— v r r .7’ ,‘..'z.. . .~.’v .i.'." . y. I. -V .3--C '.— ..- » 3. - ‘.“.\"r"A .' . . ‘ _ .‘:;'..‘i_5I.‘ :../_;.5 ‘‘';‘.-L.:‘ O£';"V , ilqfiflvo‘ A -1 r“‘\.* .V_ . bi‘ __ . . * "-4 .' .'x' —. ‘ ~- '.‘"‘.";. ' "'. ‘ I '-2 I ' .‘ ~ '.' “ ‘I . ... . o ._> « ,l, I. ‘_ _ . K ‘:o- - _. "I I‘ '._f. T" ~4..--r -- . ,-' ea‘! “J-‘ ~:_‘ . "'s. . '5 .‘. .. . . . A‘. m - ---s--—l-an u..¢oaaa4o.;.o¢ ,;-,~_‘- ,,o. ’ ‘ ;' l‘--'. "—. '.-3°: " . -' ~ - . _ -_ - - . -. 5: .v .» Q ‘ , ' ‘ 4 . J. V ‘ OUT OFFAVOR 2:; A in ld-Loeb Twenty peraonaufot-med, an inti- A. , , . 3! V-5"‘?!- - ‘anrorimtaal toget” °” ‘ p° mate gathering around achear'tul- can-whuconace has has KE'¥ERE!h.wro.. sent. 19.— ‘°."?.";;‘ °“’ ¥’_;‘fL“"‘ °" ‘ °'"“‘ N°'*'.">°¢imM°b°r vwrml fh‘k.‘e~d'“nh lcaulscausgsay apggmjghelaatdtrwhodiea of_thir-tgv.:.P811f:..du’t:ntihn h” k and Illinois coal week 'o{Dea andIlr'e.Walta°-lIll¢I'.°h"'°._"“°h."C"" 1-t‘8_o'¢|oek V‘ "W". iF‘'*'‘'°‘ “‘ ‘°: ‘*'" "°"*'-f“'P"°°“ ., mall ‘ u v P'm&uwr8° 1516 van“ ‘nun no,” mustang mqging,.j_many interest. explosion la the sublet Mine No.;lla}'t in the last three membership‘ A II! ._ O! . 00011‘? V .~ ‘_"—°i ecmcAeo.s«-wtim-o -J‘°.':'*°.::.'*°“*........"'“..-:.f*?'r..-:".~.... ..i‘.i.“"“°'.....‘°’ °:;°*~...M°...".‘;*..‘.:*: °‘-:.:"=:'. .9.“ ...M °"‘:'....°"‘°°'.,..... ..........;. ........ ........ um. ...... W 8 m- -mm-mu-4» . '’‘'°"‘" 3 "ml gig“ “"l9°5‘¥.‘°0°0l5"has pl-oven faulty ma gbg";..g.- 19_ ‘a chic", yo.,u,_ follow. gmei. 3,”: 4.5.; dfltiIIfndaI:ldedphysl- “The of thirty-one vic-j 1‘ .. n... W _ ' ‘go, 1‘ pouetu to i—- p t’? ‘nu 55' 5935 ‘W35 refusal of I 30389 to sentence to this office for the !¢Il'- ' E! on now [no]-xi: $:r§::,.b:'t:_3 . in: to death Nathan‘ Leopold and Rich- . An mamben "aw. V”, mp. ht‘ , _ ‘ ‘ard boob, will have profound in{lu- “ed .th‘L“i ax“ { Ovid-‘ . _ _ ; . on capihl punhhmen.t.mi:-":3: £ue“::3::.npmo."‘:es ‘zhkbdegiqagzb opening clubrovms will be will be some dtthculty ln getting‘ { ‘mum’ 10'“ * t "'49?!" "‘ ' "rlieatudaut activit tea will b. bl-lo caused by the explosion. * ‘u"‘°93h°°£ u” °°'mtry' . _liah translation. The VCR 1,,“ 1 . . .30“ 5 gciock sund“, Only twelve men escaped alive. ‘ - 19 ‘‘'“''*“1“ W *1” Umwd P’°“- Ellis: Emma Cauthorn. lllaa Hertha"“,m°°‘n. ‘nd’'“ the 7 cued ‘,u_ - I Looking Your 4 . r ' ’ 7 ‘ "'° ‘h""‘ '“‘m'”°“‘ ii-Zitzen and Dr. Urban '1‘. Holmes. 9,, “Nice .' fing gr-ta program will . I ‘mm uN|d.*0'Vl!3 Whélretth johwiththe'inteutiouin"h'b‘n°fa'“u""°°p?m°l‘°'.’b§ Other boob Vi“ 5° “I99” “P preaentcdb the ’ ' .' ‘fiémftrheranh of the world»: of .3t“¢¥1'flxeeonditiona'under which “"1 ‘:4 ‘,f,f,“‘“‘,_’,'j,_,"‘_':;-t law meetiw ofhcfil; ¢1°*>-,r';“'~"'ment.. y mm um" um DefdiueD'l'li:‘e°‘HePr:d‘d "' ‘ In farmers who want ‘class they can best I: the in. W’. ’ will be held an int 1111- ‘I'M ‘mm ‘NH 3 u Prue. ’ governmat, This YOCe‘liH,be mil‘. Th. device, raven“: 1,, . an. '5“ *° °bt‘"' ‘he ‘an’ ‘°'""“°°‘ day of each momh. Anyone in- {O3-h3.:3o oidkk Moxéh fiefitoled ’CH.I“(;.G0. Sept. 19.—Coal prices. ' alder-able. but'ln"a state‘ ‘whiz-ll caao“nun. Alfred H. shone;-. it it "°’° W" ‘ '°°’* °¥ "’°‘°°"‘°” §lerosteu in the classics is welcome. and “W. I” Lmffia are going up, retailers said here; Hardingcarr'ied_by_a mllllpn main; works out. will ‘probably be in- 'f'°"‘:"°'::;"°d "afloat ‘Dean lliller pointed out that onewhmned «for hunky “ P ‘L ).en¢,.d”._ wholes“: prices are . fly in ‘wed in ‘II ‘buons ‘ad hot: 5: W M C Y belong to ‘hi’ I ‘ive . re. being increased YTOID C831:-‘~ 10 75 . ‘De: 3.00.000 or-_«morrvo‘ha asdiot many lnallutacturing plants where ‘""" “'° a" mu n ' éexpcnse thin Dmblbli "'5' °“‘‘’'- ceptance from 8 to 9 o'clock Fridav °°"t‘ ‘ ‘W’ i ii’ I i -- V —-- —--~--» llllll ie.tranapor'tod tocara by mis- ‘ mama" on an public mind’? th nnual fee is only 25 cents. i Se he be, 26 Southern Illinois coal has been . 1"_°l-591' W058. in 8 EU‘ v -. _ °°"".’_°°“’ P§""°9‘- The 5'-'Vl°¢ 99''‘ $2303; ;°f?cldEpdr?:ec::ot;f ,uA Ehhrt discussion followed the:3eR_n¢' p msewia; 1K;Yi)em' raised 25 to 60 cents, while West 1 n publlcan state lilt _. ‘qt htranafportlllg. oi mail do“ of the dam mm“), in addidreading and after that there were pun?“ ‘for the siouowinx Sum“), V'lrgl!llfl_ coal was raised 75 cents. I Itootevelg um; g don" . . y . 0 Q a building into 6 .1 mt” ‘h-an ' . ht“ dis. .,d-mshmcnu‘ c,.enmz_ ‘Illa ultimate consumer will not feel at mgr“ gfiisaéiillj :1’: k-hw‘:l"'wlthw htlimhirinenmh ‘£1 "" '“"“°’ ““ °:"“"‘i ‘ m PUun mane D H®TlhG 135 mc'nuetauil.etr2 mhiuisum ‘W ' _, ’. ¢_ _ . ' , 4 wna ples ln re ' are ex-, -- to vote '1'” hel " 1 0! ttlnsient. Jnoflicial employee. "’""‘°" ~ _ --—— —-—-* h ustod, it tated. It is iven to ev woman to’be ’ ’ n 1. tom at cu‘ or ‘ ' " '*“'— ‘British bla‘a Output Sold in St. Louis Ilan Ends Own Life After I‘ V“ ‘ "active. g cry‘ A ' “pan 5- Re bll . A ll‘ ' adfl in . ’I9r<-h-ndlinz mil. ndwill tect . . y I-In _ _ —-v—--————— mP“m:" am: 1'1‘; own 3.: 5,,“ ,0 _ mmmm‘ P";,.,,,, S‘1‘.,IDUlS, Sept. l9.—'I'he life in... “mi. N Cum Km," W“, m, N.;,l..,.,, mu. an macnvl; IN DRIVE 4_ . ‘ M. ‘W . . A lnodish coiffure gives individuality and degree _ - - - - Ir risonnlent sentence vcn Natharw United rm-t Br Uniloil 3°°'"°1t- 93.;-.; * 3': 9$°i:";‘;c',‘,e',°'J,: "‘“”"" “’ Eeopold and Richard Loch for the I mvancouvsn. B. C.—-West At’-' sr. Louis. Sept. l9._No reason 10"‘ N 0"" Will Not P-135-u . ‘ 75° "°_mb°' 0‘ '0“! 301393“? ____.__._'._ . mlmler of Bobby I-‘rank “will most ‘ rica is avenging Jonah. Deacelld-except a “brflin uiomn could be u. pate in 1925 Roll Call. Have your hair curled by experts._ We specialize 3°‘ “--°f °°““_°- ‘W, "38, AIR NAVIGATION INCREASES certainly hinder me in enforcing the ants of the whale that swallowedcigned by policg and pghuve, ye, iThc Amerieanlted Cross will hold in mercels. round CIIHS and permanent waves. - sublectofor speculation ar;d..pa_'hape{ ’_ -——————— law," Circuit Attorney Howard the Biblical character are bein8'tt!'day-to explain the act of Fred "5 ‘“"“d n‘fi°”l 3°“ C‘"' ‘° °"' 7”‘ "H 4‘ Vllftth ieafioni American Travelcrsae Liike Fast Paso S30-me, bdg",,_ ‘ swallowed in large quantities by the limberg. former brewery V,-orke,’ roli mmbere for 1925, from Armis- . ' '- " ‘' ° °P° ', °' . °'l *3‘. ‘"3" "°°- « ,. inhabitants of the West Arrioan -who shot his wife to death in their tice r to 'Hlanltsgiving this year. P S t ‘ W 1|)’ the flllmdltlons :70 fl Pro-I3’ Um“ P''''''‘ If I u“ “fled upon to “k th ,_.(,,,5;_ 3,-ms}. commbifg entire aut. home wedneuhy. then km“ . _ The local chapter will be inactive .. .. _' ,dth ltf lad {til “"33" put’. but tn 9,’, c4 _l:ARl_S. All records for conlmer “cl ll;=1lc: unit 2“ ’:n::1'; put of canned whue me“ 1”. ye‘, “.o,mn_{du,d who ‘fled .0 minim in the dnve this year, according to .1.¢u,,..1 vote, , mm, of .3 fflchyufin aviation have been broken b)'_=im¥‘~”d b. J ti 1 .n W.“ mukeud. “cording to pm‘,i,,_ and mmplwed ‘ mplc murder b N. D. Evans, chairman of the Boone inf}; guy bower gun 3 mil,‘ wu,;lthe cross-channel aervlcc this sum-' 90 . Jv III C0 CC‘??? V“ . . - . . _ 5' Count. “Th 1 _ __ H‘ H “rd hf , ..._ met During the lat an an “L5”, ‘ dinct inflow“ upon me clal trade authorities. among the M317 flrlnga bulletinto his own brain. 5 8791- G P909 9 0f C0 H iloiiiu 1912 Polio: .‘.‘°“.§i2‘ lf:£§§iJu1;-. 273 airplane {lights weiedndro and lury." Sidener me. 339"“ b°W°°" “W” ““’ "’° w“"'“’°"' "’;‘° d"” °“‘ °‘ ‘.'.°’*‘ . ~ » ~ ~ ‘ ’ ' ' ad bet Cr-o . Londo -—-- ‘°' . ’°° . -. ‘. ‘l“‘¥'°‘°d i"°'~‘~'=- * Lem: .....: S .. .. “*9 we »--=».~..».“°“’».m. oi. mived-oral)’ a handful of ' oleclonlipmed 1-217 P”““8°"v 55-350 Leo ld-Loeb-Gs’ ‘.i‘.'.. £1“. iirchaf ‘jhalmz m‘?““"’ '" Bnmh -Coma; M’? “"3"” "°"Ph>'- 50- ‘ml to votes and that’: what counts. ' "‘“°‘ °‘ “‘°’°h"’di‘¢“”d H9 W“! povrill make it" more difficult he a Few ‘mpems ‘M’! pmmtlhuf ‘hm home in the role we.’ so in Illinois wlailofiwrolleite °’ "*'“- lciqmu to select t hm“ " ‘""‘ "’°"’°"" "‘ . ° “’ '”.'*“'~"- ‘M her -vvw-ace aroused sentiment is 57...; i a 3 ‘ '1 " indication of the th 1 an at ' . jury M OP. mm‘ whnnnz opennom um ye" umber further ma she W“ "mic it ‘in ‘gt? . . 3”" ° P05“! i0 “P!” Punishmenta 016- are reported to have been more suc- the victimvf one of his bullets. Porunt. this service as xiven by a camper-Mn‘ t Atto ' Shelb co be!’ . 1 mac . lsult of the V _ ison ‘of the ‘figures for the cor-r-ea...co,: “id, ggswcr. “it mgudlgzcsf cesaful ma ns __ _ _m—— _l present writing would appa;a.t.'to beg tlligdlnlr period _of last «uqar. when the outcome of an aunt cue, he CLOSBS S0!-‘T Dl_tll\K PLACES 1“ — safe for President Coolldée; planes .crosaed. carrying 686 wogld conumg to degund the duty, -"""" There are certain aspect: of thei P‘‘”¢’_‘3'-''’‘- 2352? 5103 Of fl|¢1'- pulhlty in justitiablc cases. D°“"'°tg’q“ui °{em‘m"°" B"'"7 ° A “mpg”, .,,h;¢h could be disquieting; charldlse and 84 ltllos of mall. . T . V “ p H’ ‘mud “£1; . . 0 e a e .. i‘ “*6 R°P°l>“°'m Nuke" did "01: . 5°‘ ‘ ;““'° "°,.°,',‘;"" °5,""" ‘win. 0" 5°” 19’ P“b' DANVILLE Ill. Sept. l9.-—De- - A RVICE ‘ kn ' ~ .. ; }'‘lOusnes8 asoccu in eaervieo _ ,, _ - , . ' -' , -_ - «op ; _ ~ Go" we".-nl'°‘h’ F°r eimmp if this ye", llc Oplllloll resulting from the Leo- 9l*‘“¢l-‘°“ °f "“°h"‘°"3 _‘-“d °‘"”l’ Prompt Attention ““ “ . vernor Len SM" is -oekmz re 1, - . - merit valued at slooooo In the Mae- . . decfion °n‘h.3,;,uu;c,_,m;¢k“ ‘Mg About 75 per cent of the paa..n.l;>old.I.oeth wllhhase ll.8rd€f- couuh Brewery nu; But 8‘. huh ern Equipment -—thut5 the PIP}; In-cryvl-here on the_ campus ._ ‘ t t. -4 s be h“ fining‘; {mm indoninglgr: ténrneld arelikA_!net;ic1ns. _Am;,.1 ect uujuflzznlletggx mtg: met was ordered yewmhy by and“ W.‘ or night this ‘full you W11; hate ‘them. For‘“PlPf8S‘ ax: V _p K .4 : President 00013 e 0" wetklns” It; ’"°°"' F . ° ""'°° °’ 4 '5..." - ’ ' Lindle) in the United States on. “Til? ‘-" h - °“ ‘ "“ ‘ “‘° °"" “-‘ . ‘ 9 meetings where the !'eg1rIar*Republi-§‘°V°"’J "°“°1_19-it 13 much 58301" W y .“u 4°" m,.°°h m°" 9”’ , - satisfaction about them that to other smoke _ , an “hind a',“,,h“_ion ‘ads; than any traln-boat route, rnore'"°°“y ":0? mmon’ {osepb God. it‘)? (rife . Phone 58 gives. Autumn’ days—c-hilly. leaf-strewn foot-4 ‘ speakers. The regular «_nominee.sg°°"“°’“""°-,"“’ "°‘ °“‘>’, *“°'d8i.°“"" "5'? “"" °°‘.""’ "'°"°°"' .1... Tw'cnty.on¢ "peg-maner1t’pad-A’ bnll days-are mm-". days. ‘ i like fame, Gonmo, Dame”. who ‘: an opportunity to fly safely, bugslolgdea ln comrnentlng on the Ber- iocw; injunctions were ‘ho tamed ‘_ _ 3 running 10!’ Ulliiefid Stilts 5€fl° .p””5 "er ' "'°" ’’°t'‘"'”Q°°.?!u.. ‘ mm cal” by Judge Lindley against East St. A PIP? is cuch a very personal thing that A 0 ‘.30: to succeed Metlill lleCor1niclt.-°°”"""° The ‘"8’ ‘O0 {nn°'.li5l W’ 6' -Leopold 3”‘ Louis soft drink Plrlors. - lv » ‘I: ' ii ‘t ut PIPES are v ' ’ ' 1 m ‘V.’ &°”(6mdl"gi‘r’b‘o.g‘ ‘s I -‘he . ‘In W‘, ‘he _____._.-L-.._. ‘ . & '3.“ 3 300 3- 011 0 ‘NC I O . . u ‘ cmwd. "W. . ”n‘laL_m1i“flrr€.;£ by’;;.m_'.nd y§9.¢___1-he 1u.n,.sal_._ t my lhave”a nation-wide Lou‘ dugen; mm, “ted A5‘ like collegial-ls—-ench_ has its own person ty. . truce, thg exec; o1_wh§’¢h‘wnJ’ ;‘;‘¢3¢_P 93» WW1 N09‘! UPUQIIMDG 090- d- ha. 3”“ _ ’ “"‘°° -re —- - ‘the advance in the price of coaf at We l.-.c rca.:y to serve you “flu in complete 1,; 10.; on the 1,; . “l1'Il'U!|€n!:8._!=108¢d. ill. have all can» M. S_ O_""—*'-W Wm mat. the Chicago market. said that there ' and carefully selected line. All shapes . Voter. Indeed. Govemot S l§'lllV("e”l°“-°°3- ‘ _ ' The )5, s, o_ council '11] ha” it, 15 51-133C333‘ C031 0“ hind ‘O WPPIY sizes from briars to walnuts for your satisfac- . ;. help Senator La ‘I-‘ollette,-for rrrariy- 3°“ ‘he _F""¢h ‘ad. 331535 first mug“, of the nu. {mm 5.30 eollzmbia for the coming month. uom M a doll” up, ‘ '3 who rillgotavfor the ‘gamer will :::i’;”dg°:;::‘n°,:, ouock um“ 7:30 ouock tonight “ This coal will be sold at present . . ' L vote or e isconsin er too. v _ _ , . I an 31. 3_ o_ ff’ - prices. They predicted further rises ,, , , one he." thgt L3 Fomgu will 95'1"; 18 d_€V¢1°P"18 ‘$0 TIPWY Ind The council :°,::;&n fiwaigig ill the p 'ce of coal because of the . TOWING “*0 L mw ., mmy from an Demdcfpxsi meeting Wflth such popular support members. A picnic ‘upper Wm be ftilurethe public to lay in a sup- lEPAmmG ’ as from the Republicans.‘ This is an! "“t °m¢"'5 915°“ 1583- ‘V1571! sewed u 3.30 0-dogk ply during the summer. D‘7 "'1 ml“ E"°'l¢“°7 3¢"l°¢- - Drug St0l'€ ”' 7 ummption flat i‘m,,.u_ h°,,"e,'§ another season or two the services ..__,____ _‘ .T____',__, MURRAY 8: ROBINSON I‘ + an the Republic", put). in 1m,,oi5' “ will be able to pay expenses and op. Try . Mjgggufiu, want ad_ Try or Missourian want ad. . Phone 1366 615 Broadway ‘d - e-lrecitlly since the awendafflcy °fl"’f§ 3 dl P. -_ _ . -_ ,.__--_._ -. -..-___ ~_a_.,_,. _, '1' LenS'all,h del .te; , ‘were: "i" radicalpiring wiliile fihloflzetiheqbemofl n“'t‘9“91 at ‘W: ‘A’ i . :- crats the radical group: are ~r-ela-V: a 1-“. ‘an: . -' '- le tively small. Many laboring men: L°”5°" “fl P”'i3."'m N by 8i!'-‘ 0018 - t- who are Democrats ordinarily nllll Plweo DN'"¢°1U’l)‘ 4071118 the 8031- and ' 1- turn to La l-‘ollette, but it would ap.: "‘_'~'l' month-IL Fog: aad rain of‘ ‘fly arty is pear that even larger inroads will . .0"-‘T d95U'°5’ much Of 0"! . . , s’, be made into the Republican pant)‘. 0’ the fllxhtm at the pilots an sog , v 7 - 9 North 8th Phone 375 - on The ocratic organization has a _°"P°'1 “'31 Y mlnlte the trip! “G are up- A ‘ 5. ticket of its own to elect. and what-I ‘"T‘;,1'"°“ ll" _' W¢1th¢!'- . . holsterera with factory cxo .. ,4 ‘ cVer_it3 feeling may be about Dafi':.l h 1- cogpanles hope to build up.’ "rm. . V. . p it must we toothand trail for thcl the "19" '_"d"“-' "U}°P°l'""°° .305 Reference. the Parker Pun . ' u ‘hole fiche‘-em -‘in (0,. .u,,~Hu,_e,. at the winter service will bring. nit”. C“ _ - .7 W , ct. So“tbe energiei;'.r,3eLm oreproceeds. [ .~— . . . 1 . A “O -‘i’-“°°"‘«’»i-=e«i'“‘°'«= --«~ ' En lzsh > ~- teare I 1 line while then Rcplflbhflin ii"‘"“‘|N' - :BU'l'I'ERlNE Brick cheese . . . . . . . .25c . . l . lnent cannot 0110,0118!!! YWP: ° ° -‘ ’ ' . , pa hum of thupm fit Pam, Frlsco special . . . . ..20c C ch 3°C :3 developed verrlor Small in re- . mam 9°93 ' ' ' ' ' ° ' , - » 5 can ,.:.h_._-._: , -«;;¢t;:J , _,__, ,_: Koko nut . . . . . . . . . . .23c ‘. M at 11,, p,,‘n.¢,.u ’ __ _ Print cheese . . . . . . ..30c 3 r O ; able lnan fornlglnf‘ jgbg _ F» Swift premium . . . . . .38c ‘ * , i ‘7 Sega: Sglnn;-.‘*l=9 w‘3°P°V'.' Cream pimerlto .....35c i i " . “ i_ e’ at etirana» l _ ' . ~ - M", V." 3 lb or more . . . . . .25c _ . - ' he :1 ‘gum-ucgmr !:hr:”Ir.aG°Fl:llTt:: Izeuppertermi Pimento cheese . . . . . .40_c 1; {to who still are,tallring _o pltttnx Lreanlery butter . . . .40c — _. _. .: ' _- _ " ‘ "3: aenatorialcandidal-eillib theriela._. Chuck steak ....i.l2'/1C _ . iv Governor Snallnn.-vtg°*"'*“.°‘¥I Plate boil .... .....7'/;c' i . i l i . A M mlwibehinfl gmflmw hi“ “fig: sinoiuoreak ' ‘- , .,.., -“ “mm,” , ,,,.,| Short ribs X ’ _The trousers are wide and 3 ;, e. 1 Iar Repub‘/an uouuuc ; when ho‘ . ‘. . . . l 3063!! flak -------20¢ sllghtly hlgh walgted. The runnlng.‘He'UI|)"‘°“ - ‘- . : ._ Pot roast ........12V;c ~'-~ - .. dth ..h- « cm W M I ' I. 2:. ’ 1‘ ‘ . . M fik e 0 e o e o o o a.-2“ " e ‘W . . for l. roll.:.h.e..éi;lfl:..‘: to. Rain Da 8 ome Mum“ slew» 3 11!» 25¢ . r with square shoulders and . bl cut down l y . » _ _ g ‘c . tioua : mogezgwknb ’ b i 7 I p ;. Mutton roast lmelozoo . Pork chops l(}n‘g'v.l1ape1s-—Odt1iul%y a 2 _ W -=*-W ° In‘Evel‘yoire’s not i 0 “Sm i °' a ‘ _ ‘V . ' . :‘ I '. ' . - . E A 1. ’o_:. e V . '~ .‘ ‘ i 7 out do; for the man now in e “- .. l ” _ Bl-ahla,-fr-anlllul-ta, sausage. minced haal, bologna. * _ .. 7 e A. . _.__.——- 35:: .3 0 : P08TAl.8Y8'l‘fl-FAULTY. $ 0 ' 5., ’. l' ‘ ears stall. lN8l'El.'l‘0ll _ i ,. _ O i’ , ’ . i i W." E I T ~ rs « A ‘.01 ‘ l Iuaocmtaadneaoeacea "l5abesttobepl'epa.l'etlfot'them. —El1J0¥lB¢1lfe_8nd -9,3“?-#.h‘cuck1‘ . _ ,_ g; .' ?"°'l-lit’ tn‘, gallit holds for-ustodayiawellandgood. But-—wl_lat i - -“*5 "=+—‘ » 1'6‘ . '- _. ' ‘ii p - fthe F. ‘ Fm’ M ‘ . V ’— Oleaoaeoboe‘ — ‘,' . t _ w sh, m _ era‘ ' ‘ ‘ W h. ‘t , ' " . ooaeaeaoooaeoceooesg . >_ V l’ _ e ' '9, c -‘-‘V ‘ M V8131 yo . . . n . . . . M b \ Q » re . .. , - V. -_ ' ? 0,5; m. recently a. - ‘ H y , ' p - V . boneless utla .l5c them to you,’ -¢g.'_ ..o e..‘._-. - V who ‘ |~"""“'Mm‘."°""""""i"‘- _' i the person with aulhatautial bank account la pn- 3.¢ul,,',g,¢, "33",", -.-1.! ABC ' - ‘i-.4~’*_—-A-..»,. 1!. can . 5.,’ 3 " ' ' iharedtotace Followhlaorherexarn- ' ml’-’h'J . . SQ, ' ~.-"3-'1 < ‘ _ -. . ‘ Open ‘an account wlththis reliable bank. _ Ihchlne sliced baeoujoc ‘ , ‘ ‘ A _ i";-".4 ,2’ jl’:"""" ~ . . H . L . L V _ ’ i Cflfihls . . ..-.22 to 30¢ ‘ O. ’ V w i ac a 5'5 ..\ Exchange NatlonalBallk i - c i 5-vi _ . . ‘_ ‘ ' .. _ x j -‘.- - :._ ._. .7 ,._.‘_. _» ‘._ 4__.:.'b_‘ ‘. .4 -, H. -;«-".fi . " E . M .. . '1. ‘%~ ~17 S.‘ 9th ‘O _’ 5" ‘A . - . J . v . _ ' . .- -. . . : 1%‘? '0 ' ‘. - 1 - .-. «*- . “- - 4 . ~ ' _ O . .\-V. . — _ _ ~.. '« , .‘ I ..a.«. . ' j . .‘ . l___‘ __ ‘ _ V , .‘ ‘ orr'_: . - -4. . ~s . . . , y _ .. . . .>_ V . _ A . .‘ _-av <~h ‘ ' - ', , o _ 4 .. -.. -as ow ’ ‘ '5 V I - _ s.-;.: 0 - - . ~ _ . _ _, .. 1 ~a— - _ . 7_-. _ . g ;;;£ . 3%, . ._ . - z.‘ ..._. . _ _ .. .. . _ ., . 7 _ ‘ _‘ >. : . . ' t .--v ' ‘ ' .. ., > A "’ _.,, ‘."~ '~ 1 ..._ . 4.’ M ‘ .: .- -.... ‘ ’ _ , .4.-_-.—,‘. .’;¢.—.— o-. ;. -_.-,-.-z .-..¢vn¢an.au-:«.4y-snp~a5.: <;::.'r':i~aar»a=¢~ -'-“v~v-‘JV-\~ '9'» » -»~ ‘ . . ..fi