‘I’?-;§l~-’.7‘T:“."-“-iii1 ’ .7 " ‘l k . I.‘ _' I’ '<' ’. "k" ‘I at .’~ .,-. ‘ § _ _ — " " '35:: - .. ‘ Q’ J. L‘_‘._.‘-:7 v.- . .- , -_~ ..-.. . ‘i. "I :3 " 1: ‘:‘"; l‘.:"j T ‘ "'='- ~ ,4" " A-“ ‘§'.",’-‘C er ~..:..,. "...; ‘ -' '. ' i.l'!0 ' _ i. . h. {I !h __ - _ ‘T _l, . . ' A ' 5 I ' . . .' ' 1 ~- . ' ‘ ' I A, ’ I V‘ 5 ' ' _-vv\OV$—aA at-' ‘ . ’°. ' J’ ' ' - if —;_-_‘ ‘ ....rw.". M "= !'.fp§“hh‘hi‘-'7-;fi.,$;:»”!m“.f i ~- sancirioonoi-‘pro: ~ I I _ -. .. ~ W '. ‘ ‘ otial Errata. ."KhQIIil'I #059918 ' .*' 1 4‘ °°'=W'‘'°n1-f thevlttfoms of tion of electricity in nu ahowI."‘ elated ’ « ummmww“ ‘ ‘ .22‘ ~ - o in-on» W i o .a-an *-on . the W the chief fear: at the ‘""""dooinn»9i5.“i‘o°u7.°"$:-'-o7"wrnnu i "'1 “ d1rr~‘nU-have , j on men at ninooting or the third. I-Icon;-01°; _ omen Voters atthl p ‘ aeeond . “L. 2 , ‘ i ' !""“-" ‘l '9 holly in thelargortowaa-Ia " A ~ ilqtalatlvo, executive and .11. c. A. Bu o " . 4 ’ WOULD ‘BE. A 1)§?0T1SM'3depll'tllG!tt8.. It would V I ."""'-""'1.| ll ,,.,5¢.d.ndin" um Eu‘ v'3Ir_e 3.150 bong lnilllcla N00- “ ‘ , the states. and destroy the Con§tI- 3 M w” , M ;tnclty in 0504- . 5 ‘ '—"“"" - _ ‘ V 1 - " mm; . ' — -V l ortnal diacuasion followed the sure working with tam Ofllllifl‘ i . “It ‘Would ‘Demolish .th€1:'£‘{§ .1,.,....m°l,f,£,n dzgnu-uowmsiio a ""0" B. ' d No_ -- .. »- -e-chuhnh. uni. I-litiona to mid noon: to iunlhar ox- .. _ . ~ 7 , e ' .7 1» 4' .‘ . . _ o _ A . E l Staten p «find ,Be5'|:!'0y llelrisiative _deepoliun or ~tyl'l-M0’ .l£l¢.°e"°d on mm”? “the aI;en‘£a:’o:bug;v;ep1t:i;orcl;‘ic‘f;‘fo;‘nt:!tad the nae of ‘ _ on I ‘ . .-' th cm-,gfig;ufion” with miliflmed Wm ll “’°““ "° the . eralatallin mial car book pub!’ ‘ liy me-p -~ . '§‘”"" _ , . 1 e-_:-:1-:. ,3: the planning - .1 . e ’ lo yet be a government of lain. but Wm“ W t . J. . Ly . , . .'_.‘,‘<). _«"..\._ ll —' A‘. Madkmfi th°'° °! tn’ Dem’! 'i\cooIIhng_‘to ocoaoInlata,'tlsc1I- - _ A J _ at “or V "gram", . . I-lcsnys. a govcrntnent of men. It would dc- '3” "o “*9” P‘“°’°‘ 00111” ; : J i. ,, °'~"‘t’°' ipm 33¢...“ jg; pmfigflgn’ of glee. A _ ‘U"" Q ~ '.= - ’the ntiea contained in Amfim W “"9” “'3”? ‘"1 *1 would rather live in Columbia‘ ,3... Elmer uoxoy gave the lat- triclt ' muonrii -moor oreho — - i . ‘'°' ‘’'°‘‘‘ « ’ ‘ :1?’ ill oi rights and could with "ma" "'5 P“”’“‘i‘” ’°n' ,, ilsanfiew York." aaid §JQ¢._l7-yoI_!'- at new. {mm an #°m_.wt;on in‘ nfidyttiowth of 11! . ‘h ‘.V mm ‘V mace dificnlt it to P110 . 7 "1-tr’i'i7i'\5'n7.9nu my 10--4‘-L "‘ iinpuniiy. time may nninuie Writint *3 **'° “‘*°“°""“.‘“'o old ‘actor and ;m°“°°i'P“"°'* ‘M-ifln York City and the -club-dim the ma and an indication that-it I gut‘ 3' Yupmuwybed by 75 ‘ 3 WWW W‘ ‘ ‘“"'“’°' '°l°"fi°fi“°"'i““ ""3 mm ‘um’ um M“‘I‘he:Dolicy of secretary lillthea 45”“ lttcfpieh uvfiiilex-aitym ‘O °§'a*.‘.'i'""‘i':"°“”°‘ the devdommu nf ycmr"wm won’ become 1“ “fit 3"“! F'I'alr*&ncau|g1-«id " ' or 1 l - ‘l 01 l|°'¢3'‘<‘‘C°“‘ a“ ‘mu’ m the u. M” by.fl.'° kw of.“-c hm‘ If “R will make llexnoo' Central Anieri- ‘"1 en - 6 .° ‘ by h the aomhudon °‘ “nd‘d"'°s' "‘”",'“°m'““' ‘uh’ "d 0' Q" l '; . .l5c ' I . .tbnd-‘°"m,,,¢gg will result in a-u.n¢en¢.g of the tunes are not 2 H . . we have a Broadway.n1nT can_takc{ momnm ‘um 91;" for u-,,,,,.},p§ gs",-_ doa., . I '3 -. lg,-gm’ laflvc desvotim‘ ‘'3 "Wk i“ checked. if u halt iii not called. the “mv 3”” D°"'i““:" tg“h;';mm“’3_' part-time work at Columbia Unzven '¢°.o,,._.,-.5"; with am “,9. league! .___,____ Blue plum, dot. . . . . . . . .20: _ 1 an address‘ belorc th¢,;aP‘~'“1‘C 0. uflcozorsms xv ucaniggu . fiedwiirz ff: §"}:'f',:nf’§fn°:_,’,, cjmm mu oi 7 t id Janka“ m r:uW“;;i.;m.u:-v;ur:dognpnign.:v. n.c.'mscusscoNsrrm11oN; 3 A 3 .... ..:oc _ ’American" r 880618‘ u me Peed! . . ~ -cnrao , sf . . . aa oe eaerv- -—--— i pndiaa - " I A C 3:: E. Lee Saner of Dalila. woeuld dtegwmw hm’ ‘ P“"'”‘1' mmwmbgmztflf taggwthatreigl debut on Broadway in aileea of the W.yC. T. U. in thia work,gu“"‘b"‘ “‘k‘ 8"" km’ "' 3 Fnmwe___._._ Infill. . '.- 13¢; pi-end‘ ent o the association fisuniptuary bureaucracy. governin¢.,°‘n"“ ‘ to we play ‘with Naziinova. Since tliafland on the motion of Mrs. E. E.i mu“ °' G'“~7""“' ' ' l "" " h 7“ ' _lI|'lIullF--““"°" “*4 '99‘ C Alter rivinr tilt hiswry . °‘ "h°T8l1mP€|ll3'Y b°Y¢1“¢"“-'3'- ¢°"°m5"¥'"ut° ' count“ menue . time he has taken part in a number a on was nained7 “*9 ’°h" 5- New ‘ a“pt" a'n°’ae' ' ac . ‘ PEI. IN ‘°’ Y“- V Constitution «and no ninondinenu. dig-gcting and controllinz em? “'5 *’“"’°" s“‘”' of productions and nhononim. Ewlaidi ahall immediately ask other of the United Dqnchtm of the 0°n- ‘ C-Iilomh. lure?“ 3 ‘hey are attuned to rive ii fir Sancr-aaid: ltivity of it; citizens. even to the; The war of the future between Beck ‘"5. “ Bmanfiiomflumm in comm“. for G»! ____e . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 3 tynoqh. onyx 5 o-513.,-." ' am now pcudinir in C°"°"m°“'°d ""5 '“'“‘°'' °‘ “W” ""i"3'"1‘h° U““’.’d 5”” "'1 J"'"" N°' youngest star. At~l1.reara old he operation in tettinx out the votes‘ ' ' ' +*‘- 0!’ ‘2 1°? ------- -.----435‘ 1 andoeaaouable foods. at an " . ,,.,.' -nearly mo propouixw me I . ""-"””.‘ » ¥F''‘°’ °’‘“‘“‘- "W "'~’.i"'“‘°“.°" ”,;;’ created the title ion. in sooth 'l\r- at the Ansuxt llrimaries. This eom- 1 ‘ California rod cherries. lb. _ C nnhoiies 1- , -_T . the Constitution. practically all ‘of3~pO!\- D. l’A_'l"l'ElS0l~ RE8lGNS_ican ‘and Panamaian do Huston.‘ ..Pem.o¢n Tvojan no ‘Rue is u “now” um w_ P_ D,“ . . . . . Nu‘ n.nd.“c ’ auiduhg mum’. “ma ‘ .‘ = “begged, fostered and ux'zed,,ro Go with "—"‘c"m “Mam. o,,__iA“’°"'°"' 3”‘ wig mi he mined the ¢ountry' with the sup. gut, Mrs. H. O. Severance and 0119 cut,” -pineapple, each . aervloe andthe congemulitza —_" f._ 1 in ‘km; oqanized bureaus or . , in the loci; off”; Pana_ ma ca km Co. lira. E. E. Brown. ‘{ ‘ cuiumi. gnu,“ “.5, _ j of the § 3 '",,,,f',,§h,,°§f: 13°“ 0- P‘“°T’°”' ,‘“i‘t"“ ,l"°‘§eaay nhtter. aooordinzto the genera Thc.motio'n picture known as_“Th92 ‘tn’ ""3°"'t°m° 9:1 r°l:'°°:3 I each ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..se_ i at xganfnnillmfi. ‘M nyzfeaaor of advertising mtlic lilnu-er-1.1. ' . “nu” ‘hock Lone ‘Wolf’ £10.: his“ 11:: ‘P of,e°ml:ml:,l;on‘;iI18lebe0M::Id '..'i:Ih for w.g.'m,ggn on ace, lb .".4c' : ‘_ 1"“... ......:::..,n n thc.intcnaeta in -new - '*°’“‘°“ "‘ "‘-° **::.°::- ;.‘‘.;..°‘'..‘:* :‘.;':‘°i.'%.:,i*‘:’,°::; $3 :.:.‘.':°°iv.ii°.‘Ti': no no’:-1‘-=-cunt-umrwm we» «===-=*=-mo = i .......‘°“"’.....,,' ...i "" °' .. ~ ' . - ,,.,,,.,...e - e e . ' . ' ' . . 1: . «I _ ‘ n . §"'°""..io.i.. s..°.'.‘.’;‘°.Ei these omens: “"“°‘ 3”“ "W" “° °"“’°' ‘’° "W " '"';::'°°?' ,,, ,,,,- ,, J t lI>)o(:‘l,ibisndividuall:rhaend|::ga‘:ie .32; Grocenes gebertllioad lettuce head zoo ! 1‘ "'°"au‘t‘-‘;"°m""" ‘"3’ ‘- : ' “rotocnto core." other p tops?! ' ‘¢ “W . . n . .. . ' l geationa . Iflltus _ 5"“ mc:::’:::: 5'1: : 1 Noglalzaowhowever. know: how to acted were in gupport of rold !?“":;:5;‘;‘c:':h“':°0n°“":l;’1“‘3“r- 3:}: Green l_>¢InI. 3 158- T0!’ -35¢ 1 ‘in thin‘ ymhwu ,9,-V5,, __ .‘;‘m3‘°.. ?:r:::ndio:=¢;f the Consti- ~ i ‘avoid this disaster and advises the Lockwood, in his last 'l»€tur-:...3‘:"um me "8 pfuedii’: the mm in v % Tomatoes; ........ .. l 3,‘ » ,5“, ,,,,,,,,5,t,_. . ,,,;,u and most of them pro-‘ 5 ’ ;‘Unit»ed tSatc9 lnvernxneut to lay oil‘ ‘Broadway’ Bill.” Wllll. Elaine .!larn’:lon we wumdmmu i V - red h ._ V ..Qum’, on ‘uh. ‘ your ‘win: them. it “ ma‘ H tunon ‘umdw nmoM”m__;_ iwm in “Wm mat poucy... wd mum“ in u-rho Point of. View, . . _ _ And rest itseu t_ntv , . -V . 1-. _ . i cooperation as th t 3 . Pflc tozelg mum] of ‘mm ofir. in w the tro0Ps and with Charlotte Walker in «Just 135.,“ M,m,,'m ""0 wumm your order ‘nu mama . 11 Veslty Co. I mt” our pmmt “m._ :1 - '”‘"'°" - The in- gfroni Central American-aoil. a Woman." .IIy United Pu-. $4‘ the same careful exc.cu- . ‘ i th 0 mi pgggiue, ‘. tea in the states . — . . . We deliver to all parts of c gany em_'J.¢nnad of this paternalistic I ‘ ' ""'-""""_-‘ 831.”; Laurence P. Beck. Jack’: father. NEW YORK» -‘U15’ 1°-—¢“l-°7 9'“ [ion as had you picked . db, . 1 ‘I snowmen: is {or-crentmir "N ha. iovflclms “lungs " G is the manager of 1 850*’ V‘ N°" 15”“ b"“°" 9"’ D°"‘°°"‘“° M‘: :o the choice cdibles your-i . flfhm .815’ 1 mg 0 "“""“‘ 9‘ York. Jack, since gg-gduggqi, ‘Ins tional Convention adopted a rcaolu-I ‘ self a , . ‘H,...,. ‘a‘.:‘.,..‘°":"“° “i ‘now or *““""° ”.:.“‘;'.....,‘”".“o.“i:“ ’ no no in ours. tmoiw-o»= i-we we movement «or - ‘ - £eder’I'1'¢'0P‘°Y°’- ‘‘'‘u‘ ‘' ’°'°"'° "" Br consolidated I-rd-' (convict: mo.) ° c""°' °" “ “rm M“ G°.!m,'.‘hh°‘w°°dmw Wilson memonfl , — ~ - ._ c.'._ __ '_ _,_ _- .,. .e in theooct K°‘~'°l'M‘°'“- n,u»;u,A,._1'y¢nty..ix -I-Vnlpino mm‘ __-____V_,___,.___--_._ ~-_._..—-..-~e~«-- , Most stores advertise‘ I thus destronnz the C583“ ‘"5 W’ ' ' — ' " - “ uality and Service.” 80 - ' - enlisted men in the Philip- pine Division from forty-llfth = .’ do we, and the. manner in " rand forty-aeventh reg-unenta. met NE , , which we handle PRO ’ ORDE Congress Encroachinx. . ' proves our _ ‘ ‘“0nc of the just causes of com- plain; against the 1Y1'|'“!)' Of “W3. as net “uh in ‘M m_cm,‘__. . statement. 1 - ‘on ‘u am, of mdependcncewas: ‘lie hat; D0-\' 9- P4773350" iora, ueattng that their pay bc‘ « erected a multitude of new o8_*°°‘~ advertising dcpartmentof the Cur- Pine‘! 9* “me mm *8 W‘ n F and sent mam swarms of orrioers no Publishing coniiinny in Chicago. Am¢1'{w* _"°°P=-A The “WY 3”‘: 3 .; goiiaraaa our people and eat out Mn Pummn is“ ‘ndnue of thorities dixperaedthe meeting. do»; u A how-cc-' ~3l"°° *5“ “""°:ihe School of Journalism. was two t!‘"i',':n¢*¥ 0‘ theletdefl for ‘Wes-3 ‘: , HALL '1?H*EA'1‘ER ONLY. ‘VAUDEVILLE C Daly & Searcy j . 1' condition 3355“ ‘°d‘5'- h""° we nmlyeurs with the Review of the Far a staple and Fangy 9 CENT ti the ajneige, right‘. Y? ‘tn: 33:e!:c“:;’;' 3 “last in Shunzhai. China. and for .41.. Fn0ip!IiemIol¢lfi;r;:tat::mttl’:eartint‘lzic 3 G C I: too . n w a a c ' last two years has held the position . l . ~ .. n ..‘ . rocerics 18: “-1 3,, -g | ment along-,5. thousand men has a secret aaaocxa-3 . V ._ . e , 7_ . 2 2.» are u\l:rt 5'.lu‘:rn750.0°0 em-1$,,;';’,',° .,s,°",§'3 ‘,-’§,,{'.°;',.2';;l,,i:',§'_ "-I-‘£2 tion. but that its tenets do not'in- I Closes, Friday c Wed ‘ flares '- N 5" m°'° "V-" 3"°°-’ Chicago position offers him an en» '°"° d‘."°”“‘Y ‘“" W‘ “P ‘“°.""i , - - Tami” —___— mi '0°°‘2°° °'“P“t "" "'”°““' tamed opiwrtunity in commercial‘ "° “"'°“’ °°"”"°" i ‘° °'’‘‘‘'“”‘ ‘ “¥’ g 2 m'°"""‘ B°°“° lianynew lotsuf merchandisejust received '"’°°' I91“-' ‘"5 "‘.“"“'P‘) g°"°"".“°m""worli and an increased aalnrl‘. Mr. a.” “me my “ we Ameda""'°l' " ‘ ""' " ' ' ' ‘ e ‘ 487' ‘ "B“n‘h'K'- I V Put)’ i**°i*"""""t"'°"‘" “"""°""“"‘~"* W ‘M “'*'* ‘“““"“"‘“‘”"* "°"““"““* HEALYi1&€ * * o W 0339‘ 9”‘-'5 ‘“°FP°" °"° ‘Wen’ ‘Chicago the last of this month. """'°" d°“““ 9° 6*‘ “Mud my! ‘i —-. £1188! moat emplorcl Th°°“"'d' “P°“' --——+———— ’°"- . . 1 ‘ . . . New —, -thousand. of -emP‘°5"~'€‘ W °""§L1xnn.~*wooo BUYS TABLEPS The F'“'Pi==°- 00* NM’? W05‘ ;; Singmg .and Danemg ~ ? p , 5...,“ ;. W! in Iullieienuy useful oc-i ________ ere Americans _ get cbllars. .i .. . whit‘ ' ¢gp‘flou—-Ia parasites upon theistonc Records Found in Babylon but.the disability pay man the some ' ~ A Tw gay ,p¢mi¢_ in UniiI:'tehl'l:ck to 605 B. C. baaia as that of the Americana. . . ii A of H‘ fin‘; '81‘. bOUlS: July 10.-The atn- You are miaaint '0PP°'W"m°‘ 3; E '°“v 3 in flgegqco us. I . v - , - , ' 3» than ta aaplrit abroad in the landl_g:"*‘ 0* U"d¢°:i;>l°d bigness “ dz“ ‘W’ "*4 W “"'°‘""‘”; JOHN GILBERT ,_ i I -with . b pi-otnpta no ‘man to do for ‘ B‘bykamu‘f‘“°‘°uueu two in aim" ‘ * l _ , f side Whlt ‘IQ $3 ‘Qt the para’ as ‘nuq ‘S Tzxbnkhamen t ' "“‘ ”“‘ ’-*“ - _ In ' 3 noun‘ ‘ jncnt to do for hirn’ that thuague u n M” “D . f ,1 ,__ i . ” ll; wedd through paternalistic lezII18l=°n» ‘Te’ 9° A ' , . 2 1 ’ ‘WEE i , .1.“ Q hear the faint cry of mate:-nulistic The ancient language department J 3 g n _ .. . _ e ’ A - inbc ;: humane and other bureaus whichznns pnroiioood them. Two of them, A .: 5‘ n pl _ . ~ fa ‘ 3 are ‘inaidiously destroying our. rc-ldntc to about 2,400 8. C.. one be-3 g _ , _ ” xi ~ Mr? ' en, our cclfeflicaency in; a of the number of. e ., Q ' - “ . , I ; - ‘ Bo A and our very indcpendtace itself. I;lllE::]s at dth:hTcmple ‘I . a . .1 E i . ' ‘ Ag” " w”e'{§fI? hg: useand then ' izound atm3okhs.e:1a'vi:l1; to :10 I A Family Comedy 1~ ‘A ' .‘_ we blamethc government for crory-‘oil and other, supplies used in the‘ . lg ’” thing ‘that does not goto suit us. ltemple offerings, A . “ - O 1 7:15__9 20¢-30¢ I f A ‘line People Hut Ply. ‘ ‘I'll: tinrd, a ‘merchant 3 account Phons 13 w s_ . t 1- ‘ma: 3 «But ‘Oman -ukhwh’. do ‘O, mmlcd 3 tzquarcs in the o » sh“ § ~ ' °“"°“"' "““ -‘»""-‘°7°'“""°'“ 'm dons is dgfrxtitcl -idsgigedmmffi *—-~ - «' vctti 5 V igpamor ‘iyilniffotrnhffiitdwiizf int 3: the use 0);’ xoonchndiguarl —" 1: gun ' ‘ C C ‘ ' °’. ‘ ' nuuu.;”d..—‘-R’ we Wop.“ mm 605 to soz B. C.~ e~ H . This is a aemi-annual Event with all our stores; ‘this being~tl;e_ glty, ~ ‘'33’, ng to the last ocnaua I, you wm““"——t W M or ‘en "am 3 Z Ninth Juiyclearanoe Sale for our Columbia store. . .g u 3' . u'° "~"°"l ' “m w’ thin: try a Missourian want ad. 7 . 3 udlq, state and znumcipal debts. _¥ : .Tb h ha fled , - ‘ Pu“ ; 3,, imp“, ,,,.,;,i ;--_m_:--_--- A -.- ose w 0 ve atten V .0uriprevioue July ealea -know the savings cm i ; ‘ ,3 _‘-,,,,._gm ;._,,,,h ,.,,_.,,, ,3 3,, - C that this sale announcement means to~thein.t Tlunk of gettingmew and WP‘ _— _V , rcpruenl1ng.»a per up-to-date summer merchandise Just at a time‘ when you are needing H s’ I alto: ‘of appnoxunately it at euchrrednctions as we dffer. ’ ‘ . * ’_p - ' 1 1 ..,. ~n~*~.....i*:;:°.ii:.°.::'i.#2“;‘ * “oi qyfnidii, gonunbana child in the gen:s.'!:1fihinaool;t;inior:bueitiu.*athlofic fiitiyle. :0 aleevea, knee length. . . .649c _paya_ or taxes a cue onau . ri , or art. eevfludzeg 36 to 43, 3.19 3' a‘e1oooo.eoe.16noaoenooiooefilogo&&iao‘fiaooooaooa:aooaaoaoo , 1}‘ 9 ‘ - - c ,8 8 C C, oooooooooooo r «now . e ‘ ~ - , Boys’ riaood.or naiuaook-unionanita, ullniaea l or ; . ,Cona-u in-sod 6.760 . , ‘ ~ - p ' . ' Alien’: unionauita.-extra ' ty na‘ineook,~aLizes"86‘to 46 fa; : 1"-i:*-¢*P*191fg°»~¢'*¢'l. ;4°M°;' o, M "f C ' " ~ l=3euh:.nanu.‘$2.5o value: “ on 81.87 ton .‘- ‘ V. .— V 3 0 won. : _ '7 .‘ I " . 1. ‘ V- a<_ oooooooo O 4 ;cipal cnactzuqita and the miiuo or, , 9 p _ . o_ , , -- fl - . BB°”by3..f:u’fu_'B9’f,mt E2:-{yea ‘ "i'§i”°§i‘§'°”i§:"iiiod°'°‘”"“ wemdee “#5 cum’ l ’, t‘.|I¢'§lioua _ AI'aod'oouula- I ' ~ I ' . ’ ' ‘z “ ‘ . Jar ' ‘I33 9 thl'0ll8ll0tlt. every-shit d. I5}-If . ' . < ’ . ' 7 M’ _ fl oooooooeooooocoooooooooaoagaoeaaems . ~ i - , = , e A pflmficee W-rk1=-nts. cotton anbmnu. ,.Jn1y clearan aale ,,;,,, ' A’ T" - ' I I o o 0 o o o 0': l ' l l ’ ‘ ' . . _ 5-! 7f ‘~ " _, - _'7 o0ao.oaooooeooaooueoeoaoovoaooroaeouoooeoog.....,,,‘1.l° " ‘HE arrival oflncw midsuiamer ‘rand.-hate is'vv Au'..‘Vr‘v- «—-en? on.’ > ‘J"fi'a'i«lr'-St‘x'.?Hi&F-.£h'.';'.—-Fr 4;