as 2trig2asssens2sxssssssaasnstaiaeasuzas-iv q» »____..a'- F4!!!-‘!9:§;{§' :'§':‘i§£*2a‘.-.!£!!II‘§.‘=!!!9‘i F‘-'53 Jv i I -.4_.....-..q. L‘. .a._... ,._ ,.,,__,__ A _ r _ ‘ 1-d-91-¢a—i ag: ..- .-. . . ....-__......-...--_._ _ I ?""‘ "“ A‘ A ‘ —-4» --—- -numb-no-a~..—..— -..........~.._p.._,, I -..r y. . 7 vl‘botc by Parana» In IARIAN wIl.l.IAIIs. DAl°t‘.llTI.R or Ma. A.\'D . W. s. WILLIAIS. -. vitosaa aaanim moat‘ To l.i:i: swi.\'Dl.i»‘.it or )It‘skoct~:!; OKLA. THE .t'it|!:ION\' Toot; tan. AT HIGH .\'uu_\ AT Tim rt MTTA PH! ll0l'SF.. ;; The Pi'Bcta Phi house. 500 Rol- case. Bliss Williams presented her ,, fins street, was the scene high attendants with bracelets stud- nooa today of the wedding in Miss ded with stones. .;.HariIn Williams, daughter of Prof. . Swindler let‘; here :and Ira. W. ‘ Williams for a motor a.Virginia avenue. to Lee through the .\'orth. For traveling. ::Sl'IlIdler of Iuskogcc Mrs. Switidlcr chose it tan “.3 9,510, frock trimmed with lace. . I "*.-Tbe-Rev. Marvin T. H of the Broadway Methodist Church. match» and a izrsen coat and hat. ring ‘v E 2 It-each side of the mantel st .. N . ' mborothy, Perkins’ roses _ INCPIY. Guests from out of town who at- on tended the wedding were: .\lr. and lgpgg-C.\lrs. J. A. Swindler, the bride- basliets filled with daisies, irro0m'-‘ Parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ",4 but‘. Brown. .\lrs. H ' Gotcher. and fined with ‘he “me .\l_i.~'ses Laura Smalley. Lucille and elerad itc material mhnked with ferns and flaiaies. A basket ; “flop” urigh un and)“ an "ch Lila Swindlcr. fill of Muskogee; Mr. T ',,pla¢-Os before the altar. Nil guc.~‘ts from Columl-in will i. The bride’; gown was oi‘ white be pn-st-tit. ‘ georgette fashioned ‘Ill’! Tuesday. oAKI'd$ of cc Her tulle veil was A liridgc lunch;-..n win 1... git-. ;.aI‘rangNl in comnet style. and held on .1 the (‘ouniw (‘luli. (lnlv oil” Pb" 5)‘ 3 hind Of orange blos- IDPl1ll)(‘l‘.~ will¢~nt. ‘ your. (‘union in the hack e The Kiwanis ciuv. will have ..;V1'll- huff: rare old lace shim‘! luncheon at the Daniel Boone _ uwhlch belonged to Miss Williams’ Tau-m :3!‘ mother. The bride carried a The Rosemary Bridge Club '1“ 0! lmdt“! roses. will meet at the home of Mrs. jmfi‘ "7 "'9 Wilt)’ Ind Qrfhld A. LaRue, 1700 Rosemary lane, at M Ilsa Margaret Williams, the 7:30 u'clock_ --*'.......°:. *°.:'.°'..:.'*—“';r"“.‘" “‘~"~--~ e in in ct ce. 1- - . . . _ '& were similarly dressed. :ie.{:-wot?‘;;:en\§°;[:!(:moBn:3m_.$ ,.. '” u::m' wmdl" '""""‘ °"° Methodist Church will meet with .9534. Ilsa Laura Clark blue Mrs R C Butch.‘ 506 Rod 3-“ Janioa Robert Hoax the ma- en ' ‘ 0’ K’ M f ho 9 ‘ - ‘ - . . . :« n ° ta "‘ $2”; Lions Club picnic will be given '¢'1AaL - nnd Joseph Luckie of Mfilfli; ’. 3 Hrs. itsumi .- uipscomb. who‘3l-'- and Mrs. Edwin um and Gor- . .;played the wedding march. also ac~ d"" GT3)‘ "{ 533985 Vii)‘: .\lr. and‘ lfvieoni nied R Warnick. who Mrs. Charles Roux. .\lrs. lien tfsang ‘-‘At Dawning” before the ccr- _ — » Z M .1. etaony. ‘ ’ Ir. Swindler and his best man. '3. SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday. :‘ ended by the Retcrend \ir Han hThe Knitting Club will meet at H is: Williams .and her father. l I‘ ht-nw of .\li'.=. D. S. Conley. " b the mum“ of H04 Rosemary lane. at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. C. H. Fisher of JL-Hex-sun (‘ity will entt-rtiiin uith it bridge party at the Jello-rsoii (‘ity (gun- try Club in honor of Miss Mil drcd Allen of Kansas (‘i't_v. Sec- -- of honor and followed by the train .. ll". P511998 1408111. came dovm _-Om stairway, which was decorated ::Vith silver baskets of flowers tied .~..Vith large white tulle bows. and en- .‘ ‘taped the living room. taking their at the Pinnacles. Th _:'t:Il't'id colonial bouquets made of unfhy’ _ “nun . “ “,_‘_ Rotary Club will have its neg- “, mug "mu tan’. ular weekly luncheon at Harris’. illagin. was attrac1.a' ely dressed in The D‘&m°" °f 1812 will a land-eiabroidered frock of white. "3 ‘ " "'° ‘‘‘’'’‘° “’ We 10'1" :'_ 1.m.¢“td,. ,o"°‘.;n‘ ‘M N» .\. Taylor. 812 West Broadway. at 2:30 o'clock. lleinl-en: of the East Broadway Club will meet with Mrs. ll. ll. . a two-course dinner was 3311!.‘ The wedding cake, trimmed with baby ' . braath and nude ha’ ‘Carob. hide an efl’c:iive ccnturfpiecz ‘ "07 F3‘: §’°‘d''‘3'- ‘‘ '-,Tbe-aun_prlnr was decorated with “A hm fin he ‘Wm “ we ‘I ‘ - 0"‘ Country Club. Only members will be present. In” mfilfiltf of Miss Elin- bath Smiley of Tyler. 'l’ea.. to Earl. Hook of Dallas. will taie Place at 'l'lkhVlt0Ofl. at.tbe home of the bfide in Tyler. Tex. The women‘: Auirniu-y of ‘the ' will Ineet at _ clock. flora} the ¢¢rem(,n_\- in They will be at home in Muskogee; . ,..' t of the mantel, which was cov- all?!‘ 3¢‘PWmbt'T 1- p.,A,.;;,w—.i . _.. 4 i ~ *‘ ‘<=r-=-~- W-......‘c*-°.:‘-" °*-=.*.:*-......-is .°.2“:.'”'°..':t.-.'..*‘%"" a 0 y l‘tk' M oug .' 1|, g I out, . .1‘. I J NEWS Of . - iigycwiiaon, at wmauburg; nick. Joe Thornton and Herbert ' i .ii. a. Edniiaton and family of St. Iaesvindler. . . _ lbouia; and lira. Bailey Hoax a l Jlisa Betty Miss Ruth. Douglass §Former Student 'u;’_d3 S-t g:‘P’D°‘9"3 . ad . 5 tan a a A aglaaa a ?M¢"""3d W9d"‘3d“y gciaude Elmer Stephan: of St. Louis . um Florence Todd. rhter of ‘were married at 9 o'clock this morn- §Mr- and 355- Jew 3- 7°“ °‘_ S"3ing at the home of the bride’: taoth W- Dam. °‘ Hrs. 11. R. Douglass, son Hitt Roux To‘! .Bousto!l.. 791- lday. '. tor of the rat Savannah, otTic' ’ The ‘ e wore a Jaatinbaclt crepe and ' Her K Only the immediate members of '-:‘s'"d°"‘hp"; ‘the family were present at the wed B‘p"'“ CM" 0 ding. Mrs. Stephens was fornierl ' ' { "hm a student in the University. and Ir. ‘°"" ° ° tephens is a graduate of the Uni- versit . ahat of the‘. __}dr. and Mra.“St1-phens left here imm lately after the ny. “ d \ N. They will be at home in St. Louis l(!l3u'l‘thl"f“gt.. J:i~::h was the “flu. Sopwmber 1' ‘ I1! 0 0 A - 0 ‘ - ' ._______.__. Miss Sutton Gives 1 .-er girl. She wore a frock of whiter organdy. For in traveling gown. 01}? _ bride wore a black chiirmeen suit B,-ufgg Pa;-(y ‘md .' buck nu" Mt‘ ‘ Miss Evelyn Sutton entertained ' Miss Todd is a graduate of the: ,luwa State College at Ames. and is in . i member of the Pi Beta Phi aoror-; iiy. Mr. Davis was graduateddfrom ‘ the University of Missouri. an is ti, Those who uumded we"; “in .;"‘''‘‘‘’‘'F ‘f’ ‘If 3:2‘ §Mildi-cd Batterton, um. llowand ’;“‘°m"I’)"| ‘(E01 bi " and Vinyard of Marion, lll., lliiuiill-dinioilx-0aiter‘i'i:e "Q.-..-mt... Min Gertrude Wayland. Mrs. Wal- mem was a pmm M W id‘ ;do Proctor. Miss Margaret Nowell . . ‘Miss l.ouis'.- Nowell. Mrs Ned """“‘ ~“""‘ ‘~'"“'“" ““"' "“"‘°""t(;iiii.« sir- .i Mckdams Mix»; Mary :.\lr. and .\lr.\'. Davis will lie at home j \,P“;_''_ \'“'_.;‘m.rga.n-t Ttiylnr after. July 1 in Tarkio, where Mr. _ D-ii’; h- t‘ t .‘ »i.‘ 2.: .::.::‘.“°':...::.":.- * Even Peters and tended the wedding were: Mr. and 1]. E_ hffnton Afar,-i(»(] Mrs. Louis C. l\'urtz. Jr., and .\lrs.f . ‘ . . , Don Malin of Des .\lolne.~’: Mr. and ’an:':;; .FJ;.|~enM!:,:::.-,3 Goff hgt‘”.lsof.-uh Mrs. Louis Trzichsel and dauglitt-r,? we 5 '5 home‘ of‘ ‘la? Eleanor, Mr. and sir... John ‘ {WW8 mm W Md M" _hmN Carey. Mr. and Mrs. 1-2. H. .\leyt-rs, ’F 9" ‘(am-M my 1“ Ho Miss Mary Carey, and Mrs. I-‘red .o‘,'dm_k ‘his nfltmoon. ' " Trachsrl ¢if_St. Joseph; and 3'll$8‘* TM bride wed her 8. S. Mabel .\lc\\illiams and .\l. l.. \\ ells _‘re. {mm “Laue nivenfly h 19-” of Hiawatha. Kan, ~' ‘ ‘Mr. Minton' r«:eived his LL. D. and Linen Shower Given for Miss Ruth Rusk Miss Ruth Rusk. whose marriage to Hiram Currey will take place in Boston. Masii.. Monday. was the . V honor guest at a linen shower giv- i _ -“'53 Nflmufld l-_3a .. § E 3 Pure ‘I: 7? U} ‘''=. -5 Sweet gt Cr 5 eam L 12% :3. :3‘; .3 By the 35.! .5 § Central rt: 8 Dairy “Mother, may the back porch on Sunday Q .- _.-_ _ _.-.- {we have more?" ¢ I morning—— SUNDAY is not going ..... range trying to prepare the biggest meal of the week. There isn't_ U I I I H wife who stands over a any reason. however. why Sunday should not he a day of rest when such an excellent dinner can be had for such a low cost ; at HARRIS’. The entire family can eat here in the cool com- fort of a HARRIS’ booth with rapid service at less than the cost of the ma- terials at home. The menu ; offers a variety that a home dinner cannot afford to duplicate. a variety that is aeasonali and satisfv- ing. ° srscuu. _8l'- Acnortrd cold neat plate Baked chicken lireahpat-than 4.»- -o- --: ..-.<...- i 5"‘ Dotataea ‘la cream l - ‘- ~ An imported orchestra will tease the echoes to- g mori-ow evening from 6 to 8:30 o'clock at THE PALMS. ,7 Wander into a PALMS booth sometime between those hours and let the music tickle your ear drums and the good food tickle your palate. Vecetauo boalliou chicken. «can gravy (‘hlckea a la liiag 50: - Green flag Btrhgheaaa '3' Iota:-at aaaea (‘atfae ha ‘- . . ‘it 3 1 ! NDAY IE5‘ C 3 Potato salad l Site droning Iiitre dc hotel sauce I‘ e i F 1 McALLISTER’S CAFETERIA “The Most of the Best for the LEAST” lixioé BATTERIES . Uo matter what caryou drive exactly suited to its requirements. your Exide will LAST LONGEST of batteries. Recharge and 48-hour rental service $1.25 Exide Battery Station Q Mean Long Life is an EXlDE—-powerful and dependable-— ’We recharge and overhaul all makes Weathers Electric Co. there’ j ' And 3"‘"“* "'4 Chm! 3 N. 9th St. Phone 300 Basement, Virginia Building 9. ‘ ‘ t‘__’>.‘ ¢ ‘. T“ . ‘ ,DunE EEIIUTHI-:-its SPECIAL 3M OTC! F! i:Ai:z s ' These cars rep:-esent“Dodge Brothers finest achievement in the creation of genuine motor car beauty. \ l. _ . types: ‘Type-A Sedan and 4—Passenger 7 ’ ' Identical with the standard product in C » fundamental design, they are individu- , alized by extensive extra equipment. ., i’/They are available in four popular ‘\ The Touring Car, Roadster, __J0HNgN. TAYLOR . 505-07 - Broadway 1 . Phone 575 »‘l . \_\u.\.'a..__._' "' ' * . L. . ". " W-° ' IQ‘ U ' o.':.E -- -¥-; -‘ject of the preaa_bureau is to 9'7 the~,public of the state inte.resu['f in the fair and to produce a deg)’, to visit ' _~ _. ,.‘~r;:*- «;.$;e4-§;; «anti-:3:E+:.ii-siw '1. av ‘. tar» ..l‘_ — ‘-. ‘Q lilwli a E: T - ly, undoubtedl; - I “CC. . runis do not 1 and after drivir A I re not dragging. usivc evidence i The only brake bands to jack up hot} .v ground an: heel in the 1 When this is d tial action. the ace tbatltlhoul A. V wish to be A u g. it is ‘almoatiu ~ __has not had hit it very sligl ' will do to t automobile. as: It is recommcn A brakes be ' attiustments a __ ' by first i l at the bral: llie ‘drum as pc _ of the band. _t,he brake Iii -' *' re replacem T ' ~ before leav AUTO ~ Ulblfllflfl Wit _... of road at