. 1;... '. *«a.._- j;“. -u.-...-;..‘.. ."_ ‘ her advent here means a big step forward in the development of so- W” ‘ .County Boards of Public Welfare ‘ liams, Helen Age and Betty ncy. '3’.-' ‘ ’ ' to a._ only in St. basis, is now professor of rural I0d°l°”s 911!‘ c. A. Ellwood. head of the do: partment of sociology In the Uni-. announced.’ versity, has tore andinthc.-Collcgeof Arts and Science. .' She will have chagjo of- all applied courses in sociology, so as case work. community or- ganization. history of social work_ and will supervise students infield‘ -work. “She will be the central; figure in the training which is now being undertaken by the Uni-5 vcrsity of Missouri in the field of} social ‘wo:-ll." Professor Ellwood. said. The University of Missouri: is one of the 'rst universities in, the country to undertake this de-,' velopment of rural social worker:-.9 “Miss Mt-Clenahan comes to the; University with very wide practi-i cal experience as well as the best‘ of theoretical training along her line.” Doctor Ellwood said, “ cial work and sociology here." Miss hicClenahan is the author of one of the first standard texts in her ‘field. It is entitled “Or- ganizing the ' Community.” and is included in the Century 00. Soc’ St'lt'fla‘(‘ Series. She is also widely known for her work in establish- E. 2-*3 E —jm—-—-1. l COLUHBIA HIGH SCHOOL ‘then at the College of Emporia. .I ,_‘ '- . \ .7 - I , . ' 9 . .- . . . ' p a ‘ ‘ : .--' .a ~ ' - S A - 4*-~.-~ -‘lfi q‘~O‘.;V'_l‘ ,4‘.1,0} - ’c or‘ v C . '_"..r-".‘..b:e ;jo_ ' ‘ ~ é- . ‘ _‘- ¢- -c¢v v Nsun Q .‘_—_ ' , ‘ .. .. . I - - -_ —.o-._._..-..-— PRACTICE OF (Caa_tIaasdfr¢)Ia!0|"'l) chances at backfield oapopularofworldsports. teams. ’ 1!! if ‘file other theseteamsastheyworhsdapandanditis daefieldf ,_ _ Thewlatcbdbrlflfl-ht Freshman 1;-pctietyestasday was do not want their thorough machthssa7noasthato(theVIr-classto fallingo CS’ jthairtenais thetima._ yonewayto t-iii 3»: E 3 yestardsywere: Captain BouL‘t)~.em. got. > E -Houldenltwc Edit! :5: i E. A r‘II.Adam8. Bac-l Caatecl _-.§E._ lg * 2.5 5 aurot. Gibson, German. an Ricki. Jackson. Jacoby, Kcll gnwer “mm ,1. , bindenmeyer, . Donoughglfullenix. Nd. O'Sulll-,3", 1,; G Smith. 'l‘Wl¢- Th ’ cha ‘til ll’ th h hill. W-twn CW*<*!- 3°7'l- 3°'°lbred. and n'.‘f°o.'i's..., it ‘he wzoucfin ! . H cu)’. 1101!’ iwhen Papyrus lost and was shown ted I ‘ ,ur so badly, he was looked upon as .something even worse. - ‘at ,0" ‘u kept as an add byf it long has been the contention of ' He "uh"; p,.u_}those on the other side opposed to ’ racing that a foreign - i can wkhin ;horse has no chance to sail across’ ‘ad mu b. 3 cm, ‘ t ocean. to change climate, food n hard ho'"a' ; international by or '0' and water and to, race o W “cg-ogg.¢ounu-y" nu-f Clint Stewart Recommended by icm‘ with sow’ . fwcight and 6'“; Ann'''.8“'’''Y;“‘:$ ” ;even to make any of the strongest teams in the Kan- - A “‘_u€°n,f°’::’_?u:nd l‘ ‘Iran 0:." ti: ‘small fortune in money and time to ma‘ .°‘d” rd ‘men aim stew. ibring about last year's race and the in wncthn .m be" ‘0 each iscries this ydar, had to start all over football at.Columbia High School. “W” “""~‘" he "'“"~' 91"" ‘°’ ‘*1’: w nder the ' C i . ‘second international meeting. Hut“. “ Kan”. gut‘ .r“_I:1'w:I ;arranging the series, Major Belmont Coue‘e’of Empofih sawm and. ?made a smart ‘move to ‘counteract opened into a brilliant backfield man .“"""‘ °°”‘P"”’“‘ '““° "‘ ‘ht 9”‘ and attractcdthe attention of Gwinn ‘whm h’ '““"‘°d u‘“ at“ “C” Henry Ifisaoufi coach. who was ‘ ‘° ”h°d“l°d "" ""7i"‘ di’““°“ . - distance was too short or too long he Cu“ ‘O fling? ‘and that it could not be said that mentor recommends hili highly. . 3”’ °{ ale mm“ we“ ”°‘ "gm °“ stew", ‘rm “kc - ch". 0‘ ‘ «that particular day. The result was mm which’ ‘nhongh lfindiappcd ‘ e decision to hold three races over y lack of welg has repeatedly ldifuncg .°f . M" °f ‘bum in ‘him, to how in own ;IT‘.ll¢, almlle and a mile and a quar- againlt 5.03?! odds. the 3"‘ 1. ile - squad was somewhat crippled by ing the so-called lows plan which has won wide publicity. She has published a number of articles and phmphlets and has a new book under preparation at the present. Miss .\lc('.ll-nahan took her A. B. degree at Drake University in 1910 and her A. M. degree at the State University of Iowa in 1917. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa In addition to her position as assist- ant director and’ assistant profes- sor at the Missouri School of 80- Miss McClcnahan was aasisant director of the Com- munity Couneil of St. Louis last year. Her special work there was in connection with the departments of neighborhood work and recrea- tion. delinquency and its preven- tion and race . of uwoutcome of the three big interna-- o arranged this season. I She was district secretary Associated Cilarities of Cleveland‘ from 1908 to 1909; assistant soc- Associated Extension Division of the U iv - or with the Missouri School of Social Economy from 1919 until the pha- cnt time. ' Apartments in Colnmb S. G. A. TO I-)o"l'E!!TAIN FRESHMAN GIRLS FRIDAY “Blues Monday.” an Original Rene. ‘ Will be Presented by Stein. Kar- “Poor Little New ‘Sol ' (hlla “A3383? chorus, '.Olive Bell. A Wil-_. entino~chorus. . “Blues Monday": is composed of _ ' music and was written Sp,-§ng_ an pg-eliminu-y pg-geuceg gumcnts that it was impossible pwmiu on, of thg 9331.3: gm] but :bring a horse over here from Eu- teams in several years. , ' ' . stew.“ win gnu; the Univflgigy ‘I-Ipinard was in good shape. but, ac- ” 1; student in the sdsool ofLawbut cording to his owner. he was short he will probably not be eligible for of 1165318 and yaehthig israthetunt;analthataosouchdif- ey. VARSITY 'I'E:A_M sonny should have been encounteredgthoroughbreds to lzulnnd. Q fin ' —--—-" ’ tional the oldest and perhaps the most find it would be well to do it again. A horseracing alone, England re- men out followed taias the old prestige of the empire. being carefully guarded. Van Dru. After great difficulty. the am in- II: Cat-W-t-4 ta!-national race was arranged last . '.year. and Papyrus, the winner of D°‘”‘P'°7 5“ BloouI..H9CIII-I1. EVIN. M°"’:the Epsom Derby, made the trip across tlantic to get.a terrific ' . Wuhan“: from Z“. “M: dumpmd ‘"°" °" B°yl°" Tam’, Acres’ when irate troubles of his own. such as a y , _ ' ' tion and so forth. . V, 5.,“ .1-nnnd if .‘:::"‘l'”'tt '?"":'d‘7 “:13” ih“ glle would not shake hands with the u°1"“- u°"l-‘apyrus had not been owned by “V; lxd 0 1:: "9" ‘pwch rt n1‘ opf’3¥€'~’ed°l‘€- ','rnud, at Belmont Park. The race uflw; ;r-ct only telegraph: his wallops but ‘ »sends a letter of warning about lfectly at case. But gt egraph. His punches come from v A by T. tracks after having been accustomed it, A‘ .f°r th°'Th'”"d”' “WM 5”’ ‘it. Wills still played safe. ‘Mum be ;t'r.an the war club. horse race and {of , .ti;at the American horse would have ! Pour seasons at halfback on one ml the .h‘nhn ~ ugust Belmont, who has spent a I ‘ Toyed With I-‘iroo. D It _so that no one could object‘ that the . fspealt with u blunted sword. ' rust was a deadly thrust and the ,':'_—'._-.'-.-.-~.-*t-.-.--.-.—_.-.—-———-— . ‘ lie was to lay Firpo lh l. Although he was beaten by less O, the loss of several graduates last ;than a length. Epinard refuted ar- ' to ' 1 B. D. FOSTER would have been, 5ockv.wauon.ElisI-1| to England and raced in the past, covered with hair 91': that either I-‘irpo or Wills would into an un descend to the non of: -——— wounded recosniublc in their pugilists, their .u.l.¢..‘...d ;A Knockout Punch Is Not;mu before the fight had gone players, and there is _ . . old do it»-«keep them were out for the VI!-‘away from anything that can beat; ' Seen in Wills’ Wallops. 1 many rounds. _.winncr of this battle on points. i rm» w ld N Shall , new roux. Sept. le._l: Jack °'' °‘ ° """‘ bee n cautious about éthe i meeting Harry Wills in the ring h 'need be so no longer. 6 ;Wills met Firpo in a twelve-round .,,,“.i,,¢. mdmu - lponent—and that his general ability Against a man such as I-‘irpo who hugged ma hugged um“ ' _ lgink. .them Iiarry will always be per—: Dempacy doesn't 3 is short distance and behind them lurks oblivion. - . Wills‘ punches have not the dead- 9‘; other fellow was what spills knocltoutf. _ 13 there was "-0 ‘im behind it was clearly.- graphic ly science rose clear above the cause 13;‘? t°_.t.ak?ki“m°“ “d""“‘“‘’ "f brute force. krceuglenor bdi" "Ed mu“ up the n lno goo an proper he be, 4 I came more co . ti » ' , Under the 13rd 31:! mgznlizht of; What Wills 't'li}l(lriI,l"i:s‘teo.:l1s