in : 3. ' ‘ .'. ‘H _. - ‘ ‘ ".~.' C.’ a,. ‘I .. ‘ _ . V‘ S.’ ._(J _>__ “A _‘e___ . . ~ _ _ . Q‘ ‘fl -r _,_ 7 N’_.>:-‘«‘..~ ... _~,..‘_;V>_. “‘ 2'.-I ' o -. o L7. — < A ~ -— : in 7-"7' "-.‘-.'3~ -— ' ' ‘O "..3“-i:"‘.- '-n. “ ’ ~ : "1-or - ~ f ’ so . , . j ‘ If _ t . l ., n ' i’ , wlaeh:oeoisple‘te“7" 1‘ i 7°‘? V 7 -" . .: ‘ A ' ‘ ' ‘ »sto‘p-tor£oolwmoolsnesoet.nsy- ‘eounelolr m"“ i ' were ’ - . During wederlywinds at flying levduf. ‘ I e‘ .-_ _‘ . v . "U _i . may soon: coo * ii 5 i i =5 2 ; E? E ii i i 5 ‘ = if ' N ""- - - ' l . ' ‘Z T - butoin merthesewindsaretfsu ' V . _ A _ . V - ' IIIIUIIMG V _. , . _ . tllenextfourweshalugthelati sum .g “T. "Has Picnic Toddvllfi - 4 o‘clock ‘ne- lnmlil:.M..¢’‘-"' 87 1’ “Md lllootrllle Ilieecll‘ 730 ll} ‘ N d4% ‘Elna: ‘Hyman? ma wmwmufiwt '1 he we n.Blnl7'l Km.‘ &llfi'‘'f.9l'C & M W, ‘M. ‘m h . b ’ cu W - ‘ W om and’ ‘n hour —-_ ursundsrschoolclaasofthefiapf-33"'°"Fl~!’_"°¢I‘luI'. also rlo:eneeWlllAttcnd.Party r-thertl:-a . . .. . so oftwilightateachend.willlnake'.'...I-.-I. 9. r.:::..':.-° -..v:='*=***-‘or-»;.‘~:.n:.°'..*r “‘i"'§'.io""n...‘atJe17e~'lonCity ........... ..... mu-mm omza-no - - - - t, n's e.v _ soos l l1 g ’ ‘ _ __ . '»"°°“ presentwer-e:HaselPalnlaf.F'raneesws7!seAllen willgiveoev. llrs;FfflordFisherofJs8erson.thatthehulkoftheworld'shank- , ‘flu, 0 F,” ,_w“"‘.“"”"° .n”"",mh mm, .- Lorins Minor, Helen .‘I&nson,¢ralxeadilcs. ‘ _ City -ent:crtainwith~lfhsents- ing,tudi.ugand' liters - . ; y ' - .' Mafia‘ “L H H I _ , ‘7 F"‘3°°"_""“"“"lv_I,I‘°:‘P“"'"|l' not w, L neg.” ,1 3‘ [mm H” °f‘h'uf llmdmnh Hum“! :11 grog fl" ".°"‘,”i"bd! i‘°nyE"'&.'°|"|!- ;would require fifteen hours and ant liaughan nineteen hours in Here 8 a_ Iahle co :3"""""';r““""“‘”’3[‘°:iKansasCity. lrs.Pisha-willgirellaster.“‘l'Bl'll0CR088U.8. ' _ 80883300“ Jordon. liable Am 1 $133‘ the nertya;-It’ the - «loner-obi‘: city dgl:‘s:x:rom;:fo‘A:!ti-‘a£uan'oslrsnns inw IN nsruoar or. one my \ for those 1‘. ra;nl‘-gllhafivans, lialzl ‘EA’ A’ bum” "fa !‘I‘¢dWmltl;‘¢¢|lfi0"fl'|- . A by8suchas,“gochaaeyourself,' A""Pn"“°U"3P°d‘ln‘3‘°‘! ‘Di ‘din h P fi whowork §"’;;‘° ""3"‘°‘;-V fl';.7ne:o°i'«ie°‘oe’o:°'z‘.'o°ni":in‘:l°'ooTe"li"ol'. ml‘ “°°‘l>°=‘ of mane in»: ($13; “eel: Itrons." “chew the res” and “"" “fay”! ‘W’ g A V1 g t 8 1'0 ts downtown- ~.- en. Ir! °°d8o3¢bY3|I¢§- , are . Ittfll. ‘ ‘ 1! , ‘ Al burn, Ruth Bswlings.BaSnlo3ohnsog. A".“i,‘.“‘d' 9'5"‘ . wholnwill be Ira. Fisher's mother, Due to our help more than a rail. wAsHINGm"-Ufifl ‘ PW”! . Ge - th C ' th . ° 9 ‘ Ma oe newlines. tract P.roe- 3,, M "'g,':"fi,..n cg. . nu. Weldon Cotton, and moon. lion Filipinos know. something of ‘W’ I Vlmvmd of only W“?-; 1 W138‘ 9 usmmer 9 L10“ 3 are i - - . ~ — - - - - - _ two feet, and loaded weight of less . tel’. D0!“ “CW3” I34 113153505 salon, soc wen 3;-Nanny gm”. Eleanor Taylor. Frances Hunt and English. Spanish, in ouroul South 1; ski ed '1‘ mm” 10% 8 ha ‘I ti , 12% _ o. u. Lu” . 'ut.hd,i omunu‘ H mflung_g(nmm_.¢,_u,ut_Rn,,,uL_ nu po s crs. c mo constps.. c g . —-——— ._ mtg: ::1l:;k_} W in‘-:-—- _ meet wi nsfivcre competition amen "F ‘_P_°°d‘P“°‘ 0‘ “I9 M111)‘: 5°’: $1‘ ° ' ' ' - * B"-""‘;“ 5”” '“°°d' 5 OW’ that the warmer _ Mass Logan and mm 1; A, ‘ugh ,,,,,, ,3, ,.,,,,- R. W. Geary Marries in ooine of the newer none of uon‘f_.‘{.fi.§'°gli¢=i“n rnelgnr preparations; Fab m;’:’m_;‘-_--: ...... '_ Brlgfgm ' ‘ °°°°° ° 5' '1'b;':: we weather is here and Mi88 to M8 . gen’: first pfll-G llllil Ben Nowell won Lavender Anknflfw-(‘N ‘ab.’ the, czntxtuifigztwogenflgizg! Fruh “dc. who“ .:.H,:nc smoked ham’ 1'04: nu. 17%‘: d ‘ stay.lwlg" ' mes Dorothy Donn. 507 Rollin‘ :a'° "M" a".t_"_fiL°'_. nine Clara Loretta Lavender and lief om lliene is scarcely a sner- W‘ 3"‘ °‘ ‘ ':3¢‘*{“;.5'- '"’°} l S‘c,,,""'°,,,d ?'.._.:°°' 10° ‘Mb’ am hm W in mm a€,litAh(;lS" git) xxllglce ' Queen - . .‘ . 3“ ‘am ‘ i . o . . o o . . o o o e e . o o e e e no 0 ' '- :l;ll‘t;c‘an:d»¥"I‘:>‘llins unit,“ ,..‘;‘.‘''i;.$‘d..‘,‘°.‘,..;‘‘,’.°.';‘“‘’°.;‘§,’;,''‘,,:§',‘.§ 3”” IV-h'",,,°“,,'§,“,,,,":§h3:§,,F::; §':,‘,,';,‘}:hi’,°;°“;i:; °,f°:";f‘j"".°',‘_fe at:t.em;g,g_1;it ya, ¢,,d,d° .."Rt,::‘ 1 Fresh rts .... . xmo 10-lb. pen lard ...... . .31 so the day «lll_O.l'e eruoynble lulnhia today 10!’ Tyler. Tel-. W59!‘ been visiting Kiss Jeanhe Smith, 14 7.!-ufir_ Gary ‘ganged Q,‘ ,km',.:;'_, of Enflhh nee;-ant 3"-ht.’ Wye" . dhunce of 1.9“, ~-p Fresh tongues . . . . ..l5c 5-lb. pail lard . . . . . . . . . .. 0c for those at . home who they will be-loriaeenieiae of Ills: Allen place, returned to their home University of lissouri several It has been estimated that three. miles froril the start at Mitchelll ;; “We hm» W 1*» ---g°c Nb 1:: 1"‘ -------- --3 prepare your. lunch and Elizabeth Smiley. who it to mm’ in Bovlinc Green Wednesday. lllu terms. They both taught in the fourth: ofallthewm-ld's mail is now F“1dv N- Y- _ e if Pi i hm -------- isc K it :1 In I ---- --25¢ also for yourself -. ~ Earl lloolt of Dulles It lush "00" Smith accompanied them to Bowli monenoe Union High School. lsr. addressed in English, more than ‘Illa Plane will 5* "1 ‘“’'''°’-'‘: ?% smfed - 8] °°°°°°°°°°° “me “P I 0°" %.°1lll'l§o"iéu °f “'9 °°°3“‘~‘38. .001!-' next Thursday Green, where shewillspenda month. and 31", Gary .5 .3 ;,o,,,,_ g omflnu of ‘u the newwgpen “.8 one with plywood Wings. covered; ‘g "’° 3°" ' - - - - - - - - - -- D1’) M t most. . C venience of ‘ “Alma ' booth. . ' Miss Logan ‘and like Smith will » —-,-—-—— 1-‘jut, I 1 d treet. Phoenix. ted i ' d - ,5 , with shed metal, and directly pet-' by then go to Shreveport. 11.. to be the Tufllfl’ “£33139 ‘Dd -Ridllfd 3113- Ari‘ on m 5 an 0'; ‘gergo m:.e“5:',,..taerned on that of the racing planes’ 1 guests of Kiss Amelia Foster. after Pll¢l‘l0ll Wm lflV¢_ 13970 ill I {W 53!" __.___. ‘ much people will use in in which world‘: speed which also Iagan will Louis- for Comp Soeo an llichiren The nee. w. w. Swctt and oengnger. - iille to visit Miss-Katherine McDer- GIMP lSl:0t‘;l~8d on 1-339 SllP¢l'l°l’- Jllarxayet, who have been vlsltlnz Benton P.-T. A. Plans Social. - Our usual low prices on home-killed beef. Greatest meat values in Central Missouri regardless of price. PACKING HOUSE records were‘ 1‘ year. The plane f ’Llcutcnant Maugllan will use sacri-’ if C 1-;&—-9 ' «. ‘ rnott. From there she will go to 7593' ‘" 9°“? 7°’ 'b°“'* “’° Mrs. W?A- Albrecht. 118_ Solllll Wl‘- Ag . gpegm megs" of we ngmlflccs speed to lifting power. One of 5 1 , :~- Canlp Knox to be the guest of Gen- 'g"l°l“h9- lianl st.neet,‘lef& C¢‘>ul_umbl8 €343? 7°’ ton Parent-Teacher lsgsociation heldgl-he features adapted from the rac-T J flARR[S'.wgrm-wegiheg . ml -M‘ ‘M -'*“'""" W‘ "'°“"~"“; sin. Ann Mclisine has returned to "*°*"'°"'° 3 " We - - an Mrs. J. D. van Home yestenmgere l- the win: nduwr. the water, lunches are scientifically ant and Mrs. Marl: Doty- '(~o1u,,,bi, u, spend the ,.,.,,m., with ma. wum‘, K" um," ,, of GI“, lzlterm. fudture fneetlnzn __4, __ g _ ‘V H“, mm _ ._ g _ g __ _ - g _____._ ______ __ ____ balanced with the ‘am I Mr. and Mrs. George Venablc have J"-‘Y: POND”. M33 Ind 3579- -7- P- Mc’ cow Ifl'lW-'3 ll"? 133* “km W b9 “"3 lfifiuphnngdn fotnnegfiem. The: and its needs in \'leW—o “ '3“? f'"- 3' G',,dB':':' 'f;;:§in;‘:lf:mnY:?{°..?o _'}i‘;,°:,§,,:f,,:,L",,;':.°',‘(£f,il,";,’;;,I:‘3f}f'f§ eooiol will beheld on the leaner eliel mid they are awetitlnu” l o rn ', r. a . =. . . “ ‘ - . ' ' 1 Do‘: r’ P :14 d.uKhu.,_ may ‘in Bcvercux School ln Phllade|phla.N1.,,_.,.¢ ‘bout 3 week. 39130" 5¢h°°l- Sari? a§Ip:!:z":£a;°°‘tlfii they are inexpensive and the service ls rapld. , ~ ' 'lC';\’l I ' cu, ', l Coo , ', _ 5'99: °f 33 L°“i" ‘M Dr‘ ‘M .M”‘‘ ~ E. L. Morgan. *0! the r‘ural I 3- “rim 3 1 4 fin; 7 “°“m'd T‘yl:’;:;{'d d‘:fh3%"h;‘x:' {sociology departmental the College "vivgfif ogugofizn c::,p_ M9” I ’ efllle 3119" ° in ‘arc fig‘ he; 9“: go! A\2l'icultllr¢. is taking a rest from M" nmmed m um, home “ta, 4.. 1'“ gf":‘""’md‘un S_ R .m,,°,. {his renlnr work for e few days. l-lr- a few days’ visit will. lllloe'l.ov El-1 me. flu-y Wood; of Moberly was um’ ° ' - ~ lnbia yesterday on t , . Morgan was recently operated on for 1,“ (;;m,,,, in can bmmeu, while in Columbia. Doctor Taylor ls? di 11,. ’ ______ dean of Chicltasha Women's college. fPl:n c; m E ...._ ;" ‘ * Mat. 1'. 1-2. Gilliam. 319 Rollins Co" §:;“°‘;':n°’t;i';° ‘ ""“""‘. .- "L “'3 "°""”‘ V" °"°street,llasgonetoDallas.'I‘ex.,to " Miss EVGYD 503°“ W" 9""-'“““?toinorruw for Kansas City, where vi,“ be, ,0", -p_ 3_ (;m;,“,,_ Mm K"‘_“" CRY; - with a bridge at 3 o'clock tomorrow ‘she will be the guest of her daugh- gm; ‘(,3 to be gone for about um. umle Sum" . ‘em ‘'0 afternoon in honor of Miss Mary . t,,. M,,_ H. 3;. picket; 3,1 EV"- . m::u:‘Pe° liallsvllle yesterday to-_vlsit Miss! Vesaer of Bloomington, ill. There f man expect, to be ‘one go, . week. , . » Nadine Hall. _ . _ will be three tables. s —-——— Mrs. D. v. Vandivcr and children _ Harry L Klutt of Clmton. e ‘—-———’ - "15 ‘Dd “'1 G90"? V°“'b1°- ‘O1 have gone oua motor trip to Bill- xradunte 01 the C0“!-'26 Of Alli’ Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shrsder and gilitt street, entertained with a pic- muck. ‘hm they ‘pm pm; up-5, _culturc, is visiting in Columbia this ~ - .. dllltlllefo Rlllh “IVY. Tel-llflled 3'93’ ‘ "ll? SUPP" 13“ “WM “b°"‘ *1’ mm‘ \'andiver’s parents, and to I-‘reder- week. * I l -Try out this suggestion _ tomorrow—we believe t I you will continue to fol- low it throughout the warmer weather if you do. I I terdsy from a two weeks’ vacation list 0;‘ tawné‘ ‘file gag!“ icktown to visit friends. h "i" “i""‘,’1‘ dS“‘m“T;t ‘gt gel W K; . . n o 0 -:— ome economnm epartlnc 0: M’ “’ mm M“ n F Jr¢t>8¢Sl;llen(i3“Y tizntéfi University will go to St. Louis today _ 0 lilo ' . V for a short vacation. LUNCH ‘LINEMEN ’ i>:h2:V::;u¢‘>':r i:t°‘°&‘: be in camp until July 26- mun engorlgrhtni ‘l‘.fAl8e<{ and’ *9“ ' ’ ere or Chicago SH lloolc. Others sample it incidentally none e U IN CAFETERIA RUSH“ or one or - “fuel of cm . UNIVERSITY NEWS l I , .-.-.-.-.-.-.'-p.-.-.-N-..", .4. ' - - l‘lt"I.|dli|flll \ ‘ mo~"'""""‘h‘.-lei} - s C l ‘\ 7*‘ ‘and a flow of soul." ' 11;,-ea minufe, pug, twelve .t the But always, it is a .g«_ood:natm:ed Dr. Richard Bradfield, assistant l University Cafeteria-——that is thelcrowd which seen: to cruoy its dally professor in the soils department of M -—.,-4 «o-A-at-.-*1-1". "I .‘ A ‘ -' . ‘I. - __ _, .1 ‘vv-J. _ r-'°".._-.I'ITW<,'s'='F!_ ~ . _ . . _r_a A, . ‘ , _ '- . . """". 3.‘ '.~fl'.}','§_,'.‘'..T;__. - ogl. ,3 ' - _-I ,.' 1- _.-'-.n' - ‘ l a 0:. _ ~, V . ,'= '3.’ is . » V. in H ‘A X . ..__ A A , - .. n V . _ ~ _ ... l. ‘As the line turns the corner, high {mm 1 to 14 per cent. and rehuilding. time for any aspiring dramatistlflttllcrbieng lIl!'t>l1Dd the gésy C‘oll:yg; 3" #:nl'lc‘l;ltl;l;l,oli; a't:t1:l:- Wm you an "me now ,1 . '30 3 “(bag 1 ac lng lncsrnen s ms 0 _ _ ’ .' ' ‘ ‘ i It i':ee‘h d that ' stret-[the whole world kin. istry in Chicago this week. He will um: good hrud thst_Jm _ . 0 ~ “"”' °"°" babl tu eopoloinloio Sunda ~ ~ i ‘ "'°' "“ “°""""“”"‘ “"° "“° "‘°‘ A nncnsasfut roon 0031' ‘ml!’ Volume." nnno of the all ° onulolells 8lB..'l'loIt1’ it ' street outside. Solne leek stead- ______ mdlszmhndry dc ll. cm of we - ~ 'A ‘ festly ahead. the menu-hoard their add‘ pd“ own“ 15.0.1-,,,u,, Co‘ I Au_icu“m_ep”u"len Cohmh "out", you km,‘ any bacon light. Others look benevo-l of 1 pucfln 1“ I.” I _ 1°39 ° ' , . lent] out at the roomful of lines-‘ bla today for s molllhl ""°“'°" home-lnade bread is rnuel ~ ,5 ,m’,,,,o mm ‘on, ham, ,5,” §”'v;’;‘§;u"*~NG,r0N Jm so A de trip. She will visit in New York. mm m mm and .; and still others splll conversation crease of two-tenths of 1 per-‘cent in Wuhinywn’ E£°fl°n‘ ‘nd “bet u q y In summer C00‘ and dainty—a l’l0t Wfifithflr ¢ener°l1=ly- ’ the retail cost of food during my "°"“‘ "‘ "‘° E _ . bread: for srovlns healthy ’ : ‘. - g; V E‘ "'5 d° "°° "hi"k?” S.” “h we ll)’ “"3 1450!’ D¢PIl‘tlllflll- Ml)’ you do not read and use Missourian . i’ - ' ‘- I ’ , V.‘ ;' question earnestly but gets no ans- p,;¢e,_ ;,o,..e,,e,_ we", 2 pa am ‘am uh. shown many Columbia house- ' fr wer. it is food. and not eternity, . d - I M ._ 192.-3_ . " so ’ ; _ that must be considered. The line unA:_;3r,:,ce:,}‘:;¢h 3,0,“; ¢¢¢;-¢.... * J mm mu’ um’ °bnh an ' ;' § must keep its attention on thir included butter: lard. sugar. cheese. . = i best results in baking bread . . g, i world! i ta 1 ll and vaporatod milk. . j ; nun or Beef ls Problem. b..:,'.“:'.,,, ':;',.,,,,,,f,,_ S. H. OGDEN l g —-in fact in all their home _ . i V “C039. 1 ll0P¢ “'9 billed him W‘. ‘ Food products which showed in- G MAn%nlNl8T mum“ 1 ' baking—hy _using H. ‘P ‘ -_ . . 5 cley-"' creases included pork chops, steaks. encrol I mdol . l 3 “Just so it isn't lettuce ssnd- roasts, plate beef. legs of ham. _'4‘.°1’ 3'-"*_°"- I " ‘Flour. h‘ _--_._ __ ........, M--. . . . J.-. . . —-———. ’~_ wiches. Boy, that’: my idea of noth--nu-icuy {nah eggs, hem, tomatoes, l'Vl°§- 9" ‘ in’, abaolmely.” tea, coffee, rice and prunes. ranging it‘ IP05‘!-I Pl'l¢¢8- Chlrtillt E llllllt 0!! 3-4’- Boone. County Milling nuance and the ‘menu-board are its Y _ 1, concern. upon the on are mlesins opportunities In connection with Allen stn- 1 ‘ unolfmdinr array of you do not read and use uluool-ten lie Co.. 26 South Tenth street. I & El¢V3t01' 00- aavagely at times, while its brain . ' . ' ‘ g»; gets muddled with addition and """ ““ - ft subtraction. Then comes a decision. - “ . “Potatoes and beef!" is .t....‘..... . _-,1‘ = forth triumphantly. This linesrnan '4 4 janizen knows what lie wants. sees: Phone 72 N O W E L ls Ninthiat ' = ’ ' or an Article Can Never Be Determined by l ikilklzfl howtosl;’:hls.trs,:l;l‘I ll ' an arrow. e gaae ess- _ ' _ . _ ‘ 1 ,_. 3 ly at such ouengal.-or character. Leaders ln Quality, Servlce, Price. . n ~.- "Er--what's that yellow mo A ' __ 1 Om u »—«~»~‘rr==:~=:*=»~»°"°~':‘“"* ~ rzce one o Q o _ . . “'I'hia?" 'l1leaerverllftsaepoIi_i\- , ‘ A ' .r l WHERE """"’i"" 4 ‘ _ , ' Home-grown beets. per hunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..loc . . 18 only the Combingfion of 1 ‘ !1eIooksatthelaenuhoard.Then __“e “'h”, ‘bah .5. w ‘t Q-3”.“ ‘fig. MUM “Q33, W "D. _..-- - .3. , . .‘r V ‘._ '==— v . ' . . breads. no gives it oi. full ate » ronllfnldythe eenuon while 4 e ; Jantaenxnostpoplflar. ‘E g f regaglhllustrangdy llkeansem ~ » AtHoIle&hsa:_hJurgg ; lg . m We W '_fi ‘ I " ”?5:‘:;"l“7~3° Mg”. ‘ y . F 1 Lyn:-ufinaunm.‘ ,,,,;.,,, ,._ . '.°""’" demonstrates the true worth of anytllmg. or fl gem 1: " . a We ' this reason we belleve every article we are showing to . Jenna. . . am. \ o ' =:lIIlsu-div.-hetan-«w: clsiscs e ,. ’ ‘ . NJ boy-J . . uoenoa-l:eo¢u.lslspoaninor- ' V t---.drero°=l--ll-ll-Ir «lenooeenelonle aloe-nsntz hat‘ , . x - . J-H , "‘ thsy‘addoufi..Ili‘'>aIne4hehe-‘ Yo;-ll! ll-eilii ‘I roll‘: attsulpta of‘fll_e ‘ass,-4 ‘ - V V ;?__‘*""““_'.-“""='i*. ‘ ' trlr enfi ‘ 7' t ' Ostyou ‘ "Q, J 0 A I . ' siIn-track.andatthssanet' . i a """""' -t """' _ o _ It.‘ divaintohlspocketforraonsyhe . ‘J - . _ _ , z_ hopssisthsre. Ieanwllilso some V --g - lutsouldownthellnehuiiltdiu . - _,- 3 covsredthatlleis.alreahanI'oach- . 8- f.A—*g . '_ tray. - . ‘ ‘ . ‘lhejourney ii i i v '.~ ‘, 1‘ 7 ‘ ‘ , l 5 . A . V. A . . ‘ ‘ .-.’. V I V I’ ‘ll’ . I ' I. ‘ ' V " { ‘ ’ "" l a. «. hq‘;.~, ..‘ ’ ..- . - - -- , .."‘a-“.__ 9 _ ‘ . I ._ _ I _..‘ - ., O ‘ . h