-‘U 1”’. ll ‘ V . ' ‘:' l: ‘ ‘ V _, L A - W. ~ fit‘ I :‘__:" "»';',-M,‘ {gt-| hgqb‘. 6 - ' -7 i - r~- nv.-~xu‘a . or , _‘1‘~.L ~_«~ ‘ - e’ , . 1’.-' 4.. hp)‘. A ‘. 3"‘-i i .' . " gr litl‘ ‘ .4” it”: . . I A '1 ' _ ’- “ ’-" s~.4‘-——a'- ' 4. lo I _ ‘ ’.‘ ‘ N 7777 . A 3.3:, Q. ' .'s‘ 9 . ','.‘.. ’-. .-o‘ I 3:: - -. o i Bloodtitotfiiaffiilln Q -_ F. g . - ‘. it ‘ _ ‘ _ , ‘ ‘ Eilucation - an _ ' V ‘_h::;n”Ae‘hla. u"detir-ninatlonioataidyma¢l. ‘ Vupto 3.’ $3‘ ..-_ In . _ — A _ -.. _ lcine _ atwligaaevar. leg:-ew.tIay,July 8.19M. -. ~ ~ « ‘ V - . 4. . . '33 upt§n.¢.,m',g,¢d,,u,,,. u,a,h.,:.Iigiai on the Balsa.--on.lioa'plial:'5"‘l‘ 1 so - *0 , ,3. ' V . ds; a bond to b hqulrptlof ‘w l‘ we '° "'3 bu yucthe‘ successful bidder; and the rltlltga '53 “'5'-"°'u°l”°'t'°“”°l""'-‘l°¢‘°"“reservedior:iutuiyaaIall ‘-1 have watchadtln thcroarenludocwflliamul‘-hm‘. . o _ - . ‘ Q6; ‘ Irliiletlieredestl . whoareclotdl H.Il..BANK8,' . aa.lt.n.0.A. I '!1eclerkedinalocall5¢N°0f¢. I - ' ‘_ The EAME CALLED IN SIXTH: “'°iv‘l."“‘ ‘°°""' ‘V’ l“ dngltfitile. no ...... ..a a o o e 0‘ and he answered. Ilia Hood under ‘ nudged or-t..hathmuhezn¢oon.teaby,:u . ........ ..:oooa . ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,o,,,pm_,_d,,chl LEG :- . , ——-—-—. A n ; . . ALNorIc E‘-I-mas tllamilton-Browne Shoe‘Oo.l”" """""'“"" “"""‘°-““"';§’.;..‘,',.T‘,‘;f“°"'_T'____,,§ 2 2 2 2 ‘.’ _ and he met thojoix ' , ’ the Nortliern Dist:-kt. . _ slagontliemoondfortheliair-trlra-t V V i. Sumthflflm-e “hub” sub‘ __—.me “am of the . to Meet .lumorChmn- men, was cm as tile '1: I my, 3, o_ k ._ ; ' “ gxycupogg yam. mm A ' Karel bra and issued four frecnaiin ch ~ 2 a o s 0 ha ” an "h’”°"°' am’ d°°l°" 5.“... mu,‘ n'_______ her of Commenfi paaaes. - The. four free tickets ae-l5“"';- 3”.-::::::::l ‘ ° ° ' ‘ wits,“ mm‘ A?“ ll" h’ (‘ll nnmunkofirgzfahhttatz For Cngraa. ‘ _ " .o. Tonight , wow far we -on-M the °“;f'ii‘2L'u'..°..“iIZ1iIZZZ1§ 1 2 -2 2 f. ,..n‘ {‘,...‘'.,..‘’‘‘‘.._.‘’,‘.'.‘’.'‘';.'‘.';},.,‘L‘..‘‘.'. .?,‘,‘fi :'.“.‘t.‘:.'.,"..‘."."'.:‘;.“.’.."J:.“.".."‘.?‘......" ‘fie Columbia In-sonriw is -no P‘ >7 P- -——.—.—.. 00! WI! I19 ‘I'll!!! Pfllllt ll8peIaea'. rf ...... ..l o o e o o "I was a little dissy um am, but Court of Boone county, Ibsen-l. an para tliorlaed to announce Dr. For That Ohlllu of (‘lab Ia"l'vllu‘u !laa3I’a.n. 8IlOW 1%“) IT. . . . . . . . . : : E 31%: I “Km :0‘ over n‘, he aw V": uh- aons having ehlu I‘:=attanlIl 3%?’ J, 3;]; Q3 3 ' “ g . . _. ‘; 3...- __.‘ .| Q ‘ im ‘ ., o o o . . . . . . . _ a H 0; . _ . fm ~ . I O ’ - Q‘ ...... ..:....: u use ‘ed nnumqnée ."°md°,,h,,?;:,|,;_ 3"‘°‘- " ' ° ° ° ' "¢°M1'|'II. as thoiizh aellmz blood the Eucaloc within at: suntan after the at mm “"3 m‘“:'fDt:c: NPVER '3" "9" h" 1' hi Pi ma!‘ mans lIurt.cf s a i a o o 4 P)“, my da of uutuu they tflétoublécttothenctiou tiieansiustaanochai ueiu on-a o Less '1 we .... .. . . wereaconunon .mat . te aa . or am has-e . - L :1-"3 3"" 9" ----- 2 9’ ‘mg! ab" 00 am‘ on &e':v"ei some by lnninn: ‘ “Of course l w l ‘t well my and if '.Z1'.u...”' i§"1‘.‘..:.n....o°' .“ deed” m be be“. n M" do‘ u in Q” d ‘l W! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a 9 " ' ' ' . 4 S . ............ ..o 2 no umm and gagged on . wild gitch. fa . m .0. '."’:""; N00‘! If rdldn’: need the money to znoutu can can d:(to‘:.Ihe hu - ‘ i . I ’ ‘ . . . . . . . . ' .. m ................ on W . i .'_V I ';.b_,, _____________ H: 1 ‘M “Tex” Lewis carted on the fire-?\'cta-I-Ian ......... ..:i: ll: 5 2 s i:"i‘;‘.hbi:°::’-w '3: ,, ,,,,,': ,.m_d_ "“" Colombia Ulaaonnan is au-; 1 3,90,, my me", we ,iua“_.1‘ 1'-""* ------------- --° ’ '-""' "°"°‘ "' "'° ‘*“"“ “"”‘ ‘ °‘°"“ °"'?;.':."i..$-.o"s'.I"s: iiwu:.'n"s:.'.3 in a financial via and herides it "" “°°"' "'°m°d m-""'°"'°° C’ W’ mm’ ' °' ‘°“"‘ °‘ “ "°'°- °' "3’ The Veterans of g-‘oi-eign vveniaiggieto ion field. Ona wild thnow-;g- by ,-M_ _-; M “,5, ., gm. .. mu livea. A. loll’: as one need m"‘ao'£i..‘.¢°i»’f‘.'.‘.'.§‘,"c..,. ""““°' " ‘ °""""“‘° “" W’ “WWW. l . mate . i 1 last nittht defeated the Barbe-niin in’!!! der: isgiewio i ouiueheins vs T . lelnola uwd._m”‘”” money l;°° I , ‘ . ”‘°"l“'“°“ f°" c°""°“ "'°"‘ W‘ 'l‘lie'club to tit-e'yon_tliat a slow, one-sided game. 6 to 0,» The advanced to aocond. Lewis stolo::.: lit: : :: lads cu: Wm tnde ‘ml um”. ‘I k;“’°°'°‘ vb“? POE I 0 ts “oh tilt ant:-‘ed. to ‘nae; [: “naive ext" “rd h Q” m‘. ...e ,_ ._ . :1 -..., .c. e-.. '4 . ,Unplro.-: Hills: and Saw. lam in school.” “ca Jun‘ mwelnen go 5, 5,“ Ann,“ 5 1924 ~ M ‘ l J ’ ._________‘________ . , . ’ r — . '3 i "What do you eat to build up your - """""" 1 ' W CL lGOLFER-S LOSS lg system ao that you can gum] mum- For Sheriff. ' Far Prosecuting Attorney. . , g ’ fusions?" he was naked. -11n.c¢umu..'5..u,@ 5. .9, Th‘ '“"°°’l"' " ‘“u‘°"l'°d 5 ‘ . '4 - . . PHONE “ » i OF SMALL BOYS flu] of the he“ flak ‘ cw’ egg,“ mun“ ‘O “mm.” 3 8. Haiku announce the candidacy of ~ It carries a real vrsllop! .. °'*o°"“ " WW ' 9"‘ 3“ ""“'“‘““' '°' 5° ' Wm" ; " ’milk.’bfii°M and plenty of spinach.” as I‘-caaaidato for the allies 431 5' so"3'e'§"uone‘°' we omcetoof pm ‘ pntC°"‘';tl'lt""ot fieteollmrgootll-cam“ ,. , ".""""" . ' .» his answer. “These foods are sheriff of Boone County flulijeu ‘um um 9°‘ t u e u Small boys are reaping an un- V” , . ' tion of the atate primary electgonl . You'll also find our ‘ we ‘.,.."t for making blood’ I be. m an "non of Q” flu. "bur, be held A lines of merchandise interest- ‘fl-0 GI-In-thin. IIIIIIIIIII II I DID Chniiiblias, Room 9, Y. M. C. A., orjumfliy fie}, h.,.‘.”t on we go" Aannrlatloa Ra-wayaoc t ' L9 - “tn” 5: 1’e‘- - an 7;“ “mm”. nu...“ ‘ma phone 223 248-258 mg... during the summer months, election to M 5. 1934. ________ V. mg 1"! J Vvlsadina neon;-so-u though FOR SALE__L”‘e damn‘ umethc caaualohaerver is led to believe . 4"‘ “““5" °‘ 30'0"?!‘ Fl’!u'f|IllY- The comm”. ‘woman " n For County Assessor. ;; ' . -2 P d ::u¢;.\|":"7"r:‘;“'::“*nl"' “F 5' with “insane (om new pflce ’25.,after playing a round on the course. Re has recently accepted a poai- » Wu.“ '1'}; Columbia ufiuounan la :.a., The .,, F tion with the Allton Automobile Co. 343°C») 3:1?" :n;ndgd.t°. far (5. tlioriaed to mnwngr WA. W- W003 A :5 .- ; » a-‘y-1 ofliee of Ilierilf of B00 Oounty 3 33433“ “°“°‘' 3 . A _ , the hoapitals will mbjoct ‘to the “go. 01%,. “.5; tone County, atihject to the Demo-I ‘e I not rncet his expenses. All of the-pflmw e1,d_5°n to be M“ Ann» _ ‘ V V_ g 3 ‘money that he makes selling nuto- 5' 19¢; . “I cm. 1 - mach Nearevery tee, but usually acroaa W dun“ “ 1::-7 aiaar .133 fifrwagwpam lfio fence out of bounds. may he '''‘‘''l'‘' "l °" "'°“"‘l"' "“""" " Telephone 2349 Green. " T-tf. l ’°°" t''°''' “'9 W ‘ 4”“ 5°” "ll" "“ linginagca fromotolli, allof whom‘ have several golf balls 3... ._ Ill W ht ’;;,";,"',:{"“" """— ‘J . ran SAL!-3-!-‘olding table. fumed any advert unleash _ _ , in standard: at an-ta. oak dining room act. stove, electrimtliey are age-r to diapoae of. A : ‘mobiles as well as in any other way, .._j_ " ; ~ ..-.-...._...._. washing e, ivory reed milky.‘ 13,," ‘fie cum“; pm‘ in mg, . ” "—““ ’ tin spent for education. Columbia Missourian ll- EIPIDYIRNT 203 s; 5th atreet. phone 107: hioe1o'..,.....,.m, u... ,._.....z.. unumuy n, ., em-p.-m } in addition to paying for hss.“'°m°5l ta fnogiu go! I as - ‘347'2‘9at I datoda.So t , . .;nclili.lihaa 'dhi. ‘°“'‘“‘* °'‘ °°°°'l‘°’*5 (“Y M" y y me 0 7”’ ’°‘"" '“‘"‘ "‘ "‘‘'''V “' 3"" thro°:gli“fouie' brunchgimof tile. i‘i'i’.' °‘ 3°°“° OWN!» *°bi°°¢ l0 W W “‘ STUDENT HELP-Want student l'° d° '""“ ‘"‘°""l °f ‘"3 f°’ FOR RENT'-Fumhhed ‘l’‘‘'‘''tgimbryzirzhlobgfvgrrslmrllsally.119“ '1 'md.°m i”."b° 3'-"‘°°‘ °{ fled’. sonic order the Blue Lodge Royal his ‘room. Call 1817. ‘Btf meat 2 rooms. hall and pnvatetgm e mi“ th“ " phy" V lCl!l:‘,!u\:':l‘OEol’:.8('lllflg' his blood‘ to get; Arch Chief. shrine ‘nd .thifly.4 to M hdd Ann“ 5’ .192‘. hethfpr ‘oo.nen--." .. . _.__... A . . “"'“’ "”‘ "°° ,,,...,,,"“ m for - b-H vmh-n - nickel. “‘°3mA «em deem He » -no a mm: The Columbia m....on.. 1. au- If you liked it then- ”° "0" “""“ °*I*." -‘3-'=~“-‘-=="- ful l ti Ph 1357 . o . . I - d - co. h ‘ed hi i . int done‘ at your home‘! Call 1865 on m‘ _ one u248_253;:;'gia°dfi;n3' 5 c:¢tl’llt.)s‘nfs0l"'J Ola; A. B_ $321,925 1:. the sgrfilgf fitgluglgitfieta P1. honorfiw. worked to “mun” H." wad‘ , !E_‘:,_ __.__,_, _,_ __ ,_, RENT 2_ I J25 C u for new ail‘ The sgflllhe °_‘P°°“‘ to ‘el’ hi’ diplom‘ in! N- y. l . Mas c‘ndid‘te for the offla o‘ —“-._—‘§_!3Al) ' R ' — mom ‘pa n lime:-c‘ll1ants are {ami1' iar with all.‘ median‘ R ha been a km‘! me ye”. are ‘ 0"‘ mm to t ‘hang of Boone County’ fined ‘O with sleeping porch. Phone 1977, dés of If um ‘ad chm mm 8‘l'|l¢!l¢ Y°!‘,hlm. Ind he has made tlirouzh I I_ch90l. but Illftlie action of the state primary elec- rro on comm . mu. . go ' 1 1‘ Me Nine ye.rs ‘go. nu C0l3‘dCl?d, M8 d0lll' “on to M 5’ . ta‘ . W hvincingly of the merits of the Si verzume to the Un;w_,nity_ He ‘u gungpkgbly wen, om he." mm ....____. eathers pay: our ’N¢Wlngn'§ Hardware, H-tf chine and refrigerator. 103 [gal . ‘broke mm he armed the rm“ c0m_;gf(tin‘ .n ¢eu¢.u.,,,_ but it ,5 . wk SM-=—=°—~°~ »»«-=- «--= . %.,.:°;:::‘:*:::.°° '*.:...t::.::.°".'..:*°.‘:.:::v~”.' ::.:":" "**° :9 °"‘-i.‘i.*’.".."‘?.‘."o‘.’. tom‘ n “ ’ °‘“““"*°e floors and finish. 2 almping pouches. FOR SALE-Desk, chair and 8'9 - 1C9" '1 118‘ Clmll 11¢ Amp F011-; - their me’. blood to the “non of the ‘nu prim”? ebb - w . . , Y . SAL!-J—8inger sewing Ina-'19,,‘ or 1“-o-pu¢¢ they 5"-9‘ fogithen "5 ya" on when the “_u_.,.m.,.k, “om the difflcultjes of The Oolnnibia Missourian la au- 1 e . - _»: rt'l t incl d that seotio t? , 1- - ¢~ ' willinz to sell . P ifcntnoflliir ,:9%m:¢r0uiilon‘t’h.u§nl;p;:’l¢ll::‘;i'l‘euae.smtl:hb¢lfiefo;3§!lfici:h§!e.,tu Efilolviflexz ‘road utlfat ll)l‘dQl‘Intl“:¢l:‘t0.l!‘l‘lllllsi‘:l>l )i‘t,imilricwai"I:)'.mh:" "h”°'h>'am°" ‘Satay were "e “on “ be held Aura“ 5' nu \ . l ‘ . A - 7 3 - g V czawigtkmfemm $:n'v:'l:ut3‘:';ltlIe'.na\‘)'. vihere hoot.-youi. -for tm$f1a;':NU:§‘:;“rI:i{;}¢§{°:‘i“° *:;":f:: The Columbia Iiaaourlan la an-T isatill breufed in the good my" ‘°'::°': :3“ 1 "'93 ‘W; aooiis ma amrr 1t,.,....d,; the M,” “W, the mnfilggt Mm iR%¥’nfiv*-.mi|,.. ;.é‘e now gaining an education in this :"‘;‘;°"m‘°, ‘,’;",°‘&_°°°I,:;¢'f glfifrfi PM “'3 —1l3¢_th°“m°33 °"."" ' . 1 . sand the out hole. which -no seems‘ in 1921 he came back to coxo.o.‘m-nnen P . ,0,” cm ,, ed .0 ,3, it since 1869- Beautiful 8-room house, with 37 P03 R2N'r--Good furnished be f the . l - of ty. In J at- g 14 no 1 block fro UUl*;Hll.t ll 606 red. 3240:! ' ‘”°° "°°d‘ ~ - - ~ to e crust . . . 1 Wu‘-tlzizinly !;8;!.'8oo' Guy “:1”. street. p one ’ i¢:Tt:,eu;’ .nn:?,;‘,:eh,ie,;::d! CAMPAIGN WA .l.lDOG OUT {mt any :81:glcd':l.X£‘8lna;'fl':!¢‘-ef0:-vlél. ____.___ . It is legalized’ of counc’ 9)! blew '6-mom bungalow. close to‘ PLE5§Al‘lT ff“ l‘: Y°"f“3 ton’; ab" 'i'Will Keep Close Tab on.Eapenaes of ‘way, an‘ with In fit‘, of ‘him mTh° c°l“mbl‘ ““'°“')3?r" _ . but the taste and fl1V0l'—- U'§';";“;' onliufiwfiowdozzlw 5“), mm xmfiouae)’ 0’ Some of the more enterprising ofia, u..st.aAn..p’mufl.n' rum‘ ‘c A ‘fin’ the .f"°l' ‘Mt MC’ anoa for the fine of th‘t’. wh‘t you ' °°"' “ . x 242. the youths are able to cam ironnsoi WASHING‘l‘0N, June 19.—'I‘he ;fh‘f__: :";‘uch";lf‘;'f°“;§cA{:°:,: aha-it of Boone Oounty._aub)ect to liked--II still» there Just very nice. ncea reaaon- York City in a little less than six1"‘°?'- ‘l “"3 l"“”""- “ll 05 ‘"0’ °“°g men _ file. Meals 36. (Men included). days is fie off’! 1"‘ m9mb¢"- 1‘ P"°P°3°9 m k°¢P§:iu°e. Shouldfiaheggs izdtehsem for coroner. subject to the Dual fl. ”A'E1,.,' ,,“"”°o.,,°"”;,,, ' ‘ . n ‘ cents to :2 a day in this fashion. 5w:-uhaog of the coming pomsooi the action of the state imm-I7 e1ec- the same as always. .- ' "e '3' b""“"' FOR REN'l‘—l-‘urnished rooms. .._._. ha been l bed temptixu txi\ abnogate the two- 5“ to be had Ann“ 5 1”‘ l " ’’\I .»;_.e/.,’,;‘_—;-. 4. V ' . ~ “W “°'“’ °°°- 3°34‘ °‘““' 108 s sixth phone 324 black. S'l‘Ul)EN'l‘ NOW IN NEW voax:°"’"”“‘" . ‘""“’ ' - ‘thirds required nu-iority rule be- ___.__.’ ' t ' P -' mgr . . §i“3-El‘,"“.° .m29._"_‘L."°3' e 2.n._.'252 . ' ’ A235tf ---—;— 3 89mm’ Bonh '. °°'""m°° t.° m’ fore the convention. For Coroner. wholesale Gr0° Co‘ “";""13y“:'§:""" H ‘I A ~ Walked I-‘min Here in glass 'l‘halIT"°mg“°. umfilm °xp°"d'mr“ Ag this}.-,-iun‘ it would .ppe.,. - _ ‘ ' Phone 848 ---o ' _ poi; RENT._Two “$9,, of one 3“ D. .. ;;ll¢llleCt(:n£ll'll)u‘l;'l¢‘;l‘!l.Cl'e'Iled by ln- Gut uudm could chm“ we rule The Columbia Missourian is au- l ‘ ‘ room and sleeping porch for girls. walking from, co] mt,‘ to N 0 N8 *0". IS orirnmz t0; . . . thoriaed to announce be-6 II. ‘ “:08 RENT--Fourteen room house, E . “ " because there will be a maionty of Snug” u ‘ Democnuc mafia“ N.ine-room houac, 866. W. H. Brown, 1106 Paquin. R M t. t’ f Pola d}°°“5'~”’l “'3'”! 0" the expenditures: . . . of the state primary election to 1”: N13‘? OM |?|llV'~'° ll doflnerely a oritytowin In-heuAn‘u‘t5'192‘. » { ..iv Four-room ho $35. 4 - - . . - of e ' -o m‘ m‘) A ' - M 12”. student of the Unl' ‘ a me. I. M ’ 4 . " 7.4:‘... ‘ ‘ha Pnynn as-Ity con ron nI~:N'r—Attr-etive e-st Mom Wm, . k .k diaations interested in the success oo."‘“V ""9"." ’**'.'='=-mt Pu cu-t-I-It u ’ - 203-206 Guitar Bldg. front room. Large, well fut-niahcd.. flu hi "' _ :5 "’_m““ dgfag of p,.¢,idmg;,1_ vice.”-e3.;d¢,,.fu 1" ‘he d",°“’l"°'_‘ °f d”'l‘ h°"’°" The Columbia Xlaaonrian is au- P rt ‘ » - ’ - ~"‘ Phones 1620.or110I- airy. hot water daily. 416 Iiitt gm‘ 0, 5”“ p“ "‘"' mg‘ leatial or senatorial candidates. ;‘:,°"D:‘vi:" ‘;“"}'?,f.f‘f"‘;m‘f..‘1‘_‘l°‘u'L‘§‘“ thoriaed to announce Jahc Suhlctt 70 3 y . ma-s~. .. -" 24 -252 Bl-reel. P5090 503 "Ni 32”“ here No weeks . ’ . Not only will it watch the rcgu-‘~ ' ' ' .°‘ ' . " as a candidate for the office of con» ~ _ , f " ~ ’ v - 11- 20 bound for New; . . . . .Woodrow Wilson and United - _ , - . __ min niziussapu-tment at too roar RENT-8 um eontrortehiework City. on the way uonot':’fi:f;'?i°;f flfe’“1f:;1.b;§;l:‘0j‘°I;"_1f“";°-st..o. ....t.....¢.,. to England. f‘1"'f°’§;¢°:;‘3;"‘;l‘°,Tfg':‘”. 9"! '3; A House to - - 3.91::-at-sea-iihenoazs. .1247-zso rooms for summer located nearaearned his living by. giving ph_ysi-* ‘t 1*"-fr...” .m;o.1, .;..i..., am much W“ P A _ _ ,' o . '. . th umpuu”. “5 Hi“ street’ “I culture Inuit,“ m ‘be v.n°m,lahor organizations or church nocie-got um MCAOOO ‘h_a*‘h “'0” mary election to III lldd Allxnfi 5, $rnCVr Ego” W I“: ‘gwns he C."-IQ Lo. ’ , ue" ‘A fob to Fz’n‘d? ~ _" 7"‘ ‘"5 w""""' 3°‘m°' Ph°”° '——'-"——**—'——-'-' "““* At the betlnninz otltlie‘ school: why‘ "the “mm.” ‘em and“! The bit: flint. HOWWGY. 58 thlt ‘Hie Columbia Hiaaourian is an- no. w. B. Nowell. 248-258. L081‘ AND rouiin ye”, “mg with . fen“, mdengggfiaer git»-al thot.i'¢iit.i‘hcolich.4:t!'ateS**thoriae_d-teo announce ‘muons: Ania ‘ ' . ‘ ° ' ' __ _ ' Log-p._.g.w. 1'“ Mpg“ key lnadore I-‘iifiselman. hlkfidn fronii. Chic d ' W‘! ._:on Democratic I t next gg . candidate for the office of H W W . FOR BENT 8“ um‘ mmhhd ,3“ pin on but hm.“ 3_ 3_ u_ l*lcw_ ‘Yo!-ls (Ity to Columbia in-‘;:i°n£‘:;:i B: (_::m_l::d u°)"":r_:":“reelt, it becomes increasingly e-vi~ consume for coiumfii. ‘rgwvnghjpw e L _ aw _- " ’-fll Plione 55. Zlfitf ¢Slll:’lY3«mp'1"e'°ul' ‘elf! VEf9:tu,'_d‘y ‘Menus on uwir expmm_ no WEB” ¢h¢=Il,lIfil>fi¢t to‘ the Ill“ - , . . ‘ P n ‘ _ .-....: co tune‘ in . NOV ill-'I'¢ inary eectlon uzui ' . m g from go alum game by an an of ;:;;.-,$;‘;flL':?ot:‘° ""'°" ‘ma. ‘°“’““ °"evver vaa a.frec-for-all coéilvention. 5, 1924, A - _ on Bus. he Broadway.-int to Ilonat rode approxi-i . _'____,»_____ — the Democratm ,. ‘e meetint is year J ’ '90- “net or in down mrnumately half the way back to N ‘.--max nous:-° MAY WIN *1‘ ll» ‘P 11” Cdmbh woman.“ W A R A l ’ Ira. R. H. Taylor. phone York with lmitoriata. “vi ‘ ) '—‘''‘—‘''' l-h°"l‘°d W “PW” 5' Qwlh” p ‘“. 3"‘rd. T2‘&25o uom‘ “ now in ‘ DFMOLRATIC NOMINATIONQ3, my Pena. gf J, 3, (J13) W (0, ‘he of_ . . . . . oi "“""’*—“""""“ 37“ bomsv "ll" 13-"T"° {ice of constable of Onlmhlila tori» . _C n: wnirrxn ‘IO hum-5'" ""°""°°"“""" "' "" 3”‘ ‘"“' °"‘3S"'m' "'1 " Ad” N“ E" ‘WW ‘mm mm 5*" ‘W W“ ship. uhfiet to the action of up be . pecta to enter Harvard this fall. I W 39 Cliolfl‘ 07 C0|“‘°'l“°|' . H» flu, ‘M on 1.“, f “’naa""“‘- WAN'l'll)—Eitlier furnished or AGmcl,m.""””“““Um wu8.,.,,,, 0U.,.‘=,, ""-"" T"""""' otla‘: to the Deni:ccratic oo:- ‘mt "‘5"”,,,4.’d'°"°“° 5°“ °'' . « ‘ 3 y United Press. ,~ AQIIIC. . y ‘ um“ lllflrtliflllt tot SCPL 1- _______ z June VG!“-IOU ll) “CW Y0“ Um -Z————-— ‘ '_ P5000 L146“ 10.900 COHC 10 Be Available in 1&0‘ the fin: defegfles ‘O ‘the Dem, next . 1‘! flfit Will Tl! Columbia W‘! II Q‘ . ' To gm“-__2 or 3 “M Th F" D”? ocratic National Convention‘ open- l:°r:* B’ ‘J 36 will (0 to Ngtlwflbdu ‘ agdmmumuam J. acblootllad ' :- V . ‘WWW MW “*5 ‘WI 10-" we a,, i:,”,_:j_.25J'»i;‘,_,‘§= '5," "‘i’,f‘,,,,§‘i"’d",‘,,,,"5,‘,f,‘-'°’,';} and Albany. The other win leaveentistalile or Oolaailill . ‘ ° ‘ ff.’ ,,"‘§‘”"‘_,_,,i°'""' "m"°‘m Io;-e or Agriculture is or the pi'eaa.lt.hIi martial): is «W2: «gun he nomi'- dim“! for New‘ York; Both will hang; en ti. nun or-suntan ' andVmhautwithhthomnfevndddurflcAdmaM8mi&an‘"l"«8“"“"n“'”°“' dapoaetl o . It develops few of the early P '\Vai§i*I:ne1oiIil:i¢r-irounishea§dar- to the University ac arrivals believe either IlcAdoo or "l ll‘ ‘"1"!’ “um” f°' ' .‘ pnIilialIcr’s;s tun Sephulhc to June, nflice for distribution. The iaiue will a o caries. Jgggfig - “F4 ..n..k‘“_‘ gea_aaPnfessaraf ‘_ V ; 0I!iigr.;1o'.t;c,'_ai . ; Daa'tr;mln‘ ‘ ,;:f l ‘ :,‘_=£-o...‘..._t_: ' ~ :7? ._ ...'{"?...‘;'=L; -- ' 3‘ < , on :’ V" ' I . I , ' ‘A ‘I’ b ' . 4 . - I . :~p'7..>.,-\-Q, ‘o _ o.. — i 4 _‘. a ,5 . ‘ , - o, « ':V- "n'~’at‘$':""* ." h ' pr-.' ‘»‘-lb .o' 1" . A‘ \'.,‘ ‘I. or 4 \ P‘ ‘ ' K _\l " <'a3<<2a$;- . ‘t’-r f/.53_¥5P.’V"5i. . . ' 2. 9' ’ _ Lsc