGE - 1240.241 ‘ mary lane. phone 571 red. P238-240; RE”-I-__2 or 34.00!“ first’! iioonr;X"§n BOARD‘ 1 233-239. ROOM AND BOARD—For soon-gm 208 South 8th 3 water heat. living room ahd din- ing room. kitchen. 2 bed rooms, fioons PC3332” FOR RENT—2 furnished rooms to boys or girls pa!" ;;"d “€,'°°“°“"“ vmh :3. FOR REN'l‘—2 or 3 rooms well ""“ °°r' " . .°°°°, car for light housekeeping. fl""" G""“‘° “mi “'° 1°“ wmlfurnished or unfurnished. one sell at bargain. See Garey 1117 or not 2 Summer rates. ca Broadway, phone 1307 black. B238-243 Frasier Rcnlty Co.. or Mil. T38. Nnylor, nos Conley avenue. ! 1-‘OR RI-INT—Largc furnished '_-239-244’;rooms and sleeping porch for sum- ONE LARGE upstairs room at $10; smaller one. $4. 1403 E. Broad- lway. phone 18449 black. H240-242 liner term. for the summer.iwh"’° 11 at East.‘ 9 1207 Paquin, phone 1143. B223 obeyed by students athletic department but is often dis-1 i I! “I was born and raised in Midway, -; ten miles west of Columbia.” “ o. I can't tell you how long ago ‘I: but it was more than just a few ;_ ears." ‘jf “Which sport do you like best?" l’ he was ed‘ ' ; I can tell you that} _{ right now. 7 According to Rice, the University ‘A athletes are an easy get along A with. 7 “They never doahythlnx to cause me to get angry with them and I never give them any rason to feel l . 1 ROOM AND BOARD—-$6 for 8 .meals and $5 r 2 meals. 716 . to ; Maryland. phone\ 1496 white. _ ' B237t.t V * BOARD AND irooii—iien for " 1606 . 88 a week. . summer term ~74 '7 '5-7>~‘-:7 ‘ ~ mer term. 1104 P quin. Phone F0333"? -. mm ' ‘ ATTRACTIVE furnished room E for summer Women preferred. No **2:*..:*:~*::r,:.:° .::::-.~..=:.. ’°°"'......‘e M .m=»-r—w~=- ~m- mm mm co---» rivatc entrance’ tele hone had met ; .130 two fl-fit floor rmmdinfl‘ Three blocks whim illiowcr No othcrlroomelia. 1 mom‘ for houzgiocblafif Climpufi‘ Hume as‘ K2“). gin“ West Campus. pho 684 ';'>':;;,;',:m' we ' ‘.33 FOR RI-3NT—-Modern room for i . ‘P22-fill ‘ summer term for girls. . FOR RENT to men. FOR RENT-F°' ‘“""’“ “""‘"new, modern ii:-me. 816 for one,‘ $20 7 3 room furni . apartment with for tie. A1” “np_ phom 233 bath, 1 block from both 4!ID[Ili|:'.r>¢.u 150‘ 1"‘. 235,2“, Phone2265B.edaftcr6p.m. _________ 1.‘! FOR RENT-Booms in new, mod- home. Desirable location. 1810 ROOIIS-—Modern in re- °"‘ mm spect. Halt block "'°"' "‘°"° "77 mm Rooiningou, O ' East 815 double and $10 Building. 5 Woodaon w . 2048.. ” ‘Mn.’ , GVCYI or kw Building. 02,‘ iioons single. 804 llillcrcst, phone 1750. '. .. C ” a i University avenue. 237.239 1; 1 ROOM and board for girls. oppo- lsitc campus. Summer rates or 3 meals for '8th street. phone 1258. and board, summer rates. 2. . or ,lunch and dinner for $6. 515 S. B28‘ltf activities of the afternoon. “Well,” concluded the falth1'ulu_:nt- ii |1312 Rosemary. phone 1160 white. l D287-242 . R00)! AND BOARD tormenat «$8and310at610Collsgeavanue. ghonellkl. 288-241 .’ ' O ". l mate. N2-,8. :1’! Steps to stop the persecution of V in rnoori. Tliereidays when the great American {or- Vests and he. man's last a taken by Dr Geo of the Commerce. plains were his own. New Mexico. the redthoriscd . rge P. Clemcntsqfor coroner, subj Dos Angelas Chamber of Io!’ “The New Mexico -Pueblo Indians his. ;aCn'l.nt3o . . m “Our whole American policy to- rm“-3. election {,0 nd the Indian has 93; i. been and is at}; Itl This is The Place You have heard about. - d g_ term students all know about MIE’S and that is why it isso LAB.‘ We are specialists e. V tronghold, a‘re beingtsullens as a Democratic candidate. ‘held August 5. 1924. .nMia1E's. ling the I-‘or Ooroner. ‘.0 81111011116! _o ;Booiie County. oobioet be‘ Demo-' .. . ti ' ‘ The Columbia Missourian is au-_?;u.c prmluy ' ‘ to the action election to o——— . . J ‘1 d . ' 5- ° _- o . -.. ‘ l V’ , ' , ' _c , ,» - . ".." to the studenm Th¢~f:il_1¢§1Z_ ‘fountain. drinks, delicious and dinners. all are 5' a /- a is em . ea in»! lumbia ‘a~ .. ' __ 3 ¢_. - . lliii‘ o .' . . .. .- I .._.. .' ';.- - ' . ' ‘ ‘ " .|-" O . . .'. .‘_. '.,_': . V v. I ' . 1 \ o . .. . . ,‘ ‘ o 0 ' ,. ‘ — ~- . 4 . . _ . . _ 3' > — - . ,- o - .- . ~ . ,. -_ _- . - - 5 - . , ' .e' ' . » I . x A . . O0 . o .. out -ox‘.-Q,-:, ..‘- ' at their best , it . . . ~ " -4. "‘_'A ...A~ ‘ ‘ -i 1' ; i I 2 ‘;'-*7: ;' ...~ , l ~‘5...=:3~‘~‘r-.‘:~‘.$?‘$ _-;-. .- J ' ‘ ..-,.,--.~. ---.~‘.‘2."~“7“‘ "1-"W5 "- ‘-1.'é.iéF.’.r;s£¥3;§ii:=f’- " 2”’-‘i .. ' " "'3 .",~" FT." "- '7',-‘C:‘3.".;‘ 3;?"-..,a-_..f 2 .3?" 3 -‘*2-"X-.' 2 . ',_','gA'- ii ' - ' ’€\:-'-.}'.- itr?‘§'.l$i7"'?i§‘4Z15‘:Eé:ff? Vffig E'.''';.'‘ 3. 3; ‘f« - " 2- . '* ’ , ~ » “ “ ' ........ -‘T’--M "’&g —~- ~ . _ _ -A’ t ‘ _ , A A -__-. A " '4 ~-- - ....l.~e;. :m....:.s. ' ~ no ~ ,3 ~,,,,.,g,,:5,S. . ' my . = ' a 1 in o FT} a ‘ 1 I 2 ‘ no noun’ amp» 0neCeataWgrdaDa)'_'_._‘ 7_.‘”.$~i'luVi‘l§nIfwisa"asd-lilmil-A m I 1 V . L ‘f ; - _ . -. _V. _ . . p. I - ' . . ’ ‘ < V - , . ‘ T ‘ fie V_ Private .-....._.. !”"”9! ’ '-;‘ .AY8 Ts‘l one that %l"m?hdn.M ‘Ill! “'°"°”°33""". ma RENT_u‘h" 3,“-"b°‘"h°’h‘“n" ; . ‘ A V .. ' 1 ‘my 6”’ “mu 2”” ibeiooo. mmwfiwbfi 0. A it ' ”5‘“1 E‘ A 898 l in A 5"" 533* 0 "2. V ' 4.. A ' i O . . .. .-iinsoozi':omo?rnoaoioet aatdllsay . ~ _ 1...... . — l 3061881. 11.~WI.IlIiIIttou. 8. "6, '._fug o.-pressing thIrii.'adlalt ,£nru1shedapar1:ment. Also F03 3E"T"7‘”"‘l'h“l’°°“" .‘ l 0:" 6. - . ‘ ‘ - H-IIl--ou:*----''''''‘'''''’'‘''.'ibI‘:'a;e. 109Priceavenue.plioiie1°33-$i82ll-P1|°'l¢324ul¢3‘- . .ChiI=-ao.10:Bosbn.5. "“”""""""“"*"°"°‘*°“ ..n.«o.u:.'.o-an‘:-_aa_.s‘-ii: 'iu!;,.N_ mm . a _ ‘A2866 Third High-Point Winner: 'nie1lu0iI::IlIh dlflun one :1 m u t in Vi!‘ . ' - 1 , jug.“ fin; “mm .3333 In] 3.1] op-mg-3 3;‘:-‘-e:.:" visa sax-it-.-I-‘I. 3‘: goon '3mn'_1=m-nuhod .,...¢. roe iiiaiir-2rr_~wo well-veritilabed» Of Western C0llf€l'- ii" Y°"“;73,,' ”,“'u,,""’?'°‘ girl would bolioiioc she be alnglfi~¢(iRlcao)f shsrifl or noooooooomltiiz _ or 'the_‘ . sir; "i. mourn-oraoaIn£' 3oh“..u5p,,¢ 3233t[roomai’;pfiY1a8t‘e6‘hom¢. encemeetat § ongynnu statslmaryelection.A'ug!Ist 5.-1924.~ ‘ EIPLOYKDCT ‘ ‘ DESIRABLE APAETUENT 703 '-——— '‘ Chimgm BTANDIXG OF 1'88 CLUBS. beautifii tape, cultur-cd‘appear-ancii 6, 1924. i P" . ..uuN'r—ao1 Oonley. call 1317. in: F08 RENT-30°” *0’ MW] —_ ..;...L “dead” ,,,,1,,,,,,,,,_ W i, M. I I ‘The Coluiirlia. is a - l\':\l\'T5D"*" 2222232‘ 32259922» °h°'P- 319 “fin” s"'2a9;KEEBLE WILL COMPETE 05- Won. Lost. Pct. ah-aldtowork. '1'hesecoadrrianax- The CONE“! niflflfllh 5! ‘°‘”"'°“"” 0'“ "K . summer term to wait cog. rot, 1708 BENT-Elev hnutments or 6288- . __ New York ........ ..24 17 .586 peeta , to be a booboior. Others thorixndto snoounoollor Creed ur-L 3'" #8 1' °''‘“'“P ‘ their board. Apply at _. al.=G.;2' or 8 rooms with gas. and FOR n£N.r___Ro°n. ‘or wuifiamiiwn to Run for the Boston . . . . .. 24 17 .685~emphasine religion and a_ back- a for the at pug-1mlor.Ocngcess llornc. ' Ono 8-room for Sept. 1. so to no month‘ and for I Detroit , , , , , ,, m 21 553,‘mnnd of ‘ ch,;,fim 3, ‘ha, offioong county, gubjgcgm cu abject to the action of tlil . . . .- .Gno bloclcfrom Red Carapul. 411 7" 9" ,9‘. = K. C. A. C.—-Scholz, St.-Louis - ....... .. 22 22 .500lone coy admits he could learn to ties of the state primary election 'W° Mm”! ‘WW 2° "9 2°“ \i'A2\TED—‘iourig,man woklp - girls and men 35 per '7 . W01 . . . V « . l ~ , .~ ._ V :- 1 hour a day for nooio. inns 1‘ 93°“ 5"‘ 3‘ 95°" 1250 Red. Md” “_ block mm Former M_ U. Star, Wuhlnzton .... .. 21 :2 .4ss;iovo.o uobonun an if she could tobeheldhnsnst 5. 1984- 15"!“ 5- 2924- . _»., home. Phone 1682. ‘ ease Hall. 712 nlfillndc P5039 M -- C1 ‘ 3 ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' " 19 22 "63-c°°k‘nd‘idn‘l"&'?' thin‘? 11,, coma“. uuuuun h 1' The Coluuibia ---.s -.—. i GARAGE u 508 con} P 1361. “II. Belle Blffllolli 230-242 ay Qualify’ "Y ° ' ‘ ‘ " 17 2‘ "15: llosto them thatthe ldell m - ' w .u;,'fl;o;-iygd to C, W‘M \\’AN'i‘ED—'I'he names and on-;918 white. °¥- “°“°T_u -———}—l—;Em, T‘ wwmfihwdp Do” web;-r-—-mu mmm.“ om . Phil -flu-cull? 25 -‘°5 irirl should be- healthy. and u“‘°’*‘°‘. mdm‘f;°V“°'fir u“!1“‘ofl‘°:l‘:1'u a oonrlldoio to‘: ;hn.noiwl.>llcu$ "‘l°""“““ °‘ “ “‘"""°’ °”‘''“' ‘ '7 roornFO ‘piano: 8;; white. 503 entrant in the Western oonrerenoii’ . ‘ won. Lost. Pct. t ‘'“'°‘‘‘'‘ ‘’°‘‘’*’ “ "°‘ ‘ "‘° sheriff or Boone county. subject io‘°°ml°~tl°n for ‘ try girls between the see of 9 1 F05 RENT—At:tractive modern am and mafia“ met in Chin“ Sfimhy am New York 29 17 63o‘cBaity, it would help .hll'lct¢l’ an-“ti” of aw mu Plum’ 6” up gnbjoeyto fiie gs‘- 11 wars of Steed A -mrlse fggtgggtmwt for rent Phonecgggzgz ‘ _._ out one in.n.....i... ..n.....'.: the; ...Z‘IIIiiI.2e 18 'eoo.‘““‘ "°;,‘,°"“l§L 20”‘ "’°,",’.§ 3.’; son to boholdAir¢nst5-193$ ’ 3°“ °' id'A-uu¢nstu15“m.1924.r’ romc one.‘ n your name 8 ‘ . " i=~oa'iti:N'r—-I-‘uz-niobed room at - . . ' , . . . - . .- . . xsddross to N- F- lmm 710 Fair E1207 Walnut. phone 1866 white. '.':,°f,ti,"¢'::d§:"° ‘;T‘::: 3;‘: "°°"‘I.§$.",3.iZ‘..-°' 32 ’§§"”°" ’°‘" ‘° “ “-“L “" The. Colnm muoonon is au- .- ....-. . View a\.,_.,m, CO,,,,,,bi,, um ; 1-‘on RI-ZN'I'—5xcellent "rd-room_. pm “mm W! P‘. ‘mum the wt‘ Bum .... H 19 22 “S n and the qusnnoo or a goon mm ,_ T.“ 3,,” For . __ -242i:Pl-l't!neritn P113?! Nwrwm FOR BENT-Fmnt room in new guchenon id; chin”, ya“;-dgy lgrttaburgh . . . . . . . 20 124 .465 at aid£‘re31i:ii"a!r;dp'.el¢£ as a candida?‘ for the 2: “Mann” ‘I’ J; 1% .1 ge%_h.. WAl\'T1-ID-—Sewing by an eaperi-5men or couples. Good loca on.lbm,g.1°w f.dn‘_p3g-k. 312 for on ’ °' B°“°“ 2°’ 9"’ “fill 0172??“ Ptikggll‘. ' ' ' ' ' ' ° -- 19 27 413 interesting, but that he'd hate to an “an dam ‘L tel"-1;‘ cl; . stun“ 5,, 3‘ ,3... (need drcs:-maker. Phone 2152.?‘ did €083” for the and as for two. 10 mum“ w‘1k.tTY£‘l$3 phia . . . . .. 14 27 .341 hnvc to get breakfast for one. an to be had Ann: “'1'” ..__.._._..i... -.... v ' ‘u ,1“ .3, ed. ' , B239-244* rs. J. . ontgomery, '- J 320 , ,i ‘Cm, - o , , . "" "’ ’ . _..___{m SL 323,... Pzsmw :-here this ‘afternoon for Harvard term, mm“, .3 mm eouui Pniunr INDIANS no can“. m_mm ,, “_ f°°‘‘be°‘w‘:f 2'!“ elect S1.UI)F“\.T HEu,__w‘m ‘iudwi; ‘ _—— ; . finish training {or the Olympic try-Hummus wmbin‘°"¢l3°5md- mm ,’‘8. TO RETAIN OLD CUSTOMS in Q and to ‘mmma D. 8 Wm“ ” , 5*“ :0 do small amount of work for} F03 RENT"'F‘""”‘h°d 'p‘“" I-‘OR REl\"I‘—-Southeast room, sin-:°lll8- 3*! Wlll 50in Rlclierson than which '1'” being ‘Pomona b'“°3the'|D|_ G P ch...“ Um‘ &‘ or‘ to’ am“ 0’ ‘ha-.m 4 his room. Cell 1317. tf'“‘°"t°i" Dum” f°" “’"““"" Ph°“° gle or double for men or women.l“¢