' ""l7."’iW".l"_‘7‘-‘ """'_"""' K ."' i \ New 7-room bungalow‘ close to. University. Stirctly modern. ga-i rage in basement. only $8.750. lb ’ 3' “‘—i‘x§oin.l:nooEs*“" WAN'l'ED—Auto transportafion -._ I . ‘ 4 6 o — 8-mom house on Rosemary lane. “'° ham‘ "’ K‘"'” Cm“ ‘b°°‘i‘”d ‘°°“°d °“ 0"" B“'“h‘""Tp“t‘Ib“a h"l;aL.n..‘ Tim oi as ' an m country of we,‘ buumul! For Constable. as a candidate for assessor oi u rm! barggin. . ‘Aulust 3. Iihone l5.':'a:;__ 233-235idoub.le. Hazell was safe_on (_}lass- m'"' __.__.__.___.__.m " "med: ::":_:‘t;"g‘ink og":’c‘::’pp&:it:';'k 1 b, m i Boone County. subject to Demo olficw 6-roomdbrick house, strictlyf usan cutsmos 3.41.2 1;;°*J:n‘f'f“:g‘§"C°r::'°;°'b"';:‘;‘t‘W:;e' RADIO slugs 0,. menus; pk“ ‘mi hm“ was in fin”. y mp, comm .. aao’t1‘r:ns;u‘e‘;; goo primal’! election. August 5 '“ "'7" “"0 °''"‘' 1 U al Summer Sle Ilissi 8a eial difficulties. It is easy though - ‘ ' - , ~ 1 FOR SAL!-1—!"ord coupe. 1928.3hoe Factory total p to four. " ID ll. ) _ - ' ~ ;aa a candidate for the office of con $..’.‘_.f,,'," ‘ '°°"‘d::,',',“'°' ‘"“’ hm’. model. Used very mm; in .,.;..,-: The Veterans .13.-c being retired ed-"ft .‘° "°"°"° "Ch" ll"? “5'--““* gsuuo to: Columbia Township. sub- o ~§:~autiful brick. residence inidid °°“di“°“i °‘"'¢l' lfllflng town.f0n three strikeouts in the ‘ml’ B'1qc[?\"V.Mi=3iil’i'::'l'he radio ellllilh K00dSo'u.lIl:;k:h':tn!t::h‘l:; ’ltJ‘ut8lur"ti§ fir): “ed ‘O we ‘aim. of an “fie pd. Wfltwood’ OM’, "L000. mm p.,,!l;hg!I_g_§331T1.£l__3:__IL_ryl‘a_nii.___¢_;:aificarne back strong in the sixth andmcm mumfumnn ‘N MW in we ity is in its mm". P P6 election to he held August 5, I mm‘: dovm. . h ' did I‘ ! %w.iu~m=:n mo our ' "" i"";’;‘:f' "‘°fif'°f";i,. V“ hit I” Jmidst of what is expected to he theq hm? s§—S———+l—8—E(—: “C ‘ __.___ WINE.DIP Q” ’;‘.,",‘n’;, °R‘I"'f. ‘Va’ ,,,_;g¢ wt"-m-D_s,.,,,,,, hm, man, pitched ball. le fan Um-'::tiy°"l “'.""; *""‘« :“"°‘_"".‘°‘ , "5" "m" ~ The Columbia Ill-owl-I in 80- The new dendsss and "‘“."' ’ ’ °' :¢.,,.,,; stattd fanned but was safe at first . ""- °'°_‘“"' " "°"' Americans Ne coo. Whe-,lv5°"53C‘ to summon '1‘!-on-I As-in ncfngmgg ppm; Guitar 3ldg.. phone 1820 or 1103.,» _ WW» ml’ 395 '6-tsllon fruit sold in the last sesen months than um,-Fun.“ Wm W”. 30”‘ ~" . man at an 015“ d .1...-~~..: ,.~_-- '. 1:- .- ‘.‘“‘7'I ~ = 5. V -47 -7‘ V - 7 7 7 7 77 v. I \ -av \ L-1.51,‘:-$4 3 :. - . "all- I'{"'."s-5-k’ "c‘|rsp‘r:'5_- -.~ ' :- ‘,’—- ‘ at ‘ s 4 . '- .j‘I’l§‘‘;\t=‘§I'~!''o‘'‘?=Ei'5§«?f§3gi:v's''1''£’*7“‘‘§‘‘‘??9‘£f*3‘‘1;4'A‘'=7§'-‘»¥'';. . _ ".-s_‘.;". "“~¢ . ‘I -‘ ‘I;- . ‘ _§ ' "-L ‘ “ V l ' ‘ ‘Q . ' V. . .1 ‘ -‘ _V' V -I . _ . I a ‘ 4 -» R‘4--p’~‘-- . 7 ._ ‘. “ ‘- y. . ‘ ' .- _ ’ I ‘In ’ I .3“ -'o .‘ '0 ‘. "K . .. _,._,—__. . .. cm‘-Q qr.“ ; ._-._ ‘. ~!v.c .' ~( ' “L Y’; " . . ‘°"' ll!-eh. flntilthefonrthwhcntheybohelooae 3..., r ‘and went on a rampage that netted’ [them four runs. 3 Elly. aetory I. out by Iarnhart ll. ofl lIar£.r1. 8. of in any similar period. This has hldi Left on haass-—Veteraaa I Pitching near-d—8trueL ll! Umstattd 9. Hits- Umstattd by D Go -,but there is not the monotony of ishtrifl of Boone County. subject toll924. ""75" P‘ CT," -" -1 _ . . ‘ ‘_0 Y ' ""*V' «V1 '1‘; . . n’ o‘ . I A T : ‘ e " 3. cu‘ _ilIaaasse&sueI|csaIl& In _’ J‘ "6€'the" t‘ 4 ' i H . .',.’g.g‘ " fig‘ g,jq,.k-4 yflf . ' flfi Ii‘ 1. iasthslbsas-l-&m‘rs"O&p-.gggg,}gg, 3 . - . ’'l|I.'*‘''~, uooaosoumagucs. _aad o¢.......,.u,fi;_ l - A =";§'¢',,‘,',",',."""'?"‘ anoooooaoc losuddecowd-. no.0.»-so T iwnmn . .. .....:*:.+.;:...':~...*-~:;o . -.a--so s-- mo » W. " mu-Lmoclnn o...... .. ..... .. so ow---woo -e--o-.....~' "~......*-'- -‘**:....e**° 4: -....u -M ~ v ‘ V‘ Waahlllhn. 1.; 0. "°"'flm'n°°dI°’u°°"’"fi“‘7wuouotthslaadCIin.thaol3In- fight; bunk: J’ “ 7.8 ‘huh H ma” °f “°:_'“°“'h.l,.°°°”d1n.nu " "'° " “' 5“, pg“. Ex-Service Men 1",,‘ u.‘ ' _ ad’ _GIfl is ovu.b‘l3flIti 599-030 01 '.A‘'fl°.“‘n_in____,___ " “ R h" Comcbackinsixth, ,,,,,,""""""',,,,,, "‘°"""" '3' Y" ""“"‘°”°'*"‘“".“ ‘H-ocolunhi-II ' .‘ - r St.l.esia.6;Phlladalfiia. d°°'9‘5°P'°li¢|4W‘yough>nurudaMuoIlmuun.hdu‘,°unmnc.8“c — —--—--¢"'=L——__ N08”! T113138 . 5: New rock. hum Dayan; want‘ as a oooaaocc for the Republican CHIC & IIEIII’ l 3 Pill C® (¢El‘1;lh :1. “tit: seventh. rai::).( ‘L °°.‘u 5“ ‘ O m antics: for Goggraas ' . .. fiv-.——— - V 9 . ‘Witt " A , - 3 3°"°'|- €553 . ’ ticalAnnounoemen ’ WW3‘ III . ,.,,“",‘,‘,,,,H”""‘,,,,;,"f,.‘,‘ "“"""v1 u_‘;'“"""*. ' I PARI8‘GE'l‘8 Wmmnc Bun!‘“‘8;:N‘““”Dm' "‘°’- t ...E,,..,.,....,""""" “"‘ ""' -- ,‘f,°';,‘;f,,d“,’m";f.‘,;",‘,fi‘" "°°“°" raoncsss manaml ' 109, "4-fiilnhyg fiancee. gray’ _ G 017' 1'88 CLUB!‘ its soil. its suaahlna. Its Ilelds and, tar lhsdff. ' ' ‘ 4-‘ -1-.‘ Iaoeue-oaoo:a.u;Steals Home in Sensa-Q fifit;hogs.lthaiB'vO0P5I.hooste1-s, 3. ha roccocouc. . __h_ \‘A "l'ED—Atoncs.rsaaito:e- ' hlfllj lane.‘ rs.H.?,- n a] P1‘ . Break 1 ab ' ; 'm‘state,‘whvsIldn1tradeit' °""“"ub°"h'x_8_R.".“ 15.0 m...m-tug...) ' "““‘ .. ,,.;. .,.,.,,_,..m,,,_ ,5," ,,_ALnsicc.rsoocnssuocs.nzu., °”, Y-_ ’ ; °- WW‘ P“-rta atharspotensarth. f"°""‘”°"""""°' .thorised ' no. - 1 W 5.... p y Lost-rot: .c ......o.. to... mg Up nod §¥.‘.:'...;".°"‘....‘::::'::°z‘.Z 3 .€'.2z_,,“-“M ,_-;;-;,'--r -=-*-,;- -;;;:.'....‘,:":‘.““'......“’o..""..,?“.‘.:.,.‘i.f 3;-m - - Dwwtgicugfifl-v I-on SALE go ;; ”‘.’ ' mu‘! . . . . . . . . .. 55 ‘8 “vb-0‘ 0,8“ m th. F P’ Men ‘ i V n___3_r;_ sh co is ....... film ,,,,,. .,,,,,,, .,,,,,oioouooooboao1aAonus1ou. Aumgim . . pi er . n H-3 ton ‘ . . . . .. . v ‘Ian ’iEt“'lfl ' . \.7 ...i:'°.’icE.‘a5..‘.“°w‘.f’o.“§."i:.§'7u:'y"e':'-no. ' Ph°:ne°1528. miteuo increased in" :: nntclmlurd ------ -- 46 53 halffeast or.cisoufi§oor-ii 7'." °‘'‘'''‘'‘’‘‘ ’‘‘'’°‘''‘'‘'‘ 3' ‘)3’ r Mm V ; « ..o x......-. on“... sea Wm. M W :25: ,*“,,,"'°,,, ,§:',“‘*‘*_,_. .., .....,.“"..1'£:...;.;..' """ ~- 3 :3 ‘,.:.'*;é_;-g;-_mflg an--t we ~§’.’.°.'.":.“ ?‘“”°'“...oo°.2'§.“.’°:'.i ‘32';..:»,,,,'"-,,-,,,°<;',w- '“-M-,*-, -r 113 s. 8th st. o —+ _ nmn._ in-s--» ' 1 ' ° ' wu fiyg or in I announce - . _ FOR 5. room. mku'1:o3¥§nL u.&t'°1‘.insflUafimdhfl 2 ch“ National]-tlllt vast wheatfields are over. and di-i°f'b°fi“°fB.°”°°°""”‘“.'b’°“lWinnasacandideteforiiusuru Fol’ house: lot 172 by no gooc; 2:42 ‘am: F-gtoryvonfitotbutir-so)‘ ‘; k W°°-l-°'*- l"-"wt onisoa farming taken their’°° *5‘ ““°'' °‘ "'“ |""";"7. County, subject to the Ph* "5 u ml m .' at o o o . o o o. L‘; PM Acre. upon .a‘' of xrlhiuuon “ R w 6, ‘. W, n’ An‘ ‘ i iltaken ; rossata "‘ 0-run e raw an --------- -- u. ndbarle 1 n ‘ """""" nut 19% '33: Address ‘x’o“°2..."1‘§'“'m§‘3 3-mired in the first two I-mines. -.P““"“'*" - - - - - -° 52 “ -559 0. ciao union: :3 b‘t::f‘a'lnd xndmwfinto on laepanedtod year finds more corn and less wheat; The Columbia Ilaaosrha : an-.:>”¢’h0d°cti°|¢t50B ‘mfim N5 . * - ~ . . o I cnn-p. rf ............. ..a o 2 o flown. t to announce Pleas right! 3. ' FOR SALE OR 33!?! _P"‘..:'..'- jhome with the run that won thegcamr. no . . . . . . . . . . . ..a o o u so .1, Bum“ G“ “hi” in . mafia 1., up gaigg —---— Private I33 [3 ap- room house. ‘c 703- S1LE--Pb0n0lr!‘IPh. "u"“[tm¢. As Umstattd on the mound ‘r:''''>!';r::’Iu-‘~‘----::-.::‘--.::A;: : : ‘ hug ;opu1.fi°n_ nu,‘ ‘£321 eriff of Boonh Oountic suhifict to 2:odC°l"m u“'°°fl‘'' “ ‘V polntggat, 1"?’ '°t~ ‘W11 P‘Y“‘°'“v d?V"‘-°t“° hoflny ‘huh’ chup‘ App‘-V R°°'”“°’ "5’ v“°"‘°‘ “°°d ""17 “° d°' Paris. as . ". a 1 1 3 come almost entir-cl! within the last 5010 M3011 09 350 333“ Full” ¢l°°"£d m "moan" and” L ' ‘ since like rent. $1,500. Pacino.-ao7.g.3‘« WW5" “ml jlivor to the NW. Pull N-dc ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ”— ~ 7 -. twenty to thirty years, and at is gtaoo to be held August 5. tau. .m"§‘:‘”‘°’ "" °‘“°° °:u{,"5:‘ 1" MR3. JAM§0N FOR RENT V . dad: for home. it looked as ‘rum. . . . . . . . . . . . . A . .1: s . a 30'5", mu m end 1-5," 1‘ —————— A _ iroom (and tw—o °§.’oI’.°..'.’7.?."" c:::i"'°°"‘ "'5' "3" " "°" V as n. H. 2.4"” P‘°"‘¥ °‘ ’°°'*‘o 3"‘ P‘°"‘l' °‘€ 1‘. “man” u “M” uuelectlon.m 0‘ ‘in t 5 1924." Phone mm "°r3Mi‘LE‘;:" u ?:'°:;‘"3'fdence. 1312 Bass avenue. ooiuuo"‘°"“' ""‘."’°‘“ gn"";“" "1"" ‘° .,...., ., ______________ H, , , ;-opportunity for those" who seek ;"';°_':“‘ ‘°.““'°“"°‘ ‘an am, "“" ' I _ "c’h“"";""m_acre“‘tnct 3:. we“ B":d:i{¢; 1,-,¢,,.ni,y 0,. mmmy 0,. ,.o°m_;:’;"d Pita‘. §°"w“° °“ i-°"1fld.;..i., . _______________ H2 . . r prosperity. It is a of arms. 1.5"” of B00” cum’. “we” to: Per Proascating Attorney. I ‘ _ , . H,‘ hon”. S” M for fun inhh‘ m¢ P V I0 II c 0!! I Cc iv--nun. p . . . . . . . . . . . . ..s 1- o o ere are no large cities. SIOUX th. I‘ dun mu Wm” aw} The Missourian is authorised tr.’ way. It is one of the prettiest; muck Comm“. W play. ~ Lo-Io. :1. .u. . . . . . . . . . . . . : : 0: 1.-‘H.’ um 1.;-g¢.y,_ an only in the ydo “ in ‘am A ‘ 5 1”‘ ilnllolmte 3110 candidacy of Georgi - _ V trims of land we know of for the_m__nm ‘ Cy’ 905 B !'w"‘”°°’ 00.3 11.; vote;-one gm-tea the ¢.cme.“°'‘‘‘‘°‘: " _::::::“"::."'. , I ::neighborhood o(.tventy-five thou-f " ' "3" - as. Starr-ett’ for the office of pro Bonn! Gaunt M.‘ l‘"<‘t'- 14'?» “S 850" fl» 00 5'00 I04 . lamb“. um 28"‘_z89Iby putting a run across. Lane flfltjfergslaa. 22. . . . . . . . . . . .1 e a rsand. it is supported chiefly by the ° 11,. Conn“. $3.31.. 1. .9 isscutmg attorney. subject to the so , y A t’cllA,-,,uS;:,:!: tr. TE 8 cl J at m in-adn up singlcdréd Eagle t,'Ja::a.;mx‘o r.‘ ........ .. .. ; Z 4: : farraicng interest:)‘¢:‘frhthe eastern half .u,,,.1,,d to .,,,,,.,,¢. 1), s_ whit. ug tionbaofmltlsextau A . - - A ELL can erseym' us a Lewissco neona I o, ' ' - - - ‘ - ’ - - ' - ~ .0 state. its inustries‘c.nd§d.t.{°,g,.og;¢.o{.),¢fig.'to ugun , ntouoblle A ‘ or 344. 289 lots df ¢1'¢8||l- 0°15"? Mi-hing butleft field._ Again in the second .M_,_ .‘ ': ‘; ’.'rcmove it from the class the '°§ 30",. count, .95).“ go 15. u. pg];-gfl, ’ ”'-‘ . fresh milk. J. '1‘. Davis, phomiPruitt Anderson crossed the plate: Score o','";..;;..‘..‘; ' J J ' I vi. istrietly agricultural cities. it; of th. “J. mung, .).¢u¢.. F" C°"“7 A"°"°'- Quad “fig”... Sb’ ‘ l-‘OR SAL!-3-!-‘inc rooming honsc,f 39 y _ ' ~ _ - _~% . . °'' 11. com bia Iliaaonrla . 3 _- located right. Income from -rooms L red’ '28! 288 d:ub:';mg‘:'no-siioo.nm-o . . . . . ..ooo coo 2.3:.”-i E; m;fi°:3‘p‘:e]°fi:B&';:; ‘:2; W’ 5' 1'“ A,‘‘_‘_‘''‘ 5' ‘Bu’ g_h,,.;,_,d “imam” w_ 1% .' Work _ gs-.':r. per month. 31,000 down. Bal-1 I-‘OR SAL_E-—Pure-l_>rod Collie 1.... o. . ,,....4 .,.u, ,";‘,f'_‘;','_,,:~-,-c-,;-,;_°_;-,-~,l,},‘,‘_"’, ,"'* ' ‘out a curve to mat the pleasure or? The Columbia iuuoonoo is an as a oooaaoocc for Assessor of John Chavaux. Prop. once monthly payments. Will in-.,P0m at reasonable prices. Phonef 3¢...»¢;... 111] 1-‘ ,, 3.,...,'...L -n,,......,. ....,..c;...,.vdriving. The surface of the land is to announce Ola Bombs Boone County. subject to the Demo- Ninth and All! El. ‘ elude furniture. .1_'Q8 Green 3230.236] .nu.sha F“ ‘um wank“ 8|:-len uooc-.—uoc. row. aocciscc sm—;gcnuy rolling, with no severe hills as a candidate for the olice at cratic primary election. August I Pfiov 1533 Hi: It is hard to imagine a bank fail- itlon to he held August 5. 1924. driving on a flat surface. the action of the state primary elec-E Th. cdum"""“"""bh H flu u .0 thori Your Papers Typed Free If you LI enrolled in the‘ University and in the department of-that ' ROSENTHAL School of Commerce [:03 3“ 1-;_A ",7 yanafuj 5. i”u”m' ahnlzssmonr ‘ad ‘"denB383h°'§‘:ri.¢im ‘meattt di Hosting in the American homeconatahlc for Columbia ‘township, --- - H‘ ° —~-' room stucco bungalow, modern i :__- _,___;'at rd It was a poor throw and :cn_°r:t :m°"wPd'°d;:;m“h no longer Kueaswork. There war.IIIbl0¢t $0 *5} 03°00 3”“ 9“, cu.‘ Mm,” ,, m "I '* ‘ ever)’ WI)’. oak floors, lot 60 by 171 ‘ WANTED ‘ID {bounded 06 Paris’ glove into the of win ma other muerid‘. _a time when men’ placed furnaces ;P1'l|Dlf7 £10630! lb 50 08" Inalvay. whim announce to an ‘ g _ gt.“ pd“ g5'ooo_ ma M fim“—T’ outfield. Lane broke for the platei . . v In their homes and hoped that such-5. 1934- - -0"! "5-'9 *5" N 5-0 00-‘ I .. ~ WANTED TO- REN'l'—-5-roorn dam h th 1. ‘wt. Manufacturers of receiving ap- h d W Id k th 1 ——-—-—_-— neon eppsaltathe CITY scams . B D FOSTER "ddm°" A1” ‘" Ede" dectflcihouse close to ward sch l. P‘ ‘m t fowto '9 t°'” '.paratus say the increase in sales " e‘ "3 mtg‘ 0" tap em] The Columbia Xtaaourian is an- on Ash In-4 hearty welcome await.) ' ‘ ‘ wuhing mnmm ‘ad . white B“ :12” ‘ed. 00 nonehune ,c,,,m‘ auuy, ummgu 534$" been decidedly muted in the warm inthe winter time. Now, them to “mom” tn undid“, ,9. . . ““°m“°' 5°” m 9"" G b°°" mm‘ m‘ h”’m"nh" ‘hfi.;"’.'more expensive sets. They account uhupe m h°‘.m“ an‘ “r °."‘i'*of J. 8. (Jim) Stewart for the of- mo feet order. Phone 2849-Green. '1‘-t1 i wAgq1-my -m 3E!q'f_ph.'t flom,:d:§in¢ 88081830; “I, am by me uukened bun“ “P059” “*5 9°‘ ‘ 3'“-1°;{~,c, ,1 “gum og comma. “'3. ~- ~-«-- —~ —-~ . on non vex-gi W W “WV ' ¢..._.,. , - . , totheacd Offhe ron same on naN'r—7.cooco-pm, ma ,m“o:J'‘:n ," ,°""'co:co Lane at the plate went intoc:h::”; ":fhf:‘;':‘;';’m_ er no longer does_the nouly luv.-.3; ""’5°°‘ enema to sud on non“ you“, 107 North 9th 8!- housc. Rood garden. Klrage 4' G G. are of “I” e eachers. When saw thc;p.dmmung before they invest“ M to stay on the side of the house-‘A“n“ 5' 192‘ 3&3‘ x mgaflnu ‘ ' -pk”. shade, close in. on pavement Wouldi a throw go wild Umstattd dashed_upemi" equipment an den” at opposite that from which the. wind, _____ ; ‘ya. 32 wmal, nz‘ ‘ exchange for 4 or 5-room proper-ty._ across the plate with the tying rulnfwon ‘ho Ind becom; “hm” w ob. is blowing. Up-to-date ventilation; The Columbia llasonrtan is an - ‘LABS I O0. . . ~ Johnson Realty co.. -312 Exchange! WANTED TO R!-:N’l'—-5 or 6.1 Co-uel-ck Falls : » . u, .-ad In-was mums -re -mnsedothormd to announce J. E. Boothe. Bank Bldg hone 191+——12os ‘room use. south of Broadwa The fishtine comeb-ckofthe Vet-l""" '°°“°' ""“"" '"" ‘° °.‘""" in and: a manner that ho mstteriu a candidate for the omoo of v 2 Pl!-Nu -ad lusalelug ’°' P 234°.-as7= Phone us? red. oo.oc”7*mn- -railed them nothins ow-7"‘ "9"" ""9 "°"°‘5”"""'"" "' "' which way the wind comes. an orioooouuo for Columbia ronomoi 3 4 f*—— - ievenforinthetirsthalfofthe se-3 '°’°"°.° '31] ".°‘":_:l?l:”f:‘;ku°:the rooms are warm. up theacuon ofthestate . k ‘—"‘—" """" ron son: on RI-2N1‘—5-room _; w.u~rrr:n TO at-zm-_1.=~svc oc,....u. an Shoe Factory scored the ‘M ."‘t n;d;'r"':m:j_'m ;mom. Warm air systems arc_perhaps‘pg-133.17 .;.._.u.,. g. 1,. 5.3 5.‘... - Elatncalwor .c --..._.-- -% _- ‘M’ ‘:‘.‘?'°“*“°'..".::‘1‘..'“'......'§.f°s:i’;.”°.':‘..“°c:‘.‘;; ';'°°°;:;..‘".‘:..:.%*'°~"';.:’.:‘:..'°...." “*:;:':.:~ .... .....~=« aw“. " 1:::r°.:‘...':';°;';:.::.”.°;.“:';.:.::!‘- W ....__ » Home WW:-Rem rage, oseln., -. s . on ' pg 1 . . Punburth ‘re . h M‘ d. h ° __ 312 F 1: N t’! Ba 1: Bldg.. and rental. J. Warshaw, 994 F -‘hoping an hi I] tug-ed.‘ Emnmenun m . or hot water plants, furnace men! TM COW!!!” "W . 3 "1" . Phone ‘xlgl::§f206.‘ n 284-287:‘ teenth St.. Boulder. Colo. 280?2n8r5' Bapahartlanneduthirzeeen whilc‘d"°“n.‘ comidfl.-‘ble '"‘°nt'°“. tn say. ey are more sensitive to!¢h°fl|°d “9 l|m°||1l¢¢ 1357.5 73350!’ J. M. 0“ ALB OR RENT w an Umstattd ‘made nine era °;tm:in‘3";':°:"°':u;°'“;::£: the touch. and are more widely used ; f°" ”‘fr°“’°‘ ‘K Phsn 11!! Hack F U5 ’°°m' . e ‘flap U 3.: . in mild climates than where the ¢ 0*‘ - V ~ I From . ' . systems 1 boh mom nd z . . ,i . __ v ~::.°.:r...~ ':""':°*...: «oooo*'“"‘*"»o..m".:" °°° "":% ~-..-=*-....:=~..~~::.°»; ‘woo 'm‘ooo'r: :« -£5: :::;:.-:;. =2. : :::....H “'2. L: — —~~- ~ ow. vi __ ._ 1 . ~ rn oroy mm“ be’. ed. “do no _ . H9“. . I Co sight-l;exc$ Nat'l.’;:Ple conrlieyeted with U:ivenity.I.u' °"'.’,,".l_"°° °"°" '°'° Nd‘ trpopulorizc ae‘t(.: nail: the arse c‘o',f.'{dE',"°°”.,:3 {,,";°n',':m:{"o,‘°,u',".. P———— 300 U5 z o. ' \ ° ‘ . k. 81 , 1» 19144-1206. Ilisht consider strictly modern 8‘ " “"3 ='“''‘‘’" °‘ ‘‘''’°* . 1 . th to: all,h ’ "' °"“""' - 3." d8 P we gggaygor 4-room apartment, prefers yf ‘ an nouns-e-an-e. T _ _ al summer slump in rs» ‘;::b.xtop°’:: 7.11:“ radiztion 3 g The Columbia Iisaourlan is on. SE -- lover floon Will our up ; ‘“’- '~ *‘ "-5?" °‘I“'P"°°’“ "9" "".’u"°“"'.'g° be furnished. aaoriaed to announce Dr. Andree «33N1" ~' Whgg .ua:ea. V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..a 1 2 etsappe e an o e . A I ' if¢r?p.R:!°:ssth. I. in °‘ “""':‘""" ''''''' "' ‘ .1’ :twarm wag; galesp totals have - k ————— FOB 1’ 3. I . ‘llaadl. cf . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..8 l win up by we 1"? num&r A room . . . _ Japan. c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I l . l 8 anpin‘ ‘en the I t and comfortably fnrnishedf Good‘ UUITCE ' ' a parts ordered by fans , ' . - - location. Pfivate bath. hall ".'‘1_‘‘:‘ ‘c‘c!A Inna‘ N. an =1 :1 st n-utdaaa.;t use trrhuildint their own. trance. dkllm I'o0IIIA= - ‘ """'. .. —-—_*——"' ’ ' - . ‘ ' kitchen combined. with -sink asd§' 4- 1"- 5 A- 1- ;'_‘f“:"‘____"“_"1. ‘hrs Ifissonmn Went ML _ - (nix. Each room is large and ht! u‘... g‘. g ,.‘ ta, ‘,5 “ _ ‘ Mr ’ 4.:o_:x um-o oo.oo'o.. Also range. SW0: fnmmitglfloziaz: the ooo:i:—oi: column. :1 +» - ' T“ Southbthst. Irma; "'°"'- "rm - .. ~""""‘- """"""“" o ”"’““ A e 1 ‘ 7:39pm. tIII>.hn.w@thabu~adle‘aIsska.-.u con nm—o-e mm’ . l::,.:.°.:":.:..:: "..*.‘..‘.:'...‘.'.: 3} .c ‘."§,’.'"fiH-pI...c And within a block of Jesse Hall in the South 0P apartment, 3 rooms. KGSUIJJVAN. ml. east at enaanthg Oh Unt. ‘J .. ,.,___ 3: . too [tea a and am __ private bath. on second floor. New J, 3, also sgcgguq, anal; court! nose ouaranr. . r en _ ' .0 _ - r_ decora new hardwood ----------‘------°..__..__. 00”“ ‘__”__u_ ~~u, _ 1*-,-9 . k _ furnished. A 81X-mom stucco ngalowg this; oonocotnocuoo sup 9" 3°“““' -9”“ ‘"7 °’ 1"‘ A - ‘ . Y porch and an ample 6 the; 1706:» _ ‘ “"* ‘wIllsv¢..I'v ‘ ‘ ‘ basement. ’ It'faces east on a 45 by 1 foot_lot.' 1. Ideas. Igr. ‘ , _' ' A . “ ‘ ';?'5—,‘' ‘..“§,"' ""3 '-'-‘:3 ,.° . mo _.wonderful little home is ‘moon-gnu o 5“, A . m 3;’ ' Prcsalb, furnislglti-ev ' g-in'c"xdmZ aCIl’1sno, Vic- ‘$559 —’” “* M i J. .7 A 1-b "i "3 ;. tro ‘ ectric er s scuum corner a . ‘- .':.::.-:.‘; a c'§’..nmo ”” ’ A o "4 . o-*.-,-..::~ Ase” 2 ~ * "J 1 g-'-:3: 3'-WVOEI! You will have to sale this home to appreciahey’ _j_- * if Iufiiaslzy - it. The Realty Co. will an o " *'~ -- ‘ TIE ll. ~ p0lIltll1¢ll 01’, 011- - . ' z ’ ‘.1 “' ! ‘ ' .3'*.:_§£* olfjthewesk. _: . y w " ’i , 3;. ., . . .. . s .. _rT" 7'T'“""7-i,’ . mist-’A E 8_A'l'UlDAY ' V ‘ _ ‘ _ . :g‘:I;'- A _ _ ' .' ' : J ,.., ’ ; " . ‘.3 mg , Vt:-' ‘ - ’ .‘_ .:_' .,_, ' ‘ . -. ,. ’'' ‘t +8’ ‘ - * 3.-'. ‘. o : . ”' ‘ - 7.. .. -"-I-" o .3 e_‘AaIlyea raaygbayitea « ' 3;, v ». .c_»__,,,' ,.-j,‘'.... ‘I’; ;_ _~.v- as 3-. uni «.1 ., -ti‘, .3 y ; to ,L . - :‘_.__:' i ;_'~' ‘g ‘ ' - o: "t .. ... A‘ ' ' ‘:3 -‘.o._-y; . . . ‘ , r . "' It. I J.‘fit. _‘ ih “ 1?» 9?} 3" '.L.‘‘'._:'_f..‘‘ ‘Q3.’ 5' ‘ 'c_ ., »‘ A,’ T ‘‘''o-‘?‘':