1"‘ _. .‘_.,~;','> _ ‘_; _ -s:.r I ye .- :.._. . 1 - J ;— ~ g ' ‘ ‘ Near '5 .. “ -""""" Vfhfhfiilifliilv - -vlliinllitch" Que at $69 on. o o. : 7, .0, .- u M ~ . .,I3q_s;§e_$8)Q11.3- war. , . . ____l?c” A“ 21 61,:-lat,G:45.p.I.I.-The WGY stu- anisehiifis g|)lG‘I'9N, - - "' plays; wAysars oldon Anti!‘ 1"u'° lumflaa ‘(halal is |°d‘_‘ “*7 ' that aired)‘ ll " wt’ ' 1tror!s'ml‘_€‘°“’°’ '“"”"'{ guy, sgm wondcrmt nun tars!’ ‘it are-gedbeforc its: three , ms achievement CW" 5 - Op cg‘ ...u'ln the the Sault Ste. hhllctin. ‘ ‘ - ‘ m‘ “.9.” heyond dres ':fn.mo:l‘y of ‘its sctaunchcst adl?‘?""""_" record se it _ , . , 5, g u-iufitph of sanitation. Viscount; Bryce _ ° ggutest algincermx may or’ of pfoSP°" In 1923 canal tolls_ dun g17'om,(XXl against ‘ or 9.317.000. - no hm“; fgmm . . Q , 33°“ ‘L?’ gem’ non“. 3375', fnltrata it lurried for cannon now u°°‘i° "000 Va, :serve loyally in the farmers’ fields." more thagl s ‘ IIZI and the tolls rose‘ to non, Expenditure figom “.31.”, .3 much traffic as Canal althoolrh ii is °i"‘" °" -vpuuma Canal‘: ' ord resdstilue the story 0- the gtfilgl Ailerican to and '11] have to be 3.;-io,” continues rising from ‘ice success: ‘C to are not yet available. Canal Gels Birthdl! 95“- the deserving ‘Panama Canal an executive or- United States the the canal and um busiest States collects about 365 world. the Panama and '1 hat the tendency of trade e bring raw products out ‘file lstter. still handles manufactured prod the Panama shown in part by 1y eight the decade the tonnlte from the Pa- ‘ ciflc to the Atlantic exceeded that um you rec- going in the other direction by more tradi- than 2o.ooo,ooo. ms handling precious Ill)‘ fact that “The service of the canal's.early_ "Twain was formally opened .$97£02.0M: a sum equal to more ‘eds? 0 thanonefourththetotalconstrlle‘ 7! and send‘ ' back is ‘ad’. 0‘ Ielaorial fssmuel village. will be presented to fourteen-the State of Missouri in the thr1rogh_flIl.I_Il'e, itisannouneed. United= -“""‘°-"—"' mug, -‘,Oh_lLY IIALF OF ILLINOIS ‘ to‘ A ' 09513133335 0 langhorne Clemens’ DCIT 1- wolul icial Blames ndflccklessaessfor plsymeat. ‘ "Uaem 87 United Press. _ HEREIN. lll.. Aug. 2l.—Buslness financial recklessness of I 9 l operators and discrimination on part of railroads against the Soufi-' ll is a record °‘ 'PP“'"“°°"*‘P *0 355- “N! of ers Illinois coal fields are primarily nltratcs roal am,’ 1, vgguwud Chile to make powder for the Al- for the an. lt lies, is still an importan " of American cal _ "d°‘)'~ 7’“',miners in this section. State Sena- the from all A“*"¢1- Dllflfll ‘-of the United Nine Workers told I J the Williamson ll *5» 3‘ “'“‘~“ "'9 lb? '90” 1mP°3'l8Ut PW’ -tor William J. Sneod. president of ‘the duct received b hievemcnt of west coast Sout 19 County sub-district war. it is said. a chain of hat- ‘the united p,-as tog.)-_ d" imlners in the county working at their Sneed refused mmk,d mom tleships guarded the nitrate route‘ from Chile to London constan TODAY'S I A market canner 8 “President Coolidle '°°°""" "V: calm. 8ll@ll.50. 2l.——Cattlc—-Receipts’, slow; cows, and cutters. liogs—Receipts. 9,000; 10c to 15¢ higher; heavy, $9 _ 110,30; medrgm. 3101561035; ughtrln ‘harvest fields.‘ but all retain their ° 39-75@1°—3.5: lieht list-ts. ta-roe; mo» Cdhal Zone. jlilis ::unce denim. all sizes. Com- ps in with any 81.50 grades, pair . . . . . . Boy’: heavy 8-ounce bloc denim bib ov-grails, all sisss, pr. , On-9 lot boys’ knee pants. well made. assorted colors, a ral value. the pair . . . . . . 36-inch Pajama checks, white, pink. peach, yellow, yd. ..l!e s s . - . s s a a a o e s o o e e o o e or Amosltcag' staple u check ginshsms, yd. . . . . In Bargain Basement Ideal tooth picks .........le 4 oz. Bottle peroxide ......8c shoe paste, black and brown . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'..8c 2 oz. Bottle Carter's in): ..GI: Biscuit and cookie com.-rs Sc Pot mops— . . . . ..'. . . . . . ..'..8c 51913’ mouse as . . . . ..2e Sp,rln_g«tlo'th-;s pita, per 000:. o e o o e e e o a e o s a a a a as . . . . . . . . . . . . ......-.4’: 5-tie Heavy hone broom chrome base, --'¢.....%. pleteiorpnly .'!‘.:‘..3’.‘.!'.".§ Aluminum saueeand Pill ‘-1- -=‘ ‘ 1-"—“"gae hes flour slftsrl . ..s'e.¢:‘ooo OoOOOO:I§i‘;£gfl“‘ Ooetablvof also ‘”" . trlrenafil " ssfiulq; ‘ l W I . o ~, . V ' r 9085- hrffl _.‘.."..'.‘.! .,""_.'§ "1 .C'~‘; 1‘; u '3 °"000'OIooesooooo9oQ* H‘ a.’ ' V J’ &a's'ur.s, oi. .sav‘~' Friday, August I , to Saturday, August 30 W Elgllt Days of Special Offerlngs Everything has its beginning, its usefulness, its place in a community, its purpose of serving the buying public.—All these, and, more D00, will be blended into every detail of Qur bargain basement. We earnestly urge everyone to visit our opening sale, share in the multitude of extraordinary values and get acquainted with our plans, purpose, and principles in establishing in Columbia :1 first class dependable bargain base- ment. A WATCH WINDOWS for tomorrow one-day SPECIALS-— - EACH DAY OF SALE. Take’ elevator to basement and second floor. 1! I’ ."\ .~ - ’ W Dr 7 Women s All- 001 esses 9 5 ,_ New Fall Models . 0 . . . In introducing ready-to-wear in our we will Show I1 all times as smart and stylish garments as will be found on the markets. These lovely dresses are direct from one of the .\‘uv-York makers, are well made from all-wool poirct twills. scftfl and suitings——artistically trimmed and fashioned from latest models. Complete line of sites. Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I9.75 I 0 Buy School Sweaters Now I In ‘Bargain Basemgnt Child:-:n's wool finished sweater coats. full colors and sizes 7 A I _ Childr-en's all wool sweaters, several different styles, black and colors, extra well made. Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o - a . s o g ¢ . . a o o . o n - o - o o . . o e o o o - o e o - e s a a a a s a o so ‘ ' Children's fine ribbed wool sweaters, fancywcavea, buttons and Stylish Wool Coat A 5Pe_¢l¢ll . For .B.m-hhhfi One lot of women's new fall costs, in a variety of models. some are made from plaid woolens. others -plain wool clooklnga. others tmnespiun, neatly splendidly finished‘. _W} you will ‘say’ they are wonderful values at so sing] it .... v band trimmed. Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..814,75‘ What 99’. -5-fill Buy 3. _,4 / 5.’ x l I —-J 3 ml I. In Got. - i Bsselne . - , ...j ( ‘ .: I who suap'dlshes . . . . .4; ,_ ,4 Largeeylindergraters V 1! (_hkc and griddle turners -; 2‘ Hard maple potato mg.‘ ;' Y en . . . . . . ..‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..k- ‘, d llard maple rolling pins , g‘ Bubher sponges . . . . , :1 Aluminum funnels . . . . .. 9 I 3‘ Wdodyknife and fork trays boxes . . . . . . .3: 1. . rhodium and 1-, wire strainers . . . . . . . . . . ftl Heavy wire potato mash- P’ ers " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Ie 3“ Woodhsndle vegetable. bsto 1“ tcr ‘sill! cake spoonh 5%‘ ": Pound cake pans ...... ..s¢ ft Light bread and puddirg m. ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..& 3, Ice picks. large . . . . ..Ie Serrated bread knives ...!e )8 Metal cogwheel egg beaten :0 o . . . . . . . . o o o . o . . . o . -.a-9* Aluminum measuring spoons, n, 3 sizes .to set .' . . . . . . . . . . ..s¢ , . Smooth handle tack and mil on hammers . . . . . . . . . . uh __ pyl Assortment of can openers ¥"° ....................... ..u 5" Assortment of paring ltnivé ‘ aw ............ .. :2 V’ . . . . . . . . .. m rs quality stationery, tr“. white and tinted colors. box 9: I Am “Stay-put" slipper trees .9: "I'll Pure bristle tooth brushes, -'x- :2; home and amber handles ..9e Jo,‘ Washable powder puff: ..9e an Colgate’: ribbon dental cream ‘;7,.~ Ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {j cm 8 as. Jar petroleum jelly .91: p iser Library mucilsge. per bottle , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘K W White and colored ric-rac 9e ‘ Wright's mu seam binding I p . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9c ‘ ‘ One assortment combs. bob- ‘ ‘” hair. barber and regular size :_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9: 5 High class pocket memo and :7: note books, gold edge. leaf _pen- to} cil attached . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .9: 11 Dennison's crepe shelf paper, sh‘ embossed floral edge, 10 ft. “U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. \r_ '; wl ‘'3 Cl o R: Hosiery , 3: . .; M In Bargain Basement ‘ H Greatly 5*! e ~ ~ c o . _ : ‘ ' C Ullderprlced Women's fine merceriaed Pi hose, only, seconds to 50:. "_1 quality pr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l9c U Kisses‘ fine liale hose, f‘ 8‘ and fancy ribbed, black. brown ’ 5‘ and white, all sises, seconds to M 50c quality. Choice. pr. ..l9e ‘ "' Women‘: extra quality. fast ")' black hose. semi-liale. ale pr 3 Women ' "" ° Lem. " ‘‘‘ ’ °.°....nty """" "l§o'..~y ” T cotton hose. reinforced at all -_ I ‘ points. the pair .. 15:: 4 Ien‘s good serviceable every . C day wear hose. black and brown only. all sizes. pr. . . . . . . ..l0c A 0, . S: H d A. . 5 3, Goods 5 h 0 ' ' 11 l P 1- f Imported Zephyr dress ging- 5 5 ham, 8_2-in. wide, wide vanity , 3: ‘ . ' checks and *‘, ., - SCI‘. ' . . . . . . . . ..I. . . . . . . . :‘ pr , ' "sin. rbluc. ‘checked and : striped ’shi_rtlng chclviots, :;d. 2;; . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . .. ' 15¢ " o o o - ~ o o o o 00 . , f _ so-‘mes Woven madras ahirt- 7 p . logs. mostly ‘light colors. yd. - ..................... ..25e I L , or-.-fit! * C818. Belfast quality. 88 inches , J t 8% TI. ‘.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..‘I5t ‘ : ‘Turkish towels, 16 :1 -~ ‘ by 8 inches. sch . . . . . . ..I0e r ' :_ ; Huck bleached towels. 16 by " I l :9 ........... .. r . I 'd.Good heavy hock towcltna. . -. — flcmcgised table damask. yd. V‘ ; ‘ i .......... "Se to match ds- doa._ Q: afl . . . . "$1.15 W - ow. wmlo ' 9?-“*1-1!. god ---om: Kr’-inhle beds 63_ by 90 "‘ .1. -, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..§l.75 ‘ :, of the scrim .'.‘ famfisfl idches‘ wide, white. «fig '. ‘Q .‘t -..z.:-.’‘'' '-D1‘ §"1"l'El._‘ ml: ' G1 - .4 . IA ..‘ r r, F’ , 'l"’."'\. ' . 1. _ '\ . ' r : -ffl .'-"-3 -W. ‘. ‘ '. .‘,- 3";."- ' ‘ _ , -.5“. ».u . I- . ._ ,1