3'._|"*..t‘. 9'1"!!! -1091 A -0 «Drake at- Utah. -5‘-Ka v ; ii . r I ,, issouri Wesleyan at Missouri. - Cornhuskers ll flflflluflladsu nous”-nsA—nAu.a..... ..O...d..l _I .D. D3 an I. .fl..H -4 2'! .D. fl-I'?.5‘..t9-6’..'.E'..l'9..fl-!%.. I'E.d»lQ..h»9»I‘. , I --‘ -‘-*“ .‘.‘.%.—.fl.-i6aC 35.3-3- _in 9 s A A “Dairy at Washington. ' . ' T i rianell. ' Washington at Missofl-i. Oklahoma at Kansas. Nebraska at Kansas Aggics. Drake at Ami.-s. Oklahoma at Washington. Oregon Aggies at Nebraska. illississippi A. and M. at “lash- i n. ' When fissouri Valley the 0 which 55 mag up in the v.n,_.,.-yalley opponents will be Grinnell., 1*, 1.“. 0; mg, momh_ 3”“ win . Oklahoma. Kansas, the Kansas lg-3 , l dpen what appears from a pre-sea- I K195 and Am°-‘- ‘ . son review to be th 1 t ,_ . i commencement. and it appears thsti e teams are More games have been scheduledé gridiron, this year than usually—there forty-seven Valley. games year than ever before in the his—' tory of the conference. But_._.,t..is'enty-three of lwhile “°‘n5' ‘wry "°h°°‘ M5 I the University are the Students’ Co fl rra tional games. A nell, which has scheduled but three conference games and whose sched-{C0_0p “ “ is better km“_n__hmd_ I tile is still ' :';:':°'::m;°c';‘°f °°“f°"°°° “m”' Laged by students. and rebate checks Kansas leads the conference with the la ‘ C107?‘ -llYh"V1‘*3 "in P135’ ‘~"'°’5‘§ the basement of Jesse I-lall. i met V-"er mm °*°°v‘ WW1’-;su.a...-.i‘~i‘;?»:ri?.'.:i““'..ii.. u...a..a.i play the Oklahoma Aggies. ‘ Nebflikl ll” ’¢h°d'l°d I’_"°lf“Vto slightly less than the annual in-i 51? “*9 13°“ Q3“-‘T9. *¢h°‘_!“l¢_ W I”, crease of forest through natural: .?:>:::.';:.:.::: ::r::*;:; we comm u — gate. Notre Dame, and the Oregon. _Aggies. All fo r games except . .1401" Dung (3 gig will be played; souri farm women put in on neces-. program, formidable bunch of games for the hired men do. J?‘ :‘‘.:.r:_:“—*’’ I...’ " Mllir? ~hir-ole-pardon. 5 : .- in-nu. f~ '1 rllruh‘ Walker is a 220-pound guardwho will probably win his spurs in that D l .c on m fin the ho!” ed 0'Sullivan will make l ‘n°d . ' ! T5“ Ad‘“'‘‘- 190 P°‘,’”d t,’°°kfi°‘d' u‘. quarterback. :will be back in rnolesltins this 3'9"" innd Wm fit “.011 mu, 9,, P13“. ‘en ‘ ' ' ‘b3"i“K ‘?“"_ '",°{ 1°“ ""0" vacant by Scannell, who is not re-*5 ‘because of injuries in early season taming. 1 practice. nsas Aggies at Washburn. Edmond Normal at Oklahoma. . _-- ---- .L _ P9 Coachslnpasnfixpectasqnad to _Preas look :0 hi‘ hum“ to hold his her", imlle eient in the Missouri Valley {than any other edition. A detailed. ; Jackson is hea\'yL“""""“““ ’“°“‘- ' account Lamar, Valet, Poage and Pittin- 3lI¢U\'i1l¢5 —-———+———— TF5’ a Missourian Want Ad. is given. A '”o.iirm.aiag"—°""" '° '3:’o°°l‘uuesu'"'i=i:cr 'of”fli‘e"'!fil‘iil” of all organizations .——————-o.—--.—-— c ‘ Try a Missourian want ad. officers and athletic rec‘-; freshman . i-p)_e_s,_t9r_.Tlie-.naa of 1' —————O-j all) on are mini!!! 0PP°*'“"‘m°' “ is WHAT COONTS MOST DURING me AND‘ SCURRYP OF glut yeai-‘s Ktiiinsaa gauge iawback tnl ions or e o - .;i('::s:n::ii:t,kI!tIo zlgnd. Morris Mm_ Mcnonough are all backfield gneni ’ " . fdcr. a rezular quarter of last year. ;"‘° “H ‘fa’ ;‘;:"“§’ "'°i‘m:'dl Backfield each who will arrive will be on hand to present his claims Dz”? h u an SL3]; In this week from Mid-Iran. ‘for the fl-‘lulu bmh 8‘ W‘ P‘."°° nds 'T€h0!l'iIIp: is close to the isol . _.._,again this year. And Sammy White- l’°°k - d St huh d S ' 50”’: «man is the remaining \'eteran_baek- "'37 ' ‘m. en ’. an, “O 2 ' \\'1|}'.field m‘n who no doubt see Scan }b0lh furnish I Cqmblflalltln til throng . “co in many of the Tiger games this and speed that will come in vet)‘ Cornhufiea -reatusdfan l'l3ll?)'. “'C!‘€ freshmen lflfil .)'(‘8l'. The Husker'schedule with \'al- I""d""'“°"°" “H be ‘°: Icy team, includes the apparent‘). fight for a place at taflile. The last i premier tum, of the ‘.0,,{,,.,_.m.e this ;reports from the flashing freshman . year——Missouri. Kansas, Oklahoma m ‘MM were lb“ he “i” hm‘:'(.‘r man and the K.ansa.iIhAt!2les. All looni as H :r\1’::l‘l,§e‘l::l(Lln in }‘.|)ll:lltl|(l condition for: dangerous totepeniiant hopes off -,,_ ., . - ..m__ D08, "- . thcvtraduation shackled Huskers. §;fi‘;h':'r‘;f,f," h"_,‘,,‘,,,',‘.‘_:d '{.',,’..'°,,,,.,__ M, Tiim. We. in addition nearly ram‘: TM Bil Ten 5811"-‘5 ¢‘t9“1‘l\'°l}':gt‘30r'd '-'1-om En" and R_ G_ Scan other eligible men to fill up the holes in 3-be Mhedulc C‘ the "3u9.V thl5}.‘,.c an wards and m(_kl(,$ who will caused by lf'ljl.ll'l(‘S and other causes. ' , _ ;year. Beside the Illinois-l\'ebras- d‘ h_. 0' k. ‘ "on “.(.(,k fflr Coach Henry is exceedingly. opti. Lhusoun at Nebraska‘ ka fray in Lincoln three other in-» an I “r m .9’ m‘ nii=tl(‘——f0r the rather silent cmich v ° ’ . -‘ lar practice. I '. . ‘ ‘ . K‘"‘” ‘ll “”h""l°“- terconferencc games will be playcd.“Yu _ , ' . he is—-about ll-.i~ Tiger ch:i:icv.~ fur‘ ‘ Thei‘e IS still sonic « uncertainty min. I Don I-‘aurot. a star off 80-. Ha‘.-ix “unfit Stuber,_ Swotfond. Thomas and; Knox College at Drake. I-Zmporia College at Kansas S. A. . - an-I-—---iv’ 7.1»..- ‘_...— - —- to fight‘ their Washington at Grinnell. ° October 18. Missouri at Ames. Kansas at K. A. C. Colgate at Nebraska. Grinnell at Drake. October 25 last Year's Captain Back. In the line Clyde Smith.’ last year's captain and an all-\ alley an. will resume his berth there. Kansas Aggies at - Missouri. e is one of the most valuable men Nebraska at Kansas. Oklahoma at Drake. Rolla at Washington. oreinber I. Am” at K‘"‘5“-‘ A33i9-“- 03'. Missouri opens her .~'- ' ‘h - ‘M. U. and Kansas Renew Baltle.:= Kansas at Missouri. Drake has beyond question the‘ years by a mid-Western team.= The Bulldog team will open their‘ season in Salt Lake City by playing. ___.____ ithe L’r.iversity of Utah. and will. we cogcheg of me ninepclose two months later in Gaines- insfigufions tgkeflflllt’, FlOl'ld8. against thl‘ L‘lll\‘€I'- 59);] ,3 way from yesteg-d.y to‘ sity of Florida. The Iowa team! ‘n mining the}, “gun, for thcl will travel more than 6.000 miles toj 4 gridiron “beanie. the cumin V meet their playing schedule. Their} o - _.—.-._ . ... -_..... .ax__...-......_._.4..—.—-—-¢—__nn_g.:_._._....¢-nn—..... Q best season: Ames Opfnfl the §(’3SOYl “'llh inf‘; O I The Inglenook THE DINING ROOM WILL SERVE . Breakfast ' 7:30 to 3:45 Lunch 12:00 to 1:00 Dinner 6:00 to 7:00 VERY SPECIAL RATES for meals by the week (Tall 2202 Green for reservations THE INGLENOOK GIFT SHOP is ready to supply you with Stationery embossed with your fraternity crest, seal or initials. Also with supplies, toilet articles and gifts. You will find at The lnglenook many new and attractive articles. Come in soon The Inglenook Dining Room and Gift Shop In the Austin-Cline Apt. Bldg. 705 Missouri Ave. 3-THE FEW DAYS OF SCHOOL ‘ And if ‘iho.t and shoes aren’t- at tlieirbest‘ you Won’t be ableto make the best appearance possible. We clean and block hats so that 1 they give you that collegiate look and our shining parlors always have room for you, even when you’re in a hurry to make your date «or late for class. AND DURING THE _SCHOOL YEAR .WE’LL _ I be at the same old stand waitingl to serve your needs quickly and efficiently. You’ll understand why students like VANITY FAIR after you've patronized the Di- mitri Brothers and get acquaint- VANITY FAIR . ~ Y , A lplace this year. He wasnot eugi-I 0”" ‘°"_ "3" ' last year. placing_thlrd In 15939;-Q are given and *'“l°’vfyou do not read and use liiaaourtln __._r_. A le to place last 1.11. but co es in‘ _ 9-Pfifli-I ;v.iiey meet, and winning all theirimformation ‘inst ads’. ' toasiiaoui imiratl!’ “'00 fadmirabb’ to all the pace of Van -“£33” Vilielllfllfiflfi “Ir ld0d meets. *5 stall! DIN 5 -3 - ~» g " __ ,. , “T - «~- .p).,,, " - P1888 claim 0 : mg,‘-g gagged’ o, . . . .. , ._' .; ‘ .2- ‘. 0853* KIN‘ W‘ . ‘i In W": A.“ manta” "the minor Yalley championships this lccuy, hm ,_ . . ularly under Captain Arthur 302:1. MW ' numb“ 4:: The tm__ iflll. announcu Coach Bob Simpson, _____.'_______ 3 ‘ " ._ _ ‘ - ;._ .-:‘lidofiw|ll h§adn:heLteau from s rm" Kemp“ ‘fir k ml). good Iwhgl call burial: Vfrofll MW "93! V9433 .8‘l'UDBNT HANDBOOK 18 OCT - '4: —, T"-3' - ‘--”"=- *' - . on at I 1" ‘ . . E." wi e 19 iger crossocountry —_—-—-—-—-— ? -’ . ’ . i‘. - lt lu , ll - ' I j I ' In the he dd ‘nuonfi u not lam hzllidllf Ifeidcdfnrs fi€:rtnwi'q“‘d~ _ Tug‘ gjuig Ia Lilia’ '’ Sn‘ flu‘ r ~ Cn- Bk“? ”° 5"’ the dummy ant ‘year's freshman ranks. Bacchus is" Tin’ h"'5°"' "'9 1°35"! but M..." ‘t “'6'. ' l ' ur ' 0- ' it hslyfif '59“ In-l°'l°‘ another ‘md wh-O “in be‘ heard f,.om_ one man from their squad this year, The °"" swdfil 'B,"db°°h 'hkh’ - -5. ' {.3 3' -if? L cm '1” an “fie” out ‘ad a mu“. I the backfldd Pete Jackson and fwd "0 88511508 Steele. the Missouri lb” 5"“ ‘ 59*“ P‘u’-"’°d by “R! - " l 5 ~ 53'» — E. .' " ’ " I tute and much lishter 6 WW ' I ~ ,,,,u,d,, 7freshman who last year won the 2. 3 SW49" C°°"“" "‘ "‘“°“ “"""" ' ' ' v.11,_.y 1,3, eve, ind. ; ne conference game against the; rl)’ season reports brine indi-ixebrnskfi-“-"slew" team .0" Se". ions an “ 1”“ four tum‘ ‘uitember .4. ' The season will close; an‘ {ormiame chim {Orion Thanksgiving Day. and as was v‘neytpenn.m‘ Nebm‘k'__thcithe case last year. will probably mic mm‘ of the C°mbuker_'go until that date for settlement: ‘banned this “n by the Jnnejof the conference pennant winners. ‘ Kansas will go against Missouri, on ‘ better playinglto repay the Tigers for the hiimblei 1 pie th irence field. while Kansas Aggie.-:5 uwill meet Oklahoma on the Normiinf All four teams are fig» lflflured in with Nebraska as strong ""93 In 811- pennant contestants. d more out of t e conference _ '— l hgvc been (vhglked up this’ M. L. I 7 ‘Co-Op and Cafeteria Are Operated; - ' h Sch l . r than in several years. More Games ‘Ibis Year. ’ OWELL’S I Phone 74 9th and Walnut‘ . . the 3‘"“°*‘i Two institutions which are main-f "lb" 9"’ °°"‘"‘ ;tained for the benefit of students inl one or more intersec- Aside from Grin- Store and the University ‘ The Co-Operative Store-or thel v . . l "‘°°mpl°t,°' 1‘°b’“'jles books. school supplies and ath-3 lletie equipment. The store is man-3 l l are issued to purchasers. which Cl’! low a return of 5 per cent on every number of games. Potsy A mnhue, win 3° °""'id° may on“ t°' Sweden's timber and lumber pro-'. i Women Work Longer Than Men l thei Four yea? records prove that Mis- Lincoln. which slightly eases but which still leaves a a half hours more a day than the 0 I e 3 sary household duties about one and l I F . Home Again And the Co1umns—still standing with their? massive paws—say—‘tWe’i°e glad to see you.” 1 Alnd The Jungle—well its heart is overjoyed’ asn. Billiards Make The Juiigleoyour first stop, The Jun; gle-—far famed fOl‘_ its cooling drinks-delicious foods and Johnny Paul's smile. ~ The trellis garden is Heaven's own reward and is waiting for all of Mizzou’s own sons and daughte . * ‘RECREATION PARLOR Broadway and Hitt I Right Across From the Library ‘ Ask anybody—you'll learn to know it p \ -‘ '*‘~1I.'$_-1m~‘--~.~‘.-_....A.-A...'..;& ‘ - in.;..»;:;.-.2’:..§.ei-ices." -32,-'..';.-t‘ ‘ ‘Music Every Afternoon and gEvem°ng Come in and see us.‘ While you have been enjoying your vacation the ‘past summer we have been redecorating and fixing so that we can better care for your wants. Settle the eating question once and for all.’ Once you have tried one of our plate dinners youwilllie’ perfectly contented to -eat here always. I r . , i We are specialists catering to the student. The finest candies, fountain service, delicious lunches and dinners all are at’ their best at Jiminie’s. ’. I A ‘ . \ Mfiet Your friends at Jimmie’s. Everyone else meets there so why not you? P 3 an.