41*‘ j'rT~.,;;_T..‘.«'.’.T.T~:“ . V V _V. V’ V V ‘V a ____ _<_‘. ,,,, .4,‘--‘V-.1—Vv:—V—v V7 T.” u V .T '~ . ’ it T i ' AY ‘:9 ' . Tl924~.‘< ~« I} .1‘ 5 .',T T ‘ ‘ 5.7; f‘ T.-, T. :;-T ,. 1. ~T T T T T T.‘ - ._. «.4... T T T at T. ~T .. TT.....~t.T. ~ A __ T~ vsr - is TT " it VT <‘”‘_““"“' ” c * T: ''"'‘‘F P - I " "-'—"'.'”‘T‘ ; , €53 VV _‘ V g igesnfi union Gfl)l3)G;VVT TIIPJO Vtnriied not_VVheeIIV VV V . V you 8”‘ VV :' I 7;~.‘T-'T'T"‘7 . . "" TT ' ' [ I ‘Eh? "‘ ‘’’‘‘° ‘° '9 ‘ T. ' u" -. ....._...__..— .' a’ Ford mater: ms V ‘lb.Isv. ii. 1-. new in-yuTl.n-as ‘ T W "ET ‘ T _ T TY:-TcTueauIs-ineoivnortunfi-tariff‘ tires; new paint. ‘~ T T 9'3‘ '53- ' .— T T Missourian’ . T. ' inn“ W‘ 3'1"‘ !"u,,.m,¢--T,,,, ,,__3__ ., at smicui. anmoii ro ALUMNI "3; mid“, (0% °:'{"|g‘e you b: and and on U Joint N. -rs! .wdn‘n‘nIsy' 2 '- -we-tospdtoo-noon Featareo!C‘”““"'R°¢“"m'?tb°.'.'.T'.'!i"i T T sTTTaiaiisoe“ T ' . - . World wmanaiunnnen to«ioT°""""",_Tm """""""“"°‘“""° ema_rlal'l‘ower. Tterrvhenflwfin ------~,~ T. , T . V T‘ «T i . . b'&-hfiJ§:i"h“':.d‘5%“=’iggg‘huehu‘“.t-tfihu‘hn(AQ:u.g' nena&meaiuonbrtinuni.:.”.°°°°‘°‘°““”"‘”"" ‘”""""; -- T T . - Tc. ‘ :T‘ 0'" liilllatcllllh" -33"“ -A T ' T verai fllsaoufllil Sei-vi .' 2 ' " T V T ;TT ....i..., won. Jelesaon City in. mm, ,, ,5, 3,...,.,., g...,..g..,"‘ "°"'°5. ‘*5 {*9 -°hflity-cc-{m_‘’d‘‘‘“ 0, M,‘ “if” Dr. Charles D. Walcottandapar-V V _ ; _ V T T ~ eotihttow-nliumsnewbdns T - "3 t 1 intists tlyleflWasli- T -T T - gt’*'s8:;”’--4"'&."‘ &ufi.)datthmiutI£tVbeIf'.b.‘mn°..$_hf. °lh’g..ufpn,..¢ug,nu.,,¢.}umn§;g°‘°‘:'°'k'°;5‘d‘< T TV a._ ‘_ __ V_~T.TV-V._ . *0“! ll‘il0O.0f%I'l-T at the Grlstian Church last ni¢'ht.!‘ d ‘be - - by ghaunani 3.3951939, gm‘ 3”” “‘°‘“""’“' ‘i , ' . T ~T ' ' ~ 4 as T. - T'°"° TT _ .r-thand _ of. Louise. : T.» W‘. N ‘fit An u.‘kk G: meuorul t°‘__ 2° he‘ ‘ Vt“: -,V5V l VV V v T fraiieulelleir 3-UP-la-J._].(:os gnu... T V)’ T - , . . V cum T ' T V-II|Ii=ddt:T*¢='I°I|u_19 Etheaehirds--lnt.lookat'ep ms eraaya,“ltwasthehope ofthose_,t0pp,_.d ,1, T o “,3 ma - T T: V V VVV Vclnelr. vi”: “"1 as -‘an’ :1 f?°|IIV at 3133' .“""‘""iEunn:ln3 aroand with ; 'usd in charge of the campaign that am, u,,Vp.,.t, bug to cggigufiom _V V V V V~VVTV_V V, V V ~VVV_ V ‘V T-._ __ T, .*“‘F”, . 9",_'*'T "F , , P"°!'5¢‘ G“-93"‘ waarlngtancypantatonolilepar-workonthe towerwoiild now b- on, n 5, T; T,T . V V. . __ V ‘ G-l5P-I_lI.-— Syn. l I _ that ‘d bu hen ddV. centireaeaaon_aworkViato _ V V A o_ It: - ~ _ M :...~..~...T.... T... TT .TT TTTTT.=»...TT ""'"*"T - " ‘.:'....."..'::tT.. .:.z..—....':..:°.;*...,;TTT.T»- -we we umwumcéou « t T T, T -T T " . i‘ i i i in 4iu*" ha‘ ‘hm mm“ syfh :l‘hat' about the tower: from an architectural stand- ‘O we mow add’-‘Dd’-hm", H a-: T . ‘iv ‘T? 1' 9*: 53 ‘1-LAT" if - T ' gt ’ -. ’ ' ‘ ']flDAY’S HARKETS Laid! liadst consained it; whgeas gt ‘ d,a:.‘." FM Wiflpht in am mmmy 'e- run“ thu'£°T;dh*¢h 018‘ Wild N330" 18 63°‘ Roaad"lflp8anV-er fares fro. Qalauhia are new only '; . v ~'- \:now thou shalt suite Syria but " ” M"! ‘b""“'”" ~ " ‘ _ . ‘i ' 879 to California T V ,_T E 1 Vmfiaf, floa‘tViiuV around in lahosdora these "3’;"VgVe‘ét’:w‘: The party will return in late Sep-3 33335-“ ¢,;,,‘,‘, , 1* V 2 A 7 ' § ‘Tb’ h°"”°‘" °“‘ '“ “mi y ‘who can do this line work ar~ umber 0' od°b"' A" “com: °‘l . ' ‘fig T‘ T 3 1 T mad 0",,» “,5 H“ “M ..w,—: For enmpk-.ata neentuieetin: ‘am, ' V ‘Tum work will he ‘published during; T tb T 3‘ } ‘ hm. not an” aim” mm in .ofcoalworkershere,D.B.J_ai_i_esV, ,- _ _ , thcwintt-r.andloasllscollectedwill* Q ” ‘r. I‘ V; i 6,0U;5"u__m how ‘To an many into president of the National leda'a- ““’“1‘l'] ”‘°°‘t‘h‘e’°" “'""""" "‘ be given laboratory examination. I ‘w V V V_ V V . ' ii " ' mm" but ' mifi‘;"°g:d°' °n';"":’u‘°"' W’ "°""‘i:i' Ptlrianzollludodgegup S," ported u2.‘.'fsf... is Sifgliii woiuuiiiv cooks 170 DEATH 3 """"3""‘l'.9"““’a""n"°'Tl-‘“"_""i"' ""d&"F"‘ ';. ‘ cows, 317504.75, can-s T . "fa . .m Tdcr. had played aganie o! golf with °f 35° Whwh “$9 _w°"’¢”’ 5°" €30‘? - - '“-_“' ' ....... ........... ..1w.auIn ‘use Pu (every an ‘ I-' ‘ "Mush “Y ‘M the M. d Y rk of the U" V M ‘I! W W‘!!! ------ --—-O------—-——-A—--—~-—- -T—-- -- ‘ - J l :.p°."’ gm". “opp”! (an “I must yigldozgthg te.'“.6°nnisii)' made to the memorial i A W“ “I “‘ T E-a’”.‘..;-....””.F’.l-[_'(.!a|aaii.fl:J .9’ 4V ‘T ' W“ W” __"'°"-’ '~"""'°" Y...“ 1...“, “gfa-jg; - “,4; ' {with the request that this amount '3’ “'3” '’''''~ ? Ans-o&ikIaInoty...... --wa-lug) &35AIl(.t,.._, . ,jT ........T"=;:..:°:..v:,..... .. T. .... «ms -»««»-T-TT-«TTT"“°‘»« ‘TTT ‘'"n» ma T» Tm--2 or «me ,T.::*:::,*:T ’i;r“"‘““"‘.**,-s A-~11-.__.*-3-T»----~-----g...-I"-am; ..:=,::.-::;;;: T T: ? . . ‘ ' ii has 1.11.," ‘ ' l i rnishi f th 3-,. ‘° - rs 0 T was coo °- ----------~ ' 5-: - ._ __ V :{..rtnna|:].-‘scasse it polls ‘:1; :3-ghin.:u‘:o°ph, ‘olgtzml . of an 330$: Uneio:°g:$’d_ to degtli indgtehecoplant of the We»! A.§&fiIIu'dntoDaiver leaves-sclonil 1&30 PM TV VV ,0 .8 ..D'YE'...'.aAx my”. . V V . V men was n lnnka ,5‘ when it ;, compi,u.d_ Ttcrn artri . here when steam; T l . T ———~——._..T ’“'15,@8'7°' “.3,” iioilt by Hi’. Hal‘. The quibhlinz‘ 1 . . was turned into a boiler where ht’ J. 3. lihaa-. Dlvhlaa Puasaarr Aunt. Wain-5 8.1.. laud} ‘ls. l ‘ -' America llepatatiaa of "V '°"° “Q7”? P535 “-7570! lawyers was cited a a‘ “N.” m“ °b5°“ ‘° ‘~59 ‘"9’ ‘nie N7" S°m°°. pubmhed “ was working. ‘ " 6" “"' mu ""' s”“" ’m "' hi 3‘ "'5 ; , .. “flu V 3. .. ‘ . _@7 ; . - M . . V ,, ,pV1gymggo1f gnu;u;.pu§,.-h,¢on_=continnation of the list of former . . _ « wu - ' V ‘v V V ”:;§‘ '1'.‘ _n Pal! eat. _25sbep6_ocRwd“.’ 850°; mukara 81;)’ cot}; 0‘f.J:1:tI:e It ;mucdVV uwgnthel ‘O i. thcjtnden? ‘km! Cong‘ rddrgsse! The indentity of the Person who! ). T x, .. ; . V V mg, LA_K£, Ind, 13;}, 21,_ to lower; ewes, $3,5o@5;.boou!‘" “V”?! ypocnsy o t thing, One I70 I10 I'll e on e I umm o{- _ T T a-- -*TT : , V T _ T T » i; : ‘ "V_ V V the repuugion ¢f,|,¢. Vcanners and cutters, $162.50; wool:,,,o,., ,0 Ede: indict’. of the worst features public lit: 501' files. V V , T V- _ V “V V -.1 ii 4 13,- "",T-E,,T,‘,,*="‘.,'!°,;:‘.?°=‘ ‘° N“ “"""' fT?’‘°___‘‘—'’‘° : "ow we -ml to so to we T‘1T§”..°...'“’1;.".’.°'.‘.‘.’.‘Zi ’;‘.'.'“,T.."° ":"'..*:.‘;’,:?u...i.. s.........'n.u in 3.. laolllli. 30°09 .C°“nt>' M-- "' ” ‘ if ( ' - ntfjahmw waufl St. Innis Livestock. lmn‘ ‘M wunmm u'°,".°"“ °{ mic; ig wmgtgng thi. ‘D 09381 Uaiu-i i-nu. Cllllle C0. ) _ T 9; 1 " “I ‘an; baa" ByslVJlaitadL3r‘aJn;.s’ Jul 21 ;}‘::;i°3;':l‘:fi:Vk°°“u:fl:”‘::’:e“““v ‘I: '35.." mm L» V T ST. LOUIS. 111.. July 21. Automobile Parts Re— ? “ f (be gang} mag”-ma of the Wofld Pirn- S’ --5838-. . . mad. Jones said it is all amiatabe for‘ “ "0 "W" 5" I bl00d'9P811¢‘F'€‘d T . Ti ’ mm”! Clndltd. 24’:/re; ordi-l.'°"° °" ’‘’"°‘'‘ "““"d °f '°“'"" working men to have assumed that '’‘°‘°' “’ ‘"9"’ |"'9!'“‘d $048)‘ in General M8 ll’ SII ' ‘ " " 3 c. " "° the mm i‘“°""'- “on” the mm, M ~ in ' ’St Louis and held for invest’ C we 09 ____L ’ ' "*‘ ‘ in applying the words of the . . . y " , ’°'"'3 ' T T . '2" 0? TT-T T r.,. _--- -- _ - J- , _ ‘* . 33¢; _ _ V the mm. "in “L-1 Vtlon in connection with th - _ ‘ ft 4 V; 3:‘; : u:’°chf:‘c’£V’‘‘§';’H:°:‘‘;:EV; act. it wna|sm=iii‘nopiizio:ietl:t"tlie L.'iV oi: oi_ hMrii.'I-‘rances scat: J°Il‘!{;gha‘;‘d*'.Vlgl~V 1329- a -T T T T T .T .V. T: tmk ‘Van: “at. which ‘_u‘mVt huwd~_ r Party had “cut a sorry figure”; t in: t. V rs. Scott was shot Ph 1 H V _. _ V ‘V {E um" it ban.“ would no‘ mania Pgrligufgnt gnd |.¢ dept“-ed gh,_VIll-d killed in ii roadhouse near_ (‘he 588 , C V V V VV V In T V. mm’‘" mm” _ _ V ‘tragic failure of trade union lead-‘ but _ : ‘T V ;T in the Democratic zfigtio;-..]: cbeu._Nonhem "um l8$*“VV - _ “dc dc ,'°1l¢|°" era who claim the ability to lead ________ V V .- . Convention. 33. 53,5“, 19¢. ' ' firm J“ me mm v:°°"' 9°’ their people Tto the, promised Ca- —-— it 7 W" """ " ’ C”"-‘ ‘ 7 ’ T ' ~ ~ “W T _ Gllcfll V cconiplish nut» _ r VV V ' ll W“ °'?°°v~=v wm~w;., T,..2:~ .....*-*- C-~ Gm- %‘"%'»‘»3‘$1‘f Tm .T“"‘::,.:“’°,.: '°:;.‘.?:.-‘"‘*.""°' my ' T T OIISIIIIIHI‘ ‘ May Be Held wanna-y rmueaf sr. wms July 21—Corn—No ""‘ “W " mmvlet of obi-‘di~ tii:£.-' Jon; ydcclared.um“'l'lie-cm oi . ' ‘ :1gAu[5c.g;¢;..‘T T2 1“ ' ', ‘evict.-tothe commands of God ~- pr-oi _ l w te, 1.11‘.-§@l.l2*.§, No. 3, . , lems are greater than it is p0I8lbiQ' 011 an 11 3 'l'he‘lIln', wk ' . T T nd th T - ~ T - - nu. why tVyichbteonhav:{be£a;Vf , !8:bll?1.1l’:§. No. 4 Wl1ll.e,4V:‘ we at ::,::.g:°:ie::V,lt;onE;; for any political party to_so_lvc. I am f V y flow of crude oil is unccrtinn. It follows, 3 B0.‘ 0”", mmfiul society V”.m£V. 56. ?:c6.‘*92%c: Ju}y,Vbm the whole Protuum world. V:i¢:’f:‘\'1ir;cetdi'etlotIn:.yt:t;'l ghristian solu-V4 . ,3 ibercggc. that the resultml 8iJPl>l}' of Elaohne II ' on account oi! . . x '' ‘gm. 5' “No slacker in the arm can‘ '1 mg «Ono ' u n 0 our .0. i Y’ Td the roads. No. 3 wiiite. 55‘/SQ56C5.'6'&]y1.i,_57c";eompare at all to the slaczcr in cm ‘ mm trauma and that: . V The most essential feature of the broad and com- . 1!-the heavy rains of last week the. Vim,’ 55¢. Th,’ 5‘*c_ . ‘the commands of God and the f - . w - -- .. prehensive service rendered by the Standard Oil r. roads’ -aieT-uuy..na.o‘meortne; ’ _ ‘ ..Th h."M.ii sa' 1. T , ‘ . . T new in ti-reonnty which are o!'Jui‘:he:i28¥‘.'“") D312 ‘L27%'.:ionaT r W n m cm“ i 9°"-"'°“°”3‘ 4-“'4'! 04 c°""‘T”" (1”“‘“‘) i” “'9 "3" “""”° w°“""' V. v“Tumflal memm ad ' ‘ch: N‘-V‘ ‘hen. (Sen; A. _____.___ 9,, Chain states is to turnan uncertain crudeoil inn VT -were tot.” Them vmud on “It NOV 2’ ‘L‘2@L‘3V)—N°o. 81. You are missing oppVortuVnitiesV if. Plug. 11; at nu. c;a*' “u 8 stud)’. dependable supply ofgasolme. _ W. gum ,,.d,,¢ §N°V ‘V “JSV - - v - .»)'0n do not read and use Missourian ,,,.,i,,‘_ "7 3‘ 9.‘ 8‘ __ V. _ Rdhbm of . _ V V T 1 .1-V|,,,¢,;,_ ‘inch uh co," ‘bum. N" t Vwant ads. A For c n _ W 80PD1_YV1s the vital need ofthetnilliona 3 135 wig my “km “,edm_.d‘yV: "V28*_ N'lI¢8° 2 ‘I lhardx )—No 1,V ‘NV VV V V - ‘ ofautotnobiles whirlimV; over the hills and the tern I _ .¢¢q-¢5,,‘T;. 3, _-s,,ph,,,,_ p,”3,TV - - - ' - — of of factories whining in every great T ' dent or the organization. , RETAILERS mu. CONVBNE mm mt“- -:——o——-—— 9 -- T _ _ mo niscuss PTKINHNG 1-iun3?“"T'! ac’-er How 8-cu-I-i lea‘ ' V tC:m*3°3¢'8T ‘:00 frequently. think of crude oil in T r ‘ ‘Vfi‘l¢VPfllll£1‘l.' DVOVl.l" be It theetcfity i ’ . . . fl ‘ T‘. '- - i is ally a Fan. : I gpic for dlaciiisgion at the Ksu»V-.:ibi.;Vifi.V,;.,jA.,,,,, HIV ‘emwwp in: _ T T red Etiudes for other-Tears,“ proportional V for ummrmtsvdr , tgge Vdnsttcrly nnrelrahle V .. T , T. .3 D0170“ 00°” I _.¢‘ uaociation includes retailers ftm u ‘ans’ ’ ’. ' T i ‘oteilhto a 3.-en..io.. ?ri:{.°g'Z‘,‘°""' "4 '55” i” f°”Y'°"¢' Dena ent only through vast storage £acilitiea,maintained at L a‘ T fl _ ’ hitsinesa. Thepnmou of the convention '3' T tri C0 33:1) by the On.c°mp°"y (I”' V V .3, ‘Va VmVd"”TV JV CV mV_QumyVw emu: "Va." mm“? 3 ec C . h and_othcr carnpnmeaintheoil iridnstry,aIn ‘$1.3. R chm”. ‘rm ml‘ to the dmn‘ ex wd ‘mam! re esd 10 V V . t e niotoristfclyon adependable snPPlYof neo- ‘ T T, ..T i- in Iccordanceutallers tel i... they have ...a.' “ ‘Y’ T 3- .m- 8 NT 9th Phone 300 "*'°*'*d.‘°*="°=m= for biscardurinz tbeheiehtof. plan of the Ki- their liusina grow. The program ’ un‘°unn‘'e°gm‘ T '‘ 30¢!» 50339 di1!er- will consist of practical and inter- ' ‘ Th Sunday . ’ . fibril “'43-cu:-ed each week. eating discussion in which retail U ' ° A ' ' l s - ° .“ °“ °°“‘P‘“'Y (lndmil has 8 base 1 T to )_lr.‘ Chllders. secrets!) anerehants will have an gppommit, nlV€l’8lt)'T udltflrlllfll V ; ______ mV98t1'0¢t}t mfarms of steel storage tanks, located ' H 40 like part. ere will .1” in . 3 ' _ A _ ' ’ " " ‘ Tr“ ~~—~~~; ”"*“'T’°“° P°‘m5m:$°°£h00t These T v “"5” °‘ emfifllinmaitf tutu. """""""""""""'---'- ~\ tanks. tocapncityintheofl’-season. ls I-‘ATALIJ 8301' ma”, 0‘ we Gama‘ , anemute guarantorsof a dcpendahlcsuppiy mm, ‘. T - rush } V_V_TPfliee.SearcHn¢8ooseR°il-.|1Nencliants’ Associationare T 1 ’ _ '°"’°“- _ — T.;..;.°'~*-...i- 8*-rev» T T **'.:=:.?,;'; .::::r.,,.*'=..* ' rt. -T Of 9 ‘T W, M, T T V as ' gb, experience I 23 is ' ’ ' .. .{sT‘1n.17.33o 7937 21.-James Den. inf» 'T%aaon. Discussions will be open 8 , pend" is m‘im°n3"°° dd‘ 6:; ~ .na,T8I__yeaijsold,astreet'rallway-=1ornieVi-chants whether V 3 : ...yeai-tbeprioesolcitidepgu-¢;.mnw,,.,¢gn,,‘,¢" . T ‘shotandkilled by twoltheyarenicnilieraoftheassociation I 105 daysotitof—365 duetoflncttntiona” T‘ ‘ Tvlsdllred train. 'a:oniohi1c’ornot. ‘ ' ' ’.”"'°““°'-Ti T 9 Q 1 two. From April ‘to December- . *3‘ 013"“! mi’ waser-ednction—-this ' everypnce :5," V V,,V¢”_ -5,, “gm”-‘ 'l‘ryVa Missourian Want Ad. T : dmepenod covering the heavieu ‘ flan, nu" uw ti Tim -7 ‘..--.i'- T-.. '1 3 V T‘ 3%’. i ' ‘O T: ‘U ‘ C * ‘T’ th M d 0 . I1 ' ‘ V T -Q V .9 Y3 3“ girls of Columbia -T«;. - N... w"°°}‘ *8 Omsadered that the oil in storage in T I L. A fa - . _T .: lmvrl fit-‘QT. ,‘ p m gag“ ‘h°°a"&N0. 59503‘! thedc-~ . heavy bm_deap‘:‘°"' °n*"5¢"t V imposes a Under Auspices of : H01 _ dint crndeoil and refined oil in storage lamen- ' ‘T ’ ‘Y °°° 0511183)’ items ofenormous T f‘ . Texpensethatan T. to T . COLUMBIA ROTARY. CLUB ; %°°""u.. a.......ti’°°‘“”‘°oa ‘°c.‘...??°,,...,.°’°’°a°‘....T'°"'°°.,.., "="°'°‘, _ , V ‘ _ . . . H‘ “*5” are redacted but ghghuy in T‘ T’ T ‘ ' I eTm.ri...""°""‘s}.i"§.°'i'n?i.."...,...t....°°‘°"’° ' s,,,,,,_,,, T T. ~— —— -— ~T~ ~~ : _ T - 0; ,5, 03 ‘ h . I IF---J -..-n s . 1 u c g ’ i * A S ‘ ' _ r . , ‘ ____. ' V 1 ‘ hewillshowyoutlicfinestshirtyoueversaw I I o - - ‘ ' T ‘- ' 1 T 5‘°'nlnY0ther.lrsnameis'I'.hcVan I T 0 T V - as a h tel’ Cn&°hi"n‘d¢b'Ythelnahe1-sd'the~Van =T! T . "IP30! . 0 Can Hansen llar. IthastheVan 1.-ieuuencoi. F I i *T .('.I|3i--a) . ~ A‘ ' ~ T .5 I hrattached. ltis recomfurtabletlian L - - T "' - collar-attached in my Vii '-‘T'~'~ INthe1nind of-Tminehoutofflocel mduimma,t§ma',';"‘f1"i:;'m . I wan - Marquette there is a “T"T“'°"-‘- 9 i ii I . gig neck. No‘t'cc‘armzfmwildn§hc gcolh: ti: ' ‘ ’ even how; fl __ the V3. Fanldesafinwithdutawrlnklr-plum \ : ' -* T ’ . —rnorc le-Gian ’ ‘ «.T ‘T T aoftcollar,bemer1ookin¢Tthanastifi'eolla: I. ,_T_; _ '11‘ v ,__—T' V V TYou will need several this ,2 : i ‘:.f‘; - ' i ‘T - . .. P 3- _ ' ' _ "4' 7'. ‘IF-‘ '.' V‘ ° A‘ paraursp‘ ‘ u. — ., i _ TSHIRT "“ V rm, M ', H ‘T § ” . T575 ' - 3 " 5 i:_ V "'V5;V. . *3_..*s D T T — .. T T-. T. 9 ~— V TT ~ T. T r T'T“T"P”?*-.1PN=% TWW Yoaicwtz ~ T 4 _ T O - T; T; w VVT.:V,V ‘V V __ -_ VTVV :.'fV~ .V f TV;:VVV VV VV_ TV ‘V T V_VV V-V~ _. V V‘. V, .4’ V~ V V‘;-_T Vjc - “ . . /,~'T\),. .\\TVV;§‘-Tv V _ ‘ ' VV V‘, ‘a ‘V V‘, ‘-0 ’ " f‘ V ‘Ti -V.§._‘ l, ;e’»‘ l V