Congressional Research Service

Primary tabs


Guide to selected federal assistance programs for undergraduate students
The Federal Government provides financial assistance to individuals enrolled in, or accepted for enrollment in institutions of higher education. This assistance flows through many programs and takes the form of loans, grants and work. In this CRS Guide to Selected Federal Assistance Programs for Undergraduate Students, 10 programs, administered by various Federal agencies, are briefly described., Jim Stedman, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division, and Marcia Scott, Analyst in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division, Updated by David Osman, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 84-197 EPW, "Updated November 15, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Gun control
CRS 87-387 L, "April 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Hazardous waste issues
This three-part bibliography deals with Superfund, including evaluations of the program and discussions of its reauthorization; management of hazardous waste, including methods of disposal or detoxification as well as management of existing dumps; and the aspects of liability., Superfund -- Hazardous Waste Management -- Liability for Hazardous Waste., Adrienne Grenfell, Senior Bibliographer, Library Services Division, CRS 85-540 L, "January 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Head Start issues in FY 1986
Background -- Program Funding -- Federal Administration of Head Start. Training and Technical Assistance ; Child Development Associate (CDA) Program ; Criminal Records Checks -- Local Administration. Head Start Teachers' Salaries and Unemployment Compensation ; Enrollment and Attendance ; Liability Insurance -- Program Evaluations. Two Recent Evaluations of Early Childhood Intervention Programs., Sharon Stephan, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 86-554 EPW, January 15, 1986., SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Health programs appropriations
This table includes appropriations for fiscal years 1980 through 1987 for selected health programs administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. To the maximum extent possible, appropriations shown on the table include funding for program activities only, and exclude program support funds for administrative activities., CRS 87-272 EPW, "March 27, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
High power voltage lines and extremely low frequency communications systems
There continues to be public concern about the health and safety impacts of high-voltage AC and DC power lines, either already existing or planned, and of proposed United States Navy extra-low-frequency (ELF) communications antennas. The Departments of Energy and Navy have taken the position that no significant biological, ecological, or human health effects are to be expected from these technologies. However, certain members of the scientific community have presented evidence over the past four years that there may be subtle, adverse health effects of low-level, low-frequency electromagnetic radiation of the type produced by power line and communications systems. Examinations continue to confirm or deny these latter observations., Christopher H. Dodge, Specialist in Life Sciences, Science and Policy Research Division., The original report is missing p. 17., CRS 84-579 SPR, "March 16, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Higher education conditions and issues for the 1980s
American higher education is confronted with interactive challenges related to demographics, a reduced rate of economic growth, increased private sector cooperation, and rising demands from other social services. These developments will impact on institutional enrollment, role and mission, and fiscal support, as well as possible Federal options., Background -- Enrollment Trends -- Status of Institutions -- Faculty Issues -- Institutional Purpose -- Student Aid -- Institutional Support -- Private Support and Cooperation -- Federal Role., CRS 83-522 S, "June 21, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Historic preservation program
This report reviews the current historic preservation partnership between the Federal/State/local government sectors, and the private sector; the partnership evolution from 1906 through 1976; the historic preservation legislation of the 95th through 99th Congresses; the congressional jurisdiction for historical preservation in the 100th Congress; and historic preservation issues which may be debated in the 100th Congress., Malcolm M. Simmons, Specialist in Natural Resources, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division, CRS 87-302 ENR, "April 14, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Historical federal budget data, 1965-1982
The tables and graphs in this report are meant as background for the FY 1985 budget documents. The tables and graphs contain budget data that are consistent with the data in the FY 1985 budget. The FY 1985 budget documents contain actual data for FY 1983, estimated budget data for FY 1984, and the requested budget for FY 1985 (and beyond). Thus, the tables in this report can be extended beyond 1982 by adding data from the tables in the back of the budget document, Budget of the United States Government, FY 1985., Philip D. Winters, Analyst in Public Finance, Economics Division, CRS 84-524 E, "January 30, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Hold the phone
In April 1984 the House of Representatives passed the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (H.R. 4170) and the Senate its Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (an amendment to H.R. 2163, a bill to amend the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971), both of which provide for the continuation of the excise tax on telephone service at its 3-percent rate for an additional two years, through 1987. This action was deemed appropriate by congress in light of the large existing budgetary deficits. This paper presents an overall view of the Federal excise tax on telephone service. A description of the history of this tax and revenue collections are followed by an explanation to clarify the relationship of this tax to the U.S. actions in Vietnam during the 1960s and 1970s. Finally, this paper concludes with the principal arguments made by proponents for continuation of the tax and the opponents of the tax who support repeal., Abstract ; Current Law and History ; Revenue Effects ; Clarification of the Role of the Telephone Excise Tax and U.S. Action in Vietnam ; Summaries of the Principal Arguments for and Against the Repeal or Continuation of the Federal Excise Tax on Telephone Service., CRS 84-641 E, "May 16, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Holistic medicine
This paper describes some of the concepts and principles of holistic medicine. It lists and briefly describes six components of holistic medicine, which consists of homeopathy, chelation therapy, acupuncture, clinical ecology, nutritional therapy, and stress reduction. It also describes the role of members of the health team in a typical holistic health center., Sam Merrill, Jr., Analyst in Life Sciences, Science Policy Research Division, CRS 84-744 SPR, "September 10, 1984.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Homelessness is sometimes the condition of the deinstitutionalized mentally ill, the aged, the voluntarily idle, and the temporarily unemployed; and of runaway youth, destitute families, drug addicts, street beggars and alcoholics--in urban and rural areas. There appears to be no single set of characteristics shared by the homeless except being poor and without housing, and often lacking food and medical care as well. This Editorial Commentary looks at the "problems" of the homeless and those who search for remedies using selected editorials. It also covers actions taken by local and State governments to address the problems. The Editorial Commentary includes an introductory section of newspaper articles on the homeless. It is divided into sections - one focusing on the problem; the other on actions that have been taken to deal with the problem. Both sections are arranged in reverse chronological order. The editorials were selected from the editorial collection maintained by the Library Services Division., Compiled by Library Services Division., This editorial commentary was compiled by Saundra Shirley-Reynolds. Ann Eschete was responsible for its production., CRS 86-525 L, "January 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Hospital capital cost reimbursement under medicare
Julian Pettengill, Specialist in Social Legislation and Joseph A. Cislowski, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 86-598 EPW, "March 11, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Housing and homelessness provisions
Findings and Purpose of Bills -- Health Issues -- Emergency Food and Food Stamp Issues -- Income Maintenance Issues -- Prevention of Homelessness of Disabled and Institutionalized Persons -- Housing Issues -- Increased Low-Income Housing., This paper compares the provisions of three bills introduced in the 100th Congress: H.R. 4, H.R. 286, and H.R. 558. All of these bills attempt to provide not only support services and emergency shelter for the homeless, but also strive to prevent homelessness through the preservation of the existing housing stock occupied by low-income persons., Joseph A. Cislowski, Analyst in Social Legislation; Joseph I. Richardson, Specialist in Social Legislation; Carmen D. Solomen, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division; and Susan Vanhorenbeck, Analyst in Housing, Economics Division., CRS 87-150 E "February 20, 1987." SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Housing and housing finance
The microthesaurus identifies terms on housing and housing finance in the Legislative Indexing Vocabulary. It also includes terms on real estate and land use. The terms may be used in searching the CRS Bibliographic Data Base, the Bill Digest files, and the Major Issues System on SCORPIO., Shirley Loo, Specialist in Information Control and Automated Systems, Library Services Division, CRS 86-1033 L "December 12, 1986." SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Housing assistance
Federal assistance to housing for low-income families began with the United States Housing Act of 1937 (P.L. 75-412) which provided funds for construction and administration of low-rent projects by local, State-chartered public housing agencies (PHA). This report is concerned with those subsidy programs administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and whether as presently constituted they best serve the housing needs of the Nation's low-income families., Brief History of Programs, 1937-1973 -- Current Programs. General Requirements ; Eligibility for Assistance ; Required Rent payments ; Section 8 ; Housing Vouchers ; Public Housing ; Housing for the Elderly and Handicapped (Section 202) ; Rental Housing Assistance (Section 236) ; Homeownership Assistance (Section 235) ; Rental Housing Rehabilitation and Production Grants (Section 17) -- Current Situation -- Chronology of Events -- Additional References., Grace Milgram, Specialist in Housing, Economics Division, CRS 87-368 E, "April 15, 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Housing requirements in rural areas
Federal housing policy for rural areas is now at a crossroads. Since 1949 more than two million rural families have received benefits through housing programs of the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) and about 700,000 through the deep-subsidy programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Early in 1985 the Reagan Administration proposed that additional aid under these programs be suspended for two years, after which all subsidized housing in rural areas would be provided by HUD. While Congress has not yet concurred in these proposed changes, deep cutbacks in proggram levels are expected in the process of reducing the Federal budget deficit. In this transition period, legislators and community groups are going back to the drawing board and asking basic questions about rural housing needs and programs. The questions include the following: (1) What kinds of housing difficulties face low and moderate income families in rural areas? (2) Is there a chronic credit gap for housing in rural areas? (3) What is the connection between the problems of the farm economy and housing problems in rural areas? (4) Are the Federal and State programs now in place able to deal effectively with these problems? (5) Are additional or alternative measures--private as well as public--called for?, Morton J. Schussheim, Senior Specialist in Housing., CRS 86-517 S, "January 17, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
How the government borrows
The United States Government is the world's largest debtor. It owes nearly $2 trillion and is borrowing more at a rate of approximately $200 billion a year. This report explains the basics of how the Government goes about borrowing these sums., Abstract -- Introduction -- The Auction Process and Competitive Determination of Interest Rates -- Bills, Bonds, and Notes -- Savings Bonds, Government Accounts, and Non-Negotiable Securities -- Agency Issues and the Federal Financing Bank -- Tax Treatment -- Innovations -- Borrowing from the Federal Reserve and Non-Interest Bearing Debt -- Conclusion., Thomas Woodward, Analyst in Public Finance, Economics Division., CRS 85-762 E, "May 28, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Immigration research tips
Marsha Cerny, Senior Bibliographer, Education and Public Welfare, Library Services Division. CRS 87-175 L "February 1987" SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Immunity for witnesses testifying before congressional committees
When a witness before a congressional committee asserts his fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination, the committee may obtain a court order which compels him to testify and grants him immunity against the use of his testimony and information derived from that testimony in a subsequent criminal prosecution. He may still be prosecuted on the basis of other evidence., Jay R. Shampansky, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 86-1026 A, "December 10, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Impact of legislative changes on major programs administered by the Department of Education
This analysis describes the impact of legislative changes on 17 major programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education since its creation in 1980. Explanatory material is given for each program. Tables show annual appropriations from FY 1980, as well as the FY 1988 budget request, with adjustments for inflation. These programs account for approximately 90 percent of the Department's current budget., Abstract -- Introduction and Summary -- Compensatory Education for Disadvantaged Children -- Education Block Grants -- Bilingual Education -- Impact Aid -- Education of the Handicapped, State Grant Program -- Vocational Rehabilitation, Basic State Grants -- Vocational Education -- Adult Education -- Pell Grants -- Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants -- College Work Study -- Perkins Loans -- Guaranteed Student Loans -- Institutional Aid -- Trio Programs -- Educational Research and Statistics -- Aid to Public Libraries -- Appendix: Price Level Adjustments., Paul M. Irwin, Specialist in Education; Susan Boren, Specialist in Education; Charlotte Jones Fraas, Specialist in Social Legislation; Richard Holland, Analyst in Education; Wayne c. Riddle, Specialist in Education Finance; Mary F. Smith, Specialist in Social Legislation; James B. Stedman, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 87-285 EPW, "March 31, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Implementation of medicare's hospice benefit
This document provides (1) background information on hospice care and a summary of current law provisions authorizing coverage for hospice care under Medicare; (2) information on the National Hospice Study; (3) information on the implementation of the hospice benefit; and (4) a discussion of hospice issues., Richard J. Price, Specialist in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 84-756, "September 19, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Import restrictions on meat
Throughout the 20th century, imports of meat into the United States have been subject to qualitative and quantitative restrictions as well as to tariffs. The former developed as a result of health and safety concerns, and the latter as a direct response to increasing meat imports and deteriorating economic conditions in the domestic cattle industry. These two concerns still motivate periodic efforts to change the Meat Import Act of 1979 and the Federal Meat Inspection Act. This report traces the development of meant import restrictions and analyzes current proposals for change in meat import requirements. Since the Meat Import Act (which relates to imports of fresh or frozen beef, veal, mutton, and goat meat) is the focus of this paper, issues related to pork imports receive only brief mention., Abstract -- Introduction -- Legislative History. Early History: Qualitative Restrictions ; Tariff Restratints ; Changes in World Meat Trade ; Quantitative Restraints: The Meat Import Act of 1964 ; Additional Attempts to Restrict Imports, 1967-1978 ; The Meat Import Act of 1979 ; Import Provisions in the 1981 Farm Bill -- Current Issues. Chemical Residues in Imported Meat ; Labeling Imported Meat at the Retail Level ; Meat Imports from Australia and New Zealand -- Conclusion -- Appendix I: Foreign Agriculture Service Fact File: Meat Import Law ; Appendix II: USDA Imported Meat Inspection Program., CRS 85-956 ENR, "September 19, 1985.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
In vitro fertilization and human embryo transfer
The techniques used in In Virtro Fertilization (IVF) have expanded significantly since the birth in 1978 of the first so-called "test-tube" baby. Technical advances, such as the use of a freezing technique known as cryopreservation and the application of drugs to stimulate the maturation of multiple ova during a woman's menstrual cycle, have contributed to improved successful pregnancy rates and also to wider uses of IVF as a means of treating infertility. This paper describes the techniques currently being used in this area of reproduction and also presents some of the problems associated with the uses of these techniques., Abstract -- Background -- Human Reproduction -- Infertility -- The IVF Procedure -- How Successful is IVF? -- The Use of Super-Ovulatory Drugs -- Cryopreservation -- Research on Embryos -- Ethical, Social, and Legal Implications of IVF., Irene Stith-Coleman, Analyst in Life Sciences, Science Policy Research Division, CRS 85-703 SPR, "April 12, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)
The House-passed tax reform bill (H.R. 3838) would make three changes in Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs): (1) correct an anomaly in the "spousal IRA," (2) coordinate certain "elective deferrals" to 401(k) plans and 403(b) annuities with the IRA deduction limits, and (3) increase the additional income tax on "early withdrawals" from 10 to 15 percent. Although the Administration an the House Committee on Ways and Means had common goals in developing changes to IRAs, their proposals differ. This paper discusses and analyzes these differences., Abstract -- Summary of Proposed Changes -- The Spousal IRA. Present Law ; Administration's Proposal ; HR 3838 -- Coordination with 401(k) Plans and 403(b) Annuities. Present Law ; Administration's Proposal ; HR 3838 -- Increase in Income Tax on Early Withdrawals. Present Law ; Administration's Proposal ; HR 3838 -- Analysis. The Spousal IRA Provision ; Coordination with 401(k) Plans and 403(b) Annuities ; Increase in Income Tax on Early Withdrawals -- Bibliography., Richard A. Hobbie, Specialist in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 86-553 EPW, "February 13, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Indoor air pollution
Research and regulatory issues associated with problems of indoor air pollution are reviewed briefly. Sources and estimated health effects of the more common indoor air pollutants are summarized in three tables. Regulatory responsibility for indoor air pollution is diffuse and often unclearly defined., Abstract -- Introduction -- Governmental Responsibilities -- General Conclusions -- Tables. Health Effects of Some Major Indoor Air Pollutants ; Estimated Number of Persons Exposed to Known Carcinogenic or Potentially Carcinogenic Agents Affecting the Respiratory System ; Summary of Sources and Types of Indoor Air Pollution., Christopher H. Dodge, Specialist in Life Sciences, Science Policy Research Division., CRS 87-379 SPR, "April 30, 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The microthesaurus is a compilation of terms from the Legislative Indexing Vocabulary on insurance. A number of liability terms are also included. These terms may be used in searching the CRS Bibliographic Data Base, the Bill Digest files, and the Major Issues System on SCORPIO., Shirley Loo, Specialist in Information Control and Automaated Systems, Library Services Division., CRS 86-795 L, "July 25, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Insurance for blind persons
Congress is considering legislation to address the allegation that blind persons are discriminated against by the insurance industry. Spokespersons for insurance companies have taken the position that State laws and regulations are adequate and that Federal legislation is not needed., Abstract -- Introduction -- Background -- Legislation in the 99th Congress Regarding Insurance for the Blind. Overview ; Findings and Purpose ; Discriminatory Actions ; State Enforcement Prior to Judicial Enforcement ; Civil Action by or on Behalf of Aggrieved Persons ; Action Involving Issues of General Importance -- Discussion of Legislation in the 99th Congress Regarding Insurance for the Blind., Mary F. Smith, Specialist in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 85-1047 EPW, "November 8, 1985.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Insurance for environmental liabilities
Introduction -- Background -- Current Situation -- Proposed Solutions. Formation of Risk Retention Groups ; Release from Liability for Actions Taken before a Specified Date ; Exemptions from Joint and Several Liability and Releases from Liability ; Providing a Ceiling on Liability ; Indemnification or Exemption of Response Contractors ; Further Study -- Remaining Problems -- Appendix A: EPA Federal Register Notice of August 21, 1985, Concerning Liability Coverage Requirements Under RCRA, James McCarthy, Specialist in Environmental Policy, Environmental and Natural Resources Policy Division and Robert Meltz, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 85-1010 ENR "October 18, 1985." SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Interest deductibility after the Tax Reform Act of 1986
This report briefly describes the limits placed by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on the deductibility of interest by individuals. It includes the categories of business interest, consumer interest, home mortgage interest, investment interest, interest on activities subject to the passive loss limits, and interest on rental real estate in which the taxpayer actively participates., Abstract -- Business Interest -- Consumer Interest. Phase-Out Timetable ; Interest on Borrowing Associated with Life Insurance Policies -- Home Mortgage Interest. Ministers and Military Personnel -- Investment Interest -- Interest on Activities Subject to the Passive Loss Rules -- Interest on Rental Real Estate Activities in Which the Taxpayer Actively Participates -- Related CRS Reports., Nonna A. Noto, Specialist in Public Finance, Economics Division., CRS 86-556 E, "December 9, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Interest rates on consumer and commercial loans
This paper, using the period from May 1982 to May 1983 as a case study, will examine the reasons for the inflexibility of rates charged by banks on consumer loans relative to rates charged by banks on business loans. The first half of the paper will attempt to establish the differences, and the reasons for such differences, in changes between consumer loan rates and commercial loan charges. The second half of the paper will analyze the reasons for these differences in light of bank yields on outstanding loans to consumers and businesses from 1966 through 1983. Finally, current data will be examined from the point of view of the conclusions reached in the report., Abstract -- Executive Summary -- Introduction -- Sources of Funds for Consumer Credit -- Behavior of Bank Consumer Loan Rates. May 1982 to May 1983 ; Consumer Loan Rates in Past Recoveries ; Variability of Consumer Rates ; The Inverted Yield Curve ; The Positive Yield Curve ; Comparison with Open-Market Rates -- Interest Rate Deregulation and Consumer Loan Rates. Post-War Consumer Lending by Banks ; Regulation of Interest Rates-Regulation "Q" ; Deregulation of Interest Rates ; Effects of Deregulation ; Borrowing Short and Lending Long ; Price and Non-Price Competition ; Usury Ceilings -- Conclusions., Helen J. Scott, Specialist in Money and Banking, Economics Division, CRS 85-818 E, "May 17, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Interjurisdictional fisheries management
Prepared for House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment by Eugene H. Buck, Specialist in Natural Resources Policy, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division and David M. Sale, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 85-1024 ENR "March 25, 1985." SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Internships and fellowships
To assist congressional offices in responding to requests for information about internships, fellowships, and other work experience programs, CRS has prepared this report on congressional internships, other Federal Government internships, and congressional, judicial, and Presidential fellowships. Detailed information on additional programs is outside the report's scope. However, an annotated bibliography lists further sources of information on internships, fellowships, and summer jobs. The publications listed can be used to locate additional work experience opportunities, both inside and outside the Federal Government., Introduction -- Congressional Internships -- Other Federal Government Internships -- Congressional, Judicial, and Presidential Fellowship Programs -- Bibliography., Betsy Reifsnyder, Reference Specialist, Congressional Reference Division, CRS 87-237 C, "May 1, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Issues concerning the regulations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Introduction -- History of regulations under section 504. Introduction ; Regulations Covering Recipients of Federal Financial Assistance ; Regulations Under Section 504 for Federally Conducted Programs -- Agency Authority to Issue Regulations -- Exemptions to Coverage in Present Regulations for Recipients Under Section 504. Introduction ; Lead Agency Regulations ; Other Recipient Regulations Issues Pursuant to Section 504 -- Regulations Concerning Ultimate Beneficiaries., Nancy Lee Jones, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 85-718 A, "April 17, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Japan briefing book
CRS 87-323 E, "April 9, 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Jobs and the economic recovery
After nearly three years of economic expansion, there has been widespread failure across manufacturing industries and regions to fully recoup their precession employment levels. Even if each manufacturing industry eventually recovers all its jobs losses in the same regions in which the lay offs occurred -- a very unlikely assumption -- dislocated workers probably will be unable to await their recall by former employers; instead, they will have to take new jobs in different industries, occupations, or areas. While the greater availability of jobs since the recovery began has enabled a majority of dislocated workers to be reemployed, dislocated workers today represent about 1 out of every 10 employed workers., CRS 85-860 E, "July 24, 1985.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Joint and several liability
About half the states have recently modified or eliminated their laws on joint and several liability. In these states, if two or more defendants contribute to a tort, then, at least in some circumstances, each is liable only in proportion to his share of responsibility, instead of 100 percent liable., Henry Cohen, Legislative Attorney and La Vonne Grabiak, Paralegal Specialist, American Law Division, CRS 87-317 A "April 9, 1987" SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Joint and several liability under the Superfund Act
Robert Meltz, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division., CRS 85-976 A, "September 3, 1985.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Joint sessions and joint meetings of Congress, April 6, 1789 - January 27, 1987
Clay H. Wellborn, Specialist in American National Government, Government Division, CRS 87-72 GOV "January 30, 1987." SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
