7’ ‘-" ‘f’--."." rs-N;--~p-1 ~-. .»- .. ,,_ . __ ,_ _ ._v -n ,. ._ "_ 1 , '_.“_s.-V rv V «V . ~.s:--, .- .:!’;..’]~ ~’.,""' ?'i'~'___ °_--" ‘r (s .- — ‘V V‘ V V - i V A fill AIld8ll50V§e;. . V V ” V . ,V V _ V V .. , -39» r"... L‘. V‘ J - Co t I G ' K Pia " C (‘£rifra1ia’60‘Years "A o sinking nukes In -153» noose Durable om satin finish is 1'1 roversy S l'0W1I'lg een CC -111 , - .- ~ __ ml by Edit ‘III’ II models; The standandm ' A ’ " ‘ hm] l hfid of Conlllm :e.iinished in Oldsmobile blue. touri can t MIN‘ Which is the belt between been’ routed here over No. 12 by‘ Centralia is the site of the ~fsV-V; VAndi;:on and hlaisolzlsh ant he “as V . 'n"*Ou'“‘°l'fl° 53 -7“ l"“'°“*'hhh'°d ‘Rh l '“'5Pi“3 °° ‘hell’ °‘ whit‘ “kn "““ lb“ h"IKlhfl| City and St. Louis‘! the ‘t. Louis club. and had re-gmous “Bill Anderson Massacre. V‘ th and‘ V1“ fin‘ ;. at “on .“,,.w",;_ —--- aneurun 1925 today by body and wheels. lacanend» N5"! ‘‘ “°‘ °“"'i _Th° A“t°m°b*l° 91% 07 lrlissourimurnod by the Old ‘hails. All of one of the most. Vd ."""°“‘ ‘° hf’ " -———« fie ‘gala: Motor co. local Olds‘ The In! line of eight body types,stt:-active but rnstptoof 88 “'33- with headquarters at St. Louis. rec-gun.-m. he said. mported the intter,of_ the history of linear: and the V number Joth is VVVVVVVVVV to we . IV flaw Aag[yAL3 , denies. I'\1_ndamenta the ear re- is continued. Thesekane ~tour- Recent W0Vrlt 01 the ¢h¢'lh°°|'lh8Vommends that tourists go by wnyipgad to be in bpttyf ghapo V ;Civil War. V'i'he anntverilfi’ 07 “'°;‘3‘_““‘- ° 33" H U '*—'“‘~~ ' i mains. the lame In it was I ing, sport touring. roadster. sp0l''.l:deP|flm€hl *3 ''¢5°‘'“‘d 5” ‘ll’ '99‘ of Union, Jefferson City and Sc-: “The St. Louis club," he said.’m838u'T¢ W1" he Seliiem 27- {""fl‘ 'l’°“t mm’ ‘ 3° '"’°'' “d ~_ .1. . dalia over state highway No. 1' *“reco ends the southern route Residents of Centralia, thouth. The guerrilla pickets led Johnson cup)’ fill! Street 0 8”" """"‘ accondinx to the Kansas City sup-_li,e¢.use ,¢_ 1,“ give or ten mm, "but two of them—William Carpenter-ma his men to the present site of It and Mrs. C H, _ l 5”’ £"'l“’d “ Resident: of cities along the Na—’manv members along it as alonglmd M"-I Hlhhh 533'?‘-‘"-"“~' 3"" the Gerrard flI'm- The F9333‘! and roe eons of .. tional Old Trails route through? the ‘Old Trails, and not because-_“’h°h ll °¢¢""'°d- “if” “N1 ihwfl" marched into a {allow field and. {BC-{miles southeast of V VV Educ liar-shall. Columbia and Fulton pro» .\’o. 12 is the better road Towns "‘ "ha"? lb‘ d‘~"“l’ °’ ‘_l"-' ’'f”‘ int eutwlrd WWIN Y°°h¢'5 C|'°¢hv' sod the T. H. .‘iV‘Vr 1",... L test that their road, known pg hi h-'n“_. 35 in" d p 3 No.9 - 58079 $0 lt1'Ih8¢fl- Th? dmflh 0" halted and fixed bayonets. lhome at 705 Hitt street, ~' .' U -W V R _ I . are an uton rea , . dad. ‘u f rth , _ , .V. m 1' ‘way No. 2. is just as good, if notson to complain." ‘he Chlchtfi V& Mm“ P9 _IC 5' Johnson Vbad left every ou po,,¢,;,onV y. school tter. 3 Z. R. Wells, manager of the Au» ""7 dacnpuom of Cemnlu ‘ad "W" ‘*0 l‘°1d bl" l‘°"'°5- 4 Mr. Livinttiofh who 1.‘ edocm, w. P. Simpson, field assistant to tomohilc Club of Kansas City. said °‘ “"3 . "'““°"-‘- ""3 9”.“-"3'~'"‘. who: happened is well known.Vhu come no Columblor V Lima, - h edl ' i th at: - 1 the pres:dcx1t of the National Old um his club had not inmugntod.""° "'“'"~”‘ ’ "°'“ .°_"' 5‘ instead of there bemz only ‘eons may enter tn: U 1.... M ,"l‘rails Association, also ztrongly'and that testimony from tourists§wh°." they .‘ppr°'°h the H VAnderson and his company pnesent.Vcnmplete their education; mum” V lurgos this nortlu-rn route. ';was c(.ufu§ing_ up belie;-es, how-’ )‘°_ ‘me m Cenu-a_“‘ ‘:35 1° there were several other the oldest, will be It f -. " I ' The Automobile Club of Knnsaa over, that thv .-mutht-rn road to M0” which..m.“.?u’ emu". mm~¢0mP|hl¢3 hlddm 3“ “'9' ‘h'°k°"')‘§lf- H9 539°C“ 10 _ An - - T that Bill Anderson in alive l ~ ;City advises motorists _to follow St. Louis is prulizthly the best route. fin‘ “ d .1. T . ded’ Anderson's men stood out in theV.-fhe on,” gv,vo_ spupgon * from t ._. ‘ mo. 12 to Jefferson City, then take Tliv.-iv is little to clumse oeim-onE,h“?’ ”°.‘;, 'b"." ' ’, "';‘,’°m"a”‘:'ew8j.open fncinx the Federals» V 0‘-l’°"Virill enter Columbia 1..., n. V ‘V Vaplltliwny No. 15 to Fulton and so 11.. m,,d_.. “H {mm H". mm, cupi_ ae}VV\viVcVVVV:V'ir:VgV Kndelison TM‘ bands of the outlaws were hidden to Ch"-ye, is . graduate of :_‘ tempt - into St. Louis on No. 2. 't:il. he said. ‘fjkgnegg wmch they 5,“. is. flu“ 0} ‘he 3°‘-nh ‘ml "°"'h° V High School of the clan’ course iCh£llll('ll T€finCl'nCfll-3 in alt P°W9r_ ”.ny [inlets of Pfnlfgl; V Th“ hunt’ hil~'h“'3y Onginverhq 0t’ the no.(9’d gueg-rill“ is gupposed _' $00“ as the fl‘ed --7-————--—— - ' I. The lm ‘plant A change ht: been made in The cnntrovt-racy liom-pm nu. rgwj {ice in Kansas (‘ity explained that to pm", been when show‘. after lhflf h8)'<;VN‘13 go their flllgli. ———j , _ to the ‘the tappeta. which should insure routes is not new, according to the suulliorix route» was in better }'iq reponed death in bank,’ It is outlaws c arge , each arm wt , ‘ DAD CLLIUI. {or-ml; .1 j_’~. hanger mg to these h rd 1;‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ~- - - 7 ' blazin istols in each hand. It was Ieaadvav. wishes to a - Th, V a war int Judge J. M. Lone, picsidem of the condition on nuount of .som( con “M Q,“ the body was propped up if P V V...’ "ah “a V - ’units. Chilled cast iron is now used National and Trails Road A .u-traction work 1-vim: done on the ' ‘n’ d the ‘t talc . “ “."“3*“°’~ ’“‘”°’ ’°‘"“‘°“ ‘M has .p...n.u. crrr L°""‘ ‘ §instead.oi' steel. Solid mist Pi: ciatign. For more than u yea;-m.l(l.)c other road. ,mT“h: ].i;:":;% depiit urndmfonn iVV:::VlViVinVsad(dle.V feyfitraetdzliigs 5;: 3. .3‘ It.-o baa ' bondV ll hllshlhllh “OW 8‘? Nlhl *1 ihhlu has received letters Drotc:-tin th 1 . . .’ "T" " ’ '; . .5 l - it .- _ C ° .-'3" 7“ W ° °" . ' 5: I I 0“ V0! ‘pm bushings as ‘ memqd to ‘dd the northern route was di:_fim‘;_V Q1 ADll.v\.\(.l.l‘. ll}-Z(‘Rl.~l'l‘b MEIN dc!-V¢Va)s5V;{ :n;)’I:VlVtlal outlay‘. Ouu”,_sV who bu em to stm._V« Board WU!" W‘ W the “ml 3"“ "°”‘ nated acaimn. as nrotorism» haw-’iun..on (‘H5 and 91 Louis uuin-hand is shown the pistol with wtucni‘°°"' '5 """".’°' °{ “W F°d°”l" S“"“"" ‘"33’ . lbw" hdVi3‘~‘d h)‘ 8U1°m°h.lh' duh-‘ W ciann lixpt-€‘..c(.l. in fall. I Anderson is reported to have mer- ‘ere ,h"ed mJ }?emr.d“' om’. . . :. Impm‘''em°"u’ lb“ nuke file ml. “*9 ll‘? ‘’ll'‘''' "'34- "9 ha! H" “.K‘t:unlt-y l-‘cr:ru.~w..n iv. poimz to the cilessly shot fleeing Federal recruits ‘twmtldhrpee of 0 2??’ mm H. l.‘ her‘ mg system “ ".9." peflect as '3 ''.‘°‘ {erred lhl‘-*1’ D|‘0l0-"15 to both tho .-_..uthc-rn part of the ~t--to and ‘Doc’ and W omcver came in his W11)’ 0" udpedl A together men were‘ - routes t'h|mi«'=Ill)' P0551”!-' l“"° "" Kansa (‘ity and St. lmuis ('lulo.~., \1;11..r in; in. <1 l,a'pul\'[‘(,:i:‘f'uillflg men the fatal day September 27 1864. kmediuut day I A hl5 N)’ .€lUd<‘d- Th1"-V: mchidt‘ 11 Ch9°l‘ op ' . g . .. . . ' " ' . ' p - - ' ' Y ‘A long grave was dug nfir Ccn- . , immedi: . . . . hit‘ rwlvd the} had 10 Uh upon for tho Qlllldlinwm (.ll‘(‘llt“lY'll for The “nbash Depot—the same‘ . . . .. ‘ “"7 “Ahdcb m.gu'.es ‘he ml information given th;-in by tourists. 15;, “—im,.,_-- wi,”1u,.1,.). }{,,V,1,,,g0- that has stood :~'inct- Civil War dn)'s,Tj “ha “'3! """'y ,- M the , b°d‘”V ‘. Shoes. w0l'l( Clot "mu", h°ld'"g '5‘ ‘mm’. “M? I d 1' Finallv in rcspome to frequent any 8 hmico of ‘he r_},m.,.,-.m)- be-iny repaired and paintad—-{rnnt.~ ' ‘ 1 V Hm-ncgg and S be "A" t’ ., suction pipe 0 so . ‘ . ._ ' .‘ ‘ . ‘ _ , ;_ '‘'’ *‘”"" . » ’ ” ;‘ ’ ‘ - ‘ -5 I 8“ “Vi” c‘tch the even reQue3lS fr?!“ 3l0V|lK llli‘ Old Trflll.‘ (lnficv ii u»)-3 urn “ha h‘g bgen in Oil lllF BCCDP \kll(:'Y9 Alldfirfiflll and - -3. ’ - (lasefl V V V, Thp ‘ Front VlcwofCoupeSlwm‘n-v New V . . . .d b‘ road. the st. bouts club sent out u (‘olumbiu nll nummi-r. lie plays his mt‘?! 4782894 {mm 8 trill! lWt‘|1- MONEY POUND . ’ C; V - " WM" H" "M '3 °" ‘ com" em 9 acoutin ear whi 11 ed -' ' ' » I ty-three-A Federal 1d‘ -. and vi t ' » b""l“‘ Radiant Design on 19 thus total] eliminating any 3 ' _ '3 "P011 in “ill: the \Jll‘.“—ll}' Ilnyi-rs, a nmnl or V so ier. V. in Selling Old Mafallflfi . , - . it . oby favor of State Highway yo 1., mm uf the Quadmngic Qrchcgtra them. Anderson had practically p‘—. 92 ' mm . _ . ported ,3‘; M ;c}, mm. 5; good:-tor. two-passenger business ?hflM‘Vt' °{V ‘hf 3113": 35"'>‘:“Vxl:‘::VlV’; gut ‘he ad,.ocm.I_.,, of the om du,.im_, the __Vu,,m.,e,. mom SV sucked-Centralin,-robbing the stores" ' “Ass Co" Co 19 North Eighth ; 1"“ 5'” treated a sensation in automotive i‘0Ul*<=. 9007- 8559381‘? COUP93 5 " mid”? elm uh er "3 mm! L - Trails route we:-g not silenced. Last ‘‘—in former \‘c8!‘S the Quudran- Md ll“ “hi9 770"‘ c°l"mhl”- Al‘ . . ’ ‘-‘— -~-- —. —- — -~ KT bun _ Vcigolog .3 the yowest cod six and dc luxe sedan. The touring and C0" l}’°f"5-i M _ I week Judge mcegved 3 ],_Ttu.,. ‘:10 mu depended more 0, ins, N, ter shooting the soldiers, Anderson ' ‘_" mew” ‘ cylinder car in the wor1d.ncmrdinz =_“"d;““°_' ‘"9, "Ph°’3"-"93 "‘ 1“ n" °‘ N is hm?‘ V, ,0 ,_'ri-om Waldo F. Smith, prosgdpm c;,,,,,(.,. {0 “pg good m,.,,_-- ,,,;d , made the engineer. James Clark. "“ "‘*“' “ “"-“"_ ' g*’'‘ “ ' V w l W ¢°mP-my °“l¢lh13- mbnk°'d' wmle um.“ °pen.8p°" mod’ 1» U I: in both :3 3 pend of the Chamber of m('l‘(‘3 of l{;.v!nr who lt-as-on for Kansas Cit)’ ‘art the twin. . A ' ‘»:f_*“‘:T: :’:;:‘_;.“‘ .A P The mos‘ xtrikiflg changes an. i" C15 have the heivfly gamed brown cc ‘ n ‘tulle '2 ‘D83: ‘ d ltofl.“ in which he said “The tonio;-{low "But -llllfi 'enr ‘we are Major-General Todd had sent An— Learn to r 5l v W i " films”! am in of the podium; and hood, Spanish typo upholstery. A new Clmth-V 8°‘ 3" 3" '3 ‘u ‘n at f F 1 C ._ V . ' ' 5 . demo t Ce‘ 1- Th ‘ , . o . 2: r\ 13 5“"d“5' « . . - - , d-mom‘; bounce before assembly. °"”“‘ 0 Ill-0". Olumbu. Boom ninkingt an otlurt to tell men in‘ 1| 0 n ra ta. ere was a ., -, ., 4 h Th’ "‘fi“°" 31”" ‘5 “lchded ‘md “timed Wiour 9‘ bww" “ape dude 3%’ 1-d bbe b “ted ville and Marshall have L‘0nlplfllYlt'(l Kansas (‘iiv and <1 its‘ and Federhl delhchmehl 81' Uollllllllini ’ z ’ : 9"” 8 hu "1 d°"b1° curve l‘ "W ‘rims the mien” of the closed ml“. ‘ l.” bzuh Q: Eunpfrs dun pxk. 'that the route given tourism-‘ on-r ilzm-ii;'-bout .llIt‘ «into lo’ the .0) ur- “ml 0"‘ ht St'-U’¥¢0h- M0!‘l- Of UN‘ ‘ ' we?“ mp mm a mghuy cuwed peak C15‘ Th?“ '3": also éqmmfed mm '(l'liere alssist in zllinanu riftlrgmelsyi '0. 12 was niifair to No. .2 the tumiitl-.~. tint llll“~‘I‘ptll‘l‘ l'Yll\'ll,!'1;ll\' F°d"’“3 W9” "WV -"t“T0i|-S- ' the 1” go rd in an come,-_ wmc}, no-1, nu-ta! sun \'l.~‘~ul'F covered with black '38 P . _ d _h. h ha be V ', * V V V V V " V _ V -V Maj ~A V F Juhmo Vb d private lessons by ‘P, V caning V ‘V. for the ‘one hum." Old» {,,L,;k(,idV An (.10,-,¢.d badge, are bad road 5 which otherwise ‘'08 \\ NV: en tVu- Vmmn trail 4-zlria for :.n3.um- “lm is It1l('l‘t*!IlL‘d C " ° _' '- - " W5 9 ‘f’ i. _ . D _ A ,-,. mobue 0"“ emmemV . Fisher bui L V _ mix“ result in , brokcn up,-;p,g1eV.f_ acruns Missouri VanVd will in the fu- iliV(‘ul'lllllK money in this wa): and tV""'l:'hll8 \:'VlVthdl4'V?Vhiiit-fix gram Vpnnn lllmentr , '.' a I'€SSll'lg NE 5“ M, pudiuot lnstfugngnt aura. lmppoygd, V Vin same complete equipment. W"? ‘ht’ Principal road. Ruins’ MV sehrvrvl at the some tV:mc. ’r:_e";._.ge:kn'“;‘ eaJ°h:; t E t:wt’:' MRS g. V‘ Mount mg downm".dV the mdm, -mm new “diam, lines hue ban with several refinements. is included “Acting upon the compluii-ns_ the Bun!-tinge for ‘rush on 0; his men “Veré killed '”‘°;Vl _ . s V; -.-V". i I-gr“ , tor shell follows concave ling-4. featured in a rearrangement of the CD the SP0" ind d9 1019 D\°d€l8-Automobile Club of Missouri made “"3 fir-*1 {PW we:=k-. of school befor( V _ 5 ,‘ "MV ' h ' E " ' '.3al.. l o ' ~ .- - ed - it-rous outlaws in the {ivht ur one 03¢ ‘l bi-éoaeoing cum-3;-d or Q"; go, (-peratingV instruments V'I'he;e are These are equipped Vnitlf) mtckel a Sm-vpy ha“-em Jun. 21.24 of the r.ndV after are already to great that “the, mug that “flowed F - VV V .2 -, . _ . , tankn Vlllch continues the easy cuwes that grouped in n .-uckeled rimmed oval d9uh1€ ha! hum???‘ W _ W: ‘ 1W0 VTOUWS. and from Vthe lot: of "ml compctfnl m"’"°""“’ w'‘l~ ' “"7 ‘ . feature the design. The shell is :n the center of the instrument mclieled f€hd¢Y lflllfds "1 l 9_ "535 the Journey ‘hat-; ccmpxled a sun» '‘‘‘‘V‘' ‘‘’_l’‘' "’.°”’_"°d ‘° fin ‘h°""- ,' ’ Fl“? somewhat higher than the previous board. In circles at each side are All-lmlllllm ITIVITIR T8113 0‘ 8P9<'l31d9' mary which is not creditable to-2\'u. 1“ I"‘“"*‘” (“W 1 WP" V‘ 5“t“"' Slmdfi.‘ ‘tyh. ‘hick mums pouibk, an up the ammetcr and oi] gguxe_ Nearey: sign are backing: for the new metal 2 This information which the). 9:. is number of l‘.1L'.‘i In tho- Qua:l- ' Daughq most level stream-line hood extend: the 001110!‘ 8?!‘ the 6P99d°m°t€!' "'0 ‘“"‘k~' '_n."3 h“ “ ‘"‘°°f“"5' ’°"“d' em: out is not nevi. but is in run ”" “I” "'7“""""“‘" fwd ‘he l-"“‘ 9"" “M W in; to the rear of the cowl. The the ignition andlight controls, both ‘d 109. 18 black enameled to ma VVVV 3,. an nfflnnauon of the “hm, ~ H of Ml=‘S'JbrI. SMJV M11 Ka)'lV0T ~~~~~ ~ . hood follows the double curve of the enclosed In mlmlv-In reproductions the fenders and is equr‘_PP¢d W‘ the ° have given out this season. “Tw” 0" u"““ b‘"d5 "Vi" he l“?Pt 111- 0"" top of the tor. of me fading? Shem In the ‘em?’ 9“'° haw’. mckeled °‘“"°he3 wd “ ts effect has been very n0_‘t.:\.ct Vduri!V1t:V1l~.eV vcar. instead of; plulme The g-ofinement of tho from line; at the bottom isVthe choke and above -0CkS- VQlh¢Y ¢_Q“1Pm°"l "‘°l"d°5 ticeable this your in the \-o1u,m. (ll'8\\'ll‘lfi indis:-r:mmnVt2ly from the' "‘°"‘°d to former added to by the use of it the Oldsmobile emblem. in the vision rmrlV'0rI. m0 In of t,.m.(.l coming O,_.(___ XOV 2V finch r:iTerc:~.V: orznnizutinnz when a POPUIV3 new bemstuped had and um.‘ sVp.Vn ",5 dc yum Em,d¢|3 3 V V wbecln. a.uiVnmum spoil’ plates. navel Ming wmcusly (,Sfi,.uau,d at EH39!) is li(”_‘dc(l. its cir n3ht5' which ‘'9 award °“ an ‘me gauge replace” the Oldsm°b'l(' ‘nckclcd “he falls am? on {be open about 50 ‘per cent of former gears.‘ '- ‘ --- ‘ in These lights are of a hea\‘i- name-plate. On the snmeV modeh dth;VVx~VrV»;+VV:»V§ n. gen; ._ V _ _ . ', .. ug. 1.-— eter . ' ‘_" . » ' cenuflia was fmmcw IV" 1851 am M the Unwersm. of M,S_,_(,u,.1_ Vaiksni“ wu sought by wimammm ;rViViVleV.-. VoVt:V concrete. thorc will bi. T. Mcltoric, Mgr. be-Vca Tbeland on which the city is located lie was a colonel in the Confederate County authorities today for the {:"t3;V°s'f,,t "Me" °f ._°°."“""" "‘-"J1" ”‘l5 5- 7”‘ SL ‘“"‘“1~ was granted by the United States Army under Gen. Sterling Price. murder Offhlfi WW3 Wh° VVV35 Wuhdcd B,’ VV ( ‘_ N _V V ‘ V‘ ,_ nay 1223 , A b government to Nathaniel W. Wilson Colonel Singleton’: wife was :1 ‘f’_ ‘Vl“‘V‘lh ;“ ‘"7 h°m9V *3 J°h."5‘°V"V .rm‘"; V'{':_lV’V‘)’(_°i’V‘V‘_"V:w“',°V VuE“‘Vf1"’llVL'V‘4 3"“ 'T"°"° “73 81"!‘ a lion ' 1854 nd ed b l ‘d: dau htw of Robert S. Barr of C':- .Ul)'I " me Sgmrd.‘-*5‘ A coroner” . l .’ ‘ 3:’ "l'C"g:‘ m - dill 1" m ‘ ‘awe’ yh m 1° M‘ g_ I Jury ordered \aIl:sniss held but he {MOT Of hlS.'hV‘h)' «\0 5-’. . ' th dlcton G. Singleton soon after. lumbia. “(.8 «I have drivw both ,.oads n,,_.l..,[_ ~~— — - — ‘ 0 he Associated with Singleton in the SI!'£'€“~S in the Original town were V ' ——'-**'_-‘-' Y ‘ly." Mr. Simpson said, "and the Bur: promotion of tho tonm Vol‘ Centralia named by Colonel Singleton for his ‘“:VV“; ‘\°ru"°p_‘° Rctum t° L‘ S‘ Old Trails route is better under $11 “"““ wen xmmemm men who“, names business associates and pioneers (, VV-ltlfidfig T‘_'°f'lh*‘V‘_>VlV’» 8? 3111:1011 weather coodjgjom, For ,.,a,,w1,.V 1 V furs I are now uméus in we him) V of Boone County. Anmng the strct-t~ " 9 m"~"‘3“}- ‘H T9 “"1 -elf’ there in: nineteen sire-nms it {mil at . ,_ ycstert . V". “V Cr’ thus named were: Full:-weificr, Co- ;Vf‘"‘ll"-“'d1 Ff"°m “ "'V’l"';'3.'l ‘°“;i_'" on No. 12, and in ts-.-t “'l'o'lllll‘r in. V o. , A B llnso Vi. ong 1-m~were rerun 1. 1- 3 .4‘ B ,1 L -k V’ mg an . rancc an y. ts:<- V -fr , .. _ V \ VV V - ° V oo B. Allen. Thomas J. January: and fur1:.(,._ ,t:.:,rt‘\;{r:,‘(].3;,,5 Northrop is acting executive secre- figzlglgl 1-::l:?.'. “N” " " M "'1 lgrldge Park " Bo Dedrick-A. January of St. Louis. and (‘ollicr street, Jenkins .m,_.L, Brad, tary or the Social Science League or qh . ‘, _ .~;t'.\'u.n' EVENINGS A Just Franklin B. Fullcwcider, Robert S. {Um ,,-,,.ee,__ Jefferson sufeh Bmum Easton. Pa.. and will probably join ‘ '"_‘"“ I"k°_ “M T'3'h*- Fine Music man“! an Bur, David H. Hickman and Jame‘: V.m.,_s,V.t_ 3,,-"(.3 —,.t,,_.,.t_ sued 5”...“ the faculty of an Eastern college in Mr‘ S'"‘l"‘°“ “fa _l“' had wlhfd ‘ . Bosh S. Rollins of Columbia. egnflyepon ,m.(.(.tV Wilson su.,,(.tV the fall. Miss Northrop came to the u’ ‘ ""mb"' °{ 5l"’"‘'”‘ “*0 Md R“f'°sh'”°“l‘ '"d‘l"'b°°"".l "'“t'' d” All auction sale of lots follotvcr! .\v.'itzitr street and Southgatc U"l‘_"-"'3il5' {mm K353“ Cl‘? Sh" * - .._ ._ -r;--—.-.-.-2-:.-2.- ._..._.. Oh‘ ‘ the transfer or the land. soon af- street. All of the original names received her 5- 8- decree in 1922 E - . . -. . .. I _ on e sac. an error was cii:.co-.~- have been retain . and ht’? M8810? of Arts degree in V - cred and the original lithograph pl:-.‘ V Organized city government W3.‘ 1923- She l‘ ‘ memb“ °f the K39‘ l— - l S0311‘ l was amended and recorded in 1l.-- begun in (‘.1-ntralia in 1867. no D“ “Phi Them 3°""’i1l‘ hfld '97 an Boone County recorder}; oificc. ’1ii.2~ l*'cbruar_v 10 of that year a petition M°"'~‘"' B°°"d- . o Sigh Y correction cut ten,{ect from the rm-' was prcsenu;-d to the Boone County . If _ ','"".""”""—L‘ ~ ‘ _ . C of blocks in line with tho t‘-~i.:r.i!‘u Foclilng the incorporation of thou‘. ,3" “ally. :0 bl” M. “U mm" I . I I I Ah. Park. and constitutes a narrow pa.~::- .‘LuW'n. The petition on tile in the rc- mg ry . ’5‘°un‘n “ant ad’, ' _ . ‘VII!’ h¢l»’W¢‘€lI the Orilinll tam! and (‘Order's office is in the handwriting —- » M- .- __ . - . . . ‘ .' j V Nor h thevarioga additions to the south of Dr. A. F. Sm:-ed. ' E I ' __ .__.o . Di and, in modern times, is referred t’ “The early history of the city," l . “-‘m~""v‘ 4‘ o 7 ’ l V V '13 as “No Man's any VtV.hc~ Vreviscd general ordinances , B. D. . . The W st,-.‘;V¢b,,_ the pmmow, of CC,“ 0 t c .Cll)' of 1918. “would make . V . A . ‘ H1 tralil. was the owner of large tracts "°l"m.°3‘ Th” ‘"3’ P118894 ihfollkh CO. We are on aspeclal offer‘ Tum” of land surrounVdinzV the proyV»os..-.‘ l’_¢'l'1°d OT muddy streets. poor A great ~m e f, 1- 0 0 lit 3 n no g 91-, ‘ Van tnI'ri. He had_ lived in Columbia is “_""“3K9- "0 Sldewhllis. Wooden 10 N L . . . Llltt‘ ,,,,,,,,,.,,_, 0, ,.,,a,,, W, ,,,,, ,, mm, sidewalks. no‘ crossings, stagnant 7 orih 9th st. The St. Louis Times, for sixmonths for only ‘='-‘-*“*“"~~‘ r on :§3°{§ni.'§§:d'?..$’.‘L‘o?."?§lniZ"f.i”{£Z "hone $1.50;12 months. $3.00. ":5 - -__ ‘ ”“*"" 'l‘O_8Pl-IAK rmsr on I-‘ARM foresight or moon? in omoo. o-no 112‘ « - ‘ W —-— ' mix in its history recoitnized inn‘ ' Regular price $5.00 per year. . ‘ - °- " . Think 'l'- ,4- ‘W god“ *0 35%“ Cum ;f;'V;’°d;gV_hf°°d _d"inMrv_. , draining}; Plumbing and Repairing ._ V I ‘ AST year—Oldsmobile brought out"tlh’e-best Whose men or. veV::VV-V: at‘ onceioV:V.V. V nz me earl) installed. . . Latest market reports.‘ Daily news of ‘ J light six that all its vast fn¢lli_tl¢8."9IlIle the 3"" B‘”""“' “’° .. "' “N "‘° 5*’ “‘“‘“'*‘ re" ~ »~—-—' —— e - - th - - - ‘f ‘ resources of General Motors, could eodu‘ . °‘," ‘back-to—the-farm movement will - 45 greatest political campaign 0 years - . lc do ,um,,,.,m 3,°VhmV on Am“, V V Designed right, at the outaet—time , and Abode w. Nelson. Democratic candidate , J ‘_ ' ' _ ---— time proved-_-Oldsmol ailenowfindsthat Ydid hi tor eonemor. hu.‘dacidéd to rare 1 - . o * ~ 3 * o - - . chassis too good to change! Improv\od' es! ' ' A ' I V '. - A‘ ‘ I . ' ‘ ‘ C A ohfh? '18,!“ cm the, c-mp-urn . _ . . . . V THE ST LOUIS TIMES 1 V Butin all essenmlauhe Refined Six “- "3 is farm near Slfléetolt. Cooper ~ , . . . _ o ' ‘ -, . 0 the - - ’ CI! count The - - , V V V _ 13 BIIIIB CI!» V9 and Tod, .. r” M’ ‘°""°"' ' STLOUIBMO ‘Ht isanewt leottadiatoc“and ’ meeting recently of ,po':ty leaders ‘ . , . ~ V Effllle . I130’! , Fe in Kansas The am for the C ‘ . 00:! Laure graceful lines! . ’- Tom .4-dial ter - - . ttfu° en an-ingbuoo thetleane . "no I . V ‘ V V ' ‘- , V o , ’ V - -__V V . “'3 m:°,“V,°°," ',k_",u" an ml. . Hnd_9n°1°3°d 3-————-o 101' Which ‘and many othec.up~to-date refinement! I . . of " ‘ . “mm? pk _ ‘éommoéfj The St. LoIus1‘itneI____._monthsto r _ your 1‘iVVeighbors is driving an 0 V Six! . go...» D0,“, ,,;,,1,,,,, "M ..,,,,,V,,,_ ~ V ‘ Talk _ _him_—then.oome' (I admire the For so in¢V'willbelacl:in¢frmnabarbe- ._ . ~ . l , C . . i beautifullines thlslong-lioadcarl V. mt‘ mate a brass band.” 7 " ' -- - *--— ' ‘ ' ‘ . » V_ _. . fnooz_oV;VV::zuVViV.Vnso:ornoau.o.:V.. "..':..‘F".':..:....; :' % §'**':-*::'§g as-.-:,; : ‘:3: ~ 3,, _ V _ 'trl‘Inda_ neig - I-I-I-ulna - fr . . 2 , ' " INC-Kl.C.aInhl fiadn llpb ‘Am. "(I the"é:o:°rat‘;e"‘hattle‘uu . ‘ ilcaabvw ' l“' . ' A-M ° -moeoiqson tow i ‘V j_ . "' """'“~ “" r”“" "" - ‘ Hulett.Motor C , ' an -. C V‘. .V 1 . V ._ ' V, , V ' ' ‘V--' .. .. , mot‘ ' j.‘ 9 '0 . Iiaao lair‘: "’- ' -‘ " A a trim oi- .. W . 2».-.»-.. » -.+ ‘ » V V ...'.-,‘.. V ‘V — {Saul .‘.‘> - .-; . , ._V..._._VV‘-..VV.s"::~t-. ‘V V V1" 3'... _- 14' \V‘-. . . V VI. '_ cf q‘.;.o. ' .‘ .. ~-. .-- Ocar .' -. .. ‘ {~',_._ . _ \ ' V .c.'V._~,..o'...,.3:-V..'.-.....I".’.'.: ...‘_,'g‘ . ' - ‘ ‘ ' ~ . .' ,' ‘ -- - - _ ’