.a.i_‘. ‘ .. .~_', .5; - .._'»_"."‘;.._"-‘ Iv/,. I’ J 2:71 . is "T- . -. . T- ,1 A .,_ . .’. :‘,"‘A{' .-" --:2'., V’ ,_' .1... . _A '_ _, L _- . ‘n - . < . A. “vi ‘ -. VH1’ ' ; ._ .. ' i .- - . .|._. ; ;. ‘ii.’ __,‘ - . . , _ -.. . , . , __ _. .__ . T l H " ‘ -i ’ ’. nfff -5 X ‘- A C‘ ' .I‘ -' ‘I ' . ‘ ‘A. I .r' ~ V a X . o ~ ‘F -;AiidedtoB..mld1ng «T~ « - ' . A _.. _. ,s . _ . 3; his r 5: .' : ' fiavun . ., A 1. . . . .. ' mganemm Stl;l1'dlY.:d‘udl ,:’ol:_£3¢c-no:mahe¢se Univgeity _ . -. J '."’m: ; : INTQKOR COST $20oyQ00;g,.,m,,_ 75.1, indie, hm", m;__.erson , j -~ . _- ,- ..~ . . A‘g‘'mf:‘_'i % ' -'—-—-———-7 '. beenfound.andthehigliusuerhas'“3’°"'b7‘°°”"”m“' "h’°h”.u ._. . i ; T. ‘n :2 Art Work Glorifies (1319 made ' . i 3 “'~"“°“ '3 °"""""'- '0, we ' 3 . .... .. = , V f ’ . i L"’c,‘. ,,.. ‘ 1 Progress an ~ : dang." ‘ llodel T T‘ . < i ""°'.i .Smne- -- ~ ’ ' T‘ Follow ks’ 1 .wryI’;ioneem of f‘!2‘.:.*!li'_.v:!l'i-Liiiia'i‘sivI. J: ‘V l A SUMmARRY 0-? THE {of the °“:‘ NEW-— . - C :.‘ "- _ _ " in. Gt! :3 o ‘S , ‘_ - | _cialistin'i.he"Co1lB2l0f‘3f . ; Dsmockxric Purronn .!‘-v *2; ;_ - J ._‘ _‘ «: «T.-~ 93; _ -*~ - City. '1‘: hf - T . Missouri. \ gviaited the model pouiiry farm near‘ gfmm “J T 3 — ~ , , T o ' * ~ -' a three i e '2, ' ‘non. siuuuiy, yrhldl u, mixi.gea§————w_ m_ P.“ H iera! ‘ti % V ‘ . -. - -: fig non! 1‘: Dis 89! corsavfidote “ed by T. S. Townsles‘. former poultry‘ ' . .3‘: ‘ ’ T - It‘.'°W° 3 - '33?” 3°" eneusion specialist in the College germ things; an Democz-sue ‘ ai - T‘ - ' V telnher I tm.thed‘”° W, “‘ “'3” "°"‘*‘*":°*.%:”“ .....":i::':.%if?°:f..:”‘.‘:.',:.:‘**::~..:; 2:‘ ..*:;::. '°"..... ’°.';.,.,...“ '°‘‘ ‘°' W h ‘ W ~ i ; ~ . : .'‘'‘....«. u 8] P ‘ ‘u " . g- . I ; ' .~ , i " J - T- 4 ‘'.~ 5“ _). " . .7 M M i‘ u 'y,i1is ii beautiful building. Prob-.b)' M455 Opal Roberts and iieinmii-!’°"°"l .f‘"" !°‘’’ '’'“°'”' .' '°°d. Government. ; , 5- : .- re ; .- : in ‘ 7 _ mg fig‘. " V ul Ly few Missourians are aware of Coats. The bridegroom is ii son of -W3“ b‘u- ‘hm hm’ "~'3"hu°"v‘ a-Au ‘ho ‘mu bra, do - 1 i _ ' , . ,., . “ , ' T in la ii takes ill rank within: mi uni J 5 Fenton and iiiewisht-hovrlnwss the Clayton amend-5 - - °'" ""“ 3 . J - i i e - ’ °f am ~. .‘h5.8hP "5 , ,‘ . th .° .‘ ’ ' ‘ ’ ‘I 1 . Q, 5 man, hm dz _,t.ional honor"aretobedi-iven ti-om-mu¢;¢mm¢_ 9 _ v t « » dgughtei-. 3 g, gthcf public buildings of 9 l‘s‘r;.‘(’!8l'Jdfl’hl»ef.I?}~f l-lr._;ilz~.;i_ .\lrst»,.;"u";:: ‘pains: “L etrhe punished. Honesty. eeolmugm-¢ evav cmcud , i 0 hlnandi . . . . . 3 :51 ('5. At‘). V-‘X :VC 1 . S fin .M “We and w .’ I 9 d _ . . . . ‘ ~ - 7‘; 7 ’ 2.. H mu ‘% . Set-aw-°°= .==°‘"*°°“ '°‘!"““‘T"’s613 “-='*'*"mi.ii.u'mo AL1'Ela'l'l0N8 «f , Ls .. I2 , Parabol- - v-*°*°' “" W T.:::;.:::* ";;:.;::.:”:::: "..;°“. "°",.........."""’ .i?""“"‘" »T- mm-~ -ad "vi" be we i-r-mm-=«-= mm» was now om : T T- v 1 I .T .. T " ‘mam’ vEd‘emmsi'a:athe R'lll!|EYy‘!Dc!'!!ll‘1)e‘.‘ln the Boom: Count-‘ llos.—.‘rom‘ed‘,irael If 'sl::i2ii’?' " ' mi.” 1d°’m’°d‘" “P5 ‘'’‘‘’i’‘‘ *5‘ “"‘°"“ "°"” “W B8Il8'l‘l'l‘C3lNG ’ '~ . - ‘ . ' ' ’ “ M" “" iqliionaii; known. 2 5 cm . ,5; on. 1....‘ mm . . _ _ .. and the plans he drew have p!'0\'Ed!}'ital. :the statute books D March, Dianne“, di.aimin.fi°n' u_ ‘rm pm dufivc °°mp°afi°”' Aggy; for‘ ' {K .. to E111 ll ' ' l. The contracting‘ —*——— H913 and our exit ‘ into tlie World‘ ' - ' " ‘ protect ‘pint monopoly. “d ‘t the ‘ E - V 4 . . ‘ T. 1lU33¢lV¢5 "595 . . . . ' '’ travagance and inefliclency are de- ‘um am; pg-game . gm ~ The SlIP¢‘I'i0|’ LIIINII7 « i - ,_ ~— .. ~ « .: - hit. an F also by competition lloi»pil:a_l Trustees to‘ Meet. £\Vnr “than the llepnhlican Pu-ty: . é . uumdenufic .m,,';::"'."'°éd + .0; 8L “"3 - i ~ “in “,1 1: r~.-cw were 2» - we 3 -. .- .. ....... -.........“"" ..... ‘*3... ‘Where i.~ D... - s »» . ma-.» an 1”!!! GI" 33 50"§ °- ° " , ' _ _' -t _ ' During the war “we had a leader.) gwmd - _n The .. . . in‘ in T l1 u Mostly .\ative Stone. «lo oclock Thnredfi) rimming in the; ship ‘Mt “flied Amuse. ‘O tum‘ D of that hundred mnhombhcan co: the 3618‘ WI!‘ j o fllphong at *2“ ‘rd 1.. in “With two excevtioqs -11 tw"°:¢°1um*".* b°‘T"=I~’= EM“ B*"’d'“S=- ,ter heights or honor and power and; . ‘ g,,,, m ..,,,,,,, ‘mu p,i';c‘”ip_n“ . E. Watson Lansing T T " ' " , T“ 1 1 T Mrs; s, tied in the .construeuon and org;-' ELKS NOTICE izlory than she ‘had ever known he‘ to tho,‘ ‘hi, the iwomesyy P5988 5 5‘ ‘ 4 A ~ - H ' j 7 ‘l ' ’ " \ Springs. mug?“ of me ha‘ HE‘ 1‘ n. 1 cg” gfjeefing for 'ru(-gda)" fore in her enure h1“ory- mn‘L‘ _ Q this pun ‘ad ‘T H I . 4' I ' " ‘”' " '"-' . -‘ W‘ W stone and granite. The twosflening Jay l__....30 p m find at“ . ; cleaning I i __v .. --_ - O ‘. _ _ __ _ _ ‘M The M - %¢P“°°‘- ‘"3’ m°°°l£;: .m thc;flnK9mt:2Y1.S for the Pirnic: Eve?!‘-E — W V l r ‘ V fii - . 3 " .M"' 8" 3 In 1?: gum .ch‘m.rhc'°n:$:;’meinber should attend. ' i ‘ KONEY FOUND ?‘ E ' MP!» W- H””'’'‘“’. ‘T. . JAS 1-; PARKER Sec'\'. 4 . ! . . T . ~ '1‘- and mud: of the interior is of Car-, .__ , 1 scum‘ 0“ mafinu , . Altering ‘ . - . A » ._ ‘. M u . ' 20l’25S 8&1.’ I ‘ ~ . ‘ I ' ‘ ~ ' ’ n r. 11-009. cut 805 numhend ‘“ i ; Phone 392 Willfill -- - . ; 4- I.‘ . .‘ . ..i . . Parker ‘,' «atria-.~*dg:_*fe铧;_';:°;r!‘-‘=3; '..~~.. imissooii. 00. II Phone13 22S.Ninih. I ~ . T .- T .:. . ... _ W " is s ' , T- .. ’ g for caning, and nan .. ‘ . _ 1 ’ “ . , _ . ''', ,,’ i D A‘ t this fact been taken In W: I T T"“ . . -‘ e . S " 1 m ~ ~ ‘ -‘ Enterl C qnontive scheme of the exterior. ‘ T ‘ i ‘N % ; ; ‘ T . ‘ ~ f _ ‘:9 o . - _. A , ‘ j in ii 531%“: 'iAnm'llIlIl¢II'al; §.7°s'l'":'§?si°§iJ3£‘ The C 1 l " The 70" 755955“ ' D l .'| A ’ - Q ' *"“Pl‘L£ .. m-anew or we « = . conumbia Machine s W000 WORK . 0 00 Brothers- ill (lose :2». . _ T ‘ Of the ltllc ‘Nd ‘Of!’ § 7‘ i. . - R d ‘n M ‘ V‘. -_ ‘ “. ‘ r- , L ‘V ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' M ‘g ; mresoiirces an‘: industigs. Sig‘: : J ,. p I G. u ‘R . ‘ _ _ , .' t f _ .. .A M A N” , ' mi On 2 JXO -; ‘ I l ' i ‘ _ ‘ . " e _ . _ V ' ‘ ‘ ‘ at‘ 3: t a . . . fl I, I 3; i . owed from 915 ltd All MILLER ; . .~ — I x - ....':~"”._...:*.°.”“a:.»:°.:.:y; . .«~ . F~ P-. .. 4:» - . or en ummer v'r¢‘- pictoi-ially_ ‘SE. ,.,_,,C: Five years ago on July gr ii and{l6 Barth SeVC;uI si. ' 8. M 8 Mill 1 i .. ... .1. .. ~ 4 . — ‘. . . I ? T‘ ’ ‘mu '1 3 $2: ".:.‘::“:..°‘3:.: ., .;;;:T: 1-. dry zepmr under T ..‘’'’‘'*.,.....°' ‘W’ .°''‘'' 2 ‘ .. ....'T....=. x-mu-"“‘ I o T T . = mm. . c . . H * _.T.. I 7' o ‘ my. t. d , only _i>uintmg an any public; the legal status of pi-o- ;. ‘ . H_ G_ ti “"3 "‘ “"‘°"°" °"““° f.‘ "’°‘-.- liibition swept over ‘ ~ . / pl'€tlVe1 c 7“ *‘°‘“?°"‘3’ “ *’"““’°"' ‘°. uf arid [and f l‘ T TT T ‘ T “NT” . % ‘ " E the fighters of the sea. Four, 15 _ 0 0375- - _ _ Th. I 2 .lgr‘c.pan¢.l.I. inihonormof four! ._._..._.. V, A , . ‘ Z 5 ,, _ who u" ‘i in J; ’:°“:::.f5;,‘“‘";7‘-n:.f; Q But that law never ;° , , ‘ » T t . . inuibiaw 4°“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ' T ’ - road. non: imuieaiiieiy hack of u.. ,0. hurt Jimmie s—in fact ‘ —. ' _ V, . ’ I it only served to in- ‘ z - - ~ T T o T -- ‘T T “"9” I - , . . tend & i « u¢'m*;'e::fi‘};°n;°“f:”‘;_‘;t‘:; crease his business be- . t i It ‘5 deemed adwsable ‘:0 ‘fire neuioai ‘rg ‘ ,. u i r a . . . I 1'. , __ )7... . 1 - “mg” 0, the ,,,,m, °,M,,,,i gillsenslt rm; ii;‘¢:)i;¢; I at}! until the last week in August. In order fiat our ~ {,'}‘°t,,,“”‘; - “Item-glaaspanels n- 130 . 4 o i . . -' " :. T v. ' rd’. 3 A mm: .. ,.....,_...a gen _a...-~ C00; and refreshing ~ .. customers will not miss us throiighoiit the aims: 1 ,. N 32?,» ;. '''‘~''°° °""' ""'”“" °"°'"" Jiminie’s fountain . T" - ° ' ‘ T " - - ‘ . A 1-7"’ sonri 84 J mi-uioi;;pi{é:ul:i;ucfli:»;;;: d . I am ‘ ,.re going to induce them to stock up against ._ __ . ugmyo 1...: ptintid ink!-‘rsnce. ___.-._ V ' :, needs for the next few weeks by oflering” ~ —:»‘-A .4 »- 3 "1 ' =F!""“" ‘’ web m‘: It wasalsoabout that , - ._ , ; . . .. , 4 ‘, t :-.4 i V ‘M the ll)’ of u o h Jo . , ,' . _ . V " .. a , A _. \.I ‘ 1 ,.. , the state. In All, more 1.‘ time t at inimi¢t2hbe- « . . a .. _ - ; T d = ., _ - _;._ .000 been spent already in gn servin ose ' - "‘ " '- - - :'T '- , _. ._ 4 I tings and decorations of the‘ fast eals gth » . ‘ - . -- ' andinorearebeingsdded Y“ -- . v._ . ~ ‘_ 4 ,,,,,,u,_ 1, ,3, be .11.... t... only lobe found here. T I.-~. as ta. 1 . . i -. .« . ~, .— . ‘ . an decoration is eoin- Jimniies chef special. . : .m. :::,s: E -. . ., , Y Q, at __ 2.‘ _ I . _,_ no Mm,e__ m,_s 3: these days on hot n or MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S CLOTHING, mun. - T :1 ' Each panel and each the ‘[9 o _ ’ -, t I shag! some ncfisfidcjorjy’ Have ygu [fled them? . I -T - with history eve op- . ° T‘ - T , . _ I 1 " oftheist:te. r¢ pane; g ». - —.-.--.. , I ‘ glorlly t ii peace war, q gullioinoi-ate both its individual heo V‘ r and its unnamed pioneers as . 1 I’ T I : i . .1 _ 1 I .1 ‘ ‘ _ . . . V 4 ‘ . 1 - I h‘ - ’ _. A I. '.:g:v-'..’- T: -‘I; _ o.‘ , O... -.2 ;' -. . ' ’ -I‘ ‘L ' ‘ “ ' 3.}-I‘: . . . : .» - J ‘V _ . , V . . are‘ ,‘_A '3. ‘,‘-‘lg’ L» ‘v E . r . I - ‘ ' . v . - . . ‘ ' . I 7 . ._‘ . ‘ . _ ‘< “‘ . s ~ i . * Important July Sale Starting Todav and Ending Saturday 5 M J" t s o . . . s .. iv . . ~ .. .,..-,--,.,,T,.;-,; , t . , on Silk Frocks for Smart Ocimoiis. ’ . - ». A ._ . T‘ T . ; T .- I ‘ w- o , = " E Pi-ieedat8l9.95.thoaefneksare—anchiuarkai|e.. . ‘ “ 1. T.--_.....,« r - .. ' " ' .o. .A ..‘_ an, ., . '-. 3 values many-women will by twovsi-~t§uc;Ist 3: (If ’ , V 3 oiiLrfor eraeedshnvtorearlytalwou. ‘ . t 4‘ «..,~._. g with the suiiiaiuiiie may hstro, uiiii»in‘~'f _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘T “ . I . . . E - - . I‘ . _ A ‘J .- ,; - null?! > - gg ' i . .? £3 .. J‘. .. l on-an . .._..__