I I 1} § 3'. if 2;.‘ 3 its i r I it E I P 5' I lttiiersity avenue. 1 .\l. llttttsltalter perform ‘’ y in front of the mat ~. -. tvotseealed with white‘ lattice trdh. l’ J with srnilat and ltpns. 53‘ “gr, brott. tslm‘ sat‘; " \t llalllting and _ “I.Ld't'e You Trttl_\" ‘it-l.-fr the t‘eI'@otty. fly, [’grf_\ arivl ht- lot -I man,‘-Ilussell V. Ucfihin. rntrrt--l the tistitg roolh lrtom the l.‘ pt. .t...s ,...-.-.-.t.-.t by The. lleverentl fig;-slulttr and slntitl ‘hr-fore - the altar, [ ‘fit l.'r'.t_\ an-l her father. [tii1'P1lt'd la)‘ *9 liritlt--mtitl-. “ts. Tltufltas lilkittft i flirt-ls-ll. Jr. at‘ l\:I'ts1- ltt:-l and \Ir\. hes Phelan cl Lalayett-'. Mg» and the gatron of honor. \lr~. \li[t,tn losall of (;|grL-_t.tllt-_ \ln_ -‘~'--r -n the bride cane Jnrsvn the stttirtsat .1".-l tzttt-retl the living room l"-1| the rt_~'vt -l----r. arttl:tttoh their‘ re lit l-'Yt' lltt il.‘.Y_ lit‘ bfturfllofltfll It!!!" if-lttervl V‘ ~'--rll ‘l fl"43'l:ll!- }.,,... \'¢',,,|.t li‘-null, it. Jtrlian Hath) ud \t;;;-t...t| t.t.n, lP'-tliN'f ol'tlte htitle. The ltl'lIl0.‘.- 2---stt n.'s Ml ‘ltite Ialltl f...|.;,,n.-,|, t. to . -l:.l]t-‘ll slsirt atttl lV|lllt'f 't,-immt-.1 \.t!l' g--.lt-. ll.x- tram ius ol “RUIN at-tl l't.‘t ..Jll tltv tulle \t‘Il was i hold in p'.t-~ \ .Ilt t-t.ttt-,:t- l)ltI‘~tott'l- and regrl-t_ .\it~- mttzo--l .t l-nttttzn-t it llphelia fit...-s, \I':-s l.t.t\ ts--re .1 tliaho-nil pl.Il- ingm ls.” p.i..l.‘:-. ,.ll l---m llle ‘rttlcgttsttltt §h- also: \--I- t l-ltto -_-ton-i-it.'(h pm lie hp)“; tti \li~- l't'.tIl-' '-ltttjlrll. .ttttl ‘hit-lg I13‘ her It b\“lll t-- I\\t‘ttlV1-ttfllll trill- H lltitlrs. ‘- ,Nrs. llt:\.t'l ‘-w'- .1 2' ‘Mt £Y""“ ‘ngclir 't'.t" ~ In‘! tint“. '33 t!tt'-~s‘vl Ill ltlt|i' ttttttfyt lltntnff [Hill lit. l'lnllYl"Il ttttlt tut-';. rosetlatitls. and fig; Pl"-l,t:t t.,o- ;:t»tsttt—tl irt torcltitl prong- “. tritnmvul ‘tilt ~ll\t‘I l.ttt‘ Illll \t'l\t°l ’ flu:-r-. \ll .4 tlu-nt "‘.tl'ltt'ti Jtta lt=ttHtIIt'l% oiktllartt--t r.. .\ uni mtlt - nlml tttlle. filter tltr ta '-ttt- 1:‘. lllt t-- it} J t‘t't 01> rig in honor at lllt' l.rtt«- arttl ltritle- 'fg~ng and rrlr-'-lttttt ttl- \st'rv' tt'r\'l"l. Th? P iodllitll “Il.t- lovntevl the t-enter-p’.r-tc ul , tltgftlirtin-,; tt...m Igtltltfi tltlt-r tl4‘t‘ol’€tltt|fl.6 "ca the table mrr glau t'.lDtll¢$il"hI tietl Ihh tdlle t" t:.tittitt,' ltclzto--l ttltttr ran- qtl bud \ ,~l‘d ||sIltll.I‘ llpltclia ttilrfl. 13... .3... .t~- -tt-.l to tlts di'n.rtg room ‘gap: \lr.-. .l. l-. 'lh»»rttl--n. “rs. W. l". l &|'y¢-Qt‘! til |t'- \llfl"l0 -. ‘I75. l,\lkI' lo.1h'b9"T. llt-lt-n \litt-lit-ll. l"raru't*s.\litclr- ,3.‘ .\t..vu-vie ll.t:lt.ttt'.-lt. la in l.--ruin. Jes- F .5. t.....t-.3 ....;t t:tt;.t..-ttt (ire-en. Mia \Iarjt-t .- ll.trlt.ttiglt ~¢.tttaltl llte fifth‘. bhutluet as she threw ll lltfl ll‘ ht hurling ttl lltr‘ stairtsay, Mt: Parry t- .t grstlttate ol the School ol Juarnali-rtt an-l i- J ln0'ltIlt'|’ of the‘ Pi Beta Phi. (Zwrnnta \lplta Chi and lets Saga: sororitit . - Ilr. Parry L- lll-' -on ol .\lr\artd Mrs. M ‘twirl l‘;t:t'\. Ml k:|tt.CJh.‘1lt\'- H? igg graduate ttl lit" 3 'lt'rul til .'ttUf.flIllIU\. ad is: mean‘. I of tit» Sigtrta Clti antl Qua Delta lltt lr;tto-rrt't‘.io'-. ‘ Mr. and “is. l'.t':y tsill hr‘ at ll-Hm‘ ill- tea Kprtl 2. i: li.tr:lt-stille. (lK".I. Dtllnl. ll"Illtl .\l'.' 70 ‘ ‘ CI!) IVHIIHI H. II '\I I.‘ flu [).;\It.lat l'tI'Z9t' ..:I| tTli‘.'.s1ln vtith . ialtgmal qt," .-.- 2 [wt out-ts rwfnlltfl. Tltt‘ “C ti-ml‘. tt.ll lie tl.~t1tr.ll"tl in Nilllfffi -nt.l.t\ .uttl -p in: llowt-rs. Yb ’t°t9fi|d \.tll lw: \l|-1'4 l)I|l’Ulh\' Stetlltautt, llt-ltn ].u'li.~- It. Slautinr ll!" gdy, Id; ‘.!.tt- l\t-.r.‘ \l.tr:.tret‘ "illittttte. '> ,\lt-vo “vllh-ll. hlyrtle «- asst llutluon. t'utltt-rim-_ Liston. Lillian CUaIleltler.'Eltubetb Franklin. .\l.trl¢|f- Ct Iaggs. \rli:te Hill. Virginia Ruarh. "I-he lnuisr “tight, llt-it-rt \Ie-nger. ]7l.tRiIe llterho-nti-lge. |.l|.'t‘t|I llooltther ' an Powell \tt-ttsm‘. itch Bofltlev. . lists. Baker. .t.tm A. Smith, Psut Twin 2 .-. 3. ?-‘ ‘NH . ' ch."-gun,‘ fill ht \t.;.,t .ntl Mn‘. I-lo~atl..loneI and f Ba. and ‘tin. A. II. It. I-‘air-‘hill. ‘ un tmrm.‘R.s' SPEND , I'Ul'.‘R-—£.\'l) Hls'RI'.' The lleta Ttteta I’: motltt.-r who are’ _tt;t~otling the gs-t-o-lrrntl in I‘ ' II guests at the llt'.||0l"f ltout laret "ll- ' : \lrs. l, Mrs. T. l. lurner.g0kllh$ . : \lr~. E.‘ It‘. Strut‘, Mrs. E. S. llallartl. \l:.. t;. A. ‘t‘n-stmtts. St. ’ ltotpit; \lr-. I. l’. Race. l’l~vril. lll-1 . st...‘ s. 1'. lligglt-, tr... It. I‘. llarvootl. “I. C. S. ll.-is-~. \lr-. \. ll. Ssvlaheto .‘fi’I."l, T. llzlltiel. ttntl “rs. l'i. l'. 'lI¢Il. ‘Hiatus Lily. . ‘ ctttntrmt mt":-ttr .‘.ll 3 » «Inn tvl (Iaratm-I and Ittltite ‘l. Tgyitti; .tntl \lt -o - l’. .trle hlittifell. llullt ff‘ , .\lsr-hall. ‘Ir-. Ii P Ans-"" Uturllin. Spring flout-rs and Easter" 1.0-“id X. Kasai 'Klrtley,. i Illlfliflmflfeattht-table.’ SCOTTISH RITE MAIONS GIVE ANNUAL FEAST ls ahsaevsaee at the aaaaal .\launtl\- M M &‘trlll6lt . . loha Pickard at-t'aLas tt-a.sttru~ter short were given by Ii. \\_ Stephens. Dealt "abet "illiams anal Gal. Wllian E. Persons. HHS. EJRL UKNDERSON 'INS INCH BRIDGE SCORE Mrs. Earl Heotlernort made high wrote rnd was atsanled the lint prize. a lutsrlt- eott Plath. at the bridge given _yt-stt'rtl.i\ by Mrs. 0. S (Trisler. ' a ho! of _ . . C. .\lehl and the cut prize. a pair nl hand kl towels. has tthattltfttl ttt \lrI. E; H. Childers. ULLE. T.4$TEl’l.\' TO BE’ HONOR (.'l*'E.S'T IT T54 as Mr. and Mrs. llerhert llet-so. Duma- apanments. tstll entertain at to-.t from C to 6 o'clock lotnorrnts Illrtttt-t-Vt in honor of \|atlc-moi-ellt~ Maria " ' . who is tisiting Dr. and .\Ir-. \laru-l. llayenel. _ The delegates to the hlitltlle “est and ‘Mill! Classical .\IItIt‘iatittn meeting turn- the guetitsol the llotne llcottomit-~ tlepart» ~ . 7750'.‘ ll ll tD.t'ltp< h Itsil.|\. The luncheon was turned iii the ll.mtt- liconotltics Building by the sttttlettts irt the department. Ferns antl llom-r~ were used as decorations. Those lrotl the llelta llella Delta house tho are spending the tit-cl.-entl out of town are: .\liss Josepltitte .\l.. Kamey in Paris. Miss .\label Fatldis. in l'entralia and .\|i~s Betty Wilma In ll" home‘ in Quincy. lll.. In all-'tttl lltt- is: l- tlllt‘ til llff .‘olr. and ‘hits. hltlton llutall and sort \lilton. .lr.. lt-lt this morning lot their home in Llarhssille, .\lo. ,\lr. lluull ._arriu-tl in liolullthia yesterday to altttntl the we-ddittg ol \|ts-- Eric lira) to ’l'tu-- tnas "Owl Parr). .lr.. yo--tt-rtl.tv t'\t'n trig. \llI. llllllflfi ll. “lllllffiltltw, “Jug. line. entertained the teachers and moth‘ of the Field School from it In ’» o'clock yesterday afternoon. .\lrs. l;_ Berry and .\lrs. Earl hurt: lttrnislu-tl it min-it-al program and lflfrsllmrnls mm- \ g.-Cited. There were tytenty-liic gut-.-t~. The Mallet: Press Club announces tlt-- [ledging of .\lisaes Amelia Fo.-ser, Katha-r» ine Wheeler, Alice Judd. Fergenr Ot.t!.lm. Ruth Williams, Dorothy lloe. .\lary hath. ttinf llttrinf. Doroth, P.-nnnck t|r|.l I~.tt hel Dooley. “iv Ruth l.t-ebrick. tsltti i~ pt‘i\.t:t- secretary lot’ the .\lts-ouri Farm Fedo-rzt tion in leflerson City. trill arrive today to spend the Ireeh-erttl tsitlt lter ttaro-rtt-. Mr. and Mrs. I. ll. l.o-t-ltrit~l.. ll-‘t.’ Ilincltson aveaue. .\lr. and .\lrs. Tl‘-omas Wtvitl Pam. ‘.'.. lelt today for their home in Kansas ( tts. They attended the wedding of their son. Tlyorrus "trod Parry. .lr., tn .\llsl l’:\lt' tiray. tslticlt took placv last evening W. H. .\lc(}rt-gor and lliratrt l. l--l:tt- «on. representatives in the Nate l.l'gl-- Iature. were entertained at tlirtm-r \\v'~l nestlay night by Kit. and .\lr-. (1. ll. “ll- lianta, bib South Filth street. .\tn. Ruth xeflni. ....t \ts.. ltutlt llE¢- 'gt-nbottotn. t-arlters in the (.."lItlt1Ill|ll\‘ .S('hIMIl. Sl. lfitll.-. Il’l't\f‘tl in lot-ltllllltll this lnornittg to spcml their East?! \I- t':|tion. hlisa .\lary Pltleger and \It-- \lar\' Chambers were guests ol \lr-. Margaret llhamberlain at dinner Tuestlat esco- tng. alter which they alto-tttletl tlt-- lilo-e l.llll| concert. George Htrnutl, French llit‘lu'\ attttl laaia Bingltam front the Sigma Iltt {house are .-pending the weekend in Kart- , .__.__...,_ Favors were presented at the hritlpe -_—...—.o-— -~v '4. .. 1 l ,..a.j-~..¢...o v ‘ lll ll'.’—‘)‘2. $3.280. tluochcoa gtvcu yesterday by Mrs. ltow- I .a‘ lartdT.Prst-tortollrs.C.'C..H _ Ira. Liadallleysenhergaod ro.H.a it. new. ' n 5., r..¢.g.‘g..‘.''1g,¢;.....,,,. “, Mi-a.HutlI trayrss st lsltlwi Kan. 0 V II‘ M lflifi Cl F IR .u"".‘u. ‘fig, v- b>.bE.“"iI|IIdl:‘lh¢VflhtCIdIlll|t ' - '. _ 1 3 Ill aniat will he: " Dd" l'°"‘° _ l ‘ [) ‘£l.f’olNc pt ma." *5 t L F0 U‘ E‘ m.'‘‘”' Miss Rachel Cooper of William ooda College. Fahon, arrived to "" spend the weekend as the guest .\Iisa l‘.ttaict- Woodrufl. The Laura class of the Broadway .\tt-thstlist utter thin afternoon at 2:$ o'clock at btne ol Slrs. J. ‘S. Laugltlin. IQ Walnut. Miss Rachel Cooper and Nina \largaret \laus Ol William Woods College hill he tl nut-r gut--ts this evening at the \lpha l'l't lltittrf. .\li-- Selina l-alrtihahtt-l the llhi \lu ltd-use‘, is spending the weekend at l;et l‘tttl|i' in \litldletovn. \lr. and .\Ir-. J. .l. lh-Gmll Ollifffll liay, ‘is. tool." dinner last evflina at the llroadtnore lrtn. Dr. amt .\lrs. E. E. .\ttgell of Rodltep--rt in-re tltnrter gut-ta last est-ttirig ta: 0' ‘ liroatlrnorc lnn. \li-s Page “right til l.!tttlett\stt¢tl lilll‘ ltge has ,; dinrter guest la.-t t“VQ'I‘llt)'. at lllt' Uplta l’lti ltouae. The mo-mherv of the (‘iii Omega soror- it\ .ittttot;ttce :lt.- plt-tlging tsl hliet llaarl llau-t-r til Kins: (Lit). REAL Esrsn: Ttuutsrtll 3.: Real estate ttanslas lor yuterday.' ' \\t'fI‘ Js lttlluls-1 . illttl .\lrs. A. .. Selttvahe to tr...-.~ P. Iloltlr. t: 12 >1 and NW. 51'. Tlh 30 I3. and SI’. .\'l’.. and pt. Sh. ‘H 3%--.'t0-—l3. CHIN .\lr. .tn-l \lr~. \l. l’. lloldin. to H‘. A. largo-rtt. lttl Jrfrs in Nl':.~2*-43--I3. s.t,:.'.tt. , _S. \l. litigltl, tti (iettrge ‘i. S"Itlk('|'.“ '-ll acres \\ pt ‘:32 SE and ll] acres . WK”. ‘. \I. lltigltt to James S. l’ltlllippe.' if: .s% and NW sw-—3o—5o—ta. ‘\\ ‘ll. .ttttl pt SF.-5"-25--w—l3. i,hl.— l.:li.ttt ll. llowell l".\'.In-. to Katie A. ‘la \.tltlt ltil- I83 Iltll ll Rttfkpoflw 8330. \lr. anal‘ \lr-. W. Ii. lleltlen. to George ll. .‘ulltntt'ts. l.-2 ['32 NE-—ll. and ‘32 \l‘‘. 12. all in 47-l2 lsubp. D.sT! $l0.(Xl). \lr. antl Mrs. W. T. Johnson. to Her- ln°Tt llatettscralt. NW’ N‘ —-2—l.. and Ill acres part NE .\lC—-9. all in C3-ll‘. t:t.2ttt. = l". ll. \lt'llnnaltl, trustee. to H’. T J-lu-~-m, \W N\\—-2-—l0. and 10 acres l‘lll \l*l \lV. --9, all in ~l8—l2 sold under C .\lrs. S. T. (‘olmana Mother Ill. , \lr-. Ste-rltrtg l. lolman. Ahenhill l".Itltt. has loo-en called to Faruington ln the -t'fiHU<‘ illness of her mother. \lr~. .\ot-l-tc ‘hays .\'t-tltum t.§...;.; tr}; looks best of ttt .illl'f :t (Qoltlt-n Glirtt cbalnpoo. Adv. #7 ; April 1st _ Last Chance ; for Seniors to Order Announcements and Caps and Gowns April 1st. The Missouri Store A IIVIDE I810 5 IPOCHS rust nsys of Log Cabin to in- seat. Has Been Steady. Bays Prot. Aahertey. Llltfflttfc on .‘ll\34t'.Z.'l JI'Il‘.llt‘(‘llll" was practically non-eai-tam belore l‘r..;. .l. S. Attheney. of the art department. plhhfied an article called “A tit-nttm of Niuottri Architecture" in a rettn: n mher of the .\|isoouri llistortcai it near. The reason. perhaps, is that \l-- aouri architecture is not worth \srit.;tg 050“. for as Professor Arnhem-, -.t\ “Missouri has not -tsrtletl the v.--r‘-' tsith her architecture." But. to qttntt once more, “Though the production --I masterpieces is one of the *lt'l entl- rt art. there are many other purposes in: il in " try. The picturesque log cabin ol the l\'.t rt ’ ties and thirties. the pretautttg l\tIt' u little in the litd ol the live eporlts ml: which Pralessor Ankeney dl\lllFI the lit- I-try of Missouri alrhitevturr, van on. ll unworthy ol housing the enterprising and industrious men a women who opt-m-tl the new country. l’rolessor Anlu-new points out a certain beauty to lie lountl in this type ol architecture. as well .t- its fitness tor its purpose. Tilt bf‘! epoch its lltf period til I‘ pansion jun preceding the (‘ital “at. during which the net-es-ity of larger utttl better planned buildings. lhe grmstn; p 'ty ol the people. antl an admin- tioa lor the classic style product-tl lllI' dignified. spat-iou-, eolonnatlo-tl tl\\t‘ll Inga til which the httlte Ill Vlt-. \\. ll ‘htllls at l3ll East Ilroatlaay. ct-tttttl-'l ed in N549. t- an t‘It‘t'llt‘ltl e\.t;ttp'.o-. ltt old .\lain Building Ill the lmu-r-.tt a erected in this period, and classic columns on Fllflfls Quadrangle stand as a permanent record ol stttt--ht-_l< lum HN'llllt'l‘l|lTI‘. Also, the ct-luttttt~ of the lirat Boone thtunty luurtltou-r. the building destroyed by ltrr, stun-l. at liigltth and Walnut -tret-t~, a~ attotlt -o : - ~ er sttnival ol the pre-tsar epoch. All til these structures. acrortltttg to Professor Anheney. etrmpltltetl it -ttle which Vol! llP\‘t'l'tpI'tl in this t-ourttn by borrowing lrom ltlurope. The dark period of the t.nil Wu and the recstnstruction lolloymtg produced only a meaningless hodgepodge of archi- tecture. but, during the last filteen or twenty years ol the nineteenth century. the art oorlrer ho-cane ltec lrt-tlt lltt' star} (lr'pt"ts.-lltfl ittlluenrc .trttl turno- an n to the tnasterpiet-cs ol lurope lot guidance and inspiratiott. Contact \\lll| the I'orltl'~ oltl--r cul- ture-. hays lltttlr-«tot AnLt'tte\, luts ;:i'. en our INt~lr~ breatlth ol nets anal corn- — - «i- tlt'tr-~:altlo- if ti..- . Jlmul hllIl.lKI). URIAN FRIDAY MARCH 30 1923 . -V 7' ‘ C V- — -mt or technlc; and the last met. ..r' Missouri’: century of architecture-III) to the present-—is alive with hope and Pfotntse ol sccornp iahnettt. FASHION BOOKS OWNED Bl’ COLICMBIANS SHOW STYLE ABCSE5 IN 608 pV‘~"¥Il volumes of Peterson's Maga- -""'» Fultltslw-tl in Pltilatlelphia in the ear- l‘ *'\l"‘*. have been given recently by "l"- l_ ll. “auglt, street, to lI""t'l- In Lolurnbia. .\lrs. "augh. who ltt~ In-ml Ill lolumbia for approximately t'II\ war-. has also in her possession sn- ttul \--lurm-s ol (Lods'~ lady lloolt. ltt -tttc t-l the-sr yolumt-s ol l’t-tt'tsun's .Vlagg. "tn" {"7 lltf Ptlllnl [hurt de-pltrfps [hp ‘.--lll-tt‘.s then it yttgue: ' l.'-- |t!t'\t'lll -ltztpr of the hoop shut utttcl blunt. Tltr ‘l~‘l" I" \"L'Ut J ytir or tvm ago was '7'.’-llill ll|t|fl' "l‘M‘D'sl_ nut rfgur‘ by \g.ttIt ltv nltso-.'\e._ ~°“ hnhn mo" [also- }''‘‘''l|\ 4-! more lal-e hair is worn at the tlvu-Itl tltn tytiultl ;| t-urwg. qt‘.-.t’“,n lt- ‘tliat'." "til the t’ll:Tl.I\ in such l)TIIt‘fl I-Im.ntt' -lt-plts t~ !t‘dt'l|¢‘tl, hr say-, tn ‘.l't' IItt-‘erttltt t'lllNtt'Jlt~ tutlets til the isom- \' . ll; tntplmt-tl ta gmernment ofices gr glut V »i Q l mt‘. . H »t ' ll -- ~.t.-l tlut -l'\'t't.‘|l ol the women tlt-tL- Ill ll|°' Htrtutts tlt‘[\In|lIl‘I'tlIt tit \\ t~ltvt-ct:-it at" to he‘ tlirchargetl. We 1.!!! lt'~!tl‘. lit ll't' lttlllt Ill Ill!‘ elllflltfltl. ..t\ttt;: ~ev-t~. \\tIItt"lI elaborately l'fll'tIIllttt'tl 9 ..ul tut.-:l.t|lt--' ltttltflllttt: the treasury .-p~ \t- l: t t'ttrtt.-. ts out ol place lll t'i\t'llllttt‘ttl ttllivt-~ " llllill I{I'L.\T.‘l TU CU.\'Tl.\'l'E Realty Men Blame Building (‘outs and High \\'ages for Condition. \\ttlt llIr- price of lumber and other lltllltllllfl m;tteri.tl- increasing. and yuges rt~rttatntttg at their prr-~e-ttt ltttrlt leu-l, there t- little prosttect (ll cheaper rent- ill tt-lttrrtliia next year. actortltng to the fimtth & tiatr--n llealty to. The sup» ply‘ til ltt-ti-es to run: tstll not lit‘ mater . Illlllhflftl, '-ltt("' I! has be-llt'\r'tl tlt.'|' the rent necessary to make a prtditaltlr return on the investment would be ltm high. SCIRDCLE MADE FOR FIN.-\l.S Examinations to Be Held From April It to April 20. The schedule of examinations lo’ the lhivenity hlttltf term has lteevt Ott- rtt-unced by the l:Hfl|tlIlllt"' on 5» ltl".ltllt‘- ll lollnws: llt-citation llot:r~ llxanttttattott ll--ur~ 3 Daily . . . . . . ..§aturtlay, April l4. 8 ll 1 KIWI" . . . . . . ..Saturtlay. Kprtl ll. lltllt .l TThs . . . . . e . .%turday. April It. It) I.’ 8 “lily . . . . . . . ..\lor:day. \prtl lb, all 8 “Bl ...\lo.'ttlay April lb, 8 It‘- l't ilvlilts hlontlay, \prtl lb, 24 9 llatly Tuestlat. Kprtl l7, ll-ll 'l \lHl' Tuettdat. April I? 8 HI 9 ml!‘ e. dliuesday. \pril l7 '2-l I0 llatly Wetlttestlat Kprtl lll. 8»ll ll) \l‘lt .Wt-tlnesday, April I8 8~lll ll} TTlt\ . . ...lXeduestl.iy. April lit. 31 ll llatly . . . . . ..Tltursday, \prtl I'D. 8-ll il \l‘l" . . . . ..Thttt’srla\. April l‘l. 8-ltl ll ‘l'Th\' . . . .. .'l'ltur-alas. Aprtl W. 2-8 l llatly ... . .. .F[tl8\. Kpttl _‘ll 1~'. ll I \l‘l*' . . . . . .. liritlat. .-\pri| :0, 8 ll! l lilh‘ Friday. \prtl 20. lll l.'t ...~atusdas. tpnl 2|. ll-In . Saturday. '\tttil .’l. 2~l ...... .%turtla\. \prtl ll. 2 't ........Fritla\, Kprtl 20. L’ 3 ltoltl t'llllt‘f Lita: tumirtatium or regular tlJ~.- ex -r Teztrlter- are required to -tst-- tittrirttr tlte [Wfltstl set apart for ltn.tl rsatntittatiott-. lltc ttt-gattte credit rul- applies to .'lHI'lltt'~ lrom tl.|-st-- hvltl tn l'eu of lIll.’ll t-\.tmtttattott.s. lit-uttzs la-I 9‘\.'lllltn..IltHlt~ .tre lltt' -.ttt.- as those tt-rel lor rrttt-¢tion~ tlttrtttg tho- lt'l'llt. c\t'cpt lor l‘il|It‘lI~ltl|l and \liltt.tr\. for these the tlepartmr-nt~ ct-ncernetl \tlll l'Iahr' annttuttcements. ll you tunt to buy or sell something try .\lissouri:tn want ads. tally irttrea-ed, and the tletrtantl pro-l mines to lie even greater. 'l'lteso- ttso ftllttltllltns tlo more to gotern the |trI-‘t’ ul rent than anything else-. Their ts consttler:Iblo- lmiltltng, tsttlt pruspt-ct. ul more, but tltt- lttnttsrs are ttt to-rttlo-tl ottltt-r lor lltttttt - or lot ~.tle, llt|,'ll t'tt-ti fllrtht‘~ llltlltllnfl t-l lItIU~s'- tut l’t'h. ttnprttltlzlltlt-. \ short time ago there was much dis- -ussiutt it--rc of art apartment house ol or lllttl\' at-arttrtt-nt-. co-ttins lhe project has been turn!) of Eleventh Year Here DR. O’BHYAN Chiropractor Elvira Building Phone 353 .. .._._.¢—_—..__ DR. lll'CO H. sutzsctuzrt. Special attention given to eatrac ' Phones 2010 and 1250 Gross “Venisse" I / N I i t ' The “Venisse” A beautiful tie pattern, exquisitely formed to meet fashions desire for . dainty low heels. It is Slt0Wtt_iIt a delicate shade pearl gray. trimmed with gra kid of the same shade. e also have it in black satin and in black suede.- Fashion’s Footwear Broadway at Eighth 4 l ~l>oy< 9.10-1:2-14 South Ninth Street. that Hclltl'a l GOLDMAN’S Broadway B fire Adirantage of ar- These off EASTER SAVING SALE Reduced Prices on lCoats, Suits and Dresses a’ for tomorrow only l‘\L.'. VERY frock shown “in our Exhibition of New Easter Fashions is the llt.i‘.L'E ideal of love- liness and the "square deal”in pricing. New Sport (‘oats just received. pl'lCt.‘(l at $15 to $25. New Sport Dresses: in new materials. in new colors, . l in new styles. ‘ reasonably priced at $15 to $37.50. All Taffeta and Crepe Dt‘e.s'.s‘e< ttnrlorpricerl this week. Branham’s t I D HEBERLING’S '.’l N-tttlt Ninth \ . --5 ‘P ._-a t ' X '0 s p‘. ‘-‘4\1s. - ..-._- I - .‘( '~'.'-t'.\'s‘.“,C -‘. .1. ;- ' ."\.t_ __ ‘s’ (‘-9. s s ht’ 0- C s; 0. a . s I . -£'\.k .‘_’\ \. ' ‘s .\\ 0 a s / 4 Lot of Dresses for $9.95 t 0‘ ~.. . 3:.‘ W 4 8 Pre-Easter ; Sales _ of all ' Ready-to-Wear For Saturday we will of- fer very unusual pricc REDUCTIONS For the one day st-llitt_t.-'. in just the time you will be glad to save the price of a new Easter hat on the price you will have to pay for it Wrap, Suit, Sport Coat. Dress‘ or Afternoon Frock You’ll do well to get in touch with our liberal discount prices l Extra special prices on Gloves, Hosiery and Rt-quisitcs_ ‘o.."‘."” Dress Up for Easter! ‘ Coats H for 814.95