.2 is is.‘.f‘. n ‘ --aw Jock’: in Wu. mphilipping Re. rise. He found 7 ulty ,. . . , P. i. fstndcnt «=ori3s_ ' ’ “__u ‘Point in eflici i§xo_c..g. hfeaican Expedition on! and ¥‘h°l° w- rcssion 1917—lda.ior.-General. _.19l7—Comniander f' 1 o o .. 1924~—Retires today. ” - him because 13 G n disciplinarian. his iiaiu-i rm... WASH! NGTON. Sept. 3 c: an era! geilerations. old today. - Sixtyofour years old. and apparently in the » h ’'h‘' °f life‘ um" "‘ul“i°n’7‘i€'i:.li'ar: Jeniii wlliehfixthat age asthe end ofaj. .b_ man’: active usefulness hiive crowd-- ed “ch ' Jo He is 64 years. 111 to ‘atate bar. ' , Iitary training. When he left, his: social charm devdoped in Lincoln society, he made a Iavorablc A_ 1; 15“ chic! of stall’. After his year at a ' 7 France. Montana Indian post, Miles _ L 1919_(;cner-al of Army. Wash.. him WC COW?-Cd 8PP0imm9M W 7-M .ership under supreme difficulties he. , West point faculty. “Black Jack," the students named J stern vumgger Ja¢]g".._hi5 original outfit, Chief of America's the ma, CM.‘1n.' “,3 3 “gm pegi- I-‘orces, which were to number two ' L De A n‘!&t:8.t‘nl"li|liil8.")' career in H9 ‘"5 "Vi"! "° ‘be ' - miliar}. hiuor). for .e‘._ ‘Judge Ad\'0C8I.l.' General's ‘C0111 where he could nuke we of hu 1“: produced by the World War. lie was a quartermaater. €87 Unit-I Prue. NATIONAL srocit mans. iii.,§ ' 7oo @l0.60;_ light ‘lights. in“, ' packing so 0 @l0; bulk, 8l0.25@10.50. 1 Sheep-—Reccipts, 759 head; mar- gpgn ‘nan. flcft the comman er. State B03111. The punitive ‘Mexico to catch 1 1 rapid For almost a year he commanded I15“-'1 110111311811? 35935373 9'93» -5°@ The _ tb, - . 1'“. law ,_,,,e,;¢,,, m,°,,§ undo, evcry $5.50; canners rid cutters, siai 5o;.approximates 619,000 ahagrels 1 and indifferent to mil- {conceivable handicap. The \'illais- _wool lambs. $13@l3.76. year. compared to 850. n ‘according to E. A. Logan of n I l mu ‘O we“; St. Louis Produce. I . - ' . P . . . . ency. With.,9Iis rec- -my attacked him. The American,_B'sL.’l:'“°dLO% Sept 13 _E Yllfld Jewell May: of .:government and the Army organi-' . ' i ' ' . ' ‘.8 }B08!'d OT AKT5¢“lW“9- . b k . the Sums to . First country candied, 3.»c: ordina '. latlon at In , firsts. I upon General hliles. git: nde-quat¢.au;}i£)or;£di!r1i0tsCt;p;;lt:: Bmur__C"_,.meU. extra. v‘38c;icent.of goxrrual and themfagigi an eqmpmen" ‘ P standards. 35¢: firsts, 81¢; .seconds,‘*d°“'°" ‘ per cent‘ . X K“? v\‘iU8- 30$ 81* 1! WCOKTIWO“ 011935‘ ‘whole ciop 53 per cent -at ll 29c. - pou1tn._Hem_ 22¢. turkasm 3‘k_1'pl‘0dllcll0I‘l. The June chop springs. 23¢: ducks. l5@l7c; geese, l2@14c; cocks. 13¢. " C C988-—N0!1.hE!'ll twins. young Ameria. Wife. [was made major genera . months affbr his return ,, was such . jfrom Mexico he was on .the Atlantic Fig-3g thgy “fled him 1bound for France as Commander-im Expeditionary 195“, 3 northern section and st, iable damage. Scab. uy non.-4 emu. ‘ ST. LOUIS. Sept. ‘No. 2 ‘million and a half. 13-“'C°m"'3onchards. On the whole the inked» 31-ml’? N°- 4 "luedviof most varieties is good an Thi Great Organizer. : 3 . . . » so Pershing is the great organizer tendency in bulk general . _ . No. 4 white. 47¢: Sept.. 3 us not ,0 lucky as out of hand. no wonder the Allies to Sen 48¢ sales. .thoux’ht the task impossible out A m‘'’‘'‘ "°‘“'°”"5"P‘~- 51-‘sliiierowers is N: Br”: trhco blind- ‘rather than attempt to build; sep- 5123' picking time. as i _ * - e wen U ‘mate American Army our soldiers= wheat’ (red) 5°’ 2' 8'41‘ $1.30@l.35; ho. 4. $1.32. No.3’ tet. . I WSAI, Cincinnati, 309 me- . y)- ;devoted to the problem of ‘the hailstorms of Angus: :3 :n . local isideworm are showing up in many "f ENGINEERING RANKS ciiow . to By United Pnau g the employment JEFFERSON CITY. Sept. 13.—» Missouri commercial apple crop; M .}.:. xv“ _.,’_?._.-_-;.: .7 »;.',~'§'.o.'_’._."-E. T.‘ _ ;_ _,_'_T~ """$_’ ' I,’ . '; ~.~ ~ —- V." I - I K. ,- I “I A. . V V n - ‘ -‘I r * “ _'~ s_ ' ‘- . , 1 --Ta , ‘ ,.-# _y . ,, , _*‘ d '4 :'_" ' Q " ‘ Q I.‘ J -- - _'. is ‘rs - 4‘ f*’“"3. - — »--‘*3- . r - . ‘ . v ~ ~ . .. . e v . _ ‘ _._ 5;‘? 2‘ _ » _ IATMISSO . - fl 5 -1' * ‘i _ ~—' ._?,: ii.’ . . it I I - In ‘ - I . . . ‘- ‘ « - . ~ i "7 " . ‘I "' ‘ -_ .' I‘- I '-' - I . ‘ Z ' a \ . e - . . . .. . .. ,. - - .. s i v e "3. 3....-' .-,...g... i .g.a.e rogue.-lualrr SIUDHITS-.6lVflol0l8i-J&aI—-,«é@-*'*“5! -. r ,. oi ""i.nd‘iopulafity_ ,,~,-,3..,,',§ thug . . . . pi‘ ll” 5°“"°° ‘— . _ . . . or avuifiniu . ,' .: ‘:9.’ n.,_pmdh“,”,_~;'” wan, 1~i...'zodr. 493 ine- Eli-lorllell §*"|'!_"°" 3'''''f‘ ‘'3' spending i_ri.v.a.v-N119! *'“|_ -. _gu;s;a;sss ~U_ni_vsrsity.Buiieuo ’ .5“"""”‘"' " raxlaoeoun Ans '1-icanfimnesina _.*¢fi- 8 9- at-V‘°°"" “’’’°‘ «;-..'.'°'''',.;''‘'.,*.....-; emu... 98”". «- 5-,, the A with Voiu-of . f¢ldiiun.thooehe-:e;- oburverfiz". "' “"‘°”"'.,, pm, Zquick and supreme arm _io"ond the ml 0 . mm?“ ,,,,,m, ;,,,,..;.,, c. '°°“°¢F‘fY""'°°° H n“ P» The no:-eu Worker mg‘. no _ it Wfi”w'_,m%|Fmw'h”k§u :'¢ .,,; on before snow an. In the Ar- . K934“ ““"'“‘.‘{,“,;w?:,,fi iw Hovey ooeo-my of the r. ii.-2'."-"_;"“-*i““' “'° ‘V’ "" mi. new periodical added to the . . . i " . ‘ ,,,,,.,' an 1! uiuiosooaiuis priu- W‘-. 9- "“" .. F ‘ ‘mm,’ , ,.,,,~ ,3 ""— = * . Th: Ameflcla T . .. I 2“ :'’°“'''°‘ ‘‘ W '""!¥°&° .Provii:e- 13;. “fins .¢mm,l:s?,mceiit ti: Geerman Inc of retreat. ‘ “dud cu. 312 nu. b°,".um°h",' 90°09’? :1 .“ ‘fie "mcel:.:t¢ Bulletin has been placed .aw°L" complete disarmament ofifild h““"°d“’°”'?"“°“ . ‘ “£6250, m.;_o¢,m°;¢ ":3 ;placed in jobs. and Ir. Hovc)'.1Adfln ‘ad 8'4‘ ‘dance’ "fin flictéatinl rooIn._. " _ ~ a--education“ . ' 0 9 ° ” _ - .‘ . ‘ ‘ . ' ‘ V W W =*-i-W °' "W ”"~ ‘°‘ -*"""“"°'.‘““ °‘‘.‘‘‘’'.......‘‘''‘‘.‘.'..' '33.’: *3 ODAY’S M1 Kl’.-3T'S 3 ""‘° ‘°‘°'°"“" "’ ’“‘° "““ i?.T"I.”oi‘.'.?‘.§.'Ii"i‘;‘.I‘.t‘s.?'Z°.§i‘o.".'.?'..'.“§' -sou -r . oaaoo 1 iv. o. anew to men ‘”"“’"°""'°°‘°°‘”""i"'°%" ‘nu-ercohmd ‘::'paIaed b a rnili- " T ‘% °’°" °°"'""° lineuiaooi will be supplied. -no mxieo Co::Yry Club goui 'W- 01i'¢r.3m*°“» . ° W won rum. are heat iii‘: .f::,_ mmboeo _ y Y '_' . e E 7 §Y:‘f._<;lrc:haivon,‘ iliizemztuerrsl . 0" Wm’ m mm mm. mm W “am hi the ,,,,,,,,“'g.-.;ia.ioa‘:eom-the University by .ose point-it Eve-am: The men 1." ac. Lucia Llvutnck. E - helping“, ya,’ .1 Km-.w,a...ao afternoon by rgrerday for Port . - y 592*} score of 54 to 52. The score tie! at the end of the ninth hole. '“n'l“",'”"'1‘-g"::f,:' °°hlm”‘"d'"”,.::,,:,?: ?,:§nfi¢.,,' fees. l3iae—tC;oc“1::§;:¢l'p:;r ‘ tr-fr-!:dnl§3o er.'s ‘llihggzaniiddinx. employment. Mr. Bony. says. Mani’ each .-hang 33. Twenty men E Ggfiglidnziu ’_‘rFM_‘:"h:;fl ' .2’-“Fm” . .‘.° 9'3!“ .—...._——~ ~ therwi Id t - i 4 as 0 _ 0 ."‘...."'.;'§‘.“" ....“....°“ o'.’.Z.°’°°‘ "' °"‘°" i;‘I.’§.7"i’...‘.“.’..'.i”‘.‘.i‘.§.’..‘.°i.‘.;....'T§.§.° :1’; week «so: W éi_;;- *9-6°! APPLE CROP IS ?i'i‘.‘i".°'i...." '.u.°o. ......2‘..'-'22. u'I.‘§-. §,‘,’2‘,E.§“.T§. ’«"i..§“§i.’2i.‘§'”.o'.Il'.§?’ "" ': tor we.-tut an as-. . . _’ . . . ‘ ' 710.3); yearling steam heifers, _ I -t 1, (50,, gm, the gidi . g _.,, _ . 4‘ — Five years of Indian llththi 3‘ l .S)isjoiv;ii'l:iuar;fi :3; ax‘? .“_5o@8; ¢o‘.,b ;3_q5@5;,_¢gm,,,‘; . _ ::f'§,',,,{ 0:3} ed ghxngh the Y. For!!! Cheer flu Mei’; 3 A ‘ f. . 0'' ‘'‘‘°‘"..‘i . - ~‘odtto.:2 ":cal.1Li»I B . 3 rtsmarto anaas on. I " the North Ittw 3"“ °“““ "‘ "‘° P’°.”‘“° 9," "‘ i‘1ll.50c'ustolcliera.u::I:.?Zeederv:.34$.¢3g‘ 6 C Student; experienced in any iioeineon hioel of Tarltlo and Warren . . I03“ WUN9‘ “'9” is“ F" °“"' ""‘ ;"“‘ “.1” 36.25.’ ; ‘ __.... iahould state their experience witivcozlitel’ or Japan. rem. ooawo. Seling out Magazines ‘dm M. den" iuaped. renew omens ' ’ e. H“ “‘R°¢°i “ 5"” h°‘d' mt?-‘Peach 45 P Cent fl th ' licationa for work as in the Univeraitlx are I '38 “W6 .3’: willed‘ fig “mud n gppoim- would go l sane. Since then his jaw B _ P v - v ; es el‘ 0 i ell’ IPP _- . K. S. , %u‘ co t u been even more fimiy “e, we _ket steady; heavy. - . 10.35;. E . f 1 there are many calls for experienced ,\~ ._ at e 998 Irma _ . 4 “mt he ‘the mark of loneliness has never lmediulm $19-20@1°-503 58”» 39-90; Nonnal’ stxmate 0 599“ 3”‘ “'9 "'°°“ti,°" i5 ""‘b“ih$.'“i §?;l:l'kl:"f r the A ‘ — . e co _a o Fred B. Dixon is in charge of iycara. but will enter Harvard this? department. ifallto work for his I. A. 9 _ ————0---—-' _ _ ;Cogliur was cheer leader at the 1 . ISSOURIAR ‘D0 BE IBDEXEDI Univaggy in 19g()_ this '—"‘ - 5, _' ' . ‘—.-.° _ .?."°°""‘.....:.'.'..';‘..‘.:.“."'.°.:'.' i;*...'..'? ...’*°' :°$;.°,,.'; '::.::“....°‘~ ...; "W" W W W the? Bureau of Agricultural Economics.-'; bk Miuonfim i‘ being made by we‘ Sm": State Historical Library. The work, was begun on the issue of Thurs-I The commercial crop ix 4.’: ptr‘d,_‘.. An mute, pa,-uingng to per_; pro - jv 3° 1*“-lingo:-es: will be listed in a card‘ thibi iyear continued later than usual nudging the wmmc, on current county I O}.,‘ ithroughout the southwest section bu phnned the w°,.k_ “pet” ‘O Natl)’ 3“ 9"? ‘°“°"~ did °°"‘id'*""‘index 10,000 items a month. b1°‘°h “"3 item indexed involves an invest-; iment in labor of 4 cents. ;- "dw : 22...... '..'.....'. 2 Similar work has been done dur- " _ pm ca’ 5.“ ha ~ _ 5 an agree that hair pers and on the Boonville Add 3 ‘ "-5 °° ""1 ‘ Floyd C Shoemaker. who ' 1 E; ;‘mhr': l auoeooo o and. v 6lI£ —————oj— , d gp. Mrs. J. Roy Wharton Improving.‘ suit-s have been slow with great road. is slowly improving from an _ I «Q, . l h d in-N333 Sepia 513”-oi DEC-.;ples are smooth where well sprayed. ing. when the Spanish-Ameri- 3‘ 33°F‘ “ad °“‘ 3'} “:1”? .‘_ ‘id $1,051., - ‘ ‘can War broke. Then he asked to be if‘ 9 Yr“ ' °q“'m’ ' ‘”““° ' 1058} UP‘ made cdond of Nebruku. ‘.°hm_ hven his stall’ had to be produced of at _ 0ats—.\'o. 3 white, -I7‘,-:@‘*43‘i‘;‘53i\'ariation in price and condition ofioferation for ‘Q\___%“ms' ‘ 5 ,with the Accadcmia Scicntifica at‘? bild. , : ' anal and t . <5 3 or subjects of town or county. 4 {,0 dye‘ -9 us ' ‘ . : -V - -———-- --- ‘mp. o f ldaa-Walbcn I070! ‘hlivqqégtq an dod- Photo 1923 fr: ‘thrive in a well- ‘ ‘kc-pt ‘ I-den Mrs. J. Roy Wharton, Stewart _ You are missing opportunities if, V X i i I I udents' names ‘I A Happy Thought . ' ' ' ‘ d ‘ ' . ' . odflhim into retirement.h . b. h l He helped the mm Cfiflw save :slioul acne in scattered units as a when (hu_d)_x°. 3' 31 3:5‘, _________ V ; __to _take your Sunday 5,. ,,,,,,g, 3 ¢..., He'll leave a mig ts ig oe P ‘ W R u h Ride“ t L” part of the French and British ar- , _ ._l'25y__. 146%. V 5 inc", M¢.C.u,u,n¢ 3.” 11.“ 437 _ I _ around here when he goes.“ said the é“°’?‘°. ' G° 3 Wood ‘;_ecom_,‘mies under foreign commanders. ;' °‘; " " '@ “' ‘ ’ ‘ 0' '§ “fie - _ . l dmner 3t the ’°*"“ ’;‘;u‘5 N“ on “awn u the W" Dem”. :m‘:i’dletd‘li.is adesrfaeiicement to the staff ' .pe”hing ‘"3 dininiiyith the king ‘Lbvm ————-—o-————~ Dean E. J. hIcCaustland of the: I‘ .:,,, ,3," m; uni: "°"‘- .0 go, --,.u.,, “.1 .,.¢;¢;.m,--- »°.‘ E“*'‘““‘' 3”“ ’°°°""“K W‘ °"‘° ciiciccn PREFERENCES civn:~"sei.ooi or Engineering announced; B 0 two i- were --4 “when Pu-shin‘ looks u "0" out rmti A f thousands 0 ‘ions of Pans’ but undememh W“ ""‘”'_“" ‘ i I sterdav that the enrollment of.‘ am" am‘ “ nu’ a2_ his steady blue eyes, you just "' l“ ,°“ . .5 °";n ° to i d ta ‘,tliis conflict of ideas. The Allies Aliliations Signified by 2.481 of ‘I: ,_¢ho;,1 this vear shows a slight; INN nine luhnvvhknfiw Illfilflllb .;traixhtcn up P°"°“‘1‘ ::"‘t;1a,“::f:;i0n8e‘nd m;:m:qn:;e_ ‘under the pressure of battle were. tndeuts in llniverslty. . mfireasc over tin“ of last ébu! in! new “"1: 3-)‘ 9303-0 ‘C359!’ “'50?” men folio“ meat‘? dpcnfl m the w ply sen“ étnlunit a short view. Pcrshini: was Tabulation of church preference ,_ be 48! student‘ wen. -nmyvre serving a spe_ . “ma 0, my ,3” h"un°‘,l‘d5'3 Th?” 3'“ u'°"‘°“d°““ - «J J pukoatc glooking ahead. lie refused to be blanks show that 2,481 students-, _Lf‘5t 5°Pt_°m r ' t 5 (‘ml fried chicken dinner "_°*7" ruin my ‘Rah ; , oiine r in theeman. lie rn- i‘°f°' ‘ red ‘ at ‘ W” iru.-hed. He. told them the)’ mU$t‘\\'ll0 filled them out during regis-ill-‘K“‘l°I'9d "1 *3‘? 5°h°°‘- °‘;"'} 1 for _ ' 75¢ «sci: ‘fig; 5919 5 t diates will-power. His self-posses. 0 Preptscmnctsos Ptgli entices: . “mm the line anoum. ).cm.___nnd cw .n_mi°n have specified weir p,-deg--.iday 437 had registered. Dean c-E . . . . .. . . . . . . . um mm‘. ‘tan: 7 I clan and P0i5¢'- 8" '-‘°D*8K5°W'- L A‘ f , ‘hp’ k K. bled Washington he must have n cnce, while 296 haw.’ signified nojikiustland id that the increase: Rv38Ul3T ""191 - - - - - -509 ..,,u ...,,,,.g “M _ In ' ' n. : “rt; at "mg 3 “ ‘ :3‘ If " ‘million men within a year and mu- afiiliation. appeared to be in the upper class-es.~: Short ordém room no trait-1 .' ‘ “Black Jack” is interested in men. ._°°’ '“ ° ” '~'P‘¥'""°“ ° °w' ,r.itions and supplies for three mil- The Y M C A which iq dog" ‘ - """ *""“ I” '‘l'‘‘ , ii hm” um . Co led -with! the Cuban experience. he go .1. H ‘ bl. had h d . _. .. . _ . x W- A - Light lunches exact. Iaifnlluc B-vim * _. " ‘d‘“__ - "P _ "E 1:! ‘dfmndmd ‘O cm, - :'°“- 9 cs " ‘S. '33 9“‘"’l'~’’3 the tabulating. is turning over to! j- . arias Wallace )lop- Photo in: 1 ‘ this lnte:g§ inaeo a native in-’ ‘’r- e ‘ °.5°m°° tat Chaumoru and be an his lonvi 1, . - . h .1, . - ~ l Orch t ‘E ' ' E ' ‘ per‘. mi.-‘ ocfi‘-b ! ’~'a'tinct for-~ord&5!|z revue tofllr-in on “demon none‘ ‘ " ‘ “ ‘"‘°“‘'‘ “" °‘- ""°“'"“°“«. ,4 . t S33 "3. ‘"3 ‘°“"‘¢ ' ‘ ' . I . o I I ' 0 ' 9 ! pigoverning. Order is a passion with ‘er he has gone. what- ' done, he has 1! yun 1“ of the most . ,. g r at the University of Ne-" 9 H'aa'ka,—aggin éinthe ‘ uban cam-_ i as _a provincial governor in i ‘ tlie_'Philippines, in France, even in A UK pout-war period——always he has 1 - stood out as a great administrator, one who "brings order out of chaos. ‘' In his early days as’ military in-1 strut-to of the chiefs : .Hany men can tell others what to -do‘. But Pershing can make them do -,it. The explanation? Bis rare com- .--Iinntion of personal mastery and -‘charm! in all the new . 3 r .. -There are more brilliant officers 5"“ the army. lie ‘ 4 gileat Point. In academic learning In is surpassed by others. As a tac- . Jtician he does not rank with the _; ' great general: of history or with i ' Lfoch, the leader. Nor. is he , niority rules. — of.hi5.bi‘avery.« I’-‘Iashineas 18' .1 ratios to his * : !‘e¢k1¢3('.‘‘abo'IE,~'hlm He . ‘ .-ateady—dependable n the sense :11)‘ the Pfflld « «that he has -never failed when put to "5" -_~ 1 test. corps. Ti; ‘*5 Fifteen years relapsed before he no and his . 9-‘ roni second lieutenant to ‘ j,: » Qptaln. Then he vaulted seniority , rules and jumped over his superior officers into the rank of brigadier- iii; ~anCraI. As long as it was a (mag. ....—.-....L-.... Plltflo . £735 Roosevelt front of sup’erficial . brilliance that , -obscures advancement. But in each A _5¢.— l*QO0:¢8.a naniraljeader. 3 l Discipline‘ is the first word in his‘ been Jumped .1‘:-ainini: 53, the aemnd. (I he ' return \.‘-' \e~¢-OI-u -9- . ., . in Philippines. He wentto the Islan relatively unknown. Three and ha famous officers in th army. With a conciliation and force be h is a ro revolt, Ieasned some of -- a “date” or sultan, and established a reputation as a colonial adminis- -‘he Chnteau_.i.hk_"v ator. Captain Pei-shing's name was nov.'_b..c3me eluding Wood. joined with statesmen ; in mommendinz his Pr°m°ti°n to ‘of-position tactics and trench t'ight- - brigadier-general. dine at the White House. and 3of_mm.emem_ was no-prodigy at ‘_"‘°"t‘°"’d hm‘ by “"3" m “*5 P795‘ ‘fliand-grenade; be trained his men idential message to Congress as de- . serving brigadier rank despite se-‘e~-~~u-A — — ~ - ~- ——~~- Wed to Senator‘: Daughter. On the wave of 3‘ 3 . ids:-lug, Be ha; neg-eg-iPershin_g; met’ and married 7 i : mw)' Itunts to convince id-uzhtcr of the wealthy _Sg-nator ' ' Warren of Wyoming. chairman of’: ...g.,,-._ -n,.,. ;, ,,,,,,,,!tiie some Committee on Military’- y o icers. and the diplomatic‘ for his new post as military oboe er attache at Tokio. Japanese war was on . He ‘ " ” ' observer with the Japanese armv . at Renovating and . . e . .throughout the Manchurian cam.-I captain to brigadier-general ed '1‘ ' “:3 ipreparation for the Mouse-Argonne “SL5 of “the 5 ream i - st _ . e ‘ ,an addresses just as soon as‘ tht-‘)3 fire‘ er he returned as one - “~ e gn. : “Black Jack” opposedthe idea of compgegaf‘ according to G in supreme war council and dde- Ho‘-Q,-. sec,-eu,-y_ _ ‘ b. adv I. f ::nlLI'l _ a supreme_ comman er.‘ .:._._._ ____.i ~ * ~- - mm m 9° ‘°yu° ;Whe.n ;~ och took over in April 1918. 8VI31KtllcII Students to Meet. ' ‘Pershing won two points: the Amer- The Evangelical Students’ Gabi will hold its first meeting ,ican Army was recognized equally ,with the French and British with its _ jindividual command under I-‘och.- On July 4 the A. E. I-‘. took over region. and in la get-tog er. . 5: - :1 First American Army ' responsible for the St. - "“ 'Mihiel sector. ~ - While the Allies accepted the war- 1 Altering a who consecrated him Phone A ugust the spapers. Gen R°°-'‘°‘''°k 5"‘ ’ing. Pershing prepared for a war. They relied on the Your Sunday evening date will appreciate it when you say COLUMBIA LAUNDRY ' Phone 758 “Suds and Duds” We call for and deliver. H. W. Bertie The Laundryman Phone.758 106 8. Fifth St. this “Dinner at J immie’s” beuiuse‘ she knows that she will be certain of an excellent dinner. Music Every Afternoon Md“ "'{.‘.i'“'“""“"""5' 3 We are specialists catering to stu- dent needs in dinners. lunches. fountain -drinks and candies. The Russo- i WIS III - _ Upholst ring _ I _ _ . , promoted him from i 204 Y*-- 10“: 81- Meet Your Friends at Jimmie s; They Will when. Phone I591 red. ; Be There. oltio. Though construction up- holsterers with factory ex- ‘ ' ' ’ C011 Inn _ i h ‘:1 1' than clever. that ‘Pelxhinf had “pull” through . pgneacg, J S t l ; a is me od. 5 father‘-in-law. 8' the. Re; “I p k F _ » *1 ' 5.: ’ ‘ ershing'a unusual achievement =1 unwarranted price -Pershing haai .R.nfl(;tce' '3 " at at . . .. . v - !_ '»¢;!lt_m_Iiata in_bei severe discipli. had to pay for rapid advancement 13 22 S. Ninth "*L.:::.‘..’:.: ..'.;_."_..‘I‘._':___ ' v—u-q I be-i iron 50% Aa‘ast:idcnnt?at.'"1FV; .. ’ .¢_ _ School Starts September 15th jg You will find us ready with a complete line of-supplies and acces- sories. Tlie children are sure to be satisfied if you get their needs filled from our new immense stocks. a " ' I I - ‘o-.-. _ . School books, ‘ pencils, pens, tablets, notebooks, erasers, compasses~— . . in fact. €V€I"Yth1lig.. to get the chiidsen school. .au—-u—-:w:—.—$-——-j- 1-cjj - Broadway at Tenth St. Open 6 a_. .m._to_8 ,p.. m._ Shorthcmd Touch Typewriting Penmanship g Building masses now being ‘oriuuzoa ‘for umvensrrr srunm~i'rs.- South Sirle_'Branch of the » V A ' ‘ ‘Rosenthal School ‘of. we Owing to the large enrollment and to help the students. better lfldes and help Dir theirexpbnses while inmchool, tliae “win meet daily. and three evenings-a.-week at the -i - " -i v ' . y W-ninnE".ooLLi9GE ‘ . Telephone Miss Rosenthal for an appointment. if desir ' A Telephone 1095. , . mu ° ’ ‘§"'°"”°°‘ D°v-'"°¢n*!e**h98~fith.Si3e:’ . macs -‘ . I feel sorry to see men grow ‘.2 i It is easy to lteep and to . * ’ - ~=- icultivate hair. and you owe it to ‘ ' ""‘§“"' "’ ‘’-~'''‘-‘- -- - " ---r~;'. A.‘-.'.'»".‘.'¢.“§5::.’...-.‘I5'l,"":’i§”.* ‘ .. . .°.*;-~‘-.—.- .- o ‘in - 1”‘ , - «~-- ~ . 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