lb‘ . J V ‘4» v ._ . “l”-3.... .~-¥'3"a*. '.;T»--’.-;‘;‘ '-.‘-T -.2. T‘ <.- -4-... c-o.————_ . 7,‘,-."*.:.u T TT ~- To .:. war-u ‘:3: :1‘. I <1.‘ _' ‘ ’ . .0. . < - - ,, 3 - ‘ . I‘ - .4 . ..: " ' _.V V; , . .. . ~ ,:“ _ ._l'. .v-— _. , ._ ‘ 0 s. - . . ..‘-‘V-..lfl"‘ ~},.i‘_'.“.l. 3,’; '_ , ;T~ “'l ~ ‘ ,:.5‘_TT ,. '1‘; 5 u .‘,.:". ..>' .0‘ -.. . 5-1.’. I, . V ...., ,.:..,i.>-- - ., ‘: _.: .1‘ i. V - . V .._ _._ t - - yo . ‘. on ‘_ .'I .“,._,: -3“ _’ __._'_ . , ,._ ‘.i‘.‘.‘.".“ ‘ H V V R.‘ I ‘Z . . T .T.' -.“ . l‘.‘;. "‘.i£?;‘»£ :‘.v .' 7.‘. ll ‘Rug’: Jzrm; 1 T T -w--‘--.~. .o~Tv—--~ - .-V.-. «.w-m. ,. V - _. -7 —.--__ V ~-— -—v __— — W ---- *_,___,_ **—¥ ’ ~ - A — ~ A A V . l * .T o .. .‘ T‘ ‘.14’ ~TT' .~~ T T T‘* h“ - - V . vfi . l V . V « fl.. _ V’: . ’ I T ] . o,_ _ l » T 7 V . V I PERSONAL '6” T'“"T mm" -"'5 am’ 6 ’_ T.-.-c -4, V V I-e-ridden: . Tl» V ; llra. lacy nowhixaofinluoi-ih; ‘M N “M J. I . if 2 Hum‘ st‘: £1‘ E’. Myers left for: 't:"'l lhzucollnty clelThli: T l. * 4- l .. u l‘ " "‘°"“"" ,T . - ». ‘beralater nut:-T «l.0!N'clll.' 'T"".""““'.""-‘ «i —. T "‘~°"‘T A i. ‘ 'Er."?daT'§oltannon.‘ T assisted ‘by . R. E.\ll_enry left this morning for. — - -'T—- « ~ .— -— ml .to.Clayton where he is the -T » -~ T ‘ .11 ‘llannuifil, mi. me. fhzhonlilléi Cent!-alla. . V T~th:‘°‘’‘'» 3. . 01 '. "'°"— rm oftlle 8t._bouin County Court. "_ _ , L ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ T -- ' T _ ' G ‘ _ t 5 V of - T‘;::T ”‘T..“°.‘;'°“i§.'."‘-"“““t°I,' o é°'“’.....;’TT..°.‘:““2...:.‘:.:: Please we==d— Au mom T‘ "'_ .l . -“ '‘'“TT ‘'1'. T V T ' -- . -A aue ma.) lluent in t , _ g . ‘ goes" Th. “I. “am” 0‘ cam.“ formal pledging at 3 cclocli. ti-|‘dIY,‘VllI¢f0 the will d~ a fenj Uni",-,§Tt,._ T .T.,mT to Cluk‘ mi:-lhli morning for his home at Platte to help rem ' _ ._-V “bade ‘e0* T ‘M éaffi“ ‘ 5 - ‘ cull)’. _ _da!lTvntli Mrs. ‘II. A. Rnmmell, 618 mowing ‘to vmt ‘We, the “.eek-‘T _ _ V _ T __ __ A_._::_.-v*' : ". —_- V .- 5 Annual Stephens College har- Maryland place. -She will visit in - 4-..; T. . T. - _ bouquet of Ophelia rush-s.and Mg’ bean 3:30 (. rd . T . °"d- » A ‘I, of the valley. She was attended by 2 L. G; "3 '9‘ m’ at '° ‘ms ; [“‘h""f'_ G"°"“ hf?" "°“‘"‘l“¢ V Allen Rothwell went to Raven- .“ her—alateI'.‘.fliaa-.ViI'ginia Babb, who; ~G‘;hma A, h. Cm. women.‘ . h°‘e"TV ' . is morning for a ahort~ -. ' _ . rho” ‘ ' ta for n.‘ . how open "iflit hi‘ m0Ulel', M78. S. E.g V . . ' ” X l fiffl I ’ -J T~ - 3. .: ' ‘ V ' ' ' ‘ .' ' » T‘ malfila b:mu :?ldnd:l!;f|l?;:: :.°]'-‘elm? (in ma. to$c:ool of bull. ' h0c‘l’;lc‘.u?P'Tkh0Iem {film If um“ 12 Woods Wamen Gulick \v '. ‘T very “E33 , to Wlllble . . - . _ V; 9 V . . hex , , ,. V V o - a - ~ - - ., "4 “"3 °~"l“t'9 "35 ll Ni“; 51],... p,,'?',:., 91:'p:, 9‘: t e in -0 l m ‘um’ ‘ Spurren and E. S. Turner went to‘: 3 patty‘-new mm t'room foul‘ E _V M . dd . . f , uoc. vi encc .~_ __ vi and entertain- _ _ ’ ., _ .. . V . __V V ; é . um a niece o the‘ road. , s_ Pm , Vlng tfigéflfiiehyag um ;_ u_ moi-nlnir to visit mar, . befiroogng I _ . - . . Theta - txma . -omens - " oc , flu-in _ '. ~ 3 ' ' ° T T‘ ‘ T T T , o- .T :. Hr‘ Bfib 3"’ ‘"5 d‘“‘m" "'1 Journaliain sorority. will‘ at 1 ‘dent ’of the‘cl:a1ller' Hiatlozlna ”"T N' 3- m3d°"v “'l‘° h” b°°“' ‘3 fuu8h' 306 phone 993 “bite T 5 “m"'l‘3'°~ ‘'3 "‘~”'-‘"‘°“3" “*5 P°”l 4'30 1 3 N93 H111 '3 Kg” fl ' 5,; ‘T ‘ ‘7 ‘visiting at the home of Mra O W l " after Sunda formed by the Rev Harvey Beau- , Strict igfidn Chi; , '- ‘ .;f,.'.,,: n ‘M1 iBoutwell left this morning 0 forl y. ~ ‘ T ’ champ of Dallas, Tex. Mem ; nu ma“ - l .1. l.7,:- —' . ' ,h h ' - - ; . 0 ' - , T, u” “mfly ‘M “ f°“' “'l“"d‘ “'"‘ gtlanley Smlchmgol l’i:.'lli‘n:d.t::t" 1 :3.“-«V 1!l$Ruth’.!lauaman,T graduate of i all ogme ha; been‘ - ~ WW3 '11 th¢.'°ddinK- T t 1:30 ' ‘ ' ' : .tbe- ool ofhlnzilaliam. ‘ml’ ‘T ' " T '- ’ . * ~ I""“°dl"'°l5' “fl” “"3 °°“m°'f3'‘ .‘ The Club will meet _- :c°l“'l‘l‘l‘'-V°‘.‘Yd§5T3._“*Tfi;f3tl‘l- 3938 3Clerli::lum(?oliv:lili:::n‘rt::frnSd)u"ll:i. . A’ . . ‘T T ' ‘T’ T’ ‘i ‘ " 1 s¢:dL::I;- 35:3 1°’: _(4£iombIn_ with lira. Charles Dimrea, Pro- =.3-nuolgtw spent T. the last three Princeton this morning. ?- I III I ’ ' . V 5-. “'5 gvidenoe road.» 3 p- m. T. ""‘."“’.,*.'..”l 3" éptomo. Tao and iv J. hi. Mathis and Jesse Minor. - - ~ ~ ~ -. V main for a week. They will be a{ l V .. T Tl pm: over in Collins on her we", ‘man: the 10¢“ 451,15 who ; e , » _ . " l’:,erw‘"‘l‘“l*°" 'fl",.u‘° 5"‘ ‘ Kiwanis bVlu3cheo‘nBo 12:10 ; Ti, l«:")_ l“‘tm’_°‘,—l&_.,S1- 31;; Wm 59 . left this morning for lfldllfllp0lls,l I ' I P- m- It I 3 EH59 0119 T8‘~'- 2 l , 9 ‘I met! use nn- 1 Ind-. to attend the convention of & T ‘ °“°. -————-— . . l ..n‘“°'n n . o t A ; Y -en gues s T. Baptist Women Hold ; mnound Table Club luncheon at :3; . :m:!: vmma “Tr A T* A T Mmnomry Meaning ‘F T‘1’2M‘l-iil§‘q.§;ll!t?r‘li'liil:tc§>lxr;in!;l the T 7'5 gmiveo in Columbia today. She Llzvrs SHOE REPAIR sliol ; . w“° Tllién“ hfiardia ‘“'°W“l 85l'».1“1. A Tho Wt-_nwn's Hi.“-“i0l18l‘}'_ Union 9“ 1 Bible Chm Wm mm at . __,,____,___.. -_-_ - _._.‘. ~., will spend the week-end at the AL: W '‘ Cm“ F M‘ De‘, ml ~ like so rriuch to entertain—-all except of the Flhil Baptist (Tliurcll held 5 p_ _ in south gnu pa,]o,-,, ! -. T . n , _, ».‘ I.-.-A ;VV:_.\._A .,/.‘.\.‘_:..‘/fi_.V’_A.__V._-A V. tpha Chi 0m@ house. l 0!’ or a Ire V the work 7 ‘ta lezular l'l‘l nthlv oei'n;: ea,-' ' ~ ~ ; ' T l V ',- ' T . T T .- ~. '-f“‘'“'''' ‘ Phone 825 806 8 ad 3 . . , luday at the cllurt-ll !"l‘ho‘mor:ln8! .hoIl;il' pl"<‘:nnl1\l“p$‘:1‘cd¢'(i'n‘8mTt1 7?:l‘.lll lflariballr golumbl: who bent.‘ . " ' t ’ '”—fl'h.‘'d'ht‘‘.’i-‘ ftflu.‘l£l‘t-ll w.‘m'°"' ' “ml to n’ i . one of the Jusfiflcatmns for flip?‘ ‘Ml 4' ' was spent in a business session in . m, ' ' 1 _ ~ gb'.'T"h"' "“'°"'ty' 1'“ C°l““" _ V V : existence of HARRIS’ )8 that they will ; ‘ c we e pf-esgdeni of “,5; Mrs. A. M. Ross. Hink_ l..,'_’f' - ,- --."‘“"‘ - , _.‘ . ~ - ———- '- 4-,,“fi.‘h V filo «_V:,,,; union, am, A. p. xnntn. Lumnme ,T,,,,V wm e,,,,,,a;,, the ,,,,,,,b,,, VC.uh. Mr. Ellard in grand. clutor and Laura Frances C<éhn¢- 1; _V.r6Vb:¢ mnwed um wed-“ad” P mg the complete pleasure it should be. i ‘ {ma served at nocn to l25'pt-oplci of the Businegs gnd Pg-gfegsional unto of the University and is now ham. Xinaaa. City, Marion neon.’ ., . . V V ‘ uri 7 . _ . by the Mary Stephen.» Circle. The I’ Women's Club ' a a n iIJl‘()ft'S80r of journalism in Beloit ’Brookfield, and Margaret _Hubbard...lf;"r.:;';mm’;h blflhdfihby ‘; h°"“" t) I"‘'“_9 5°“? w9el‘je"d Tues“ ‘O 3 V . 1 , . 0," V V V- ; ; a V mp! Y Wu 9 peasant, _ HARRIS Sunday dinner tomorrow. , program in the afterncol consisted, part) and dinner at G p. m. , 95!? _ . .'m,.pnn “.6” Q L Qum and l , . ?T of: Special music by tl1¢ lllissesi. ,' . A picnic for all fruh- ' ' "'“'*" n . .. '.“'.“I"“' . T Y . f « - If“ C." V "W" ,___ T 3011 7713" 0C¢“P)'_0Yl9 Of 01"‘ Comfoftllllt’ ' Common of swphcm Couege_-. in ma gm, W, new gm, in W, V Alpha Chi Omega will hold for-{S M_Iss _“"‘l!’.tl!|l§i_1"l1‘Ytl1nll0ll 2 llllf }*f""V V M! 9 "'0" "5. Cl ll. ' booths. if you like. or if the party is ' '’f,.'; ta 5.‘ Miss Hazel Hoffman oIi':.v:U"l“E"‘iI)' at 5 1» m. ' .'“-A“ "'°““"“ “‘ "..°’€"?°“ S“."“"§ przjlrghlf "Al" ul-1“:-xi er §".I‘.." .1“:-s.i-Iuli. Combs_\vas . dinner 83“ mess 3’ larirer perhaps you would prefena ta- T- T "A Penitent‘s Prayer." a tall: 3 ‘V; C Wednesday. "f“_'m°°" T0!’ \"1Zl_|'|| Gl'|93°*'- iglaerekhau ‘ti nm'°3in'F.y;-.;2l_l¢'§t Frldll‘ evening at the Alpha i >_ Are in bl9- ‘ ,Mrs. J. E Thornton on “Our Col.-.4 ~- Lion!‘ Club luncheon at noon .’Q}l"l¢)'~ 111:; L438 *_1°1‘d‘5' ‘nd “"39.” Mi“ F‘n_in‘wn formerly “P. Delta Pi house. 3 J‘ And . h _ _.n \ A urges.” am lane” rad from mi‘- I ullfhrfis" . . ''?p8Il)l!l:'. ha!lla:'CltyA;.nnf;fitc(ll°ll- lterded the University and is a mem- 2 Mrs. W C luso arrived : < = be proud fourbemlfcglleslg sue 50" V” 1 TT . ifonaries. ' -' omen’: Leadership Group of Z°°-"1 "°“n 9 '°°3 T '3 - the‘ th K K‘ G 3,; ‘ ‘C. ' l C . _ _.. _ .- the gun," gibie C1“, rm meet Ruth Scinner and Edythe Furtsch. . ’ _ _ 9 ‘PW Pl“ '3" ill: Columbia yeaterda to be chap»: . A VT I Democratic Women at 4 p. m. in South Hall parlors. 2?; L°“;“=M”°,’°E“¥'mRf‘"‘z£ ‘llgbb %“""’”"' _____ ;°'*'" -W” Ch! Om“ homo ‘E With the 3 flARRlS‘ ..m~i..- H R 3 T V _T V l 3 an arjorle c n . n e- - . T - '—T-''——' , V — « V , - ~ :1’ ? . :0 Meet Monday l T Rotary Clubultlnclieon at noon .P°"d°"°°' lG81;nhf:l: h:¢?P,:>‘l‘l1)'ol>fth§‘EP‘l‘l°'lJ‘ps(“""’)1': Milghgwigtngfnéeellclgieel m a ham haflmni ' ' l I A T; ‘ The Democratic Women's Club will , at the Daniel Boone Tavern. (._ phT§':.lI- h. M glen. who an attending the Univ", 1 Ohio ‘ ' T ‘go Mm“-ta 8‘ «- - » l Pl meet with Mrs. W. E.- l:larahe.1 4ooT ~ Daughters of 1312 will mee """"" ' .° “f ° 7"" my gave a luncheon at Harris’ to-, __ i as of T g ‘M 35°" T ! ; gout}, 53”}, street‘ .1 230 o'do¢1;T with u,.3_ w_ w_ Scott’ 11 “-_ ihourse frnmfhtuntll l2<1ne((:i_lock tllaniaht . , I up” Dena pi announces ‘MT OT 5; T _ , . V _ V VV V : 2 no i -am» mo. o mo 9. n. o. = = new » z.e=- - er —_._.—— u .....,.,.. Do n. Lotta.-I n l T-- - . % - T ‘ .V Nédaway County. will be a guest.» The Thursday Bridge Club ;"“',"°l'i”‘ m.” 'm"b° gm’ 9"“. in .n”‘ R‘ :H"i.s§«‘w:‘,°fw ' A N y e ".0" t 3" H . I . -5.’... —_ ~ g 'T ' ~ am?“ “oh ~1'heT-memocractc. Twin 7 ‘meet ‘oi Mrs: W. TH. :l‘r’e‘f;‘-‘ll-t lg’; D$“?V nhk who l’l§!.}59§l)',lll:lll,§ L; :1 e - . 1. * — . .~.L-.:~m.- ,— -- 2. .» o. .. - ~ o ' Party -in‘. Nodaway County: Others Goldshcrry, 1109 Broadway, in 9 9" ° 9 ‘' P "v '8' "- ;Shaw's parents. u so an rs. . .. . . ~ -“T r E 5 " " ’ '" " ‘“ " T T . ; T V tl-.lks,will be “O ' tion Plans . 2:80 p. in. ‘bflh R3"5°"- Mil Ella 'l'a_)Tlor. Miss ID. Show of 300 Price avenue for two t l; ‘ (or Columbia" by Mrs. 1!. ll. Hun-‘ The idle Hour Bridge Club 'H°”"°° P°“‘“ .‘"d Mr‘ ""1 3”” i\'l‘L'¢-‘ks. W311 108%‘ 10m01T0W {OT lie!’ ' ' grid“; _ < n '4 ll, . gate, and “Plans for Financing then will meet with Mrs. W. B. l{el- 5“‘P“°" ‘-‘"‘¥'“‘“d- - Lhomo H d» M 3 I-3 T T- T .. . .. , _ . T’- ‘i (ampaign'" by Mm‘ ‘V’ E‘ Rumba: uh", 208 Price ‘weave. u 2:30 : Misc Grace Eckelb-err)’ of the Rte Guests leax-ill? the KaPF‘§‘AlPll£l ‘ ' eyP ‘ “essenger T 2 _ l’ A . U l l A T hr talks will be followed -by an p. rn.T T . ‘ ~ ' T . . _ , . ’ , “V _V ho“'n" :T U 5 1 _' “pm dimuuion of clmpa-um . Couutry Club bridgbulppa iphcns College faculty has‘ as her :TlTeln house tomormu are. Mlllclil - E V ; All Democratic women are invited to for members and their’ guest.‘ iguesm h°_' l""‘:'.“" Mr‘ ‘' -u”T A ,_ - __.__ - ..z 1 » l p _ _ I a . ..I ., - _ ' ' . T =1 8 om . ‘T£‘.::‘,l°'::::-:n:T..‘.’:;:'.:T*e‘:.‘:;...‘;“‘e.:':T.::T 3 :.~: Parcel Delivers o. C1-gam ,. at Jzmmzas l - , T Y. w. c. A. B’ s’. T T E . T‘ B. D-.lT‘0 TER T T .. " T T u 7* St.'Mary’s Guild : at 5 o'clock on Deli: Quiz’. 33?: ¥-°°""°""°“° PLUI81Nc~co. T '7 '- ‘'‘*'‘'‘° 9° “‘° 73 —"= ‘ L L_ Rummage Sale lmrd.‘ l“"" T Gamma Phi Beta announces the lolxwa 9“ 8'“ s7tEl?§:CE _ A 5'3 T . i - . - . , Th S M v, 6 .m f the‘ Friday. gonna} pledging pfithy “min: of .—Phoae H24 , l V- _- >_ 3} lasts dllflllfl the entire 8Cl'l0Ol year- . ‘T’ ‘T "3 ‘ “‘ ° _ ; All-day meeting of the gel," Am ,,,d,,,,V.,,d,,,,e. H,,,_.,.% Plumbing and neptiringpu. 3 T To “ ' T‘ ,2 «M th 7 Come to JIMMIE‘S to get acquainted 2 Episcopal Church met at 2.30 Women.‘ Auxiliary of the First I . ‘ V . - V 472,’ 0 er, may __ _ A ‘ \ o'clock yesterday afternoon Ill tllfl P,-eshyterhn Church at the ‘ V l - ~ -——-—- -- -——— A-~ in-v -~~ —~_«-:.' Z , ‘Flt’? en‘ l sh house. in its first Ifcssfofll church parlqra. . ' ' .. an we have more? ’ .,. 5 V loymx one o,f_V.lho_s¢ excellent plate 1 .' ;ili:ce last zprixxwdfieortontutton, Mina Jessie Burrall enter- . : O‘ & lunches or dinner: served daily ull‘de_r ’ n Wt‘-P0 ISCUIL . an in»? tains for all Stephens girls at l . ’ ' '_ ‘ '_- mp!!! 5819 in Chart? of Mrs. H. 8 p. 121.. South Hall parlors. I . 3 = the most ‘ppenling gurroundhfca- 1 Allllfifidl W33 P1‘“""1‘d ‘O!’ “'13, T W. G. A party for all 3 . <' _ . , , l . 1 . ;.T -T J ' October. ° new women students in the gg tn We are apeclaliala in ‘catering to 1 " .--—--— ..=Ui “ "»T . T ‘ ‘.‘ n’ ‘ A numb" 0, mm" mm vmM_ yianlmlducliclocl. ln the 5. ’ V C You student fvranta in. fountain ,,dnn3cI.. 1 Vi- Columbia the last two days to en:-our Suva." V U) V _ .-, - > 2 3 gin lunches, dinners and confectlons.-_‘- ‘ their dauthtera in Stephens Collect. Th U ; . ' , 1 T " . 0 .. 5 i get ‘ T ‘_ ‘ ‘T , -V: . f h H c n s°eraity'Cluh. will have I - i 4 - . _ . A . A".‘°:‘%r“‘; ‘I‘_.""::;mon :f'T'F‘f:vi::,"' ll;8 regular Hen: Night at 8 -V. I :> T Fggtls That Sunday evening. date would ap- V V ' 0kla.: Walter K. Bro of Denver. °d°°k m I."u"°p ‘an’ m i '< A‘ PTeCl3t€‘di"l“U ‘ ' ‘ ' _ ‘ V. - Hrs. Alexander _of Tulsa; Ira. V V V ! "3 r ‘ H V V 4 E‘ new i-?fc2ymb"i's:ae:tl";9:u is hi d M E in 1 ' g Ph07l9 T" 0 9 " T T " . Ira Horace . mpton o e,TL as were r. an rs. . '. tr. 0 . C I T V -T wool»: and or. and Mn. 3*'mltg3‘°P"°'“- 8- . W-om. Mm so ~ ~ I zmmze S4 T O . ege . nfl ?_ Glll. Doctor Gill la a repreaentgive 7:008. ‘hwfost. Mrafifl. ,.. -’ . - - - ‘ __ ,_ " '.,..‘, , V, _V..‘_,.,., H" ’ ofthe Southern Baptist Boa to’- - rm - -ten. rs. T TT — . T I --» T---+ -- “ . " ‘ ,_~ , j"-4. southern European countriea l“'“'~*“- .“'*'° his bwl Vililipt. her: £».;g£§°§°;§‘§,nI;(;n,e”l.(n°V8 ——————————————— - ‘ " ‘ "- _‘ Mn. Gill. Mn. Alexander. Mra.‘m°ll3¢f. Mrs. .WatIon. returned toT h. T p . _ V ‘V . f.'“' ‘ E. Rutter, and Mrs. Compton will re- KIT-888 Cit! $05853 V‘ ‘8 name llllll‘ ‘ ‘ill i all f da "eataofthl -——— -T30 TT — V. ~ “""" "”‘° ° - ‘ eterlainin fllf ._ con,“ . V ; . Ella:-d oration, wi.,,Ti.l ;Brown or Bill Anybody: ‘ fl! z-—.-u __o_ V o. . ,. -———-— ;a week-end guest at the Dana Preaal for all you know, but-they ‘ . 9" 3'9“ 5°“ “"99 0"’-T l. ‘ .. , . 39": ind 115- 308*! Sl¢,Ph°M 9f; - i simply call him Happy 3 R’ %:"“""" °‘ C°‘“T‘I""°“""' , V r St. Louis arrived lait night to be. 1 - Pg;-ty because he~i3, ? e I er«—Doro¢i!. . the guests of Mr..and Mrs E. W.‘ T" ‘T “" ' ' ' The Utlle-French .GiI‘l-A,Iq _, Watch for Mr Happy T l 11" um °f C'°'’'‘‘v'l'''' ‘ ' ' 5 Pandora Lifts the Lld—-Q ‘ T? _ _‘ Isle of 'l‘llorna¢T-Sheila Kaye. ,: , ' . \ ‘V l ' A-The Saint of the spedway—8H'!'¢ll L a ‘ . 1 The Baaghaeclt—llaVl:ert V’ V" A V V _ E‘ ‘. The Land That ‘l_1me~l'-‘or[at—PJ3Ir'lllce' ldrllouklu. 1! of T ‘ V . .. Vlaad that it was lnlpoaalble to cabinet. 00!’. Vllllfii fflllfl. : - ’ T; , - f;‘\ T'gE e the trip by motor. , dc - . - . t" I "‘ ., T . 1 T _ ?’Hra. B. A.'.Watao'n entertained """“"' ""1"" ‘M " I T ~ yeah‘ a - owtloamliihu laatmlclit » . . V , T 7 . - Joya - T V I _ V. V . . 2% r ° » A ‘ a .V 1 . . ' Enroll in the ' -- _, _ - in T , ' .. . A _ - A ' _1 . 4 . . ‘ l *' T‘ A l ' ‘V. " ' 7 L { __ . ‘. I ‘ll 4. .V l. . - .,.:_ pa ‘Ina ’ _ V ‘ > 0 — mmerce , ~ ‘ . a . T . ‘ - ‘C 7 V . _ereyou'llfind~‘tVhe _ ._ J” ~‘—T~ . , l 'hroachools:'branchforUalir‘e!altYltudentaat it. . .V “Ina-.1 in the c I e TT . T _ ' ' V’ V‘ V‘. l _. , ..V’_,.‘ K T V . _-gmt;-,u M-.t.t 'l-iii ' Phh‘I'ie__l V V for .5 ;T T»; .T . T. .''e L ".“.7IT..Z..‘ ‘ "‘,"-:2 ’t 2; T'. .;_i__i.*:,”.t~V‘,£,.*:',;V'_.f~.;f-pl’ »