_. " ‘ "““.‘.“"‘~7"’*-'€¥".,“;’_;‘ ’*-"."~*~?. ~""‘=:‘1‘-'-7”‘ W :1 ’ r. t Mi _ '._ .y___.‘-; :___L. i -'-_§;'.~‘ if ‘ ‘ ' I 1 ‘.-_~ - _ ' _ PA_'cE sin?” ' r'\'"'." -9.» R ...I‘('‘ 3 ’ '3‘-;‘ ‘ '''‘‘'' ' l ’ ‘ . '1 . :.i:i...s.5,r;¢5.. I4 _~.. ....i.:!.-,6.r*._:s .-1.-:r--=-.._. 4 -» 7 P‘ U -' ..;V 7 1;. . ' ‘ 7 ' — . _ - .2‘ 2'..‘.'7aa.£-‘..':r.t«:}':,~V.-‘a¢".’?,Z7€‘2.fs:;'i;T.{'.:'§?1tfTL‘§.C;f! ..-1.. .;. ' ‘ " » '-Y""" ”" ""”"' "" " ' "h ‘ °"' . " " r~:;.r.. »€’-rojo es rs ~ . ' -'*°°*«***°*-~'=M-**"-:'.".-'~ ' 15 or i iv on . r4?!l+*»s€ =5». e "...*"°.:*'..'*::.'..:‘:’.‘* mm‘ V " . V V’ I; I ' . t r '." P . ‘ « ‘[" ::.¢“-_-V<:_4.- 0a‘, Y‘ _ ’ .;: ---v. 9 . 1-?‘ p g X H . ' ' , _ ‘1 " . ““‘_;_,’;-T. , . " _.T?.;:.' _ .- n ‘ - 'ila_ expecting. to enter ‘high ‘ . . _ ’ ._. -7‘ ‘ ' p _ 7 p . ' . _ §_i‘_ ;'Q',.:i ‘ ‘O V IJQ. " \ ' ‘ I‘. I ¢n————-:- '. ..' M tht fl?!‘ tim. "?"."§‘-.’;"."j.?f*;‘_e‘fj":?iI = 9... : ..‘~. igg .. P191.“ .'graduat~cs' of Jefferson De ; « ' “‘ "-53 .".""“""" -‘-’~ 95"": "' ’ ~.-run 3-« 1-"Au 3 -2 - I 8 e’. -!|!¢!Ita'l School, should enroll at the i '” ;.p- :1 1‘ - ' V - . . N .. . A ‘T - - - V. high school building aometime dur- » ~ "'*:z4:rz~.‘:*n..*:.o*'?‘..*.:.<*......u=*"~*°" in: » . . t ‘-‘F’: ‘ on «ex '.“""'~ '5“ i. .- . - V - ~ ‘ ' 2‘: ‘ Z. :3: Students ranfint as Seniors. , R“ bjjuygflhfqhfifi ‘ L‘. Sept.rJll!1lO"3 und.Sophomox-es PC9011 {or a fraudulent and mount _rdUnia. -Phciie‘ 2004 white of-call; , - gs ' xular:-phool.1nork at 8:10 Kon- » °"""° i P - " ' p" ' , _ -> . - » ~ - 4 I ' — * com: ‘day morning. September 16. Fréahg _ 5; - . "3 :.. ..,; -u. 3? “'1' . it Wm .l1Ilf students meet for _ _’ - V e ' - -- v_ .1, 1 bonkwork at 1 p. In. ldonday. September ‘ atanlaala,-d noun. ; E H » . ~a“,,'",,, W,’ 9,, snot-:1: u. stem, Principal, , 1 ‘£399 M“ p p_ ,, ,_ .. . "la the‘ Ad“._3_5 '03.-3' non Rt-:N'l‘—0no It-room tnod- . . zr sunnum ‘Gt NIB CLUBS ‘ be onvthe J01; Itlino if -. _' " ‘ ' W .. ' ‘ :. i ‘ . i ‘h --—-,..n.u.a.~ , "73 ae3;u-ate 1 A F‘ ' i"°"“' “ 9°’ ‘”° "°" “ e ' ' Club "Won. Lbit. Pet ‘“"“"""’°- “° ’ """ n “N9 u I‘ "i"' . ' . _- mp,” phog. 170 5.. ' - .- ' ‘ ‘ o ' auboheadquartera ‘_ j, WAN'I'ED—Day work bycobledfgzgdzkt m.'or after 4 p. In. I ‘ ,. H ,_-,. ' .3 .‘ Washington ...._ .; 7‘! 65 .588 ‘ I A Wm f “ , , 1.334,? or §1e.nin¢_ phone _ ' V N3o5_9' " . - ._;-~ , Nov._YorI: . 75 5'! .509 ~ ‘ ' ~ . _ . ' ' ~ .»:~: was; I ' ; . . it ........ .. 7 62 an I. l',‘§:‘3f.“; "‘ "’uf;:u *4 KLASS Cold. 00. - ~ ~.- —— ‘ ma REN’l‘— oooond noor ' o‘! 80. .n 64 °"' Pw°","" ‘ 0 ‘ ' ’- W-ANTED—C<>1°1'°d V0.13“ 2 each t 826 zoonoun‘ poo. «onion I.’ P.‘.1‘. on ' v .4. " e 70- in ' '~-- - - - ~ » .. :9 . do ow-1 no-em mm se«e:..... :"....:°°:::........‘...... .23.’; 3*” -W "'*°"..;'»-nu-.. c... on no ....-.... . .2»-«~ .. as . .«-« -on-rm he ~ . 0 ~ 0' “ll” *3“ 3- 3’°“"'Y- ‘.‘3'5.;1-2.50 each. 2 upstairs rooma,$10,i ' 0 p . to Mlaaourian office or so Ide’;!_'. am“ 17...; ‘.1;~- n~ . L. Pet.,PIil'ade1phla ..-on 13 .447 MW *1“ :5 9* W *"'*°'>'~ W‘ oonx-cwxnr Lauullry and .2 --- 1'-gun’ :5. 1403 I-:. wxmphoner FOR .REN‘I‘—Nice 1407 use _n e ...-....n 2 .m-tchioogo .... .. .. 57 74 .435 o _ or; Cleaning _ 4 . WANTEIl—:I‘wo eanvaaaera. PC7118” H15 two” he “,1, Van“ {mm _9m -ll} Cr. ‘-3-‘on--....l0 2 .883] Lung, _ lines. to the aub-headquar "mm "6 or N“. chub‘ “ J .- good comnuauon. Stan¢_|a.rd Half-. .. . 't:p.'htlixtr:eohmontha the wrist. Lsniis _ . . . . . . . .. 65 77 .417 for’ “American Legion” and the 590- Th”, _ '5 ‘ °'°' Nam“! man“ ‘uni 151:. Roaunary. phone 1797 white 1-‘on NT—B.ooma for white tip!" on three (cit. remain: on Rollins mg.‘ H':aelel~ Boo rf g9: :16 g ch;1.,;°p:,r,"{,.::;n:.n.l.:1T;w1::'mau.¢.al T88 0 0 Beth” ' FOR. SALE—Two-story o - \Cl-6315 blocks from .Wost Campus. 5lllLaat seen by owns near the ,_ Yfitlnaatruck outl independem of we "tub, “gun. lnsures W0fk : room house, halt block from West Turner, phone 1896 red. 8-? on Tuuday. Telephone to ‘Hana. "33,. !'1G.l.39 1°_I§1f;il1!|1n¢8- . . , bond f a,,‘_. m ,, , ~ . . ~ ‘N6 “ . ~ RENT-—Sept. to June 6- . - - » consulate is approving onl a few ' ° °° 9‘ y . CLEAIHING PRESS { cunpm" modem ace’; ~‘-u’ -tun’ iurniahed house 2 mileal . ‘*3? ‘“' b“ n Iicafi { ‘ y A special corps of operators is nEPAm"¢G Dygma p ‘ basement. good income on pibp-; "*0"! ad »¢ mum ron R_El\I——IArte bedroom. and atarted udnl-‘o by ooorso;.u‘;§’d be‘.’"s °’ ‘”““ °“‘ °‘ "‘°"' . undergoing training (or the work. , mmrnons - erty. Pbme l042\green. 11296:! f °°."fl‘ °f WW3» 8° "03 ‘nicely furnished. suitable for tw POI BALI ' p tipyeruna in the tint ' ' . Lane -'*_ "18 made. - _ V1-EA'”5'c A . ——~ 1 . h°t» “f‘“"' h°“" ‘35 9" close to University. Phone 1573. . .. . atruck out. Eagle walked. steal? 1‘ " “id "W “"“5“31 infill‘ 07 ADVANCED 3339”-“BN7 FOR 5U”‘S..MADE To ORDER -~ f you ‘I@:“_ ‘° 33“ °' "at your? month. Phone 21-‘11. But . . ' m.m§r°l§n5£;V;3“; *:;:'i°;"'Y f Ruth doubled .to cen-.:’°§l¢; "immizrants in transit" is due rue oowunu r>vm.u- t nmxsnrcmxc ' '°~ 3'. is it W1 us. as We Ire; . ‘ . - "W..." t la, gm‘ ring 3 1g. 1 1 _ t e propaganda mad b ' ertai SCH L8. ' ‘ ,_' in: 10$! Of iD': 3°r"“'"- 204 2:. Ion: st. ‘ _- ~ I % Invent furnished or unfurnished. ln- I one 2303 "d_ "4; atrnek out. . Christian singled toline for eight hours .~ day for we;-};_.; ber 10th, 9 a. tn. phone 1591 ".41, _' FOR SA1_E_1-“.0 lots “game m- 35 “filth 3U‘°¢‘- 330M.‘ FOR RI-2N'l'—-Room and sleeping - _ ‘ cotter. acoring M:-C-lilh. _ Pruett before the consulate. Departmental 7th and 8th grade Modem I-Jquipnuent . .’ - build homes on. Splendid location. 1:-03 333-r_}q,w 5.,.°°m ‘pa,-1.. NFC: °1I;h2 70106213 W1?-h 51'-‘§Plnfp 0:” S“LE.—N¢-‘W tliphglgoh. ‘liked. ::Dr‘:ls.td1anwotole tbs-d aid. The situation has an,“ some ptlplla from Grant. Ridzegus 100;‘: Guaranteed Work , : " Phone 1W3- ' ' 63093 menlo second floor. No. ‘5 Kuhlxrun ‘ ' we ‘teem 0' m ‘L on ma . i_°°fl¢'-‘I'D to the authorities and plans ‘d ’°. 1‘ ‘‘“'°n 1”” ‘° “ ' We are construction or n ‘I . 4.r.“’‘“’‘ ‘“'°'“’°- 31"5%3‘3 "““- an I ‘more being studied for assimilation '”““'“">'- 5°P‘°'“"°' “ '"‘°"‘ holsterers with tutor: er ' . zeourt. Call 1831 green. F t 3, 1, ad , _ . , ~_._ OR SALE-5-room brick house‘ . FOR FNT R00 FOR SALE_Kiuhen aunt ‘M rout seco base. Winn 3tTl3Ck:Of the immigrants. It was expected pupils of Lee. Benton. all 11?“ “Him” _ ;~ West Broadway. modern, hard-’ I-‘OR -—Mod'ern 7-room 3: “ ‘"5 ‘°’ "“’“' . . . - — . ° L that with the oin into uuden and 801 Kmdtu rm“? ' . F floors. tile garage. lhouae,laouth side. apply at 104 Dor- P“l“"‘ 3"‘9°l- N10"? ::;::“°D 0“ “°V¢o 195 Cw “Tie Veterans scored two morethe United Stfiwsgimminfiggat 1.‘: from 10:30 to 12 noon at Jefferson‘ n“‘:‘r':';:‘°°' the lurk" Fm " ' h West - "‘ ; ' - _ . e fourth. and remen‘,thouannd 1’ E - ' '- School Bldg. 1 ' 3‘:.'r"°:f:"':‘r‘::”' L:"'°‘: “°°“'lseyron RENT-—Purnished uplrt- F01‘ R3"'T'-S"-""" '“’~“‘°“ '°°““-‘ F0“ S“‘E”D"“"‘ a“"" "“’ :?:mo'r'd:oomu$. ‘r'3r.°i”fl'..‘i‘...f."‘2;‘.§l€"-§.‘.’° to “$313 1:;p::::":ul:';T;’ sodximmltg 1%“ Wm mi" Mona”; —» ) ' h0l- V3“? 817339: 9335' dime d b‘th G‘; hot and com’ wgtcr _in the room3;‘ C1’ C0013, good large YIDKQ. “ICE . I 3 .PNtP8T 0!’ comprehensive P 1’ ° V n ‘U 7 NU‘-M ————- on either purchase. Phone 549. Dr.'. zfinfiooki mom‘ an ’ magenta). p,.ic,_.¢ -I-hno Bldg p 1250 ,.ad_ _ ssum Haaell in the -third were ‘the only colonization schemes, but indica- W. I. OLIV ER. or , . ~ ; ng. 605 South 5th street. . ". onea dialked up by the Firemen. tti h t u; g ' . S rl te d t 1 Schools ~ , 3"°'“”' ' B1d;Ph°W~"~1317 green M3-if B""""" '"" 3"“ ”‘°"° gfiéfls ron sA1.1~:——Uprig'n¢ folding 3“ -°-'-= V n:n5.o:nis:n‘or .§nn?l.';"‘I.“.”.§‘ 's‘?‘{.’ W n h an 0 nn.«.3-5 JACK DAILY’S _ "" FOR SALE—-6- b ' k it use ' 'bed with coll pa-tugs’ and ttroaa. ‘. ' . be ' ' ed, —————o-——— _ -On Boochellfo 9853503-$108." C 0- °,',‘;,‘£m°"”3o3f;5, FOR REN'l‘—To cirllo nice atel}n§,Ph°“° 179,7 Ygnfi ‘ L :. hug. ------------- --I-K38. If 1:. i-3'.unThe l:n\t:’ll7P8!lt5 ona hole are an “omen To awn SCHOOL .‘ l ’ **~ ‘ ‘ ;. ' . . '- .‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘-' .21 * ‘ ' I ' . . .............. .: 2: 2 o _ ' ~ ’ #3.: ~6rro_on1 ‘frame lafoaiu, modern,i - _ - heated room. Unis-erg!!!‘ FOR SALE__Sin‘l° iron bcd Mm :5 .{ _____________ H, 2 1 ,1‘appanentl') healthynand determined u _ . CIBKIIIHK . South William. 34. . , FOR RENT Two or three room Phone 2274 green. L3tttt,'tud . muu.“ ‘ ' d _____________ __, 1 , ,,_ t and when they am: up befo the . . win be .. 3 119‘? brick b1ln¢|‘°'3a 13055”: apartment with R11 kitchen. 8150 FOR RENT Farm bed mom’ 5’ “d'°ub'."‘.l'é “non bimmeu Darla. rt . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 1 o otcnsulate the consul hxms I cannot Comm?“ gm!‘ 3:303 swam . Pressing A '- . ’ ,{ _.. “M3. " ' -‘ — I I ' ‘Grant. :52’. . . . . . . . . . . ..:~_1 0 ob . - . pendaxly ew ° ,.‘ : “fight game grouse modem fiat“ pllréne use "3?...‘.""°"" “:5 for boys. cos Conley, phone 1535gLowry Hall. Phone 2160 or 14:; lslaaoll. .5 ........ ..’.....: 3 : 3 ’'L‘‘‘* ~‘*"°“%"‘ “*9 ‘"'°" ‘° °"“~" "“ her 3.1;. during the houra_9»11:30: Altenng ' " v ‘ . ' 1 cheer. . . . . . . . . . . . .. p ' _; . south side. 87.000. _ : . lgreen. T145; -8. NW. A", .............. H: 0 0 0 Y I _____._____ a. m. and 2-4 p. m. for n3:§l3t1::‘1 Phone 13 m S Ninth ' 7-room frame house, modern,rone ; FOR RENT—'I'he mceet, clean-; Rooms FOR RENT_Fui Rd’; FOR SALE_Ré‘" bod‘ ma :2 _9 _F _‘ on are missing opvortuultlea It tion. Students :3) ind; fin . I V - block of University. $6.750. .eot. best furnished kitchenette mm mm for mu mam?! m= c,_,,,_ mm 1350 me,‘ 31,5 "°"" 5.. ------------- " ;rou do not read and nae Miaaourlan rm» "*5 *0“ " " '3‘ “g: e 3 6-room modern house, aouth'apartxnent for two people in towmjnomm ' L ' fin!’ A g ,3. 3_ “_ 3;. Want ads. need not $09011» 001°" ‘ ° W‘ A , , ,eentrally located Let us ow “"9 luocug, ........... ..a 1 o 0‘ - A m new stucco OW“ ‘.0 you. Call 7'3“. Jo A.‘ Itxnn for boy‘. TO BUY . 11801153. do II . . . . . 3 2 3 l ern, Lathrop round, two aleepfistewart and Soul. I-Zxchtnct N" 615 Lee street. Phone 1194 Green.j wooD_-“,0 cord, four 1.“; §...n.. 30.: .:...:.:.:.'.': 1 o 2? \ 0 - lug porches. large lot, $7,750. ftional Bank Bldg. $30831. G4-9. !.u,°n,d for finpgc; an mg . . . . . . . . . . . . ..z o 1 1_ ' ' modern 'nou,e' do‘: in’: ~. _ 1 ' _ ' ‘ . :5 . . . . . . . . . . . . H2 0 0 l .' H _ . ; fl)R RE!\'l‘a-—South rude, 9-mom! FOR KEN;-_-h, can “between 8 and 9 oclock mornings. 1"... rt .............. ..x o o o_ roouoo Ia hereby gum. um ueuro — .. ‘ 13339 ‘°'~ 315900’ ho 3 s f lahed 880 ° '5.‘ 7" - * 1:: It ............. ..z o 0 0 Tc-mnonur: on the am. 3. co: - - F Rent——T ood houses on‘ °’°' r°°m um ‘ ' ' WON! for boys. net? UmV¢!'|"tY-T .. . - ' ................ ..x .o o o doooued. were mo Cut Fresh Every MOTDITIK 3001;: side, fro‘: 5 to 15 rooms.; _ ll‘-r}c::‘x!x1 blouse tfurgxtzhtgd or cur]!-'1-Zfxtg-a bath] ‘tor students.“ WANTED-5°!-‘°nd hand auidmt Po‘:-'\’,g ............. ..x -1 3 -Eton up :31. day Aocxarnlszt. by the The Finest Crop “re Have ‘Ever Grown ; Some new brick houses. close t0:“’""5 ' °°’° ° 9 em‘ °'; 0 93¢ 3" 9‘ "“°’- 1 " furniture 11188 wardrolh -r so -1! 4 8 ‘ Au pet-(om havin omen ' aaid I'a- ’ ‘ P P‘ ‘ ‘ ' A t . _ — , - . h ‘In’ R 1 a _ . _‘_ . H99 . . . . . . . . . . . o . . o -- l I ‘ ’ ~'J' 1?t:1;:r::“y'seest:!;ef.rg!n°oldisLup‘}?:t;:lle87&¢oom house 350 34-09"; bongo ‘Emmy P one 2008 b 1&1.’ 1- ‘mi “Idea h°.e° awe "°rk&?”'::““ in at “nu. lzranee to the I-Zaoeutnr 3:5» atx C00 ' ‘ ' . . v. , o . 1 ' . _ ' BM fix!‘ ' ‘H _ l ' ‘ . "Jolt: .‘ 1569_ see me .g_ 304,; 3;-o.dway,l1 mock from campus, lots of fruit. F03 3ENT"’R°°"‘ "1 Kuhllm“ —-—————--——-———--—--—-—- V09-nu --------~-_~::;::::"' “S L: :‘''"_‘:f ""‘,°‘ “‘:""“""‘°:‘ _ -A phone 355 . .. ..,, ‘ our Peck. 0 ‘court. Private bath. Faculty mem- «U339 C533 17-03 3513‘ n;::'" “L smfl mu ‘M " "ch d_im“‘"“& W “ 5‘ ACYOCS from Postoffice . ' .....r rm M W -:2 :;.°B W: Fe-“=‘%'=u"“*-*=r“"‘ ——~+. . ‘ .' -— A A‘ k - “ 5' 9 jce _nt running cotiflitlon. Shotf ‘ 3, futfii ' ~ _. ,,__ - --_.. ..... -- """"“’ ,;;~e—. 6.room gpgrtment, 865. No. C20“ Blair ct;urtiJ Half bloc}; east .‘°,.b,_.,,_ °¢mp[.g¢_ 33¢)‘ 59 _Iaaoll. Dada to Neal. UlIPlrs—: I 1‘ A 06 1:: ,m,,,_ hm”, ._ ~+ .. . - .2‘ . v sdoom house - .0; f ' ‘t - ph ‘ 4 xnghee_.‘~ ' . ~ ‘“"‘- ° .. e . $50, furnished. 870.» ace. 0 nwersx 5. one Phone 775 . 1-6 . ,. ,._. . e. * door. or room. com. ~ . . A. . — - 2009 white. - .14 -——-—---—---——--———->-.—._——— - - " n... n........ 5..., ,7 1..., - . ,¢ . -"T . . FOR RENT—"l-room {umishedv 10-room house . 12 room: —-.-—_....—.——.. gong, V _ . AL » _ "T liouae, modern except heat. s8l0;;ho;1;e. hothwater heatnglffée rs FOR 35:47-2 rooms,‘ mod;-n,% . w‘Nr8B1p . _'.‘l'l , 90! BUB! mUsJ——-0-—-—T:fs;sgwdN:,:lfl._ L H . .- coato street. é -mm °“=° 0" "° ‘ - 1 -. 109 w'u' -‘ , WANTED-—Pu1-niabed 1 ,,,,,""“",,;.,.n.... 1 west. '''*'°'.'- - “ M" ’ ‘ . ’ " > "w" 3 "°°"* "°“'° "'5 §§3ne""i3"s‘<'7 mac». ' '“ "°r'3:».".°w-m-no woman. an :aJ3°o'3-’ -'35‘ "“"'vn.r.s. sumo rd.‘ lf.‘:.':“.'." ".1: 3.... .. .. ...... . M AL WEATHER STRIPS 1; P08 RENT—-(::¢rr;l2"9°m ”‘°d‘, 10‘-lrooim ham 8-Broom hcruse. FOR RENE F Rum,‘ Adana" up.¢‘uRy" an 5) "‘~ -hug: . fa rueo in ’ at the Ila‘ '3' . . _ I . hour.-.. 115139 '1 ' ; «room n--. ' _ ' ,» . ~ _ _ P ' 1 needs of , ' -' ' ' " ' . ,, for fraternity. sorority or c1uh.g"'°', J “°;_"‘f0_r.°om how “5_ ‘_V adjoining “M {Q 33;, t;:;_‘!."_'°“_£!n- 8-6 on non-I rn-ca. W. ‘V1,.’-Sept. 5.—l;-moi...’ book in at no.3 a::'.o'3'ooa For Windows and Doors . -' ‘ Worth 73100 Per month. “°_' house $30. 4«noom house ¢;mpug_ xo cu," ,-come,-5_ (;..‘ BOARI? AND BOOK __ no b°d'_‘.f‘Efi'3_:'d‘(“P0fi'.') Geerml," d_t,ibd kw : ::'..”'°°“"‘_"Ib_ W, J,’ ‘ or ‘far ‘ .50, A number ,of apartments rage Phone 1923 red. 4$;~ , 7‘. "*3 . tau dfivlh V33‘ onard México p. In. or before 8 a. in. 1-8.u,d ‘gage places. If you want _h ROO:d;ND BOARD—ForLl>1o8); imp,‘ .6 ma gum 5,, 13339.31 A . o s ---— _ ousc new managemen . — ' an 1 x :1 . — ‘ . FOR .'RENT—l(odern _furniabedlt:m:‘g£y“£;_ mfg‘ ,o,",f¥:'f h:"°,,_,,Mf“"’_"‘5'.°,‘§: Anthony street. none was white. ‘ . 13°} “. ww'{,.'.', 'fenn.‘.'toda.yl? ._ ' Illlfflflfllto 2 ‘'°°m3v 1*" ‘ml fin-“ ' _ d, “rm - " / vlfrs. Geo. W. Xhllena. 33-13 ’ v ' L1;-gm in ‘ D ' . _, , n‘ 1, cooking 205 Go ,, 00., corner of 8th and Bros ‘S. 1 am St., phone 1440 . _ A _(;,,,, _ 1 _._ .‘ __ _.__._._- . . . . .. .y.'.phoM 519 or 692 Huh 3_5 V 53,} noon 301-“ no 3 1, mm bone. Hy ood an-o-aondrnoou ( acts or 2; r _ . 4? I —«V - ' i UP.’-I f ‘ W3 _ ‘ . 0 ‘ ' ‘e . I-‘dl! REN'l‘—8 or («room moons ma Iuhrr ‘FOR RENT_—Ilo6cm ro_om fora "'” 0 « £2; '°‘'' W4, ,3 - . on-no me n . ma‘ very dainua “,0” sfi v :¢u-ls. near University. PnvaM.en-.. pm’ P- . 1 W ‘ ..._. _ . . ~ ___, - V .....t . . ononiogosg 83332;“ 8“ Mom yo. Phofe ms; 33;. .;,wa=v—,:5~,,, »;.>;- ,, «-3" """"“t . Smooth-‘nPerformance 0 osemary. amea a eson. , 4-... _ _ 0 ma ' .1‘; . .5 poi! RENT--‘An , 7°51 5335‘: 1-Qiper fireek. Ali one, room me but at} . . . « ° . ~- " "in the llifllkcflflv |“"""‘j ' . ‘ fire! floor for and wife. Ond‘ . .. . ‘ 1- , _, . g, 1'98 ltEN‘I'-Front room. 08' _ -~ « - I . r - » .7 .. s. ‘ gr-?"an.""°‘ we fl.”'*'dcofitd and nicely furnished. N3 RENT 1’--=_-ac fnrniflieduoroox from Y. II. C. A. 003 Elui . . u '3 . 31-outer: John N. Taylor ,. , meg, 031} . , 1 moms. kt if 1-rmw ¢°l".1?°¢aA-street. Phone 1375. 3 racing: mm (on, . . . . - » M , -- ' 3°'°"‘9"" l’'“''’‘ P; f tbreebloeka White campus.‘ - ‘W. in 5”,‘ ..a.. ' , Irina -at or use new at Delltlaw has 1'! Cdumbhv ' i ‘ e 't Faculty or upper-elaaauaen preferred “EA Mint Hflfllil‘ " ' ' ~ - " ""' “"‘ ""' ""‘° “"‘ """ " 9' V Z.?— . e mu.‘ noon '& M. 8 "5 .'-‘.. CH1‘ "D! d Ge 8&9!‘ ‘Cb’ « ‘ . ' g l ' FOB RI-:l~."l‘—I-‘ront roam wnlh °° v h 80- .. mum” [fig ltuitetavd westward to the enter or *‘ ' ‘ 4 . « 4' "porch in Dumas apartments. Men‘ rron RENT To w ‘ ;'“‘°‘- P_°"° 1 - 3”‘ 3"’d“'‘-~'$NY T‘ .8aI|-2-11147:’: -4-ll ‘ 5-( tn .. -o~. ~ ' — -~ +-—--‘ , FOR :[7I'l¢B.»).-referred. Phone 988 black. 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