. v 1' . ‘ _ . _ _ _ . . . . , , . _ AD‘ I. to ".9. avs A . -'5--.-.... . ,.,_ __ , . . —. A , ~ . l_’ -_ . .- A - . ‘' l7els-‘J-‘v*‘uI:&.--.$.Q.'lr:;p.:--cs;£.‘-»‘-p2-~.‘<( :3--—ns.- -"'.'.".'_"“_.l_'!__3‘,l’_',_*_ ‘_‘ns,,L _._._.v . -,.. .—+——-—> —.—————~ _ _ --¢-.. H . . ‘ . _ ..¢...- ¢.._;A.ees.. -.' -e‘-A’r.3o'v;'~§—'-at-‘ea-4'3.“ ; ’_ - :. _' "I :"l§.‘ll§ IVS £3 »r<-i -Int: 4 ..‘.._ . a . ‘~ » '.~ ‘ .. e . . _..-_-‘ -. ~ . -~ _ V ' ~- .'... , '11:»: ~ ‘ . ‘ 1 . . ‘ ' ‘ AA ’ I ‘i _ K _ ‘I”.. ‘ ‘ I -1 ’ _ 3‘ \ ._ ._ -_ 1-, *'._‘;_‘.' ‘,..,. it ~ ‘ V V_ \ :. h . - 7. 1"PI*l=’1<35il>lI!l=t~ firm A0?"-o W " -osfioveieno. s. ’ T t r men . m,....~. t --All-19 ' g . V '~G°lDetrolt, 8. z ‘ ' ' . “ - 1 ~ ‘ ., ~' » - .. t . " A ~’ -t ~, - “,&__‘_ bu ° .ttm_m................ . Schedules. ."'*‘°"°i,"-I-lift. T - .. I eunuch: It: :23 Qu&“’a'f"qne",yA“‘ “mm M, : ,,,,5“,,,,,.,__..,_;,;.“"‘8£g "-um. M A hro__ ‘ rlliout of _lUPANDDOWl~l'l'HEFIEl..D ; _. "'h"T*' V ._ - ?the 0f7C.'I.ei,B!¢V¢!'.di10¢t0!'v(h'|t5M gm; ' " ' 333. -* z— «~~ . t f ' -i t -1-! =« i W1 of athletiea.ln regard totrain tstisf .Olneihnifi,.n-‘D: Rev !:::)3.7. . . — t i 03, mg *7 it n —‘-"rt - for the ititeeei-tmieege gameion Plilaielphla o.s- pm. 5flEGlme- ’°°"” ""' ° ‘I oetohee is in -niece: -an that .4. ' bunk’ ‘ ' ""‘-"'-‘- ‘ t law‘ an the nmmn‘ vmm" L‘ I many paraons do-‘laotssemeoiunder-: I-1: Boston 84.‘ (First; JACKSON ’ SIGNAX8. &.hig.a.i°'1°, s;:mh‘,,m’..At,¢-°'n,:‘t°rR!;e .- i ‘ A - ' ‘Q ltlfi the “Ill! adiedule INCH dag . ’ . t ‘W ‘m B - to the - drop’ ‘"10 your "at ; bu - ' Ben $1 7.‘.-‘fin . u v "°3'klnI 2» birth. t . . . ..- . _ , T“ "fin . fiwnmc 09 T33 CLUBS .« . ,g... 9 a°°'.1|_¢!t fill! the caliber of foot- pocket-—‘tou'll make no . -" §l’°3’¢5 in ' ' l--. 7 %AI{ . - in ad {,0 th.'u'q - ° Under 5'.” ‘with. apui" °f - -' preferred. fhoue 935 black. Pitt" V - ; "" “'9' - ' ~ M...-t... 1...... . ’ - . ’ ‘mi - it would be almost at mistake--mon ti-' ‘ ‘i . is-inc .. W _ . - flu? ‘amt. Thefint. besnnsatnundt am.-:. . . mm but M Being Drilled on lulamityitsmith were injured " M ' '. . . . ‘F03 REIfl'—-.2, ‘-2. 7 ‘t ‘ 4‘ i°n ‘R "u °‘ ”7'“' ‘in ‘“"l ' ‘ l .. ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . buy more trustvorth H: .m_ . . _ znumi. W Go, bk 1 .d Fm‘ Ytuhlnton .... .. .85 59 -.590 . Blockin ’ ' '5'“ n°°" F'°"“ Wm M“ ” "’«°|1l 493- Opposite-Wabash Station" W '3' ° ’ '“°""-liciv "t'o:1:-- ...... .. as 59 590 :' 3' ‘‘‘'‘’'°‘ 5°‘? "'°“°"'|' ‘N . ‘ ‘._.-. - zaplrtment or to boys. House under} - . gm‘ "*5 7*” ‘WW0 3". .chi°3_3°'“ Dar, - 79 ' ' “""".""“ llilfltfid filth?» 75361! 'N<‘HY D'Snlli- P°l"0"MM‘¢- . , 13.13.n,wm,m‘u*nL phone 799 white‘; ~ _______:cJ “W” ‘,4:45 o'clock Friday afternoon. Re-is‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' " 73 3; 'g‘o;‘do:f‘l° ff°?_g:'1 115.3359! was the van, captain of last y,u..8 ‘."__'h_ is‘) 8 t ' ' 31820 Anthony st.» Mn. 6. w. Hul-é -,-..’,.—n0l?GB.2~lo1I1!3B.S.re;; -A ‘mm trip (in m'."‘° 9".“ "“°‘.phihoe1phis°fI::'I: as 73 itssfmtenrdne; km i'l"iv:-mgepfi mm " ma" {°' ‘ "'""l ' " =hN- ‘ M1348. “jg”. .—.*“* «°".'""'.""' ‘°"'““ °‘”““° ”°’°";ctt-veisna ..... .. so so 452|yaar hids.falr to hfdlflterentm f “ mm‘ B‘ " "‘ "" “""""* .u : C15 Lona,“ "°- Q 3"“ °°°gh°°k ”°“d‘7 "l‘h"- , lcmun . . _ _ _ __ 54 30 '«1,uut.°f hit’ u C h 6'‘ 8"“ 311910 fillleo On the defense yes~ =iWaath¢I Realty 0...; r.ms'r OPENING new mnthur 8-. P- & A- 1!. ;J’,},°ng " °“‘°"‘° ‘m"’,°““' Boston ...... .. .. sz 83 ftzsziupenoing much .t...; .3; '-" .°°""" "° ""“"" ’"°""' ‘""°“" » .0!!!‘ Newiianfi tlardifli. Q4-tlfllofill-' fol‘ Kifll on College Ivellie-‘ " otI'toen.C:umbh‘“"5uo.§£c:1g:r;‘y “tie: National League. 'sn serial attack. a gen!“ '3: uxfmd "" N’ ‘am I .. . 1 .,._,_u..- . . ' - . _ .. ,: ‘ N _ - d _ e . . ;.-.308»? _8Al.E-Two-atory u.‘,’h'$.y 5' of fie-cor‘: “*9” noon and will arrive in Chicago at k Won. Lost. Pct. For more than an hour yesterday ’ m. .___._y pumon ‘_ _ house. half block from, ' ,,._wmu amp“ :07 Comte t-h.:.«_udh5am °’w't°°mm,‘- 7 o'clock _Saturday morning. Thai fly‘: :83 3 m ‘~ tams were lined up with defensive Moolder may and it diaiculg . i ..-.:m.... ,..°::::: .-:9 ,....i.*°1!.-out». om men. L - ' . E‘;.‘.‘:I’;.‘2f ::f‘;. “.:...:*.i"°.::.‘...'*"*,-»»t”’°°«»-m":::::. I: at ta .9. l .'::°':.::."::: °:,:..‘:.°‘:'.:.:“.:.:.°':.::'.‘ ;:.:-2.3» tn.-,2, ‘ ' ,. “ ‘—“‘ ‘ “ .aveng¢,,'n,‘,,,.,d . . ( §'. ' ‘. . O . ' . H H _ _ n . n-run gone teamama- ' ~22 '°“ N Wt..,,.m m—wev r-mt-«=2. it to ‘§.?i’£..i‘.:'.‘ 3.8; .22: .:.:.:*.:';*=...:=:...°:~=~~*-.......°***°-*°.. .... _. . :2 2: iii : :* :2; "$i.‘.‘.‘.‘...."“...‘.’$.f my to toe. -to 1‘ . FOB SALE—Lot 31 of West»; ‘mm "°°m' Sa'2tBfl°°r’Pmh::.lquut.'d-‘m “uM'’’: ‘ . : Standard and tourist Pnilmans 5‘ bub . ’ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ " so 85 °“‘lB°”d ‘ml 33°95" ‘fled tlfllr H-ma -—~— . imonnt ‘ddmon. An eat from l°t;%‘Ilao garage. ass. 13. .. . __x_ c_ SUHJVAN. W. M...“ by “Eh.” will ‘be on how Philadelphia .. 53 91 .368Aat it morethan once. -e» ~ LL _‘ T ton Thllly avenue, south of ’ L986’ ‘trains. Reservations must be made Ban“ ‘ ° ’ ' ' ° ‘ ' ' ' ‘9 96 3381 ‘N0 1700'! tickling has allowed. 6.,‘ l i 13¢ 8 ‘W109 thlt llwllld . Interest‘ {FOR R.ENT.—Fufni3hed roams; L . - in advance as usual. . ,__,_ __ ~______ jalthough those on an dgfgnge ‘Q-.5’ -« — ‘in » t ,~''‘’‘ ~- . . ‘you. Phone 2:253 white. cietflsr-cc sleeping porch. warm house. LEGAL NOTICES L The team and band will leave co. rnizsnushr cuts snow ; i’;"':‘°‘;“ 1° 5'33 up the passes H81‘ 13)’ .M9339llE91' ' « - . 3 you “fat mp“ at mm W m__:h“o1t‘ii‘wo::e: daily, Ono block front’ Lg _lil;:lul;l:.io'()I;l gist‘ of these tgo; ,uq1-g;u;g1- ti A1-angncsjthe 3:“ a:"pl:ss;wlve.' On hlllgieinplayss Phone It in“ ‘ha mo“ n.mm.y ‘n. ‘ .1. property lust it with us as we are “ "'P°"~ “°“"Y °‘' “W” xxncnrors -' l “mm 0“ e’ - we‘? we‘ * ' ‘ - V “fin: 1-0“ of imam‘-‘O Bfiuctdumen pnfened. Phone 57]‘ mm” 5. hm“'_._.No1'|1%y.“ um”! Snturday.nigi_it train. Dining carstswimmlng. Tends and Rifle Pi-ac. I 83-ial dglpartment elfort was made ~world--but this 5! the moat 30955 ‘on. E8“. ‘ma : sfliwhu. . sl3_19..,.au_m‘::znm u_.w‘m|";‘-Aw N T. n O”; zoggzgu-‘in for 5,“; tie: :1!"e,eP"o'p:i‘l:.::ockey :0 81:” ocC;I;;asses.“"ed “ii Paroelpellvery watch you an buy for ltlg; . .1: .______ ~ . ; . mu uesereknedfe . ' . . .‘ enry . . . . . . . . ,_ :_~ pol; SALg_3,. am! b ad; l Rl'ZNT—Rooms for boys. °" u" ‘N’ "" "' 1924. by the Tlfkfl“ for lithe in the Mi:-l Instructors in the Women’: Gym-1'39" ‘M0 («elm formation some time’ film" 7 3- m-'''10 P- 33- N N I l jog 75 3 320'. 3,..,.a‘:,,. man ":8-.Cloae tn. Steam heat. Phone 648-‘ ;'{t'I"'.?§..5.°"t'.‘..§. cistna"°:::ill.'t’e'e‘l.a°u;l Noun section will be on sale all nfinasium feel that a enthusi. . was spent in blocking. In this de-l QUICK SERVICE ‘ K ‘ -=_ ‘mod. Phone 993 whim nl3u.n.d, cm 50, 3 w_,n,, A.,..,_ Rmimx 5...... ,, aim mm M d_% next week. All-tickets must be put‘-zasm has been shown this year by : nartmeht of the game the -11",; W“ . 15 N_ 7“, SL 8“ n"‘“"’.: i t l A . 'FOR RENT Stea heated ‘.t...Ts.'°t.‘th.°.',l-eut..~..tu.;. .t. months; chased by Wednesday. octoher, 1. lane fneshman girls as far as the . ‘"8 ‘Mk 118% year but no eflort 1-: A 3 ‘ ‘ ' i “ ; FOR SALE OR RI-ZN'I‘—Ncw‘*h°‘ d Id” mi "°°’“'_*f;,, “Md ,~_":""""'-3:‘ “awn-F /L A. 33-888. cqnth of the ChIcI_x0.,rt-gular vmrlt in this department is , hi" "P"°‘l t° felled)’ the altua-|.. . .. . , l e ' . . ‘lg .".’ 8 room house, rooms r:r“'!“t.ats-: flnfl ‘och cu. h u ‘again ‘I '1“ ‘med tion’ : . .:—‘ ‘ Y ,_I ......-. _- ——4- - —- - ~ 7-» ~ _ 5.1 7‘-r ‘ _ .°~'- and two baths. 306 Hitt St. Ph'o...l y pr: 0 ‘*3-'2 "W" W W-‘M "-etd-u at the 1... ‘he “WOW time two Weeks 0“ “Run for extra -ports beside the rec~ 00% Kim was in c’ of the’ . . = Broadway and Bltt. Phone 936 -‘Wflhn of the mutation ‘has as ' de el d * ’ ' Mr“ 0 ’ .57 993 whim ‘ ll!-W ' ' jtha mu 2.. hm... gm... °' W’ "°“ 1 1y? i Ill?! ‘.’ cl“ "0 mm’ m l""" '‘‘"“'‘'d Work Antoni: these 3 b.““‘ ‘"6 °"d‘ "’ “"3 “°¢k5ns p'nc= . ‘ - * ‘ 5- . :'.'::: ;::~.;-.-pr---— c-—----‘ MM; 0. I. um-D. mm” 3 _'**l V)" ¢'d 18 8 W01! ¢f"'I‘9_Sll0T|_¢l-extra sport svimnfink..‘tennis, and ?'‘'9- 1399335 Of telling the men how! M . 5 9°‘ mu" ‘ ~ I-‘OB RENT--To sins nice .te.'..? ‘‘‘;;*_f_§ 4» comm ’ t 3:,’ h"‘",‘_’:"'f ”';;"°£h§"‘>' ‘S « we practice are the-most Popular. shoulud hm been done he showed; ‘ ' e 0 . ~. 3 ' - i ‘ pm , g or ‘I ‘ ' g . . . _ - . .. _. 1:03 m.;N1~_m,n,,, 7 O, 9" heated room. near Unwerslty.f Last thee.‘-tiou :3. (—:’(7Trl.92(. Each man is being worl':d2?>ve?timel _ gopubfnghtir 3"" mg" fl)lIl~lt'.:eh1ll!'!}ld8€l'fx.l,tn Ian“? l atoms, opposite campus. Phone§Pb°3¢ 3374 ¢!‘¢en- ‘ LBNU‘ ‘ n flc& ‘ in an effort to _xet together a com- ,0,‘ tho _ :2, ‘be ' :1“; gaunt; Ind just as often the All-Amed::‘fiI ‘ ' - e i ' i “; FOR iu:N'r—1.u_-ge rumiehedi Whcrau. ._u.t.. 1-. st... and Atnea t.é :.','.."'t'°" ‘M """"" ‘?°"T "“ “‘."‘ . . A5‘ Encllsh pocket’ t;‘:f.,°“"‘° W" "M ‘ W‘ “ ""'* For Windows and Doors 9 V pog yugx-1-_;q.,.w 5.,-com 1,°u,¢,.rooms, 1st floor, private enu-axice,:f’*_;::.‘:‘l;d sure. by their eemie «teen (1. gut“;-muflecfimu ma .fi'w~ . ., 3'51! COMO to C0lun_tb_ta the " _ f ~ ggo peg m.,,,u,_ weaum-, gum gthree blocks from White Campus-” "" ‘N’ "' 0! April. 1921. t 4 _ l _ firs part of October. She will QIVQ‘ On what might be termed the W. J. I d recorded in the can of the n.e...¢ conference in scope the muoun. in - - .5 . . A Co.’ phone 272 wu.m.p,¢,,;ty 0, uppachnmeu pnfm“ at but of B00“ co“ . m e. ‘ _ .. . _ i . , , .8110; lnstfllcflolts in the game. ’ rst selection Coach Henry chosel ‘ M . Mo . , tr court. is C cago affair is looked upon as a. . . . 5 th . 3 exlcop - 9% lrhone 759 white. ‘most: nu-tmeheetm ..,.......,......,...,.. xii. met-i 1 or -‘s “IJN-hnanculwhohunot. "" at center. Ether and Len, ' FOR m'3NT—GI1'I8e at 821 Rol- to the Indcrtlgnen e. mute. the.rene-~« .51 ° . ° 3‘ ' "h°' '”°“"'had a la ‘ " ' ' it lrlllrtls. Lindenme er and V ‘ + * i . F R . 1" dumb“ I‘ \auey m co‘ "mm wm, the In , 19211 3' physical examination Y am 11”’ phone 1159' A 16.20: roon?s fIRE!']‘¢vNT.-Jllrhgggo ml!5‘l2r3nm:1¥;“°“"- "win 3:: them. .?§:'"'.‘§; l er schools of lhe Big Ten. . ,3. l'‘!““ mu“ ¥ ‘l’P°l”t¥"¢“‘ lmmli’ '53:‘ __ I4 ran. . REN'l‘—Pianos. College avenue. vi%sotts..“,."".g";"f"?,,,,.’:‘_,':“j,';_§;;’,‘~*fl )-"7 - our State is determined to win.‘ His ““°"': _ ' , _ i . pun“ in “an,” mnafion" 1..., u,_ mu” ,°",_.i‘m (:”":*n‘:l twenty-eight years - u is to .];‘.,,an all University | y . “ "Id ‘5 per month‘ fifior‘ pan‘ BER-I-_One room in newl twelve (12) the same hole: t on-cl 3 coach demaltd that he 1’ meat this fall. and the‘ 7. ’ “C 00. H. ' J‘ . . fiagmodem brick homchao °ther.,mo.m_E:‘the nst.o‘nc huea(:::;i.:-ee1g,;.¢h“.:’ _ele\. _m -wfiht;'i;trbl; the in ;!hXlOIt1;' to; more; N 3*’ . . ¢.tt.‘3 doorI.,noI1hofBroad at.oa-L - ' I «m3 ’° "5; ,...‘-‘lEP'°' P °’ “- ' “"‘°l" ‘ '~r’:FOR llEN'l‘—-Supt. ‘to June 1- mg: g ‘ ' 1:50,, 13:?y;.,'d_*cauunr l‘II".:q.:::I.hts*“!ll’a‘thsc .,'n:l ‘T3'¢“'stmnx—bdat lmflhl ’ fiaflbt lulu to be‘-enrolled in g 2 «mg... i . _ “,0 ‘ma; _ :1 g . Hssuiwast or the curator er nu.‘ ma”; fin.-or, however. is the ‘fact the; gag. gymnasium classes. . 2: go:-th of town.’-good '-Hktrle, = I:::..j'f""‘“;°‘_=;": the Balloon: 1...‘; line of last year remains almost in-‘ There will be a regular swimming ' l jlghts. hot water heat. 885 per; 1:-on REN1-__3 uni“,-nigh“! d,-yitbsvalhltnatad. 0" """""""""' “_°‘-_ Al“}°08h Kins. center. is}: again this year for the wives‘ l ..‘m.bnm_ phone zgn. Bltfbuement moms’ bomebeping °r;u';m‘: 3,, an ‘M can mine“. "dc; Lntltse-';‘l{Iig;‘vl:‘lsmDlace ti: t§lle:.caktgd]:ll;‘~facult)'Thmen and for faculty" , ea « med 9 . . , , ’ ' . I-‘OR R1’-JN'I‘—One 12-room moa-;b°‘*’°°"“v mm °"*""‘¢°- '1” “'3 wt. .'§°...°'.‘:'t':"I'§fI"’;f "..;"."§".f’,",,,“",,'f,,“ -—-_————. ° 30 ,,"°’,,, °:,",','.’,,'§".',o "° ,,,‘'';‘;j 9"‘ h°“‘°- "ice 3“"'°‘"‘dl”3‘- '°“h;‘uge' Pb-one 729 red‘ “I46 gt-:.(:lw'::“ Wm" “H °' ""‘ RAZZER TREASLRER ELECTED and. Thursdays plf this ; ‘E l l . I an ’ . ————-— - . . ' “°° lg," "’°"‘."',‘°’ W '17: "1 FOR nl-:1~I'z'—.s-rooun.sna,eieepin’¢:-..t....t em...‘ (st) .t"".I.3o.’§.'7..£'.' «'37 “in. Bonn acted for This Year *?°“' N M1 convenient it will be pos- t . °r—p'm pug” N‘; jporch for students oglmsiness men,f _"_"':I;':o: “let!-‘voter at amen... 1...: —-Chicago Plans Discussed. lslbleto enroll in the regular college ‘ r., _d°,, my amp” ",3 3,.o.dway.”°n um “D3; ¢;::”bo(r:: or an; wmhm now.“ V“ elected tray The section at 10 u. m. on ' ' ApAg'['3[gN'p3 mg if ‘ Phone 729 red. L11~16 mutated wemma to the eehte. )...°:;‘urer of the Miuou Bauer: at a 5“‘°‘d‘Y’ ‘ml Thllmlflfi is 808- V ,_ . . ’ . '. .l£lleascr1.sne;ssa u be‘ .,,,m, «specia meetin 'esterda sftern .l¢“*°d-' . —~ . - FOB or_ 4-room wart» 300118-803 0% .ve,?u¢,l:§kI"lf:kb!.I: (48). Res; twTlt~e‘n(1:|, 11‘: t Plans for thegtlip to Cyhcago r This year not all freshmen are en- ' The MILE ‘ °' ment, very desirable. Photnwe. 625 Phone 569 red. ‘Four south-éeottsee ro:‘,,,'°,nm:" 'J:'¢:bt:'the football team -were also dis- in strictly freshman classes. ‘ world‘. kg-‘cg: g.no‘.2._ ova"-.5,“ “am 5,, .1; 1 ’° * flux‘ I g T '__-l'..___3°' "‘”°"“°‘ ‘"'<'-- 1% rishtn to cuta’°"’.‘°d' , ‘E1fi¢5°n¢l' tells 1!‘! beinz Elven and principal cities, will open. their 117th ‘store tomorrow fl. FOR REVT_An go surface for cg mini“: A dance will probably be given lthe classes are arranged according ‘ morning ‘t \ _. 5' ‘ I J L081 ,. gum 1. gm. ‘'°"'' "° °‘’''' W,“ "°°k l° "59 13°09)’ for the ‘t0 1103. A. 3- C. etc. There will , < * - » t, 'l' apartment in the Austin-Cllne.v706 _ . l . The “ma - . __ . . : 909 Che SL - y_ LOST mm . I 1. mm .0 , will be held In can he 8 number of competitions this try mum“ ‘Venn’. 2202 ‘me, a, bout ’-13$ par: . ’t:‘ontalntng!m&au'~_"“":‘: ';:'.::"::;' 5"‘: Junction with the Student Council. A598!’ amoiw the different classes. A t ' ' ‘‘‘l j. “'03- 9.-.<"; R"w'mR‘.‘“'°» i"°;1’”'3b fi‘m9M notu an e§_€Wte:tniforms will be ordered lm- lpointcyntem will he used, and the‘ Our direu woolen mills connections and nation- “ t V. 1.63 BENT_o” nu. kw!‘ ______ ‘. g . fl m._m“‘ mm!‘ was been undo 1. ‘ac Stostéhhs to be! on hand for Vllldllfldull records of the girls will I wide business enable us to offer extra quality. fine all- “d ad 300, .p.',u,“t’ 1937'-‘3l1ll-d°C.,._"P‘|D. Illlt¢;2!°d‘“ thidcro, in “nu”. _, hithat thpe ‘°‘3"f"v-m l~ Drogltlilc :: and in order that a study may wool clothes made to your individual "measure. for only ' 7 .o . 3. » furnished at 35: ‘P ozhleadly. Jan‘: m .g .,_:&_,,,a“ m u the gum“-“Y-fines at home xi’ 3?’ es Ther:l:‘f‘t::e!!;.. hr“ in in = $25. All one price-—-any patxern—any style. 2" . ptalrsroomsiatsm. stud! 1408 .“."’ ‘1°‘k- -so t._¢he undersigned e‘......, .,J',,,,'°'f_« —.__ ' lam . .°’.°‘"‘°, w e - . - . -_ t ‘e _ g . . I. .- - t _ U - i . i number of girls majoring in , M _ Ema", mm “I17-ti-~ go-Egg” w"”....’ hb°tp,,'°‘,,"-*6 to-' t'-.i.".'iI't..‘T.‘.‘.'“.'.‘.'.' .‘.‘..’2‘."‘.‘..".'.‘.2 ne:3"ia'e.tfs.G"l: M§°.tia:;“.§'m%"“"“°“ 1*“ you there were ; ll . . t. -- * *~ *" _ % lg‘ finder ‘u. Rand‘ Bu_15V';:‘m“*c‘;u:‘u“'u?°°HMu-e in column,‘ each girl nghgu,-,3 in the Um_;,3’:'}tY-three. while this yeanthere 7 Choice Of Any 2-PIECE l . _ ' _ : "*2. 5'03 3ENT'-F°mmWl 1 . ' lgfifanher 24th’. :9z‘:.”::lve:: th‘eMho.u'“’.y" ‘'°’'5:}3' 90‘ Ital!!! the women's man.‘ .¢4?*rt<.y‘evw—--ev 4 5; A l 3 V “~ . menu. W300 "”°°¢l°- A950" ’ S'l'—Blsc'k cameo rininon Roi-1 ‘¢'°=* 1» It at 5 o'clock 9- I. e.‘ '“°?“’8 '1 '2 Unitenity Audi-s‘ lea fi'e-Jnblllll opportunities it * T l T :8 ? $1 Green. . ‘ ' " . ti {ins or Conley. Reward. Phonc.-"'“ “"_:'_"-9 mm» or satisfying _,,1 tonum at 4 o'clock this afternoon} will hot rad and use Itissourianl ll . I " . xp‘ 7- . V. . m 3 ID‘ 3! of executing The DUTPOSQ of the meeflng,wu tolmt-‘G.’ I V .. _- ‘“ ‘ FOR i3!:NT_3'm°m l IOIILLR .-. at ‘ ,IIooN'£ commr TRUST commune l 8"? in Q” d°v°l°‘""°""’°’ we l 9" g ;l ' ‘J ' ‘ ’f.*‘;partment Vlth .a‘Iee|Ilng_ 1%; . ’ . ‘ 1...“ : ens campus organizations and en-] . l - ~. . ter and heat: * J.-‘.5. ' ,‘‘‘‘.‘’‘‘°'' 3°!*'- !¢- 1924. . iable the new Kirls t heeo .' ’ 3 ‘ . i€’sry“1I"hs:Tmable' o.§."§“..to.‘°"“‘E.afi_' "t woo‘-Fa.-:.‘.r..... 3?.:‘:‘2.‘.f‘.s‘li.‘“‘ °‘‘‘*‘ °:''" -3°53; ‘ ‘ G"'"““°" ‘" "°°‘ fr’; ‘ V sits. wfisovth ..t»l9|fi'l steam. 't-.~..... ....... .,,.‘ - 9 I . ' ,,, flggkog-a00,7;e 314317.508] ' . Pb“. gifinfld cfumarrial. In hiacrrtaln dodgf TT_‘_‘_,_, l - '1 . . W’ n . at a... .. ..... .., .. Hay. 1920. ....""".. ..... .. 1~ FULL surr on ovnncoyr -u . ,_.FoR Rmn._one hmhhedjutm alienate South 4th St. J14-16 eordd.:a the einee of the neee.s.. .( t m. .t 9.... y‘ ALL ONE PRICE $2950 in + I7-ouukoopinc o ta . 19°01!‘ . ..wAN*rnn-st. . you -4-‘to-tan ..°°"""-“"'°“"-" "'°"' dew 8---on '-to-z éou.-m .. ‘ - » . "" . . l . , , 2 , : . M80 :7 eonnyfl Q9 ,5. ‘u i l . . wt 108-‘I005 Ph,°°°a‘forPUREJElS&fal(‘I’l§:. n'r.l-4-use-a......... .t....u..i..a....... ‘°°"’°"“°"'”““"“' + -- r o . . ' -:_‘ ~ --- ‘ - M‘ ~ bed: 54?‘ IIIIIIJII Boone County. I113:-L to. n "'1 ; , - . .. -’ ' ’ -4 . ‘, ‘ls fore and after ‘school. Phone 1638- gtlixidvhiogxntfkz :1’, '°""- ml” 0‘ am“ ‘me 0‘ ‘ml 7 0"” ll?‘ °l'°'P"l°° F?°P“m°d'. “fit '°n';' , , 5.1.‘ l I ~ i"3t°B:§hi.hea eeuoatht-hiehea. tn. 3'} A ’ ‘ J ‘— "Em"-n-i-u.’“"' . .3»"‘°t'.'. ""i't.£.”° (I: ...'°£'t‘v .4. "" °°""""" """“" ‘°' *3‘ E"-"7 “ll '°"‘°' °"‘“°9" “'.° ‘$1’ ‘‘ °"° 9"°°"§ .’ “'1 ' me ~ 7 mas wsnsh street.‘ nsovu tron ssu:—iione. J... and 3%’ - ton.-.. "" 5..'§i *- fin moo «tn worn» at $29-W You an with raw Iekfiiw 00- 13°" “W W. i . - - T 11” ‘ Phone 1471 hlack. Hllitf ., 0: :=”:‘,;“,.:‘_“‘E:’_'t‘:"‘;f ""'*- 2:3: e¢mt:'N ' quarter“. (NS 1.4 of the finest all-wool patterns youcver saw to sell for such-a‘. A RREN-— Illfllltpdflfi-'-‘ ~ fl aw '°'‘''' N!“ .. - . “ . ” . ‘~‘‘‘‘‘%‘...!.?i‘t@:.‘!%*.oo-..»‘'t-'‘~.i‘«..g ....*:~':.°°..=°°..:.*.t"““---1""""‘-" ....."'.:.-~ ‘°r'v"°°~ t ' i so .. . -"'-. 1 (4; ‘In '- “If A bill! I'!l°"“H- Jllsht-syattheweiiua """'01l-V-rt—-ilthorata} g’ ' ~ _ "-,.‘*' ‘g-.1. ug ;- . jocgud. net as show cooks wen. Phage too meet. alsas_’asIl ”;,*';“' '‘ m_eon|:_t-tu, in .n g . * y . 2...; ‘T 1 T” '‘'g W i‘ ‘ «. l ‘A 0i"'3174“.- 5--".4-.’ -4 " . "‘-"+'_’e *5“°*‘o-e 5l%d}att.hstmo( the ° $32: In tnst.noIausa|Ih.I Go to any first-clnu tailor; act I movie will ' ‘“°°‘" ‘mo " . - 3'1 . ; A . ‘ fin“-Mathew also »'‘'’''''I ‘ I "0"-.5-*7-Or . “or$50woo|en_s.andwevill'fil§lltl_V¢lY.5‘3Pu¢3‘¢tll9¢3O¢lr.|l|||"¢__ 7 "‘ ._f_'ar- Bank. e. " ‘fl ¢f;um!m 3l3.l.&..;:€3'fi‘§‘¢’.:~mw2":>saIfi‘-uu.“f.“::°“:“- --7"!’-‘f’ °' ""i"""T."‘i _- tot cat. 1», .e-o-gr-. 9" .1v''?‘°l'}¥hc..l4-'"?°-l..1n « — 1 4 — W’ " . '- tiat-gain for 350. to a-si-no-c. Ia out.” item when... default heft-e-I Que iifii ' 0039... , ,¢|"'£ 9'’ '.‘l-‘'‘! 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