0 " ‘~' " -" '0 > '~. --'.r- ".< -~ -4--.-- v » . 1~ -- — .o- - < -~ v v .-«~ - -.. V».-~ — -- - ...- - . . . 4| - -. . . - , . _ , .. ~.‘. -=~*:s=:.-: ...-if--~*'.‘:-'::*&.==s:c:irs.t+fi:=1;.‘»=~- ‘I’-.' =3. ..:a=;-.. . . : ~ u I - — . : ~ o o v- ~ w .~-- ' » A - - ~ ._-. _ ‘ . ,- .‘ . ‘ <3‘ ._ »__.. L . .__.:_. ‘.- _ _,~‘1.. , _. __ .-~; < ., .V__. », . _ > ‘ i. »» -- v _ ._ ‘.- ‘.'_,'. 4 ,‘ ‘ ,~ _. . _ I - ' V - ,‘ .. - ‘ _ V-3" _ .-V1 _’ -1 V '9 ‘ -___.'. ,« ‘_ _; I ‘ . _ _ ' I - . ‘ ‘ »'. ‘ . . .‘ '. " . A, . " '. ‘ 5 > ‘ .~~ - ‘ , V _-‘ _, r V_ ‘~no,- ._' ‘_‘ '1 .. ~_ - ,,, ' —. ‘ ‘ ' ~ ' _ _ ‘ _ . _.. ‘ V _. ~ . . - . . - : . 3 ..~. , ‘F.’ V; .'i:....'.. .-..... F‘; - 2 = ' ‘ C‘ ' . .. ' ' “ ’ --- - - >- c- n m . ‘ ~~ . - . . V .4—....s..—p .. . 5 7.‘ ~..- ,_ , , . .._. « , _ j __; _ . ~ ~ ‘ A 4 x . ,- ., .. -. . _ _.w r 5 -.’- -‘-("T . —r Miuer’s Stock Complete ~ 0 Richards’ Has Sold Meat . as 771088 511 L078? Cities u t 4 n O in Columbia Since 1893 _ T0 ll!" 599" 3 °°rP°”m°" f°r m°r° nu" The burning of the old University was the tWe!ItY_Y¢8T5o ‘Rd '“3‘'" "'ll'hl“ mm’ “me u’ “We occasion for H. R. Richards’ moving to Columbia. hld 31101’? 91"‘ 001' °h‘‘"3'-’ l" ‘l°°kh°ld°"' ml been H. R. Richards. who was the father of the Rich- compoaed of more than three stockholdeng $3 the ‘ ’ M A T ‘ And: ‘b H, t .h W ope, M. th m,;k£t~3,L“. .. I; ‘ uncominon business —hi8t0I')' Of tht C- 3- Mill" e D0 Broadwtry. ch!i25'8I': 0‘; til: fire an: dccicled that there 0 h‘ l Shoe Co- in 3902- C-bB- Mm" ‘"3’ Fm“: am“ would be a great deal of building going on if Co— \ 3.. who had been doing usiness toge er un er an . | b-,,_ “d m t it would be 3 good P1,“. to “an . ;» inform-I wnnerschivs-Z-fitemenhhi'f:F:;’“‘°° bf” HE Welches live out on Sixteenth street, made possible by the advantages she affords, r:-Trklct-0 3 L.‘ t withllrs. . . ieraate 1 main r. _ . . . ‘: 3.3;; , Mm C_ B_ Mme, ,, ,,,,,,d,,,,, 0, ,5, am, cm the street from 0“. A more ha,.d_ should be put back into Columbia to increase those He had bet-'n in business in Jasper. Kan.. pre- _ V E ) _ a y g o a . . . .. . V ‘I , .-:1 -. ta; ‘I-‘r-nk Bun. secretary. and Mrs. Frank Burr the _ _ _ . advantages. But they wouldn t_spend.it in Coluin,-_ nous to that "me and in “mf"=‘<*- M°-- “*'°"= - . , third member. working family never existed. Mr. Welch big if it didnvt go as far_ They couldnat afford to_ J. n. a.nnn.d.,b:nn ofl thg ;!>rcscn;”ou"iIiCr': or :2; - .. company, “'85 I'll. D 88118. .. (.' OPCFI 3 Prior to 1890 the firm had been known as ° ° _ -_ ' ,h _ , Id , Mm" and Dorm‘ which W embmed in ma rises early, cuts the front lawn, cooks his own eggs They will spend it in Columbia as long as it :a:::n:..:“o‘nm;io.:tsn..on vs en. meat no. so to N L when Mr. Miller was but 17 years old. Columbia 9 ' ’ . _ . ; ,,.., “,9, . ,.,,,,.,,.,, .,,,..., of 4,500 ,,.,.,,.,,,,, .,,d 3,. and 8093 d°w“t°“’“ t0 “°"k° M"3- Welch “'1” will buy as much quality and as much service as Gen. 1:. s. Grant was one of the customers‘ I 1 store was located on the site now Occupied by the never run for C0ngresSwoman_ She spends Sat. i“ any other city in the West And as long of H. R. Richards in Galena. III. This little river Drug Shop. Today It is doing business In the . as the selection Of Dads in - t town is older than Chicago, and was the scene of 5756'‘ blllldlfll 0" BY°ldWI)' Ill Elfihth “Wet. Wliltfh urday the house and most of Sunday . .g , , , ,a ‘S as grea General Grant's venture into the tanning business warbuilt by c. B. Miller. as any other city in the Mississippi Valley, the before the cm: War. uwve do ,_ hm, , m,,_°_,de, business _3 we morning getting the family up to appreciate it. Welches will spend it here. .,,,m 8,9 M. ,,,,,,__ in o0,,,,,,,,,,_ ,,,d,, um, do over the counter." was the surprising statement the Richards‘ Market. which was established in —‘ made by Mr. Bibr today. There has never been Their sons work in ofiices’ belong to trades at * * * at ‘ 1893. Business was done first in a store occupy- “ a catalog issued by the company or an especigl ing the site of the Bernard Floral Co. on North promotion of the mail-order business of the store. unions and Se“ goods. are the CORI- Ninth street, with Warren Chandler. whose interest “uh” .°f";°n:>°}¢ ‘imply “much the 1-ct that mercial Club and the Chamber of Commerce. The The” are 2985',‘ Welch families in Columbia 1" W buiinm W *°°" “km °"°' by “‘°‘“"1'. - l §l’..o°‘f.°c'n'§ look II.’ the u§}..l:§§l§:1"n‘3§.:§.'{ girls 80 to school. move Mother and Father out ‘md 4322 °f them “‘ B°°“" C°“"t"' ‘" .‘.*‘‘’‘°‘ “‘° “''*‘.‘‘‘° ‘‘"‘‘‘'‘“= °'.' '’'°"’"" 4 their styles. by the kitchen stove each Sunday evening in the was built and moved into by H. IL Richards. At The name Welch might be Smith or" Jones or "‘° “‘"° °‘ ""‘ “°‘“" K ‘* ‘“°"""’- °"‘ °’ “’" brothers now operating the business, was in Kan- “People should buy in Columbia." said Mr. winter and off the front porch in the summer. tl;I‘:irt.’e;siiIIT'IPl£\'lbecaduae Etilungbia hcan xive them are I'€pI'eSeI'lt3tIV€ Of the great sas City. learning the larger aspects of handling . - . 3 5' E 8" Q09»! 3' I at t e)‘ want. There . _ _c as5..9f.. me overs that make u u] i meat from the work of Swift & Co. .1. R. Ric!» « " Po ream". to buy 8.: hgme if the “°°d5 3" in" Mrs‘ “felch and the glrls have no D8l't1Cl113l'. r f b’ p e at on ards was the brother then in charge of the store. ‘ fgfior. but 1" C°]umbl.f mu “ith mcmmnta if pi . ~ , g o a who are in competition with city stores. Students d ‘culty n‘ dolng away famlly Income’ “'3 ' The "Hume °{ bminen do“ by um mnka can lend home to Kansas City or St. Louis if But all Of then‘ haVe all of things nCed, ' The Welches knoyv “rhat want and they “Ch 3'0!!!’ approximates 300.000 P0005!‘ Of 319“- thcy do not like the merchandise _liere——hence the and lots Of the things can’t 3501' do They want don’t need to be mot th The policy of the firm has always been to . retailers of Columbia offer a vanety and quality . e an 0nce° ey -, m be“ m, f , t we ‘ , am you éeidom find outside of a large city." the best when they can get ‘ti k“0W What things 0118' ht t0 C030 The)’ kf|0W What :i'i:ca eposaiblequ‘ ‘rile: bneli.cve. that vc°i?s' oumm "Several I th it’ f ‘h’ h ‘ ' ' - . _ ' . mm m hf?" §h:n‘°(§o]u':‘*:iL‘:, fnidwghfegfiigi _ _ . Mthmgs cost outside of Columbia. _And'they know itglumbi 3‘ "''‘‘f "";‘.‘°* itmwuxbliitor ihem to 2;; ...,,m i, ‘ yam My who used to go ,0 um um, _ T_he Welches believe in Columbia. They be- ‘what service is and how to appreciate it. That is lb‘; be: ’°1'.‘f,°° f ‘"“t_ ° "'° “‘ °"‘°" " vcraity six years ago and who is now married and lieve it a good place to work in and play in. They what they are getting when they are trading in Co- ‘ 8 W“ ’ ° mu living in Oklahoma City who send: back h ' » ‘ ‘ ° ' A complete assortment of meats, both fresh ,___m_fly for her ‘hm. on Missouri My 5;: believe that the money they take from Columbia, lumbia. No one is fooling the Welches. ,,,,,, ,_.,,,,,,' _, W," ,, p,,,,,,,,, M,’ C,,,,,-, M E went to Harvard was the cause of our receiving pickle: are carried by this market the year around. nine order; for the sort of shoes that‘ he had Especial care is taken that equipment and aur- I worn up there." ' _ ‘rounding: are of the most sanitary and modern ‘ In addition to this, Mr. Bihr sent a pair of shoes 4 _ type. Huge-coolens and refrigerators keep every- to Cuba last week. and ‘ still ‘ftti th '1' ., - ' ° - - th' I h nd l tabl . 0, M, K o_ .,._ c_ °mc,_,,‘,'j,,,° ,c,,'he';f ,°,°,;‘i§ - . HE city of Columbia is a cosmopolitan community. Its 13,500 '"“ '“ ‘ "“ '’ seven! ya" ‘go. . h , _ _ _ _ A contrast to the old days of buying stock You can obtam It _ people make up one of t e biggest little cities in the West. In from the farmers and slaughtering them at the The pre.sent*foi-cc of the business includes wail"! wu drum by Mr mdurd. 3111'. E3..‘5i’.'”§‘.'. ".3? $‘.?.f...'7’Z’.‘"nI.‘?§i3.‘,”.i}'.i.'..I‘§, ‘E’. ,W"¢’" Y0“ Wm“ 1‘ ‘ti ““"“““‘3"”.“i“"‘f““3 Ylfl‘ 3"’ ‘it’ i“ the °°““"" Eve” “Every nu... .. meat um, .. ....-- n. ...o. . . ”’"“u,’:';'i;,“‘°';‘F;‘fo';."‘_-u:jf’f:'beT';::§c:; 1;; year it does business which is !‘8Dl(llY exceeding $6,000,000. :s N-:1:-dv;dm :3; £;er::::l§1t:oni:f.vecton. and =‘j~-fé_~‘1 0; and ‘{°:n"..i.mli.:' .'.'.’n':.i.i.;'o.l’"i‘.’."'in.‘°",°.'1 “Buy it i“ Columbia-” Sixty-one miles" of gravel roads radiate like spokes into a rich farm? ' uiioueivives on ten just what p-chin: house I _‘ ::“:“::‘:;;;:;"§": 3:: 3d :h::P‘m°k‘ With the variety of the ing land outside of Columbia and 35 miles of paved streets make its {,;‘l‘j",,f_°,‘,;‘ °}’;"°,_,",’;'_{;"lI2";f'J"‘f,,:',j“:,,";""{,:;fl‘§j ; me mm W, in mm 0, the om“ m M _1 ar 8, 8 city’ her memh_ stores always within easy access. And there are two daily newspapers from Armour a Co., If n say: "3 A. n .. from young women ooomooon. to tell its thirty-mile trade territory of the exceptional advantages of- ,S“"‘ ‘i 00- in Km“ CM‘ -Ond if '1 *- ‘mired lit. in: mud in one x d entio . h ants are at our door. fered here. "20 M ii “ mm WM" ‘ 6° -4 reads the trfidt jour:iaIa and into: :21: bllnduto E Th y to The old way of delivery was by horoebackiiid’ “ 5' auggeadoiiillum V to what the col and e are as near 011 . . . . . . . a hicko basket which was rial around 1b'\!ii" ' Q, lines [or wveomlnguzaxn will be. Suggztions y - y N0 clty "1 the ls as Columbla Es‘ buslness men’ doors oiyeach customer. Toda‘; Richards’ Iarket - 1..., 99......" .. to what they are looking for as your phone. One alert and progressive, are bidding for and securing dozens of conven- oper-ta three Dodse men A: one one deuvm "':'{°' '3" "9" “""’f'f‘;¢":m"'“’h;,; cannot think of an the tions every year. Industries have eyes on Columbia as a future site. W"; 3;“ 3’ ' ""'3_P°">’ ‘"‘*l°"‘-' 9°"! “N p-to-the cart t cost on y 820—in contrast ’ iaeordod-n fle'0l:.OIl over gentlral , _ ifsexpentinve ‘motor delivery of today. -«we-ouygsrizmm um 13:. oi:d.:j.ox.. Irv.” things he will need There are 40 groceries and markets, 12 automobile dealers, l1_coal some mwmm 0! mm m mu on “My Ho 3 e***'““8 '= °° ‘ °"' ° ‘°° k h d d h dealers, .9 shoe stores, 4 department stores,7 clothing stores, 5 furniture book, ,,,,, ,,_,, ,,_.,,, ,,,,_. ,,_,,,,,,,,,, ,,m an M "" "‘““ "’°‘° “"‘ ""°"“°" ""“‘ "’°°' ""‘ wee S a 9“ ‘an 9 ° 7 ' lry stores 5 rintin lants and 6 banks in Columbia ......n..... cart n the .n.....n.. ....... considered a supig product. “And if a id: of shoes d , - 9010033198» JCWC 9 D 8 D - ' fl 9'7 ’°'‘' °'” ~“"""" “ "“’ ''°‘ ”° ‘°°" "’° Oesn t need to’ They You can't lose either in service or in price by buying here. There is ~Mn:"M“?‘“&, ‘°;“h ‘M Wu?” ‘*3: ' - _ , . . . . . I y n um became ulna. . 4 la_.api_te .2 . rainbow or ooiou that oonm... W111 be there When V011 , selection, there is the reliability of merchants with whom you come in c.;.,,,..,,. ....,d..,.,. ,., .,,, ;.,,...,.., 55,3 ,. the moat‘ aauonad buyer; of lutbern. and a va~ ' f comes gtandgrd toward ' Col bin street: and bduiq é. n, M“ M .,_m_ mph 0",, ,,,,,.,, want them, fresh on , perm“?! °°:‘ht‘°t’ there ”°.t?‘°l q“.“li‘tz'_ txfid were is r nsibifitygoodullfi ucboola. V-iiuV:n§o.nui.i; and church campaigns of wonder “what will happen next." Mr. Bibr docs and pnces at are compeh ve y 113 espo the city are supported by Columbia mcrcbanti. who - not look backward to. or react. use good on! two- the merchants’ Sh°lV°5- is intimate. The good ' of the merchants of Columbia depends upon it. can contribute gm that much more .1... they . oeaaon do?! 756! ‘Flinn bonaht hilh Ohm in the - _ -. . ‘ _ _ _ ” ’ ' raceive.the maximum of busineu from other town» ' * winter and lo-«mun in the -i>!‘|na- For satisfacbon— Buy it in Cobia. _ ~ people. ' Iioone County Milling Co. Edwards Brick Co. I-Ietzler Pacldiig Co. Parker Furniture Co. Phone 9 a main and cherry Sta. Phone go 0 Columbia. Mo. Phone 168 min Broadway Phone 53 . 16 N. ion. 8t. C. B. Miller Shoe Co. Estes-Parks Dry’ Goods Co. J Wolff-Bergeir Co. 'T8Yl0l' Mllfiic CO- Phone 63 . soo Broadway Phone 161 A 714 Broadway Phone is _ ,9, 818 nmdny Phone 756 90- at Cherry Sta- - Victor Barth Clothing Co. . Sykes & Clo. Co.» Jackson’a,Gmoery White Eagle Dairy ivaaneso . _, 817-821 nmdny Phone 452 ooonmdwu, t'Pkane201,; _ u 8.8th8t. Phone sso zosfs. I’-‘Isl-th 8}. ’ ks . I. —. unsound-' -an I C ; . « it ; ‘ Henninxer Jewelry Store i-i‘n-an 9i~~ ‘;."'+ o argue; 0 once 62:‘ .- ' slain-Iv-.v