. . .. ..__....-— 4 8 x J Y . . .- -hf . --- ‘- .;~:A,.4.,_.‘_5_"‘s':-_‘x7.e ~.—.T-. o " ' . 'y .‘ I ' I L '.e‘.‘ V - _ _ __ _,.l.,‘._,...! s—_ -e-5" " '. .-:'_‘‘,~4'~l'‘ ;,‘_-'2.‘ ?_.‘._.‘ _"' ._-J‘ - ‘_ ‘cw u“. ‘ » V A.‘ -r . .--.... .-,~ o . u -_ _-.5 5.‘. ‘ — ‘ ‘. . ' 9' st.‘ ‘ ‘ ,- .‘ * ‘ . ' 'v~'_ . ‘ . r‘ ' "4 ’ . -, - .s~ _‘ 1-, _ . . v . * _ ‘ - '_ ' ' ; .\ v ‘ ‘ :'z _ . I . - e . A ’ 9 v ‘a “ '0‘ L " ' o o ". . ~ ‘. a n . e V - ‘. . _ 19 A ... A ‘ _, ~ “ . V_ ‘ _, . . - .. o 0 - mt.’ .» . ' A %%%%% » rovnrsrsnsa II rmwe ‘W °'“""'..,., - it —. - nation oi mystery. tdwthfle . . InaardNear.BooneC0untv - _ t M t.--— .d_flw°.‘m‘:;e.m ' ' ° You are H mm,“ cdmnu. DAY IN CAMP “Born ayt Oanmwa Ia. of a father "do n A" illondlfi w ' ' ‘fit Wtl‘ ham’ Street W F S o The Golomb-is’;-or-ls_-t camp. near 3'” "VI! 13'0"’ . t 129”; ,0‘ 11193 ; T Ira. Mi Gertrude Dal: spent Sat- ‘ad . John Sn . urwe“ swan’. wanted as a dr:}mme¢»‘|:yuan. oer. . = sousesfxtuh uierseeonnenso ssu mono. cu. June 11.- W5“ "“‘,,,,,s"p..'i ’.i...e visited st’‘‘'‘'' 2?‘ I L Columbia Wednesdarnight. day the-we-r-nee f ,0" “ml M, h., "Mi . m. cm 1... been a. yiruasslleat witneasedtheftr uh’ i»"°“"B°‘°h°' '°°"° - ° ~ d-MondaywashdaY- u-aghq br.sr¢~b°I=°IIiII¢ 1" """' "’°l"""" necreaie last week. - g,,,,h,, Mus Tray llellownr as seen , . 4 consistent development tow °' ' “um”. 1'“! ma 0! ‘at’-‘Rn ' 1,. Paul and Cecil Burnharn of Win-' £63,110“ I Hwm” ‘an ‘O comma‘ ing the week in Columbia as the;°l°a“"3 '"‘H" I”! am“ "3' an goal which she has A soulht 3017 D0 y0u m°“"d°-thwbwqdmtaflcfihhuuawn !ie|¢l.Ia..wer-eher-elastweclfl ionbusiness . ’ . °f """dm°th“' g An Vin: iiiadamp and t mule we“? ‘b°“ufln,dlHe’;:~;.h‘.g°u|ust,'ho :3 :J;P“',,, ‘ho an and h n 6. Kisses Dorris Crenshaw and 0&1; my Holden 0! ucgflm ‘us be" JELLB C13. L 3' ‘::l'°'"y igndiamp ‘gledn 2-indltiort. Almost ever) ""1 K " °f wan 4* visited t Huntsdale s'» I I "d. L. or were go rs.‘ “Haul nes are _ - % 5 “'04- ‘W37 "°"" “"’ ‘° °“',,,,,,'‘-'’'’ 7“ ""‘*“‘ “°"""'“"‘m,fi M” 53:. ‘ iwAlkn has ‘installed a C 3 0°“ T°°“"Y "°""' ' iron: hi:ut"cooz.-torwitn uiszunvcixivc W980‘ Phi“ ‘W’ W '“"-'!'i V -. - their mouths shu‘t‘,ch and 1%’ At mu salad V‘ ‘H “gag; lies lllldred Forbis has db{eenI telephone in hi’ . Mrs Vnrsie 0016111"! “'5 °““‘imuh find the "ml" of me‘ "am ared filledkwith excellenttbIck¢!'_c nod .Jew:1l:'uMenow”_ '°m_lmyfl::énc eigdauoddnz . n ma their pmbkmwshe is hr mo": 4. _ 3 _ ‘ W. “ache tdke thernielves aI|d“l"RYOU'l‘8 FOB PLAY FRIDAY son of Jefferson City "mud beret 3- i‘°"°""' T°°‘d‘7 “inn” ‘¢"“i1‘¢d Miss Frances pg;-gugogydothing um amp-mg omfig of ghe willing to speak of her works A’ V1 , Fnénz, ,.,.y,u;|y_ The 19- over the week-end. -_ L 11 Bath ‘M K. W A t ma "is: Cleo Meuowny vpuudu. put,‘ _ Ha interests. while broad. are eon-i A (. , c . ! mud mud“ ! ‘bony; n’, “Clarence” toBe Prueated at Close nn ‘,5 yrs. Otis Zurnalt and‘ col bi. w°dn°“d:"°“! fitemoom , Fletch", Wampum of vincenn,,_ centrsted on her home’. a new home. Lo, ,. L p . ¢ I“ 131] yum girls 'who ‘Will DOV" .. °‘ 8"." . ¢h“d~"“- Fwd‘ ‘nd chm" °{ Cd“ '6?‘ kmgudss ‘ad (‘am y. Frances Ferguson. 5815" 5305' lnd., had driven over the Lihcoln __,__ _ __________ ' C “P” .' y G)’ '9" “hi fin‘ in mil; A uszozntfopruenr mates: him fdmh ‘"3 smgsgd here.‘ zuczcts of 1. )1 C187 Satur'flayTem tress. Cleo lllellov.-s)’ and Glenniflighway and said that “the roaéis p . _ C 4. mo. gtygnge to aay, but‘! notice. 01' 3 ." u ,, . The annu _ fen! 5' Pm’: 3- J 3,1] Douglass motored to Columbia Sat-‘ were in fair condition from t. p C the’! of them 8" 9°“ uo&"‘° aw" “M i‘ dim°“" ‘° °'“’ W’ Mn. Lather Vhn;-1 l V ( Ilrs. Robert lmpresselljge ditches running in all directions.‘w(.ek_ * Mrs. hlary lloldcr and’ children trreszu 8!‘ 191‘ an C0“ "*0 . . _ o I With Memorial Archway. :The- carry off 1. excess water: Bub. Saw of Mcnaim, cunwqf Mcgame ‘owned ,-gum-,5 he,-c:,.a ates. . B d CO to O thou: of thepgnts gfmxzurstzthst inflicts heavy dsmlze on tnessturdsy to visit Mr. and Mrs. G. -*«;;1rrfldn;'{-ewe mm of many W ‘: m’::c:‘‘‘°“,:;’,f‘:j;:‘d_1”‘‘(}ef:‘f0,:,':::,:. e ‘V our-ist vis n; a crop. . ._ ~ , ‘H _ . _ -' - Helnorial Park. part of which is “We cannot ‘tell just when the! Miss Alice I.-emon is the guemiited at the home of P. hi. Hunttmizht ultimately be due.to some _ . '_., H): “I used as a tourist camflphlnd Pflfntlllground vviill be ‘in a cor.ig:t1t;r:’htop°f ML ‘md M". will Cm“, in C0,: lasht‘ u-L-elk.” Ch d Cleo Me" gcsuso 3'l'?o;Ly|;Ii!.'d::lfi:l'n“.L!':g:5::l'£$g Third and Broadway I hone 2-’) - I 5 ‘a playground for c dren. 1'8-plow." sai one armcr. “ 1‘ _ "-lumbia. . rs. . . y an o-.u=_m. 6 C _ . 0 _ Robert Rogers, 91! Lo street. morning I went to the field think-1 Mi” puma, gmoks of (jo1m,,.- way were shopping in Colurnbaaivxtal duality was missing. or to in- ‘ 5.c,.u.,m- ‘ Q, g ygcgndy - 9,“; any 1 gnd found that; we“ M,-3 F‘ . M J11. reds», . .8UfflC|€D1 light. HIS W-’S08F¢‘h hid _ _ _ __ _, , we ,_ .- .- __ . said: e P” ‘ vit was im:>8Ilb‘1)¢?wwh"- "9 ‘‘ i,ii:r;‘l8as‘th:'e<-k. of 3 0’ C ‘ hllr. aynd Mrs. Ambros Thornton shovm. he said. that, Whatever the , r “To me one of ‘the lilofitwimvfifiis some good hot weather.” M”. o_ 1). M,_.’.,,,, ‘N; 3,1,5, L: of McBainehvisitcd Albert 'l‘honvton=c;u.8€.‘ 1:0 tlahfigl £70 ‘;:;O:‘;';"m‘::: p - - ; ; sive sights in I-‘u on s e are -t -——--0*-"—:' ‘H. Wegener ‘ ‘ted Mrs G W l'-’ Friday nig t. C DE!“ - 9 -t,_ ’- A . 7 . V” .0 we 3”“. -n...rfrtoi-*. s. v. snnxuss ruzsions mm“, S_m‘;:'y. "3 9 r Rawlins and family or? narrovc and the {ace longer.‘ These McALLISTER’S .1-aha dvantage of our , _ , "ch *8 W“ °' W“ . V ‘Accepts Position as Literary Editor hlies Aida cnuicrinc Gilbert or: Rocheport visited 8. '1'. wiuss Sat-;C0"dl¥‘°"_5 Wm "fit §.<>t_=_"]w'r:hin the , I “_ ° F” k °" . illerald is causinz much comment. bis spent Surlday vridi her par-: visited her sister. '1 ‘bronze set‘. an t at w xe e up- 3 -: over sumo: "&':°ooo'i. «mob b3di°°§o...’:i"I"ii3{oos".""“...i'}.."i°.Z'.L r.'f; ‘"‘i§'.".'.;.3"‘ii3‘;"r....' ’-".3" E‘,3..'Z§".....i3 A5." €22 ’§'.?;.u‘:’§°‘‘..°'.‘.3Zl‘2.'"bl? ‘. 2°; Zi32’.i',‘7“;'i.'. $53. ‘$1.5; '3 ..’I‘o'u'.’ °f . < Fuiw” '5“ Ebb” i‘ to c°'um°iU|1lV¢Y'3lW 339" hi‘ 3md°““ ha ‘ha’ .d1'~1¢h»¢Yo 33”)’ 30. WCN: Mrs. W. B. Hunt. ‘cm men overlnll the lower. the : L ‘ bis. When 1119 515388 "33 °’i‘i‘§e' a demonstration of affection Sunday zucsts of rs Bottyi Mrs. P. N. Hunt and her dsugh- p U H ._ i is H : ::l ° ‘he “’ “““d figflfoiile :11 be assisted on the Tribune Lynhfissu inlfsol!1unl’\b':-iel of if-tr" Mn‘ Rich”-d Gen?‘ '1 Best A‘ You may ' i 1 feet our; the urns-t ""‘“'hTb'iand Herald by Mrs. trim on Daren. City and Miss Mildred Powell oi; 'B.,,,... -r;,.,3;,..,,. ....,.. .0 on... D for , PRICES from OUR most complete . 3 ‘NW3’ V390“ “‘ '"’°‘‘' ,°','' l'ter ryedito 0fU1¢NIli0n- California. Mo.. arrival Sunday toéc - sat 1113' to ‘ ’ h’ ‘ate . , . ° ' ‘'28 ° ' -A l_ effif we ‘Wlttf W W'1ull3Enol‘;!'O'fC3:0 Shgrman may. visit their Blfillff. .“!'8. In. H ‘VC',.'- for;-(“fie few '33,‘: van ‘S 8‘ ti i‘ 8 8 i E : "“..‘f ,,°°,§,, ...,,,. ..¢°i='ouoo citisens!::':{;d.:: f_f’°;,Pf;,“m‘j;._‘§‘n‘f;‘§$ '";’‘;mm mm, m M}, ., ,,,,.; Mr‘ "d M’ Emmm SM" June 19 , , We have Just received a ship. ; E , to we the ¥=m°"“ P“ ' "°'°°!be a powerful opponent of It 1» liar: Olivet Church last Sunday.“ a i r ””" at LEAST’ v ment of Patent Leather and Satin, ’ 3:9“ '§°h ‘m N "I am mi“°“°“°“ °" 9" ““""" h"“°fi'~"d- Miss Jewell Palmer talked to the Notice to Graduates l . . , ' New Straps and they are also : TO-——j"' - e E ‘ We ____,_____ _ in R. sum,” msuum CM". friendly none Clriis about the. Thesis written at rate oil Capital Highway N. an 0‘ CW included in thi OUR GREATEST L l Plltfillzh‘ CARRY LAN'rmt.\s 38. l _};___G:“ “ n ‘or-these}-U u golnxk Sfmncc f<;|L-I 5c per 100 Pwords. Work park "I 3 '7 , 8,. _. _ c .......____ 1-‘mm ac ‘iseoasi owed. oc oc e ov. . _ ‘ . . . , - c NO"! Ellllllflll» U59‘ l’ C"“'°’°‘ "n Vacation Grounds. C. Abram pres on “Giving the} §:alr;:;e:lhue_hone 2‘6 Red . 9 t0 D. m. ' B"°"°m‘ vinmh Bmnm‘ ‘A 2 r 1-WW Wm : G. H. Sholts, instructor in the aiiiuren s Square after: . _ . . t c Clffyint I “(W55 1""-9"‘ Fl’-h ‘ University, has arrived at his camp which a communion service was’ -. mo-" M -.—.» .~—w _ _ ____ _,_ _ _A_ _ , ___ ' ’ 5 3, t '°.::*°*..:;°".:.:""::*",....M*‘*‘;:.".'**..' b°v:tC-'".:’°.:*:::.°.:'~.‘:.?'*i*° “f“" A b;=*é.;.;"w-2.3." mi“? ‘ siy1e'§'.i’.i‘.$'2#L‘f§o°f.i s°“°” be“ : Lakes. ‘is. r. , . . n-is noon. m rig o e congre-~ 1 N ‘ v ‘ ;' an. n in Wm *" demon, debating coach in the Uni-igation at 1:30 o'clock brought :30‘ T _ . ; \ as lnluiordof Cain: ‘grant mfg versity. and Scott Hughes made their week pledge: rgirdtilic series .or e I $ $ ;_ e "K ' trip by automobile. ings to cl we in the 0 ’ e e _‘ bmvcr-ity fmm 11*“ °°"" - . o t his th ‘ . but M‘ Pal talked‘ Se 31 u 1:. ; towns and country districts M:‘:..u¢; fizodnlgs the P33), gmgfg, Foufiryerrz in ?:;an... at . , _;4» } °{ 9" m“fi°' we “‘M‘°d ham" is to accompilny her to Chicago. ‘the close of which an offering was’ '4 ‘ “"5” °‘"‘°d' ”“"n°“ °f the A special train will be run fromgcaken for foreign missionary work. , . t , . - . 3 “ l ‘ -‘R °f W 0" ""‘°“ “W “'3 ‘‘F'.'‘‘ St. Louis on ‘June 23, which will take 3 ——+—— _ p __ _.__p ' M811 S F l01’8h€llT| f0,0l?W€3l' ’ I-. - ' ii? ‘°bo“'° °°“‘ "'4 °°"“"’“t‘;‘ boys from St. uis and vicinity to; Huntsdale SEAL PAX ' ‘ , V i 1' '91. ‘CV01’. mode!" ‘Pm 5 M . v . . . . ‘ '_ :':.:°‘3.....-"'..'~.*:.:*"°'"" "'*"'°‘- , :i:;: TVgI§;NU'gJ°N . . . . . ; n . e - A ‘ ~ ' . ' 1'15 - - t I Paper II also used in other novel Coulton hi. Becker. a gr-aduate1C°‘“'“b"~ _ . Until the old car wears out to come in and. , , 0 i the 1'' East. Paper um- { use Sch 1 f Engineering in‘ Jwk I-""0"-3 “TN ‘O C01W‘b'-3 : I1 3 1' th -1924--four-wheel brake BuickIi.=' L'.‘..’{i'.."... mu" i.......um.r coo. $9.0, .. ,...°°..i...,°o.. i... for can s.§mo.Snmr 6 “W J M FOR SALE AT . ° ° "°“ . l o f. ‘ thi ntry. e per tati to Cong!-es from eg 85 "'5 - -* . , , A . .e ' 335' " ".'ioro§s§°"i. tough and i.',§)'i_°§m;f mnwi Dmrm H,‘ Clay Sunday. _ i [W Sf’ ‘"5 °°“;;§““‘{°‘“';;;“ ""’t"‘h"‘;;"‘-’ °"°“'°"‘ A» Women’s Selby Arch Preserver p hgauly oiled to shed water. ‘The 0,,“ . gum, Roma‘ sh“), stock Ralph Daly went to Columbia on ' haritfllflfi 1!} '3 3“ '90 o "0 3 W0?“ OW»: ‘: straps and oxfords. Regular to 1 umbnuu "1, 0; ‘11 C010,,’ ‘M1 . hm‘ n wirlhmflmg um gef business Saturday. 1 . and ready to mean many pleasant and profitable‘ - ,-.iny.d.y gnu-1, acme presents a W” . . {mm ‘met ‘W. M. Street and W. F. Snod-l_ miles for you. yo values, now _ % chzlertul sppesrsnciond Pu County in the titty-first general as- .-..._ , ,.__ .,__ __s, _ _ _ ___ _ _.____ * __ 1 ‘ ‘ 1 Indkerchiel 0033"‘ l{theatat.ebe¢isla'tu. ° 3‘ - A also raade of psaper and are burned “:1? ’:"m w buy or an “:2. ‘ But They’re . $ .95 p ‘ - o ' . alter |rIe.c:"lIwIc'l'\. a more minty”, . n. “m “L , ‘These used cars number less each day. Your ‘ J o choice of them will not be as great tomorrow, - _ come today and take your pick A model and v J. 1 Price bound to Ittiifv 1'00. of Ve will set what _ AS the HUNDREDS of PAIRS 4 1 , 333;; 1:3,; -;,g";;_ PM D” * **°*-v-'a °- heir , HAVE BEEN sou) ‘ WE HAVE . . 1 PUT OTHERS UPON THE TABLES, ‘ 1 mac Are beta: so it still enables us to fit ’most every ; _v ; I A _ noose Touring--Nash Touring ' person ‘from any lot selected. COME - ‘ W i ‘.3 ‘ ‘nine 3-sea ; IN. W t; L‘ . A _ E lisyaes1'earingaads!iedsoa y, r ‘ ene' "sense" as. an-s n can . lalleub Bras. 1 ALL HOSIERY REDUCED A '-‘--'.. ‘"5-1-.:-.-..-:*.°"""z::.-:-. :...'.':"'..:::";:.*.."':.F.*.f' ’-2: 1 '‘'‘'‘'-‘''‘‘‘l‘‘' 0 um za . ‘7-I ...sr-- eseeiseeteu-etsbinpenrueilnnr-a ' Batteryser-vice ' . . . I100 . A esdelsadhuilsd. it a . --—, -A v .i............:§.'."“£..u..":‘_ BuclcJohnson’sBatteryShop . o p _‘fl,IeNEAREAS'!j;RELIEIj' bnr- - '''‘‘''..............‘'''''‘..;,.''‘'..°'....,'‘'::'... 1 pm,” 394 r 9“. and wan“ .3. 3. mouse, srgr. . J . . rel as still out fefi-r‘lhe ofiflction of ,. Ill Iahhfimr h K , A A) _ 15 S. 10“ 8|. » _ 1)‘... 2:50 . _“ , | I ! Lo--s-‘-e». _ ‘l i I , . ,a . V‘ ‘ 4: . “ _ _ 5 1.-_-.;r_:L'~“;?Q‘§.‘_.:‘.‘ .‘ ; . — . - t _.'v'_ ‘ - ta.’ " ,'-I‘ _-1 I "j" 1. ‘ '- '3 '.v -'-.',,:‘1'¢".V; 5'; ‘ ‘l V ‘ F ‘ 1 ~ - -. ‘ 7 _ p 7.; _ '_ “ L :4‘ -‘ i -‘ 5_.~'- '._j’:}?_j' _‘ ‘.‘*"-.‘ ' ' "¥{-A. -‘