.. .i. . r o,, ~r- -s- -'5. " :.~' '-.‘.v‘ ' 5 ‘ :,. i. ‘ . -A -,, ‘V .i'—'.q'. .','.‘ . .. «.5 :. s._6.g.'...‘.aI—a_aaO _‘ * ' ",' ' ' ‘ ‘ a.C a I K.‘ II,‘ In . '\ a o ‘ .' - ' 3 .' -" - . "' _ ' . .._ . . o -i. ' ' ‘ ' ., . " .' l‘ : . . . r .v . . i - ' l-2 - I , . ' .. v ‘ . < . ' ' _v ‘ . _-‘.1 v . ‘ _‘ ~ - _ - . I ._ . It 'Myste2y, Love, Adventure in‘Short Stories and Late ' 'l'hat"'&i'lSu’s'fii3r'i§' waterr .0 ‘ .. .. . . .-un«‘1aa.l-di‘- . _ - » l ‘ “ A . . .. a —- —-vusavogn--yo-Q9nobcoonocfiéftbtsnrfixbfit _ I’-'1-ance who see in this-new novel the coast of amt;-.1... 11,. “en, ma- ...._. . ~ »4 :¢"‘O—;-ow less derelict. ' aide labors for a life of out-of-,the same time. CYISI door ad E The ry is ‘ stand up? Counting from left tolthriller of the old '.‘i-,: 0' .\. 0": 9 0:0 ‘ ‘é ‘VI 0 I 0' 9"‘: '.' C °" lit.’ .‘ I "c ‘J4’ 0 ea? tfii‘ I on i A‘ I 9‘ 19'.‘ A + Curwood haslof their superiority over the short? . ' greater than law. I ’ Something of the daring spirit of . done this before in “The Alaskan,"[ gtories of the early days. of Bret “Kidnapped.” th trong narrative in “The River's End” and "The iotalcst of.Xia:bsey's~ “Westward ‘Country Beyond” Now young} ica's mixture of races is indicated Ito". and the vividnass of Conrad's , Peter If “A Gentleman of‘. :1 these (I:l(l’OI'l.VslOl'l‘eS. |:I))oubleo‘ay, "11;¢,Bear-t_al_.Darkness" is to be,Courage" steps into line with his age & .. . ea: ‘or . f9u'nd'_in f'Grhat }Vaters" by Vera . other ' vigorous heroes. (Cosmo- —-——-——- I IIutchlnson._ The theme of the story politan Book Corporation.) , Youn Folks‘ Book of Mirth. is derived Earn" "Psalms. 107." “me ;;:';G-—u'n-Mm,‘ "To all who enjoy mirth" _is the .1-he’; an to down to the ,9. 5,, Tide‘ of p'ych“mly‘i'§ "my dedication of “The Young Folks’ - -BokfM‘h"b'M'Rnah p our literature. Philosophy 0 0 m 5 ‘m 0‘: AM hi!‘ “'°""°" in ""3 "°°P~" inhibition rad?” atzllinhfaghni-‘ii: ‘ The plot of the story is old; the expo”, any com, ‘mg g,,_ bug fill!!! ‘Vl*°_l' l1Dh'l°‘‘'"' '9 hi‘ 50“ paraphrase Carl Sandburg. still t until thefilgy his reached the age in iwnd we“ “i” keep coming. . . 5 t l h ll ' I ' l,, M‘ “V” he mu" chm“ 1"’ aum“ '%\ One of the latest arrivals in the larld 5I.lfe"!x!|:l(: fipogfetlle lroucitlfin 1;)’ lb’ m".‘“'3 ‘ll lb’ “Q?” "d '03; lred-blooded ranks is “The Two-Gun including poetry and prose, new . ihfan," by-Robert Ames Bennet. The 1 material and old, humorous. non- ""35 °lh°’- Q" °°“V°"h.°"‘l 1°" ‘story is that of a youth with a sensical and comic selections a de-3 “"7 ‘"5 °“‘n"‘ "°,l‘°,b° happy-go-lucky look and dreamy . lightful variety has been obtained.’ an “'3'”? Th’ d',°l"°" 'dark eyes that strangely contrasted iThere is no selection included that l’ P°¢fi°v ‘ml ‘t “"2” °’°°°d_"‘,‘ly ‘with his wide sombrero. his dusty . has not produced a laugh at some‘ t“'"‘““l- Tl"? 9°99‘? ‘1l’»l”°°"n,°"-;khaki,‘hia girdle of scarlet silk and. ltime. The book is wholesome and! 0‘ *1" b°‘“"5' °l lb’ 3“ ‘M °{ ' ‘P’ -‘inevitably his big-roweled silver. ' line. It is the kind of volume that ill“ ‘la’ 0" ‘°“ 3' fi"°17 °"-‘mounted .spura. He rode into the is likely to_become the treasured. " cow country, slouched loosely in his ‘possession of the child who is for- Altogether the book is one that will “nae, with . pgir of openoholxtered I tunate enough to read it. (Lothrop, ddltllt the lover of I (004 70033"! Colui at his sagging cartrlidge belt. I Lee and Shepard Co.. Boston.) 39073’. lllllllllllly W!" l0ld- (C¢flWT)' plainly not a local ranch hand. A ‘ ————————~ ('o., New York.) certain something seized the ranch- Radical Praises American Classics.‘ ‘ .1“ rm‘; lmIn'aoddla‘ughter when she saw him. ‘ Ludwig "I.ewisohn'. author of T59 9“''"‘‘l ""337 °f we pa?’ villenin : tlllgghrefirgeritanboohafihat rf>:l‘asi‘r’r’i‘:g ‘m’ “"3 '.tm“l° for the . “'1' he played a losing game with fate—-’ 3 the American literary pclassics— l"°u"" "‘""t b’°‘l'"""""°h '5 u" and won. (A. C. McClung dz Co ‘Emerson Thoreau Whitman‘ Mark ”“h'°ld ‘hem. of ““nd°rn'” ‘ Cilltltol . Twain in "The Creati\'e Life" hie fill‘ “"7 °f the wild Andorn . -—-——— Qlatest ‘book he advises Ame’ri an mmwm mmhwd ‘mm the ‘Th Sum °l lb‘ sl"°d'”" C W 'k turn a ain to these (‘Sm- Ffench of llllklle 5511353 “ADd0l'- Tllie opening scene of “The Saint ‘st 3 ra” has been one of the great Iiter- of the Speedway" by Ridgwell Cu]. ' ary successes‘ of the year abroad. It ;lum is laid along a river in an un- ;-—-—--n-- -_-:—_- is highly praised by critics in ;exploned region on the northwest‘ "‘ " ilish humorists. It is designated for “’ ,children, but adults as well will he enjoy it. The author has displayed Novels . arte and Edgar Allen Poe. Amer-' . °° Thomas. This book is a.collection: -._au,.._'a,§, fit the Lord. “Mu Comp P"°h°l°‘V l°" P°l’“' of the best selections from the . , _ M , . _ ,-___ . , rit rs t Joseph Anthony who edited “The Best .\'ew.-i Stories of I923" pub- ructive rebels of other days. ,lished that brought William ‘BoIitho's§ 1 .time that George Blake's study I ,presents conclusive evidence 0 ltruthfulnesa of Mr.'Blake's fictional presentatiori of the same quarter. «Mr. Blake has used this crirne-rid- Eden background for a character lstudy so vividly and forcefully pre- comparcd with Arthur Morrison and other famous portrgyers i slum life. 1 George Blake was born at Green- lock. Scotland, in October. 1893.,“ :Greenock. seaport and shipbuilding iproduced many distinguished Scots I ——notably. James Watt, inventor of fthc steam engine; Hamish Mac- 'Cunn, the only great Scottish com- poser; John Galt, novelist, author‘ ; of “Annals of the Parish." ete., and ‘John Davidson, the poet. ,1; Blake's father is a manufactur- .cr of sugabrefining machinery in ' Greenock, his mother one of a Ion _their youngest child, youngest of 1 five. He was educated at Greenock 3 Academy, trained to the legal pro- by Small, Maynard & ¢go., Boston. :":’ neiiei-oiiii C... One mooiif "'°°°‘~"““5' ‘° G‘“‘°“' U"“’°"““". finest achievement of its‘ young ai_i- -denly shifts from the tropical region thor. Of it a leadinz French critic ito Beacon Glory. a town in the hill :: PeS‘9z’nzSn2 1” Lzterature Vart.eS . Beaco G ‘ says: “It is the best ;book 1tiiave;oonnu7~or'Aiui:n. beautiful book. heroic. lnlellltent. Igold. iron. coal and oil ‘rs in shun. pessimism is realized when a com- senaitive and beautifully construct- "dance in the broken world about. ed" (llovthton ‘Wail ,& C°«l = «st. Claire Carver, the heroin was eviden forethought for it.is a story of the. ' 5“ I mood. m h th bob , iant lights; it was to Bca- ; alznng: meg; dun? '3 very lory what the Casino was to Tony. .‘ young '°uM_be . than Monte Carlo. Hardened trail me with can l . k A _, e cities of culture in the outer :1‘ if findinrig: inm£;"b:ief :1 szorlg yielded to the seductions of lth "t e Angela until he is told by his best I "‘Y- 5"‘ W’ "°'°i'"=» "W lb“ av remained staunch and true The book duh wen‘ vim me ‘n_ herself and true to her womanhood. 1 -on of engineer. After seven years of pa» Gatlelaaa of ‘had been trying to win the heart of Will all of those who would care the saint of the Speedway. He won to trade their office desks or fire-.his fortune and the girl's heart at venture and romance please light reading—-a , type. (Georgerli. I rkht. the number seemsadequate-:Doran. Nflv York.) - ly to explain why James Oliver. _ --——-- is today one of America'a§ 0 3511'! 800?! Collecti most 0 novel. “A Gentleman of Courage"- ‘bile P9303» *h°5¢ Pftllltllcei con-l . . _ . ' . _ _ 1 - N nh,_Cn 1' ' v‘ - I : Book Shop of Phi 1. m ‘nude of an ‘my in ‘New ¢,;hb){hm,‘ht empiuflu one typemewl) published noiel was resorted: °“'"l8 ° ’'.° ‘""“1‘ 0P"! 03 . readers a'° “ .‘th°rcm flu hi’ 1- .3, at but 0‘ “mo”, cfida ;to when 8. W. Huebsch. publisher} vbfiofi arm °{_.dvmm" ‘mks ",5 wfiun of action. who” com_;.offered free copies of “Arlie Gel-. long as- ‘Arlie Gelston' _ V . - ~ - . . ," l I.‘ ' ' ~ ‘ 33,;-v-=2 am we we,» “"3 ‘W «mm m« =-am or; .'.:°."....:.';::°..?.>;.:::.5°:.‘:.f':.f:.°.. :°';:.°::;’. ‘:...::..t?:‘* M M "' ,.tasteandfreedqmfrombias,"states. , cm_'ood.hu ‘ buck or .."tfin‘.j an ;,,;,.°dw55a_ to the uoiaemy; and then published these criticisms. launder-the skin”'with iii. so, , rnances and of persuading you to«1923- take sides with the wilderness peo-‘ ple he loves.‘ In the case of “Almanifest to those who read this Geutlema ' lisher says: _ I u . M ' ",,l:udn.un. muccun of ‘had ‘we When the manuscript of ‘Arliei su Post, llcCiure's, story awarded out place. . readers. llloiwere of most widely,‘ stories grain-"1; .33’-¢o‘m;¢_ different intellect and; and ‘hey deg] viewpoint. an so varying in their; _ ‘ Robert. 8. . uni» 9 ‘Leaimoa is a story iu'which'-the IIlBnt’la,a_ ' tion of the surprlihl wetting is of great importance, irig individual opinions; The ‘authors represented {a 11.. compared to the 4:01.: gppgg Ifilfl OMCQ.-.‘ 5 l.§_§__§_E n I y . 4 "filly ’, . ..__ .s dent of the Bible and of the Non-.bj°“" °f"' 0" ""“"“ 5' "M" « l T4‘SLIl'!l(‘fll, had an idea and a deep ‘k9 “H at once “um ‘O we conviction that the Son of God.'i ems Christ, is lh'6'on’¢- .mluiiu.u__ofl - . . — . first essay in fiction‘ for whil the - S h l d — . ' , '’ tit _er_ an Jiighlanders a ltllted ge rad" mu be mwitued by the adventures and exploits of a 1915 Blake went with his battalion ‘?"’° "°‘ "‘."‘°’T‘° °‘l’’°‘‘‘’‘' “‘ “°' tion. the discriminating w , . . . between the lines a sensitive‘ man's h t k h ll-f . ‘ “ we ' l°° P"? m l '3 ’ “ed protest against the fact that such; is. _ W———— In very ‘in the center of a region ;n siiic-)1“; The pluticlnstunofioi zhé‘ term /'tc-rested-in the fate of his-cha mi ufllllll-II’?-. Glen: all its‘ illusions is om. b!a”’.'t_IA' pi . - LeBouef - Egbreakablsefountain There's nothing quite .......- 4s....._.. . writing material. It , _ V ‘ ¥ With this id in mind .i : A s.rA"‘i*i‘o§EsY ; 3 in and Loose Leaf N ous colors. Also the well- ; 3 . known Eversharp Pencils 8!! . . -.-¢.- Fountain Pens Come in and let us show, ~.-._-. a-a:-. -._.o....-.— s. - sawqn . .9 4‘ _ , . . ~'- ,4’; 1‘ ' .— R - v ~>Q. ‘ . - ._ ___.-. .. ‘ «.3 ‘:.‘£r'-a'o‘J._ .. Ga-a—o—a-—. ..._.. . s"§' A I. ..'C on all Leather v-arena-1-es-a‘ ) Your name emblJssed° . FREE of charge; 9‘ £%I‘°