* 'ofCalumbia Si ° ' I'"’""*"‘**""""‘§"'3'"“*'l*'i"-'***** "‘?.§§..”.‘.’.‘-”’.§‘.}”§'.3‘E¥ol‘*“‘"':.';.*.:=.*:. ::::.*:.*;°i:....n-..‘.sIo~sorsruom mm» so-.» -mum * ',' e 7 . V e ._ ~ . e ; ‘ ‘ , “ —-—--—- ' M. — - - v - _l - . , at ‘ Dr. and M St’ . W 9'! °‘'''°‘‘'*‘P °‘ nous 3,. . . . THE’ UNINITIATED ""“"'-- s -sis for L 0- Mi-is-».’o'nsr oi Guest - o» "fee 1 ..Reaourees. __———— P':t°':m:aFh° 1”’ ' ”N!g'$‘Y’6;'L_.n I of the gift chop hera',.iii5 - bis. ., -Lu.‘ ; ' 3!£JIl% oh. 8 grgllllflfi, YWZQ‘ 3’ ehuuehed mt (c°p’rku nu.) mt Un‘va“ty mun‘ ‘re firm ‘ad "om." en New York. gag ‘W-my ._ ‘g '. " A ‘ — ""' ‘°"“ "’ “ ‘B’ 0°’? D“ ""‘”‘”' D“ 8”“ ""“"‘°" I-‘ollowi is 'bstnl:t of tbye ....'.}'.'.t a mode:-ue'ilil: msteodiot “lie C.‘““S'"-‘WIA-—l"insr-olsi iilffr ‘’°‘‘°‘'°" ‘“ “*3” W“ 5° “*9 liluthmoshout the are ‘M’ 'P°""- ‘?““"°’ ""“‘ °‘ W: A comm-y club. Mrs. D. S.-last night from a two weeks’ trip a‘ "' ' culties have forced Eoald Amund- 9"‘ l’°''°'‘°‘ ‘-59 ¢3Wll Vlllmi’ considered‘ as candidates for the‘ 3° " ‘ s°mi‘°m” ‘M -0,3,, and inn. c.1. Brewer madelthroiigtliifl the a(’)0zarks. rbey inveioa llmbgrtsot plsnks of the “prosper ‘:1 f':<:3-L-ihon i°si~ 3"‘ ll 31:; to abaltidon his Polar fllght;:t?'m:ntour or the amupieis and its Alfred c. Boasom gold medallion l°"“'V “°“°" “l” -_ ' _ gmore n . _ year. ' b ' tn 3 ' Even now. -sea-v worded tothe . . -r 222:. .«.».»-= om-s»--«= on no»: am» we so - on at. ~=-F....:.*:*-.::-...'*"...--;:<:-=.:..'".:.*:'.- ..::.'*;.:.-.2-.;.%'°:~:.:‘:: ....°~=.:b::‘ :- »1“3-‘-~°.."..‘.°=.;.:°:°.:;.~:."..*:=:..**- -“.2 ‘M Mo -=-«-- on -- »«> i °-“*:'.-- it *-*-=- -*-° W -- z‘— { mos. trip-or 150 miles down the White“ C , ‘ ' ermine rd Arcti 3 ii sorts formed best blic ' T ' ,:l$3?..:re. Ohio. .0ther tiifltfilande-James rivers. — '- d°;°;n‘:£l?:B::;°:n:“$‘-com ‘etc amorg: of 1;. duskyubelle fit Jeffer- with eppfimnusz impmucmjorgz’: devices thot goyotify the ""4 g,’ to be nu; by we c°_ope,._jhlew Orleans. Memphis. San An- ’ ism ""° W‘ ‘Hi’ mm“ W‘ P"t°’. 3"‘ s“”‘’ M‘ °°""""i' ‘°""' house-cieanin of executive dclllrt-3:1" not {Mod ."""s.;"§‘ mi‘ ’°“““'- The °°rrespondcntii““‘“““‘°°“° . .. '“°" in °°“"'m°ni C°mmitioo.?‘°"‘°' 7”" “5'°°° “" “' ‘‘'”‘"3’°s W,” , iievcnci. for Kansas City where she will vis- 9 . ~. °'-''' ,°"‘ °“' ° ' '“- ° visited Amun - Fsvorite spots for the scimtacs New York City, to whom each of the:T°*-- Psducsh. Kr. Rioliinond. Vsi. 2- 9 int. A. J. Bass. iiiee story Jsssc. git the rest of the week with her "“"“‘g , , ‘."""""' ""° ‘ b°." "°"‘ "" ”“°' “‘° place outside Christisnia and town.“ ‘''° ."*‘“°“* “tn vsioters are high schools is sending the name orolld was out hm hm Chm--' ‘ln Ewen‘ sen“. um Emu; ib,.eltble,.' Jeh N3?“ wyweh sbe wespetiial Pr;-ilzgs-;l;ocove3von géof Grants choice ceased to bi e um su_°nz_f.ce¢ _mer_;t&ie harem thextregttlo its candidates. To be eligible, beminooga. Tonia. where he says r« — gwi ring er ghter, Ellen. who °‘ F397“ 5°¢l1_ geti h bef . ’ ° “ m 7 °‘°‘- 3 i! ever. one need not be resid ‘f 3“ : T; Gen“). emeftgtnod bu been vgemne ,5“ Ken“, city those criminally connected with the} cunt hoontod the pootqmco, but be}: ;:":mi; 2%,“. orsufigzt 3: house, picked at random, revealed New York City, as many ¢?tb;,§nothing left in the store but I jig; Frances Sande£sé.luM‘r(e.kVbl'..d0. while Tier parents were aw.y_ bem leases. Ptlelbllc ownersliiig of1the na;::otl;ing catifiie. hTini‘e wentieg. {:36} . eenoeesefion. he said the Mud prob no less tlllt: eigliltk pialnted adorn- high-school graduates may be found °°l1l!' billion. Read ads and ot- _ skwmeken Mfg, . ir n e, ‘nth ho‘,-, - tiona wa‘ r-power an eve opmcn . e card at . is ormer y-_ve any would be lemme“ ‘ H mcnts on e w . ending to it. in all parts of the United States. “ad 9'9 “l°- ‘ . ‘pd lfiss Mary McCain of Clar Brid P TE 9:d8d.n8tl0!;:l‘cV1Ieltcl's-:o°:i:r aIy;ti,e1::cil)fiad forseken lllflilo fidiwled rumors th“ t§e5:::lp mi gloat gnthethework is ‘neatly sten- For the last two years, senior Hundreds of people have ‘ready dale. Miss. . — b.eu_ G-“unified ge a y . ‘I20 ml‘lrollli:{ ‘" Itih E Much.‘ "hunt "bah: wasnt even nv to w - in dietre“ and possibiy Md been less; mbm ‘:1’! r i kf1i;om‘:§ml;ers of the New York high been ‘satisfied with hizh-grade iew. in 1’“‘“°’ 3° eh , 1 , Shower Are Gwen - he 1 im, i, ,,d " r¢l93l-1’°)'ed. as nothing has been rh ’ . . ’ °"-; °°,' "50 lit" thorn unnsusi eiry _bousht so their; own price- Jnhonoi‘ of V panda Pi 0 '1 sources me "'3. '3" ' ' ° ‘ - Thursday. as he stirred the souPs heard from the shill since I-‘ebru- pe ‘P8’ Re rudely “mud by hunt pmficwmy i" ‘hm’ “‘'d"''‘ ‘M 5”" nil‘ 15 3'0“? °PP°l'Wmll' l-0 ll“? 3 ary Tlic other guests Missjfargaret Taylor entertained timber lands. .,he pmtman bmtmm him . ‘ewe’. Every material from white enameldeveloped the qualities of good cit- diamond at auction, sales gt 2:30 gnce, an. _ _ ' ‘ . : Miss" Helen Mitchell.‘ Miss liliil nldit with a bridge party. fol-; Railroads-'—Repcal (if the Each-any beee famine, bend“-rm“; .1 ha, _ _ to kalsomine is used. izenahip, such as conacientiouaness, p, 1“, god 7:30 p, m, evory day, Beebe, 1'.)-lor, Mrs. Stanley Bi'0*Tl l°W°llltY. hav been receiving -. of the interclass societies. of sever-"¢0-0P¢i'Il-50!! lii sovernnient silver.” “‘"' " “ ”‘ ‘ al other organizations that no one*m¢d313 Bid illPl0iiil8- The choice is’ seems to know on,-thing oboot ",4 made by the faculties of the achoolaz f that fail even to excite any curi- "id ll"? D!'lb¢lP8l5. “slated by the; .~ osity. Minglcd among the “trade-]P°PiillY ii0‘iiiliilll°ii 133* ll)’ the} , law ' ' . . M. her home. 1508 Paris . e ment of the Barkley bill for aboli- v - of Oklahoml Cili ‘ml M" J 1 , e _ _ _He knew shed be sorry. Then he Eda _ it;!lO\l»’¢l' was complimentary to Miss tion of the railroad labor board.‘;oebed et the peetmuk 3“ been ,1”, J, P. Hotels: and Mrs. hfar-i frgaret Smith, who is to be mar- Pledge for public ownership of rail. tank The letter wu dead F-ebm_ an stewed ,,.e,-._- the guests of Mrs.;rI:‘d August 20, andhfrs. iVallace to s. ‘ . ' guy 27. 1922_ lb but bee“ a “me L 1;, giepard. _ . h had her “"sV('::'t?l!'t.l,|u:)‘f glfwmifnnlnralin. wt-11¢; uTax:Iion—}itedt::if;n nftlf f lncolziieimore am, me ya" and mu, fl , ’. E. Smit - 88 1 - 9 - '55 1'8"? _X08 7008. CU ""9 ° “W ‘vmonths reaching Columbia. . - - " M ‘—..:’..“~*‘*;'."*;:*'..*.t.':'.:’.- l°‘-:.’.:'°.i3.;.... .. ........~.. .. :“"':..:*.”.:°*“.':;.‘.:’;....‘:*.:,.":.': co. ..... .. :::::::~' ..‘"::.:...‘;;*.::.' =-;r---',«;;=== omnwons -rem;--=-1---~ -=--~--- - ,‘M'. Vin ii . -' ’ ' (‘PI - ' - -—. -, .. - . . ‘rel t l'ti l -. —‘*°‘?,’ _. ii gidurllels Jltltson of Chicai:0- ‘ 1 cdlgle Dill‘ D3: D91“ liflilte Club. lon tax plan. and advocating reduc- 2333.8‘? ,,‘,)irg}§_hSe d’iig?e,.e‘,',htmk;; 3,, I th°d“"":}fr ‘M ‘gig l."",pai:is0 of fhcgbealst. zlriotli cflheiruillii-{COAL MINERS To "E‘NTUchY! + . ‘ rm . ' f Dctro' ' ' ° ' . la '-: . . c U" 9!‘ 0 WW I film‘ an . - -o .. .""7'— “ ‘um 'J‘t§e3C(l-’:)fl:‘ Ko8’llt:8!i Cit)’ Sllilse Clrtbecket bf 0 Stanbeiti‘ Milli; 303.31 ii-mill’: ll‘llIc:l?lElsll(‘€ unxtelratl-is Jew" hud come 0". l"“°' B.“ “'"'l‘ l Islands." said the explorer. “andil,'c§t] fotut? Md“ v’otie “gm. Pub.lL'"°n P"‘”d°'" “m 89°“ ‘‘° 0"“ . ugfuvgllu gm“ ';Miss iiortcnse Stauder of Ediha and excciis profits Full Iiublicityll’ sihigh 3".“ "{hll"|“K Ciiiiiiiilif :2 l later drifted southwest. The latesbdlgn) ‘gauge’, :l8:eg;":; Iiiesfiitseewfiilgii, t _ws:'“‘l“‘ w°"l"“°"- a . - '. . _;_.,____, ’ ' jun ever) mg. e says t may “ebb” “me he, ,°.;men as 75 de-1 . ‘ ’ _’ _ r In. re... rs. Robert 1- ~ “W0” '~',““".'1. or Will‘ c » d M‘ 3..., of re ms. ,8" rig” the my it mm, we . _ I ~ in useful and cheap medium to dis-! I-ZLDORADO. Ill.—Southcrn Illi- . ‘V “- ms "3 ""3. an "5 ‘ lye" 10 """"""‘ ,f‘°“h' 159 d°‘"°°5iDliI)' their Wares. fnois coal miners are planning to- - . —— ‘ ' ' M - —--—--0-—-——— , . 5”“) ‘°“. °°‘“"“"‘ 5“"“" ‘°' aEIl)eui:d:!ic!lftn(l’::R ol::tl:n'uEMANii AMERICAN TALE.\"l'!30 '""“"°" °“‘~ ‘ “Y home." said Amundsen. “She ml)’ be expected in perhaps a month's time. All wireléss stations in North Europe have tried to get in touch with her but without suc- . v I ‘ ‘mined in honor of Mrs 51,5 of Holden. No. The guests spank Spnngs near wu,nMbm.K tu _______+___ !w0MA\. “W Y , . ,'makc a, motorupilgi-image to Ken.‘- werellirs. Russell Cl'iilli5¢i*l‘-"‘- m""— b b . . ' of federal judges. Constitutional, '_ ' '-*7-—-—_ , . MAY gp;.~1.;(_~p RE0()b;(_-1uA-1103'. ‘ A OR AG('RESS“E-tucky on r about 1 15. h 3 1 Sam Shirky, M3. “cod 5899 “"6 ‘V’ ::,etg,n::nt:3en:ffl3,eE§1:(:}:3: amendment to enable Congress to§(’°"::;'; g:::“‘_'°r M""‘tK‘::mB‘d'§L h M‘ ...- :M,.s_ “en”. hue“ of Seeuleg international Prcsidelrlily Johnw ml ‘ 8 wall. enn. ' - . 3 ti '. ' jdicial veto. : ° 1”“ ' ' "N 1 C3111!!! PIP"! SIIPPON Donn," '- ‘Le ' f h ' ' ' “ C‘ 3°95 Md ‘S her fiuesuf tiildhlailstmdlfmfllidowieeeltllm .cn£:"m:'“R:;i:;—‘;)"'u° ’°d“°u°" in’-Beg;-$"Id:ew “"y~th- b .d. Eitlillilt 0‘ Children. in Consolidated re:-‘.5 Abmu. 1'ad(l:l;iso ihl: lstdlrtrlhllgutnirllrifsonthlesrelol 1 ' mg-5, Walter Miller.‘ merit: . ,_?. yof present high tariff. Rcconstruc-j u ed - -"’ '_ “"*°d 5“h“t‘°5- Iii’ Unitul Pm... ’ . e SF2A'l'f'LE.%eattle's first wom-‘ "All miners who own cars and; " careful] 3e1eeted__pre.~ Hooker. -li'-._3""l 3"" ° ° 3*" ~ Mrs. Joe Burnham who has been ‘ tion of federal farm loan system.'“" " P"°l’°"l>“-‘S 9" l- '33 “'5 l’RAGUE.——A project which has ‘an mgyor pro tom, M.-3, new-y L,.n-!w55b to join in a pucefu] Nude: A 5' who know Miss 31- Slefm 3"-°"'£i“'éd,\'isiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Calling a special session of Con-."_"°“’d°d by “°‘ ‘°° ,°"i3°“‘ pub’ l’°°“ f°l'"‘°d ‘N5 5“"‘"_‘°' l’? ""°§d95- ls 3li°Wiii£ l-lie l°lli5 Wlliil illon the date of Lewis‘ speaking” the following Ki-i95l-5,- M "‘°n fin‘ .R. Rcnoe. 1207 Broadway. 312- .gress enact farm relief measurcs.il'h‘°:"- G°”“3“ °P°"l'¢ "“%“‘l:‘ iilill0i"-till N-“'~‘8Piiil€i‘S in Pi’Itii¢.7woman in officecan do. In,thc brief ;sre requested by union leadacs Morgan. 3'55 El°‘“°" °"“"' 'H, ivturned to her home in Shreveport. Reduction of freight rates on ag-e "3 5°‘ .0“ -10 recapture a t 0 one Czech and the other German. span of {our dgyg‘ our summers],-legend‘ -- -~- s Cliff ThomP5‘?“' “'1 .7535“. ‘°J‘ l..a,. today; Mrs. Burnham has bet i-it-ulturaleproducts. great artists taken ‘from Germany suggests that reconciliation between dismissed Chief of Police W. 8,}. man. Miss Elizabeth Lyons. . 75- l_'1hcrc for about six weeks and wlil Labor--Abolition of the use of in- :5’ Amfincflu 8000151118 ‘-0 Ri¢li8l'¢l the two nationalities-OM’ Of l-l"3';Scver)'ns: Placed Inspector Joe MI-l pare _ hoew—-and serired to you t -in‘: appetizing and~ap- "Tbe miners of Kentucky have a‘, ,3 peahng W".-—u.e wtut csmpinirdzround near Wheatcroft‘ you get when you d e E. Thornton and Mrs. Li. R. A - ibere she has been tbe bum-gr guest junctions, - Bum“ 07 ‘ll! Cllicsso Civic most urgent problems which con-fson in charge; proclaimed an emer-‘ - . R . nold. of several parties. child Lobo;-_p;-ompt yotifiootion Opera Co.. who is in Germany. front the New State-—may not be an gcncy and assumed police commandmd those who 1'“ "0 fi'.h ""7: i‘ ‘nth us’ Pmmpt and co . . - . .- 0 over now a d h teous service Come n Mrs. Guy L. lxoyes was the guest; ' .;_____.. e of e ebnd_1ebe,. egnendmeng “Hoping to entice the best talent impossibility in the future. herself-—and detailed Capt. C. Gflgo , .. . _ n “mp ‘M ''b'*'' _ i ' . of 345- -l- 1* S‘°l’h°“5‘ ‘ .M'”°s es". ‘nd .E“.h°r Km 9‘ Bonus—Taxation of wealth to pay from America and elsewhere." said o scheme consists in the cx- Bannick as acting chief. s )5’ n “.35. a_nn,°unc°d' l 8"’ t me‘ . . "'5 0“'m° M‘ .Bam°u cm". lhum” C“): Wm "five m C°1m"b"‘ adjusted compensation with a state- Mr. Burritt. “German operatic over. change of children for the summer: One of two successful women. Try a Missourian want ad. 3 b You an bond wlth us tained Mrs. O. B. \\ arc. _MT8- 3- ‘K .l°f“0"i'°“' iiiiflll be llie l.!ll°_5lv'f 07 men; met the insurance bonus low lords are offering artists now un- months between Czech and Germaulcouncilmanic candidates in the last! fl 33 l'e_33°ll5blY 33 _3t NW ' Thomas {nil 3li‘$- Mccllil“ “l 1*“ ;M‘‘’‘‘M‘“'3° "ld Ml“ J°’“‘° l{*“"f‘8_- is not udeqoote, dcr contract in the United Ststeaefamilies. and _is meeting with an en-selection, Mrs. undo: led the ticket! ' ’ ‘ A s " " ’*—‘-—* --r'-- i _ boarding liOll8§—Wltli the Louis. ' :30" (""°l-3° '“'°"“°' Thcy mu "ml \\l'aterways-Construction of deep sums that in many cases are twice-couraging response from both sides. so more than 50,000 votes, and; '1 , added advantage Of - 1" 3 _ . "3' W‘ b‘°w°l.l’ Jr" Md Mb’ lhe" about um lays’ waterway from Great Lakes to Gulf. what is paid in America. German WliilB_ W 8_ii)'°"° -3°‘ Icquainted with ame president of that bodyfi [cam to it choice. .’ ' lg ; Vance Vandivcr. Ml” Mfl" C‘u-'. M . J - _(?~___ Direct Elections —Constitutional noeras suffered considerably during the situation in postwar Centrallthst made her acting mayor when. 1' ' -. e : ’ thorn. 3511 3°)'l¢ lclfil‘ “W1 M"‘‘ -305'?‘ J°h” ry ‘md ..ld'u‘h"°r' amendment‘ to provide for direct the war, Europe such a development may‘thc mayor left town. L 55 Meal ticket $4.50 A : Killer Muughs as hex,-‘guests. -_5.‘‘‘ "‘°- ° B‘,-"'l°“.”°' ok.l"' election of president. extension of “it is gcnergfly conceded ‘bet seem to be of little importance. it! Mrs. Landes credited Chief Sever-; D l . “Tl 5- W- K‘mp°°“m'd" cadet- lamgeedhin Columbu; am‘ mom"? the initiative and referendum and there is today onl)‘ one great newfihelu‘ "l€“m95 3 d°ll"ll°‘}'“5 ‘flu’ 3 5l3l3m9“l 9"“ ‘he’? ‘"3. ’ Mus": 9"“? evening tainedin honor of Mrs. Ben Bi’1Z.lll-l0 1 9 8035‘ - 0 5173- G5?‘ for 8 w". referendum except in e... E M-1‘ . sat‘ b step forward toward better rela-l100 men on the police force who’ Private lessons by ap- " t ‘ pl. of Peoria. Kan.. Ind MFR 3- H- v"" -d“°ght°" Mrs‘ 0"1‘“'d° .Th°°- 109 f ewe; bwesie ‘lmpean open’ ‘ "3 ' ut tions between the two nations. ‘should not be there She ordered intment. ; one you of Marion. In. The other i“’°5* 3*’°*d“'“>‘- i sehfeeizn relations-?Arbiti‘!i.ion of am’ ‘uhtl:-mthlnmmmllly ‘:‘t’p°rrt$' '—"*“' ‘him to dischsrsé -11 loch men forth-l Po zm . : . w‘ A. B - ht’; T . ‘ . 0 y .‘ p‘. 0 8 ' v ‘ _ , I ; '":_L'W‘LV A2230“. but _1f1gm_,:\!hfil;. and C._ Truinbo of diislfiléjtisa 6:31] 3:3; lR’OD¢)g now ‘:tv:itl'8ble ":11 (girmaoy. ll.dAGI‘:‘.. fi %TROi '!.-JD ixtozlgiblefleefiiich a step im.1 MRS. J L: e Broadmore -.;.;":..:.::‘;°.;:.°z on ....- .:;:;.°‘".. :.....; :r.:;=...:: I’---‘:2:-*..:*.:.*-..::: *:.°::.'"--'=* sevmmomvs-no on Phone 2048 I no -«I B---r . G1‘. 1'3» --i . ' ’ ' be 11- ,1]. ‘ti 1b 11 _ - .- . . V ' ‘civil service commi ion reinstated’ ' .1 ‘ 4 ““""- “" S C: "‘"“’ ”‘” 8"‘ 5 (il..Mill"ol7’n..l..°.?a? mlihii? wlltlnfet naTild1rl:obul‘endelio'iicn:in:u lzvsle l» :.3l.°e't..".-2° 1:": ‘::o‘r:lectede °{ will "’ "'"““ .""“' . policemen he a tender new i - 5“ Wb°°l°'' hl‘”,. km Kamp'!e0,;,"m. £1, and Mrs -rmmbo . armed forces for protection of American successes Chm‘ in eh ALTON m’_P'°“‘*'_}"‘.‘ bad .l"°!f.been advised. she admits, to dis-' '-— , ‘hulidl ‘ad J“k'e‘my‘rd' ‘ P ) °:.___‘ ‘- ' special Privilege or collection of Russian basso Wail toda ' pofferetellfor-an’ pauel-shy. the Pill“; Bllrd. ldurgc two of the commissioners’ ‘ July E ' i M" M A R“""“‘~‘ll Mid ' "'9 "°°""““‘ '°‘”“‘ ‘° 1' ii c A Camps in Nevada. if:-as plum mickili biinthg ‘i‘.‘.‘{‘‘? in apiietite ' ‘ H l E ‘ . . - _ ' . «' -_ - -,: A __,,H_ _ _ v_ent __ '_!3I_’_._!'0lI1 3. e - r . «. I ., -3.2,-=:;;;*°"..‘:.‘..""°..°°.'.:‘.‘:.°.".':‘.°..°.*;.':.:$;..::°::.::.:';;°';.... I’.‘.'é"..‘.'.."°.’.:.‘.315 W5;-e sow vgg 3 A. ;:..::.'s:.:':. .....i....{:.. .. .....t ,,,,,,, 3 . g p ._ . . " - ~ . l said “we cut approximately fifty ° "" wumpmen ‘ ml’ 1370 001 Yd iVi°l€5l-°d- A I ' ‘ f. ‘1 ’''°°"‘ ““ °1°”° the pr°gmm' ‘: ' . ' - - . - Clark. Nevada. July 13 to 18. -The‘ chan e‘ of ‘ . d’ loyal‘ . l M H te £11,333’.::\.:m:,:;£::dd2b:n§£.:h°:, state committee will maintain a NOTICE g ' ' ' - rs‘ unga ,‘ nine “ch day» , reading table with magazines and Dr. Stanley Smith has changed Scenery-" ' Entertain at Bridge ' ' . dailypapers. and will promote otherhis location. His office is now " 0 I ,_ : Another barber said that prac- - - . _ - , ° ;u.»u.mm=v--n---=-“mm-so pmtoroobs “ .:.':..:'‘e.*’‘'....“':.:..‘.*:°..‘E°'''°' . . gpwph with a bridgeat the home of Mrs.-of the ghingled ‘ape and that his - - OT dyppcpsla tablets. g_ H. II. I-Iungate. 820 Hillcrest iiV°}..hop ovorogod to one to three --—-.~- -—- .- . — -- - ~ ~~~--— -—- —~- -— soda mints, or other , 4 [3 wi wile. It 2330 O'clock Tl“-""d3Y *‘fl"inews bobs a day. "‘They used to mtificial make- ls 9300011 iii! honor of Mrs. 9- 5- R°’"§be fussy." he said. “but now they 5 tans of Philadelphia. Pa. The house seem to be eeeunemed to berber ' Tm-be d°°°“t“l ""ll'l‘ 3""‘l°“ “°‘”',shop etiquette and know how they 0'8» . 4, fu.-ant their hair cut and do not hesi- $Tll¢ K085“. Wlll b0: “'5' 5”” {tote to tell us how to do it. I have '3hl?'l‘Yo M75» w- 5- Au’§‘°°h"' -. noticed that in a large shop. a woman ~. 5- 5- Mllliflh 355- R‘°l"“'d ‘S‘l"doea not ‘fuss’ Half so much about 3 berstein, M ' ’ n shifts. There is only one real prescription that can be oflered and that one is to go where the food is just to , our liking. You'll be . surprised how fast your _ appetite will _come back.‘ El Reduction in Prices A substantial reduction in the prices of Exide Batteries for automobile starting and‘ lighting is announced, effective July_1. ' E If You Don’t Soy . ' . . . SOD. M|"3- , - ";sho . Here. many tim _ l ‘ m“ 30537 Bill Hlllcttv Mm F“l1~nwfully fussy about the length and f 5” I" 2 3 '2: .5 es they are Elli‘? .. .. ._p.4.......:. on.-:.——-- ......._.j....._.— ._—..1.-§_...—....._ — cults of ' l , Wok iItI§'..‘hb§tif_"t§'e't't?§i'o’l.'xtla' §°"j:'mmr ml mm “mm, W, A stateI'2,,1$;,1;1fi§afil;,’sthzfingggfgeflfie omilffizgwtg ‘When you order flour you be ‘ $3? {.3 -“"- F T- “W” . jti:.:y bobs out overdniaigecnthbvlis on ;. qualities which have always characterized Ex- hAp£]etiite-pfiarkinlggs ' ‘ dl53PP°ml3°d 1“ y°‘l.r.b3km3* ' -; ~ « - '- to o .- - E; _ o t‘ u ‘ ‘bu ‘by “wig o . . o t o t t 9 . . ,_ . . - .‘ g W196 I_’ortv Hm" .. ........"“"._ .. ........... ...... o... lrgguggiggngssggfabeen sacrificed to make this ,e:m_°,o°d gm ,8 we,,_ \Your grocer mu be glad to supply . remind M“ W: W- Glall '-""‘ °i ‘lie '”""°' '.’°"‘°"“” °‘ "="°°l * nigh irresistible nomatter you with I1-P flour. - _ are. James w. Candle will cnicr- “Tine custom iii growing and . tab: at 10 o'clock tomorrow morh- 87° _ , with a bridge party in honor of WI‘ 13'-131"”; "39 «hublz; 4‘ - -H1-s.W. w. cien ofIioId¢ii.Wl1°'l3 °“°"°‘l "'-‘ °' " °“'°“°" “ l "..g_ the guest of_ Mrs. Robert Simpson- ’ Other . e - The same materials and the same high- grade workmanship which you have always associated with Exide Batteries will continue to feature their construction. - \ Eve?!’ 89.»¢l_i is guaranteed. equal or superior to any floor soldiit . Columbia. 1 A A *-BooneCounty.Milling&:l A cl , Elevatorco. _ .t . V -trite Convenient Place to Trade” — * ~j ‘ A - tite has hidden. In addi- tion. HARRI ’ m 8 --—breakfast. lunch or din- ners-—,have all of the other 4 -.v I I e Bag, is B‘ O S 2 8' a “'3 E % 3 one 3 to r E E. 5. s 5 i -- i '-- . d if dcterminati n 1 ‘ite.' "'w".'i.o§.'§.'... it'.l.'.“'r§..i'he..oe.."" lllinnk they are an coins too-we it ; son. iris Willie Ligbtnei‘. Dim W- M» ‘P ‘W’ "‘“*’°' -ll. Diuiriddie wand firs. pwsrreii Each your sass s " ~~ m. . . ' )$ . 4 I . V ‘ . - 0 . . . . ‘. gas . . C ‘ a . . a ' _ .- v ’ . I . 3v-. .. .,. u e ‘ .7 5-. .,‘ ‘ ' - - . .I ‘. " .. . ~. I i \ . v o v - . v \ 9., o._ . . e , _ . - .. _ - ‘~ l ' v'- - o v ». A.‘ _-_a .-. .- -_a .-. , -‘ ._ , . I _ .._,_ ._..‘ 1-,. _ , /. -_ ‘ ‘_ p . . V . A . _ ..,,V e.“ .,._. ‘ »_. t.._ ‘, , , . ,. A_ _ . . _ _ ‘_ “ I »‘ 1‘, 1 -, . . ' ‘ .. ' '..._......_. ‘ ‘ ' . llr. mi nee. Wallace Gibbtoull E: o... .1 o..t.....bi.-.- "4,’ "“ I. 3'09"‘: "'3 "- "*1 um “Last summer most of our work . 3- P°"’.°ll ll"! “WW” 5'9’ 3 was ahampooiig .and facial mas- A e . ' ‘ , ~ " V i . ‘ . _ ‘V1 A . I e ' . -I . ; e , , . V - l ' - ~ ' ~ .V .1 . .',-I _ ‘H. e - tlg .- _. . _ 0 , ' - . . or ’ ' q_ ‘ -. . _. i . V _ - ,- , -V ._ % " Y HP in lnisretio c°‘"“V',sagoa.'while iiowvreare _ _ e o visited seversliowns lire eei devutingourtimetogivilig — .. r . Youcanmoveallofthis - ' ban Pweiiereetndeots°“'“ ’ - l v . tgebyttmo ’ ' '* ° ...m---'~‘- ~ - Wea ers lectnc Co ‘°”'°"'-°..- '°° . iioliesooilisriwi . «............-e.....oet.attt.e.oee , _o . wautl:oflirEARBl8'is .. l.-"‘ Powell is ‘a atddent_In the .' _ ‘dob. .-._ ;_ ’ . ' . from hr‘.fl‘.t * . , ~ g ' s -4;-,.,, » " . M _ . . _ g V D‘ M ' 4-r‘ . m5,1Mwm;:“9“°'l“"l’:&':. .Phoue300l %, , «No.8N.9th, totlIa§:hlas‘i:foold1'inkand it -- flyy -. ‘iliultei-yxetberi Ptts. «we're . A ''l'''’'. 7 — 7- ~ ' '. ,i '2 m ? sandw oroturnlnd , « "'.*;;.‘.:“;.....’°°‘“l'.°.‘.'.f'1°..".‘."'.-;‘.:.‘:& :";.°.‘.... ....“""r. ~ » Askfor. '. l . ‘ foran"utCid1dMli!iintt|9t;achool-'nionths..bfltV0l°_1l- . ‘ .A ; _ :. it o. l A -u 3' V G’: l ‘ . '. .> .2. 3,,‘ 0‘oo0f°" .4,-;'V_, .' .rP“.{-‘ . " _"‘;- _.-..._V ‘.:‘_» e e\v .s;e=t;i. . it .-~7’!-:i- 4 ‘ 350 ‘n« c.o-coan- o J . -- , p s ft:.'.s“._s..-«.":ii».s.’*‘ “ v