. u ~ ’ ' '7‘ ‘ ~ - - ’ A . . . A - . ‘u: ‘VV‘..._’ ? :V V-r\‘V :‘ - :1 -'«g3“-3.-‘u._ Vf. V:VV,V_;.; -; .‘_-V ‘.3; . .., . ‘ ._ ._V* '_.__.:-‘_' s..'J ._; ._":-".v"-',-_- ---._-:.\‘-‘.1 -.—-V_'",, “._ -- . 3; 3"’ .-V:..._,;' '.\.. ‘_- . -I ‘V ,1»;-.'Vi AA‘-::.\~,.;,.'.’ '. ‘.'-_.V. :,‘“'-_, " " .‘V,~‘,1 _ '; - . " - U "‘ ~ “ - . « _ , _ _ -o., i . ,._ . ,0‘-, . ~ , _ ~ .~ . . J “ . . _ --" .'.}‘ . 1 ' --_-_>- - V1. - f '-«V ‘(., ' — _.V_, .0-'1, -. , o _ .- .- _ .. .. . r _ V. ,. ' 5, ‘"1... . ° . E _ V __. ‘V . ~_ : ._ ‘ .“ _ .V '. . <,« ‘ ". , .,e¢~.':"fl.5‘, ,_ _ ; \'.l- V __ r. .3 V.‘-_‘ -. ,'_ #50, A, _ V} l_ .. -- u - - . .; . .. .- J. ., . ‘ ...- .. . . ‘ V, .- o i - ._V ‘ . ' _ V V .' -..‘ - - - ~ :- - - - ~ ; V_ ,. _- _ _ _ . ‘V ’ - _ .- ‘ . ‘ V - . 3 . .' .~. ‘. -f "‘ ‘. . ; ' ' ,‘ ‘ on .' ‘.1-'-.-'--'.'. -~ - r .‘ .. - a. '*- --‘.":’~" -* ".‘.'L°*--, ~ . - -.2 ; ~ K. .~ ,_ * r -~ ~ '.°texeao1Iventin'atripover part! ofthe —. ,..vue““°‘“'°"“°°°" "‘ "““1-mmiht in 5"" °‘ "*‘- w- W- EERSONALITEH3 tunous opal-lunliouo nlodinlns. plio-~8outhvmt lliuoori uiamonlmoz : | is ”' bouquets Of . H Ur St. “In W *3 7'30 ~ Vmm ‘w W‘. ‘dd A w bk.“ by ‘ { ’ &l8lu, Ifi Wlififll nflo J05! p 1” Wm E Roam"! '$'V W to th My .3 ‘tt@din‘ the in‘. ‘or ;' , I . ‘ . , L son avenue. ’ u . - ' - . ‘ V V V V ‘ H E5 The bride owned in II 558* 3 -—-—-B I H 3 3 3‘ “"5 “”‘ “°"°“" ‘°" ' ”"°° "L bon:nmhm:m°:a:£$::a§a?o=‘io°‘ the ‘ ’ """'°m°"d “or?” “'1 ‘he '0" am ad ‘I NJ‘. or St. Innis '“‘° “"- W‘ “‘°“'P7 5001389 of I ' Some of the mint! 10 Ni ' u e 5- _’ .¢og-uge of orchids and‘lilies ofthe tlleh'.:_l°08l!°3’v B::‘n'v n R. M: J. G Paruzl‘. I Gill‘: :59 admin} uphmgon on an mi;-it. covered in lssouri are 0, W . '- _ uh; &o ®:n. Bohr" m s.‘mI°”p.°u“‘pnm‘nh’“’* an O0. gun” tat’ sununy “or. t of on plane ofthooe supernsturnl ph‘e- Exeter snd Roaring River Springs. .~ ‘V ~ V M o is ' - 1°-W W" *°' A WW‘ 7*” new He -w w row i» we!‘ i.'°i.i".“"'i.i..."’“‘.}’°.‘i.f‘..i....“'° °’.,,§”°.i....¥i‘.‘.‘.‘.: .i".‘%.'1‘°..Zio§.3’° .i'2.‘f’.‘:‘i.'f..§g':““’,:‘ ~ Continues to Offer Unpara a m - 35° E‘“”m’ni' ‘ ‘“&“t° 0‘ st" vm "mm w_._..c°hm__bh Sand‘. ‘mm “"3 an “nu” h’ "" hi‘ Houdini‘-has had recourse to docu-Aftu-din! the stile crop of 192? and E D 5 uh.‘ Trunk‘ school for-Nag.’ Mr and Hrs. Kile Bnntnana Hr. “mm m K"""”.c“7 °°m"M"d‘ lnonts end to ststenients of eontem- a comparison with the prospects for ” ep ‘ ”°°°°’ R“""“’n ’°°°"°°-‘"' A‘ B’ Albert Runlliisns oodénp. 5’ 3'-'3‘ "°"" porsrles. .F'or more than eon yearsithis year; aim will be infonnntion E . i . ' 1”” an Univadty 0! numud in Elmer Batterton -motored Jo 8t. ‘I-l'l'l!'¢v 5035!. boollkeeptr 81 910 he has been I student of psychic tiven on the disposal of grapes by ‘ All silks sharply redtlcfid. 32.25 20% Discount on ‘all Cor- '; GINGnAnS . 19”-A ‘"1 '” ad Q Louis this to visit friends. 30013 COW“? 3039531. N“ “<5! phenomena and. as e says, he. like marketing and by canning. There ' values, now . . . . . . . . . . . ..8l.79 talnetles and Draperies 33-inch 1mP°"‘°d U"i"”‘it7 °f Pwmflnnp e ‘ They expect to return llondiiy. 1°!’ 0057350 W ‘P394 501' V|¢l~3°n« everyone who has lost some beloved has been extensive planting of vine- S“ l'i08h"|5- 3°91" 59‘ ‘“d *"°"“"'. °‘ "’° ‘“P"" “P” “P”, —-———-- i While in Colmdo -he viii visit her relative oriiioiui. would give on lie yards in Southwest Missouri dur-1‘ A" °'*'‘"‘ °“ ° 20:; Discount on all Silk 69¢ quality. Spec!-I. id. --49¢ fraternity. R en ufiwd in Vurs. E. Kaexnpser and two brother. Turner Selim-~,nd her sis- ' _ _VV_____ _ 1 20," Di “mm on an Umbrellas , 27-inch lied Seal cin¢hams.V Dr. end Mrs. umm few children. BL!!! and 30533’. .95 C‘P° ter. hits. Ruth Besor. \ “" * “’ i “-"i " '““ l '. /f‘ - Kat“, sped“ _ V V _ _ . . _49¢ 35,: qumy, sped“, yd, ,,u¢ A Columbfi ¥°'”°““Y ‘” ‘“’°“‘ ' Gu-arde-u. N‘ the tn!“ 0’ 3"-I R. L. wliinon. oi:-r salesman ' » . w Printed Silk Cl‘¢P¢8- —— ““ Other aiuiuu Reduced. ms,“ the flu“ °.' ”°°‘°;nfi'$ Kanpur’: went-. Mn W “*1 left today for St. Louis. in. whiz.’ ,3 7‘ ._ NOWELL’S Ninth ‘Wm J 5 _ « SHEETING ’ . ‘,'I§‘,L'§?;°‘£§f.if"o."'§'5J3.§n. Colo.. -‘- “’- """°"- “"8 """“" "’°°‘- ton said that he no not think that °"‘ ‘ - A _ ‘ " * SA'l‘lNE"l'l‘ES 3 9,”, 9,. ,,,.,,.,,,,d ,,,.,,.- REAVDY-‘IO-WEAR. "h"'° uh’ win ""k° "W “M L:.'J.ys”wnmphm" slgntwullstbebog: glenhtlfdnlflitnr co?-u:‘lihan no:-fire ~ Ideal for pe::f°l: and vi; inc. extra 8v°°i"- >"‘- -"jg; 51:38 ‘pm: mm’ ma ———-- es -‘ ' . ° .. :--._~,-- - __ _ ,_ __ _ ’ ‘ _-- ‘ _ - -v.-.....,,,__. ‘- Party Given for ::nest of Kate Thompson for a few Dr. mini Bsllnon. a~¢I-nduate of - ’ i ‘ “meg? whmV”°b,uL'f'p°u,,,, ‘big’ ‘h°‘”“" ' V. ~Pl"lee‘ * ' —‘ H kl days. V - the American School Of 0I'bUPlthY Lu-go sweet peppers, dot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60: : u k red . u m‘,_ '1 Martha ac __r.___ u mrhvflu’ g, ha, for Q” mm, a bunch . . 5c am we blue. luv)’. E115’. treen. 9 PP i Special uctlon on II 1.3 0! Eaurcstock of ms» was K-we cm I?“ mun»-«ed-i~«--=~w~ ‘~:=°*"....“:.*°="...;. ....................................... I ~.=~« W-no 9.... e « son avenue. eniemmed with :1 var Kypw flit? W-Y ‘hm 9 ‘ml iioo of Dr. J. 11. liardy. - ------ -- zlsl. yd. ............. ..54c __ <——— X PEG L. V5,. {mm 10 to 11:30 otdock this visit. She will also visit in St. Jo- um 30.”, ‘. Ha,” of the Du_ . Green parsley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. TABLE DAMASK 28!-I TBA S V IA V V V! ,2“ bopoézfklher lgme niece. “pk. . an‘ tzmum ha been ‘and ‘O [gent ]€ttI1Ce,ble)l;‘l)ch . . . . . . . . . .V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “we \ HOSIERY Eu" sped“ wk ‘Cantond n crefie. D0Dce¢.s&l£mV" ‘V’ , 0 Bjfloi, ""“""*"_ eh” M u‘ _'"k. . ¢u¢um . cgc ....V....-:_,:,,.‘.__........._ . . . . .. I” d g___ _ line" 333'.‘ , ,1 ‘Flu, who is 3 year! old today. mmhhwhuoy the Pgrkq-flgmggglfi Netzycnbbnge lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5c 8 on S e. Pi “Limb are [men up to 38, up in $29.75 valu . ,-V - - home in Jelreraon Cxtythnliternoon . °. . ' izso values ........... ..sl.s9 2 em P i _ ,; :- gizlrth o(_ °¢}&0!‘ItlOn:nd vgxie ‘fur at . V ‘In L R‘ on account of illness. Mrs. Plence Quality head lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c 75c “mu 3* silver “embed “mug. Sp, $0 ..V V; . cows “*0. ‘ ’ touches Enelish - ............................... .. u """""""" " . ' I : loons. Three red candles were 33309-10? 856V days. no‘ mt!‘ school ‘Jackson. Giant celery . . . . . V V “"5 I An other “when ‘t equuy clgl, yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8l.z9 1 Lot of women.‘ “nu” V V: . ——-—— tiendins rm-ill tomatoes. lb. .......................... ..30c , , . 1 , phat! on the Wm“ “kc ‘ad hum. Mi” Lucme B‘"°“' o! w“hin" an uflvamy “am” ‘uh 5” Green onions bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5c J E luncme r°duw°”' ,257', Dmcoum on.“ pun price. 4 V fimmfhm ‘;""-‘ " “‘° té>;:.nh£-.i;wt1;e xnest outiu Lois lino-bona.t mg trial-oe. supe!“ New potatoes. lb. .................... ..«; pk. 55¢ : Red u n Ton“ ::‘:::;:°“ "'4 "*°"=°"”°d “W 207. discount on all other i i gig 7 e .m- “ "' n°°°“""’ M‘ ‘l “"6” ‘ ‘°"'°"' s h. lb ........... .; ............... ..l0c I "C on on 3 sweaters. - .f ‘.4’: 6. Dorothy ' G‘:-Zrubefigrrsgnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . .2$c 3 Auida‘ RATINE SKIRTS - ‘ — er: Crlsldr, Charles Wesley 'I‘urneriu_____ White onions. lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..loc 364mb Domesuc nan“. 25 Wrap-around. knife pleot- 1;‘: «and Easton Weaver. § . Rhubarb, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0c DRESS LINENS Regal” me “me: Spain. ed. flannel skirts. all new this ‘Vi 0 ———-‘-_—. JV e m NIVCI oflllttl, do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80: and 40C 36,inch Shrunk. n°n_a-“shame . ‘ ' 39¢ 393503: die’ "P to 35. Values “i ‘. anfi . Id. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:.. u to S , . mu V5 V a Sunkist oranges. do: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..45e dress “hem mu,’ gnu,’ 0,- 1-waned mu“ 8"“ P V penal .05 V Dance Wednesday Eve , i y. _ ‘H7 Florida grapefruit ...................... ..l0c and is: i once. rose. henm, 1..,e,,d,,V 324mb Impomd Sm.“ 31 20% Discount on all Khaki 3: . finflnd lgs. E. (.3. 9 ME gnschy; trtnsparentdapples. pk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. V V purpm new“, 93¢ qmmy_ mum), sped“. )_d_ V V V _ _ H7“ Middlep,mI:nickeu' and V‘ entertained ednesday evening V n ' t elnons, oz. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4oc , - S - 1 . , , _ _ _ . O . _ _ V _ _ . _ U79, ____'_ Cl!!! 8 g; agenee at their home at the I; ! Imperial centnloupes, each . . . . . . . . . . . ..‘.‘:.l0c and 12%: i ' Read. all shades. best PERCALES Children‘; Gingham V o town BPOICWIL ‘ , . I Iced watertnelons, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..so 1; V - 1‘ d_ _ _ _ V H ., 4 500* "8 am” “"9 "P‘“"¢“' N0. 9 North 1318111.}! Street . Phone 876 | Bananas, lb. .................................. . .12;/,o I q"fmz,n:,’°°_,:m’;m mg; 40 Piecef. new“ l;¢'°‘:‘;l~ V30 Children's gingham dresses. , V, "J" ¥'°“°:ho If M we" at ' , oi. ..................... .._.: ....... ..20c I m,,eV ‘,1 _h‘duV swam standard weht. 3; 2“ Size 6 to 10 years. To close ,‘ -3. Hrs. Walter Thonl, Mr and! I ‘ Blue plums. dox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20e i d, , , , , _ , _ , _ _ _ _ _ , V _ V _ _ _ H2,‘ d‘"'1l‘_ Vp““S"""‘i'al r "C 0313. IP°¢i||1 - - . . . . - . . . . . ..7Ie ' ~'n_ cinfles xoruxum H; V ' V Honey Dew melons, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .504: Qugsitiln-ch ‘Psechnnéutlig PICRSO 81109 early. We V‘ T“¥‘°= ‘Wm “' “'4 “"* ; -"'.""" :'°”‘ """ "-“"”’° ‘’'''‘‘“‘“‘‘° : ------ --.-2"‘ « Fat Dressed- Flfinx chm... ‘ 'l Ilisoounioo’ auwliiie suitin . rose. blue. green and July “as "’ "" '''''h‘‘ '‘ . B. Colitirur. anckgrs. C W. llc- Prune .......... Porl:VV&ops._.....-.~..l7§5e~9.¢ ._ V V VV V. .; an spam yd. O _ V V V V H5,‘ sauna‘; . um! IV - ° """"° rorlisoooli .... ..~.:-.-..~..-.15: h * ' ' ' . ‘ ' 1'. »“"- “"* "“"° “"“"' Chuck -W‘ ------ --I "W EVERYTHING ASH N0 RE!-‘lJNDS—NO EXCHANGES It and Mrs. A. A. Ifilt-'r.M.iIs llu- Sirloin or round we“ « Fresh skinned shoulders lzlfie phon. 74 V Ninth lt wdnm . C ._ 54 thafll-ist snd A. G. Anderson. _ ‘ ~ V . ‘ . - i i * ___._ j_ . . Frankfurts. bologna. minced bani. veal loaf. brains. spun ' M188 Vendble GW33 ribi 2 lbs. (or .............. ... ....................... ..:so _. . ‘ .- Luw Party Today Sugar cured Col. ..15c Count:-ystyle hams .... ..28e '5 V 7 I 9 T I ‘:- 3““ Virtim V°"*:‘;- “gum! Sutnreured skinned hams 23¢ Boiled bun ............ ..soc o ‘ ‘ . .VV «V ,2 WW‘ ' Bseon. by side ...... ..z3-ac Machine sliced bacon ....sso i. F. r ‘. - ., ' . . ' . 3: ‘1°°P''‘Y‘“h°3*“T‘’°‘‘‘' ‘hi’ rlb Boxbsoon.2ior sso Certlflodorstnrbooon ..ssc " 71 - T .’ - ‘ 4' dtsl-noon in honor of her guest. — ' . B 3 for - , 35¢ ! ;i V . ' ' , . 2 ’ 4 - _ 1,1 m“ 3“ Km of Om’ mu‘ “um chm 0. o o o o o "fie lfild. 0 O O ° 0 ° ° ° ° ° " - ‘ . V ': 0 v I" V V , . IV J V ; B!'I¢k cm o o o o o a o o e o mm o o . . o o a o - o u a o c ..z.C ‘V F e ‘V. VV I ’ ,- 4 ’ - 3’. ,5. Gum, uh, Log, comm,’ nu. No. Zcheeae . . . . . ......12V;e Tropic nut. 2 fol’ ------ --55¢ i 0 e S V‘ l l‘: Vlineillenarrettof ulnngton, o.. I Sweetpickles.2dos. butter ...... ..4|e . V V V i; .VIiu‘Bnth Gillnspy. lliss Ba- Lure sour pickles, doz. ..2Ie lemons. dos. ...... ..25e Just V V .- 33’. ll?! 33?? H01 3193- ll Steel cuteotfee ........ ..37e fielns large cstsup .... ..80c W . . ffl. ol'hndO , 1 . 0 ._ VV ‘. .V - um V A V - V ‘ . K e. ‘ \ V ‘ — A‘ I‘ .' i - . _,.;—— i i-—-—‘ - . of Our NewYork Ofilce . V ~. V // % ’ _ __ §‘o_1,§-'nteI2a-titat 5 _ 0 V : l V '1. .. r 1 . .;,,' , is, ' ridge 7lOh80n l ‘ 'V . . - .3. ‘b 0 ir . _ , ‘ V . V ’ V. _ - VV ,V V V‘ ' V . V V . . §...."‘:'."'"*'.....""‘¥.:’,::'.........“'°"“",‘::; .Don t Swelter Over sm to :15 values =./ . o . . Vionor 110089 IIIGSVWIS -‘A90 ,, V .. ~ ' . “ _ _ __ VV ,‘_____1, ____,___,V H ' _ 2 . _ '. . V .. . .. ’ . ' . .V._...‘.'.§‘.V-'-._.,..i. L, !_ '”.::.Mn'Em"°£D°u°it' ‘t her 1”” =1 l These are just the kind of . ' " . ' V 7 V V « . V ' p ._ . ; ‘i .-ot.11ll University .avenue. The I t. 8“ mt bwom_ _ . v V~» VV , .,~.-.-holesevrill bodeeorsted with flowers! _ 5300' mm’ °3° ‘3 V V e p . . . - A~ -"r 3- "V' l otiiel-¢nuu_wmli.:m....g.1.,.i _ . lng tub _frocks every miss or V i V V _ .~ .-.~- 7 ..u-,»:- . {V _8ohwabe. Fnneeswsyno Anenalu-y‘ . l woman llkes for home, porch » l , ; ' 3 . . -. - i e: . 1, I .. Eran» Mlrlorle 1710018. Prince! - and vacation wear. They are V. . v »- ‘ ' ' i " . ._ . eig E; Guwiflfltufi Smlthv -3151103‘ ~ V ' V ' i cut on the smart. simple lines '» 21”‘ u ‘ ‘ ’ -l 5 . ., ill >V_—~ 'l‘aylor.Frsneesliunt,Eme GllesnndVV 1 __ V j that make hwdfifingngfigi », 3 ,. V V V 4 *. e _V_ V i V -' Ind‘ cm‘ ‘ . :3 888)’ ll! besuti 0 Y . . y . . l . " K ‘ , * .. ."..“ ‘l' , -, , - Justcnll207nndletussu3xostsolnecxcellenthotweather , , V . . . . . o ,. in Burmmteriam l «i-»i~—«°°«i-«~w-v=rr1*-v~=v-=-i*°~-i--~- *P..”°“...:.° Is the Greatest Event of the~Year~~ < 1'‘ Wedding Wag June 16 tasty. delicious dish. Here are a few Sstnrday specials, i _ hwtfi 3 _ . ._ V. . V V .‘V V in \ l Dainty. . mined . , _ V _V _ _. . . , I . I l ”“"‘ 5” 5°” ¥'°°°*'°d 5°" °‘ . ' voilee of the newest colorings. ‘ More.far- than any other‘ event of its . . :V it. if "‘°,,_,,,,,”";',*'s‘,‘_ §‘f,§,‘"'ff'”,,”,,‘,3', {C -No. 2 cans delicious gl-a.pefi:nii, 6 cans . . . . . . . . .9oo also crisp. nowcruahable 1111-» ‘l ' ‘ . Jul Clearance Sale 0 shoes.brlng's savings 0 V _ Vii A = » - ' ' 8"‘ in "We “Dd 3“ the “W” ~ i 7 ‘ ‘bl It is ’ o wh ratio *a ' = I ;' l Q33......o.....$.o.o.............o..‘1o75 ‘i - '. vi “ e.‘ 0 - . ‘-' '- ' l"" l. V; . ls. Ilia Burmeiuer iweceiiged her 4 _ , e I Vfor the W .V . 8: 2 .~ V when it is oifei.-ed. No_reae one-our ;- iii 3 '3'; Wm l.m‘f; "c“"l';"“'V V 9 . . » ’ ' A grade shoes 18 included in this sale. Shoes for women,.,chil,drenV_V V ii; a graduate of Washington Un.lver- fB“k"““;,”‘h‘:,,_B°°°”"°‘ "'°“"°“‘ » /7 . Valid -men--and prleesthatshould signify an o . “ elty St. Louis. . , . - o - : * son your pnrtiforoposaessien. . n 9 ~ , e .’ V - _ - Dtnnzdbotterr V - VV . Ygry for ; A V , V V V ‘V - __ V A. _. V V» V ‘V, . ; VVE ”""”“"” ”’°‘”""“" » «’°-i~m''‘” " " ~ 2 saturdayv selling l .// - o . 5c,.$195 $295‘ .4 llrs.!.OLIIockadsy5(5- - i = * " ' ' .. : i '. oannot savingot V . _ .. l.. ’ —-- - -p... ..«~ .. _.—s....c-.--—-.oo~o....._o,-a~w- . . .... ... ..,_ .......... ~ have .‘ ~ ‘ 1'. I , . _V_,V ‘ . ‘ 1 _. ,. - ,_. _. - v. Q .V ‘ .' 1:‘. _ , t. ~ ‘_ . ‘ - ’ 4.1 . .V “ ‘V v' 4 II \ " ‘_. ‘-- _ :\ Q . ~ ' ., e rs, e ’