p——-—-/7-‘OR SALE—’I\vo-story - seven- ," cultural rcolleg P . 1‘. ..~’¢‘v'Iw-a;'\. 0' fnntionoi Cigar (3.... High P ‘N. 1c. t , '~nIlt¢$90V ; strictly modern, garaceipllllf 35350». r gmgll payment down. .no more than ret. Flynn . Bldg, phone 5; New York, 1. 5-. Cl_\leasv‘.‘4- ._ . . _ ll .. . Q as-_» 1 non 1tI1‘.N'1‘—Lsreo furnishid at md:""""n, man’ “'3'; . flu wimmn grooms, 1st floor, private entrance, . _~’ .Y , -* '7" v"~.-:- with . Wm can Brooklyn.8.New oeh.1. - -———--—., 215"‘ “°°“' "W "" P“ Pittsburgh. 5-Cineisia 4. "NEW V0.3-K. as. 29»-—What in on ?_Faculty orupperclassmen preferred. Baum... ' - ~ . _ V— .4“-mu. an “L5. §Phone 709 white. ‘room mN______._____. CL ? °.mh'Jwfi.3‘, ‘m _ ,,_, 2 __ STAN G 03133 038 ‘h“fiiQe!'5ed!roitheoptiIIiistic i. 3 FOR RENT Two ______V “a”,ahkh.&é,u”nh‘mu‘M » -1" *'‘°'!''- ‘’‘‘°'"’ ‘”' “ """""'.""“—""° ’ 5 arelsslllfllinorwilldt g . ‘ ve _ so , Colleteavenue. W304tf Club. I‘ou.1.os:. Pct. &"h“°d-..fi,.°m...m.;.wnMw‘ up or xinoonan, H5 ' .1 ran ltENT—3ls1~gewelllightedl:‘,:m{vl“:"n '''' ":3 E: _'§,';l¥*=¢*5¢*5°f*.l|¢n°=|ln°¢|- ‘, . » - - —v_‘.'_’_’ ‘y t . . E 0!‘ . . . . . . . .. !n‘uer is room» fem. lied or lit MW-.uetroii .. ...... .. or as .. ram‘ ‘ad ‘35_ 1‘o5lkeep‘Q 01.‘ ‘non two Inn“ 65 ‘O “Q? I ROI ‘I’ Yfiil $336803 In. 0" °'°"' “tr. vl¢l°4.Anthony phone 1643 red. 304-‘3o93c1oset‘s. in in-ime mldmw P-‘fer Boston """" " is so .4115 """ ""° '“‘°“‘ "‘ .b'""“ “'9 399ml‘ 3°’ ‘ "V! ’ rman and wife or girls. Phone 1710..c;,_..,,_.1,,,°d ' ' ' ° . ' ' " ' 59 53 A155 ‘M “P” ‘Rh '°' good men.. ‘Adlness Rlverview Or-I FOR RENT—3 or 4-room apart-:0, 1117. C293“ Phn‘de1phi"".”.'_ " 58 71 J“ to what fill happen after chards. If .. Patterson: meat, very desirable; Phone r5253 chin” . H 53 70 a: the campaign gets well under way Bain. Jr..-141-‘22 or 11. 11. Gibaoniblack. . whom. 1-‘on B‘!-2h_l'l‘--2 lam furnished; ',,,',',,o,;,', ',;,.n,_ ‘ .W‘‘“''‘ '* WM MP1 1504-809’ 1 . :bedrooms. with glssaed in sleeping u Wot Lou‘ Pct.‘ country. Yet if the election were -———--'—-———_,,. FOR REN'1'—2 first-floor apart-ape,-ci, which mgy be mind an dtnlnggmew gar‘ 75 ‘,1 us held tomorrow-—its an oft-used wAuTED—A,,p9Cl50n by lllllfingntg, or both togietherug-oom gnd kitghgnette of gun pgt.:P.tub ' ' ' ' ' ' " 71 51 :58: llhraaeto CXIHIII the filth. tqdogeneral ’ rk,cooklng.or30ne or ‘uteri rooms V-otethef 0!"1or.' Closets in euh, Modem, A1.¢:B' “'3 -- 7° 5‘. -as ation at the moment-’—the leaders taking care of 1205 Paris- in, 1‘;-gggnd desirable, Ex-jg.,-.g,_._ "02 3”, "page, p),o,,,§c 7“ ' ' ' ' ’° ' 67 M .6“ of bliean as well as o- 808-2; generic location. ' reasonable.j1493_ s3oa4lC:““‘ndnm° ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " ' 66 81 no cs-stic party would he doubtful as 11403.‘ gut 3m.d“y' phone 1349 r:-;:,:~=::;—_:, 8'” no i " N 72 -as well as nervous about the outcome wANT3D‘'‘P . ,_ __.,_._- ..._:..... WANTED TO BUY ‘ and WAN'l‘ED——Second lland student furniture, rugs. lawn mower and garden has: Pl-i_o_ne. 1253. B309tf T1: N4‘ go. USED CARS FOR SALE 0' FOR SALE-—1922_ Buick touring °*= cause. Davis‘ is orig, . . V ‘ I - W ,,.l8.all_'sp_llt_ up. We may on at it between Davis “P tha't were ‘for artificial publicitsfi Blll of vo _ 3 shows a definite trend based upon some fundamental ‘rcoIwIctl0n ing-rained not duri but in the months didates were on their natural and presumably non-political their fours and their true calcula-3 tioas. . - ~ the’ election were held tomor- rovl,"'~u1u~ohe of the ghost C0 veg for decision, as none "‘candldates‘would get a ‘ votes The P loolu mo battle and ‘la I-‘ollette. chances of the latter car- man states unless conditions . (gf course, 1 am counting on"Dyvls to prevcntgtbe drift to In Pollette, but I am convinced the is lost to Coolidge. And it my be lost to us. That's the rock-bottom truth." I-‘rpm Republican sources comes the"well‘ the la ‘statement that Follette tide is ebbing and ‘ ' I ‘election held tomor- would be dangerous, but that by election ‘time. the improved ag- ricultural conditions will send votes nowiuelined to La Follette back to milk - of These comments on the situation a3'e“not'the kind that will be pub- liclradmittcd. for politics is a game in which the stretch’ of conii to "play an important ‘lhe politicians frequently.‘ and ‘so do some partisa .. Gist campaigns 'are and by‘ ‘probi- which is only another word they not. . Coatictionstoneeidellsoc. tation swings} num- tea but ‘every election usu- en the cah- behavior. ressions the country stories about his simplicity recent- Iy distributed as a poblmty effort are simply re ' so it is “O with the Democratic The impression of _John W. and inte ttentlon of ev- 0 ll ullr ‘'9. there is‘ the campaign 1 _ llectnala ability. which was conveyed to the 111 .a ... ._ .. , 1. . - ' .36!!!" 1'1-""'- "' .. ""._,' - ' _ IT’. .’_”.__ —... . -~ - --'—‘:.‘-'=‘~-‘-'-'-T-‘T2."-T~«..-...-.-..«.... v-~- . . ~ . . . ' . ‘PARADE T0 33 PEA I .°mWt°°*' * ‘ . ‘ ' ' 58: Pm wm wines Opadacl ____ " -is--I _. '- < I .0f¢1‘IlI5IllGIlI‘I‘-‘Ii ‘ -; ‘‘ — 3} ' ' N981 loath. T856 Sll0WlllK Cllllfi » sr 1>A1u1.. uinn Aug 29.-1'11» 1 . ‘most at 03 at! 703 ’ é o tin America will be held during thi ’ ' . . gnational American Legion‘ conven CLASSIFICATION of causes of lflgbway Ahcidallta '-for July, 1924 étion in this city next month. prepared by Girard C. Varnatn, secretary-manager st. Innis The parade will be more /than ilvi Sent! Council: P.‘ ' - [miillfsbeinu lsigth. thefiaafihen ' flbllll fifty Total V 73 "P WW9‘ 3 Highway Accidents lnjiiries. 1 ‘film "ill be M" "M W l*“‘* Causes not determined ............ .. 193 275 .l° “'9 P*°°°”‘°"- Causes _given as unavoidable . . . . . .. so 143 173 6 7;b¢;:“Wlll bfitfivefdlvmon:-"'21:, Bhiddiug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 46 61 7' °°ll' ° "3"" Driving on wrong side of street . . . . .. 9 15 24 l‘"'“"'- "‘“°““ 3“‘’'d- ‘''d '3‘: Parking too close to tracks . . . . . . . .. 0 18 26 g::‘d°:;";"‘:;| 3”’ ‘“"1'§';d'f:} lfeehanlcal and other defects . . . . . .. B 15 23 ‘n,’ y 5 "mg, mm. ‘£3; ug gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 25 36 i. ‘nfioud “ Fen Smmu. mum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 26 34 The “Goad dwhion ‘m “mun pedestrian . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 28 0 ?_8 ,0‘ ‘min “ch nude up bomb“ 0‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715 ‘he dx‘y-twO degrtmgnu P‘”"‘3 '""°‘ °" "hm ‘“'°h"3' American Legion. This will be the ing passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 24 mo,‘ imwmnt dm,;o,, of .11‘ ‘mg Pulling away from curb without giv- nthgy-Q will beg“,-'9 numbgyofbgufi ing ‘signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 24 28 .all In competition for prises The Backing vehicle without giving signal 7 29 30 ;various departments of the legion Turning without giving signal . . . . .. 7 22 29 ‘Pm like-Pllctl in ‘the “M 01 Illllffll Stopping without giving signal . . . . .. 8 17”“ 23 Al" 8¢¢°l'd|ll¢e with "N5!" fll0|!lbl'l“ Failing to stop at boulevard . . . . . . . .. 4 13 17 “"9 "°°°“l‘ 09 the Pu} Y9" Falls from vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. if 0 8 The third division will consist of Driving without lights . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 10 8 Mlllllflol-‘I l¢Kl0l1flIll‘08. I _C0l- E Runaway horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 ll 18 'G°°’3° 1'“ Lachv "l'Y°l' °7 ‘l'"“‘‘ ; Incompetent drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 25 34 ‘p°"" ""1 be "‘"‘h‘1' Children playing in street . . . . . . . . . .. 15 0 15 ' Th? V0’-"ill dl"lll0Yl W5" Oollblll Car not under control at intersec- "f d°“°h'"°'"" {mm ‘P’ _'"f°‘” tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 77 120 197 "l’°°"' "‘" “~"""°° °'€"ll"l*°"3 . and the auxiliary. Failure to heed automatic stop 1 -11- The fifth divmon win comm,“ Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..46l 1.052 1.513 3:2; b:':°'ot;l:l ¢r°*¢l~l . MA 1zA?i}61§75z?1iiizva DAREDEV IL SEELEY (&nun ae three) has figured previously in daredevil exhibitions and mars a driving tests in other cities. lie was so- curely chained and handcuffed to the car and will drive for live to break the world's endurance driv- ing record of 3.140 miles in 12? hours and four minutes. . The driver is to tour thro ‘out Illinois during the day,_ each night he is to return Louis and tour the streets, rv":rting each hour at designated slice stations for check-ups. The. object of the demonstration is '0 show the endur- ance of the ca , under exccptioifilw touring co (ins. wovuv. ‘ noun: roe am’ CANADIAN HIGHWAY '1‘--‘o Detroit sun Leave Winnipeg for Vancouver to Overcome I8 Orr; . __ DETROIT. Aug. 30.—Two in-‘ trepid Detroiters, E. S. Evans.‘ president of E. S. Evans and Co..l lnc.. automobile loading experthl and A. F. Bement. vice-president and secretary of the Lincoln High-1 way Association, have left Winni-' peg. Manitoba. for Vancouver, Brit-1 ish Columbia. in an endeavor to log a route for a new all-Canadian highway, and incidentally to sur- mount some of the worst passes of the scenic Canadian Northwest. by motor a stretch across the high passes of the Canadian Bock- estimated as between 1,700 and- '1,800 miles. ' ‘ L If successful, the trip is ‘ex- pected to be the forerunner of plans which eventually will open a through-Canadian highway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, similar to the transcontinental highways of the United States. 5 Evans is one of the founders: ,3... of the Lincoln Highway Asaocla-5 . tion, which ‘is co-operating with the Canadian Highways Association in the effort to find and log a feasi- ble route. He has devoted vacation for several years to_ax- ploring the little known byway: and trails of the sparsely populfid West and_ Southwest, seeking new alignments and feasible we ing. A-1 condition. in the fnfllrmnoe of root! roads. Tgylor Ggfg‘e_ T309 ITO llll B0 a ' Th t expect I t f grief, roa SALE—1924 Tudor I-‘ord b..._f1..,'°.1.., .,,.f.°"w',:,¢. “,1 sedan, practically new. 8500. Phone an ‘dd I W. Noxon. I-lallsville, Mo. j“... 1109 WA WANTED TO RENT—-4 or 5- room in em house. Phone 1859 black. C3 WANDED T0 REN'l'—Seversl1"‘ large houses, well located, close to. while - Pacific and qualify for edal ' m which the Canadian - ways Association has offered for the first ear'to log, under its own _ Vancouver. beinguaedisaPackardsix,theof- ficial I.A'ncoln Highway car. j j IMPROVE IT8 WIEDSHIELD TEST IS BEGUN BY '1. fibove . ltle. Al the new windehields are 1_ days and five nights. with no sto ‘ ' for sleep, rest or gas, attempt! ' ! ‘ Mn ' The trip necessitates conquering)". hhl Col. I-‘rank Matson. railroad -and warehouse commissioner of Minne- sota, will be grand marshal of the _parade. The new windshield does not tip‘ .3”? "“l°’"=*- n'“°Ml in wore- to give ventilation, but slides up- 3‘: ::':"'n‘fi;"'" 'S:;l:"5‘J'“; ward in felt-lined channels, much ;in ””ion from Sepumb" 16 to ‘Q. ' -———-—-9--—-- been evolved by the Fisher Body corporation. which builds all Oak- nd bodies. in the same manner as the side ‘t:'o.t‘t;:"¢:'a1?t l)t’elldeI.5llYbl0:tl' Y°" "" '“[""" °”°“°"m" " apenwd by . “wk ‘outed ;you fail to read and use Missourian I ' ''shield and does not rut- EWIM Ads. with automatic windshield! A half-turn of the regulator han- Lgvrs 8808 aaP‘m 8‘oP dle raises the shield from its base- Work Called For and Delivered one inch. opening a section approx- I ' lmately forty-five inches long and Phone 3” 8“ one inch high, to outside air pres- '- '—+ sfie. The air rushes unobatructedly _ - ——-—. --- .- through this ventilator the entire 5 length of the shield and is conduct- T ed into the body. forward and down ' to the floor. This type of windshield ; ‘ eliminates the cowl ventilator. ‘ . If more air is desired, two and one § ,, half turns of the regulator handle? “Suds and ‘M’ ‘hi the Ill!-lb:.h::¢ luchel aboVe- We call for and deliver. ustrument . opening a sec- ; _ tion approximately 185 square? H. W. B311-le inches, through which tbe_air rush-1 11,. hgaamu‘ es dIrectly'into the driving compsrt- pm... 753 1.; g_ 111“. 3; meat. Quick ventilation and thor-j ‘ ough change of air are obtained by e i _. opening one of the doors, or One of 7 -—-~~-»- — ~ .- - rm the rear quarter windows. "“- ‘ **‘ Because this type of windshield: has no rubber strip nor parting bar I. B. D. to confuse the vision and strain the 1. G eyes, taddstothemmfortofdriv-g ing. Those who have already driv- '. enbehiud it marvel atthegrcatc-r_ ’ visibility afforded, which makes forl 107 Nan‘ “P 8"‘ both comfort and safer driving. ' The windshield is water-tight and 11:‘ md i y air-tight; aeily operated easly cleaned; besides add1ng- ‘ to the clean-cut appearance of thej‘ Pllllwll ll‘ “N15” 91!‘. ’ .__.J BRICK BUNGALOW FOR SALE Five-room brick bungalow on paved street, 1511 Bouchelle; modern in every way, including gas; has fireplace, roomy closets. built-in cabinets and hardwood floors throughout. It has full basement with cold storage room. Liberal terms. See 0. D. READ, Owner Phone 1603 white A—:—- l .J.__ GoOitt dmd See It I If you want to see the best looking Dutch Colonial home in Columbia go out to Park Hill tomorrow and see the one facing south on East Park Way. It has everything the most ex-, ’ acting could ask for. Lot 75 by 180. Theprleeislow-"and the terms easy. Ifyouare thinhing_ ofowningshomeyouwillbeplessedwhenyouseethisoiie. . J. A’. STEWART & sozvs , ram’ :1-mu ‘Exchange rim _A 30.500; . ""°"“’ .° ”°' um...“ mg mg. , ..,;,,,, Oakland-Introduces Cahnge which -.~.-- - T 41!‘ 3-room -trlctlv mode" "°°"-' "lilo Bmk1!iM' nib” "0 liifsagt innit. zfoni s to 12 J. c. to ‘ e. -- - 3 ‘ -' mnonwiiinici-itioeii'-.-°' 9' 1 g,.p..,,,-c,~__,,,°,,,,,, 'I‘he0sklandl(otorCarCo.has — e -._., sold by Sevtcmber 5.. , l N‘ mm-_o.,, ,,,,,,;.,,.,, ,.,.,,, or 951 white. and 5 PM 0" '51- fl . ‘ 7...... ,,....,...4;1..p1.o.,‘w¢bm‘umpe”n°nuL622 shieldforitsfan'cloaadmoI_lelp— D Y .. Beautiful 7-mom ‘modern I-El: ' . wlndshieldwuItr_uo- . oiecplnenor.ca.cIouto non ns‘.1~rr—-3 unfurnished: .DAv15 co“, co_ flonfinutheuflrdnndthesm forlighthousekeeplnnhouse an 1 __ ,__, .. . ' for 5 or 6-room modem .1 modern. Apply in the aftcr- 4 Opposite abaah Station lllffllll ‘lid!’ “filo ' - ‘ ” 8-room house-,sonthSixth at205S.10th st. usoe.2!_. Franklin county Coal - ‘Dds -v ._ ""*‘P"d_! ,"W"h':.°'Q.“b:k“‘:l;P““m “ I ran in-:hrr—s room. first moon novices 3. . ‘W . ‘J .- . - secoud.floor.‘1IIodc@o 1408 Baas,‘ . . , '4 e hlfle, lI|I3t_ Ihinclts, . A fill‘-. ‘ fit." ‘"‘',,,,‘.,‘'.:.'',f,,,f,°~''.':l..°.. 9%; phone 111; white. 306.2’ AcAc1A moon. No. cos '3‘ i: you rent. let us ..fo|-gent. see‘11sifyouag,..’onnINT‘8 hmhwd LE“”L‘. ., . “ g. 1; 1 ‘ -93-; 3; 5:: t ‘ ‘‘‘°‘‘‘''‘’‘‘'‘......nns ..’.t°“°"" Rocli artist Park ~ .2 ' ta.‘ g » . Bldg -9 13”" g “'4” . 1 f . RN03; ‘L vpghliiég f “:3. V ’o“:'". P03 REN'.l'—‘l‘o girlgaice status; 4 ‘C. . V . ',I__’.# 5%,... ‘. ;~&:_‘., . . .3-* l“V ' -Fl‘ ' um" V W ' “ “ hr‘, *3‘ ‘ _ .‘_ . who , ’. ‘H’ 7 " I .""'*"" "'’'''=. 5'' "' "' ' . ‘ - °-:.‘."L':.5.‘... .:;... ' I ' ‘....'.‘.'-.----4-—i -"\é~'.' 9- ' * ' - ’-9' " '. .. ".1 . " f .. *'*' -, 3 Sefifi --" ~‘~"‘- " . . . , ‘ . ‘ .-J..:‘ 4.. ‘::.-;....".‘;‘... ~s :5; ~ .:._-. 1-.» -.-2: - ~ - I. .