I I‘ . “A _‘v_' ... , u l “.1! ""‘,‘:.“'.'/ . i. ‘H _ -v P: E. I. t?- E r—v l -1 Aaiid my wanderings I '!hroughadark_ arch—tha_tdia- a "‘ -"“ . ,‘u fin.‘ ’ . ‘ _ . < . -_o ‘COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 192: “* um N umslrulou-'-- ._--...._.._.. .._.__; NUMBER 2?; Way] ’ of W World. . Belgium 'niere was a minute of in Belgium yesterday mornlagat 0:80 o'clock. It was at this up station which, it is thought, will be farther north than any other m. SIN PRIMARIES ‘Is Thought Half of Reg- istered Voters Will I Go to Polls De- I spite Heat’. Von: MAY REACH 600,000 tion-in the world. It, is on Her- schcl island at the mouth of the Mackenzie River. . ’ 1059 $11. President Cool- idge’s cob friend. has decided to enter politics. He has filed for the representative from the First Hampshire district of Massachu- setts. Rock Island, Ili., claims to be the homeofthe man who hasbeenai telegraph operator longest in the‘. cut United States. Stiles H. Pierce has clicked ke for fifty-five years. starting w he'was 15 years old. Using -.al'5‘;{.7§ a means of smuggling opium into the Eastern: State Penitentiary in Philadelphia , ODET3. - of ienna, which have a.pcpulation' of over 100,000. They: ' -and there are” are Grax and Lina, only three others above the 20,000 m:[_k. ver’_s Travels” sold in Loffdon re- cently to an American for $3,625. A first edition of "Vanity Fair" sold for 81.925. - Pepper ‘ rop. died in San Francisco yester- name was Margaret A member of the board of edu- cation in St. Louis has recom- i Republican nomination T0!’ statei hggvy vgte i. W ¢.gt in the] {local and congressional re Itives, according to a canvass this Tliereare ally-_—tw—o«cities in Aus-I . .| H . ical officials. The author ‘of the “Five Littlelin the heat on 5 series. Mrs.. Daniel Toth- ;good a turn-out of about 600,(l)0, or ,about one-half of the registered vo- ‘ters, was ex , A heavy ,polled in jnoon reports ;per'cent of’ the registered voters ing , Elections-—Find Fraud Scheme in St. Louis. , _z___._ By United Press. 81‘. IJOUIS. Aug. 5.—A rather primaries to elect state. senta- .' Missouri ;afternoon of the state. 3istered voters of St. _ Louis had their ballots at 1:30 o'clock ‘this afternoon, according to a can-_. ‘vase of one precinct in each of 5tlie twenty-eight city wards. On; ‘the basis of this, with heavy vot-' in late this afternoon, a local primary vote, is predict ,ination for governor, was reported causing dissension among the Ger- man south side voters. By Unit!!! Praia governor - and offices, congressrn members of the Iggisla nopromise of a let_-up: spell, but with r CXQWIS pected. primary vote was being the state, according to here. More than 10 3399395 lb.“ °hnd"'”‘ ll‘ "59 °°"'{here had cast their votes after two gested districts he’allowed to sleep ;and a half hours of voting, at 9:30 5'' "19 "3500! 70"“ d'“'i“3 lA“3‘”‘-;o'clock this morning, ,a canvass Arkansas cantaloupes are the best melons ing to the food products inspector of the g of Agriculture of that state. =. “C " ' "‘ Farmers‘ wives are going to I-‘ayeweville for the programs. A county court in Pennsylvania passed viding pensions for the poor. ‘War De t reports just published show that 85,544 men have enrolled in the twenty-seven military training Rural letter carriers of Illinois are planning a meeting at Decatur in August. Carriers from all over the state are expected to attend. Alaska Eskimos’ are having a grazing problem. ‘fliers is a short- age of grazing land for the large camps. herds of reindeer The July propwtyloss by fire in Arkansas, .was . greater than the loss during July isza’. _ Governor Pat ‘.M. Naffl of Texas has offered a prize of 81.000 for a state song for the lone Star state. Miss Anna M. Garges. who taught school for forty years in Zanesvil Ohio, died there Sunday. I did not dream That violins could hold so much romance Until some happy chance ’ _ Betrayedtomeonenight the covert g earn . From an old dddleinaker-’s crazy Po Bid in a court 03. Fleet street, It ere . IND: And as we talked in friendly wise, my heart Went out to him. so kindly-eyed was , ed ‘ So joyoualy the hondslave of his . I“. I ‘I"hatviolinsnowholdnewtlu-all f N0: "baring that_r-are be- . i'l , ildidnotknow‘ ~ Tbere°dciiliuldbeinayellowdaf- f Such .til .. P093‘-W‘!!! to iaflie Qalthere I marked how tenderly ». ~ Be t .s‘ of leaf and petal. how? -‘ 1&3.‘ I * ‘I --. tiniest can horse! ,o¢ lil- every yellow ‘solutes _sa.ert- ’ I‘ ".1! .A_,. 2 showed. _?heavy vote for the primaries. produced anywhere. accord .{ ‘dive emplo ;nection with the printing of some ‘as l . . 5?‘ declared unconstitutional a bill! _ ' _ by the state legislature pro-‘Republican nomination- for sheriff. the School! Of 33197161- ’leaders of the majo parti I that Dr. A. W. Nelson, Cooper * .. County farmer. appeared to \ This was considered a As a wind-up for the local cam- paign, William S. McAdoo, president were arrested in con-? 00 per cent sample ballots, said {by the prosecuting attorney to be i l a violation of the McAdoo's’ lans were dynamited by unknowng rsons three da Fred Gehner, l l » ago. candidate for the filed libel suits $1.000 against one of his opponents and city collec- tor, and Anton Koehlen, a Schiiler. supporter. ’ By United rm... 5 KANSAS CITY. 110., Aug. 5.—§ Voters of three states-Missouri, mary polls didates for state and logl offices. ansas and Oklahoma are norni-l nating candidates for the United. States Senate. . Interest in Missouri centered in’ the gubernatorial contest, where two 1' ‘es la, ‘ I ..g.--;- . contender. Kansas the Ku Klux Klan is- ,can contest for the nomination for Char is strongly opposed by the hooded order. Senator Arthur Capper. seeking re-nomination to the Unit- ed States aenatorship, is opposed by Sheffield lngalls on the Republican ticket. I-‘our candidates are in the Democratic race for this oflice. pected to be renominated for gov- ernor by Democrats. Former Governor Jack Walton is 1 Two Other States Hold-; , Twenty-five per cent of the 8' vote of 140,000 to 160,000, a rec-A, , 1 ST. LOUIS, Aug. 5.-—Missouri vo-l ____ __ gters went to the polls today in the: I A an: edition of Swift’; “Gulli-é3.973 prccincts of the state to nc-V3 elect candidates for :other state en,j' tgre and lo- l Kansas and Oklahoma-—vwent to pri- ; today to select party can- _ ’ of Woman. g _._____. ' or United lnmh °'““' ‘"5 ‘ 355” ‘lmlecivlmorning in this state, which left 'e ! C’ cording to private messages re-_' l the edge on the si ‘ while Sam A. Baker, Jefferson City, former state superintendent of = schools, was the leading Republican ‘ In illld U59 P8}'!'01l8 85¢ W83 ¢81TYlYl¢’a pond near her home at Ripon. sue was injected into the Republi- fith, who is seeking renomination.. Governor Jonathan M. Davis is ex-, :'i. r. isioass-ro alias ‘é rorueusa saw noon l TH C . MARXASSURES E WEATHER WAITS E E For _. . , l" “f.':..:"_'r..i..°""“‘.. ;.."..‘.‘.‘. “'* ALLIES HEAl{'l‘Y mm '..'..d...t.}.m.._..t COURT ACTION this afternoon or tonight. cooler.‘ Wednesday generally fair; cooler. I For Missouri: Local thunder-' storms tins afternoon or tonight;‘ cooler tonight- Wednesday fair; cooler east and south portions. COOPERATION é I.';'.§"§':."..‘£’.“Tl.'.‘.'.'l'."-.v3Z.°.lfl’° Clianczllor Says: Good Will Essential Mr.’Johnston is a half-, to Miss Eva Johnston, for-} adviser of women at the Uni-; ' to Success 0f 1 ___% I , ' . § ; The drift of the atmospheric, BEFORE PAVING Ruling Will Be Given on Locust Street Case Sometime This 9 llast tcatio 'triota."‘ , -brother ' liner i !W}I\'98 has its usual mid-summer T : —-——— zauggishness‘. and the associated‘ -——-——-- : ;DELEGAT§ 0PTlMISTlC,weather for the different types has5APPROPRIATlONS _ PASSED l 3 , --—--—~ . ' ' _ ‘$371883 but little in the past day l._____ . ;B8l‘ilIl Representatives or two. Thunderstorm showers are Pittman Asks in progress north of Kansas Cit embradng most of South Dakota ?and Nebraska. locally in Iowa and. ard across northern Illinois. Generally fair skies prevailed in the ,remainder of the ccaintry. ' Hot weather. acveral Will Study a Draft of Interallied Agreement. :-By United Press. ° ‘ l LONDDN. Aug. 5.——“Upon the 1 success of this conference stands the ‘ fate of Germany——the fate of Eu- rope. Good will and thorough sin- cerity are necessary -to success, a in that spirit the German delegates for Consent to Build Filling Station on Conley. l 5 degrees is most of the country save thelattorneys, by J. E. Boggs referring ‘ temperatures ranged well into thgof Locust street was read at the nineties but still under the 100 do. regular meeting of the City Council value. A cool wave is over. last night by John S. Bicknell, city spreading the extreme northwest clerk. Mr. Boggs advised Miss « itself felt in the lower Missouri of paving the street until action had Valley in the next day or two. efll “K971 On 11'"? C869 by We 30° Data for Columbia: Highest tem- prcme Court. Mr. Boss: pointcd out perature yesterday was 93; lowest -that unfavorable action on the part last night. 73; precipitation. 0.00. Of the SUPNM9 C00" “'00” l"‘'“' 0m- year ago highest, 88; lowest, idfitt‘ U18 ll!‘ bills- 67; lm-rillitutiun. 1.15. After the reading of Mr. Briggs‘ -— ~ - letter, Councilman Davis made a ’ .'::.‘;‘::'?..::‘*:..“::::‘ *;:::‘f:.."*..":,‘.:‘? IN LOEB CASE city attorney. said. however, that the Supreme Court's decision would Dr. Healy Gives Reasons‘ for Thinking Boy Has Chancellor Marx, of Germany, today touched off a burst of optimism and good feeling ‘at the Interallied Reparations Con- Applause was spontane- ous and enthusiasm general, as. the conference adjourned with the dele- gates in high spirits. Germans, who arrived here this morning, were handed a draft of the interallied agreement reach during the last fortnight. They promised to be as speedy as possible in studying this agree- ‘r_ne t. A respective session, which will most likely be on Thursday, has -been arranged to hear their Views. _._,_. .KI.AN AND KNIGHTS OI’-‘ ~ PLAMING CIRCLE CLASII Injured in Fight Which Starts Over an ection in Niles, Ohio. -——Photo by Parsons 1 Two 3 John T. I. Johnston He is author of “A Man? With a Purpose," “The Question of; the Hour," etc. “World Patriots" has been trans- lated into Spanish by Dr. Jose Yas- conselos, minister of education of win, i, nponed to 5“, been .3 "°"""‘ United Rn... NILES, Ohio. Aug. 5.—With two persons seriously injured, several beaten and six under arrest. police today began an investigation of probably be handed down sometime this week, and suggested that the council wait for that before going ahead with the paving. Councilman Davis’ motion was then tabled until _ o the next regular meeting of the Diseased Mind. council. B U ‘M } M. I). Pittman asked the council ’ .1" . .'""' . . for-permission to build a drive-ln % cHlt..AGO, Aug. :».—M ""8 ‘““mllng station south of the Univer- °m°°"5 hufing “f, ‘be bk!’ and sity campus on Conley avenue. Mr. “’°l""" '“‘"“‘~" W" Sim" 5" Pittman said he did not know wheth- , téorney (rowe asked Doctor Heel)’. 9, it “.88 necessary. to get 8 per- ifmon ahcmstfl whether perso?‘ mit from the council, but he wanted :3}; i8'l‘)8f|‘0nf;llal inner mental ll e to do the right thing. . A . ' I . " d um H°.*'>'= mm or ..‘.i:’.:.'::.:L".:“'..‘.::. .‘;...‘:":::.. it . . . "1' C?“ immeluftclydtman-dad Pittman that as long as he was the Republic of Mexico, and is for that Jus ce Caverly .mpanel a jury wmm to build his mun sum)" use as a text in the high schools and to pass upon the sanity of the back aim the “tea the mine“ had couigesloof‘ IA:n'A.;.n;fic‘d§#s “Zn boy!’ _ , no jurisdiction over the matter. uh. £l8M° Sflth C; ti‘ 0: -0039; A’ . Crowe contended that the allenlst on win be . mum, bflween you n W m r’ 0 M n. .8 “run a“ ‘h°“'°d lb“ b°u‘ b°-"5 “me and your landlord," Mayor Emmett -cpen clash between Knights of the Flaming Circle, an anti-Klan forganisatlon, and the Ku Klux Klan. One thousand persons are said will ']“"'b" 20-000 °°Pl°“' 1‘ Wm to have participated in the melee. '.under that character. » —McD0,men um 59 l"’ll'll0d 13)’ the Sl€Ph€Tl5 Pubmh‘ The fight resulted, police said, Judge Caverly. however. over-! W , R d h "'3 C°mp‘"‘Y ‘mi ""1 be °a 9“ when members of the opposing or- ruled the demand. stating that he J‘ . ' Momxomen mi 9 . t 9 pm“ in - . _‘_ j dated the "II! “hi”, of melcouncil tohavea water. main laid on Mr. Johnston was born in Boone - Fists were‘ urea first, and than boys dependent only on the defini-‘§:;"':I::n;:h :':-fetguifiiiggugzlwtohiflt ty. He left _Ashland in his :"bricks and clubs resorted to. Depu- tion set forth by the Supreme Court youth to study for the ministry. He lties from Warren, near here, were of Illinois. ‘figlemg 3: 3,": Jxrefrotg became a Baptist preacher but later fcalled in, and assisted Niles police fly Unmd Pm‘. ;the street imtud of running a :3;-:f:°;:>o :13";-“:9 ’ in bl?-nklns up tlgcélot , I HICAGO, -Ridhardsmall line from South l-‘mil. Mr. -; smen, w o organize on - 3 - tion and h” ‘pent seven‘ yea” “_ W“ intenningunx in the deem)“ Lccb has a diseased Montgomery also pointed out. that . - - - . . . - ' d” Dr. William Healy Boston there is no city main on \esser Cllflllg 919 3509110" Of ll“? book In of Mayor Klscliler and Police Chief mm - - - ' h - th t h id u 3- , .Rmmd in the “st elecmm, dmrged psychiatrist, testified at the caring strut a e cou p is re , , of Loch and Leopold for the murdergquest was referred to the water and "lambs" .°f the Fhmmg Cutie of Robert Franks. when it was re-‘light committee. .'nh Mn“ South? cm” 9 Sllmed here t0d8l'- 3 The engineer's final report on the m‘y°' ‘ha P°h°° chef "h’°°‘h the. This conclusion, Dr. I-Iealy said,.¢;-gding gnd pgving of Pu-is road 1 B T gowmor" oak‘, '85 blfied Oh the f0l10Wi!l¢ 798807133 from the east line of St. Joseph l J- .bnor!n.l inter-menul life’ latreet to ill? well. "DC of Price IV‘ ‘ A . . His twisted emotions. Venue was read and tax bills issued Federal S uts Ca ture BIG wlscohslh STORM His lack Of sympathy for ‘others. gggingt the property owners, . . ~ I) _s".q,. R“, ",4 wind Sand”, Iiis lack of feeilrlg for his own,‘ The total cost for grading, pat-. and S]ayg1-3 in,“ Cu”, Dun‘, Amount, =miscond'uc_t. J . ling and curbing the street was in‘ to Million. v His vivid fantasies. ‘$3,565.24 making the cost $4.72 a ———- His psychologically split person- ‘Twill f00t- ' ’ - Tax bills were authorized for scw- p districts Nos. 53 and 57. The‘ Au . 5. “thoroughly 1» . 97 U"“"‘l "'°'- MILWAU-l(.‘l-IE, Aug. 5.—Four..l MEXICO Crryv ‘"55 5-‘-F°‘"'» persons are dead as a result of aim °f the ‘9"'i‘“ bfildil-3v wh° ‘lmtiaevere rain wind and electrical - - - - - - f ' fi ' o ," Healy said. and klllfid 3573- R0881” Ennfio. storm Sunday night and Manda)’ cm(‘;i:;' ts:-fail:-.‘ems'itorney Clarencefivere returned . Darrow brought out the fact that;Nl‘8- _ . "lithe doctor was receiving $250 a dayi Ad“ :Pi"'°l3;l|U°ll 01 $30.1-:9 WI! ifor his appearance in the courtroom. elm 6 Wm mil“ Nlllcf? 0 Olsen, 50, d ed t . l , , - { lceived here today. I-‘ondadru Imc. Iigreiis, 4.8,??? Exggwgnrgfiover to Cr°'¢.‘3::d C?,3:: Mrs. Evans was murdered as she {was killed by lightning near Mliry- sex perversion pnéuces of Loebfirom any water gnd light fund, $100 ' W5" 6' fen i""°.'and Leopold were forced into thellmm 9‘? 3¢¢“1'l‘Y “"4 "id 3‘-‘53-32 iopen for a moment when Cl-owe de-217081: the, reirlenuesefsundénre hm - vera usln lcen »ment has been active in_investiga-fnflwgugeg, ':u,,°‘;:_om "git. oikggfiy gamed. . jtion of the‘mui'-der, believing it mail Oshkosh and Fond du Lac and -0.0"! uked point bunk “heme, on motion, the council adjourned ma" been inspired by pouual plot- I ‘\’fnli:dauy will Foxtf River thele childish acts confirmed acts of l"“‘" 7 °‘°l°°i‘ w°d"°’d‘7 °‘'°'‘i“3° - V . ‘ :: llaiyyseytig ofe Fond iii 1.: was.:::,§?L°n°theThDuf ,‘,".°,’d° °""‘“"'?sUililsR STUDENT nliowsao Pan’ and: ' under from ‘W0 to three feet of. At this moment the defense ob-i R. H. Elsea of Moberly Was Work- ree ll). “I have watched their actions in:€l' regular meeting of the council. but on account of er- were captured yesterday'by F¢d€l“1§in its wake millions of dollars scouts and summarily executed, ac-gduuge to crops "Dd p,.°pe,ty_‘ l was returning to Puebla Saturday.§ town, Lo:-rgine were stolen. Meantime. the sovcrn-Eiohu Skora, 40, was electrocuted at 'ters. l :Jmi®nt Obregon, in an‘ inter- ;view with the United §"°,,,',,',::,°“;,;’,fe,'“’e,',’,’,‘o°,f:,’,‘;‘,':d°';§""°' ‘" “Y 5"-",“"""' 4 ljected to revealing the nature of die; ing for M. A. on . ; ' ' acts in the courtroom. Chief.Jus-, R. H. Elsea of Moberly. a Sum-‘ situation more disturbing or annoy- guy" OFHCER (3373 P0157533: are 3,en::,,g e,,e,$; 3; “ex u°'°7 B'i"3' 3”“ 0b'“""“°"‘ zeroes examination he followed in the co. 1 an “sun on the 'o",.,.,.; Glenn l£v"°}l'{°(:“"’ Sm“ f th ;same manner as the defense—ai se- ‘merit will use the utmost of its ef-. ' ‘V’ '°°"“”' ° °gcrcL Heal! then vrhl-Pcred the n!- ' 'Y. H. C. A0’ us jlllt L0 :tur‘ of the ‘ca to thg forts to eliminate the causes . . this grave tragedy." ?°°""""“ ““' 'P°"‘"“ “V Chief Justice Walker, of the Mis- that the. trier School student at the Univer- 'sity, was drowned ‘Saturday aft-_ ernoon in Forest Park Lake in. Mobe y I tice Caverly then ruled There were only a few ; swimmers in the lake at the time ' and he was not missed until some 1 l A letter to-G-race Barkwcll, con- l bove the August normal, continues-tractor, from McBsine and Clark,‘ ,Northwest part. In Missouri dayato the controversy over the paving‘ part of the country, and will make Barkwell not to accept the contract ’ the boys, Judge . . , d e C0“!-tr-001a. Ind ‘only [end to WCTC Illthorlted Ht thC lflfit ‘ Conrad's Death Sudden IPOLLS REPORT W . at A'CONSISTENT VOTING TODAY ‘Majority ?fErl)' Votes ,' Cast by Men—Women Turn Out in Resi- dence Sections. fPo1.l.s ARE Nor CROWDED t l l 1 eering Is Done Almost Entirely by Women—Cards Distributed. . The total vote cast in the eight JOOQI C rad he died ‘I ‘I 8-! pretqncts nf up ) " - " "' "'7 "* o'clock this afternoon was 2.220 as day after an attack of asthma. had at- funowu precinct Number 0 "4,’ tained fame and popularity as an Ea liah , , ‘"5 “’- novelist after the appearance of his Int precinct :\umb9Y TWO. 417. lJl'!‘¢‘lll<‘l navng‘ nfilrasyer: MT . '¢‘:il-h he had .-Number ihree, 350, precinct Num. In on in eecrre ans: 0 prices. (‘.15. its ~ . _ rad’s an ‘lion. I II the time he was 9 Fog“ J“2'..premnc.t sum‘?! ea old. was to so to sea. and it was _“e' 2_2' pfecinct 1\umb"r Sun from long years of experience on the sea '8» preclllfl Number Seven. I42, pre- .iElection that he get many .ideas for his stories. cinct Number Elfllil. 183. The vote """“ "" """'”""" "”"' "' ""°'"'-" from noon till 3 o'clock w s- -h "The Mirror of the Sea‘ a mu‘ ' “Tales of [In- res ‘'1' Arrow of Gold.“ and “An Out-'hea_"ier ail" in: ‘he corralmndiiig cast of the Islands." periods ihll rnornlng. V — -. Election day. capping the cu. max of the primary (‘umpaign._‘u{- flclally dawned at 6 o'clock this morning when the polls were "P<'M'd and will close when the sun sets at 7 o'clock tonight. The morning vote at Columbia's t precincts was light, ac‘-ogd- to the judges. At 1 o'clock .»l.Tl)KEIl Gl«;Tsl COMMUTATIO.\’ Boy, Sentenced to Prison, ,°:,:h IS Transferred to only 1,557 ballots had been cast in R f t ' the city. ' e Orma or-\' The Democratic city central com- mittee has planned to receive radio returns from all parts of the plate tonight on the election results of state officers. Judge H. A. Col- lier will act as spieler and an- the returns S A. J. Sandi-:er. I7-year-old youth, who on June 2:’) was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary’ by Judge David H. Harris in Circuit Court for highway robbery, has re- ceived ii commutation of scnten by the State Pardon and Parole Board and was transferred to the reformatory at Bonnvllle last Tucs- ay. Sandker, in company with Walter Mitchell, ‘.22, and Shelby Marsh, 19. u held up Mrs. Emmett Dysart, as she was closing her store at Mid- , _ way about 10 o'clock on the night “f’m°" ‘"9 uk"‘3 "mch l“"-'''' of May 28. est in the race this year, accord- All three boys were arrested the ‘ ‘"3 ''° °“'°i"‘- "‘d "‘'"l'' 3PP¢3l‘°d following day, and charged with the ‘Wine 9°11’ '°°“ “"7 939? °P°“°d crime. which they admitted. Dc- “"5 momllls to cmpe the heat. velopments showed that the three WW1,’ °1°°fi°"’"i"3 l" "°‘ '“°"’¢d had gone to Midway on the night “"u"“ we P°"‘v °‘“dld‘i" "id . of the holdup in an automobile, and ma’ “W’°"‘"" ‘ ‘“"'°‘"‘d°d “"9 while two of them entered the store,' °","'“‘“’ W “W W'°¢l"¢U “id "37’ the third had waited outside withfl'‘d 9"’ "W9" ll‘ °"d"' W 89¢ ill the motor of the car running. Mrs., me ''‘“i *9"-" T59 °3‘°‘"“'l8 90 ysart struggled with one of the_"°_u°°‘N° 13 U“-" P0113 in the ill?» boys, but he wrested a bag of money P"m"'Yo ill‘! be?“ mllfiflllly 79' out of her hand. The money bag l'°"'°_d bl’ the lddil-_l°ll of the four conuining “tut, more than ‘go in precincts in ‘U19 residence dialflctl. change was later found in a pas-__ Th‘ '0“ *3“ ill "'9 P’.‘¢l“¢fUi ture between Midway and Colum-‘"‘_ "'9 "ddmufl “-"-"50" ‘'83 bia. hidden in a stump. A revolver’ {‘"'lY_ °°"'um u"'°l1¢ll°||l QR used in the holdup was also found "‘°"‘"‘3' Bd°"° 9 °'°l°d‘ 3'09‘ 0‘ then,_ the votes were cast by men, but The boys, when brought to trial.‘ ‘mm ‘hm ‘mm "009 “*9 W°N¢"'{ pleaded guilty, and were at oncei"°'*9 i” u” rflldflliul V174‘ W” sentenced to ten years each in the '“'°”3” am" “in 0‘ 91¢ "39"- state prison. Despite pleadings of. 1" P’°°i“‘‘ ~°' 6: ullfd “Mo parents, friends and attorneys for,“""'° "3' '°.m¢ dd‘? in Zflullf Hum, ,em.iMd.startul because the -judges were steadfast in his decision, and said We Votins been about 7:30 that the matter mitlit be taken UP °‘d°°k' Uni” ‘b°m,9 °'°l°°k ‘°"'°‘ with the pardon ard. lwhu °'°""° P“ “at °‘ “*9 It"is said that the board has in-~"°“~"‘ rm cm by women Fmn 'cated. in a recent hearing for 9 °'°.l°°k ‘mm "W" “'9 '°3l"'°' c mutation of sentence of the "Pu "’¢'.'9“°d k:3dlll“lI' l||1'W’P°1" three boys, tha ‘it would transfer,t’°" i° 31° 3395- ' " "' young Marsh to» e reformatory atf 75¢ '0“ 5'1 P1‘¢¢lD¢i- N°- 5 in ‘ circuit clerk's office at. the courthouse. has ed as soon as the counting is finished. 3:4 Boonville in October, and pouslllylllc fourth ward was a t four reduce the sentence of Mitchell to Pm” 3‘ WV! dllflflt. IP97"- two years. Both actions would dc-""3 " 35" °f P''°¢"l 530- 3- rtion o women o'clock in l pend upon the behavior of the boys;'>h°‘-ll” ‘-59 l”‘°P° while in 'p,.iwn. -was smaller. At 8:80 .__:—¢..——-——.- CLUB PASSES ANNIVERSARY Success Has Marked Commercial Club's 19 Years. The Columbia Commercial Club this summer marked its nineteenth anniversary. In these nineteen years the club has grown from a membership of approximately twen- ty-five to more than two hundred. Successful in almost every attempt, the club has grown into one of the most helpful organise s in busi- ness pnd civic affairs in Columbia. i the aid of the local club railroad conditions have been inl- w of the votes in the fifth preci The vote dbl about as heavy at the opening of the polls as it was later in ‘the morning, with the women's vote gradually increasing as in Precinct No. 6, though it was not as large proportionately. Electioneering at these polls was ing but the campaigning we I not as vigorous as that of the men. No. 6 was carried on entirely by women. ‘ad co Large Crowd at ltslly. furnishing the excitement in the; . iweeks in Minnesota, Illinois and: mi 61 am .1“, dmwnin‘, A any in vi ‘ “"9” M ‘h M‘. . * A 3.0,,‘ ‘ha, o,,,.n,,.d ‘M ,0klahoma campaign in his race for ,de:'::uP:f::g:n lmfilwlwmlu. While traveling through gm ':,’;{,f"‘}’ud:,f,”'(‘;‘,,,,,,",,'_ ‘I,',',,.,,,; sent to recover the body, but hyg: fin‘; Mm“; hutbfn ;:;j',:4,munmuu lawn gathered last night “I Demo“-‘fie mmimuon “ Um‘. ‘weeks ago over Mrs Evans’ inter-Eu“ “"3" awe" Smpped ‘tithe morning session of the ""3 um’ i‘ -V” b''°“§'‘’‘ “’ a“ possible. ‘° 5°” l”""'i”'"*° ‘P991’ °f States Senator. Walton, who law“: wn “ the int 8 hem utuedgthe universities and visited the'Y.; defame liked .1, obj.¢g{on surface it was too late to admin-, A min‘ in record, an °r‘.ni_ county grid auto office-sake:-a, W. bnufly oppoud 1,’ the K“ Kl“ iwhen Mrs. Evapn: was mfirdered. ‘M’ C‘ A)’ then‘ . . . 7which was failed to be sustained on hi” "'°'I'°“fi'° "‘°‘"“°'“ laati of the club started with ”°1‘°"""“ D“ 5- -7- B"‘- ¢"' Klan, hll Ill §¢fiV¢ C8!!! isven M" Ban” bane" Most Of the universities did'notjthe_d‘6nifi°n of in‘.n§ty_ Cgowe Ml‘ Elltt Ittfllldfll the Univer-lmu‘ mectinx hrld in an on v‘!._ didgteg {gr goggrg-ggfngn from the 33”" »°;“‘“"“° Em”; ‘...;¢ 1... 1,0,... to a,. 9.3.; .i.m£""’° ‘°’““‘°"‘:;. "‘ """ E “'80 “Veins read from a medical j0Il1IIl"‘n’B°{d Color-3:’ and llccciml hi‘ sity Club on June 1 . rlu.-ilfisllth were the principal OWI!'d, lIl.l$, OTDIGF COIIIYCSI 3. = ' . ‘ . H88 ICOO I‘. , ovey,:,,. . “ I!‘ di‘°r_ , , Qgrx [I] ‘ - ‘ ord iggkaj { ‘g3. glue“? i°‘°"°‘ “‘; ,§,““‘- i$?.§'.'.".If‘'i‘'..?..''°rl.‘I".ov.-...'.§.'.l.''‘' 5;; in rlfinfmgglge acrvg“ °‘ 223.3’ .34? di ‘ yorcoming -:£;r°“c- 3; *°'* -t W "cl-=3-yer su'iu'ey°1si:ln:.t° it b’. lg will of Mr -wdw 1 “- _m°°="*‘° °*°‘“" ___.._—— . "‘"°“' ° ."‘°"' ‘°""" th disease 1 the brain, and V 9' ha‘ “WW "I 509°. Stephens was rrnan or’: we tor oppo-lns W-lto:u_ ;LABOR PARTY. rloars mlwm ante" Vhignhc “fin” “'1” ‘"1’. giiilfuting itselfomore or less by} lzgclvulg the llcvem-mt .0‘ cheer the also.-st A. HAh:om;l_lc‘i'uo8S$: jmagugmm cited llil in ”u.n",i' , ‘M '“.Ih.Y.u.C.A. l‘ ” ‘YOU! the Do COUTIC. H ‘W . .. II no a I T "uhcou'usm II‘ 81‘. LOUIS. 310-, Mm 5«--0n¢ " Unions‘ Maia Object. of Minnesota has : e M us: °’.,l,‘f:‘dd,nm°n m ‘m, 5, ml. in the ftlletcrn *0 c°nl- iivlidaailv-iimm.' %l'.c'& “i.‘F!'."taidW ted.“-‘fioblema”.dy :f€;.c:: ‘qualified to vote'i‘n today's Misaetirim "',,‘3,'3fi,,",,,".,'.,'5 cm A" , 5 I ._,g;‘:: ,°!“', '.:,_f”°°‘,h:',;";°“hf::‘,°°”‘,’,‘,‘_§n.m w. White of wuuluglou, 'l> his work - Fl. Niedernieyer, Iaidor Leah and s...u¢u..¢. .3 how tgval cl... guy.’-{nu-y,hut 600,- 5,,-"snug 5n¢h¢'ghm.';¢o}ggg.d,,¢q-gag; 3; y ,3. H ‘“_.lwasthenrstmedicaleqerttetes- L¢.,“ou",'.D‘...'D”_ . _ .was _ It might seem, e lauded W0Wi1ll¢Nll“1l°‘°‘5'P°“‘-‘¢'J.pres.ideritial race must be directeddiuamennintueste:lminflus‘iorkatl‘“’f°"h.'.“!°°’°‘ Theddnmon " °"""""' up‘w"mufi°n bk’ ppm,“ 60111113” ' Charles G. Dawes, as an the Perhaps we need’ “' um’ An‘A”nC on?’ An’ 5‘-1‘°'g,‘:;'¢":id‘h‘:,:h;nf,l,nu_f“ . :AlI00¢"'9°5w'°““‘°i""“'°"'anti-unioniatthecampaign com-laomethingofthesorthere. 1-¢.o.a. in” In.’ 'u°°°f“‘h°"°‘n"’_'l 3,9,3”, W ".5. l*‘"*P‘°“‘- I «Hello? . WI!» _cluuou_n.emua'l,isou. Polls will he open ever-rvlien Th. ad“, 0‘ ,5. til.'I~p.ai.-'l'lI¢!'ll'G0P0°‘.",*‘g,h¢§, -ugh; "Mlke"l[uaelyIeuverlag. ‘-.3-_ nu u"i neeessarythaatlieelectionofthei ngW-C-“:1h‘L’::I.l||0‘t.I!Il|¢- rum‘ . ' laliw ’ ' Dawes is‘ 3 ‘Ed ‘'9'’. 5"‘ wflladect.therrandidatluP0||¢'.°‘,;a, ‘bag. by 3 who was updated , . loonpas-,iuuo:,,¢slcr.whos-ysieolr —-“I'll-8.8‘ 3°00!‘-‘em! , tIdn-u.¥ot- 53,, ' ~ - nomitsl.wuupau:Iioscass¢- Borrow. .=|"¢“.I'¢' 93*?“ ‘ .. I‘-_“§,‘_¥I.IIUIl! l-slcm-.''°;'f. ‘ ...... .l'°"** --?- ~ - ‘_ A -la . ~4~\,, . V . _ 4. . A’. f‘:-I "Al ‘I A’ . ‘I’ ‘.§ - *~- - I ‘ « , (ix .-'.‘ 1 “i.“._,-*_~,_:". . .'‘.-~._ _. ' " = ‘S’ 2' = c-- 4 =‘l~"“""< ..‘: :" .‘ 5 , I ."n - . ‘ll’. . 7'a«%?:{§‘ .