3 w." . W __ ,_ . . 3 ; H 7 ’ __ ___,_ ..,...,.-.,—-_-» 7-_-.v"._fi_ -<-- ‘I . a is "".'.' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' A ~- , '. ‘V. r . . ‘ ‘ _- . y ' _ . ».-"ii. 1“ sf» -1“ . ' “-2 .§9»*~V'.'o‘- -1" ~ A eh i-i-oi-‘}.:. 7 '3 . .~ _ . , . . i ? ‘ ' 3; , ,‘. _ ' if?€‘:;-.‘jj: ’ .-"2 .-.,.-, s W ~ y H 2' i . '~ :' ". >' ‘ ‘go A i ; - ‘ .- .Jf_";'j‘:‘ ’." - f: ‘:;;'l.‘ ‘v V ‘ - a . i" ' |\i > r ‘.t' V. L-‘ V V: . MN — . v 3 ea in ' . ' " " . ?~§f-?:*meno‘fcutb:: older ll'fi“u°n::(g:l coifncilhave ahbwuil At the ‘leading to the Giant'< ammo" ‘t a ' one _ D the gambling ‘liifoases. < _ - 3;‘mpI¢qia“c~dt-the melody. All Th:-oath gdhmcu... Down, Lory ..‘;.uri wudmde 10% ‘ an o1__§§, ~30-*1 .h‘e~.5u,,d,~,d of, box?“ 2 . -’"""'""' ' operator!» “We 5"'*°°“°‘ . O00 ‘ ° d ‘ed th turn! an mm‘ a t ovi-fie. -‘ keep straig t on. in if ‘M W4 mm Md hf" km°d.Jii 5*" Km‘ teem ‘° ‘*1 °“‘°‘~ ‘° “ ’ ’ ’ l The orlrin of ‘Annie L'“"’i°" 5" :1: aorilfn PPOf¢fu!?;l)’ affectinz itsi:i:ie3:‘i:s' a‘:e. 115°“ .— -die lanliiial shuffled slons direct‘: .4 ltochcport. another said live. 1001; forward to a rich harvest. 9,, ubgcty foccupational lead poisoning as solder is 50 peria romantic explanation. as also .ch.nae,_ it “,0 M, c,u,.d an in. “am. Amufifih ‘M an g.‘!. ., . .‘ At,‘ ‘mm brook; new ‘nother seemed w M“ “med the Stand 58¢‘ 895 “"5 til‘ "’°k‘" Diseases" is discussed there are at V lea - ,_ ., h‘'' “I11 11"" g’ ‘hm °“ ‘ Wu’ ‘screasc in a bacterial flora whichland all Wad" we um’ 5515135‘ 91.93’ P“! "'~"‘°h°d ' “ ‘‘'° ‘‘’‘'‘’’°’' '°' "° "“‘ W’ '""”' scramble for a place at the tebleioaat three oueetiwe that naturilfr as-r W5 1°" Tm-" "305" Ad'*'»" -"5 ‘takes nltrozen from the air. sivinlfzorm are allowed to travel 1'” °'.'l71iia iii L i ‘ 15° i - ‘Mm . ii .bcr at eisht. 1 gm‘ 3, arise: What are occupational di- o What remedial measures have “countless others. ‘Die nrst-named I”, cum to the g,.°u,,d_» 3 me“ an. . _ it“-in.‘ ‘ dfink. the be" m,.,,cd '5.’ :‘ ..- After the truth has been sifted§° ’ - gnu! why should the public. be be_en.taken in to occupation-‘sung was written to a daughter of; Nitrogen’ poem, L0,). ,;p|aiiied.§ ._+.—o«—-—‘ ‘flan ‘and'wentmslowl_y' down the trail 1 out. one wonders how such tales‘ . . interested in occupational diseases? al diseases}. Invest-ifl*~i|,>I.Is hair? gfnfiobelgoiaai-'ie (f)fF¥l1::;ll.0I1l), by sin proper quantities is beneficial to, . mmLmN5_ fitklfl . ! E: 1 originate. Perhaps we cannot find; PARAGRAPHS ‘What nu been don: to prevent oc*i&e:_'madch;‘ law_s°nha;:‘be:ene.nu::::::ho:'"I:r' Aggie Ifiufieitind “.0: iaoil. but applied in excess. may ster- Am”. .P.i."._———~”‘ Wu" Puke“; . . «- W - T 3: , ‘ m°r° definim. “P” Eh“ we one; — cu?).cumnluonal‘du“f?dis‘c:ases e of two'tutcdl°7penalties inflicted: and edu-:17. The third verse and the music; as K’ . , of com, Total 844,000.09‘; .‘ .i ,. , 0 ‘:3 I stated in Swifts line, What some; _ .t h“ cu?! _ ¢" ; u , ,_ , . _. ted. ; written by “my John Scott i ho satisfsctor) means H _ y HOENIX 5:15..-A series of de-, . , I . m St =; - - " . 3505"" ’°f''*K'-'’'“°‘' t.““" . classes: diseases caused by harm- cation of cuIP1_°)’¢| “VNP . "'" . batting this soil sterilisation! P - . N‘ . ‘.2 1 ““’°’“ ‘h’ "‘t enhréa - ‘made it difficult to tell when ‘a fruit“! Nun.“ in mud, gnu" Th ‘ “cw own“ “I'll Hang liy Harp on a Willow; h - 5 “gm rope!‘ ir—.velopmcnt projectsutotallng. an ex» ;._ M - .r ‘~ ‘S the ¢h85lCiOr is in ‘e‘8°n‘ 1‘ 3“ r. . . dl. . C of such’ srreen w‘. . young n°_ }t.i.1f0u'g 9;C888‘l;: Infoump of be un_; fiht ‘ l I ‘-‘é _ . Latin authorslrefcr to the Dreva-; ___¢ _ 3:::_:' cwued by humml‘ " c°nd]__h.‘i. ' “fir goofing. hleman who was deeply in love with 1:o‘:;‘::id ‘fie waned omkhn huh-'d°rt“‘°n in Central. "Arizona dur-3 _ M cc ' knce'°f rumors much mo" ‘RH’ when ‘ mm “P ?sq‘,‘h‘:dIs"du::‘5°"" hub “mi m°i“°"' ha "6" ullllinlv drinkin‘-I water. wash Q°°°" wcmri‘ b°f°'° ‘he "amded idreds of thousands of acres of toxin: the next {OW Wars. , . i'..“_--.--.+;,. . . ~;:-. . quently than modern authors. Prob-i‘8‘tll‘dfl’t:l§‘eWil:€€h€!" it bud up. 51.6”, wmpmud ‘it. g.nu‘.i"‘m°m“.bckcn.‘nd ‘dim. _ 9,, throng, 0 ” Echimed buds throughout the West: The “mat. mug]; geevfilairmegt. . V p _ p Th '§ :1 . ably as men! rumor! in ‘mud “__w"‘__._. ilicht. and overworked mniclee end Factory owners have found 8 h.e:R°b*'_'aAd':' Li; "A: 19° §“"1iiave actually deteriorated from veer :e°W~'mP‘'‘°‘'d‘' ““ r“di. . for :—i — * ‘i 1,‘ ,_ o o " 38;? " ' ' ' .but IMO‘ ' I drstood‘ . ° ‘ . plan distrlbt lrculars: nwrien Y 5' mm? 99- . :1 . an-bee eri tion an .p0W¢ "'15- ' ' ~ ’ i it ' ‘uifllldu’ ‘:!"en8‘l?If::£V:‘¢3u-‘:50? W :37 bebiithdi mson¢p;r’*:al: :3 u:¢e'°“1dtne:o:e of the diseases arehnow £155“ “lpd ‘° R°b"t' °' R°bi" Add" wh° -::0!”l;|‘::S8"lldh(rEl‘lp::::Sl’?tl ca’re. Om which $23900-09° Vi“ b°““"p‘“d°d' *5 ' 4;"; ’ r ter facilities for disseminating lung to put German rliarlrin the in pottery. ,0‘, punter’; colic. some medical college on such topicallld s_!'€l¢Il9d {"°“‘nd‘“ ".:;n:,‘;‘?; ‘ Much of the Greeley potato re-«:B°"d'": °tfb‘ msffi “gv; Sm F Pfianing r t1'ustworth)' i"f°m‘"-5°n- Numb ¢‘3“m“fi°"- of‘ ""“ 535035)’ 53'. FCPm°l||ls l3‘h"‘3 as. ‘fliow to Treat Heart Disease. arrllte 80¢ 9“ v ' ‘M h h '!gion has become unfit for this croP..thmug.. e “me wm Co“ a o . ‘ ' One of the most effective rumor-l A ';i";';';£m°hnc‘au,e,. 5-“the bends” or colnvtessed ‘air ill- “How to Treat Kidney Dim!” ‘M ham’ 3° mmh m we t “kh:'~ due to Ions Fears of irrilltion. DOC’ 7 we southem Q .1'hen[ V. i ‘ '1 Cum Pll ; ' - \A’~‘i y 1 - l - .. - i « a tire! ti parated the killers is the newspaper. Pcrsonsun winnorsuem. N. C" no‘, ‘dvfl, Incas. Many occupational diseases Constipation and on Genera 1 a vea se t 33 in byte ‘8l000000O, it . - : Lory said, and Rocky Ford can-. - v - _ ' , .- V - - ' , diher to a distant town. She pined m’ u. m be $6,000,000 for con who dwbtcdithe mm, of “me mm .. .‘ emu . iconic from poiaoaa.as phosphorus in Rul:in‘fo'r Eating. Exercise an :30 much‘ however. “at they flmny Iu1oup,_.,_ “mans thy-gughout the ere _w ' I s a ref ‘V hi . mum,’ of the great San Carlos ' ports the storm said. ‘_‘Wcll.«po._md. Wonder how you would buy lib‘ mm“ °‘ m“‘‘'”' in‘ B‘ J; :3 ' 113-S.:3tli_St. x ountry for their quality, src being‘ ‘u'"°u°," G“ In ‘ . i_o_ - _ _ _ - V 3 A ' . th ete - .———-o.———- gwithdrew r . _ Lldiflc _. - . , reservoir on the a vet. D p , -v - we'll ‘ac; what. the papers sly. to-islx pounds of automobile? W. J. BRYAK “ADE Ins mu,-;°d.}';'°b;,,_Ad‘.,,.p d :::i€;‘N£‘i¢ir’t;ilS¢lSCi due to oicr ject which'h“ been .‘ppmv°d bx ‘ 1 ‘ hon In spite of shortcominttij heexexia-—-—'n tonmmmt ordeied jukin‘ of flowers; and BROTHER WHAT HE IS‘ Elie IV}. Green. which is four: Figures pr “med by Doctor L0ry‘Co,-,3,-¢”,_ _ i _ , I ~ . . - - « —-—--—— «in Pickwick Pa rs, is said to be, K . - 1- dam on the Salt River at r ‘-3; ,,..,i _;- 11 nsourcel P9 A we . . ,.... ~ 9!! W-"'|PIP¢.1' *3 9”“ y the expulsion of a British rcpfeIl!l|°’fllPi-hi f“"‘“ in “"3 5°“ “'5 *5” ‘ ‘ < o - wvnrncd farmers that unless they A W - ~ . ~ s « __ A - , ‘ defini u.usm.o,;ul . 3,,‘-o,.m,.: ,_ A u . - ~ Turned Him Away From the Farm an only song ever written by. _ . s-|Hof;c Mesa, between Roosevelt an . A . ~ o to. 1 ,tstise as an undesirable forcizm iindustry. I ‘mun “HI 8“ m. in zchulu Dick” mu “mend Po _ mid some means of correcting pre , _ _ P __ . O ‘ __ . ~ 1 don’ ’ ' ‘ fact". The main" ‘re stain‘ to‘ Wyn‘ is the direct man“ of we n Field of i'olitics. :ularity It was set to music and 3°“ i"‘i8l1i0n ‘ P!'°¢€dll|‘¢. mud‘ Ofl ._.. 4, . ., L - ... "’“ - 1 ‘ H‘ ‘t i --..—..._ |bc almost as exclusive as any other gpublic in the problems of occupa- mud Pm‘. mm‘ b'y Henry Rune“. ime piaing region of: Colorado ‘and- i _ __ _ fl BTABHJTY m EUROPE :Amefic.mL 3:2“: dl”?:n'a? The mate“ clci 7' ’LINCOLN Neb—Of Charles W.l The music to “The Lost Chord" i°‘h°' ""°"t:"“ ‘t"t‘°‘ ’::’;hw'ut‘am " ’ ~' ['1 - . .. ‘- a I §~ - - ———-—- n.economic.3 °“ ' ' . . . - - ‘ ' s m- — . we murdlmg. fionfentmcf’ “For!-3'-S-5.! Gull TOW" 5" 1"’ .}°¢gc.‘:m¢;-m]e‘;,1.t;". !Bryan.‘ °°mm:e gear coufiepoudp b);h§" ii‘: grecrigd 0°fn:l:Hg:l‘t)n antelcfpe co?“ ‘ i Are m .« . . .. Dawesplan wic me a - - " _ _ _ , . ‘ , nigh sai as sa oug ‘ ’ . ’ . . — '- 3.‘ '«'__— I ‘ '2 0‘ ' ‘and. m Em.o_ ‘head ‘9 ‘Wmi”u°".C°umy "ya The public is also interested ecc-i vi“ PR“ em’ I) ha, wim.m:;::n between midnkm "Id dun, Votes and rattle-snsltes, making their V . i L. . ‘ .__.__ n J‘. _ __ . . Iandonw p Y may co e a headline. Where is the rest 0 lmmkany A country,‘ Pmw°r“y._. that his older ' rot . _ , . d . b th .home, on d,_.,ened {um p,-ope,-ty_ . .. .-— E B .E ‘gin stability. the population 0! that county? idepmdg épon the induum ‘orb: Jennings. made him what he is to- atuthe bedside offia yin: ro era: -; . 0 try “SI ’ of Fmnce h‘5 thin . sh°u1a be done ,fof!gnfl thg cost of the of d‘y' ' ‘ . I sfixdonge’ swiet $5 5 _ N h_ "A_KJ”-_ F“ i -‘y “VT: _ l . ‘ya I - ? p ' - ‘um “y° He re- Si‘-ml-Zenglatnzd. She? has 8,000,000iworlters adds to the cost of the price I‘ "3'; _Wmi‘m J°““i"“f' ti" “°“:,°‘ndefiy ‘at ?}.°,,,, hi; own home ' . ..' .. . 7 L '*"“’ “‘“°" “ °"‘°' P°""‘""‘* .’.’.‘.’.°.. women than men. .ipu